Muscular System Study Guide 1. Label the diagram to the right with: fascile, tendon, muscle fiber, endomysium, epimysium, perimysium, Bone !asc%a 2. Place the following words in order from largest to smallest: fascicle, myofilament, myofibril, myofiber (muscle cell), sarcomere 3. List the 5 functions of the muscular system 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 'xon of ,o-or neuron X 4. Label the following: sarcomere,, myosin, and actin on the figure to the right. 5. Thick filament fibers in myofibrils are _________ while thin filaments are called ________. 6. For each step in the diagram describe the state of contraction for the sarcomere. a) Sarcomere is ___________________________ b) Sarcomere is beginning to __________________________ • ___________________ slides toward the center, as it is pulled by the ______________________ crossbridges c) Sarcomere is ____________________________ 7. __________________________ is the neurotransmitter that is released to stimulate the muscle. 8. What two ions are exchanged when the neurotransmitter opens the gates on the membrane of the muscle fiber? ________ & _________ 9. What ion is stored by the sarcoplasmic reticulum and starts muscle contraction? ___________ 10. Place the following steps in order of how a muscle contracts a) neuron releases a neurotransmitter to stimulate the muscle b) myosin heads attach to the actin filaments c) ATP is converted to ADP when the myosin head change shape pulling the actin filament d) Myosin heads pull the actin filament together e) Sarcoplasmic reticulum release calcium ions 11. Describe the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction. 12. Match the following terms using the word bank: a. connective tissues that joins muscle to bone b. another name for muscle cell c. type of protein filament (2 answers) d. movement of muscles in a circular motion e. movement of muscles towards the midline f. movement of muscles away from the midline g. cell membrane of the muscle h. muscle responsible for primary movement WORD BANK: muscle fiber ________________________ adduction ________________________ sarcolemma ____________ , ______________ tendon ________________________ prime mover ________________________ abduction ________________________ actin ________________________ Circumduction ________________________ myosin 13. Identify if this would be anaerobic (fermentation), aerobic respiration, creatine phosphate 1. Sprint 60 meters in 5‐10 sec _____________________ 2. Walking 45 minutes _____________________ 3. Creates only 2 ATP _____________________ 4. Creates 36 ATP _____________________ 5. Lactic acid is created _____________________ 14. (Aerobic/ Anaerobic) exercise would create the most amount of energy for muscle contraction. 15. The depletion of ____________ causes muscles to fatigue. 16. Muscles produce different amounts of force because of different numbers of muscle fibers contracting. (True or False) 17. An inherited disease that causes muscles to degenerate and atrophy is called ___________________________________. 18. A strain involves the overextension of a _______________ while a sprain injures the _________________. 19. What is the best way to maintain our muscle mass and strength as one ages? _____________________ 20. The end of the muscle that is attached to the moving bone is called the ______________________, while the muscle that is attached to the non‐moving bone is called the ____________________. 21. Identify if these muscle pairs are antagonist or synergistic a. flexor digitorum and extensor digitorum _____________________ b. gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior _____________________ c. biceps brachii and triceps brachii _____________________ d. rectus abdominius and external oblique _____________________ 22. Extensor muscles cause bones to (straighten/bend) at the joint while flexors (straighten/bend). 23. Muscle work in _________________________ pairs. Ex: biceps flexes and triceps extends when elbow is flexed. 24. List the ways muscles are named. (at least 3) Muscular System Study Guide 25. Match each description with the correct muscle: ____________________ 1. bending of the knee would flex the _______ ____________________ 2. muscle group that adducts leg ____________________ 3. bending of elbow flexes the _______ ____________________ 4. bending the elbow extends the ________ ____________________ 5. turns the head ____________________ 6. raises the eyebrow ____________________ 7. closes jaw and allows for chewing ____________________ 8. muscles of 6‐pack stomach ____________________ 9. muscle that flexes for “dancers toes” ___________________ 10 adducts arm at shoulder point ___________________ 11. closes the eye ___________________ 12. kissing muscle Word Bank 1. biceps brachii 2. sternocleidomastoid 3. triceps brachii 4. inner thigh adductor group 5. hamstrings 6. frontalis 7. masseter 8. rectus abdominus 9. gastrocnemius 10. obicularis orsis 11. deltoid 12. obicularis oculi 27. Label each of the following muscles. You are responsible for knowing their location on the test. Muscles of the head & neck Masseter Obicularis orsis Obicularis oculi Frontalis Zygomaticus Sternocleidomastoid Muscles of the arms & legs Muscles of the trunk (anterior & posterior) Gluteus maximus Rectus abdominus Biceps brachii External oblique Triceps brachii Pectoralis major Sartorius Latissimus dorsi Quadriceps femoris group Trapezius Deltoid Adductor group Hamstring group Gastrocnemius