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Acrylic Block Periodic Trends Lab Worksheet

Acrylic Block Period Trends Lab
In 1869, Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev published a periodic table of the known
elements according to increasing atomic mass. He noticed a regular recurrence of
chemical and physical properties, which caused him to place elements that were most
similar next to each other. Since there were many undiscovered elements he left blank
spaces in his table and was able to accurately predict properties of those missing
elements by using the patterns he had noticed. In 1913, British physicists Henry
Moseley rearranged the earlier period table in order of increasing nuclear charge. This
arrangement of elements according to their number of protons is how the periodic table
is arranged today. The repeating chemical and physical characteristics of the elements
when arranged according to atomic number, is known as the periodic law.
Atomic radii, Ionization energy, Electron affinity, Electronegativity, Metallic character
and Nonmetallic character are some of the trends that arise from the periodic law.
Ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity and nonmetallic character all
increase from left to right going across the table while atomic radii and metallic
character decreases. Ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity and
nonmetallic character all decrease going down a group while atomic radii and metallic
character increases.
Procedure: Visit each lab station. Use the symbols of the elements represented in
each block to complete the questions corresponding to that block.
Block: Transition Metal Elements (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn)
1) Which transition metal would have the smallest atomic radius? _____________
2) Which transition metal would have the lowest ionization energy? ___________
3) True or False Compounds of transition metals are very colorful. ___________
4) Which element would have the highest nuclear charge? __________________
Block: Metallic Elements (Co, Na, Zn, Cd, Hg, Sn, Sb)
5) Which elements in the block are in the same family?______________________
6) Which element in the block is in the liquid state? ________________________
7) Which element in the block would have the lowest ionization energy? _______
8) Which element in the block would have the highest electronegativity? _______
9) What colors are represented by the elements in the metallic block? _________
Block: Metalloid Elements (B, C, Si, Sn, As, Te, I)
10) Which element is better classified as a nonmetal? _______________________
11) Which elements are on the stair-step? ________________________________
12) Which metalloid would have the smallest atomic radius? __________________
Copyright 2003 Deanna York, Teacher Friendly Chemistry.
Block: Period 3 Element (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar)
13) Which element has the highest electron affinity? _______________________
14) Which element has the largest atomic radius? _________________________
15) Which element has the smallest atomic radius? ________________________
16) Does metallic character increase or decrease as you go across the period? __
Block: Group IV & V Elements (C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb and N2, P, As, Sb, Bi)
17) Which group IV element would have the smallest atomic radius? ___________
18) Which group V element would have the largest atomic radius? _____________
19) Which group IV element would have the lowest ionization energy? __________
20) Which group V element would have the highest electron affinity? ___________
21) Does metallic character increase or decrease as you go down group IV? _____
22) Which element is a nonmetal that occurs as a colorless gas? _______________
23) Which group IV & V elements are metalloids? ___________________________
Block: Nonmetals (C, P, S, Se, Br2, Cl2, I2 )
24) Which element has the smallest atomic radius? _________________________
25) Which element has the largest atomic radius? __________________________
26) True or False Nonmetals occur in various colors and states. ______________
1) What scientist arranged the periodic table in order of atomic mass? _________
What scientist arranged the periodic table in order of nuclear charge? _______
What name is given for the repeating pattern that arises from the arrangement of
the elements in order of increasing atomic number? ___________________
T/F Moving L  R across period 3, the ionization energy decreases. ________
T/F Moving down group 1, the atomic radius increases. __________________
T/F Moving from R  L across period 3, metallic character decreases. ______
T/F Moving from L  R across period 3, electronegativity increases. ________
T/F Moving down group 2, the ionization energy increases. _______________
What element seen was a metallic liquid? ______________________________
10) What element seen was a nonmetallic liquid? ___________________________
11) Which group 17 element would have the highest ionization energy? _________
Copyright 2003 Deanna York, Teacher Friendly Chemistry.
Teacher Notes: Acrylic Block Period Trends Lab
At each lab station:
1 Acrylic Element Block
Place the block on a white sheet of paper to help elements show up better.
The Acrylic Block set used contained the following elements and were labeled with the
following titles:
Period 3 Elements: Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar
Metalloids: B, C, Si, Sn, As, Te, I
Nonmetallic Elements: C, P, S, Se, Cl, Br, I
Metallic Elements: Co, Na, Zn, Cd, Hg, Sn, Sb
Group IV & V Elements: C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb and N2, P, As, Sb, Bi
Transition Elements: Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and their sulfate compounds
If a block set is too expensive or difficult to find, create a set of test tubes or samples
bottles for each table station.
Remember, the key is to create it once and store it as a kit to be pulled out from year
to year! The Element Identification Lab and the Acrylic Block Element Lab and this lab
use repeated items so as one shared kit and put out the items you need for each lab.
Teaching Notes:
This activity requires no teacher set-up time if you have the blocks or created a kit. This
activity can be completed in 30 minutes or less. It should follow a lecture on periodic
trends. This will help students apply the periodic trend to elements that they observed.
Students should read the background and answer conclusion questions #1-8 before
being dismissed to the lab area. Allow students to take a periodic table to the lab area
or provide copies of the periodic table on the lab table.
This lab sheet could be used as a
homework activity or as a worksheet as
students can complete the lab sheet
without observing the elements.
Copyright 2003 Deanna York, Teacher Friendly Chemistry.
Acrylic Block Period Trends Lab
In 1869, Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev published a periodic table of the known
elements according to increasing atomic mass. He noticed a regular recurrence of
chemical and physical properties, which caused him to place elements that were most
similar next to each other. Since there were many undiscovered elements he left blank
spaces in his table and was able to accurately predict properties of those missing
elements by using the patterns he had noticed. In 1913, British physicists Henry
Moseley rearranged the earlier period table in order of increasing nuclear charge. This
arrangement of elements according to their number of protons is how the periodic table
is arranged today. The repeating chemical and physical characteristics of the elements
when arranged according to atomic number, is known as the periodic law.
Atomic radii, Ionization energy, Electron affinity, Electronegativity, Metallic character
and Nonmetallic character are some of the trends that arise from the periodic law.
Ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity and nonmetallic character all
increase from left to right going across the table while atomic radii and metallic
character decreases. Ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity and
nonmetallic character all decrease going down a group while atomic radii and metallic
character increases.
Procedure: Visit each lab station. Use the symbols of the elements represented in
each block to complete the questions corresponding to that block.
Block: Transition Metal Elements (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn)
1) Which transition metal would have the smallest atomic radius? ___Zn________
2) Which transition metal would have the lowest ionization energy? __Mn_______
3) True or False Compounds of transition metals are very colorful. __True_____
4) Which element would have the highest nuclear charge? _________Zn_______
Block: Metallic Elements (Co, Na, Zn, Cd, Hg, Sn, Sb)
5) Which elements in the block are in the same family? ___Zn, Cd, Hg_________
6) Which element in the block is in the liquid state? ______Hg________________
7) Which element in the block would have the lowest ionization energy? ___Na__
8) Which element in the block would have the highest electronegativity? ___Sb__
9) What colors are represented by the elements in the metallic block? Silver gray
Block: Metalloid Elements (B, C, Si, Sn, As, Te, I)
10) Which element is better classified as a nonmetal? ____Iodine______________
11) Which elements are on the stair-step? ____As, Te, Si, B___________________
12) Which metalloid would have the smallest atomic radius? _______B__________
Copyright 2003 Deanna York, Teacher Friendly Chemistry.
Block: Period 3 Elements (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar)
13) Which element has the highest electron affinity? _______Cl________________
14) Which element has the largest atomic radius? _________Na_______________
15) Which element has the smallest atomic radius? ________Ar________________
16) Does metallic character increase or decrease as you go across the period? Dec
Block: Group IV & V Elements (C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb and N2, P, As, Sb, Bi)
17) Which group IV element would have the smallest atomic radius? _____C_____
18) Which group V element would have the largest atomic radius? ________Bi___
19) Which group IV element would have the lowest ionization energy? ___Pb_____
20) Which group V element would have the highest electron affinity? ____N2_____
21) Does metallic character increase or decrease as you go down group IV? _Inc_
22) Which element is a nonmetal that occurs as a colorless gas? ______N2
23) Which group IV & V elements are metalloids? ____Si, Ge, As, Sb____________
Block: Nonmetals (C, P, S, Se, Br2, Cl2, I2 )
24) Which element has the smallest atomic radius? _____Carbon
25) Which element has the largest atomic radius? _______Iodine______________
26) True or False Nonmetals occur in various colors and states. __True_________
1) What scientist arranged the periodic table in order of atomic mass? Mendeleev
What scientist arranged the periodic table in order of nuclear charge? _Moseley
What name is given for the repeating pattern that arises from the arrangement of
the elements in order of increasing atomic number? __periodic law________
T/F Moving L  R across period 3, the ionization energy decreases. __False__
T/F Moving down group 1, the atomic radius increases. _________True_____
T/F Moving from R  L across period 3, metallic character decreases. __False
T/F Moving from L  R across period 3, electronegativity increases. _True___
T/F Moving down group 2, the ionization energy increases. _______False____
What element seen was a metallic liquid? _______Hg _(mercury)___________
10) What element seen was a nonmetallic liquid? ___Br2__(bromine)___________
11) Which group17 element would have the highest ionization energy? F2 (fluorine)
Copyright 2003 Deanna York, Teacher Friendly Chemistry.
Acrylic Block Period Trends Lab Quiz
Fill in the blank.
1) _____________arranged the periodic table in order of increasing atomic mass.
2) _____________arranged the periodic table in order of increasing nuclear charge.
3) The periodic table today is arranged in order of increasing ________________.
4) The element ____________ is a metallic silver liquid.
5) The element ____________ is a black solid that shares four valence electrons.
6) Ionization energy ____________ going from left to right across a period.
7) Electron affinity ______________ going from top to bottom down a family.
8) The element ____________ would have the highest atomic radius in its period.
9) The element ____________ would have the highest electron affinity in its family.
Word Bank: May use word more than once or not at all!
atomic number
Copyright 2003 Deanna York, Teacher Friendly Chemistry.
Acrylic Block Period Trends Lab Quiz
Answer Key
Fill in the blank.
1) _Mendeleev_____ arranged the periodic table in order of increasing atomic mass.
2) _Mosely________arranged the periodic table in order of increasing nuclear charge.
3) The periodic table today is arranged in order of increasing __atomic number____.
4) The element __mercury__________ is a metallic silver liquid.
5) The element __carbon_______ is a black solid that shares four valence electrons.
6) Ionization energy __increases________ going from left to right across a period.
7) Electron affinity __decreases_________ going from top to bottom down a family.
8) The element ___potassium___ would have the highest atomic radius in its period.
9) The element __fluorine_____ would have the highest electron affinity in its family.
Word Bank: May use word more than once or not at all!
atomic number
Copyright 2003 Deanna York, Teacher Friendly Chemistry.
Acrylic Block Period Trends Lab Make-up
In 1869, Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev published a periodic table of the known
elements according to increasing atomic mass. He noticed a regular recurrence of
chemical and physical properties, which caused him to place elements that were most
similar next to each other. Since there were many undiscovered elements he left blank
spaces in his table and was able to accurately predict properties of those missing
elements by using the patterns he had noticed. In 1913, British physicists Henry
Moseley rearranged the earlier period table in order of increasing nuclear charge. This
arrangement of elements according to their number of protons is how the periodic table
is arranged today. The repeating chemical and physical characteristics of the elements
when arranged according to atomic number, is known as the periodic law.
Atomic radii, Ionization energy, Electron affinity, Electronegativity, Metallic character
and Nonmetallic character are some of the trends that arise from the periodic law.
Ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity and nonmetallic character all
increase from left to right going across the table while atomic radii and metallic
character decreases. Ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity and
nonmetallic character all decrease going down a group while atomic radii and metallic
character increases.
Procedure: Use the elements listed after the block to answer the questions below.
Block: Transition Metal Elements (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn)
1) Which transition metal would have the smallest atomic radius? _____________
2) Which transition metal would have the lowest ionization energy? ___________
3) True or False Compounds of transition metals are very colorful. __True_____
4) Which element would have the highest nuclear charge? __________________
Block: Metallic Elements (Co, Na, Zn, Cd, Hg, Sn, Sb)
5) Which elements in the block are in the same family? _____________________
6) Which element in the block is in the liquid state? __
_ _mercury_________
7) Which element in the block would have the lowest ionization energy? _______
8) Which element in the block would have the highest electronegativity? _______
9) What colors are represented by the elements in the metallic block? _silver gray
Block: Metalloid Elements (B, C, Si, Sn, As, Te, I)
10) Which element is better classified as a nonmetal? _______________________
11) Which elements are on the stair-step? ________________________________
12) Which metalloid would have the smallest atomic radius? __________________
Copyright 2003 Deanna York, Teacher Friendly Chemistry.
Block: Period 3 Element (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar)
13) Which element has the highest electron affinity? _______________________
14) Which element has the largest atomic radius? _________________________
15) Which element has the smallest atomic radius? ________________________
16) Does metallic character increase or decrease as you go across the period? __
Block: Group IV & V Elements (C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb and N2, P, As, Sb, Bi)
17) Which group IV element would have the smallest atomic radius? ___________
18) Which group V element would have the largest atomic radius? _____________
19) Which group IV element would have the lowest ionization energy? __________
20) Which group V element would have the highest electron affinity? ___________
21) Does metallic character increase or decrease as you go down group IV? _____
22) Which element is a nonmetal that occurs as a colorless gas? _____nitrogen___
23) Which group IV & V elements are metalloids? ___________________________
Block: Nonmetals (C, P, S, Se, Br2, Cl2, I2 )
24) Which element has the smallest atomic radius? _________________________
27) Which element has the largest atomic radius? __________________________
28) True or False Nonmetals occur in various colors and states. ______________
1) What scientist arranged the periodic table in order of atomic mass? _________
What scientist arranged the periodic table in order of nuclear charge? _______
What name is given for the repeating pattern that arises from the arrangement of
the elements in order of increasing atomic number? ___________________
T/F Moving L  R across period 3, the ionization energy decreases. ________
T/F Moving down group 1, the atomic radius increases. __________________
T/F Moving from R  L across period 3, metallic character decreases. ______
T/F Moving from L  R across period 3, electronegativity increases. ________
T/F Moving down group 2, the ionization energy increases. _______________
What element seen was a metallic liquid? ______________________________
10) What element seen was a nonmetallic liquid? ___________________________
11) Which group 17 element would have the highest ionization energy? _________
Copyright 2003 Deanna York, Teacher Friendly Chemistry.