See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: THE SHORT STORY IMPLEMENTATION TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' READING SKILL Article · August 2018 CITATIONS READS 0 582 3 authors, including: Hanapi Hanapi Nanik Handayani Universitas Iqra Buru, Maluku Universitas Iqra Buru 20 PUBLICATIONS 62 CITATIONS 11 PUBLICATIONS 43 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Language Learning View project English Teaching View project All content following this page was uploaded by Hanapi Hanapi on 15 August 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE 1 THE SHORT STORY IMPLEMENTATION TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING SKILL Rosmina Umasugi Universitas Iqra Buru, Maluku Hanapi Hanapi Universitas Iqra Buru, Maluku Nanik Handayani Universitas Iqra Buru, Maluku Abstract The objective of this research is to improve students’ reading skill by using short story. Related to the purpose of the study, the research design used in this study was pre-experimental. The subject of the study was the students of class XI IPA 1of SMA NegeriWaplau. There were 32 students as the sample. In this research, the researcher taught reading by using short story. The researcher selected the text are Snow White, Cinderella and Rapunzell. From the observation, the researcher found that during treatment, the students have shown their improvement such as they are able to comprehend the text well, the situation of the teaching learning process become more joyful and interesting, the students also did not reluctant to open their dictionary, and all of students were involved in the teaching and learning process. From the reading skill test, the students’ pre-test mean score was 10-60 increasing to 60-95 in the post-test. So, it can be concluded that teaching reading by using short story can improve the students’ reading skill. Keywords Short story, reading skill INTRODUCTION Reading means that a language acquisition for communication and sharing information or ideas (Wikipedia, 2008). It is complex interaction between the reader and text. In fact, reading is not a simple one, because in this skill, students do not only read a text but also try to understand the message or information about the text they learn. In reading process students must know what they get from a passage. Reading is the ability to understand what students read where words have context and texts have meaning. Reading skill allows them to read proficiently, learn effectively and to conceptualize. These skill are basically based on earlier stages of reading development, including oral reading and reading fluency. Without developing these reading earlier skill, students must continually focus on decoding letters and words, rather than progressing to meaning and understanding. Reading as an effective skill usually receives a special attention, this can be verified by examining high school books which are generally developed by focusing mainly on readings. Despite this fact, majority of students are not compotent in reading comprehension and they usually admit having different difficulties in reading. In order to improve reading as 2 an important skill, different researcher in different parts of the world, have determined the possible sources of the problem and have proposed different solutions to enhance students’ reading comprehension. The preliminary study was done by observation to the students of SMA Negeri Waplau. Based on observation, the researcher found that most of the students are difficult to read the text given by the teacher. Beside, the students cannot answer the questions in the text especially several text vocabularies. So that the atmosphere in the classroom become inactive and there is no interaction between students and teacher in the learning process. Considering the condition above, the researcher will try to apply some strategies in teaching to improve reading skill. This study seek to investigate the effect of using short stories (as a part of literature) on the reading ability of learners. The students sometimes find some difficulties to develop their reading skill, because they have lack in understanding reading that have been taught. The teacher has used the technique in teaching reading,but it did not make the students active. To avoid that, teacher should make students develop their skill, make the classroom more interesting and the teacher needs some technique in teaching process. Thus, the researcher is interested to investigate a study entitled “How does the use of short stories can improve students’ reading skill?” Based on previous explanation, the researcher puts questions at this research are: 1. Can the use of short stories improve the students’ reading skill? 2. What are the students’ responses toward the use of short stories in teaching reading skill at XI grade of SMA Negeri Waplau? Based on the research question, the research focus on the objective of this study as follow: 1. To find out whether or not the use of short stories can develop students’ reading skill. 2. To find out the students’responses in reading by using short stories. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a text or message. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowlege outside the text or message. Comprehension is a creative, multifaceted precess dependet upon four language skills, phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Proficient reading depends on the ability to recognize words quickly and affortlesly. It is also determined by an individual’s cognitive development, which is the contruction of thought processes. Some people learn throught education or instruction and others through dorect experiences. There are specific traits that determine how successfully an individual will comprehend text, including prior knowledge about the subject, well developed language and the ability to make inferences. Chastain (1988, p.217) called reading is a receptive skill in that reader is receiving a message from a write. The reading goal is to read for meaning or to recreate the writer’s meaning. Reading is widely agreed to be not one, but many things. at the least, it is agreed to entail cognitive processes that operate on many different kinds of knowledge to achieve many different kinds of reading tasks. Emerging from the apparent complexity. however, is a central idea. According to Kintsch & Rawson (2005) comprehension occurs as the reader builds one or more mental representations of a text message. Van Dijk & Kinstch (1983) states among represenatations an accurate model of the situation described by the text is the product of succesful deep comprehension. 3 Reading comprehension has always been of paramount important educational system and comprehension of both general and academic texts has been the aim of many educational centers for years. This precisely can be due to the fact that there have been many people wishing to understand what the texts of both academic and non academic wants to sayin the target language so that they can follow their aims regarding their profession or any other motivation they have. Therefore, in many language centers and institutions attemp to teach students the appropriate strategies for understanding the text of the target language they learn. According to Kirby (2007) students who can not read or comprehend are those who might not know how to process the text meaningfully by making use of appropriate strategies. linguistically speaking, there are a number of particular textual charactheristics influencing the comprehension of texts. In addition to those textual charactheristics, metacognitive strategies impact the degree of comprehending or understanding of the text.Metaacognitive strategies are used in information processing theory to indicate an executivefuntion of strategi that involve planning for learning, thinking about the learning process as it is taking place, monitoring of ones production or comprehension. Defenition of Short Story A short story is a brief, imaginative narrative, unfolding a single predominating incident and a single chief character, it contains a plot the details of which are so compressed, and the whole treatment so organized, as to produce a single impression. (Esenwein, 1909: 51) The idea that short stories are the most suitable literary genre to use in English teaching due to its shortness is supported by Hirvela and Boyle”s (1988) study on adult Hong Kong Chinese students’ attitudes towards four genres of literary texts(short story, novel, poetry and drama) indicated short stories as the genre that is less feared and the second most enjoyed (43%, the novel is the most enjoyed with 44%), since short stories are easy to finish and definite to understand. The idea is also in line with collie and Slater (1991,p. 196) when they list four advantages of using short stories for language teachers. First, short stories are practical as their length is long enough to cover entirely in one or two class sessions. Second, short stories are not complicated for. The short story is an engaging literary genre and can therefor be utilized for language learning purposes. Almost all modem short stories have the following unique characteristics which make them especially suitable to be used in reading comprehension classes: universality, non trivality, personal, relevance, variety, interest, economic,suggestive power, and ambiguity. moreover each learner’s interpretation has validity and an almost infinite fund of interactife disscussion is guaranteed. The short story creates the tension necessary for a ngenuine exchange of ideas in class discussion. in addition, the short story pushes the students out of a passive reading state into a personal connection with the text and than beyond, extending the connection to other texts and to the world outside of school. closely related to the issue of implied meaning. According to Knutson (1993) there are two process through which profocient readers figure out the meaning of a text.One is what she terms “bottom-up process’’ and the other she calls “top-down process’’. The bottom-up process iswhen the reader decodes the individual elements of the text to build a total meaning. however, in the top-down process the reader starts with forming hypotheses an making predictions. it is of obvious that these two strategies are used simultaneously by a sucsses for reader with regard to the above argument, the advantage of using a short story rather than a non-litarary text is that some pre-reading activities which can be nicely applied to the short story ( such as the discussion of the topic and narrative structure ) are very useful in fasilitating the readers’ top-down process. the short 4 story offers certain advantages for material design for students since this genre includes short textual material to be satisfactorily handled in a one or limited teaching sessions. Furthermore, reading a whole unabridged and non-simplified literary text gives the students a sense of accomplishment. therefore, it will encouraging when students are psychologically satisfied that they have read the very words of a great writer. RESEARCH METHOD Research Design In this research, the researcher used quantitative method which employed preexperimental design. Pre-experimental is the systematic research, logic, and be careful in do control towards the condition. With one group that applied the pre-test, post-test design and questionnaire to know what extent of the students’ ability in reading by using short story at the second grades of SMA Negeri Waplau. Population and Sample a. Population The population of this research was the students of eleventh grade in SMA Negeri Waplau in the academic 2015/2016. The total number of population was 127 students consisted of two programs with four classes. The programs offered science and social. Table 3.1 Population and sample of SMA Negeri Waplau Class Number of students XI IPA 1 32 XI IPA 2 32 XI IPS 1 31 XI IPS 2 32 Total 127 b. Sample The researcher used one class in this research and used purposive sampling technique. It means that the sample was class XIIPA 1. There were 32 students. Instrument of The Research In this research, the researcher used several instruments which were consisting of three instruments such as test, Questionnaire, and documentation. The detailed explanations are clearly explained below: 1. Reading Test In this research, the researcher used test, namely pre-test and post-test. Pre-test intended to find out the students basic reading test and post-test intended to find out the students reading improvement after joining the treatment. 2. Questionnaire Questionnaire is a written list of questions to be answered by students. It is used to find out students’ interest about application of Short story technique in reading class. It was written in Indonesia to avoid the students misunderstanding about the instruction. The Procedures of Collecting Data 5 The writer collected the data of the students reading ability through pre-test and posttest. Between pre-test and post-test, there was treatment. The technique of collecting data is presented as follows: 3.5.1. Reading test 1. Pre-test The researcher gave the students some questions related to the topic of the text of their lesson, and all the students can read by themselves in order to understand the text deeply than they can answer all the questions correctly. So, the researcher knows the level of the students’ reading ability about the text. 2. Treatment After the researcher know the weaknesses of the students, the researcher gave treatment to solve the problem that the raised in the reading class. 3. Post-test After giving treatment, the researcher gave post-test to know the students’ improvement in reading by using short story. 1.5.2 Questionnaire Questionnaire is a written list of questions to be answered by students. It is used to find out students interest about application of the Short story technique in reading class. It is written in Indonesia to avoid the students misunderstanding about the instruction. Data Analysis Data on students’ reading and questionnaire are collected in line with the instrument in test and questionnaire. It will be scoring, calculating the mean score and standard deviation use the following procedure. 3.6.1 The assessment of Reading Skill In this section, the researcher discussed some criteria for selecting text and possible techniques that can be used to assess students’ ability to understand reading texts. Selecting texts successful chose of text very much depends on experience of constructing tests, including text selection. It is nevertheless possible to offer possible advice. For this purpose, Hughes (2005) suggests the following: 1. Keep specifications constantly in mind and try to select as representative a sample as possible. Do not select texts simply because they are ready available. 2. Chose texts of appropriate length. Expeditious reading texts may call for passages of up to 2.000 words. Detailed reading can be tested using passages of just a few sentences. 3. In order to obtain both content validity and acceptable reliability, include as many passages as possible in a test. Thereby giving candidates a good number of fresh starts. 4. Avoid texts made up of information that may be part of candidates’ general knowledge. 5. Assuming that is only reading ability will be tested. Do not choose texts that are too culturally laden. 6. Do not use texts that students have already read. Possible techniques it is important that the techniques used should interfere as little as possible with the reading itself, and that they should not add a significantly difficult task on top of reading. 6 FINDING The researcher conducted experimental design, comparing the pre-test and post-test, and also the questionnaire to analyze the effective of using short story technique to improve students’ reading. As mentioned before in the chapter 3, the aims of doing pre-test and posttest were to measure students’ ability before and after the treatment, where the researcher conducted these test in the first and the last meeting. Meanwhile the data of pre-test post-test and questionnaire can be seen on the table. Pre-test was conducted on November 18th while post-test was on November 25th 2015. The Using of Short Story Can Improve Students’ Reading Skill To know how far the use of short story as a technique could improve students’ reading skill, the researcher used pre-test and post-test as a way to analyze the effectiveness of using short story technique toward students’ ability in matching the text based on the story in teaching and learning process. Analyzing Students’ Scores in Pre-test To know the improvement of students’ reading skill, the researcher made the test. The researcher used narrative text to apply in the classroom. The first meeting the researcher explained from the narrative text. The purpose of it narrative text is to retell the story in the past tense. The purpose of the text is entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story. In this case, the researcher chose the text for the students entitled “Snow white“. The researcher gave pre-test for students. The researcher used written test that there are five questions, the connected with Snow White story to the students. The questions such as “How many character are there?”, “What the purpose of the narrative text?”, “How many dwarfs of the text?”, “Where aunt and uncle will go?”, and “Which paragraph tells about resolution?”. At the first meeting, the students seemed still nervous joining the class with the researcher as their English teacher. So that the students felt ashamed when answering the teachers’ questions. 32 of the students who answered correctly in question number one, the mean is 12 students and answered incorrectly is 20, and questions number two, 9students right answer and 23 students answered incorrectly, and questions number three, 18 students answered correctly, and 14 students answer incorrectly, and questions number four, 12 students answered correctly, and 20 students answer incorrectly, and for number five, 9 students answered correctly, and 23 students answer incorrectly. Of the result analysis in the above can be seen in the table. a) Scoring Classification of the students’ pretest In this table, the writer presented the students’ pretest in term of reading ability to see the frequency and percentage. The frequency score and percentage of the students’ ability in pre-test can be seen in the following table: Table 4.1The result of pre-test the students’ achievement Pre-test Range of score Classification F % 80 – 100 Very good 0 0 60 - 70 Good 6 18,8 40 - 59 Enough 9 28,5 0 – 39 Fair 17 53,2 Total 32 100 7 After that, the researcher used the pre-test, the researcher gave the treatment to students, and the researcher gave the text of short story about Cinderella to students. The researcher explained the narrative text and short story to students, and the researcher gave explanation about short story in the text. And the researcher gave some questions to the students from the text. After that, the researcher gave the time for students to read the text in front of class. The researcher made treatment twice. Analyzing Students’ Score in Post-test After the researcher gave the treatment, the researcher gave the same five questions for post-test to students with pre-test above. In this case, the students answer from questions number one is 26 students answered correctly and 6 students answer incorrectly, and question number two, 20 students answer correctly and 12 students answer incorrectly, for question number three, 18 students answered correctly and 14 students answer incorrectly and number four, 25 students answered correct and 7 students answer incorrectly and the last number, 20 students answered correct and 12 students answer incorrectly. Of the result analysis in the above can be seen in the table. a) Scoring Classification of the students’ post-test In this table, the researcher presented the students’ post-test in term of reading ability to see it frequency and percentage. The frequency score and percentage of the students’ ability in post-test can be seen in the following table: Table 4.2The result of post-test the students’ achievement Post-test Range of score Classification F % 80 – 100 Very good 15 46,9% 60 - 70 Good 11 34,4% 40 - 59 Enough 6 18,8% 0 – 39 Fair 0 Total 32 100 Based on the table above, illustrates most of the students in pretest were in fair or low achiever category. The aggregate percentage was 6 students (18,8%) in “good” category, 9 students (28,5%) were in “enough” category, and 17 students (53,2%) were in “fair” category. While in posttest illustrated that the students’ achievement improve after the treatment. The aggregate percentages of posttest categorized as high achiever was 32 students (100%). After the treatment conducted, all of them showed an improvement as higher achievement than in pretest. The score distribution for all students in posttest showed the difference from the pretest. After tabulating the percentage of the students’ score the writer calculated the students’ score. Before the treatment, the students were given pretest to know the students achievement on reading ability. Furthermore, the purpose of the test were to find out whether the students’ scores were stable and constant or not and then conducting posttest to find out the students’ ability in reading skill. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Students’ Reading Achievement After tabulating the frequency and the percentage of the students’ score, the researcher calculated the mean score and the standard deviation of the students’ score in pre-test and the compared them with post-test. Before the treatment, the students’ were given pre-test to know the students achievement deviation of the students’ pre-test and post-test. 8 Table 4.4The Mean Score Standard and Deviation of Students’ Reading Achievement Minimu Std. N m Maximum Mean Deviation Pre-test Post-test 32 32 10.00 50.00 60.00 95.00 40.2187 74.7188 15.42 13.43 The mean score and standard deviation showed the difference score in pre-test and post-test. The data based on the computation using SPSS version 17.0. The main score of pre-test and post-test were different after giving the treatment. This means that there is an improvement after giving the treatment. The table also shows that the main score of the students’ pre-test was 40.21 and standard deviation was 15.42, and in post-test was 74.71 and standard deviation was 13.43. The main score of both pre-test and post-test were different after doing the treatment. It means that the main score of post-test is higher than pre-test (74.71 > 40.21). DISCUSSION To achieve better in teaching reading, there are many technique that can be used by the reader. One of them is short story technique. The implementation of short story technique is improving to be effective. It gave positive and significant effect that can be seen in students’ improvement in learning reading ability were they could match the words based on the story from pre-test until post-test. Compared with the result of pre-test, most of the students (53,2%) were categorized into fair, with the grades ranged from 0-39. Generally, the students who belong in this level had significant problems with clarity, concision, and organization. However, after the implementation of short story technique, these problems finally could be minimized. The data in post-test result had shown significant improvement of students in learning reading ability in which most of them (46,9% ) were categorized into “very good” grades ranging from 80-100. These result showed the improvement of students’ ability in learning reading. The researcher finding proved that the short story technique was success full to improve students’ reading ability achievement in text. At the first meeting the researcher gave pre-test the students’ total score of reading in pre-test was poor. It was proved by calculating the students mean score. The students score of pre-test 60 just 6 students from 32 students before applying treatment. At the first meeting, the researcher greets the students and asks students’ condition, after that the researcher taking attendance and the researcher ask some questions related to the topic. At the students seemed still nervous joining class with the researcher as their English teacher. So that the students were rather ashamed of answering the teacher questions. For the second meeting, the researcher gave treatment the short story technique with the material of narrative text about “Cinderella”. And same with the first meeting, the researcher greets the students, ask students condition and taking attendance. And the students complete the short story technique sheet follow the instruction from the teacher. The researcher explain the genre structure of narrative text. After that the researcher ask to read and understand the text and gave opportunity for the students to answer of technique short story based on the text, after that gave opportunity for students to ask about short story technique based on the text. The third meeting the researcher gave treatment again about short story technique and the material of narrative text about “Rapunzel”. The students read the text and answer the 9 questions too. Same with the first treatment but it different in the title short story. The researcher too gave the some questions of the text it. However after given treatment the researcher gave post-test by used narrative text, the students total score improved from 60 become 95 in post-test, in teaching reading by using short story technique. It means that, after giving explanation and treatment namely short story technique the student assessment of reading improved. After learning reading from narrative text, they would be easy to add their reading ability. CONCLUSION Based on the researcher’ findings and discussion in the previous chapter, the researcher comes to the following conclusion: 1) The use of Short story in teaching reading improved the students reading skill and the mean score of the students’ post-test (60-95) is higher than the pre-test that is just (10-60). The enhancement of the students’ reading ability is also supported by the result of the test score. The mean score of pre-test was 40,2% and it improved to 74.7%in post-test. After the apply treatment by short stories the students’ mean score improve 34,5%. 2) Based on the result of questionnaire, there are 100% of students’ that interest in learning reading by using short story technique. REFERENCES Azwan A. (2018). Politeness Strategies Of Refusals To Requests By Ambonese Community. LINGUA: Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching. 15(1). 1-6. Amri, M., Tahir, S. Z. A. 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