Uploaded by Nicolette Salerno



UPSY206 Psychology of Women – Fall 2019 – Widener University Extended Learning

Nicolette Salerno, EdD nasalernowallace@widener.edu

Hybrid – Thursday meetings TBD / Main Campus

Course Description: (3 Credits)

The social construction of gender and its impact on the lives of women will be examined in this course. It is designed as a survey course that will cover a wide array of psychological topics as they relate to the female experience in American culture. The influence of historical, developmental (e.g., age) and social contexts (e.g., race, ethnicity, social class) on psychological experiences will also be examined.

Requisites: UPSY-105

Locations: Hybrid - Main Campus

In-person meetings TBD

Learning Objectives:

Describe psychological theories and research concerning gender-role development.

Explain gender similarities and differences and give examples of the multiple causes of differences.

 Explore the sociocultural context influencing attitudes towards women.

 Explain how being gendered affects our lives.

 Examine how the media influences gender stereotypes.

 Understand key issues affecting women’s physical and mental health.

Textbook: Liss, M., Richmond, K., & Erchull, M.J. (2019). Psychology of Women and Gender. New York: W.W.

Norton. ISBN 978-0-393-66713-4

Course Requirements:

Online Discussions and Participation (25%):

One of my goals for this class is that you will be able to speak intelligently about complex and occasionally personal issues. I would also like for you to consistently raise issues for discussion that you find particularly interesting in the readings. Your participation in online discussions will significantly contribute to your final evaluation. There will be minimally 10 required discussions throughout the semester. You can certainly post a discussion on your own if you wish.

Students are expected not only to post their reactions to the reading, but also to respond to the reactions of others. Forum posts require one primary submission and at least two responses to other posts. These must be completed by midnight on Sunday nights.

Online Reading Questions or Concept Maps (25%):

Because this course utilizes predominantly an online format, it is so important that you complete all of the assigned readings. In order to assist you, I will provide you with assignments of either reading comprehension questions, concept maps, or case studies for various chapters of the book. These questions will be short-

answer, essay type questions or responses to the issues posed in the readings. I will determine which based on the content. Each reading assignment must be completed by midnight on Sunday.

Issue / Activism Paper or Presentation (25%): It is imperative for those studying psychology to become familiar with journals and current research. To that end, I am asking that you write a concise (5-6) page paper on a utilize at least 2 journal articles to supplement the text as sources. Topics are due by the end of

September. You may also fulfill this requirement by creating a detailed presentation on the topic (minimally

25 slides) that you narrate to share with the rest of the class. Details will be shared after week 1.

Exam (25%): The final exam is a cumulative exam spanning all the chapters and topics covered in the

Psychology of Women and Gender text. The exam will consist of both multiple choice and short answer questions, drawing upon the assigned readings. You are to work on this exam entirely alone.

Modules: The course will be arranged in modules based on the chapters/topics in the text. There are 14 chapters in the book, and we have 16 weeks together. Week 1 will be introductory in nature; week 16 is for the final exam (format TBD). I have not yet filled in assignments; you will see why in your first discussion post.

( I will post an updated schedule by next Monday evening).

Weeks of Topic / Readings Assignments Due

August 26 Introductions - Course, Each Other, Expectations

Sept 2

First 2 discussion posts

*magazine analysis assignment


A Feminist Psychology of Women

Video: Ted Talk – We Should All Be Feminists

Sept 9

Sept 16

Sept 23

Sept 30

Oct 7

Oct 14

Oct 21

Oct 28

Nov 4

Nov 11

Nov 18

Nov 25

Dec 2

Dec 9

Power and Privilege

Similarities and Differences

Beyond the Sex/Gender Binary

Gender Socialization

Women’s Bodies

Sexuality and Sexualization


Reproduction and Mothering


Older Women

Gender Based Violence

Mental Health

Tension, Action and Hope for the Future

Final Projects Due

First On Campus Class Meeting

Second On Campus Class Meeting

Third On Campus Class Meeting

Course Policies

Online Participation: The course is divided into segments (1-week modules). You must complete all of the reading and assignments of the current module before the next module begins. This includes online work

(forum posts, viewing lectures and video clips, assignments) along with the assigned reading. Viewing the lectures (if available) and reading the text will allow you to deliver a higher level of work on your assignments and enhance the discussion posts.

Class Participation: Standards & Expectations

An OUTSTANDING (A-­­level) participant typically:

◦ Displays genuine enthusiasm and engagement with the readings.

◦ Advances the conversation to new levels.

◦ Contributes complex insights into the texts and issues.

◦ Draws connections among different texts and issues.

◦ Takes intellectual risks.

◦ Enhances the participation of others by questioning, actively listening, and sharing time.

A GOOD (B-­­level) participant typically:

◦ Shows genuine effort.

◦ Actively listens and volunteers.

◦ Asks good questions about the texts and issues.

◦ Stays on-­­topic and furthers the conversation.

◦ Makes significant observations, comments, or other points.

◦ Engages other students, not just the professors.

An ADEQUATE (C-­­level) participant typically:

◦ Listens but does not volunteer.

◦ Shows acquaintance with the texts and signs of preparation if called on.

◦ Offers opinions on the texts, but without support.

UNACCEPTABLE (failing) behavior includes:

◦ Frequent absence.

◦ Signs of total disengagement at our meetings: sleeping, writing letters, reading, etc.

◦ No evidence of preparation.

◦ “Toxic” or hostile behavior that undermines our collective learning.

◦ Spends class looking at phone/texting.

Email: Communication between students and instructor will be through Widener email or Canvas.

Respect and Tolerance: A primary focus of this class is respecting, appreciating and tolerating others’ views.

You are also expected to treat other students and the instructor with respect and tolerance, even if you personally disagree with their views.

Late Work: All work and assignments must be completed by the end of the week’s session according to the syllabus and the timeline on Canvas. Any work submitted after that session will be considered late.

● Late forum posts will not be accepted and will receive a grade of 0. If an assignment or exam has not been submitted within 10 days and the student has not contacted me about it then he or she will receive a 0 for the work.

● The final draft of the term paper will lose 20% per day that it is late. Any final draft term papers received 5 or more days after the due date will earn a 0.

● The final exam must be completed on time and will not be accepted late. Any student who does not submit his or her final exam on time will receive a 0 for the exam.

Grading: The following are the scale of grades and their equivalent in quality points: (As per University policy, there is no grade of an A+.)

A (Excellent) [>91%]

A- [89-91%].

B+ [86-88%]

B (Good)[83-85%]

B- [80-82%]






C+ [77-79%]

C (Average) [73-76%].

C-* [70-72%]

D+* [68-69%]





D (Passing)* [66-67%]

F (Failure) [<65%]



*Passing but below the required average for graduation.

Academic Honesty Policy: Please see The University College Student Handbook for further information. This course will fully honor the University's policy on academic dishonesty. Please do not cheat on exams or in any other respect with regard to this course. If a person is caught in an act of academic dishonesty, the maximum consequences of such behavior will be imposed.

VIII. Available Support Services:

Tutoring: Tutoring in specific subjects and courses is available to all Widener University students and is coordinated through Tutoring Services located at 522 E.14th Street (Pineapple House), office hours

Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm. Contact via email at tutoringservices@widener.edu


Writing Center: Located in Old Main Annex (Next to Old Main), First Floor. Contact via telephone at

(610) 499-4332, appointments preferred.

Special Needs/Disabilities Services: The Office of Disabilities Services is located at 520 E. 14th Street, office hours are Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm and contacted via telephone at 610-499-


Library Hours: Wolfgram Memorial Library is located on the main campus, contact via telephone at

(610) 499-4067 or via email to reference@mail.widener.edu

. Below are listed the regular semester hours:

Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.



7:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.

9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Sunday 12 noon - 11:30 p.m.

Please see http://www.widener.edu/libraries/wolfgram/libinfo/hours/default.asp

for holiday and break hours.

Please note: My goal is to provide each student with the assistance he or she needs to succeed in this course.

If you are having difficulties in the class, struggling with any of the material or just have a general question about psychology, do not hesitate to contact me.
