IGBT CCR (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) Line Filter blocks the noise of the equipment and filters out voltage pulses from the input voltage 12.5 KHZ filter that blocks the noise of the equipment produces from the line input at a different frequency than the line filter Provides the correct current and voltage to power all the electronic components such as PCBs and Power Fans The IGBT PCB measures the output signal from the IGBT H-Bridge 415V Power Supply Transformer Line Filter Main Breaker Sensing Trans 415 V 24 V Power Supply PCB Provides correct current and voltage to PCB's power to fans and contactor Fuse The Diode bridge converts the AC line input to a rectified current and voltage IGBT Power Bridge Main Contactor Input Filter Diode Bridge Sensing PCB IGBT PCB PWM Filter Output Filter The output filter is a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) filter that builds the pure sine wave signal that comes from H-Bridge The sensing PCB measures the AC input line Sensing transformer measures the input voltage level of the line input HMI CPU PCB Receives the measurement data of the output current and voltage from output measure PCB via optical fibre and compare this value with required value. A software logarithms process this data to adjust the signals from output filter. Sensing PCB measures the AC input line and controls the diode bridge Remote Control PCB Output Measure PCB Lightning Arrestors CUT OUT The output measure PCB measures the output voltage & current, and will send these measurements to the CPU The lightning arresters varistors, as such as varisotors used in a sensitive electronic circuits to ensure that if the voltage does suddenly exceeds a a pre-determined value the varistor will effectively become a short circuit to protect the circuit that it shunts from excessive voltage as they are able to withstand peak currents of 100s of amperes