Introduction to APES/Review of Basic Science Concepts labs and activities Synergy Activity – 1st Day Fishing for the Future Tragedy of the Commons Lab THE WEALTH GAP Making Scientific Graphs using Graph Paper Graphing Scientifically Review and Practice LEAVES OF STEEL The Living World: Ecology Labs and Activities Interrelationships in Ecosystems ( parachuting cats in Borneo) Food For Thought – Eating at a Lower Trophic Level The Water (Hydrologic) Cycle The Carbon Cycle The Nitrogen Cycle The Phosphorus Cycle The Sulfur Cycle Species Diversity Lab Case Study: The Galapagos Ecosystem Column Lab Climatogram Activity Data: Pfiesteria Population Labs & Activities The Lesson of the Kaibab Mark-Recapture Population Lab Population Formulae Extra Population Practice Problems Population: Age Structure Sustaining Biodiversity and Land Use Labs and Activities Complexity in Conservation TIMBER! Pollution Labs & Activities The Wealth of Water: The Value of an Essential Resource The Effects of Oil Spills on Birds Carolina Biological Airborne Particulates Lab Questions Acid Rain Seed Lab Exhausting Problems Greenhouse Gas Investigation Tropospheric Ozone Lab Tuna for Lunch? A Case Study Examining Mercury Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification Garbology Lab APES LD50 Toxicology Study of Daphnia magna Earth Science and Agriculture Labs and Activities Latest Earthquakes APES Salinization Inquiry Lab APES SOIL LAB Energy Resources and Consumption Labs and Activities Cookie Mining Lab LAB: FOSSIL FUELS Additional APES Projects AP Environmental Science Timeline Project – 100 points APES Timeline Project Quiz AP Environmental Science Biomes Project Invasive Species Wanted Poster APES – Know Your Pollutants!!! APES – Know Your Pollution Related Laws!!! ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOLUTION PRESENTATION 10 Things to Know About… APES in the News Scrapbook Project AP Environmental Science Summer Assignment – 2013/2014 Introduction to APES/Review of Basic Science Concepts labs and activities Synergy Activity – 1st Day ● Send two people out of the classroom ● Explain to the rest of the students that they are to pick two people in the class. Should be people they may not know very well. Do not say aloud who they picked. Their objective as we walk around campus will be to try to stay an equidistant space between those two people. ● Walk around outside. Have two students observe and hypothesize what is going on. If students reach a point of stasis, move someone. Keep things shifting around. ● Bring everyone together & ask the two to try & explain what was happening. ● METAPHOR: o Everything in our ecosystems are linked and fluctuate in response to each other. o What we had was a complex system. Ecosystems are complex systems. Sometimes, when viewed from outside, we don’t truly understand how they work. o A single change in the system (eg. Invasive species / drought / pollution / habitat loss / etc) will send waves throughout the system. o This is the theme of this class: Interconnectedness. Everything is connected. We live on a very complex system called Earth. Things happening on the other side of the planet can impact our ability to survive here. We will examine very specific ways in which humans are impacting the Earth’s synergy, but we must always remember that everything we do, is connected to all the other components we have spoken about. Name: _____________________________________ Period: ___________ Fishing for the Future (Tragedy of the Commons Lab) The purpose of this simulation is to demonstrate how individuals using a common resource (the commons) for their own personal gain will inevitably result in the degradation of the commons, and a decrease in the yield for both the group and the individual. Background: In 1968 the Tragedy of the Commons was published. A major premise of the article is the notion that any resource that is open for anyone to use – such as air or parts of the ocean – will eventually be destroyed because everyone can use the resource, but no one is responsible for preserving it. When people are not compelled to preserve resources for the welfare of future generations, the Tragedy of the Commons occurs. In this simulation, each one of you represents the head of a family that is in need of food. In order for your family to survive, you must catch enough fish for them to eat. The only food source is a small local lake which can hold up to 30 fish. Once a year (round) you will get a chance to fish and each time you fish you make take from 0 to 5 fish from the lake. It is your choice how many fish you take, however, if you only take one fish, your family will starve. If you take more then 2 fish, you can sell them for a profit. The fish in your lake will reproduce once a year (round). Keep the fish that you “catch” in front of you. If any family has starved then they obviously cannot fish the next year. Materials 20 pinto beans (low value fish) 10 kidney beans (high value fish) Straws Fishing log Spoons Bowl Paper Towels Procedure ● Each group of 3-4 will get a lake full of fish and each group member will get a fishing pole (straw). The entire group will fish ● ● ● ● ● for several years (rounds). Between fishing seasons, the fish will reproduce. A bonus will be given to the member of each group who catches the most fish. To “fish” you must use the fishing pole to “suck” the fish out of the lake. The “lake” has a carrying capacity of 30 – so there can never be more than 20 fish in the lake. Fish one “season” at a time, which represents one generation of fish. Each student may catch as many fish as he/she wants. They need at least two fish per season, or their family will starve. After each fishing season, stop fishing, and the fish will “reproduce.” For every fish left in the bowl, another will be added, up to the carrying capacity of 30. Record the number of fish caught during each season by the group. Data Round(season ) 1 2 3 # of high value fish (red beans) caught # of low value fish (spotted beans) caught Total # of fish caught # of fish left in the bowl (lake) Post-Lab: Analysis Questions 1. Did anyone in your group take too many fish? ________ Did everyone try to take as many as possible? ________ Why or why not? 2. Did anyone sacrifice any fish for the good of the community? ________ Does society ever reward this type of person? 3. In round 2… how did your strategy change, if at all? Did it make a difference to know that those who caught more fish were rewarded? 4. Is it possible to maximize the number of fish caught/person AND maintain a sustainable population of fish in the pond at the same time? If so, explain how? 5. Besides humans, what else might rely on the fish in our lake as a resource? How could our fishing practices impact the lake ecosystem? 6. Think of a local commons that you are familiar with [social areas, eating areas, bathrooms, parking lots, etc]. Explain how a tragedy of the commons situation can arise in one of these areas and propose a solution for how the problem could be solved. 7. What are some natural resources that are common resources? 8. What are examples of global commons? Are these resources being used wisely? Why or why not? 9. What can people do to use these resources more wisely? Names: ______________________________________________ Period: ___________ THE WEALTH GAP The Gross National Product (GNP) is the value (in US Dollars) of a country’s final output of goods and services in a year. It is calculated by adding up the amount of money spent on a country’s final output of goods and services, or by totaling the income of all citizens’ of a country including the income from factors of production used abroad. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) only includes income from goods and services earned within a country. The Per Capita GNP is the total GNP/population. For a developed nation the cut off for establishing developed nation status is $3,500. Average Income: Developed - $25,480 Developing - $520 Middle Income - $2,900 Website: Using the above referenced website, select one country from each of the continent areas of the world and fill out the data table on the next page (use the most recent estimated data). Click on the continent, select a country, and look under the Economy and People & Society tabs for each country to find the required information. After completing the chart, answer the questions below. 1. Of the countries that you chose, identify whether each is developed or developing. Developed __________________________________________________________________________ Developing _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Using the parameters you researched above, list 5 identifying characteristics of developing countries. (a)______________________________________________________________________________________ (b)______________________________________________________________________________________ (c)______________________________________________________________________________________ (d)______________________________________________________________________________________ (e)______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How is wealth created? 4. How do GDP and GNP differ? 5. What is the contribution to world pollution? Developed _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Developing _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6. Calculate the per capita GDP of the United States based on a total population of 275 million and a GDP of 9.2 trillion. Show your work!!! Use Scientific Notation!!! L i f e E x p e c t a n c y I n f a n t M o r t a l i t y Urba nizat ion ● ● u r b a n p o p u l a t i o n R a t e o f u r b a n i z a t i o n P o p ul a ti o n G r o w t h R a t e Age Structur e ● 01 4 y e ar s ● 1 56 4 y e ar s ● 6 5 + y e ar s P o p u l a t i o n Im po rts & C o m m od iti es (to p 2) Ex po rts & C o m m od iti es (to p 2) P op ul ati on be lo w P ov ert y lin e De bt Un e m pl oy m en t L a b o r F o r c e GDP Compositi on by sector ● Ag ric ult ur e ● Ind ust ry ● Se rvi ce s G D P / p e r c a p i t a C o u n t r y N a m e A fr i c a C e n tr a l o r E a s t A s i a S o u t h A s i a E u r o p e N o rt h A m e ri c a S o u t h A m e ri c a C e n tr a l A m e ri c a M i d d l e E a s t Making Scientific Graphs using Graph Paper Graphs are a useful tool in science. The visual characteristics of a graph make trends in data easy to see. One of the most valuable uses for graphs is to "predict" data that is not measured on the graph. ● Extrapolate: extending the graph, along the same slope, above or below measured data. ● ● example Interpolate: predicting data between two measured points on the graph. ● example How To Construct a Line Graph On Paper Step What To Do How To Do It a. Independent Variable - 1 Identify the variables (controlled by the experimentor) ● Goes on the X axis (horizontal) ● (For Data Tables: Should be on the left side) b. Dependent Variable (changes with the independent variable) ● Goes on the Y axis (vertical) ● (For Data Tables: Should be on the right side) 2 Determine the variable range. a. Subtract the lowest data value from the highest data value. b. Do each variable separately. 3 Determine the scale of the graph. a. Determine a scale, (the numerical value for each square), that best fits the range of each variable. b. Spread the graph to use MOST of the available space. 4 Number and label each axis. ● 5 Plot the data points. 6 Draw the graph. This tells what data the lines on your graph represent. a. Plot each data value on the graph with a dot. b. You can put the data number by the dot, if it does not clutter your graph. a. Depending on the data set, you will do either or both: b. Draw a curve or a line that best fits the data points to show general trends (Best-fit line) c. Connect the dots to show specific changes (Some graphs of experimental data will do both) 7 Title the graph. a. Your title should clearly tell what the graph is about. b. If your graph has more than one set of data, provide a "key" to identify the different lines. Graphing Scientifically Review and Practice Directions: Your assignment is to appropriately graph the following two sets of scientific data on graph paper using the information provided to you. For each graph you will answer the accompanying questions. You will turn in both graphs and answers. You teacher will choose one to grade using the attached rubric. If a “best fit” line or curve is necessary to extrapolate or interpolate data, used a DASHED line to add it onto your graph. Graphing Practice Problem #1 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. pH of water Number of tadpoles 8.0 45 7.5 69 7.0 78 6.5 88 6.0 43 5.5 23 Make a line graph of the data. (1) What is the dependent variable? (2) What is the independent variable? (3) What is the average number of tadpoles per sample? (4) What is the optimum water pH for tadpole development? (5) Between what two pH readings is there the greatest change in tadpole number? (6) Extrapolate: How many tadpoles would we expect to find in water with a pH reading of 5.0? Graphing Practice Problem #2 Age of the tree in years Average thickness of the annual rings Average thickness of the annual rings in cm. in cm. Forest A Forest B 10 2.0 2.2 20 2.2 2.5 30 3.5 3.6 35 3.0 3.8 50 4.5 4.0 60 4.3 4.5 A. The thickness of the annual rings indicate what type of environmental situation was occurring at the time of its development. A thin ring, usually indicates a rough period of development. Lack of water, forest fires, or a major insect infestation. On the other hand, a thick ring indicates just the opposite. B. Make a line graph of the data. C. (1) What is the dependent variable? D. (2) What is the independent variable? E. (3) Interpolate: what was the average thickness of the annual rings of 40 year old trees in Forest A? F. (4) Based on this data, what can you conclude about Forest A and Forest B? Science Line Graph Evaluation Rubric - "Paper" Name: Class period: This rubric is used to verify specific tasks performed when constructing a line graph. If the task has been completed accurately all points are awarded. Reduced points for each task may be awarded if necessary. No points are awarded if the task is not complete. Category Scoring Criteria Points Student Teacher Evaluation Evaluation Remember that to qualify as "neat", there can be no visible corrections! The independent variable is drawn on the X axis. 5 Variables 10 points Layout 5 points Axis Identification 10 points Graph Data 4 points The dependent variable is drawn on the Y axis. 5 The scale is such that the graph covers most of the page. 5 Grid lines on each axis are clearly and neatly numbered. Numbers are spaced evenly to maximize the graph space. 5 Each axis is clearly and neatly labeled, including the units in which each variable is measured. 5 Each data point is indicated by an obvious, but not overly large dot. 2 The line plotted for the graph is neatly done and appropriate. (Your graphs should include a DASHED "best-fit" line or curve if appropriate to extrapolate or interpolate data) 2 A descriptive title is neatly printed in the area above the graph. (Graph titles are not printed in the margin of the paper.) Title & Key 6 points If more than one line is drawn on a single graph, a "key" is provided near the title to identify the lines. (This is only done if there is more than one line on the graph.) 6 Lines should be drawn in different colors to easily identify each data set. (This is only done if there is more than one line on the graph.) Analysis Questions 5points Score Self-evaluation All follow-up questions are completely and accurately answered. Total Points 5 40 Students are expected to honestly evaluate their own work. If the difference between the student evaluation and the teacher evaluation is more than 10 points, 5 points will be deducted from the teacher's score when the grade is recorded. Name: ___________________________________________ Period: _______________ Date: ____________ LEAVES OF STEEL TOUGH-O-METER INVESTIGATION QUESTION: Brainstorm questions about what factors might affect the “toughness” of leaves. Write below ONE question that your group would like to investigate. For example: Are sugar maple leaves tougher than red maple leaves? PREDICTION: Rewrite your question in the form of a prediction. The prediction should be a statement. For example: Sugar maple leaves will be tougher than red maple leaves. OVERVIEW OF EXPERIMENT: Choose two different leaf types based on your prediction. Collect several leaves of each type (you should select as many as 5 per type, your instructor will help you decide). You will use your tough-o-meter to determine how many milliliters (ml) of water your leaf will support before tearing. HYPOTHESIS: Now connect your prediction to what you expect to happen in your experiment. The hypothesis should be in the form of an if/then statement. For example: If sugar maple leaves are tougher than red maple leaves, then the sugar maple leaves will support more water before tearing. Note that the “if” part of the hypothesis is a restatement of the prediction (independent variable) and the “then” part of the hypothesis states clearly the results you expect to observe or measure (dependent variable). Write your hypothesis in the space below: PROCEDURE: 1. Select the two kinds of leaves you will collect to test for toughness. Generate group question, prediction & hypothesis. 2. Construct your Tough-o-Meter. Using the paper punch, punch one hole through the rim on opposite side of the plastic cup. Tie one end of the string to each side of the cup. This is the bucket handle. Tie one end of the SECOND string to the middle of the bucket handle (first string). Tie the other end of the string to a paper clip. See diagram on the board. 3. Following the directions of your teacher, collect the leaf samples for your comparisons. How many leaves are you collecting of each kind? ______ Are the leaves of each type similar in size and condition? _______ 4. Use the paper punch to make a small hole in the middle of each leaf to be tested. Pass the paper clip of the Tougho-Meter through the hole in the leaf. Position the clip parallel to the mid-vein so that the string drops through the hole. See diagram on the board. 5. One student in each group holds the leaf horizontally by either end. One student pours water slowly from the graduated cylinder into the cup. One student watches carefully and records the amount of water poured into the cup BEFORE the leaf rips and the Tough-o-Meter splashes to the ground! The tougher the leaves the more water it takes to break them. 6. Repeat the experiment with each of the leaf samples. Record the results in the data table. 7. Calculate the average volume for the fives leaves and record the average in the data table. DIAGRAM OF TOUGH-O-METER and LEAF: RESULTS: Leaf Number Sample A Leaf Type: ml. of water Sample B Leaf Type: ml. of water 1 2 3 4 5 Average CONCLUSION: 1. Was your hypothesis correct? Refer to your data and describe which type of leaf supported the greatest amount of water. 2. If your hypothesis was correct, what further investigations could you do to build upon this one? If not, why might this be the case? 3. What possible sources of error could have impacted the experiment? Were external variables well controlled? Provide examples. 4. How could the experiment be improved? The Living World: Ecology Labs and Activities Interrelationships in Ecosystems ( parachuting cats in Borneo) Name: ________________________________________ Period: ___________ Date: ___________ Food For Thought – Eating at a Lower Trophic Level Plants convert solar energy to chemical energy (food) during photosynthesis; they are called primary producers or autotrophs. Animals consume the food produced by plants directly, or indirectly by eating other animals. They are known as consumers or heterotrophs. Ultimately, all organisms rely on the sun and autotrophs for their energy needs. 1. How do food chains and food webs differ? 2. Sketch a food chain using organisms that might be found on our school grounds. Be mindful of the direction of your arrows. 3. Look at the Energy Pyramids below. Energy pyramids, otherwise known as trophic level diagrams, are used to represent the flow of energy through an ecosystem. An organism’s trophic level indicates the organism’s position in the sequence of energy transfers. a. What types of organisms make up the base of the energy pyramids? b. Why are there more organisms at the base of the pyramid, and less as you travel up the pyramid? c. What do the numbers on the pyramids relate to? Now that you’ve thought about food chains, energy pyramids and so on, let’s do some problem solving. As you do these, think about the benefits and drawbacks of eating at lower trophic levels. Problem: You are the owner of a soybean farm. You also raise guinea hens for food and insect control. The guinea hens will eat grasshoppers and other insect pests, including ticks. This is good, biological pest control will save you money on chemical pesticides. The hens also act as “watchdogs” by making a lot of noise when intruders approach. You allow free range for the hens during the day in your fields and provide roosts for them at night. Objective: You will compute numerical values for human energy needs based on diets at different trophic levels. Use the following conversions for your calculations: You (the farmer) can live on 1 hen/day for a year 1 hen eats 25 grasshoppers/day (grasshoppers = gh) 1000 gh have a mass of 1kg 1 gh requires about 30g of soy/year 1 human requires 600 gh/day Dry soybeans have about 3.3 calories/g Exercises: Show all your work with proper units! Use dimensional analysis!!! 1. Calculate the number of grasshoppers (gh) a hen needs to eat per year. 2. How many grasshoppers (gh) are needed for a year’s supply of hens for you, the farmer? 3. What is the total mass in kg, of the grasshoppers (gh) needed to feed all the hens for one year? 4. How many kg of soybeans are needed to feed all the grasshoppers (gh) for one year? 5. Suppose that you (the farmer) decided to eat grasshoppers instead of hens. How many people could the grasshoppers (necessary to feed a year’s supply of hens) feed, compared to the one person that the hens fed? 6. You need to consume 3000 calories/day. If you ate only the soybeans instead of the hens or the grasshoppers, how many people would the soybean crop feed? (hint: start with your answer to question 4) 7. Draw a Biomass Pyramid, using the data you have developed to this point to show how much is necessary at each trophic level to feed one human (eating hens) for one year. a. Why do most food chains not have a fourth and/or fifth trophic level? 8. Cows produce about 19 kg protein/acre/year and soy produces 200 kg of protein/acre/year. a. Which is more efficient to eat? Why? b. 9. Relate these data to the fact that people in the less-developed countries usually eat at lower trophic levels than those in developed countries. In theory, the earth could support many more people if we ate at a lower trophic level. a. List 2 benefits of doing this. b. List 2 drawbacks of eating lower on the food chain. 10. And then there are fish to eat! Large predatory fish usually are found at the 3 rd or 4th trophic level of an energy pyramid. What does this mean in terms of energy loss? 11. Large predatory animals can also be problematic to eat because of bioaccumulation and biomagnification of toxins such as lead or mercury in their habitats. a. What do those two big words mean and why should this be considered when discussing food chains and trophic levels? 12. Think about your diet the past few days. Estimate what percentage of your diet comes from the first or second trophic levels. Name: _______________________________ Period: __________ The Water (Hydrologic) Cycle Directions: Below, draw a picture representing the water cycle here in Georgia. Be sure to include & label each important process as indicated in the labeling box. Processes to Label Evaporation Precipitation Condensation Transpiration Runoff Infiltration / Percolation Directions: Matter cycles between the living and non-living parts of our environment. After reading about the water cycle in your book, identify each part of the water cycle listed in the box as moving water from livingGround things to nonWater living parts of the environment, or vice versa. (Aquifer) 1. 2. Processes 3. Transpiration Living Environment (Biotic) Non-Living Environment Plant Uptake (Abiotic) Urination Sweat 1. Drinking 2. Directions: Read on p. 71 in your textbook. Describe 4 ways in which human activity is impacting the water cycle. 1) 2) 3) 4) The Carbon Cycle Directions: Below, draw a picture representing the carbon cycle here in Georgia. Be sure to include & label each important process as indicated in the labeling box. Processes to Label CO2 in Atmosphere Photosynthesis Aerobic Respiration Death & Decay Burning Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuel Formation Forest Fires Directions: Matter cycles between the living and non-living parts of our environment. After reading about the carbon cycle in your book, identify each part of the carbon cycle listed in the box as moving carbon Carbon from living thingsin dissolved to non-living parts of the environment, or vice versa. soil/water 1. 2. Processes Non-Living Environment Living Environment (Abiotic) (Biotic) Photosynthesis Death & Decay Respiration Plant Uptake 1. 2. Directions: Read on p. 74 in your textbook. Describe 2 ways in which human activity is impacting the carbon cycle. 1) 2) 3) Adding CO2 to the atmosphere causes atmospheric temperature to ___________________. The Nitrogen Cycle Directions: Below, draw a picture representing the nitrogen cycle here in Georgia. Be sure to include & label each important process as indicated in the labeling box. Processes to Label N2 Gas in Atmosphere Nitrogen Fixation (N2 NH3) Nitrification (NH3 NO2- NO3-) Plant Uptake (NH3 and NO3-) Excretion / Ammonification ***The most important Death & Decay / Ammonification organism involved in nearly all parts of the Nitrogen Cycle is Denitrification ________________. Directions: Matter cycles between the living and non-living parts of our environment. After reading about the nitrogen cycle in your book, identify each part of the nitrogen cycle listed in the box as moving nitrogen from living things to non-living parts of the environment, or vice versa. 1. Processes 2. Excretion (pee & poo) 3. Plant Uptake Non-Living Environment Death & Decay Living Environment (Abiotic) Nitrogen Fixation / Nitrification (Biotic) 1. 2. Directions: Read on p. 75-76 in your textbook. Describe 6 ways in which human activity is impacting the nitrogen cycle. 1) 4) 2) 5) 3) 6) The Phosphorus Cycle Directions: Below, draw a picture representing the phosphorus cycle. Be sure to include & label each important process as indicated in the labeling box. Processes to Label Phosphate ions (PO43-) in rock / marine sediments Erosion / Runoff Uplift Plant absorption through soil/water Urination Why can very little phosphorus circulateMining/Fertilization in the atmosphere? _______________________ Death & Decay Directions: Matter cycles between the living and non-living parts of our environment. After reading about the phosphorus cycle in your book, identify each part of the phosphorus cycle listed in the box as moving phosphorus from living things to non-living parts of the environment, or vice versa. 1. 2. Processes Non-Living Environment Living Environment (Abiotic) (Biotic) Urination Death & Decay Fertilization Plant Uptake 1. 2. Directions: Read on p. 76 in your textbook. Describe 3 ways in which human activity is impacting the phosphorus cycle. 1) 2) 3) The Sulfur Cycle Directions: Below, draw a picture representing the sulfur cycle. Be sure to include & label each important process as indicated in the labeling box. Processes to Label Sulfate salts (SO42-) in rock / marine sediments Volcanic and organic release of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) Volcanic release of sulfur dioxide (SO2) Atmospheric sulfate salts (SO42-) from sea spray, dust storms & forest fires Plant absorption of (SO42-) Dimethyl sulfide (DMS) production by marine algae Conversion of DMS to (SO2) in clouds Conversion of (SO2) to (SO3) to Directions: Matter cycles between the living and non-living parts of our environment. After reading about the sulfur sulfuric acid (H2SO4) cycle in your book, identify each part of the sulfur cycle listed in the box as moving sulfur from living things to nonliving parts of the environment, or vice versa. Acid deposition (rain) Bacteria convert (SO42-) to 1. sulfide ions (S2-) to form rock Death & Decay 2. Processes Non-Living Environment Living Environment (Abiotic) (Biotic) Algae making DMS Death & Decay Plant Uptake 1. Directions: Read on p. 78 in impacting the sulfur cycle. your textbook. Describe 2 ways in which human activity is 1) 2) Important Chemical Compounds and Ions in Cycles Water Cycle ● H 2O = water (solid, liquid, vapor) ● ● OHH+ = hydroxide ion = hydrogen ion } determine pH of a water body Carbon Cycle ● CO2 = carbon dioxide (gas or dissolved in liquid) ● C6H12O6 = glucose (energy molecule for organisms, made by producers thru photosynthesis) ● CaCO3 = calcium carbonate (shells, bones, coral skeletons) ● CO32- = carbonate (salt of carbonic acid) ● H2CO3 = carbonic acid (forming in oceans from excess CO2 in atmosphere, making oceans more acidic) ● HCO3- = bicarbonate (crucial pH buffer in aquatic ecosystems) Nitrogen Cycle ● N2 = nitrogen gas (used primarily by bacteria; 78% of troposphere) ● N2O = nitrous oxide ● NH3 = ammonia (produced from N2 gas by bacteria {nitrogen fixation}; used by plants or converted to NH 4+) ● NH4+ = ammonium (easily absorbed by plants) ● NO2- = nitrite ion (produced from ammonia by bacteria; toxic to plants) ● NO3- = nitrate ion (produced from nitrite by bacteria; easily absorbed by plants) ● NO = nitric oxide (common atmospheric pollutant; contributes to smog) ● NO2 = nitrogen dioxide gas (common atmospheric pollutant; contributes to smog) ● HNO3 = nitric acid (comes to earth as acid rain) Phosphorus Cycle ● PO43- = phosphate ions (form salts in rocks & ocean sediments; absorbed by plants) ● ATP = adenosine triphosphate (chemical energy unit for cells) Sulfur Cycle ● SO42o o = sulfate ion (absorbed by plants) (Solid – stored underground in rocks/minerals/marine sediments) (Vapor – released to air by sea spray, dust storms, forest fires) ● H 2S = hydrogen sulfide (highly poisonous gas; released by volcanos/swamps) ● DMS = dimethyl sulfide (produced by algae; converted to SO2 in clouds) ● SO2 = sulfur dioxide (common air pollutant; released by volcanos & coal burning) ● H2SO4 = sulfuric acid (forms from SO2 in atmosphere; component of acid rain) ● S2 = sulfide ions (used to form rocks) Name: ___________________ ______ Period: Species Diversity Lab ~ a study of the parking lot life zone ~ BACKGROUND The diversity of species present in an ecosystem can be used as one gauge of the health of an ecosystem. Species richness is a measure of the number of different species present in an ecosystem, while species evenness measures the relative abundance of the various populations present in an ecosystem. In an ecological survey designed to measure species diversity, a wildlife biologist might determine the number of individuals of each species present in an area, and then calculate a "diversity index" for the area. Comparison of the diversity index with that of other areas provides insights into the species diversity and the health of the ecosystem. In this activity your "ecosystem" will be the school parking lot, and the "species" will be the different car colors. As a class, we will be comparing the species diversity of the senior and visitor/junior parking lots. The diversity index we will use is the Shannon Diversity Index. After determining the number of each species (car), in each parking lot, the Shannon Diversity Index will be calculated separately for the senior lot and the visitor/junior lots. A rich ecosystem with high species diversity has a large value for the Shannon Diversity Index (H'), while an ecosystem with little diversity has a low H'. You can use a calculator for these equations. Equation 1: Equation 2: ni = number of individuals of species "i" N = total number of individuals of all species pi = relative abundance of species "i" (see equation 1) S = total number of species H' = The Shannon Diversity Index (see equation 2) Pre-lab Questions—Write out and answer the following question 1. Identify which parking lot you expect to be the most diverse, and defend your choice. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Post-lab Questions 1. Identify the parking lot that was the most diverse. Based on your observations during the lab, explain why your prediction in question #1 of the pre-lab was supported or not supported. 2. List the single most abundant species in each set of data, and write a plausible explanation to explain why these are the most abundant species. 3. Which parking lot ecosystem demonstrates a higher degree of ecological stability? Explain. 4. If you conducted this lab in a shopping mall parking lot, predict whether the Shannon Diversity Index would be high or low, and how it would compare to the school parking lots. 5. What is the importance of species diversity? What if there was a “disease” that killed off all of the Silver/Grey, Black, and White Cars? What might happen to the rest of the population? ni = number of individuals of species "i" N = total number of individuals of all species pi = relative abundance of species "i" (see equation 1) S = total number of species H' = The Shannon Diversity Index (see equation 2) Table 1: Data collected for Color in the SENIOR parking lot. Species i ni pi ln(pi) pi (ln(pi)) EX: Black / N = Red/Maroon/Pink 1 Black 2 Silver/Grey 3 Champagne/Tan/Gold 4 White 5 Blue 6 Green/Teal 7 Yellow 8 Orange 9 Purple 10 Brown 11 TOTALS This column should add up to 1.0 N= ---------------- H’ = Table 2: Data collected for Color in the VISITOR/JUNIOR parking lots. Species Red/Maroon/Pink i 1 Black 2 Silver/Grey 3 Champagne/Tan/Gold 4 White 5 Blue 6 Green/Teal 7 Yellow 8 ni pi ln(pi) pi (ln(pi)) Orange 9 Purple 10 Brown 11 TOTALS This column should add up to 1.0 N= Name(s): ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ---------------- Period: ___________ National Center For Case Study Teaching In Science Case Study: The Galapagos Part I 1. What kinds of animals are endemic (p.92) to the islands? 2. How do species become endemic? 3. How do these islands figure into Darwin’s ideas on evolution? Part II 4. How old are the Galapagos Islands? 5. How did organisms get to the islands? 6. What surprising information did the Grant’s work turn up about the speed of evolution? 7. How can we measure evolution? 8. What is the difference between natural selection and evolution (p.83, 85-86)? 9. What is resource partitioning and how can it influence evolution (p.150)? H’= Date: _________ 10. If hybridization (p.86) occurs during good times, what does this suggest about the degree of genetic differences between species? 11. What are reproductive isolating mechanisms and how do they evolve (p.92)? 12. Make a flow chart of the Grant’s observations of the finch population. Note each environmental stimuli and the effect it had on the finches. Part III 13. Think about each of the following groups: sea cucumber fishermen, scientists, store owners, tourists, Sierra Club members, politicians. Write a statement (2-3 sentences) representing their position on the conflict. a. Sea Cucumber Fishermen: b. Scientists: c. Store Owners: d. Tourists: e. Sierra Club Members: f. Politicians: 14. After considering all the positions of those involved in the conflict, how should the Ecuadorian government deal with the conflict over the islands? (Try to work out a compromise that all involved could accept, and explain your reasoning) 15. If extinction is an natural phenomenon, why should we worry about whether a few species on some remote islands in the pacific survive or not? Name: _______________________________________ Period: ___________ Date: ______________ AP Environmental Science Ecosystem Column Lab Purpose of the Lab This lab will provide an opportunity to explore several types of ecosystems, the components of these ecosystems, the conditions required for sustainability for each, and the interconnections between the various ecosystem column-chambers. You will also be able to observe succession in action as the column changes over a period of 5-6 weeks. Set-Up of your EcoColumn Conduct steps 1-5 in class with your EcoColumn group members. 1. Identify what you are trying to discover through the creation of your EcoColumn. Look over the demonstration and assembly diagram to understand each chamber. 2. Decide what background sources of information you will need to use (which parts of the textbook or what other references) that will help you in better understanding the interactions in your column. 3. Write a hypothesis for each of the three habitats: aquatic, decomposition, and terrestrial. Write a hypothesis about the sustainability of the system as a whole. 4. Draw a diagram of our EcoColumn to include in your final lab report. Label each chamber and identify the biotic and abiotic factors present in each habitat. The Procedure 5. Set up the EcoColumn according to instructions provided and teacher instructions. Materials: Per Group of 5-6 students ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 5-7 two liter soda bottles – clear, labels removed, rinsed, need caps (each cap needs 3 holes drilled) Rocks for aquatic chamber (to “hold”plant) 1 plastic straw Clear packing tape – to secure column Soil Compost materials: grass clippings, banana peels, egg shells, vegetable matter, leaves, etc Grass seeds 1 aquatic plant (elodea works best, anacharis, hornwort, green hedge, ledwigia, etc) 1 beta fish Treated water Utility knife & scissors Observation and Data Collection Each week for 5-6 weeks you will make observations of your EcoColumn. Each observation should include: ● The date of your measurement ● The number of days your EcoColumn has been running ● Temperature ● Quantitative Observations: o Water Quality Measurements of Aquatic Chamber (dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrate, phosphate, temperature) ● Qualitative Observations o Turbidity, plant growth, decomposition rate, fish status, color, odor, etc o In addition to written observations, take pictures of your column each week to include in your final report (take a close picture of each chamber and a picture of the EcoColumn as a whole). ● Additional measurements / instructions as outlined by your instructor each week EcoColumn Assembly Guide Lab Write-Up Part of the scientific method involves disseminating what you have learned. You will do this in the form of a formal lab report following the guidelines provided by your instructor. Make sure to keep good records during the investigation so that you are not missing anything when it comes time to write. Final report must be typed and graphs must be hand made. 1. Observe and collect data, keeping comprehensive records of all work on the EcoColumn. 2. Do some background research on EcoColumns by finding websites that have information related to an EcoColumn like experiment. Use this information to help inform your lab report introduction and conclusion. Points to ponder during course of study & for report: ● Differences between the chambers ● Evidence of ecological succession taking place in your column ● Compare and contrast your lab group’s column with others in the course. ● Stability and sustainability of your ecosystem column ● Compare and contrast your simulated ecosystems with a natural ecosystems. ● What limiting factors exist? ● Food chains and food webs present ● Available niches ● Biogeochemical cycles in action ● Is this an open or closed system? Which applies to your ecosystem column? ● Have you observed the law of tolerance in action? 3. The Lab Report will include the following (Detailed Writing Instructions/Guidelines for Formal AP Lab Reports will be provided near the end of the study, but may be downloaded from my website at any time): a. A Researched Introduction (Explaining the overall purpose of conducting the experiment, specific learning goals, and other relevant information related to the tests performed and data collected) b. Four Hypotheses related to the stability or resilience of the EcoColumn (hypotheses for each chamber & overall system) c. Materials (List all materials used in EcoColumn construction AND any equipment used for specific tests/observations including brand names, indicator names, etc ) d. Procedures (Step-by-step instructions for constructing and filling EcoColumn including diagram of EcoColumn w/ biotic & abiotic factors in each habitat / Step-by-step instructions for performing observations and tests during each laboratory period) e. Data (typed data table of qualitative and quantitative data – include pictures of column each week, organized logically, labeled by week and in chronological order) f. Graphs (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, d.o. saturation, nitrate, phosphate – must be done by hand – Max = 2 graphs per page) g. Conclusion – a thoughtful, scientifically valid, and collaborative discussion of the results i. Discuss changes in quantitative data over the course of the study period (discuss graphical trends) and how these changes could be related to qualitative observations of the system. ii. Include discussion of how results supported or refuted hypotheses statements & why results may have differed from predictions. iii. Include error analysis (there are always sources of error) and discuss potential improvements to lab h. Discussion – a thoughtful, scientifically valid extension of the results i. Discuss three different ecological problems (local, regional, national or global) that your research in this lab would be applicable to in terms of providing basic research or useful scientific information. ii. Discuss two potential business or industrial applications you can think of where your research from the EcoColumn experiment could be applied. i. Bibliography i. MLA formatted bibliography. Sources should be listed in alphabetical order. ii. In text citation should be used to cite specific information within the body of the report. Ex: Nitrate tests are commonly used to assess water quality (Rabinowitz 2012). EcoColumn Lab - Quantitative Analysis (Measurements) Date Temperature pH D.O. N EcoColumn Lab - Qualitative Analysis (Observations) Date Terrestrial Chamber (Plant growth & other observations) Decomposition Chamber (Rate of Decay & other observations) Aquatic Chamber Turbidity Aquatic Chamber Plant/Fish Status Aquat Col EcoColumn Final Lab Report DUE THURSDAY, NOV. 14th A well-written scientific paper explains the scientist's motivation for doing an experiment, the experimental design and execution, and the meaning of the results. Scientific papers are written in a style that is exceedingly clear and concise. Their purpose is to inform an audience of other scientists about an important issue and to document the particular approach they used to investigate that issue. If you have read scientific papers, you will have noticed that a standard format is frequently used. This format allows a researcher to present information clearly and concisely. For this class, you should prepare your paper in the format outlined below by Mrs. R. Also refer to the tip sheet for writing scientifically; this sheet outlines the expectations for the style and quality of your final report. You final report MUST BE TYPED and GRAPHS must be done BY HAND. Each section of the report should have IN ORDER, the headings listed below: Introduction (must be researched & written in paragraph format – should contain in text citations) ● Explains overall purpose of performing the experiment ● Discusses specific learning goals of the experiment o details specific content areas from the course that were explored in the lab o explains how the lab helped us observe/learn about these concepts o explains purpose of performing specific observations/quantitative tests ● Other relevant information related to the experiment Hypotheses ● 4 hypotheses statements o One for each of the three habitats (terrestrial, decomposition, aquatic) o One for the sustainability of the system as a whole. Materials ● List all materials used in EcoColumn construction AND any equipment used for specific tests/observations (include brand name, indicator names, etc – check my website for Instruction Sheet from class) Procedures ● Step-by-step procedures for constructing & filling chambers of EcoColumn. o Include diagram of EcoColumn with biotic & abiotic factors detailed for each chamber. ● Step-by-step procedures for performing observations & tests during each laboratory period. Include specific instructions that should be followed each week. o A scientist wanting to replicate your experiment should be able to follow these instructions without asking you any questions. o Details of individual tests are unnecessary. Ex: Wide range nitrate test was performed as described in LaMotte instruction manual. (specific individual instructions for wide range nitrate test unnecessary). Data ● ● Type up both Quantitative and Qualitative Data Tables (blank tables can be downloaded from my website) Should include pictures taken over course of experiment organized logically, labeled by week, and in chronological order. Graphs ● Create a graph for each quantitative measurement. o Temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, D.O. saturation, nitrate, & phosphate ● Graphs must be done by hand & must fill at least ½ page of the graph paper (Max = 2 graphs per page) ● Refer to rules regarding graphing by hand provided earlier this year. Include all important graph components (title, etc) Conclusion (must be researched & written in paragraph format – should contain in text citations) ● Discuss changes in quantitative data over the course of the study period (discuss graphical trends) and how these changes could be related to qualitative observations of the system. ● Include discussion of how results supported or refuted hypotheses statements & why results may have differed from predictions. ● Include error analysis (there are always sources of error) and discuss potential improvements to lab Discussion (must be researched & written in paragraph format – should contain in text citations) ● Discuss three different ecological problems (local, regional, national, or global) that your research in this lab would be applicable to in terms of providing basic research or useful scientific information. ● Discuss two potential business or industrial applications you can think of where your research from the EcoColumn experiment could be applied. Bibliography ● Use to complete MLA formatted bibliography. Sources should be listed in alphabetical order. ● In text citation should be used to cite specific information within the body of the report. o Ex: Nitrate tests are commonly used to assess water quality (Rabinowitz 2012). A Guide to Writing in the Biological Sciences Practical Tips for Scientific Writing General Information Below you will find a list of some common mistakes found in scientific student writing. The list has been compiled from professors' and lab instructors' comments and V.E. McMillan's Writing Papers in the Biological Sciences (a highly recommended resource for scientific writing). Please do not think that good English is not critical in science writing. In fact, scientists try to be so concise that their English should be better than that of workers in other disciplines! PROOFREAD!!! You should check your paper to catch and correct common errors. Your word processor's spell-check and/or grammar-check function is not error-free. It cannot tell you that a particular sentence does not make sense. You should review your writing to make sure that each sentence presents one or two clear ideas. This will also help you organize sentences within paragraphs in a logical order. Give yourself enough time to proofread and correct your paper. ***Personal Pronouns should NOT be used in scientific writing (ex: I, me, mine, my, we, us, our, etc). Alternate phrasing should be used in place of using personal pronouns. Examples… Examples using "I": Alternative wordings: I sent the questionnaire to 100 respondents. The questionnaire was sent to 100 recipients. I tested this by estimating the elapsed time. The elapsed time was measured to estimate this. I found that the first procedure did not work. The first procedure did not work, because ... By using such wordings, you are putting the research and its results, not yourself, in focus. Tenses When describing methods and results, you should use the past tense. The present tense is appropriate for accepted facts, such as the background information presented in the Introduction. In addition, you may use the present tense when you discuss your results and conclusions. Contractions In formal writing, you should never use contractions (didn't, can't, haven't...). Abbreviations You should avoid abbreviations by writing out the full word (minimum, first, temperature, with...). Exceptions include common biological terms like ATP and DNA, units of measure (°C, ppm, pH, ml), and mathematical or chemical formulas. Sentences should never begin with an abbreviation or an acronym. Chemical elements & compounds are not proper nouns, so do not capitalize them. Only the chemical symbol / chemical formula is a capital letter: nitrate (NO3-), phosphate (PO43-), oxygen (O2). Data The word "data" is plural, as in "the data were collected on January 21, 2001." Direct quotes should be avoided, unless you are presenting another author's specific definition or original label. You can usually paraphrase the writing effectively and more concisely, taking care to properly attribute the sources of your statements using in text citation. Fluff It is obvious when students do not understand what they are writing about, and their grades suffer as a result. Read and reread your references. Consult a textbook or another reference to help you resolve any aspects of the paper you do not understand before you start writing. Slang Do not use slang. Try to use precise, scientific terms where possible (without unnecessary jargon) and avoid colloquialisms and figures of speech: "somewhat" rather than "sort of," "many" or "a great deal" instead of "a lot." Units All units of measure must be metric or SI (International System). Group Members: __________________________________________ EcoColumn Lab Report Rubric Score [10 points max] Content Areas Introduction (paragraph format) ● ● Explains overall purpose of performing the experiment Discusses specific learning goals of the experiment o details specific content areas from the course that were explored in the lab o explains how the lab helped us observe/learn about these concepts o explains purpose of performing specific observations/quantitative tests Hypotheses ● 4 hypotheses statements o One for each of the three habitats (terrestrial, decomposition, aquatic) o One for the sustainability of the system as a whole. Materials ● ● List all materials used in EcoColumn construction List any equipment used for specific tests/observations (include brand name, indicator names, etc ) Procedures ● ● Step-by-step procedures for constructing & filling chambers of EcoColumn. o Include diagram of EcoColumn with biotic & abiotic factors detailed for each chamber. Step-by-step procedures for performing observations & tests during each laboratory period. Include specific instructions that should be followed each week. Data ● ● Type up both Quantitative and Qualitative Data Tables Include pictures taken over course of experiment organized logically, labeled by week, and in chronological order. Graphs ● ● ● Create a graph for each quantitative measurement. o Temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, D.O. saturation, nitrate, & phosphate Graphs must be done by hand & must fill at least ½ page of the graph paper (Max = 2 graphs per page) Include all important graph components (descriptive titles, label axes, even increments on axes, accurately plotted, line graphs, neat product, etc) Conclusion (paragraph format) ● ● ● Discuss changes in quantitative data over the course of the study period (discuss graphical trends) and how these changes could be related to qualitative observations of the system. Include discussion of how results supported or refuted hypotheses statements & why results may have differed from predictions. Include error analysis (there are always sources of error) and discuss potential improvements to lab Discussion (paragraph format) ● ● Discuss three different ecological problems (local, regional, national or global) that your research in this lab would be applicable to in terms of providing basic research or useful scientific information. Discuss two potential business or industrial applications you can think of where your research from the EcoColumn experiment could be applied. Bibliography ● ● Use to complete MLA formatted bibliography. Sources should be listed in alphabetical order. In text citation should be used to cite specific information within the body of the report. Mechanics/Spelling/Grammar ● ● ● ● ● Report labeled with proper headings and assembled in order / everything typed except graphs No spelling/grammatical errors No use of personal pronouns No use of contractions / abbreviations / direct quotes / slang Writing is concise and scientific / avoids excess “fluff” / units in metric or SI TOTAL Climatogram Activity Data: T = temperature in degrees Celsius ; P = precipitation (as rain or snow) in centimeters TABLE 1: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC T -25.2 -27.6 -26.1 -19.0 -7.0 1.1 4 3.2 -0.8 -10.2 -18.7 -24.0 P .45 .38 .36 .44 .37 .82 2.2 2.5 1.6 1.2 .62 .41 TABLE 2: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC T 10.9 15.1 19.2 23.8 29.3 34.7 38.2 37.1 32.2 24.8 16.6 10.4 P .82 1.23 .87 .37 .21 .10 .32 .28 .42 .28 .56 .43 TABLE 3: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC T 20.0 20.1 20.6 21.3 22.1 23.0 23.2 23.6 23.7 23.3 22.2 20.9 P 50 45 48 94 72 54 59 55 54 51 64 67 TABLE 4: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC T 3.5 4.6 8.9 14.4 19.2 23.4 25.0 24.4 21.1 14.7 9.0 4.4 P 8.5 8.4 9.5 7.9 9.1 9.6 11.7 10.8 9.3 7.6 6.8 8.4 TABLE 5: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC T -19.3 -8.2 -4.2 1.8 8.0 12.2 14.6 13.5 9.1 .7 -6.8 -9.5 P 2.7 2.2 1.9 1.3 1.7 2.8 5.1 6.7 6.7 4.3 3.0 3.1 TABLE 6: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC T -6.1 -3.6 2.9 9.2 14.9 20.3 22.9 22.1 18.0 11.6 4.4 -3.0 P 3.9 3.5 6.8 9.2 8.4 9.6 9.3 10.7 9.7 6.1 7.4 6.3 Climatogram Activity 1. What biome does this Climatogram represent? 2. Explain the reasoning you used to identify this biome. 3. Describe two adaptations plants have to help them survive conditions in this biome. 4. Describe two adaptations animals have to help them survive in this biome. Identify each adaptation as structural, physiological, or behavioral. National Center For Case Study Teaching In Science The Fish Kill Mystery Names: ________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 1. Why are estuaries, such as the Pamlico Estuary, so important? (Discuss both ecological and economic services estuaries provide – see pages 129 & 136 in text for ideas). 2. What sampling techniques could scientists use to determine where the nutrient influx is coming from? You may include a diagram to help explain the procedure. Could the source be proven? 3. High levels of nutrients moving into the estuary have been linked to Pfiesteria outbreaks. List several possible terrestrial sources that are possible contributors to the increased nutrient inputs. (Also see p.499 in text for ideas) 4. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has regulations to manage water pollution summarized below (a-c)… a. b. c. The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface waters. Under the CWA, EPA has implemented pollution control programs such as setting wastewater standards for industry. We have also set water quality standards for all contaminants in surface waters. The CWA made it unlawful to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters, unless a permit was obtained. EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program controls discharges. Point sources are discrete conveyances such as pipes or man-made ditches. Individual homes that are connected to a municipal system, use a septic system, or do not have a surface discharge do not need an NPDES permit; however, industrial, municipal, and other facilities must obtain permits if their discharges go directly to surface waters. Given that nutrient influx can be considered a form of pollution; do you think additional regulation is needed? How could this agency regulate all nutrient influx (e.g. suburban runoff)? ‘ 5. Summarize the two different groups of thought on the life cycle of Pfiesteria. Given that these outbreaks occur regularly, yet there is an active controversy in the scientific community on the Pfiesteria life stages, should public policy decisions regarding control of this organism be made? What consequences could result from delaying action, or acting before all the “facts” are known? 6. If human health was not threatened, but commercially valuable fish species were harmed, should we actively try to control Pfiesteria? Justify your answer. If the fish species harmed were not commercially significant, should we actively try to control Pfiesteria? Justify your answer. Department of Health and Human Services – North Carolina Public Health / CDC Pfiesteria What is Pfiesteria, and where is it found? Pfiesteria (fee-STEER-ee-uh) is a microscopic aquatic organism that might produce chemicals called toxins that injure or kill fish. However, these toxins have never been definitively identified. During the 1990s, Pfiesteria was blamed for fish kills on the Eastern coast from Delaware to North Carolina. It was reported to be a problem in the warmer months, usually between April and October, and only in areas where salt waters and fresh waters mix, such as estuaries, sounds, and rivers near the coast. Pfiesteria has never been known to be a problem in inland streams, rivers or lakes, or in open ocean waters. Pfiesteria has not been reported as a cause of fish kills in North Carolina in recent years, although it is still present. Moreover, the results of a number of scientific studies performed during the past decade cast doubt on whether it has ever been a primary cause of fish kills in natural settings, here or elsewhere. Does Pfiesteria affect people? It has been theorized that, if and when Pfiesteria produces toxins, the toxins may mix with the water and possibly the air, and people may then be at risk if the toxins are absorbed through their skin or inhaled. During the 1990s, some researchers reported that exposure to Pfiesteria caused headaches, dizziness, a burning sensation on the skin or eyes, skin lesions or sores, nausea, intestinal distress, and short-term memory loss in some people. However, such human health effects have not been substantiated by other researchers. In addition, other possible causes were not adequately excluded as the cause of the observed symptoms in the situations in which Pfiesteria was blamed for human illness. There is no evidence that people have gotten ill from eating fish or shellfish exposed to Pfiesteria. Population Labs & Activities Name:_____________________________________ Period: ____________ The Lesson of the Kaibab Introduction: The environment may be altered by forces within the biotic community, as well as by relationships between organisms and the physical environment. The carrying capacity of an ecosystem is the maximum number of organisms that an area can support on a sustained basis. The density of a population may produce such profound changes in the environment that the environment becomes unsuitable for the survival of that species. For instance, overgrazing of land may make the land unable to support the grazing of animals that lived there. Objectives: ● ● ● Graph data on the Kaibab deer population of Arizona from 1905 to 1939 Determine factors responsible for the changing populations Determine the carrying capacity of the Kaibab Plateau Background Before 1905, the deer on the Kaibab Plateau were estimated to number about 4000. The average carrying capacity of the range was then estimated to be about 30,000 deer. On November 28th, 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt created the Grand Canyon National Game Preserve to protect the "finest deer herd in America." Unfortunately, by this time the Kaibab forest area had already been overgrazed by sheep, cattle, and horses. Most of the tall grasses had been eliminated. The first step to protect the deer was to ban all hunting. In addition, in 1907, The Forest Service tried to exterminate the predators of the deer. Between 1907 and 1939, 816 mountain lions, 20 wolves, 7388 coyotes and more than 500 bobcats were killed. Signs that the deer population was out of control began to appear as early as 1920 - the range was beginning to deteriorate rapidly. The Forest Service reduced the number of livestock grazing permits. By 1923, the deer were reported to be on the verge of starvation and the range conditions were described as "deplorable." The Kaibab Deer Investigating Committee recommended that all livestock not owned by local residents be removed immediately from the range and that the number of deer be cut in half as quickly as possible. Hunting was reopened, and during the fall of 1924, 675 deer were killed by hunters. However, these deer represented only one-tenth the number of deer that had been born that spring. Over the next two winters, it is estimated that 60,000 deer starved to death. Today, the Arizona Game Commission carefully manages the Kaibab area with regulations geared to specific local needs. Hunting permits are issued to keep the deer in balance with their range. Predators are protected to help keep herds in balance with food supplies. Tragic winter losses can be checked by keeping the number of deer near the carrying capacity of the range. DATA TABLE Year Deer Population 1905 4,000 1910 9,000 1915 25,000 1920 65,000 1924 100,000 1925 60,000 1926 40,000 1927 37,000 1928 35,000 1929 30,000 1930 25,000 1931 20,000 1935 18,000 1939 10,000 DATA - Graph the deer population data. Place time on the X axis and "number of deer" on the Y axis. Don’t forget a title! Analysis 1. During 1906 and 1907, what two methods did the Forest Service use to protect the Kaibab deer? 2. Were these methods successful? Use the data from your graph to support your answer. 3. Why do you suppose the population of deer declined in 1925, although the elimination of predators occurred? 4. Why do you think the deer population size in 1900 was 4,000 when it is estimated that the plateau has a carrying capacity of 30,000? 5. Based on these lessons, suggest what YOU would have done in the following years to manage deer herds. 1915: 1926: 6. It is a criticism of many population ecologists that the pattern of population increase and subsequent crash of the deer population would have occurred even if the bounty had not been placed on the predators. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Explain your reasoning. 7. What future management plans would you suggest for the Kaibab deer herd? Name: _______________________________ Period: _______ Date: ________ Mark-Recapture Population Lab Scientists can determine the number of animals in a large population by using a sampling technique. Here is how it works. They trap and mark a few animals in a specified area. The animals are released and the traps are reset. Among the animals caught this second time, some are marked and some are unmarked. Scientists then calculate the total population for their specified area based on the ratio of marked animals to unmarked animals. In this activity, a bag represents the area of land where the population study is being conducted. Beans will represent the animals. All the beans in the bag represent the total animal population being studied. Objectives: ● ● ● Model the procedure used to measure an animal population. Collect data on a modeled animal population. Calculate the size of a modeled animal population. Materials: Paper bag containing beans / sharpie marker / calculator Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Reach into your bag and remove 20 beans. Use a dark marker to make a color mark on these beans. These will represent your caught and marked animals. When the ink has dried, return the beans to the bag. Shake the bag. Without looking into the bag, reach in and remove 30 beans. Record the number of marked beans (recaught and marked) and the number of unmarked beans (caught and unmarked) in your data table as trial 1. Return all the beans to the bag. Repeat steps 4-6 four more times for trials 2-5. Calculate the averages for each of the columns. Data Table Trial 1 30 2 30 3 30 4 30 5 30 6 30 7 30 8 30 9 30 10 30 Averages 9. Total Caught Number Caught With Marks Number Caught Without Marks (CwM) (Cw/oM) 30 Using the average values, calculate the original size of the bean population in the bag using the following formula: o M = number initially marked o CwM = average number caught during the trials with marks o Cw/oM = average number caught during the trials without marks Calculated Population Size 10. 11. 12. = M x (CwM + Cw/oM) CwM Record the calculated population size in the data table below. To verify the actual population size, count the total number of beans in the bag and record this number in the data table below. Separate out all beans that have been marked and put them in the container on the front counter. Replace the marked beans with new unmarked beans. Data Table Population Size Calculated Population Size Actual Population Size Analysis 1. Compare the calculated population size to the actual population size. Explain why they may not agree exactly. 2. What changes to the procedure could improve the accuracy of this activity? 3. Explain why this technique is used more often with animals than with plants when calculating population size. 4. Plant populations are often measured using a technique called Quadrant Sampling. Research this method and explain how it is used to estimate plant populations. You may want to draw a diagram to help in your explanation. 5. Assume you are a field biologist working for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. They want you to estimate the population of chipmunks in Roswell. Below, explain IN DETAIL the step by step procedure you would use to determine the chipmunk population. Include a data table that could be used to collect the data. You may attach an additional piece of paper if necessary. Population Formulae Population density Population density = # of people area Birth rate (BR) / Death Rate (DR) - (birth rate & death rate are expressed as a percent) BR = # of births X 100 pop.size DR = # of deaths X 100 pop.size Crude Birth Rate (CBR) - (CBR is expressed as a number/1000) CBR = _# of births_ 1000 people -or- CBR = BR x 10 (Ex: 35 births 1000 = 3.5 births 100 = 3.5% birth rate) = 7.3% birth rate) Crude Death Rate (CDR) - (CDR is expressed as a number/1000) CDR = # of deaths 1000 people -or- CDR = DR x 10 (Ex: 73 births 1000 = 7.3 births 100 Net Growth Rate (r) - (expressed as a %) → NOTE: THESE FORMULAS DON’T FIGURE IN IMMIGRATION/EMIGRATION RATES r = CBR – CDR 10 Example r = 22-12 = 1% 10 -or- r = BR – DR -or- r = 2.2% - 1.2% = 1% r = # births - # deaths x 100 total beginning population r = 4400 – 2400 x 100 = 1% 200000 Annual Net Growth Rate (r) - (annual growth rate is expressed as a percent, may be positive or negative) → NOTE: THESE FORMULAS DO FIGURE IN IMMIGRATION/EMIGRATION RATES r = New population size – Original population size X 100 Original population size -or- r =(CBR + IR) – (CDR + ER) 10 *IR = immigration rate *ER = emigration rate Rule of 70: Doubling Time (in years) = __70__ r (% form) -or- Doubling Time (in years) = __0.7__ r (decimal form) Population Size Population Size = Pop0 + (b + i) – (d + e) Pop0 = population at time zero (start) b = # of births i = # of immigrants Population Change = (b + i) – (d + e) d = # of deaths e =# of emigrants Population Practice Problems Given the following information, answer the following questions: Fremont is an island of 5000 square miles off the coast of Jabooty. There are currently 250.000 inhabitants on the island. Last year, there were 12,000 new children born and 10,000 people were recorded as deceased. 1. What is the current population density and what do you expect will happen to density as time goes on? 2. What was the beginning population of the island last year? 3. What were the birth and death rates? 4. What stage in the demographic transition model do the birth and death rates suggest for this society? Refer to your notes/text for reference. 5. What is the population growth rate (r)? 6. Assuming the population growth rate remains stable, in what year will the population of Fremont double? Population Practice Problems Directions: Calculate the population sizes in the following problems. Show ALL your work!!! 1. In 1950, the population of a small suburb in Los Angeles, CA was 20,000. The crude birth rate was measured at 25 per 1000 population per year, while the crude death rate was measured at 7 per 1000 population per year. Immigration was measured at 600 per year while emigration was measured at 200 per year. Calculate the population size in 1951. 2. In 2005, the population of a small island was 55,000. The crude birth rate was measured at 50 per 1000 population per year; the crude death rate was measured at 15 per 1000 population per year. Immigration was measured at 175 per year while emigration was measured at 60 per year. How many people would inhabit the island after one year? 3. A city in 2002 had a population of 76,000. The crude birth rate was 60 per 1000 population per year and the death rate was 20 per 1000 population per year. Immigration was found to equal 1500 per year and emigration equaled 100 per year. a. Calculate the city’s population in 2003. b. Calculate the net growth rate for this population (ignoring immigration & emigration) c. Calculate how long it would take the city’s population to double at this rate. d. Calculate the annual growth rate, factoring in immigration and emigration. e. Calculate how long it would take the city’s population to double at this rate. Extra Population Practice Problems (from Dan Hyke & C. Schneider, Oct 2004) 1. One thousand two hundred and seventy deer are living on an island that is eight hundred and thirty square kilometers in size. What is the population density of the deer per square kilometer? 2. A city with 53,340 people has 876 births. What is the birth rate (as a percentage and per thousand)? 3. Another city experiences 12 deaths for each thousand people. What is the death rate (as a percentage and per thousand)? 4. A village of 23,473 people has 2,342 births and 473 deaths. What is the growth rate for this village? 5. A small country of 744,785 people has 44,678 immigrants and 12,567 emigrants. They also experience 15,898 deaths and 35,665 births. What is the growth rate of this small country? 6. How many years will it take for this country to double its population? 7. If a country were doubling its population every 35 years, what would its growth rate be? 8. At the end of 2002, there were 1,284.53 million people living in China. China is the third largest country in the world with an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. What is the population density of China? 9. China has 130.04 million hectares of land under cultivation. What is the average amount of cultivated land in sq km that supports each person? (100 hectares = 1 sq km = 247 acres) 10. At the end of 2002, there were 502 million urban residents. What percent of the total population were living in cities? 11. At the end of 2002, there were 661.15 million males in China. What percentage of the total population were males? 12. 22.4% of China’s total population was in the age group of zero to age 14. How many children is that? If the average number of students in each elementary school is 500, how many elementary schools are needed in China? (assume that every child, age zero to 14 attends) 13. In 2002, 16.47 million babies were born in China. What was the birth rate (as a percentage and per 1000)? 14. In 2002, 8.21 million people died in China. What was the death rate (as a percentage and per 1000)? 15. What was the total overall growth rate of China’s population in 2002? 16. Using the rate from the previous question, how many years will it take for China’s population to double? 17. In 2002 about 1.1 million cars were sold in China. In 2003 a little more than 2 million cars were sold. What was the percent increase in car sales? 18. Most people living in urban China use bicycles for transportation. Only three per 1000 actually own a car. How many people own cars in China? 19. Oddly, while China has relatively few cars on the highways compared to the size of its population, they have the highest number of traffic fatalities in the world: more than 100,000 per year. What is the per capita death rate in China for car fatalities? 20. In 2000, there were 30,750,087 people living in Canada which has a total area of 9,984,670 km 2. What was the population density of Canada? 21. In reality, there are a lot of fresh water lakes in Canada, about 891,163 km 2 of lakes. What was the population density of terrestrial Canada in 2000? 22. In 1999 with a beginning population of 30,491,000 people, there were 335,500 births in Canada. What was the birth rate, expressed as per 1000? 23. In Canada during the same year there were 225,500 deaths, 205,711 immigrants and 41,142 emigrants. What was the growth rate for Canada, expressed as a percentage? 24. How many years will it take for Canada’s population to double? 25. The population density of California is about 82 people per km 2. How much more densely populated is California than Canada (total area)? 26. In 1997, the population of Hawaii was 1,115,274 on a total surface area of 6,423 square miles. What was the population density of Hawaii? 27. If the population growth rate of Hawaii is 1.5%, then how many people will be living there in 3 years? 28. Which of these countries will have the largest population in 100 years? Assume that the population growth rate will remain the same. A. Madagascar with 15.2 million people at 3.2% growth rate B. Columbia with 38.0 million at 2.1% growth rate C. Sudan with 28.9 million people and 3.0% growth rate D. France with 58.4 million and 0.3% growth rate E. Cote d’Ivoire with 14.7 million people and 3.5% growth rate 29. List 3 reasons why the government of the Sudan would want to know the population doubling time? 30. List one reason why the government of France would want to know the population doubling time? Population: Age Structure Sustaining Biodiversity and Land Use Labs & Activities Complexity in Conservation Part I. – Read the following article from the Galveston Daily News. Birder Admits Killing Cat, but Was It Animal Cruelty? Chad Greene/Galveston Daily News A day after the 2006 shooting of a cat that lived under the San Luis Pass toll bridge in Galveston, Tex., another cat could be seen. By KATE MURPHY Published: November 14, 2007 GALVESTON, Tex., Nov. 13 — Jurors heard opening arguments on Tuesday in the trial of a bird-watching enthusiast who fatally shot a cat that he said was stalking endangered shorebirds. Galveston Police Department James M. Stevenson says he was protecting piping plovers. The defendant, James M. Stevenson, is the founder of the Galveston Ornithological Society and leads bird-watching tours on this Gulf Coast island 60 miles southeast of Houston. If convicted on animal cruelty charges in the shooting last November, he faces up to two years in jail and a $10,000 fine. Mr. Stevenson, 54, does not deny using a .22-caliber rifle fitted with a scope to kill the cat, which lived under the San Luis Pass toll bridge, linking Galveston to the mainland. He also admits killing many other cats on his own property, where he operates a bed and breakfast for some of the estimated 500,000 birders who come to the island every year. In her opening statement, Paige L. Santell, a Galveston County assistant district attorney, told the jury of eight women and four men that Mr. Stevenson “shot that animal in cold blood” and that the cat died a slow and painful death “gurgling on its own blood.” She said that the cat had a name, Mama Cat, and that though the cat lived under a toll bridge, she was fed and cared for by a toll collector, John Newland. He is expected to testify. Whether the cat was feral is the crucial point in this case. Mr. Stevenson was indicted under a state law that prohibited killing a cat “belonging to another.” Prompted by this case, the law was changed on Sept. 1 to include all cats, regardless of ownership. Ms. Santell argued that because Mr. Newland had named, fed and given the cat bedding and toys, the cat belonged to him and was not feral. Mr. Stevenson’s lawyer, Tad Nelson, admitted in his opening statement that his client went to the San Luis Pass toll bridge with “an intent to kill.” but that he had planned to kill a wild animal that was preying on endangered piping plovers. “This man has dedicated his whole life to birds,” Mr. Nelson said, pointing at Mr. Stevenson. The case has prompted emotional commentary on the Internet. Cat enthusiast blogs have called Mr. Stevenson a “murderous fascist” and a “diabolical monster.” Birding blogs have defended his right to dispense with a “terrible menace” and have set up funds to help pay for his defense. In an interview in a courthouse elevator during a break in the trial, Mr. Stevenson said heatedly that cat fanciers who have condemned him and sent him hateful correspondence “think birds are nothing but sticks.” “This is about wild species disappearing from your planet,” he said, adding, “I did what I had to do.” Testimony followed from police officers and the veterinarian who performed the autopsy on Mama Cat, a white and gray tabby mix. The jurors were shown several photographs of the bloodied cat, reminiscent of an episode of “CSI: Miami.” Pictures of the crime scene showed trays of cat food, blankets and cat toys hanging from strings under the bridge. The .22-caliber rifle Mr. Stevenson used to kill the cat along with his magazine full of Remington hollow-point bullets were also on display. The prosecution and defense wrangled repeatedly about whether witnesses could accurately assess the cat’s state of mind. “He’s not qualified to know what the cat was feeling,” said Mr. Nelson, when a police officer, John P. Bertolino Sr., testified that the cat was in terrible pain when he arrived at the crime scene. The cat died en route to a Humane Society facility. The trial, which is expected to take a week, had few spectators save a handful of bird lovers and cat lovers who sat on opposite sides of the courtroom. One side nodded emphatically at Ms. Santell’s arguments, and the other nodded whenever Mr. Nelson objected. “How people feel about the trial depends on who you talk to,” said Victor Lang, a local historian, adding that bird-watchers and cat fanciers obviously had the strongest views. Though others may argue passionately about whether Mr. Stevenson should be punished, Mr. Lang said he did not have strong feelings about the case. “But you see, I’m a dog person,” he said. “If he had shot a dog, then I’d be more upset.” Part II. – Review the additional information for relevant facts related to the case; then complete the In-Class Assignment. Details from the Trial: Stevenson is accused of using a .22-caliber rifle to kill a cat cared for by toll booth employee John Newland on Nov. 8, 2006. The prosecution tried Stevenson under the state's animal cruelty law in effect at the time of the shooting, which did not protect feral cats. To convict Stevenson, Santell had to show that the cat legally had become Newland's property by virtue of his giving it care and food. The prosecution also had to show that Stevenson knew, or should have known, that Newland was caring for the cat. In two days of testimony, the prosecution painted Stevenson as unconcerned about the cat's suffering or whether it was cared for by Newland. The defense portrayed Stevenson as an animal lover, the victim of overzealous prosecutors and unaware that Newland was caring for the cat. Evidence showed Newland placed bedding, food and toys under the San Luis Pass Bridge for numerous stray cats, including the cat killed by Stevenson. Nelson argued that the food could not be seen from where Stevenson fired the shot. The bullet severed the cat's spine, according to testimony, and the cat died while being transported for veterinary care by a police officer, who said the cat appeared to be suffering. Newland heard the shot and called police, then chased Stevenson's van, at one point slamming into the rear of his vehicle, the officer said. Information on Piping Plovers The piping plover’s population decline has been caused by many factors, most of which alter their habitat (e.g., beach development, rising ocean levels, harassment). United State Fish and Wildlife Service and the IUCN Red List provide detailed information and references about the biology, ecology, and conservation status of the piping plover: ● 3 sub-populations in the U.S.: Great Lakes, Central Plains and Atlantic/Gulf Coast ● ~3300 pairs in Atlantic population; increasing ● Breed in summer in North; overwinter in South, NC to TX ● Nests and feeds in sandy shores of ocean and lakes ● Legal protection of the piping plover was first established by the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act in 1918. This law allowed the species to recover from significant declines due to hunting it for feathers to be used in the fashion industry ● Protected under the U.S. Endangered Species Act in 1986; designated as threatened ● IUCN Red List: near threatened ● Continued management is needed to ensure conservation ● $3 million annually is spent for Atlantic population (e.g., placing fences around nests) ● Threats include beach development, human disturbance & pets Information on Piping Plovers and Feral Cats A study in Michigan found that outdoor pet cats kill 16,000 to 47,000 birds annually. In the United States, there is a population of about 60 to 100 million feral cats. In-Class Assignment – for 10-15 minutes, in small groups (5-7 students) pretend that you are jurors in this trial. Discuss and debate the facts of the case presented in the article. Keep in mind the knowledge you have as an AP Environmental Science student about the importance of biodiversity, impacts of invasive species, protecting endangered species, etc…, but also express your personal views. Feel free to advocate and defend your views and to convince others to agree with you. At the end of your discussion time, each group must vote to either acquit or convict the defendant. A unanimous vote is required for conviction; disagreement among jurors results in a mistrial. Juries will record their verdicts on the board for the class to see. Part III. – Complete the following assignment. Assignment to be Turned In After reading the newspaper story about the cat killer and discussing the case in small groups, you will write three paragraphs. In the first paragraph, defend Mr. Stevenson’s killing of the cat. In the second, argue against Mr. Stevenson’s killing of the cat. In the third paragraph, state whether you would convict or acquit Mr. Stevenson and explain the reasoning for YOUR PERSONAL decision. Compare your verdict to the verdict of your group. Did you agree? Why or why not? Discuss whether it is ethically acceptable to kill one animal to save another. Final Discussion An additional level of complexity in conservation arises from relationships among sociocultural and ecological systems. For example, human opinions and decisions about managing their cats (which are determined by many factors) can impact bird populations even if people are unaware of this relationship. A study in Michigan found that outdoor pet cats kill 16,000 to 47,000 birds annually. An emotional response by humans (i.e., concern for the well-being of feral cats) contributed to a perhaps unintended ecological consequence (i.e., predation on threatened birds). Given that some people will care more about cats than birds, even threatened ones (and vice-versa), the conservation of birds can become more complicated by sociocultural variables that do not directly relate to strict scientific questions (e.g., how much habitat a species requires to persist). In the case of the cat killer and piping plover, Mr. Stevenson weighed the trade-off between the lives of the plovers and the cats; he decided that the benefit of killing the cats outweighed the risk of losing individuals of a threatened species. Others, including the person feeding the feral cats and members of the jury, weighed the trade-off and concluded that the cat’s life was more valuable; thus, they indirectly (or intentionally) traded the plovers’ lives for the cats’. Ultimately, the case provides a valuable lesson about how to think about and discuss the complexities that arise from conservation practice in a world with humans that hold diverse values and opinions. Name: ___________________________________________ Period: ____________ TIMBER! With continued population growth, renewable resources, such as trees, are often used faster than they can be replaced. Minutes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # of trees at start of minute 120 # of new trees # of trees cut +4 -1 # of trees at end of minute 123 Objectives: Students will be able to: ✓ Record and calculate the supply and demand of a natural resource. ✓ Graph the supply and demand for trees based on their calculations. ✓ Explain the effect on a natural resource when demand exceeds supply. ✓ Contrast arithmetic growth with geometric growth. Skills: Calculating, graphing, working in cooperative groups, interpreting data Method: In groups, students role-play a forest management simulation and calculate the supply and demand for trees in a hypothetical forest. They record and graph their results. Materials: For each group of four students you will need: ➢ 120 toothpicks in a container ➢ 32 toothpicks in a rubber band ➢ Stopwatch or clock with a second hand ➢ Graph paper Introduction: People rely on wood from trees to heat their homes, cook their food, and provide building materials and paper for homes, schools and businesses. The more people there are, the greater the demand for wood. While it takes only seconds to cut down a tree, it takes years to grow a new one. We also depend upon forests to regulate climate, clean air and water, conserve precious soil, and provide homes for many birds and animals. In almost every part of the world, trees are being cut down at a faster rate than they are being replaced. The following simulation illustrates what happens to a given forest when the demand for tree products outstrips the supply. Procedure: 1. Divide the class into groups of four students. For each group, assign the following roles: lumberjack, forest, forest manager, and timer. 2. Give 120 toothpicks in a cup to each student representing the forest. These sticks represent the supply of trees available to the lumberjack for cutting. 3. Give 32 toothpicks to the students representing the forest managers. These sticks represent trees that will grow during the game. 4. The lumberjack records the transfer of trees each minute on a chart like the one illustrated. ➢ Begin the game when the timer gives the signal. After 15 seconds, the timer tells the forest manager to give the forest one tree. Every 15 seconds for the rest of the game, the forest manager adds another tree to the forest. In doing so, the forest manager simulates the average rate at which trees grow to maturity and become timber reserves in the real world. ➢ Stop at the end of the first minute of the game and let the lumberjack remove one tree from the forest. The tree represents the amount of wood the world needs for heating, cooking and building materials at its present population. ➢ Continue the game. At the end of each succeeding minute, the world’s demand for wood doubles as a result of a growing population. At the end of the second minute, the lumberjack cuts two trees from the forest; at the end of the third minute, the lumberjack cuts four trees from the forest, at the end of the fourth minute, the lumberjack cuts eight trees from the forest, then 16, 32, 64, 128, and so on. ➢ End the game when the wood reserves in the forest can no longer meet the demands of the lumberjack.. 5. Sort the “trees” back into their original containers when done with data collection Discussion Questions & Follow up activities 1. List 3 reasons why forests are ecologically important. 2. List 3 reasons why forests are commercially (economically) important. 3. What could be done to prevent the demise of the forest in this scenario? List and describe two potential ideas. 4. What are practical ways you can think of in terms conserving paper at home or on campus that would decrease utilization of paper goods and help conserve forest resources? (provide at least 4 examples) 5. Fuel wood is particularly important in many developing countries, which leads to deforestation and overuse of many species trees. Brainstorm two ideas that could help to reduce fuel wood demand, and explain how your ideas would contribute to sustainability of forest resources. 6. Graph the decline of the forest AND the growth of the demand, plotting points on a line graph. This can be done manually with graph paper or electronically with a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel. You will need to graph number of trees over time, and you want two lines on the same grid (one for tree supply and one for tree demand). 7. According to the graph you made, at what time do supply and demand become equal? 8. According to the graph you made, what was tree supply and demand like at 5 minutes? 9. On the same graph, plot the population growth of the tree population over time assuming no harvesting of trees by lumberjacks occurred (color or highlight this line in red). What would the tree population have been at 7 minutes assuming no tree cutting? 10. 10. Assume you were the owner of the land on which the tree harvesting scenario took place. Halfway through harvesting your tree “crop” you realize that demand is outpacing supply. List and describe one way you might enhance supply and one way to decrease demand so that you can ensure yourself a steady, sustainable profit from your trees into the future. Pollution Labs & Activities Name: __________________________________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _______________ National Center For Case Study Teaching In Science The Wealth of Water: The Value of an Essential Resource Part I: Spring Break 1. The people of Cochabamba were protesting the privatization of their water system because they felt that water is a basic human right. Do you agree with this belief or do you think water is a commodity that can be bought and sold? Why do you feel this way? Keep in mind that even if it is a human right, there are costs associated with obtaining, purifying, and distributing water. Who do you think should pay for these costs and where should the money come from? 2. The consequence of water privatization in Cochabamba grabbed the world’s attention, and the views on the issue are diverse. In light of the statements provided on page 3 of the case study, how should developing countries deal with the problems associated with a lack of clean, fresh water? 3. Bechtel is a multinational corporation and, like all corporations, the main goal is profit. Do you think Bechtel should profit from the management of a water system? If so, what restrictions, if any, should be imposed on the corporation? If not, what should their incentive be for managing the resource? 4. Do you think Cochabamba’s conflict is foreshadowing the future with more wars being fought over water? Identify one other real world example of a place where access to water is being contested (be specific). Part II: The Before and After 1. Aguas del Tunari, the Bechtel subsidiary, claims that increased water consumption explains the price increase that Bolivians noticed in their water bills post-privatization. Compare the water bills provided, and calculate the price paid per cubic meter pre- and post-privitization. Is the claim made by Agua del Tunari valid? Explain. 2. Using the prices per cubic meter calculated in question one, calculate the percent increase in the cost of water for this household. Show your work and include your units. 3. Based on the average income for a Bolivian mentioned in Part I, what percent of their salary was dedicated to obtaining clean, fresh water post-privitization? Show your work and include your units. 4. Considering that the 2006 median U.S. salary for a dual-income household is $58,472 (U.S. Census Bureau), how much would the average U.S. household be spending on water if we paid the same proportion of our salary as Bolivian families? Part III: The Before and After 1. What percent of the world’s water is easily accessible as fresh, drinking water? (Check Book/Notes) 2. What factors are responsible for the decline in freshwater worldwide? (Check Book/Notes) 3. The average American uses 480 gallons of water per week. Using the following table, calculate your own water consumption by charting your water use for one week. One Week Water Use Inventory Analysis 1. How many gallons of water did you use in one week? ______________________ 2. Figure out the average number of gallons you use in one day by dividing your answer to question one by 7. _________________ 3. Figure out the average number of gallons you use per month by multiplying your answer to question one by 4. ______________ 4. Examine the recent water bill you brought to class. a. Identify how many months the billing period covered: ___________________ b. Identify the usage for that time period in gallons: ___________________ c. Identify the cost of the water used during that time period: __________________ d. Based on these figures, calculate how many gallons of water your household used in one month. Show your work & include all units!!! e. Based on these figures, calculate the cost your family pays per gallon of water. Show your work & include all units!!! (Note: Water processes vary widely around the country, but usually fall in a range of $ ~$0.001-0.01 per gallon) f. Using the cost per gallon calculated in part e, determine the cost of the water you consumed this week on your chart. Show your work & include all units!!! g. One cubic meter of water is equivalent to 264 gallons. Calculate the cost of the water you consumed this week if you were paying the same amount for water as the Bolivian’s were post-privitization. 5. Based on your observations in this lab, are we are paying the true value of making clean, freshwater available to consumers? Why or why not? 6. Refer to your water consumption log; what things do you do that use the most water? 7. For each of the items in #6, explain one realistic way in which you could reduce your water consumption in that area. 8. If water usage became limited, what things would or could you eliminate? What would be the consequences of these changes to your quality of life / lifestyle? Name: ___________________________________ Period: _______________ Date: ________________ The Effects of Oil Spills on Birds Background: The impacts of environmental pollution are often difficult to see. A major oil spill, however, provides dramatic evidence of potential impact to wildlife. All forms of life are often affected by such a disaster. Many people are involved in efforts to prevent oil spills and their consequences as well as help clean up efforts should an accident occur. Such actions are not always successful, and sometimes have unfortunate consequences as well. The purpose of this activity is to examine some of the possible consequences of oil spills on birds. A. Effect of Oil Spills on Feathers 1. Examine a feather with a magnifying glass. Sketch the feather below; label the shaft, vane and barbs. 2. Use your fingers to rub the feather against the vanes. This should mess the feather up. Now gently rub your fingers with the vanes. This should cause the vanes to hook up together and the feather to return to its original shape. Drawing of feather against the vane Drawing of feather with the vane 3. Fill a container with water and submerge the feather for 5 seconds. Remove the feather and shake it gently. Make a drawing of the feather as it looks wet. Describe how it looks wet compared to how it looks dry. Dry Feather Description: Wet Feather Description 4. Lay the feather on a paper towel and record the time it takes for the feather to dry completely: __________ 5. What is preening? Why is it necessary for birds to have a natural coat of oil on their feathers? 6. Now simulate an oil spill by dipping the feather in oil. Remove the feather and record your observations below (what does it look like?). Make a sketch. Do you think a bird coated in this substance could fly? 7. Birds caught in oil spills are washed with Dawn dish soap to remove the oil. Wash the feather with one or two drops of Dawn and rinse well. Record your observations below. Sketch the feather after watching. 8. Lay the feather on a paper towel and wait for it to dry completely. Record the time it takes for the feather to dry: ________________ 9. Explain why the feather remains wet longer after it has been washed with soap. 10. Do you think a bird, after being washed with Dawn, will have trouble flying or swimming? Why or why not? 11. What should be done to ensure a bird’s survival that has been washed with Dawn? 12. How do you think oil would affect other animals or mammals? Provide some specific examples. Speculate how oil would affect scales and hair. B. Effect of Oil Spills on Eggs 13. Soak a hardboiled egg in oil for 15 minutes. Make a prediction as to what will happen to the egg’s interior. 14. Carefully peel the egg and record your observations below. 15. Was the shell permeable to oil? 16. Thinking about osmosis from basic biology, explain what happened to the egg soaking in the oil. 17. What do you think would happen to the embryo in an egg that has been soaked in oil? C. Oil, Water and Soap 18. Fill a bowl full of water. Using a pipette, drop 3 or 4 drops of oil onto the surface of the water. Record your observations. 19. Drop a drop of detergent onto the oil slick. What happens? 20. Why do commercials claim, “Dawn breaks up grease”? Is this claim valid? Discuss. Conclusion: Write a 5-7 sentence conclusion about the impacts of oil spills on wildlife based on the observations made in the laboratory activity. Name: _______________________________________ Period: _____________ Date: ______________ Carolina Biological Airborne Particulates Lab Questions 1. Can you identify any of the things that you see, such as an insect leg or a hair? Are there any outstanding features, such as unusual colors, shapes or textures? Are most of the particles filamentous, or string-like, or do they resemble specks of dirt? 2. Thinking back to the collecting site, can you list some objects or structures that may have contributed part of this airborne debris? 3. Are the majority of the dust particles larger or smaller than 1mm long? 4. Would you expect the size of the particles to affect the distance that the particles can travel through the air? Why or why not? 5. What features other than size might influence the distance the particles travel? 6. Follow the directions on your lab sheet. Record the result the average dust-particle density, expressed as particles per cm2 (# particles/ cm2). 7. Divide your calculated value for average dust particle density by the number of hours that the dust particle collector remained at the collecting site: Deposition rate = Average Dust Particle Density / Collecting time (hours) = # particles/cm2/hour 8. Thinking about the amount of dust collected at your site, where in your home do you think you would collect the greatest and least amount of dust? Explain why for each. Name: _______________________________________ Period: ____________ Date: _____________ Acid Rain Seed Lab WHAT TO HAND IN: Hypothesis Data I: Qualitative Log Data II: Sketches Lab Questions #1-6 Acid Rain EPA info, Questions 7-25 OBJECTIVES ● To review prior knowledge of acid rain ● To study current EPA acid rain information and research ● To see the effects of acid rain in a laboratory setting ● To observe how acidic water affects the germination of seeds MATERIALS 2 clear plastic cups 10 pre-soaked lima beans Masking tape Cotton balls Permanent markers Beaker or cup of tap water Beaker or cup of white vinegar Droppers Acid Rain info from Potting soil PROCEDURE Day 1 1. Write a hypothesis: How will the growth of the beans in the acid rain cup be affected? To what degree will the growth be affected? 2. Place a strip of masking tape on each cup. Label one cup ACID RAIN and the other cup RAIN. Also, label each cup with your initials and class period. 3. Insert the cotton around the inside of each cup. 4. For each cup, place five beans between the cotton and the side of your cup. You should be able to see the beans against the side of the cup. 5. With tape labels or a marker, label below each bean on the outside of each cup , with a number 1-5. 6. Use the dropper to add vinegar to the ACID RAIN cup until all the cotton is damp. 7. Use the dropper to add distilled water to the RAIN cup until all the cotton is damp. 8. Put both cups in the designated place for your class period. 9. Construct a data table to record your observations. Day 2 1. Observe the seeds. Record your observations. 2. Check the cups for dryness and remoisten if needed: water the ACID RAIN cup with vinegar, and water the RAIN cup with distilled water. Day 3 1. 2. 3. 4. Observe the seeds. Record your observations. Carefully remove the beans from the cups. Lay them out on paper towels. Make a sketch of each bean on plain white paper using accurate colors. Label clearly. Take three beans from each cup and plant them in potting soil, using the original cups. Discard extra beans and cotton. 5. Water the ACID RAIN cup with vinegar, and water the RAIN cup with distilled water. 6. You will be checking the growth of your bean plants periodically (3x). Check them daily for dryness. DATA I: Qualitative Log Day 1 (Date): Observations of beans in ACID RAIN cup and RAIN cup Day 2 (Date): Observations of beans in ACID RAIN cup and RAIN cup Day 3 (Date): Observations of beans in ACID RAIN cup and RAIN cup DATA II: Sketches of Beans (in color on plain, white paper) ACID RAIN cup, bean 1 RAIN cup, bean 1 ACID RAIN cup, bean 2 RAIN cup, bean 2 ACID RAIN cup, bean 3 RAIN cup, bean 3 ACID RAIN cup, bean 4 RAIN cup, bean 4 ACID RAIN cup, bean 5 RAIN cup, bean 5 LAB QUESTIONS 1. Write a group KWL (what do you KNOW – what do you WANT to Know – what did you LEARN) about acid rain. Fill in the “L” portion after the lab is completed. 2. How many beans germinated in the RAIN cup? What percentage of germination was observed? 3. Is the result from question 2 what you expected? Explain. 4. How many beans germinated in the ACID RAIN cup? What percentage of germination was observed? 5. Is the result from question 4 what you expected? Explain. 6. Why is acid rain considered to be an international problem rather than a local problem? When finished reading the ACID RAIN information from the EPA, answer these questions: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. What are the two parts to acid deposition? Give an example of each. What is buffering capacity? Construct a two-circle Venn diagram about wet and dry deposition. What is the role of prevailing winds? What two substances are the primary causes of acid rain? In the U.S., what is listed as the main source of these chemicals? How is acid rain made? What are the names and chemical formulas of the two acids in acid rain? What is pH? What is the numerical range for pH? Which pH number is neutral? What does it mean that the pH scale is logarithmic? If a solution changed from a pH of 8 to a pH of 5, how many times more acidic is the solution? Why is normal rainfall slightly acidic? What is the National Atmospheric Deposition Program? What is CASTNET? What is visibility reduction? What is acidification? What can acid rain do to buildings and statues? What is particulate matter? ACID RAIN Information from What is Acid Rain and What Causes It? Acid rain is a broad term used to describe several ways that acids fall out of the atmosphere. A more precise term is acid deposition, which has two parts: wet and dry. Wet deposition refers to acidic rain, fog, and snow. As this acidic water flows over and through the ground, it affects a variety of plants and animals. The strength of the effects depend on many factors, including how acidic the water is, the chemistry and buffering capacity (the ability to neutralize acidic compounds) of the soils involved, and the types of fish, trees and other living things that rely on the water. Dry deposition refers to acidic gases and particles. About half of the acidity in the atmosphere falls back to earth through dry deposition. The wind blows these acidic particles and gases onto buildings, cars, homes, and trees. Dry deposited gases and particles can also be washed from the trees and other surfaces by rain storms. When that happens, the runoff water adds those acids to the acid rain, making the combination more acidic than the falling rain alone. Prevailing winds blow the compounds that cause both wet and dry acid deposition across state and national boarders, and sometimes over hundreds of miles. Scientists discovered, and have confirmed, that sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are the primary causes of acid rain. In the U.S., about 2/3 of all SO2 and ¼ of all NOx comes from electric power generation that relies on burning fossil fuels like coal. Acid rain occurs when these gases react in the atmosphere with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form various acidic compounds. Sunlight increases the rate of most of these reactions. The result is a mild solution of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3). How do we Measure Acid Rain? Acid rain is measured using a scale called pH. The pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is. It ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral. A pH less than 7 is acidic (higher concentration of hydrogen ions [H+] than hydroxide ions [OH-]), and a pH greater than 7 is basic (higher concentration of hydroxide ions [OH-] than hydrogen ions [H+]). The pH scale is logarithmic, meaning that a change of one on the pH scale means a tenfold increase or decrease in H+ concentration. For example, if a solution drops from a pH of 7 to a pH of 5, the solution (dropping 2 units) experienced a 100x increase in acidity. Mixing acids and bases can cancel out their extreme effects, much like mixing hot and cold water can even out the water temperature. Normal rain is slightly acidic because carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolves in it, so it has a pH of about 5.6. In recent years, the most acidic rain falling in the U.S. has had a pH of about 4.3. Acid rain’s pH, and the chemicals that cause it, are monitored by two networks supported by the EPA. The National Atmospheric Deposition Program measures wet deposition and develops maps of rainfall pH. The Clean Air Status and Trades Network (CASTNET) measures dry deposition. What are Acid Rain’s Effects Acid deposition has a variety of effects, including damage to forests and soil, fish and other living things, materials, and human health. Acid rain also reduces how far and how clearly we can see through the air, an effect called visibility reduction. Acid deposition causes acidification (lowering of the pH) of lakes and streams and contributes to damage of trees at high elevations (for example, red spruce trees above 2,000 feet) and many sensitive forest soils. In addition, acid rain accelerates the decay of building materials and paints, including irreplaceable buildings, statues, and sculptures that are part of our nation’s cultural heritage. Prior to falling to earth, SO2 and NOx gases and their particulate matter (small, solid floating particles) derivatives, sulfates and nitrates, contribute to visibility reduction and harm public health. More detailed information on the various effects of acid rain can be found on the links on the following page: Name: ____________________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _______________ Exhausting Problems INTRODUCTION: For many high school students, one of the first signs of adulthood is being able to operate an automobile. But along with this wonderful freedom comes much responsibility. In your driver’s education classes you learned a great deal about traffic safety, but what is the environmental impact of operating an automobile? How much does your automobile contribute to our air pollution problem? In the introduction to this section a number of serious pollution problems directly related to the exhaust and operation of motor vehicles were mentioned. To summarize here, automobile exhaust contributes to global warming through the emission of carbon dioxide; to acid rain and smog through the emission of nitrous oxides, carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons; and to stratospheric ozone depletion through leakage of chlorofluorocarbons from air conditioning units. Activity Objective: In this activity, students will analyze the impact of their motor vehicle habits and the impact of pollution control devices. Procedure: 1. Fit a clean white sweat sock snugly over the cool tailpipe of your car, using a broad rubber band to keep it in place. Then turn on your ignition and let the car run for three minutes. Turn off the engine and carefully remove the sock. Inspect the sock for particulate matter. 2. Repeat the instructions in (1) with a second clean sock and a car that does not have emission control devices (pre1975). [if your car has no pollution control, devices, choose a second car that does for this part] 3. Compute your annual fuel consumption by completing the following calculations a. Number of miles driven per week (Average = 200): _______________ b. Estimated fuel mileage of your car (Average = 20 mpg): _______________ c. Divide line a by line b. This is your weekly fuel consumption in gallons: ____________ d. Multiply line c by 52. This is your annual fuel consumption in gallons: _____________ We know that gasoline is actually a very complex mixture of chemicals that when burned releases another complex mixture of gases. In one gallon of gasoline, there is the following amount of air pollutants. For each pollutant below, use your annual fuel consumption figure (line d) to calculate your annual release of pollutants from your automobile. Data Table Pollutant Pounds per gallon X CO2 NO2 CO Hydrocarbons Aldehydes Particulates Organic Acids SO2 20.000 0.110 2.3000 0.200 0.004 0.012 0.004 0.009 X X X X X X X X Total 22.639 X Annual Gallons (line d) = = = = = = = = = --------------------- = My annual Release (in lbs) Questions 1. Describe the difference between the appearances of the two socks? Can you estimate the percentage increase in the particulate pollution? 2. Compare the socks in your class. Can you make a statement about the appearance of the socks in the class on the basis of the age of the cars, their fuel efficiency, etc? 3. Based on your calculations on the front, is your contribution to air pollution significant? 4. There are over 140 million automobiles in the United States. What would be the total amount of air pollution from automobiles if everyone drove the same as you? 5. Describe four ways in which you could reduce your automobile air pollution. a. b. c. d. Name: ________________________________________ Period: _____________ Date: _____________ Greenhouse Gas Investigation Objectives: Students will: ● Review examples of greenhouse gases and how they are produced ● Investigate how greenhouse gases affect air temperature ● Explore effects of different greenhouse gases ● Discuss connections between human activities and greenhouse gases Materials ● Thermometers, 3 per group of 4-5 students ● Glass/plastic containers; 3 identical containers per student group ● Plastic cling wrap, 2 small pieces per student group ● Paper towels, 1 per student ● Handout, Data Table, 1 per student group ● Graph paper, 1 sheet per student group ● Warm water to wet paper towels ● Sunny location or heat lamp Procedures 1. Make sure all three thermometers read the same temperature 2. Near a heat source, place one thermometer in an uncovered container 3. Next to the uncovered container, place one thermometer in a second container. Cover the top of the container with plastic wrap. 4. Next to the second container, place one thermometer in a third container with a damp paper towel that has been held under warm water. Cover the top of the container with plastic wrap. 5. Make sure that all thermometers are equidistant from the heat source so that they receive the same amount of heat energy. 6. Record the temperature of all three thermometers every 60 seconds for 20 minutes. Record data on the chart provided. 7. After 20 minutes, move the three containers away from the heat source and observe what happens to the temperature in each container. Analysis Questions 1. What factors were controlled (identical for all three treatments) in this experiment? Why would we be unable to trust the results of the experiment if these variables were not controlled? 2. Gases in earth’s atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, act much like the cling wrap did in this experiment. Why did temperatures increase in the covered/dry container more than in the uncovered container? 3. Why did temperatures increase in the covered/wet container more than in the covered/dry and uncovered container? 4. If the thermometers in the covered containers did NOT indicate higher temperatures than the uncovered thermometer, what factors could have produced your results? Explain any possible sources of error or things you would do differently if you tried the experiment again. 5. Many greenhouse gases, including some that occur naturally, are produced as a result of human activities. Explain one way in which human activities are increasing each of our four major greenhouse gases. (Be more specific than “burning fossil fuels”, provide a different cause for each gas). 6. How can we lessen our impacts on Earth’s climate? DATA Temperature (°C) Time (Minutes) Uncovered 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Analysis Covered/Dry Covered/Wet 1. Create a line graph showing the temperature change in all three containers over the course of 20 minutes. Remember to provide a descriptive title, label your axes, and provide a legend to distinguish your three sets of data. Name______________________________________ Per. ________ Tropospheric Ozone Lab Background: Tropospheric ozone is ozone (O3) that is found at the lowest level of the atmosphere. Unlike the ozone layer found in the stratosphere which is beneficial, helping to shield the earth from some of the harmful UV radiation from the sun, tropospheric ozone is a very harmful air pollutant and a main component of smog. This is why the EPA has coined the phrase “Good Up High, Bad Nearby” when referring to tropospheric or “ground level” ozone. Tropospheric, or ground level ozone, is not emitted directly into the air, but is created by chemical reactions between oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC’s). Emissions from industrial facilities and electric utilities, motor vehicle exhaust, gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents are some of the major sources of NOx and VOC. Ozone is likely to reach unhealthy levels on hot sunny days in urban environments. Ozone can also be transported long distances by wind. For this reason, even rural areas can experience high ozone levels. Even relatively low levels of ozone can cause health effects. People with lung disease, children, older adults, and people who are active outdoors may be particularly sensitive to ozone. Ozone also affects sensitive vegetation and ecosystems, including forests, parks, wildlife refuges and wilderness areas. In particular, ozone harms sensitive vegetation, including trees and plants during the growing season. Testing for Tropospheric Ozone In this lab, you will prepare and use chemically reactive paper to measure the concentration of ground-level (tropospheric) ozone. The ozone test paper used in this lab was first developed by Christian Friedrich Schoenbein (1799-1868), as a result it is called Schoenbein paper. To prepare the Schoenbein paper, filter paper will be coated with a mixture of potassium iodide, starch and water. To use the Schoenbein paper, you will hang it, in air, out of direct sunlight, for eight hours which will allow a chemical reaction to take place. If there is ozone in the air, Schoenbein paper takes advantage of its high reactivity. Ozone in the air will oxidize the potassium iodide on the Schoenbein paper to produce iodine. The iodine reacts with the starch to produce a purple color. The exact shade of purple on exposed Schoenbein paper correlates with the concentration of ozone present in the air at the test site. The two chemical reactions involved are: 2KI + 03 + H2O --- 2KOH + O2 + I2 I2 + starch --- Blue or Purple color Safety Precaution: Potassium iodide is a mild skin irritant. Hand washing is essential after handling potassium iodide to prevent a reaction. Those with sensitivity to iodine should not handle potassium iodide. Chronic overexposure can have adverse effects on the thyroid. Goggles must be worn when preparing test paper. Learning Goals 1. Students will understand that ozone is a gas found in the troposphere as a pollutant. 2. Students will understand that ozone is a gas found in the troposphere and other parts of the atmosphere. 3. Students will be able to demonstrate that by using Schoenbein paper, variations in the amount of ozone present in the troposphere can be determined from day to day and from place to place. 4. Students will be able to explain that the Schoenbein paper detects ozone by an oxidation reaction caused by the ozone in the surrounding air. 5. Students will be able to draw conclusions about ozone levels of the air based on test results. Preparation Procedure: Use soap to wash hands and scrub under fingernails after working with potassium iodide. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Place 100 mL of water in a 250 mL beaker, then add 5 g of corn starch. Heat and stir mixture until it gels. The mixture is gelled when it thickens and becomes somewhat translucent. Remove the beaker from the heat and add 1 g potassium iodide and stir well. Cool the solution. Cut the filter papers in half, and use a pencil to put your initials on each half. Lay a piece of filter paper on a glass plate and use a small paint brush to brush the paste evenly onto both sides of the filter paper. Apply the paste as uniformly as possible. (Note: For immediate testing, the paper is ready for use at this point.) 6. Let the strips dry in a low-temperature drying oven or microwave for one minute on a microwave safe plate. 7. Place the strips in an airtight Ziploc bag and keep them out of direct sunlight. Testing Procedure: Use soap to wash hands and scrub under fingernails after working with the test strip 1. Determine an 8 hour period in the day during which you can hang up your test strip. 2. Moisten a strip of test paper with water (distilled if possible) and hang it, out of direct sunlight, at the test site. The strip must hang freely. If the site you are hanging the test strip is at home, check with a parent first and make sure it is out of reach of small children and pets. 3. Record time and location in the data chart. 4. Check the local weather report (such as the website to determine the relative humidity. Record the relative humidity in the data chart. 5. Determine the UV index for the day (same website – scroll down toward bottom under Air Quality Index) and record it in the data chart. 6. Expose the strip for approximately eight hours. Remove the strip and place it in an airtight Ziploc bag out of direct sunlight until the results are recorded. (Results will be determined using the Schoenbein chart in the classroom). 7. Determine the ozone concentration of the air at the test site as follows: a. Moisten the strip with distilled water, then compare the color of the strip with the Schoenbein Color Scale and determine the Schoenbein Number. If the color of the paper is not uniform, use the color in the area with the most conspicuous change to determine the Schoenbein Number. b. Use to the Relative Humidity/Schoenbein Number Chart to determine the tropospheric ozone concentration using the following method: i. Along the bottom of the chart, find the point that corresponds to the Schoenbein Number. ii. Draw a line upward from the Schoenbein Number until it intersects the curve that represents the correct relative humidity. iii. Draw a line from the intersection to the left side of the chart to determine the ozone concentration in parts per billion (ppb). Tropospheric Ozone Level Data Table Describe Location of Testing Site: _________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Initial Time Date Final Time Time Length Humidity Level UV Index (1-11) Description of Weather Post-lab Questions 1. Determine the ozone concentrations for Schoenbein paper with a Schoenbein Number of 2 at a relative humidity of: a. 23% - __________________ b. 48% - __________________ c. 2. 81% - __________________ Determine the ozone concentrations for Schoenbein paper with a Schoenbein Number of 5 at a relative humidity of: a. 18% - __________________ b. 53% - __________________ c. 3. 77% - __________________ If the ozone concentration in two areas was 100 ppb, determine the Schoenbein Number if the relative humidity was: a. 28% - __________________ b. 40% - __________________ c. 72% - __________________ 4. Why would test papers exposed on the same day not all appear the same? 5. Describe how traffic levels might affect the amount of tropospheric ozone. Schoenbein Number (1-10) Ozone Concentration (ppb) 6. Describe how UV levels could affect the amount of tropospheric ozone. Name: _________________________________________ Period: _________ Date: ____________________ National Center For Case Study Teaching In Science Tuna for Lunch? A Case Study Examining Mercury Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification Part II 1. What is in some fish and shellfish that has caused the EPA and FDA to issue the restriction? 2. Why is there a restriction for pregnant women and young children, but not the rest of the population? 3. Do pregnant women have to avoid all fish? Explain your answer. 4. Should Amanda have avoided the pan-seared tuna steak for lunch? Explain your answer. Part III 1. What human actions lead to increased mercury levels in the environment? 2. How does the mercury end up in fish? Draw a flow chart showing the path of mercury from the source to the fish. (Include a Minimum of 5 steps) 3. The EPA criterion for human health is 0.3 ug/g. Which fish species have average mercury concentrations that exceed the EPA limits? 4. The concern level for piscivorous (fish-eating) mammals is 0.1 Hg ug/g. Which fish species have average mercury concentrations that exceed this limit? Why is the mercury level for piscivorous mammals lower than the level for human health? 5. Should you be concerned about mercury toxicity if you catch and eat a largemouth bass in a local lake? Why or why not? 6. In which samples were mercury concentrations the highest (fish, streams, or sediment)? Why do you think this is? Part IV 1. In the space below, create a Food Web for Lake Washington using the species and food preferences given in Table 3. Start with phytoplankton (algae) as the base of your web and then build up the food chain. 2. Label the species in your food chain as either High (>100 ug/kg), Medium (20-100 ug/kg), or Low (below 20 ug/kg) mercury concentrations. Phytoplankton 3. Which types of animals have the highest levels of mercury? Which types of animals have the lowest? Explain why this is. Name: ___________________________________ Period: _____________ Date: _____________ Garbology Lab Introduction The United States generates more solid waste, per capita, than any other country. Every man, woman, and child in the U.S. produces an average of 4.5lbs of solid waste per day. This amount corresponded to a total of 250 million tons of trash generated in the United States in 2010. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, of that 4.5lbs of solid waste: ● 29% is paper ● 9% is metals ● 14% is food wastes ● 8% is ● 13% is yard waste rubber/leather/textiles ● 12% is plastic ● 6% is wood ● ● 5% is glass 4% miscellaneous. By analyzing your own household waste stream, you can see how you compare. Here are a few of the solid wastes U.S. consumers throw away annually: ● Enough aluminum to rebuild the country’s entire commercial airline fleet every three months ● Enough tires each year to encircle the planet about 3 times ● About 18 billion disposable diapers per year, which if linked end to end would reach to the moon and back 7 times ● About 25 billion throwaway, styrofoam cups per year; used mostly for drinking coffee Like it or not, humans produce solid waste, and it is our responsibility to deal with our waste in a safe, cost-effective, and environmentally sensitive way. Purpose ● Students will collect all trash accumulated in a five-day period and see just how much municipal solid waste they generate. ● Students will then calculate how their trash compares with the 2010 average. Materials ● Scales ● Large Trash Bag and/or Small Plastic Bag ● Rubber gloves (if preferred) Procedure 1. Collect all of your trash for a five day period a. DO NOT throw “dirty” trash in your bag; i.e. used toilet paper, facial tissue, napkins. b. DO NOT collect any food items; however DO collect food containers, preferably rinsed out, so that they will not make the rest of your trash sticky or smelly. PLEASE use common sense with this lab and don’t collect any trash that will call attention to your assignment. c. You may want to carry a small bag with you during the day/night to store your trash in, and then transfer it into a larger bag which you can keep in your car or garage. 2. At the end of the 5-day period, complete the data chart with the categories listed in the solid waste breakdown from above. a. If you currently recycle any household waste, please include all recyclables in collection. b. If you currently compost any household waste, try to estimate (in pounds) all food that is thrown away and/or composted during the time frame. c. After recording the data for your five-day period, add up all the category subtotals to get the number of pounds of solid waste generated. Divide each category total by the total weight of garbage to determine the percentage of weight in each category. d. Make a pie graph of each category of total waste to compare to the 2010 EPA averages. e. Divide your waste into recyclable and non-recyclable materials, and mass each category. Divide each category total by the total weight of garbage to determine the percentage of weight in each category. f. Make a pie graph of each category to determine the amount of your total waste that’s recyclable vs. nonrecyclable. Questions / Analysis 1. How do your numbers compare with the national averages? What factors might account for these differences? 2. How would your numbers compare if you kept track of your garbage for a whole year? Are there seasonal variations in waste generation? 3. What factors, beside season, might influence the outcome of this study? 4. How much could you effectively reduce your household waste by using a source-management program such as composting yard / food waste and recycling newspapers, bottles, cans, etc. Solid Waste Data Table ● 1 lb = 453.5924 g ● Divide each category total by the total weight of garbage and multiply by 100 to determine the percentage weight. Category Grams lbs % weight 1. Paper 2. Food Wastes 3. Yard Waste 4. Plastics 5. Metals 6. Rubber/Leather/Textiles 7. Wood 8. Glass 9. Miscellaneous TOTAL: Category Recyclables Non-Recyclables TOTAL: Grams lbs % weight Solid Waste Graphs 1. Make a pie graph of each category of total solid waste to compare to the 2010 EPA averages. Provide a title and legend. Include your percentages. 2. Make a pie graph showing your total waste that’s recyclable vs. non-recyclable. Provide a title and legend. Include your percentages. Name: _______________________________________ Period: ___________ Date: ____________ APES LD50 Toxicology Study of Daphnia magna Background Pre–lab – LD50 and MSDS We handle many materials daily that are toxic. We are often unaware of the degree to which they are toxic. For a variety of reasons, different animals respond differently to the same toxin. Some animals may be very sensitive to a toxin, whereas others are relatively resistant to its effects. Because species of animals vary, it is important to understand that what is toxic to one organism may not necessarily be toxic to other kinds of organisms to the same extent. Many household items that we deal with on a regular basis are toxic materials, but we don’t usually think of them as being toxic. It can be instructive to examine several such materials to determine their toxicity. The commonly used term to describe acute ingestion toxicity is LD50. LD means Lethal Dose (deadly amount) and the subscript 50 means that the dose was acutely lethal to 50% of the animals to whom the chemical was administered under controlled laboratory conditions. The test animals (usually mice or rats) are given specific amounts of the chemical in either one oral dose or by a single injection and are then observed for 14 days. Since LD50 values are measured from zero up, the lower the LD50 the more acutely toxic the chemical. Therefore, a chemical with an oral LD50 of 500 would be much less toxic than a chemical with an LD50 of 5. LD50 values are expressed as milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) which means mg of chemical per kg of body weight of the animal. mg/kg is the same as ppm. For example, if the oral LD50 of the insecticide parathion is 4, a dose of 4 parts of parathion for every million parts of body weight would be lethal to at least half of the test animals. An MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) is a document (for each chemical) with information on all the physical and chemical properties for that chemical, as well as information on reactions and safe disposal of the chemical waste. The following information can usually be found in a MSDS: ● Identity of the organization responsible for creating the sheet and the date of issue. ● The material's identity, including its chemical and common names. ● Hazardous ingredients. ● Exposure limits. ● Physical and chemical hazards and characteristics. ● Health hazards. ● Emergency and first aid procedures. ● Spill and disposal procedures. ● Precautions and safety equipment. Instructions for Pre‐lab – LD50 and MSDS 1. Using your OWN MASS in kg, figure out how many total grams would be required to kill 50% of perfect duplicates of yourself. Be careful about units! For your reference, a penny weighs around 3000 mg or 3 g. You don't need to show work for all of these problems, but write out ONE complete example of your calculations and conversion to LD50/person below the table so that I know how you did it. Include your weight in pounds and kilograms. Remember, everyone's answers will be slightly different. Note: 1 lb = 0.45359 kg = 453.59 mg 2. Find a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for an ingredient in some household substance you have (e.g. toothpaste, shampoo, mouthwash, junk food additives, etc.) and give its LD for50 the oral route for a person in g/person. Assume the LD50 of a rat or mouse will be the same as a human. Don't use any of the ones already listed below. Search for MSDS's at one of the following websites, and include the printed first page of the MSDS for the substance you have chosen. or as well as Chemical Fact sheets (Not MSDS format) from the EPA at Name:______________________________________ Your mass in lbs__________ Your mass in kg____________ Your substance:_____________________________________ Did you include the MSDS sheet? Yes No (circle) Pre‐Lab Data Table Substance (source or product) Disodium EDTA (detergents) Benzaldehyde (cherry/almond flavoring) Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC from marijuana) Ethyl acetate (fruit flavoring) Propylene glycol (moisturizer) Caffeine (stimulant) Malic acid (sour candy) Methanol (wood alcohol) Nicotine (cigarettes) Botulinum toxin (bacteria) Potassium nitrate (fertilizer) Sodium fluoride (toothpaste) Parathion (pesticide) LD50 (mouse or rat) mg/kg or g/kg 2000 mg/kg 1300 mg/kg 666 mg/kg 5620 mg/kg 20 g/kg 192 mg/kg 1.6 g/kg 5628 mg/kg 50 mg/kg 3.0x10-8 mg/kg 3750 mg/kg 52 mg/kg 6.0 mg/kg Vx (nerve gas) 2.0x10-2 mg/kg Tetrodotoxin (poison from puffer fish) 334x10-6 g/kg Diazinon (ant killer dust) Amphetamine sulfate Ephedrine Phosphoric acid (in sodas) YOUR SUBSTANCE ( ) Show ALL your work for ONE Problem Below: Use Dimensional Analysis and cancel units as you go. 1.25 g/kg 55 mg/kg 404 mg/kg 1530 mg/kg LD50 for YOU grams PART B: Bioassay of Toxicant on Daphnia magna (done in groups) Background Info. A bioassay is a toxicity test used to determine the dose or concentration of a toxicant. In dealing with toxins, a frequent relative danger indicator is the LD50. For example the LD50 for sugar in rats is 30 grams, that is out of 100 laboratory rats, 50 would be expected to die at levels of 30 grams of sugar/kg of body weight. A similar measure, the LC50, (which stands for lethal concentration) is often used. In this lab a small freshwater crustacean, Daphnia magna, will be used. It is normally found in freshwater ponds, lakes, and streams. Materials Daphnia magna household toxicants graduated cylinders pipets Petri dishes (6 per group) permanent marker, or labels for Petri dishes test tube racks test tubes (6 per group) stirring rods dissecting microscopes Procedure 1) Using masking tape, label 5 test tubes as follows: 1:10, 1:100, 1:1000, 1:10,000, and Control 2) Place 18 mL of spring water into each of the test tubes. Pipette 2 mL of “toxic” material from the provided beaker into a graduated cylinder; then add it to the tube labeled 1:10. Mix well. 3) Pipet 2 mL from the 1:10 tube into the tube labeled 1:100. Mix well. 4) Pipet 2 mL from the 1:100 tube into the tube labeled 1:1000. Mix well 5) Pipet 2 mL from the 1:1000 tube into the tube labeled 1:10,000. Mix well. 6) Pipet 2 mL from the test tube labeled 1:10,000 and discard into the sink. 7) No amount of the toxicant should be added to the control. The control should remain pure spring water. 8) Using masking tape, label five Petri dishes as follows: 1:10, 1:100, 1:1000, 1:10,000, Control. Be sure to label the BOTTOM of the dish, not the cover. DO NOT WRITE ON THE PETRI DISH WITH SHARPIE. 9) Pour the contents of each tube into the appropriate Petri dish. 10) Using a wide mouth pipette, gently move 5 Daphnia magna into each Petri dish. Add the Daphnia below the water line in each Petri dish to avoid exposing them to air. Rinse the pipette in clean water after each transfer to avoid contaminating the supply bottle. a. DO NOT suck daphnia up into pipette bulb (this exposes them to air which can get trapped under their exoskeleton, making them buoyant & killing them)!!! 11) Observe the daphnia for 10 minutes. 12) Using a dissecting microscope, count the number of Daphnia alive after 10 minutes and record your observations on the data table on the next page. 13) Thoroughly rinse your test tubes and place upside down in the test tube racks to dry. Thoroughly rinse pipets, beakers, and any other material exposed to toxicant. 14) Leave the Daphnia in the dishes, cover with the lid, and store in the area indicated by Mrs. Rabinowitz. Tomorrow you will determine how many are alive after 24 hours. Record your data in Data Table 2. a. Death = no movement of gills or appendages AND no reaction to gentle prodding b. We will assume 100% mortality (death) at 100% concentration (1:1) 15) After finishing your observations and recording your data, thoroughly wash and dry all materials and return them to the area designated by Mrs. Rabinowitz Data Table Concentration (Parts per) Concentration (%) Control 0% 1:10000 0.01% 1:1000 0.1% 1:100 1% 1:10 10% 1:1 100% # Dead after 10 minutes % Dead after 10 minutes # Dead after 24 Hours % Dead after 24 hours --- 100% --- 100% Graph 1) Plot a line graph of your Concentration % (x-axis) vs.% Mortality (y-axis) after 24 hours. Use the logarithmic graphing paper below. Do not forget a descriptive title and to label your axes. 2) Determine the LC50 from your graph. Based on our graph, the LC50 for ___________________________ is approximately ________________________. (toxicant studied) (LC50) Analysis Questions 1) What is the control group in this experiment? 2) What is the independent variable? 3) What is the dependent variable? 4) How are constants used in this experiment to reduce the effect of additional variables affecting the results? 5) Based on your data in this lab, what is the threshold level (level below which no measurable effect is observed) of your toxicant for daphnia? 6) Often indicator species are used to study the overall health of an ecosystem. If you were to study an ecosystem containing Daphnia magna, would you use it as an indicator species? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning. 7) What possible sources of error were present in this experiment? What other environmental factors could have affected Daphnia behavior or survival? 8) Can the results from this study be used to make predictions about the effect of this toxicant on humans? Why or why not? Explain your answer. Earth Science and Agriculture Labs & Activities Latest Earthquakes Magnitude 2.5 or Greater in the United States and Adjacent Areas and Magnitude 4.5 or Greater in the Rest of the World - Last 7 days This list contains all earthquakes with magnitude greater than 2.5 located by the USGS and contributing networks in the last week (168 hours). Magnitudes 4.5 and above are in bold font. Magnitudes 6 and above are in red. (Some early events may be obscured by later ones on the maps.) The most recent earthquakes are at the top of the list. Times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Click on the word "map" to see a ten-degree tall map displaying the earthquake. Click on an event's "DATE" to get a detailed report. Update time = Wed Mar 13 22:04:55 UTC 2013 M Time (UTC) Latitude Longitude Depth 4.4 4.8 4.6 4.3 2.6 2.8 2.8 4.6 2.6 3.4 4.6 4.6 4.9 4.9 3.3 4.9 4.3 2.6 3.4 2.6 5.6 3.9 4.8 4.7 3.3 2.8 5.1 4.7 2.9 4.9 5.0 2.7 2013-03-13 22:19:56 2013-03-13 20:02:58 2013-03-13 19:34:30 2013-03-13 18:49:29 2013-03-13 17:35:03 2013-03-13 16:41:12 2013-03-13 16:34:33 2013-03-13 14:49:30 2013-03-13 13:52:42 2013-03-13 12:46:40 2013-03-13 12:41:05 2013-03-13 12:12:07 2013-03-13 12:11:10 2013-03-13 11:28:53 2013-03-13 10:58:01 2013-03-13 08:05:44 2013-03-13 06:23:01 2013-03-13 04:49:34 2013-03-13 04:21:13 2013-03-13 04:03:48 2013-03-13 03:12:53 2013-03-13 01:29:32 2013-03-13 01:01:38 2013-03-12 23:53:55 2013-03-12 22:44:56 2013-03-12 21:32:32 2013-03-12 21:32:23 2013-03-12 20:39:19 2013-03-12 20:16:06 2013-03-12 20:10:17 2013-03-12 20:05:06 2013-03-12 19:49:12 7.280°S 35.505°N 13.841°N 15.125°N 63.115°N 19.256°N 38.026°N 2.834°S 60.128°N 55.472°N 6.943°S 6.715°N 6.878°S 6.168°S 19.536°N 62.552°N 36.610°N 61.656°N 33.513°N 39.461°N 60.215°N 52.073°N 6.889°S 2.850°S 56.653°N 63.322°N 39.275°N 18.789°S 52.745°N 6.777°S 6.748°S 46.571°N 120.256°E 139.999°E 91.674°W 120.328°E 151.372°W 155.682°W 118.061°W 129.310°E 141.043°W 134.940°W 148.487°E 73.069°W 148.664°E 148.202°E 67.891°W 151.238°W 43.403°E 149.743°W 116.475°W 117.197°W 163.358°E 173.490°W 148.636°E 138.928°E 153.867°W 151.022°W 142.137°E 177.676°W 169.415°W 148.294°E 148.361°E 123.328°W 585.9 73.5 77.7 91.2 0.2 12.6 10.9 33.0 0.1 10.0 56.9 150.2 68.2 71.9 33.0 81.0 9.9 14.2 11.8 0.0 14.4 25.4 59.5 50.0 7.1 5.6 36.9 605.6 7.4 58.6 49.0 0.0 4.6 2.7 2.7 2.5 4.7 4.0 4.5 4.3 2.6 4.9 3.4 4.6 2.7 4.8 2.9 3.6 2.8 4.5 2.5 2.5 2.7 4.6 2.8 4.5 3.2 2.5 5.5 3.0 4.7 2.6 4.3 2.9 4.9 4.7 4.8 5.1 3.0 4.7 5.3 4.8 4.4 4.6 4.6 2.7 4.8 3.0 4.7 5.3 4.7 4.7 4.9 4.7 2013-03-12 19:49:05 2013-03-12 16:35:07 2013-03-12 15:44:49 2013-03-12 14:23:57 2013-03-12 13:48:12 2013-03-12 13:41:21 2013-03-12 09:50:49 2013-03-12 09:20:46 2013-03-12 08:31:11 2013-03-12 07:52:11 2013-03-12 06:51:42 2013-03-12 06:31:16 2013-03-12 03:50:53 2013-03-12 03:46:32 2013-03-12 03:40:21 2013-03-12 03:08:01 2013-03-12 00:31:22 2013-03-11 21:27:26 2013-03-11 20:15:36 2013-03-11 20:15:32 2013-03-11 19:50:07 2013-03-11 19:47:00 2013-03-11 18:25:46 2013-03-11 18:13:34 2013-03-11 17:32:18 2013-03-11 17:30:49 2013-03-11 17:12:13 2013-03-11 16:56:57 2013-03-11 16:56:06 2013-03-11 16:36:12 2013-03-11 15:24:51 2013-03-11 15:22:34 2013-03-11 14:57:06 2013-03-11 14:28:23 2013-03-11 13:29:54 2013-03-11 12:52:12 2013-03-11 10:29:47 2013-03-11 09:59:43 2013-03-11 09:34:52 2013-03-11 08:22:14 2013-03-11 07:58:32 2013-03-11 06:56:33 2013-03-11 06:21:04 2013-03-11 05:56:02 2013-03-11 05:34:58 2013-03-11 04:14:17 2013-03-11 03:03:32 2013-03-11 03:01:37 2013-03-11 02:30:47 2013-03-11 02:20:15 2013-03-11 02:15:49 2013-03-11 01:56:13 55.155°S 18.542°N 63.553°N 19.376°N 16.192°S 8.763°N 5.753°S 7.060°S 38.521°N 55.428°S 18.932°N 14.211°N 33.666°N 15.927°N 40.291°N 55.078°N 38.523°N 38.675°N 33.507°N 33.519°N 33.505°N 21.062°S 33.491°N 9.217°S 35.421°N 59.364°N 11.535°S 33.508°N 33.502°N 33.504°N 3.177°N 27.610°N 36.503°N 56.868°S 11.165°S 43.322°S 18.526°N 31.640°N 31.679°N 6.693°S 10.591°N 11.634°S 7.431°S 38.038°N 31.194°N 38.021°N 17.977°S 40.091°N 6.831°S 6.711°S 6.585°S 6.729°S 158.464°E 64.297°W 147.115°W 155.450°W 179.967°W 82.372°W 146.625°E 148.534°E 119.267°W 27.789°W 68.035°W 120.533°E 118.394°W 93.899°W 124.496°W 134.524°W 119.269°W 21.121°E 116.475°W 116.478°W 116.466°W 178.201°W 116.448°W 118.449°E 96.536°W 153.731°W 165.167°E 116.448°W 116.457°W 116.463°W 92.910°E 91.962°W 43.459°E 24.460°W 165.051°E 39.435°E 66.645°W 131.623°E 131.486°E 148.386°E 86.018°W 166.385°E 146.264°E 88.730°W 130.259°E 118.069°W 178.438°W 77.493°E 148.296°E 148.256°E 148.253°E 148.379°E 19.5 25.0 0.0 10.6 10.0 35.0 35.1 36.2 5.9 22.7 83.0 110.3 0.0 86.6 19.5 10.0 5.8 7.7 11.5 10.2 11.8 489.4 11.1 122.1 5.0 101.4 10.0 14.5 13.1 12.4 30.5 10.0 9.9 10.0 27.2 10.0 12.0 33.7 32.8 6.3 24.6 76.8 183.2 5.0 163.8 9.0 613.0 8.5 35.1 35.5 34.6 35.3 4.7 5.2 4.5 2.8 2.5 4.9 4.8 4.6 6.5 4.7 4.8 2.9 4.3 4.1 3.0 5.2 5.7 3.6 2.7 2.8 2.6 4.4 2.7 4.1 2.8 5.5 4.0 2.8 5.0 2.7 4.9 2.6 4.4 4.5 4.7 2.8 2.5 3.0 5.0 5.0 3.8 4.2 5.0 5.8 4.7 4.5 5.0 3.0 3.3 4.3 4.6 4.2 2013-03-11 01:48:10 2013-03-11 01:43:27 2013-03-11 01:37:13 2013-03-11 00:44:29 2013-03-11 00:36:05 2013-03-11 00:05:47 2013-03-10 23:59:16 2013-03-10 23:46:26 2013-03-10 22:51:51 2013-03-10 22:16:05 2013-03-10 22:11:11 2013-03-10 21:52:37 2013-03-10 21:17:14 2013-03-10 21:05:19 2013-03-10 18:06:44 2013-03-10 17:11:04 2013-03-10 16:49:19 2013-03-10 14:46:25 2013-03-10 13:47:35 2013-03-10 13:36:48 2013-03-10 12:35:37 2013-03-10 11:14:57 2013-03-10 10:53:43 2013-03-10 10:41:26 2013-03-10 10:25:26 2013-03-10 10:18:17 2013-03-10 10:04:14 2013-03-10 07:20:16 2013-03-10 05:40:44 2013-03-10 05:34:28 2013-03-10 04:08:04 2013-03-10 03:42:46 2013-03-10 03:00:17 2013-03-10 02:55:01 2013-03-10 01:19:42 2013-03-09 22:38:11 2013-03-09 22:29:30 2013-03-09 22:24:08 2013-03-09 20:11:31 2013-03-09 18:56:42 2013-03-09 17:32:53 2013-03-09 17:11:14 2013-03-09 17:06:01 2013-03-09 14:56:29 2013-03-09 14:16:50 2013-03-09 12:23:58 2013-03-09 12:16:32 2013-03-09 11:02:02 2013-03-09 10:13:09 2013-03-09 07:41:49 2013-03-09 07:21:34 2013-03-09 05:47:52 6.596°S 6.750°S 30.446°S 40.496°N 19.351°N 6.884°S 18.954°S 6.692°S 6.653°S 11.837°N 6.918°S 57.733°N 58.989°N 61.536°N 19.243°N 59.315°N 5.304°S 19.359°N 32.503°N 34.033°N 53.435°N 17.406°S 34.032°N 40.477°N 63.520°N 12.809°N 38.694°N 36.857°N 12.465°N 61.641°N 0.001°S 54.843°N 4.297°S 31.596°S 41.058°N 18.259°N 63.519°N 53.794°N 42.635°N 53.244°S 61.422°N 51.974°N 10.678°S 50.850°N 49.217°N 31.290°N 43.231°N 51.934°N 37.692°N 35.470°N 10.900°N 21.785°S 148.260°E 148.499°E 71.127°W 125.530°W 155.490°W 148.361°E 69.001°W 148.192°E 148.155°E 143.863°E 148.316°E 156.434°W 153.870°W 150.466°W 64.064°W 154.218°W 151.512°E 65.616°W 97.499°W 117.246°W 167.573°W 178.999°W 117.247°W 51.523°E 146.512°W 90.694°W 43.338°E 121.593°W 141.927°E 150.755°W 125.600°E 163.488°W 29.137°E 67.093°W 143.422°E 67.020°W 151.799°W 164.935°W 144.915°E 21.495°E 150.041°W 171.204°W 164.780°E 157.309°E 156.319°E 103.753°E 144.726°E 178.529°E 123.003°W 23.400°E 62.291°W 65.975°W 34.1 35.0 65.3 1.5 8.5 57.5 111.2 35.0 28.9 52.0 65.6 133.5 103.5 59.8 41.0 8.3 60.0 77.0 4.3 16.3 13.1 542.0 16.9 50.1 0.1 19.8 4.0 5.8 32.7 63.3 32.7 127.0 10.0 120.1 51.2 26.0 0.9 38.5 45.3 14.5 29.9 41.2 38.7 41.2 22.1 22.0 88.7 46.9 7.0 42.0 107.5 272.4 3.1 4.5 3.7 3.2 4.6 2.6 4.5 4.0 2.5 4.8 5.2 2.7 2.7 3.1 3.3 2.7 2.5 5.3 4.5 4.5 3.5 5.5 2.8 2.5 2.8 3.9 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.2 3.3 5.1 2.6 5.6 4.3 3.2 2013-03-09 05:29:06 2013-03-09 04:38:38 2013-03-09 03:57:38 2013-03-09 02:09:45 2013-03-09 01:57:15 2013-03-09 01:37:21 2013-03-09 01:17:51 2013-03-08 23:43:43 2013-03-08 23:20:20 2013-03-08 23:17:51 2013-03-08 20:43:25 2013-03-08 20:26:55 2013-03-08 14:49:50 2013-03-08 12:58:50 2013-03-08 07:59:45 2013-03-08 06:51:27 2013-03-08 06:45:35 2013-03-08 04:55:20 2013-03-08 04:40:22 2013-03-08 01:54:15 2013-03-07 21:48:52 2013-03-07 20:55:53 2013-03-07 20:43:08 2013-03-07 20:27:21 2013-03-07 20:27:15 2013-03-07 19:12:36 2013-03-07 15:56:40 2013-03-07 15:37:59 2013-03-07 08:07:21 2013-03-07 07:23:24 2013-03-07 07:16:54 2013-03-07 06:39:25 2013-03-07 05:19:18 2013-03-07 03:36:47 2013-03-07 03:21:14 2013-03-07 02:02:51 62.170°N 7.386°N 19.261°N 31.230°N 6.337°N 19.337°N 21.897°S 11.037°N 18.943°N 45.912°N 20.881°S 37.756°N 18.686°N 18.742°N 38.755°N 53.819°N 60.221°N 5.234°S 18.001°S 5.234°S 19.772°N 18.967°S 52.198°N 38.814°N 38.813°N 18.252°N 24.389°N 52.485°N 24.311°N 44.529°N 19.052°N 43.420°S 63.123°N 24.268°N 38.520°N 19.670°N 150.119°W 74.558°W 64.507°W 115.905°W 126.193°E 155.320°W 68.530°W 65.456°W 64.526°W 153.306°E 173.691°W 122.566°W 65.288°W 65.026°W 122.731°W 165.511°W 151.037°W 125.757°E 175.783°W 125.826°E 67.843°W 169.390°E 174.110°W 122.786°W 122.781°W 68.820°W 68.509°E 179.501°W 121.446°E 148.180°E 64.597°W 39.613°E 150.888°W 121.428°E 43.877°E 64.337°W 45.8 76.8 61.0 2.5 73.8 3.0 99.8 10.0 7.0 14.5 25.0 6.9 15.0 6.0 1.9 63.0 59.4 12.9 78.3 39.5 118.0 241.5 5.0 1.2 1.8 131.0 19.7 223.7 10.1 80.7 76.0 10.0 126.7 9.6 22.4 51.0 APES Salinization Inquiry Lab Purpose: To involve students in a real world scientific investigation in which they design an experiment to find out how salinization affects the germination of seeds. Skills Developed: Problem solving, critical thinking, analytic, mathematical, observational, collaboration, graphing. Scenario: Farmers in the Central Valley of California have become increasingly concerned about the build-up of salt in the soil and water. Farmers know that a small amount of salt in the soil and water will not adversely affect the germination and growth of their crops. But as salt concentration increases negative impacts occur. Eventually salt concentration may become so great that seeds will no longer germinate. Central Valley farmers have gotten together and hired your “company” (cooperative learning team) to investigate the problem for them. They want your “company” to do the research and present them with a report, including graphs, on how increasing salt concentrations will affect the germination of their seed crops. They need to know the relationship between salt concentration and the percent of seeds germinating. Background Information: Salt build-up is an existing or potential hazard on almost all of the 42 million acres of irrigated farmland in the United States. Much of the world’s unused land is in arid and semiarid regions where irrigation will be necessary. Excessive salinity is presently costing the U.S. billions of dollars. Salt kills germinating seedlings by removing the water from their cells (plasmolysis, exomosis, hypertonic). Several salts and their ions are responsible: NaCl, CaCl, KCl, MgCl, MgSO4, HCO3-, CO3-2, MgCO3, NO3-, NH4+, and K+. In this investigation your team will be investigating the effects of just one salt, NaCl (sodium chloride). An assumption will be made that NaCl will affect germinating seeds in a similar way as would other salts or combinations of salts. NaCl has a solubility of 35.7 grams per 100 mL of H2O. It is known that ocean water has a 3.5% concentration of salt (3.5 grams per 100 mL of H2O). Freshwater has a concentration of 0.005% salt (0.005 grams per 100 mL of H 2O). Specific instructions for Salinization Lab The problem in this scientific inquiry is this. How do salt concentrations affect the germination of food crops? We also received some background information on salinization so you are now ready to move on to the third step of the scientific method that is the formation of a Hypothesis. Produce a scientific report for the farmers of the Central Valley of California telling them how increasing concentrations of salt will affect the germination of their seed crops. Each team will turn in one report. Everyone should put their name on the report and everyone will receive the same grade. The report should include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. A hypothesis about how you feel the salt concentrations will affect the germination of your seeds. A procedure that describes the design and steps of your experiment to figure out how increasing salt concentrations will affect the germination of your seeds. You should include diagrams and drawings as well as written information. Explain how variables in your experiment will be controlled. A conclusion, which should state whether or not your hypothesis was supported. Your conclusion should include data charts and graphs, which show how increasing concentrations of salt in water affected the germination of your seeds. You should also indicate at what salt concentration no seeds would germinate. All concentrations should be given in percentages. The final step of the scientific method is reporting what you know which is turning in the finished report that you have prepared for the Central Valley farmers. Important things to consider: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Remember that germinating seeds need both water and oxygen to grow. When water evaporates from your salt solutions the concentration of salt will be changed. When salt crystallizes out of solution, the salt concentration in the solution will be changed. Use serial dilutions to make your salt solutions. Make careful observations. Materials Available for Your Use Petri dishes distilled water paper towels test tubes graduated cylinders tweezers for seed placement Beakers and flasks You are welcome to create or use other pieces of equipment. Labels Balances Name: _________________________________________ Period: __________ Date:_____________ APES SOIL LAB Introduction: Soil is a thin covering over most land that is a complex mixture of eroded rock, mineral nutrients, decaying organic matter, water, air, and billions of living organisms, most of them microscopic decomposers. Soil is the base of life on land. Producers that supply food for us and other consumers get the nutrients they need from soil and water. Soil helps cleanse water percolating downward through it. Soil also helps decompose and recycle biodegradable wastes and is a major component of the earth’s water recycling and water storage processes. In addition, it helps control the earth’s climate by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it as carbon compounds. Since the beginning of agriculture, human activities have accelerated natural soil erosion, which can convert this renewable resource into a nonrenewable resource. Soils vary in the size of the particles they contain, the amount of space between these particles, and how rapidly water flows through them. Soils are mixtures of particles of three different sizes: very small (>0.002mm) clay particles, medium size (0.002-0.05mm) silt particles, and larger (0.05-2mm) sand particles. The relative amounts of the different sizes and types of these mineral particles determine soil texture. A loam topsoil, a relatively even mix of the three particles, is best suited for plant growth. A simple technique known as ribboning can help distinguish the soil texture through the use of a dichotomous key. A more precise measure of soil texture can be determined through separation of the soil types and use of a Soil Texture Triangle. Materials: Garden Shovel Collecting container (cup) Soil Sieve Graduated Cylinder 200ml Beaker or Flask Dawn Dish Soap Water Rapitest Soil Nutrient Kit pH paper Day 1 Instructions: Soil Nutrients and Soil Texture Triangle Set-Up 1. Using a garden shovel, collect a soil sample from somewhere on campus. Fill your collection container with soil. Remove any obvious plant matter. 2. Using a soil sieve, sift your collected soil to remove any rocks or macroscopic organisms from the sample. Large sifted items can be placed outside. Return the sifted soil to your collection container. 3. 4. 5. 6. Using a graduated cylinder, measure 25 ml of soil and place it in your clear Solo Cup. Add 175ml water to the soil and mix well. Label your clear Solo Cup using masking tape with your period, group name & the words “nutrient test”. Place the clear Solo Cup in the area designated by your teacher; we will be using this later in the week. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Using the graduated cylinder, measure 25 ml of soil. With the soil still in the graduated cylinder, add water to the 75ml line. Add 2 drops of dawn dish soap to the water/soil mixture. Covering the top of the graduated cylinder with your hand, mix the contents by shaking hard for several minutes. Label the graduated cylinder using masking tape with your period, group name & the words “soil texture”. Place the graduated cylinder with your beaker, in the area designated by the instructor. 13. Save your remaining soil for tomorrow. Label your collection container with your period & group name and store with your other items. 14. Return all remaining materials, and clean your desk of any soil particles. Day 2 Instructions: Soil Texture by Feel 1. Using the key provided on the next page and the descriptions below, estimate the soil texture of the sample you collected by performing the Ball Squeeze Test, Ribbon Test, and Feel Test. 2. Ball Squeeze Test a. Place soil in the palm of hand. Add water drop wise and knead soil into a smooth and plastic consistency, like moist putty. Squeeze the moistened ball of soil in the hand. i. Coarse texture soils (sand or loamy sands) break with slight pressure ii. Medium texture soils (sandy loams or silt loams) stay together but change shape easily iii. Fine textured soils (clayey or clayey loam) resist breaking 3. Ribbon Test a. Place a ball of moistened soil in the hand. Gently push the soil out between the thumb and forefinger, squeezing it upward into a ribbon. Form a ribbon of uniform thickness and width. Allow ribbon to emerge and extend over the forefinger, breaking from its own weight. i. Ribbons less than 1 inch 1. Feels gritty = coarse texture (sandy) soil 2. Not gritty feeling = medium texture soil high in silt ii. Ribbons 1-2 inches 1. Feels gritty = medium texture soil 2. Not gritty feeling = fine texture soil iii. Ribbons greater than 2 inches 1. Fine texture clayey soil b. Have everyone in your group perform the ribbon test, and average your ribbon lengths to determine soil type. c. Wash your soil container, other materials and hands. Return all materials to their proper places and complete the data chart below to determine the qualitative soil texture of your soil sample. 4. Feel Test a. Moisten a pinch of soil in palm and rub with forefinger. Rub soil between fingers. i. Sand feels gritty ii. Silt feels smooth iii. Clay feels sticky Soil Test Observations Ball Squeeze Test Group Ribbon Lengths: Ribbon Test Average Ribbon Length: Other Observations: Qualitative Soil Texture Estimate Feel Test Day 3 Instructions: Soil Nutrients and Soil Texture Triangle Set-Up 1. Soil Nutrients Testing – In order for producers to survive on land, they must receive the appropriate nutrients from the soil, water and air around them. Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are supplied by water and air, so the remaining essential nutrients must come from the soil. The primary nutrients required by producers are Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K). Secondary nutrients include Sulfur (S), Calcium (Ca), and Magnesium (Mg). Additionally, several other micronutrients are necessary for healthy plant growth. The presence of these nutrients in addition to pH (optimal between 5.5-7.5), salinity, and electrical conductivity make up chemical indicators of soil quality. Soil quality is also determined by looking at physical properties (structure, depth, infiltration, water-holding capacity), biological properties (microbial activity and biomass), and presence of organic matter. a. Retrieve your beaker or flask containing 25ml of soil and 200mL of water. Be careful not to shake up the settled soil as you transport the soil to your table. b. Following the instructions provided with the RapiTest Soil Nutrients Kit to test your soil for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. i. Remove water using a plastic pipette to avoid disrupting the settled soil. DO NOT BLOW AIR INTO THE BEAKER WITH YOUR PIPETTE!!! ii. Use Natural Light (by the window or outside) to compare color change for nutrient level. c. Use the water remaining in the beaker to test for soil pH, using the pH paper provided. d. Record all data in the table below. e. Dump water and soil remaining in the beaker outside. Clean the beaker and all soil test kits in the sink. Soil Properties: Potassium (K-Test) Nitrogen (N-Test) Phosphorus (P-test) pH Levels: 2. Soil Texture Triangle – Using the soil texture triangle, scientists have created classes which break the distribution of particle sizes (soil textures) into 12 categories: clay, sandy clay, silty clay, sandy clay loam, clay loam, silty clay loam, sand, loamy sand, sandy loam, loam, silt loam, and silt. The soil texture is one of the tools that soil scientists use to visualize and understand the meaning of soil texture names. The textural triangle is a diagram which shows how each of these 12 textures is classified based on the percent of sand, silt and clay in each. Note: these percentages are based on the USDA definition of sand and silt only. a. Retrieve your graduated cylinder containing 25ml of soil and 75mL of water. BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL not to shake up the settled soil as you transport the soil to your table. b. Record the total volume (mL) of the settled soil layers: ________ c. Record the volume (mL) of each of the settled layers: i. Volume of Sand Layer: ___________ ii. Volume of Silt Layer: ___________ iii. Volume of Clay Layer: ___________ d. Calculate the percentage of sand, silt and clay present in your soil sample (show your work): i. Clay volume/total thickness x 100 = % clay ii. Silt volume/total volume x 100 = % silt iii. Sand volume/total volume x100 = %sand e. Use the Soil Texture Triangle below to determine the quantitative soil texture of your soil sample. f. How to Read the Soil Texture Triangle i. Find the point along the base of the triangle that represents the percentage of sand in your sample. Position a ruler from this point parallel with the lines that slant from the % sand base. ii. Find the point along the base of the triangle that represents the percentage of silt in your sample. Position a second ruler from this point parallel with the lines that slant from the % silt base. iii. Mark the point where the rulers intersect. iv. Position a ruler from the point marked, parallel to the horizontal running lines. The number of the left of the triangle the ruler intersects should equal the percent clay in the sample. Note that the sum of the percent of sand, silt and clay should add up to 100. v. The textural class of the soil sample is written in the area where the mark is located. If the mark falls directly on a line between two textural classes, record both names. vi. For Example: 66.4% Sand / 12.8% Silt / 20.8% Clay = Sandy Clay Loam soil texture g. Clean all lab materials, return them to their proper place as indicated by your instructor, and complete the lab analysis questions prior to turning in your lab. Lab Analysis Questions – You may need to do some outside research either in your textbook or online (reputable sources) to answer some of the questions below. 1. Explain how physical, chemical, and biological weathering each contribute to soil formation. 2. Based on your tests for soil nutrients and pH, describe the overall quality of your soil in terms of supporting plant life. 3. Water hold capacity is another important test for soil quality that we did not examine in this lab. Explain what water hold capacity is and why it is an important physical property used to determine soil quality. 4. In the chart below, compare the physical properties of soil to soil particle size: Sand Porosity (size of spaces between soil particles) Permeability (the rate at which water moves through soil) Silt Clay Water Holding Capacity (retention of water in soil) WORD BANK: small pores / low to moderate / limited / mostly large pores / very large / rapid / slow / small pores / medium 5. How did your qualitative measure of soil texture (feel/ball/ribboning) compare to your quantitative measure of soil texture (soil texture triangle)? Which do you feel is a more accurate system of determining soil texture? 6. Use the following percentages to determine the soil texture using the Soil Texture Triangle. When a number is missing, fill in the blanks. % Sand % Silt % Clay a. 75 10 15 b. 10 83 7 c. 42 37 d. 52 21 e. 35 50 f. 30 g. 5 h. 55 i. Soil Texture 21 70 40 45 10 7. Soil formation is part of a much larger geological process known as the rock cycle. In the diagram below, label the components of the rock cycle. a) Can a sedimentary rock become an igneous rock without first changing to a metamorphic rock? Explain! Energy Resources and Consumption Labs & Activities Name: _________________________________________________ Period: ____________ Date: __________________ Cookie Mining Lab The purpose of this activity is to simulate a mining operation. In order make the simulation economically valid, many of the costs associated with real mining operations will be considered. Several of the economic considerations in this simulation follow. *A land area will be purchased from the bank. *The land area will be surveyed and quantified. * Mining equipment will be purchased from the bank. *A mining operation will be undertaken, with the cost for each minute of the mining operation included in the total operating costs. *At the conclusion of mining operations, the reclamation of the land area is required, with a fine assessed for any part of the area that is not successfully reclaimed. land *The ore that was mined will be sold back to the bank to offset the start-up costs of the mining operation. The definition of “ore” is a naturally occurring material from which minerals of economic value can be extracted at a profit. In this exercise, the chocolate chip is the ore. The worthless rock that is associated with the ore and must be separated from the ore is the “gangue.” (The rest of the cookie is the gangue.) While the goal of this simulation is entirely economic, that is, to make as much money as possible. There are many goals other than economic goals that must be considered in a real mining operation. Although it is not possible to include all of the social and environmental implications of mining in this simple simulation, they must not be forgotten, and you should be prepared to discuss them in class. Materials 1 chocolate chip cookie Mining tools paper towel/napkin timer/clock graph paper Procedure 1. Each miner must obtain a sheet of graph paper and purchase a land area (cookie), on credit, from the bank. a. Type A (__________________________________________) $1500 b. Type B (__________________________________________) $1200 c. Type C (__________________________________________) $700 2. Each miner may purchase any combination of the following mining equipment, on credit, from the bank (at least two items must be purchased). If you break your equipment, you can purchase a replacement. a. Paper clip b. Round toothpick c. Flat toothpick $800/ea $500/ea $200/ea 3. Following the purchase of the cookie and mining equipment, place the cookie on the graph paper, trace the outline of the cookie, determine the area of the cookie by counting the number of squares that fall inside the line (count partial squares as full squares), and record the area of the cookie. **ATTACH your graph paper to your lab before you hand it in. DO NOT THROW IT OUT!!! 4. Place the cookie back inside the circle, and wait for the instruction to commence mining. 5. Once mining begins, the cookie is only to be touched by the mining tools and cannot be flipped over. The cookie may not be touched with fingers or hands. You may not blow crumbs off the paper at any time. Any part of the cookie that falls off the graph paper is considered to be “lost,” and should not be retrieved until the simulation is complete. 6. Attempt to dig out as many chocolate chips as possible. The chocolate chips simulate ore, and will be sold back to the bank to offset the start-up costs of the mining operation. Whole, clean, intact chocolate chips will be purchased by the bank for $500 each, “dirty” chocolate chips will be purchased for $200 each, and partial chocolate chips will be purchased for $100 each (partial chips must be combined to form the amount of ore in one chip). 7. The cost of an ongoing mining operation is $100 per minute. 8. After the cookie has been mined, reclamation must be attempted in accordance with the Surface Mining Control & Reclamation Act. Try to place all that remains of the cookie back into the circled area on the graph paper using the mining tools (remember, no fingers or hands allowed). Draw additional circles around each crumb that is not placed back in the circle, and count the number of squares that fall inside all circles. 9. The fine for unsuccessful reclamation is $50 per square (in excess of the original number of squares). 10. When all mining and reclamation is complete and you are ready to sell your chocolate chips to the bank, arrange them in such a way that they may be easily counted, record the end time of the simulation. Mining Information Land Area Type of cookie ______________________________________________________ Cost of Cookie = ____________________________________________________ Initial Size of Cookie (in squares) = Final Size of Cookie (in squares) = ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Mining Equipment Costs Paper ClipsUsed: __________ x $800 = _____________________________ Round Toothpicks Used: __________ x $500 = _____________________________ Flat Toothpicks Used __________ x $200 = _____________________________ Total Mining Equipment Costs = ____________________________ Time Cost Minutes Spent Mining: __________ x $100 = ______________________________ Total Cost of Mining Operations Cost of Cookie + Total Mining Equipment Costs + Minutes Spent Mining Cost = ___________________ Reclamation Cost Final Size of Cookie – Initial Size of Cookie: _____________ x $50 = _______________________ Mining Revenue (see me to help determine) Number of Whole Chips Removed __________x $500 = _____________________________ Number of “Dirty” Chips Removed _________x $200 = _____________________________ Number of Partial Chips* Removed _________x $100 = _____________________________ chips must be amassed so that their total size includes at least the amount of chocolate as an intact whole chip to be sold) (Partial Total Mining Revenue = _____________________________ Bottom Line (Profit/Loss) Mining Revenue – Total Cost of Mining Operations – Reclamation Cost = __________________________________ Analysis Questions—On a separate piece of paper, respond to the following questions using your book (Ch 15) and the internet as a reference. 1. Were you able to restore the land to its previous, un-mined, condition? 2. Explain how the time required for mining is affected by the advance knowledge that the land must be restored. 3. Explain why legislation that requires land to be restored after mining makes mining more expensive. 4. Outline the requirements of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act. 5. What groups are most likely to support and oppose the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act. 6. Differentiate between surface and subsurface mining. Which causes less environmental damaging and why? 7. Assume your reclamation efforts were negligible and resulted in acid mine drainage. Describe the effects of acid mine drainage. 8. If the cost of restoration was built in to the resource (full cost pricing), how would that affect the demand for non-renewable vs. renewable resources? 9. What changes in your mining technique would have resulted in more profit? 10. The average copper ore mined in 1900 was 5% copper by weight. Today, the average is 0.5%. What factors could account for this difference? LAB: FOSSIL FUELS Purpose: Estimate the amount of fossil fuel you consume directly; through transportation, electrical appliances, and home heating at well as indirectly. Background: The economics of the industrialized world run on fossil fuel. Coal, gas, and petroleum, formed hundreds of millions of years ago by decaying plants and animals, have provided modern people with a supply of stored energy from the sun. Fossil fuels have allowed us to move from a society based primarily on energy from people and living plants and animals to one based on fossil fuels. Special conditions that existed when coal, gas, and petroleum formed are not present now, so they can no longer form in any significant amounts, if at all. Furthermore, formation of fossil fuels is a very slow process, too slow for ant replacement to keep step with current use. Because fossil fuel reserves are limited and cannot be replaced, they are said to be nonrenewable. Limited supplies are, however, not the only concerns. When fossil fuels are burned, they produce carbon dioxide, the principal contributor to the greenhouse effect. Increases in the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide have been observed during this century and threaten to cause global warming. Other gases emitted by fossil fuels contribute to air pollution and acid rain. Coal mining, particularly of the above-ground type called strip mining, damages the landscape, while dust and noxious gases in the underground mines are a health hazard for miners. Finally, many people are concerned that our dependence on oil, mostly from the Middle East, makes us vulnerable to the politics of the area. Procedure: Include all calculations (including ALL UNITS) on a separate sheet of paper. Show you work in a logical, organized fashion. 1. To estimate the amount of fossil fuel you consume in transportation: a. Divide the number of miles you drive in one year by the number of miles per gallon your car gets to find the number of gallons of fuel you use in one year. If you do not know this, you can keep a record of fuel consumption for one week while completing #5. b. Multiplying the number of gallons of fuel you use per year by 125,000 BTUs (the amount of energy in one gallon of gasoline) to find the number of BTUs you use in one year. 2. To estimate the amount of fossil fuel equivalent to the energy you consume in electrical appliances: a. Use the table on “Energy requirements of household electrical appliances” to find the appliances you use. b. Add the values for each appliance to find your annual energy consumption for electrical appliances in kilowatt-hours per year (k Wh/yr). c. Multiply the number of kilowatt-hours per year by 3411 (the number of BTUs equivalent to 1 kilowatt hour) to find the number of BTUs of electrical energy you use annually. 3. To estimate the amount of fossil fuel you consume in home heating: a. If your home is heated by electricity, you can obtain a monthly heating bill and convert to kilowatt-hour to BTUs per year as in step 2. b. If your home is heating by natural gas, or wood, you can use your monthly heating bill and the following information to convert fuel use into BTUs per year: i. 1 cubic foot of natural gas = 1,031 BTUs ii. 100 pounds of coal = 1,111,100 BTUs iii. 1 gallon of fuel oil = 140,000 BTUs iv. 120 pounds of dry wood = 948,000 BTUs c. Based on the timeframe of your heating bill (one months, two months, etc), multiply so that the consumption reflects usage in one year. 4. Add the number of BTUs from steps 1-3, to find your total consumption for the year. 5. Keep track of the number of and purpose for your car trips for one week. Use the following categories to record the purpose: home to work/school, work/school related, family business, visiting friends, shopping, civic or religious, vacation, doctor or dentist, and pleasure. If your record length in miles, multiply by 1.6 to convert to kilometers. Analysis and Conclusions: 1. The figure you calculated is the energy you use directly. It does not include the energy you use indirectly. Indirect energy use includes energy used in manufacturing products you buy, growing and processing food, and transporting food and products to you. Approximately 75% of the energy we use is used indirectly. Therefore, you need to multiply the total number of BTUs you calculated by 4 to obtain your total energy consumption. Compare this to the average total energy consumption per person in the United States of 300 million BTUs. 2. Prepare a bar graph of your car trips to show the percentage of trips in each of the categories in step #5 above (These are listed in order from the most to least frequent purposes of motor vehicle trips in the United States). How do your results compare with the national results? How could you conserve gasoline? 3. Each gallon of gasoline burned produces 24 pounds of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the principal contributor to the greenhouse effect. Calculate the number of pounds of carbon dioxide your car produces each year. This is not your total, as all other energy you use (except for solar, wind, and nuclear) also produces carbon dioxide. The production of carbon dioxide per person in the United States is approximately 5 ton per year. 1 Week Car Trip Log Home to Work/School Work/School Related Family Business Visiting Friends Shopping Civic or Religious Vacation Doctor or Dentist Pleasure Civic or Religious Vacation Doctor or Dentist Pleasure Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Week Car Trip Log Home to Work/School Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Work/School Related Family Business Visiting Friends Shopping Saturday Required Information ● How is your home heated? ____________________ o Electricity? Gas? Wood? Other? ● Ask to see a recent monthly heating bill. o How many months does the bill cover? ________________ o Record how much energy was used: ________________ ▪ Common Energy Bill Units: ▪ Kilowatt-hours (kWh) ▪ BTU’s ▪ Cubic feet ▪ Other units ● Look up the average miles per gallon (mpg) your car gets: _____________ Required Information ● How is your home heated? ____________________ o Electricity? Gas? Wood? Other? ● Ask to see a recent monthly heating bill. o How many months does the bill cover? ________________ o Record how much energy was used: ________________ ▪ Common Energy Bill Units: ▪ Kilowatt-hours (kWh) ▪ BTU’s ▪ Cubic feet ▪ Other units ● Look up the average miles per gallon (mpg) your car gets: _____________ Energy Resource Conve ntional Oil Shale Oil / Oil Sands How do we extract it? (Sources) How is it used to generate energy? Specialized equipment needed? Advantages (ecological & economic) Disad (ecologica Energy Resource Conve ntional Natura l Gas Coal How do we extract it? (Sources) How is it used to generate energy? Specialized equipment needed? Advantages (ecological & economic) Disad (ecologica Energy Resource Synthe tic Natura l Gas (Synga s) Nuclea r How do we extract it? (Sources) How is it used to generate energy? Specialized equipment needed? Advantages (ecological & economic) Disad (ecologica Energy Resource Passiv e/ Active Solar Heatin g Solar High Tempe rature Heat & Electri city How does it generate energy? Specialized equipment needed? Economically feasible? Advantages Disad Energy Resource Solar Photov oltaic Cells Large Scale Hydro electri c How does it generate energy? Specialized equipment needed? Economically feasible? Advantages Disad Energy Resource Wind Power Solid Bioma ss How does it generate energy? Specialized equipment needed? Economically feasible? Advantages Disad Energy Resource Biofuel s– Ethan ol / Metha nol / Biodie sel / Algae Geothe rmal How does it generate energy? Specialized equipment needed? Economically feasible? Advantages Disad Energy Resource Hydro gen Tidal How does it generate energy? Specialized equipment needed? Economically feasible? Advantages Disad Additional APES Projects AP Environmental Science Timeline Project – 100 points Create a timeline with the following important events, people, and laws in environmental science. You will need to attach several papers together to create a long sheet of paper for your timeline. For each item in bold and italics you will also need to describe the event, person or law in one or two sentences. Must be hand-made. No typing allowed. It is too easy to copy and paste the description of each item and I want you to learn the information. Include a MINIMUM of 10 pictures on your timeline (minimum means the least I would expect to earn a passing grade). These could be pictures of important people, places, or events on your timeline. You can print them from the computer and paste on, or you can draw them. Your timeline should be straight, attractive, neatly labeled, and descriptions should be neatly and legibly written in ink. Items should be placed on your timeline to scale (eg, do not just make a line and list the events in order on the line. Scale it by time increments and place items on it appropriately). Do your OWN work. Descriptions must be in your own words. You may work with a partner if you choose, but be sure to review all of the events and study your timeline as you make it. The items on your timeline are important and you need to know them for the AP exam and for your Timeline Quiz!!! Knowledge of Timeline Items will determine 65% of your grade and Timeline Appearance/Quality/Visuals/Instructions Followed will determine 35% of your grade. * 10,000 years ago: Agricultural Revolution * 275 years ago: Industrial Revolution * 1838: John Muir (date born) – why was he important? * * 1854: Walden by Henry David Thoreau * * 1862: Homestead Act * * 1872: Yellowstone National Park founded * 1875: American Forestry Association founded * 1890: Yosemite plus Sequoia National Park founded * 1892: Sierra Club founded * * 1900: Lacey Act * * 1901-09: Golden Age of Conservation (Theodore Roosevelt) * 1903: First national wildlife refuge established * * 1905: U.S. Forest Service founded * * 1905: Gifford Pinchot * * 1905: Aldo Leopold * * 1905: Audubon Society founded * * 1906: Antiquities Act * * 1907: Congress became upset because Roosevelt was waving so much forest land so they banned further withdrawals. * 1912: U.S. National Park service founded * 1930s: Dust Bowl * * 1933: Soil Conservation Service founded * 1933: Civilian Conservation Corps founded (discuss what the CCC was & environmental types of projects)* * 1934: Taylor Grazing Act * * 1934: Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act * * 1940: Fish plus Wildlife Service founded * * 1962: Silent Spring published by Rachel Carson * * 1963: Wilderness Act * * 1968: Wild and Scenic Rivers Act * * 1969: Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio, caught fire * * 1969: NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) * * 1970: First Earth Day * 1970: Environmental Protection Agency established * 1970: Clear Air Act established * (Revised 63, 65, 70, 77, 90) * 1973: Endangered Species Act * * 1973: FIFRA - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Control Act * (Revised 72, 75, 78, 88) * 1973: OPEC and Oil Embargo * * 1974: Roland and Molina (UCI) – CFC’s and ozone announcement * * 1976: RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) * * 1977: Clean Water Act * * 1977: Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act * * 1978: Love Canal, NY (toxic waste leaks into residential houses) * * 1979: Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident * * 1980: Alaskan Lands Act * * 1984: Bhopal, India (chemical toxic cloud) * * 1986: Chernobyl * * CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act [Super-Fund] * (Revised 80, 86, 90) * 1987: Montreal Protocol * * 1989: Exxon Valdez * * 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992 * * 1994: Desert Protection Act * * 1999: World population hits 6 billion. * 1997-2005: Kyoto Protocol * * 2007-2008: IPCC Report on Climate Change * * 2009: Gulf Oil Spill * * 2010: Nuclear Disaster in Japan * 2012: World population hits 7 billion Use your textbook and searches on the web to obtain information for the descriptions of each item. The following website may be helpful: Timeline Rubric Timeline Quiz Grade _______% Weight x 0.65 Timeline Quality ● Attractive Appearance (10) ● 10+ Appropriate Visuals (10) ● Neatly Hand-labeled in Ink (5) ● Scaled Appropriately (5) ● Includes all required Items (5) Total Score = ___________/65 Total Score ___________/35 FINAL GRADE: __________/100 Timeline Rubric Timeline Quiz Grade _______% Weight x 0.65 Timeline Quality ● Attractive Appearance (10) ● 10+ Appropriate Visuals (10) ● Neatly Hand-labeled in Ink (5) ● Scaled Appropriately (5) ● Includes all required Items (5) Total Score = ___________/65 Total Score ___________/35 FINAL GRADE: __________/100 Timeline Rubric Timeline Quiz Grade _______% Weight x 0.65 Timeline Quality ● Attractive Appearance (10) ● 10+ Appropriate Visuals (10) ● Neatly Hand-labeled in Ink (5) ● Scaled Appropriately (5) ● Includes all required Items (5) Total Score = ___________/65 Total Score ___________/35 FINAL GRADE: __________/100 Name: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Period: ________________ APES Timeline Project Quiz 1. _____ Author, scientist, ecologist, forester, environmentalist and 1838: John Muir professor. Known for views on environmental ethics and 1854: Walden by Henry David Thoreau book “A Sand County Almanac.” 1862: Homestead Act 2. _____ Purpose was to generate revenue for acquiring wetlands to conserve under the National Wildlife Refuge System. 1892: Sierra Club founded 3. _____ America’s oldest conservation group dedicated to 1900: Lacey Act exploring, enjoying and protecting the wild places of the 1903: First National Wildlife Refuge Earth. 4. _____ International treaty aimed at fighting global warming, 1905: U.S. Forest Service founded designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. US not a 1905: Gifford Pinchot member. 5. _____ Pelican Island Florida – designed to protect wildlife and 1905: Aldo Leopold their habitats 1905: Audubon Society founded 6. _____ Toxic waste disposed of by Hooker Chemical leaks into 1906: Antiquities Act suburban homes leading to public health disaster. 7. _____ Gave the president the ability to restrict the use of 1933: Soil Conservation Service founded particular public land owned by the federal government to 1933: Civilian Conservation Corps founded preserve objects of historic and scientific interest. 1934: Taylor Grazing Act 8. _____ Protects critically imperiled species from extinction by conserving their critical habitats. 1934: Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act 9. _____ Provides broad federal authority to clean up releases of 1940: Fish plus Wildlife Service founded hazardous substances that may endanger public health or 1962: Silent Spring published by Rachel the environment. Carson 10. _____ One of America’s early conservationists and founder of the 1963: Wilderness Act Sierra Club; advocated for preservation of wilderness. 11. _____ Put EPA in charge of the generation use and disposal of 1968: Wild and Scenic Rivers Act solid and hazardous waste. 1969: Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio 12. _____ International treaty designed to phase out production of ozone depleting substances. 1969: NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) 13. _____ First chief of the U.S. Forest Service. Known for reforming the management and development of forests in the US. 1970: Clear Air Act established 14. _____ Assures all branches of government consider the impact on 1973: Endangered Species Act the environment when making policy decisions. Referred 1973: FIFRA - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, to as the Environmental Magna Carta. and Rodenticide Control Act 15. _____ Partial nuclear meltdown, releasing nuclear material. 1973: OPEC and Oil Embargo Worst nuclear accident in US nuclear history. 16. _____ Designed to provide technical assistance to farmers and 1974: Roland and Molina (UCI) other landowners to better manage and conserve soil 1976: RCRA (Resource Conservation and following the Dust Bowl. Now called the National Resources Conservation Service. Recovery Act) 17. _____ Highlighted US dependency on foreign oil; disrupted supply leading to high prices and recession. 1977: Clean Water Act 18. _____ Regulated the effects of coal mining in the US. 19. _____ Promoted settling of land west of the Mississippi by granting land to those who “improved” 1977:settled Surfaceand Mining Control and it for Reclamation Act five years 20. _____ Documented detrimental effects of pesticides on the environment. Credited withLove helping 1978: Canal, to NY launch the environmental movement. 1979: Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident 1984: Bhopal, India 1986: Chernobyl AP Environmental Science Biomes Project THIS PROJECT IS DUE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 9th, 2013! Background: In studying environmental science, we will look at a variety of different factors, both biotic and abiotic, which influence living organisms and the biomes in which they live. From biology, remember that there are about eight general biome types- tropical rain forest, desert, coniferous forest (taiga), temperate deciduous forest, tundra, chaparral, grasslands, and aquatic (oceanic, freshwater, and brackish). However, these basic biome categories are simply generalizations, under which, there are many more specific biomes with unique features localized to particular geographic regions. Of course, the two dominant factors that predict biome types are precipitation and temperature, both of which are associated with the general climate of an area, which is primarily dictated by geographic latitude. Directions: For this project you will either be working alone or in groups. If you work with a partner(s), all partners will receive the same grade so choose your partner(s) wisely, or simply work on your own. Most work will need to be completed outside of class, so pick a partner who you can work with outside of school. In this project, you will be responsible for constructing a PowerPoint presentation of eleven slides (minimum), including a bibliographic slide (PowerPoint is available on all school computers if you do not have this program). You will also be responsible for creating a detailed food web of a specific locale found within your biome. Your Power Point and food web will also be presented to the class via a brief oral presentation. You will need to provide both a file copy and a hardcopy of your Power Point (when you go to print in PowerPoint select handouts from the dropdown menu and select 3 slides per page). Be sure your name(s) is/are on your PowerPoint as well. Part 1 – Power Point: For the PowerPoint, you may choose any biome you find particularly interesting, or you may simply choose a biome you want to learn more about. Mrs. Rabinowitz has a list of the lesser known biomes such as the temperate rain forest, savannahs, tropical deciduous forest, or the like. You must let me know by Monday, September 16th who you are working with and your biome. Biomes may not be duplicated in a class so first come first serve!!! The slides that you create must follow the order listed below, with specific content on the appropriate slides. You may use additional slides as necessary to prevent slides from being cluttered. Slide 1-- List your biome of study, provide a small map of the area, basic latitude and/or longitude boundaries, and names of regions or country examples within your biome area. Slide 2 & 3-- Research and describe the basic abiotic factors of your particular biome. This would include factors such as average precipitation, average temperature, wind patterns, soil composition or profile, dominate geographic features, solar radiation, and other limiting factors. Slide 4& 5-- Research the internet and either find a climatogram very similar to your region, or make a basic climatogram by making a simple graph from any data you find in your research. Explain any seasonal patterns or general trends of your climatograms, and the special influence these localized conditions have on the adaptations of key plant and animal species of that area. Explain how the adaptations help with survival. Slide 6, 7, 8-- List at least 5 major autotrophs, 5 major heterotrophs, and 5 decomposers or scavengers found in your biome area. Also, be sure to list any keystone species or species that have a particularly important cultural, economic or ecological value. These slides should also include some threatened or endangered species. Pictures of the organisms should be included! Slide 9 - Describe the state of the particular biome area you are researching in terms of its preservation, degradation, or environmental status in general. Are there any current environmental problems that are problematic for the region today? Is it an area with deforestation problems? Are there national parks or nature preserves in the region? Are there specific dangers for the region that are likely to be seen in the future? Slide 10-- Research and list any programs or groups that are taking a proactive role in helping to preserve the biotic or abiotic resources of your biome of study. These programs or groups may be very localized grassroots efforts, volunteer groups, privately funded preservation groups, or even government backed programs. Explain the efforts being made by these organizations to protect/preserve the biome. Slide 11-- Bibliography slide! When in doubt document your sources. Provide credit where credit is due. Sources should be included for both information AND any pictures used. (Google Image Search is NOT a source!!!) If you need help with documentation refer to the RHS homepage and access the library/media center resources for citation guidelines (particularly for internet sources). Most of all have fun, be creative, be scientific, and take a genuine interest in your study area, and be prepared to share you knowledge with the rest of your classmates. It’s a big world with many amazing biome regions, some of which, many of us will never have the opportunity to visit first hand, but we can learn about the area through your research and knowledge. In terms of getting your file to me, here are the best options: 1. Bring in your file on a thumb drive or portable USB storage device [BEST OPTION] 2. Email it to me at (don’t send to my school account b/c if your file is massive, the district server will bounce it back to you without me receiving your file). If you do email your file, make sure your file name includes any name or names, your period, and the topic. 3. Email it to yourself (as a backup) for later transfer from your mail account to my computer. Here is a good file name� AshleyDMeaganQ-TropicalGrassland-per4.ppt Don’t just email me a file that’s named AP PowerPoint, rainforest PowerPoint, or presentation, etc. as I will end up with lots of files that are named the same thing, which is very, very, bad. Remember to print a hard copy of your presentation….. When you go to print in PowerPoint select handouts from the dropdown menu and select 3 slides per page. If I do not get a hard copy from you, points will be deducted from your grade for the project. Remember to include a great deal of pictures!!! Since some of us may never visit these biomes, pictures will give us a better sense of the regions you are speaking of. If you have personally visited your biome, feel free to include some family photos. Keep wordiness to a minimum on the slides themselves. Tell us more verbally than you put on the slides, we can read. You may use your hardcopy for additional notes you wish to share during the presentation, do not simply read off your slides! Finally, make sure we can read your slides, don’t make rookie freshmen mistakes by putting pictures as background images, making it impossible to read the information. Part 2 – Food Web: On a poster board, create a food web for a PARTICULAR area/ecosystem within your biome- examples might include areas such as the savannahs of Argentina, the tropical rainforest of Madagascar, the Anza-Borrego desert of California, the coastal estuaries of San Diego, the deciduous forests of Pennsylvania, the temperate rainforests of Vancouver, etc. REQUIREMENTS: ● Your food web must include at least 5 specific primary producers (plants, algae, phytoplankton, cyanobacteria, etc.), 5 - 1st order consumers, 5 - 2nd order consumers, 3 - 3rd order consumers, 2 - 4th order consumers, and 1 5th order consumer. ● Organisms that are producers should be labeled with a P. Consumers should be labeled using the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 according to what the arrows indicate they are consuming (remember, consumers can occupy more than one trophic level – See Example). ● Each organism must have a picture or illustration along with the name of the organism. ● Make sure to draw in arrows demonstrating the direction of matter and energy flow within your particular ecosystem, and be sure to include some type of general decomposer/detritivore somewhere on your food web. Once your food web is complete, answer the following questions below and staple your answers to your food web when finished. Answers to these questions should be in complete sentences and should be TYPED!!! 1. Identify a potential symbiotic relationship (p.153-155) in your food web and describe it. 2. Define the concept of a keystone species (p. 148). Identify one species in your food web you would consider to be keystone and explain your rationale for your choice. 3. Identify and describe two examples of predator-prey relationships in your food web. 4. Which of the species in your food web are non-native or exotic/invasive species introductions (p.233-36)? Explain how the introduction of one of these species has impacted your area. (If all species are native, discuss how the introduction of an invasive species could alter your ecosystem). 5. Describe and rate the species richness (p. 145) of your particular biome area. 6. Describe the concept of an indicator species (p. 146-8). Which of the organisms might act as an indicator species for your particular biome? 7. Describe both the persistence and resilience (p. 158) of your biome. 8. If some kind of disturbance, either human induced or due to some type of natural cause occurred in your biome area, how to you think the secondary succession process would develop? How long do you think the process would take re-establish the mature climax community? (p.155-8) 9. List any organisms in your food web that have specialized defenses against predation and describe what those adaptations are and how they work to decrease predation and mortality. (p.152-153) 10. Explain how resource partitioning (p.150) could be used to limit competition between organisms in your ecosystem. Name(s): _________________________________________ Period: _____________ Biome Project Rubric - PowerPoint Slide Content 0 1 2 3 Score Biome / Map / Long. Lat. / Example areas Not included in PowerPoint Some required information presented Abiotic factors – Precip. / Temp. / Wind / Soil / Geographic features / Solar Rad. / Limiting Factors Not included in PowerPoint Some required information presented Most required information presented in detail All required information presented in detail Climatogram / Seasonal patterns Not included in PowerPoint Adaptations of plants & animals Not included in PowerPoint 5 Autotrophs / 5 Heterotrophs / 5 Scavengers or Decomposers Not included in PowerPoint Specialty species & impact / Threatened or Endangered species Not included in PowerPoint Environmental status (degradation / preservation) Not included in PowerPoint Programs or groups working to preserve biome – describe efforts!! Not included in PowerPoint Links to sources – Information Resources Not included in PowerPoint Links to sources – Picture Resources Not included in PowerPoint Some required information presented Some required information presented Some required information presented Some required information presented Some required information presented Some required information presented Some required information presented Some required information presented Most required information presented in detail Most required information presented in detail Most required information presented in detail Most required information presented in detail Most required information presented in detail Most required information presented in detail Most required information presented in detail Most required information presented in detail All required information presented in detail All required information presented in detail All required information presented in detail All required information presented in detail All required information presented in detail All required information presented in detail All required information presented in detail All required information presented in detail Presentation to Class Attractiveness / Mechanics Most required information presented in detail All required information presented in detail 0-3 4-6 7-8 9-10 Includes few: - Holds audience attention (interesting) - Smooth delivery / evidence of preparedness - Knowledgeable - Maintains eye contact - Time appropriate (10 minutes max) Includes few: - Slides not too wordy - Lots of appropriate pictures to support info - Easy to read / background appropriate - Hard copy provided - Grammar / spelling Includes some: - Holds audience attention (interesting) - Smooth delivery / evidence of preparedness - Knowledgeable - Maintains eye contact - Time appropriate (10 minutes max) Includes some: - Slides not too wordy - Lots of appropriate pictures to support info - Easy to read / background appropriate - Hard copy provided - Grammar / spelling Includes most: - Holds audience attention (interesting) - Smooth delivery / evidence of preparedness - Knowledgeable - Maintains eye contact - Time appropriate (10 minutes max) Includes most: - Slides not too wordy - Lots of appropriate pictures to support info - Easy to read / background appropriate - Hard copy provided - Grammar / spelling Includes all: - Holds audience attention (interesting) - Smooth delivery / evidence of preparedness - Knowledgeable - Maintains eye contact - Time appropriate (10 minutes max) Includes all: - Slides not too wordy - Lots of appropriate pictures to support info - Easy to read / background appropriate - Hard copy provided - Grammar / spelling TOTAL: Score Biome Project Rubric – Food Web 0-13 Food Web Questions (Typed) 16-17 18-20 Includes some of the following: Includes most of the following: Includes all of the following: - Includes all required organism levels - Includes all required organism levels - Includes all required organism levels - Includes all required organism levels - Trophic levels labeled appropriately based on arrows drawn - Trophic levels labeled appropriately based on arrows drawn - Trophic levels labeled appropriately based on arrows drawn - Trophic levels labeled appropriately based on arrows drawn - All arrows drawn in correct direction - All arrows drawn in correct direction - All arrows drawn in correct direction - All arrows drawn in correct direction - Pictures/illustrations of organisms included - Pictures/illustrations of organisms included - Pictures/illustrations of organisms included - Pictures/illustrations of organisms included - Importance of decomposers acknowledged Few questions answered accurately and thoroughly (in detail) - Importance of decomposers acknowledged Some questions answered accurately and thoroughly (in detail) - Importance of decomposers acknowledged Most questions answered accurately and thoroughly (in detail) - Importance of decomposers acknowledged 0-3 Includes few of below: - Professional & attractive appearance Attractiveness / Presentation 14-15 Includes few of the following: - Neatly drawn & labeled - Easy to follow - Appropriate size as to not be cluttered 4-6 Includes some of below: - Professional & attractive appearance - Neatly drawn & labeled - Easy to follow - Appropriate size as to not be cluttered 7-8 Score All questions answered accurately and thoroughly (in detail) 9-10 Score Includes most of below: Includes all of below: - Professional & attractive appearance - Professional & attractive appearance - Neatly drawn & labeled - Neatly drawn & labeled - Easy to follow - Easy to follow - Appropriate size as to not be cluttered - Appropriate size as to not be cluttered TOTAL: APES Biome Project Sign-Up Sheet Terrestrial Biomes Temperate Desert - _______________________________________________________ Polar Desert - ___________________________________________________________ Temperate Grassland - ____________________________________________________ Tropical Grassland (Savanna) - _____________________________________________ Polar Grassland (Arctic Tundra) - ___________________________________________ Temperate Shrubland (Chaparral) - __________________________________________ Tropical Rain Forest - ____________________________________________________ Temperate Rain Forest - ___________________________________________________ Temperate Deciduous Forest - ______________________________________________ Polar Evergreen Coniferous Forest (Boreal / Taiga) - ____________________________ Aquatic Biomes Estuaries - _____________________________________________________________ Temperate Salt Marshes - _________________________________________________ Mangrove Forests - ______________________________________________________ Coral Reefs - ___________________________________________________________ Open Sea (Euphotic Zone) - _______________________________________________ Intertidal Zones (rocky or sandy) - __________________________________________ Lakes - ________________________________________________________________ Freshwater Marshes (w/o trees) - ___________________________________________ Freshwater Swamps (with trees) - ___________________________________________ Rivers - ________________________________________________________________ Invasive Species Wanted Poster 60 Point Lab Grade The Product ● A “Wanted” Poster for your species. You must include: o Name – Give Common Name / Scientific Name / “criminal nicknames” (you create) ▪ 5 points o Picture - A color drawing or photograph ▪ 5 points o Identifying Characteristics – Key physical features to look for when identifying the criminal (be detailed) ▪ 5 points o Last Seen – Where did the species originally come from? Include a map with native range shaded ▪ 5 points o Suspected Hideouts - Describe preferred habitat / Include a map with its current U.S. distribution shaded ▪ 5 points o Crimes Committed – Explain what damage your species is doing to the ecosystems it has invaded (crimes must be specific to YOUR species & not general to all invasive species) ▪ 10 points [BE THOROUGH] o Reward – $$$ for elimination of your species – justify the amount you choose (think ecologically, economically, socially, politically – again, be specific to YOUR species) ▪ 5 points o Poster Attractiveness – Appropriate Size / Color / Neatness / Creativity / Spelling & Grammar / Organized ▪ 10 points o Poster Presentation – Able to speak clearly and knowledgably about species / does not read directly off poster / maximum 1-2 minutes ▪ 5 points ● Bibliography – List of internet sites / web addresses or appropriate bibliographic information for all information AND picture resources. Attach this securely to the back of your poster. o 5 points U.S. Invasive Species to Choose From: Terrestrial Animals Burmese Python Emerald Ash Borer Indian mongoose European starlings Asian tiger mosquito Asian long-horned beetle Silverleaf whitefly Cactus Moth Red imported fire ant European gypsy moth Green iguana Domestic Cat (Feral) Coypu (Nutria) Brown tree snake Africanized bee Plants Purple loosestrife Spotted knapweed Kudzu Common water hyacinth Japanese honeysuckle Eurasian watermilfoil Poison hemlock Giant hogweed Aquatic Animals Bighead Asian Carp Silver Asian Carp Zebra Mussels Quagga Mussels Sea Lamprey Aquatic Animals Cont. Red Lionfish Northern snakehead Alewife European green crab Chinese mitten crab New Zealand mud snail Eurasian ruffe Round goby Pathogens Chestnut blight Dutch Elm Disease Sudden Oak Death Invasive Species Wanted Poster Rubric Content Points Possible Name – Give Common Name / Scientific Name / “criminal nicknames” 5 Picture - A color drawing or photograph 5 Identifying Characteristics – Key physical features to look for when identifying the criminal (be detailed) 5 Last Seen – Where did the species originally come from? Include a map with native range shaded 5 Suspected Hideouts - Describe preferred habitat / include a map with its current U.S. distribution shaded 5 Crimes Committed – Explain what damage your species is doing to the ecosystems it has invaded (crimes must be specific to YOUR species & not general to all invasive species) [BE THOROUGH] 10 Reward – $$$ for elimination of your species – justify the amount you choose (think ecologically, economically, socially, politically – again, be specific to YOUR species) 5 Poster Attractiveness – Appropriate Size / Color / Neatness / Creativity / Spelling & Grammar / Organized 10 Poster Presentation – Able to speak clearly and knowledgably about species / does not read directly off poster / maximum 1-2 minutes 5 Bibliography – List of internet sites / web addresses or appropriate bibliographic information for all information AND picture resources. 5 TOTAL: Score APES: Save the Endangered Species Project Due Date: Tuesday, December 10th The focus of the current unit is the importance and value of the biodiversity on Earth, and the consequences of the current ongoing anthropogenic mass extinction of species. There have been five mass extinctions in the history of life on Earth, and according to some scientists we are in the midst of the sixth, which is the result of human activities. There are three human activities that have resulted in the extinction of thousands of species of flora and fauna in the recent history of life on Earth. One activity is the destruction of habitat. As we have learned in previous units, all organisms have numerous needs to fulfill using the resources available in its ecosystem. If all or part of an ecosystem is destroyed the result can be many species that are no longer capable of meeting their needs for survival. Habitat loss plays a part virtually any time a species is threatened A second activity is the introduction of exotic (invasive) species. When a non-native species is introduced into an ecosystem it may have the ability to displace one or more native species from that ecosystem. Often these alien species are more adaptable and respond better to change than the native species in the ecosystem. The third significant human activity that results in extinction is the willful destruction of flora and fauna through the hunting, poaching, or overharvesting of species. This is the unfortunate outcome for species with parts that are desirable to humans as well as for those species that compete with or threaten the well-being of human beings. The following are the requirements of the assignment: In this assignment, you will research, design, publish and present a high quality, informative product in which you introduce your classmates to an endangered or threatened species using the criteria below: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● A color photo or detailed color illustration of the organism The full name of the species (common name and Scientific name) A physical description of the species (size, weight, appearance, etc) The location and characteristics of its natural habitat o This is the geographical location for the species, be as specific as possible. Be careful of marine species, many of them range the entire ocean, thus they are world species. If they spend a majority of the time in U.S. waters, you can place them in the U.S.: example – Florida Manatee. o For its natural habitat, you should describe characteristics (climate, topography, space/shelter needed, etc ) of the area it lives in; listing the biome it calls home is not enough. The specie’s niche o What it eats; what eats it; trophic level; mating behaviors; generalist or specialist; specific roles (keystone, indicator, etc) The causes of its decline in population o Describe the reason the species is endangered; explain both biological (specific characteristics of the species) and anthropogenic (human caused) reasons What (if anything) is being done to conserve the species? What could be done to help prevent its extinction? What services (ecological and/or economic) does this species provide to the world? Why should it be saved from extinction? A minimum of 3 scientifically reliable sources Project Parameters: ● Any text turned in for grading must be organized logically, labeled, and TYPED. ● You may CHOOSE THE TYPE OF PRODUCT you want to create BUT THE CONTENT must be there no matter what – see the scoring guide below. ● You must do your own writing – NO COPY/PASTE OF INFORMATION IS ALLOWED. That is PLAGARISM and will result in a 0 on the project. Save the Endangered/Threatened Species Project Student(s) Period Organism: Common Name 1. 2. _______________ Project Product: ______________________ Color photo / picture / illustration Name of the Species, (scientific & common) & description of Exemplary Strong 5 4 5 Proficient Developing Beginning 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 species 3. Location and characteristics of natural habitat 4. Niche (What it eats; what eats it; trophic level; mating behaviors; generalist or specialist; specific roles) 5 4 3 2 1 5. Reasons species is endangered (biological & anthropogenic) 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 6.____ What is being done or could be done to prevent extinction? 7.____ Why should the species be saved (ecological & economic services) 8. 9. 3 Scientifically Reliable Sources ALL Text is TYPED! 10. ____ Mechanics, spelling and grammar correct 11. Production Pride: Quality images; text/layout neatness; audio/ visual quality 12. Presentation is clear and professional; classmates are engaged in learning 13. Organized Ideas & Content Total Score Project Product Ideas Maximum Grade of “B” Powerpoint Presentation / Prezi Presentation / 3 fold Brochure / Newspaper Article / Field Guide / Newsletter / Website / Obituary Maximum Grade of “A” Poster (11 x 17 minimum) / Mural, Collage, or Artistic Endeavor with 3 fold brochure or newsletter / Illustrated children’s book / Comic Book / Diorama / Zoo Exhibit / Calendar / Scrapbook Maximum Grade of “A+” with maximum 10% Extra Credit possible Music Video / Public Service Announcement Video / Video News Story / Video Children’s Show / Video Documentary / Animated Movie Other Idea? Negotiate another product idea & maximum grade with Mrs. R Helpful Websites to Get You Started U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: World Wildlife Fund: / / APES – Know Your Pollutants!!! Directions: For each of the pollutants listed below, research to discover the major source(s) of the pollutant, how it impacts human health, and what impacts it has on the environment. Water Pollutants (textbook) Name/Examples Major Source(s) of Pollutant Human Health Effec Spread diseases Infectious Agents Bacteria / Viruses / Protozoa / Parasites Human & animal waste (EX: cholera, typhoid, dysente enteritis, hepatitis B, and protist infections) Most cause severe diarrhea, vomiting, & dehydration. Biodegradable Material Oxygen-Demanding Waste Animal waste / Plant debris Plant Nutrients NO3- / PO43- Organic Chemicals Oil, Gas, Plastics, Pesticides, Cleaning Solvents, POP’s – DDT / MTBE Sewage, animal feedlots, food processing facilities, pulp mills, plant debris. Sewage, animal wastes, inorganic fertilizers Industry, farms, households Industry, households, surface runoff Inorganic Chemicals Acids, Salts, Metals (Pb, Hg, Se, Sediments Soil / Silt Thermal Heat Sewage Sludge --- Human waste, storm water runoff, household & business wastewater Air Pollutants Name/Examples Major Source(s) of Pollutant As) Carbon Dioxide CO2 (Greenhouse Gas) CO Carbon Monoxide CH4 Methane Land erosion Electric, industrial & nuclear plants Human Sources: Burning wood & Fossil Fuels (Coal, oil, natural gas) Natural Sources: Volcanos, hot springs, respiration, decay, forest fires n/a Human Health Effec Concentrations of 70,000 ppm cause suffocation. (atmospheric CO2 ranges from 360-400 ppm) (Major component of natural gas) (Greenhouse Gas) SO2 Sulfur Dioxide H2SO4 Sulfuric Acid NO / NO2 Nitric Oxide / Nitrogen Dioxide HNO3 Nitric Acid N2O O3 Nitrous Oxide (Greenhouse Gas) Ground Level (Tropospheric) Ozone Human Sources: rice paddies, Volatile Organic Compounds VOC’s (Large group of organic compounds that exist as gases; most are hydrocarbons including methane (CH4), Benzene, Halons & others) landfills, oil & natural gas wells (fracking), cows (belching/ flatulence), industrial solvents, drycleaning fluids, components of gasoline, plastics, drugs, synthetic rubber, paints, varnishes & other household products. Motor vehicle & power plant emissions as well. Eye, nose & throat irritant. Loss of coordination & nause Damage to liver, kidney & CN Some are carcinogenic. Natural Sources: plants, wetlands & termites Respiratory & eye irritant PAN’s Peroxyacyl nitrates Secondary pollutant – form from oxidation of VOC’s Mutagenic, contributing facto skin cancer PM-10 / PM-2.5 Particulate Matter Soot, Pollen, Dander, Dust, Smoke, Metals (Pb/Hg/Cd) Rn Radon-222 CH2O Formaldehyde CFC’s Chlorofluorocarbons Halons Bromofluorocarbons Solid & Hazardous Waste Pollutants Name/Examples MSW Municipal Solid Waste Major Source(s) of Pollutant Homes & workplaces Human Health Effec Exposure to pathogens, toxic metals & hazardous waste wh people pick through trash (paper, food scraps, cans, bottles, lawn clippings, old appliances & furniture) E-Waste Computers, cell phones, Ipods, televisions, refrigerators, etc Pb Lead Hg / (CH3Hg+) Mercury / Methylmercury Cd Cadmium As Arsenic PBDE/PBOE/PBB Discarded by humans Exposure to pathogens, toxic metals & hazardous waste wh people pick through trash or disassemble products for reus parts Industry – give plastics their flexibility, transparency, durability, & longevity. Endocrine disruptor (disrupts hormones) Polybrominated flame retardants (Persistent Organic Pollutants) Polychlorinated biphenyl PCB’s Used in electrical transformers; as heat exchange fluids in machinery; as additives to paints, plastics, rubbers and flame retardants; as lubricants or adhesives; in inks and dyes; and in insulative materials. Broad class of chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds Dioxins / Furans Furans (Polychlorinated dibenzofurans) (Persistent Organic Pollutants) DDT Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethan (Persistent Organic Pollutant) Bisphenol-A BPA Phthalates Used in the manufacture of plastics, resins, dental sealants, flame retardants and rubber chemicals Plasticizers Released as plastics age & break down Linked to birth defects, development of breast cancer obesity Asbestos Atrazine Insulation Herbicide (Weed Killer) Applied to soils & surface waters for use as herbicide Inhaling = respiratory tract irritation and pulmonary edem Ingestion = nausea, vomiting diarrhea. Component of Gasoline Benzene (used in production of chemical substances such as dyes, detergents, coatings, plastics, fibres, pesticides, adhesives, lubricants, dry cleaning agents and in some types of rubber) Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) APES – Know Your Pollution Related Laws!!! Directions: For each of the pieces of legislation described below, create a flashcard to use as a study tool (Law on one side, description on other) Water Pollution ● Federal Water Pollution Control Amendments (1972) o Precursor to Clean Water Act: introduced a permit system for regulating point sources of pollution (industrial facilities, municipal governments & government facilities, some agricultural facilities such as animal feed lots) ● Clean Water Act (1977) o Made it unlawful to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters, unless a permit was obtained from the EPA which set wastewater standards for industry. ● Water Quality Act (1987) o Expanded the CWA permit requirement to cover storm water discharges explicitly, from both municipal storm sewer systems and industrial sources. o Instructed EPA to develop guidelines for usage and disposal of sewage sludge or biosolids. o Created the Nonpoint Source Management Program to expand the research and development to reduce nonpoint source pollution. ● Safe Drinking Water Act (1974, 1986, 1996) o o o o Requires EPA to establish set standards for drinking water quality & oversee the implementation of these standards – ▪ National Primary Drinking Water Regulations include mandatory levels (Maximum Contaminant Levels, or MCLs) and nonenforceable health goals (Maximum Contaminant Level Goals, or MCLGs) for each contaminant. The 1974 act authorized EPA to regulate injection wells in order to protect underground sources of drinking water. The 1986 amendments require EPA to set standards limiting the concentration of lead in public water systems. In 2005 Congress amended SDWA to exclude hydraulic fracturing (called the “Halliburton Loophole”) ● Oil Pollution Act (1990) o Stated that companies must have a "plan to prevent spills that may occur" and have a "detailed containment and cleanup plan" for oil spills. o Banned single-hull tank vessels of 5,000 gross tons or more from U.S. waters from 2010 onward. Air Pollution ● Clean Air Act (1963) o Required the EPA to develop and enforce regulations to protect the public from airborne contaminants known to be hazardous to human health. ● Air Quality Act (1967) o Required enforcement of interstate air pollution standards & authorized ambient air quality monitoring studies and stationary (industrial) source inspections. ● Clean Air Act (1970)* o Required EPA to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six criteria pollutants: CO, NO2, SO, O3, particulate matter, hydrocarbons/photochemical oxidants (VOC’s). Primary standards protect human health / Secondary standards protect environment & property. o Developed emission standards for stationary (industrial), mobile (vehicular), and hazardous sources. ● 1990 Amendments to the Clean Air Act of 1970 o Addressed acid rain, ozone depletion and toxic air pollution. o Established a national permits program for stationary sources, and increased enforcement authority. o Established new auto gasoline formula requirements. ● Toxic Release Inventory o Requires refineries, power plants, hardrock mines, chemical manufacturers, and factories to publicly report their releases of HAPs (hazardous air pollutants) above certain minimum amounts and their waste management methods for over 667 toxic chemicals (“Cradle to Grave Standards”) as part of the “Right to Know” laws. Land Pollution (Solid & Hazardous Waste) ● Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (1975) o Improved the regulatory and enforcement authority of the Secretary of Transportation in order to provide protection against the risks in transporting hazardous material in commerce ● Solid Waste Disposal Act (1965) o Precursor to RCRA ● Resource Conservation and Recovery Act - RCRA (1976, 1984) o Federal law governing the standards for the treatment, storage and disposal of solid & hazardous waste. o Sets national goals for: ▪ Protecting human health and the natural environment from the potential hazards of waste disposal. ▪ Reducing the amount of waste generated, through source reduction and recycling ▪ Ensuring the management of waste in an environmentally sound manner. ● Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments - HSWA (1984) o ● Strengthened RCRA by covering small quantity hazardous waste generators, establishing requirements for hazardous waste incinerators, & closing substandard landfills. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act - CERCLA (Superfund) o Federal law designed to clean up abandoned sites contaminated with hazardous substances. o ● Authorized the EPA to identify parties responsible for contamination of sites and compel the parties to clean up the sites. Where responsible parties could not be found, it authorized the EPA to clean up sites itself using a special trust fund. Toxic Substances Control Act – TSCA (1976) o Allows EPA to regulate new commercial chemicals before they enter the market, to regulate existing chemicals (1976) when they pose an unreasonable risk to health or to the environment, and to regulate their distribution and use. o ● Problem = TSCA allowed existing industrial chemicals to continue being used unless the EPA finds evidence the chemicals could be harmful, but EPA could only order companies to study chemicals if EPA has evidence chemicals are dangerous. Small Business Liability and Brownfields Revitalization Act (2002) o Amended CERLA by providing funds to assess and clean up brownfields (land previously used for industrial purposes or some commercial uses which may be contaminated by low concentrations of hazardous waste or pollution, & has the potential to be reused once it is cleaned up) Additional Environmental Quality Legislation ● National Environmental Policy Act (1969) o Environmental Magna Carta. Required all federal agencies to evaluate the impact on the environment of any new policies enacted. ● Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (1972) o Gave EPA the authority to oversee the sale, use & regulation of pesticides to protect applicators, consumers, and the environment. ● Noise Control Act (1972) o Gave State & local governments in conjunction with EPA authority to promote an environment for all Americans free from noise that jeopardizes their health and welfare. Established noise emission standards for commerce and coordinated research on noise control. ● Emergency Wetlands Resources Act (1986) o Authorized the purchase of wetlands from Land and Water Conservation Fund monies, required the Secretary to establish a National Wetlands Priority Conservation Plan, & established entrance fees at National Wildlife Refuges. ● North American Free Trade Agreement (1993) o Designed to eliminate barriers to trade and investment between the U.S., Canada and Mexico by eliminating tariffs on goods. Concerns about environmental impact prompted creation of the CEC (Commission for Environmental Cooperation) to conduct an ongoing environmental assessment of the impact of NAFTA. o The most serious overall increases in pollution due to NAFTA were found in the base metals sector, the Mexican petroleum sector, and the transportation equipment sector in the United States and Mexico. ● Healthy Forests Initiative / Restoration Act (2003) o Primary goal provide funding and guidance to reduce or eliminate fire danger, improve forest fire fighting, & research new methods to halt destructive insects to return our forests and rangelands to a healthier state. POLLUTANT INFORMATION GOOD SOURCES: ● Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory: ● Australian Government: National Pollutant Inventory: ● EPA – Pesticide Chemical Fact Sheet: ● ● ● ● Canada Chemical Substances Inventory: (scroll down to Substances of interest) International Program on Chemical Safety: EPA Chemicals in the Environment Fact Sheets: EPA 6 Common Air Pollutants: ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOLUTION PRESENTATION (100 points) What: Research a specific field in the alternative energy sector and present your findings to the class. Why: Becoming affluent in the various solutions to our current energy and climate change crisis empowers you to better confront people and enact change. How: You and a partner will be responsible for creating a presentation using PowerPoint. The exact details will be spelled out below. You will be assigned a specific topic and must share the workload. Details: 1. A list of the thirteen topics for our class: TOPIC Passive / active solar water heating for home hot water Photovoltaic (PV) cells for producing energy Hydropower, electricity from moving water Wind power, electrical power generation Biomass, conversion to gaseous or liquid biofuels Geothermal energy, tapping the earth’s internal heat Producing hydrogen, conversion from water or fossil fuels Tidal and wave power, electrical power generation The “living machine” wastewater treatment Energy Efficiency of cars Energy efficiency of motors and appliances Energy efficiency of lighting Industrial high temperature solar thermal power plants TEAMS KEY WORD(S) 2. In general each presentation must adhere to these policies: a. Topic name and your names on the first slide of the PowerPoint, plus a relevant picture. b. All pictures references with the URL address in 10 point font right under each picture (not at the end). c. Between four and six good pictures (not crummy eight kb low resolution images that look like the camera was underwater!). Each picture is worth a 1000 words and should be chosen carefully to drive home a point. d. No more than two pictures per slide. e. Appropriate text headings and sub-headings when needed. Minimum font size = 28 f. Text presented as concise, prioritized, bulleted lists (no long paragraphs of text permitted). g. Text should be very simple, but understandable. You do not want to bog down your presentation with tons of slides and gobs of test! You will be given an opportunity later to present your PowerPoint to the class. This will be the time to elaborate (orally) on the textual points in the presentation. Try to construct your text such that someone watching your presentation could jot down the points with minimal delay. h. Slides that have the same color/animation style throughout (no Freshman-type smorgasbord of styles permitted). For this PPT, don’t use a lot of “bells and whistles”. i. A list of web (or other, including text book) resources you used, listed as a bibliography on the last slide . 3. The intellectual components of your presentation should cover these concepts (if a component doesn’t apply, indicate such and briefly explain): (60 points) a. What is the main goal of the particular technology? (5 points) b. How does it work/function/operate? What type of special equipment is needed and how long will it last before needing replacement? (10 points) c. What technological obstacles must be solved for mass implementation? (10 points) d. What political and economic obstacles might disrupt/stall mass implementation? (10 points) e. What are some of the positive environmental impacts of this technology? (10 points) f. What are some of the negative environmental impacts of this technology? (10 points) g. What is its overall potential in “making a difference” to the world? (5 points) 4. To aid you in your research and help clarify the alternative energy sector assigned check out, “Alt. Energy Topic Details” for sub-topics you should include within your presentation. Your textbook also has some pretty good pages that cover these topics. 5. Managing the project: a. Work with your teammate to share the load b. Make sure you and your teammate use the same template style for the PowerPoint so when you compile your slides, they match! c. No late work or excuses will be accepted! 6. PowerPoint: Visually attractive, creative, with relevant information (10 points) 7. Bibliography (MLA format) + all pictures used cited in size 10 font within presentation. (10 points) 8. Presentation: (20 points) a. Style (5 points) b. Time (5 points) – 10 minute limit c. Depth of knowledge beyond what’s on slides / Explanation of slides (10 points) ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOLUTION SIGN-UP TOPIC Passive / active solar water heating for home hot water Photovoltaic (PV) cells for producing energy Hydropower, electricity from moving water Wind power, electrical power generation Biomass, conversion to gaseous or liquid biofuels Geothermal energy, tapping the earth’s internal heat Producing hydrogen, conversion from water or fossil fuels Tidal and wave power, electrical power generation The “living machine” wastewater treatment Energy Efficiency of cars Energy efficiency of motors and appliances Energy efficiency of lighting Industrial high temperature solar thermal power plants TEAMS 10 Things to Know About… For this review-based assignment, you should look through your brains, class notes, and textbook to come up with “10 Things to Know” about the assigned topics below. You may work alone or in pairs. If you work alone you will be assigned a single topic. If you work in pairs you will be assigned 2 topics. Be as specific as possible, but be concise (to the point). Think with your partner to come up with the 10 Most Important Things to know about your topic(s). Do NOT copy and paste from any website postings. Your list must be typed, and you must include relevant visuals to help illustrate at least 3 of your concepts. You may find visuals on the internet or draw them yourself. Your ten things and accompanying visuals should fit on a single sheet of paper. On the second page, you will create 5 APES style (a, b, c, d, e) multiple choice questions for your classmates to use as practice. On the bottom of the page, in small font, include an answer key. On Friday, April 25, your two sheets (10 things + 5 questions) are due to Mrs. Rabinowitz. On Monday, April 28, each group will review their 10 items orally with the class, so be prepared to answer questions or go into more detail. This assignment will count as your final LAB grade for the class. TOPICS: 1. Chapter 2: Scientific Method; Systems (feedback); Matter and Energy 2. Chapter 3: Ecosystems – Ecosystem components, Energy flow, Trophic levels, Productivity (GPP/NPP) 3. Chapter 3: The Water, Phosphorus, and Sulfur Cycles 4. Chapter 3: The Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles 5. Chapter 4: Evolution 6. Chapter 5: Climate – Coriolis Effect, Convection Cells, El Niῆo and La Niῆa 7. Chapter 5: Ecosystems – Terrestrial Biomes 8. Chapter 6: Ecosystems - Ocean and Estuary Ecosystems 9. Chapter 6: Ecosystems – Freshwater: lakes, rivers, wetlands 10. Chapter 7 & 8: Ecosystems – Community Ecology (types of species & species interactions) and Population Ecology 11. Chapter 9: Human Population Growth & Age Structure (include important formulas) 12. Chapter 23: Sustainable Cities/Growth*** 13. Chapter 10 & 7: Ecosystems – Succession, Biodiversity, Island biogeography 14. Chapters 11 & 12: Endangered Species / Sustaining Biodiversity 15. Chapter 14: Water Resource Use 16. Chapter 21: Water Pollution – lakes, streams, oceans 17. Chapter 19 & 20: The Atmosphere & Ozone Depletion 18. Chapter 19: Air Pollution – Criteria pollutants, Indoor/outdoor, Pollutants & their health/environmental effects 19. Chapter 20: Global Warming & Climate Change 20. Chapter 18 & 22: Solid & Hazardous Waste Management / Risks & LD50 21. Chapter 15: Plate Tectonics & the Rock Cycle 22. Chapters 15 & 3: Soils, Weathering and erosion, and Soil tests 23. Chapter 13: Agricultural Production and Fertilizers/Pesticides 24. Chapter 15: Mining and Mine Reclamation 25. Chapter 16: Nonrenewable Energy Resources 26. Chapter 17: Alternative Energy Resources 27. Various Chapters: Environmental Laws – Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, Endangered Species Act, NEPA, RCRA, CERCLA, etc 28. Various Chapters: Environmental Disasters – Chernobyl, Fukushima, Three Mile Island, Exxon Valdez, Deep Water Horizon, Love Canal, Bhopal, Minamata, Indonesia/Japan Tsunamis, Cuyahoga River Fire, etc. 29. Various Chapters: International Agreements – Kyoto Protocol, Montreal Protocol, Copenhagen Protocol, CITES, Stockholm Convention on POPs, Marine Mammal Protection Act, etc. 30. Chapter 24: Environmental Economics – cost-benefit analysis; tax breaks/rebates/subsidies, throughput economies; etc.*** APES in the News Scrapbook Project DUE: March 26th, 2014 - 300 points!!! Purpose: Scientific information is disseminated to the public through a variety of media, including newspapers, magazines, radio, television, internet, etc. It is important to learn to identify quality information and to use that information to make good decisions about public issues. In APES this is especially important because with such a wide range of topics related to the environment in which we live, new information comes out regularly. In this sense it is important to not only understand the basic concepts of the course, but also to be aware of current issues that arise and how they may impact the sustainability of our planet. For this project you will collect, read, and evaluate newspaper, magazine and internet articles related to environmental science and organize them into a professional scrapbook collection. Directions: 1. You must collect a total of 15 articles (1-2 articles per week) related to any topics covered in APES this year. Articles must be at least 500 words long and be selected from reputable news sources. Articles MUST be CURRENT (published no earlier than November 2013). a. At least 2 articles must be local (Georgia) b. A maximum of 7 articles can come from each month (Nov., Dec., Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr.) c. No more than 3 articles can come from the same source d. You must have a minimum of 3 physical newspaper articles and 3 physical magazine articles. The rest may come from reputable internet sources. 2. Your final product may either be a physical scrapbook or a digital scrapbook. For a physical scrapbook, each article must be mounted on a page or pages in a binder. For a digital scrapbook, articles must be included in full – not just links. Physical newspaper & magazine articles must be scanned in for inclusion. 3. Each page must have a heading which includes the following: a. Title of the Article b. Author(s) of the Article c. Date the Article was Published d. Source of the Article 4. For each of the articles, you must type a ½ - 1 page Response in the following way: a. A one-sentence introduction: i. Why did you select the article for your scrapbook (what is the article’s relevance to APES?) b. Identify at least 3 environmental science terms, concepts, laws or people addressed in the article: i. For each item you identify, provide a brief explanation and/or definition c. A one-paragraph summary (5-7 sentence minimum): i. In your own words, summarize the articles main points. Remember: do not use any five words in succession from your article unless you present the information as a quote. d. A short reaction statement (3-4 sentences): i. You may address any of the following questions as part of a personal reaction to your article: o Why is the science research in this article important/not important? o How will these findings affect me now and/or in the future? o How does this article connect to what you are learning in the course? o How might you respond to these scientific findings? o What questions do you still have about this topic? Organization: ● Cover/Title Page: Your scrapbook must have a title page and/or cover. Give your scrapbook a name that reflects something about the project. Be sure to include your own name and class period on the title page and/or cover. Make the cover creative and fun! ● Table of Contents (Comprehensive) – See Provided Example: o Your articles must be organized in some TOPICAL manner (NOT chronological order or by source). Your final scrapbook must include a typed “Table of Contents” that demonstrates your organizational plan. o Include a Main Table of Contents showing your organization by Topic including Page Numbers ▪ Label articles that are Local, Newspaper, Magazine, Extra Credit in parentheses after the article name o Include a Comprehensive Breakdown of your Articles by Type ▪ 3 Comprehensive Lists: Articles by MONTH Published / Articles by SOURCE / REQUIRED Articles (Newsprint, Magazine, Local) ● Scrapbook: o Physical Scrapbook: Each article must be mounted on a page or pages and kept in a binder. You may also choose to use a photo album or scrapbook to present your articles. Each full article must feature the heading and be followed by the response as described on the previous page. Only use tape or glue to adhere the articles to paper (double stick tape is best) – do NOT use staples. It is also recommended that you use sheet protectors or some equivalent to protect each of your pages. NEATNESS COUNTS!!! Your scrapbook should be attractive, organized, neat and professional looking. Do not turn in a gluey hot mess and expect a passing grade. Take pride in your work!!! o ● Digital Scrapbook: The media you choose to portray a digital scrapbook through is up to you, but it MUST be compatible with school computer software. You may also generate your digital scrapbook on a website format. Your scrapbook must have the equivalent of a title page (home page) and comprehensive table of contents (articles should still be organized by topic area). For each article, all required heading information and the actual article (not just a link) is required. Items such as your required physical newspaper and physical magazine articles must be scanned in for inclusion. Articles should be followed by your response, which should be clearly labeled. Your digital scrapbook should be user friendly and easy to understand/navigate. It should be attractive, organized, neat and professional looking as well. Take pride in your work!!! Final Reflection: Select one article that you found particularly interesting and do some additional research on the topic. In 2-3 pages, summarize what you learned beyond the initial article and why this information was of particular interest to you. Include a works cited list for the additional sources you used to find information. Due Dates: ● ● Surprise Scrapbook Check – Early to Mid-February (you will get 1-2 days’ notice) o 5 articles and typed responses due (One local article must be included). o This is like a rough draft / comprehension check. I will let you know if you are on the right track or need to put forth more effort. This check will be worth a lab grade, and your parents will be contacted if you have little or nothing to show by this point. March 26th – Final Scrapbook DUE (Cover page, Comp. Table of Contents, All 15 Articles & Responses, Final Reflection) Grade: ● ● ● This project will constitute a grade equivalent to three test grades (300 points)! Your final grade will include a grade for the contents, organization, and overall neatness/creativity/presentation of the final product. See attached Project Checklist to help with your planning and organization! Table of Contents Potential Article Topics / Course Concepts for Topical Organization: These topics are not a limitation, but merely a suggestion of topics you may be on the lookout for as you search for articles. You DO NOT have to have an article related to each of these topics. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Ecosystem Diversity – biodiversity, food webs, endangered species, invasive species, etc Ecosystem Changes – ecosystem destruction, climate shifts, species movement, ecological succession, etc Population Concerns – overpopulation, famine, water shortages, overfishing, family planning, sustainability, fertility rates, etc Land/Resource Use – land conservation, forestry, ranching, fisheries/aquaculture, mining, surface water, aquifers, soil, etc Pollution – air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, light pollution, solid waste, etc Hazardous Waste – chemical spills, landfills/incineration/impoundments, toxic waste, Superfund sites, impoundments, etc Agriculture – GMO crops, food production, irrigation, agribusiness, sustainable agriculture, organic farming movement, etc Controlling Pests – pesticide use, biological control, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), invasive pests/pathogens, etc Human Health & Environmental Factors – toxicology, epidemiology, radiation, natural disasters (flood, drought, etc), etc Energy – energy consumption, renewable vs. nonrenewable energy, nuclear energy, energy conservation & efficiency Urbanization – urban sprawl, urban planning, ecocities, etc Global Change – ozone depletion, global warming, global climate change, habitat destruction, etc Environmental Legislation – local, state, & federal laws; international treaties; international conferences Comprehensive Table of Contents Example APES in the News Scrapbook Project Check-List Cover Page: o _____: Creative Cover/Title Page with your name and period Table of Contents (Comprehensive): o _____: Comprehensive Table of Contents (see provided example) 15 Article Collection Criterion: Articles (500+ words) – No More than 7 per Month Nov 2013: Feb 2014: Dec 2013: Mar 2014: Jan 2014: Apr 2014: LOCAL: _____ NEWSPAPER: _____ _____ _____ NO MORE THAN 3 PER SOURCE: _____ _____ MAGAZINE: _____ _____ _____ Article Responses / Page Set-up (Must be completed for each of your 15 articles): o Heading (Title, Author, Date Published, Source) o Three E.S. Terms & Definitions o Appropriate Article o One-paragraph Summary (5-7 sentences) o One Sentence Introduction o Short Reaction Statement (3-4 sentences Final Response: o _____: Two-three page summary going beyond one article; including sources used Quality/Presentation: o _____: Proper spelling, grammar & mechanics o _____: Appropriate final presentation format (binder/scrapbook/digital) and ease of use (digital) o _____: Attractive, neat, professional looking final product Please Note: Academic dishonesty of ANY type will NOT be tolerated. If you are found to have falsified article dates, sources, etc – you will receive a ZERO for this 300 point project grade. Additionally, this is an INDIVIDUAL project, no two students should be found to have the same 15 articles in their scrapbooks. APES in the News!!! Good Sources / Resources for Finding Articles Good Sources for Local Articles ● ● ● ● Rowell Neighbor Atlanta Journal Constitution Atlanta Business Chronicle North Fulton Newspaper Good Sources for Physical Newspaper Articles ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Local Newspapers / News Publications New York Times USA Today Christian Science Monitor Washington Post Wall Street Journal Online versions of most newspapers are available as well; just remember if you print it from the internet it does NOT count toward your 3 physical newspaper articles! Good Sources for Physical Magazine Articles Cont. ● ● ● ● ● Good Sources for Online Articles (Look for .edu / .gov / .org) ● Good Sources for Physical Magazine Articles ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Discover Magazine National Geographic Nature Mother Earth News Time Science Illustrated Scientific American Science News The Economist Smithsonian Popular Science Audubon National Wildlife Sustainable Living National Parks Onearth Gardening / Home Farming Magazines (Fine Gardening / Urban Farm / Organic Gardening / Birds & Blooms, etc) Outdoor Sports Magazines (Georgia Sportsman / Ducks or Trout Unlimited / Field & Stream / Outdoor Life, etc) Online versions of most magazines are available as well; just remember if you print it from the internet it does NOT count toward your 3 physical magazine articles! ● ● ● ● ● ● National Public Radio (NPR) o o The Guardian o ent The Huffington Post o Science Daily o British Broadcasting Channel o o CNN o Reuters o Helpful Search Engine – Google News ● If you have a Google account you can also customize Google News to give you articles related to specific topic areas! o (Ex: Climate Change / Clean Energy / Endangered Species / etc). Just remember, the source is where the link takes you, not Google News. Many Groups Post Articles of Interest to Social Media like Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit. ● You can follow or like these pages to get articles posted to your social media account, just remember that the Source of the Publication is not necessarily from these groups. Pay attention to the source the posted link carries you to, as this will be the source you include in your Scrapbook!!! Facebook Pages to Follow: Science is Awesome Environmental Science Techniques Environmental Working Group Sustainable Man Twitter Pages to Follow: The NPR Science Desk - @nprscience National Resources Defense Council - @NRDC Nature Conservancy - @nature_org Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) - @EnvDefenseFund National Wildlife Federation - @NWF Oceana Ocean Protectors - @Oceana Sierra Club - @sierraclub World Wildlife Fund - @World_Wildlife The Guardian - @guardianeco HuffPost Green - @HuffPostGreen Discover Magazine - @DiscoverMag Nature Magazine - @NatureMagazine Nature News & Comment - @NatureNews Sustainable Man - @SustainableMan Greenversations - @Greenversations CDC Sustainability - @CDCGreenHealthy US EPA Research - @EPAresearch - @TreeHugger Earth 911 - @Earth911 GO DIGITAL!!! ● - The most used, free website generator for APES in the News last school year AP Environmental Science Summer Assignment – 2013/2014 Welcome to APES!!! AP Environmental Science is a lab based course that is designed to examine ecological, biological, chemical, physical and environmental concepts and interactions. A student of this course should be familiar with local, regional and global concerns within their own environment. The objective of this summer assignment is to get you thinking environmentally and to refresh some math skills. Please note that this assignment will be collected for a grade at the end of the first week of school. Please assemble all materials in a binder with dividers. All materials should be typed. I hope that you have an enjoyable, exciting, and educational summer! I look forward to meeting you in August! - Mrs. Rabinowitz Have fun this summer and please check out the class website for updates as the new school year approaches: (Click on the APES Announcements Icon) Below are the tasks you should complete this summer. All final materials should be typed, and assembled in order in a binder with dividers to be handed in at the end of the first week of school. 1. Experience the Natural World Visit a natural outdoor area, go for a walk, and make some observations. Please go beyond your backyard. Here are some nearby places you could visit (of course, you could go further afield): ● ● ● ● ● ● Chattahoochee Nature Center - Leita Thompson Memorial Park - Vickery Creek Trail - Atlanta Metro Area Hiking - Georgia State Parks & Historic Sites - Georgia Wildlife Refuges - On your walk, please do the following: · Record the time, date, location, approximate duration of your outing, and whether you went alone or with a friend(s). · Record brief observations of the flora and fauna, the geology of the area, the type of path you are walking on (grass, sand, rock, etc). Specific details are not necessary (ex., “I saw two black turtles sunning themselves on a log…”) This should be one paragraph. · Find a quiet spot to sit for at least five minutes. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. What sounds are natural? Are there human made sounds? Write a reflection of this experience. This should be one paragraph. · Respond to the following in a brief paragraph: Is this natural area really “natural”? Explain. How do you think it appeared 25 years ago, 200 years ago, and 20,000 years ago? 2. Environmental Surveys / Ecological Awareness a. b. c. Got to: or and complete the water footprint calculator. Record how much water you use as a family and as an individual. Print your results. Submit your results to the teacher in your binder. Go to: and find your individual carbon footprint. Print your results. Submit your results to the teacher in your binder. Go to: and find your ecological footprint. (For # 2 - use the U.S. Measurement System). Print your results. Submit your results to the teacher in your binder. 3. Current Events in Environmental Science At some point over the summer, identify an environmentally themed article that interests you. Please provide a hard copy of the article. Please “aim high” in selecting this item. For example, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal are generally written at a more appropriate level of depth and detail than some other sources, such as tabloid newspapers and most websites. Also magazines such as Discover, National Geographic, Natural History, Science, or Nature can provide excellent articles about current environmental issues. Summarize the article in two paragraphs. Then write a response to the article… what questions do you have / what is your opinion of the issue / how does the issue impact you / how is the article relevant to an APES course? 4. Tragedy of the Commons Read the essay “Tragedy of the Commons” by Garrett Hardin. Here is a link: When you have completed the reading, please respond to the following in complete sentences: a. What is Garrett Hardin’s central idea in this essay? b. Do you personally agree with Hardin’s central idea? c. Is the “Tragedy of the Commons” unavoidable? d. Identify one “commons” in your own life (at school, home, work) and explain how it is (or is not) being managed wisely to avoid the situation described in the essay. 5. Brush Up Your Math Skills Math Assignment - Please complete the following problems, showing all work. This assignment does not have to be typed. a. b. c. d. You may someday purchase a house that has 2500 square feet of living space. How many square meters of living space is this? If a calorie is equivalent to 4.184 joules, how many joules are contained in that 250 kilocalorie slice of pizza? A coal-fired electric power plant produces 12 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity each day. Assume that an input of 10,000 BTU’s of heat is required to produce an output of one kilowatt-hour of electricity. 1. Calculate the number of BTU’s of heat needed to generate the electricity produced by the power plant each day. 2. Calculate the pounds of coal consumed by the power plant each day, assuming one pound of coal yields 5,000 BTU’s of heat. If a city of 10,000 experiences 200 births, 60 deaths, 10 immigrants, and 30 emigrants in the course of a year, what is its net annual percentage growth rate? 6. Think Global! (50% of Grade) You may either – Choose one book from the list below to read over the summer -ORChoose three environmental documentaries to watch (some suggestions are below, but you may choose others). IF YOU CHOOSE A BOOK: As you read, and after you finish… please complete the following: ● ● ● ● ● Write down any vocabulary and/or information that is related to environmental science and define (10 Term Minimum) Describe any questions you may have as a result of your reading (5 Questions Minimum) Describe your opinion of the reading – positive/negative/neutral. Reference items in the book to support your thoughts. (Minimum 2 paragraphs) Relate what you have learned to your personal life – how does it affect/impact you? How does it fit into an APES course? (Minimum 1 paragraph) Condense the overall, take home message of the book into a Bumper Sticker slogan. Design & draw your bumper sticker. Then justify and defend your analysis (Minimum 1 paragraph) IF YOU CHOOSE TO WATCH DOCUMENTARIES: Documentaries must be a minimum of 45 minutes in length. Documentaries should look at Environmental ISSUES, not just nature. Please complete the following for EACH Documentary. ● ● ● ● ● Provide the name of the documentary and year in which it was released. Describe any questions you may have as a result of your viewing (3 Questions Minimum) Describe your opinion of the documentary – positive/negative/neutral. Reference items in the documentary to support your thoughts. (Minimum 1 paragraph) Relate what you have learned to your personal life – how does it affect/impact you? What information affected you the most? Will it impact how you live your life? (Minimum 1 paragraph) Choose one documentary and design a unique movie poster and slogan for it. Your movie poster should be colorful, neat, and include a slogan that identifies the take home message of the film. Then justify and defend your poster /slogan (Minimum 1 paragraph) Book Options – most available from your local library or on electronic media (Kindle/Nook/iPad) ● Omnivore’s Dilemma (Pollan, 2007) ● Cheap: The high cost of discount culture (Shell, 2009) ● Hot, Flat and Crowded (Friedman, 2009) ● Cradle-to-Cradle: Remaking the Way we Make Things (McDonough & Braumgart) ● Ishmael (Quinn, D) ● Wild Ones (Mooallem, 2013) ● Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble (Brown, 2006) ● Silent Spring (Carson, 1962) ● Plan B 4.0; Mobilizing to Save Civilization ● A Sand County Almanac (Leopold, 1949), (Sustainability Revised) (Brown, 2009) ● Water Wars: Drought, Flood, Folly and the Politics of Thirst ● The Origin of Feces (Waltner-Towes, D) (Ward, 2002) ● The Big Necessity (George, R) ● Cadillac Desert: The American West and its Disappearing Water (Reisner, 1986) ● A Civil Action (Harr, 1996) ● Beyond Malthus (Brown, 1999) ● The World Without Us (Weisman, A) ● Coal River (Shnayerson, M) Weather Makers (Flannery, T) ● ● ● Suggested Documentaries - many can be found on NetFlix, Amazon Instant Video, or some even stream on the web. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Home – National Geographic: Human Footprint ● Fresh National Geographic: Six Degrees Could Change the ● Fuel World ● Bag It 180° South ● Baraka Flow: For the Love of Water ● Blue Gold: World Water Wars Tapped ● World in Balance: The Population Paradox Trashed ● Plastic Planet Food, Inc. ● Planet in Peril King Corn ● An Inconvenient Truth Dirt ● Empty Oceans, Empty Nets (PBS) Gasland ● Harvest of Fear (Frontline) Who Killed the Electric Car / Revenge of the Electric ● The Cove Car ● Hawaii: Message in the Waves Manufactured Landscapes ● Cane Toads: An Unnatural History Vanishing of the Bees *** Be prepared to discuss your experiences from this assignment as well as the book or documentaries***