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High School Geography Syllabus

Welcome Back!!!
Please take a few minutes to read the syllabus in its entirety. Exploring all the topics in this syllabus and
related links will help you succeed in this course.
I am looking forward to working with you and having a great Year!!!
Mr. Matthews
Mr. Matthews
High School:
Hutsonville High School
Class Time:
5th Period
Office Location/Hours:
Social Studies Room (High School Wing)
Course Description
This course is designed to help you better understand our constantly changing and complex world
through a study of geography. We will study geography from the physical, political, and cultural
prospective through the five basic geographical themes of location, place, human-environment
interaction, movement, and region. Special emphasis will be placed on geographical skills, and
geographic literacy (locating countries, capitals, & physical features of the world).
Learning Outcomes
● Students will acquire an understanding of and appreciation for the relationship between
geography and culture.
● Students will acquire an understanding of and appreciation for the role that geography can play
in community engagement.
● Students will read, interpret, and generate maps and other geographic representations as well
as extract, analyze, and present information from a spatial perspective.
● Students will have a general understanding of physical geographic processes, the global
distribution of landforms and ecosystems, and the role of the physical environment on human
● Students will have a general understanding of global human population patterns, factors
influencing the distribution and mobility of human populations including settlement and
economic activities and networks, and human impacts on the physical environment.
● Students will be able to think in spatial terms to explain what has occurred in the past as well
as using geographic principles to understand the present and plan for the future.
Your Course Participation
Test / Quiz / Pop Quiz Policy
You will be informed of an upcoming test/quiz well in advance. These will usually be a
combination of short answer, matching, multiple choice, and essay.
Assignments / Late Work Policy
Late work will be accepted if you have missed school or have an excused absence from
class. It is up to you to make up your assignments. Please see teacher for arrangements.
Movies to Watch: There will be video assignments on occasion and these will require a
written reaction.
Written Assignments
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Your written assignments should be original writing and include citations as described in the
APA/MLA/Chicago style guide.
Never use Wikipedia as a reference in your assignments and papers. Wikipedia is ok to use if
you are looking for background information or are getting started, but please use other
resources when citing.
Calendar of Activities
The Calendar of Activities is a summary of the weekly lessons and course activities.
Special Note: The instructor has the right to modify this syllabus. You will be notified of any
Week Topic(s) and Reading Assignments and Activities
Special Note: The instructor has the right to modify this syllabus. You will be notified of any
Semester 1
Unit 1: Physical and Human Geography
- Exploring Geography
- Climates and Ecosystems
- Population and Culture
- Resources and Land Use
Unit 2: United States and Canada
- Intro to US and Canada
- Profile of the US
- Regions of the US
- Canada
Unit 3: Latin America
- Intro to Latin America
- Mexico
- Central America and Carribbean
- Brazil
- Countries of South America
Unit 4: Western Europe
- Intro to Western Europe
- British Isles and Nordic Nations
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Central Western Europe
Mediterranean Europe
Semester 2
Unit 5: Intro to Central Europe and Northern Eurasia
- Central and Eastern Europe
- Russia
Unit 6: Intro to Central and South Asia
- The Caucasus and Central Asia
- Countries of Southwest Asia
Unit 7: Africa
- Intro to Africa
- North Africa
- West and Central Africa
- East and Southern Africa
Unit 8: South Asia
- Intro to South Asia
- Countries of South Asia
Unit 9: East Asia and the Pacific World
- Intro to East Asia and the Pacific World
- China
- Japan and the Koreas
- Southeast Asia
- Pacific World and Antarctica
** The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus at any time. Students will be made
aware if any changes are made.***
Course Grade
Your final letter grade will be determined by totaling the points earned on all graded
Percentage from TOTAL POINTS
A 90%-100%
B 80% - 89% C 70% - 79% D 60% - 69%
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F 0% - 59%
Course Guidelines/Policies
Instructor Expectations:
Not everyone will get an A, B or C. Work hard and you’ll do well.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty, in any form, is expressly prohibited
As used herein, academic dishonesty incorporates the following.
Cheating, which is defined as the giving or taking of any information or material with the
intent of wrongfully aiding one’s self or another in academic work considered in the
Plagiarism, which is
defined as the act of stealing or passing off as one’s own work the words, ideas or
conclusions of another as if the work submitted were the product of one’s own thinking
inappropriate behavior which may include but is not limited to: falsifying records or data,
lying, unauthorized copying, tampering, abusing or otherwise unethically using computer or
other stored information, and any other act or misconduct which may reasonably be
deemed to be a part of this heading.
I hope you have enjoyed exploring this syllabus and find it useful. Your next step is to begin
the assignments for Week One.
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See you in the classroom!
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