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Developing People Skills for Entry-Level Managers

You are a bright, hard-working, entry-level manager who fully intends to rise up
through the ranks. Your performance evaluation gives you high marks for your technical
skills, but low marks when it comes to people skills. Do you think people skills can be
learned, or do you need to rethink your career path? If people skills can be learned, how
would you go about doing it?
Soft managerial skills include people skills and conceptual skills. At the level
of entry-level manager or basic level manager the most important skill is interpersonal
or people skill which involve the manager’s ability to work with and through other people
and to work effectively as a group member. People skills are demonstrated in the way
that a manager relates to other people, including the ability to motivate, facilitate,
coordinate, lead, communicate, and resolve conflicts. Good management skills are not
automatic; however, managers have to apply all their skills and competencies in a way
that benefits the organization and its stakeholders including employees, customers,
investors, the community, and so forth.
Rethinking Carrier Path
Everyone has flaws and weaknesses. The number one
reason for manager failure is ineffective communication skills and practices. Becoming
a new manager especially a front line manager requires a shift in thinking from being an
individual performer to playing an role of coordinating and developing others. Because
of the interdependent nature of management, new managers often have less freedom
and control than they expect to have. These limiting factors sometimes become the
most difficult hurdle to overcome. It is vital for front line manager to rethink his strategy
as per requirement and mould his behavior in other word adapt and reshape his thinking
.If he is unable to acquire interpersonal or people skills and not able to translate his role
as cohesive team leader then changing path is the right answer for betterment of
organization and collective good in order to achieve the desired goals of a particular
setup. In time of crisis or uncertainty, managers who do not communicate effectively,
including listening to employees and customers and showing genuine care and concern,
organizational performance and reputation suffer.
Developing People Skills
People skills are essential for frontline managers who
work with employees directly on a daily basis. An entry level manager who works
among the employees and interact with them on daily basis can develop people skills by
adopting various roles as per situation demands. These roles can be:1.
The figurehead role involves handling ceremonial and symbolic activities for the
department or organization. The manager represents the organization in his or her
formal managerial capacity as the head of the unit. The presentation of employee
awards by a branch manager for Commerce Bank is an example of the figurehead role.
The leader role encompasses relationships with subordinates, including
motivation, communication, and influence.
The liaison role pertains to the development of information sources both inside
and outside the organization.
There is profound evidence that motivational skill of the frontline manager is the
single most important factor in whether people feel engaged with their work and
committed to the organization. The following effective behaviors could help managers to
develop some important and desired interpersonal skills:1. To be a good coach.
2. Has ability to empower his team and don’t micromanage.
3. He should be capable of expressing interest in team members’ successes and
personal well-being.
4. Must be bold, productive and focused.
5. Must possess skills of being a good communicator and listener.
6. Should helps in carrier development of his employees.
7. As a team leader must have clear vision and strategy for the team.
8. Professionally sound and equipped with required technical skills so that he may
be able to help and give advice to the team.