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Santa Sabina & Persian Art: Lecture Notes

Santa Sabina. Rome, Italy. Late Antique Europe. c. 422–432 C.E. Brick and stone, wooden roof.
 Longitudinal plan
 Lighter than Roman basilicas
 Expansion of a house church owned by Sabina
 Most original mosaic not shown
o Original mosaics were illuminated by light from clerestory
 Dedication mosaic only remaining original mosaic
o Females —> Church of Gentiles and Church of Jews
 Central Axis from entrance to apse —> nave
 Arcade separates side isles
 Clerestory
 Columns are spolia
 Early Christian churches=plain exterior
The Plan
 Basilica plan —> dignity
 Tribunal —> cathedra (bishop’s chair)
 Christianity was made legal —> large space necessary
 Built on site of a pagan temple (Juno)
o Repurposed materials (spolia)
 Earliest crucifixion scenes
 Cross is not visible
 Orant pose
What makes this manuscript special?
o Probably made by one man
o Oldest surviving gospels in English
1. Incipit Page
2. Page with the evangelist
3. Carpet page
What is a Shanama?
 Book of kings
o Epic Poems
 History of the ancient kings of Persia
o Gayumar is legendary first king
 Written in the 10th or 11th century
 Guide for benevolent rule
 Intended audience: kings and rulers
Court of Gayumars folio
From the Persian high renaissance
Shah Tahmasp
First page from manuscript
Multiple influences:
 Chinese —> twisting tree branches
 Persian Traditions —> flat sky, background