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Sports Performance: Nutrition & Training Student Notes

Sports Performance
Student Notes
Name - Aleeeeeeeeeeeeeee
What will you learn in this unit?
Identify and explain the key topics that come under the umbrella of sport
Discuss why they are important in contributing to sport performance
Describe key facts about sport performance in detail and use example to
support your understanding
5 topics covered
1. Nutrition
2. Energy Systems
3. Common ergogenic Aids
4. Sports Injury management
5. Biomechannics (newtons law)
How do you improve sport performance?
Training –
Nutrition – muscle development and repair
Recovery - includes rest and sleeping
Nutrition - Carbohydrates
Bodys primary source of energy for sport performance
Its is broken down into glucose !
List the 2 categories and examples for each
1. COMPLEX include rice, bread, pasta, potato. ——> Slow release
2.SIMPLE include sugar, lollies, soft drinks. ——> Quick release
PRE event
Endurance athletes (over 90 mins) will ‘carbohydrate load’ to increase energy store in 3-5 days
leading up to event
CHO loading involves consuming 5 grams of CHO per kg of bodyweight
Calculate yours !
POST event
Athletes will consume simple carbohydrates immediately after an
event to refuel their carbohydrate energy stores
What type of CHO would athletes consume to refuel?
your weight x 5 = 62x5= 310kg of carbs per day
Nutrition - Protein
Protein is used to resynthesize and rebuild cells
Example – hair, nails, skin, muscles
Athlete requires 1-1.4g of protein per kg of bodyweight each day to repair &
rebuild muscles for sporting activities
Calculate yours !
Good Protein sources !
your weight x 1-1.4g = 62 x 1-1.4g= 62- 86.8g
meat, dairy and legumes.
Nutrition - Fats
Fats are used as a SECONDARY source of energy during sporting events
Type of Fat
Food examples
Saturated fats
Meat, dairy, palm oil
Fish, nuts, avocado (recommend)
Trans fats
Processed foods
Discussion Question - Nutrition
1. Identify 2 key differences between Michael Phelps & The Rocks Diet
Phelps diet diet is more carbs and high calorie to gain energy but rock diet is
more protein to build muscles.
2. Discuss why their nutrition requirements would be different using the
examples mentioned above
Water vs drinks
Water is important for hydrating the body
2% body weight lost as sweat can impair performance
5% body weight lost as sweat can cause heat exhaustion
Sports drinks rehydrate the body as well as refuelling carbs and electrolytes
lost during performance
Case Study – Calorie King
use website http://www.calorieking.com.au/
Case Study: to determine whether the athlete has
consumed enough Carbohydrate & protein for their
• Athlete: 70kg male athlete
• Event: Ironman (swim, cycle, run – 8 hours)
• Dietary requirements: carbohydrates 5g/kg
bodyweight, protein 1.4g/kg of bodyweight
Daily eating plan
Weet-bix (2 biscuits)
Yoghurt (yoplait)
Orange juice (1 cup)
Carb: 22.1g
Carb: 8.4g
Carb: 13.8g
Protein: 4.1g
Protein: 7.5g
Protein: 2.5g
Fat: 0.5g
Fat: 0.2g
Fat: 0g
Morning Tea
Almond bar (Be Natural)
1 Banana
Carb: 20.1g
Carb: 21.8g
Protein: 1.9g
Fat: 5.2
Fat: 0.1
Carb: 38.6g
Carb: 36g
Protein: 15.5g
Protein: 0g
Fat: 3.2g
Fat: 0g
Carb: 57.1g
Carb: 0g
Protein: 4.1g
Protein: 31.8g
Fat: 2.5g
Fat: 1.1g
Wholemeal pasta (2 cups)
Steak (large)
Carb: 69g
Carb: 0g.
Protein: 15g
Protein: 48.8g
Fat: 3g
Fat: 8.5g
Daily Total
Daily Goal
Achieved goal?
Carb: 286.9g
Carb: 350g
Protein: 134.5g
Protein: 98g
Fat: 24.3g
Fat: ________
6 inch Turkey sub from subway
600ml Gatorade
Afternoon snack
Blueberry muffin
2 cans of tuna from Coles