Uploaded by Donna Claire Bachinilla

notes for report

 It is based on the idea that people mentally process
the information they receive, rather than simply
responding to stimuli from their environment.
 He believed knowledge is something that is actively
constructed by learners based on their existing
cognitive structures.
Jean Piaget
 Schema
If a child sees a dog for the first, he creates his own
schema of what a dog is. It has 4 legs and a tail. It
barks. It’s furry. The child then “puts this description of
a dog on file” in his mind. When he sees another
similar dog, he “pulls” out the file (schema of a dog)
in his mind, looks at the animal, and says, “four legs,
tail, barks, furry .. that’s a dog!
 Assimilation
If a child sees another dog, this time a little smaller
one, he would make sense of what he is seeing by
adding information (a different looking dog) into his
schema of a dog.
 Accommodation
Id the same child now sees another animal that looks
a little bit like a dog, but somehow different. He might
try to fit it into his schema of a dog, and say, “Look
mommy, what a funny looking dog. Its bark is funny
too!” Then the mommy explains, “That’s not a funny
looking dog. That’s a goat!” With mommy’s further
descriptions, the child will now create a new
schema, that of a goat.
 Equilibration
Piaget believed that the people have the natural
need to understand how the world works and to find
order, structure and predictability in their life.
If we apply a particular scheme to an event or
situation and the scheme works, then equilibrium
If the scheme does not produce a satisfying result,
then disequilibrium exists, and we become
This motivates us to keep searching for solution
through assimilation and accommodation, and thus
our thinking changes and moves ahead.
Example: “chismis”
1. Sensory-Motor Stage (0-2)
-use of seeing, hearing, moving, touching and
Object Permanence
-Peek a Boo
-Ginahulog2 ang gamit
2. Pre-Operational Stage (2-7)
Symbolic Function
- Mag inom2, mag tawag2
- Can do ninja turtle routine w/o custome
- 5 yr old who buys toy truck for his mother’s
- 3 yr old who can’t understand with her
cousins calling her daddy “uncle” and not
- 2 identical glasses with the same amount of
- 2 + 3 = 5 but cannot understand 5 – 2 =2.
- At night, “where is the sun is?” she will reply,
“Mr. Sun is asleep.”
Transductive Reasoning
- Since mommy comes home every day
around 6pm when asked why is it already
night, the child will say because mom is
already home
3. Concrete-Operational Stage (7-11)
Conservation – the child can judge rightly that the
amount of water in a taller but narrower glass is still the
same when the water was in the shorter but wider glass
Seriation – the ability to order or arrange
4. Formal-Operational Stage (11-adult)
Hypothetical Reasoning – ability to come up with
different hypothesis about a problem and to gather and
weigh data in order to make a final decision. “what if”
Analogical Reasoning – Ability to perceive the
If UK is to Europe, then Philippines is to Asia.
Deductive Reasoning – ability to think logically by
applying a general rule to a particular instance or
All countries near the north pole have cold
temperatures. Greenland is near the North Pole.
Therefore, Greenland has cold temperatures.
Avoid asking students to perform tasks that are beyond
their current cognitive capabilitites.
 He believed that individual development could not
be understood without looking into the social and
cultural context within which development
 Socratic Method – this allow him to examine current
 This experience together with his interest in literature
and his work as a teacher, led him to recognize
social interaction and language.
 Language
- To know and understand the world and solve
- Serves as social function but it also has an
important individual function
- Helps the learner regulate and reflect on his
own thinking
 Private Speech
- Talking to one-self is an indication of the
thinking that goes on in the mind of the child