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Microsoft Word Activity Instructions

Microsoft Word Activity
1. Open Microsoft Word
a. Open a blank Document
2. Under the Insert tab, Insert a Blank three Column Header with your name on the left, date in
the middle and period on the right.
3. Click the home tab. At the very top of the page, Center Justified type “Computer Applications”
4. Change the font to Georgia.
5. Change the size to 24
6. Press enter twice.
7. Change the justification to Left justification
8. Write the sentence “I go to Santa Fe Junior High School. This is Computer Applications.”
9. Bold the words Santa Fe Junior High.
10. Underline Computer Applications.
11. Enter two times.
12. Press Tab.
13. Type. “My favorite hobby is _________(fill in the blank)
14. Highlight your favorite hobby.
15. Enter one time.
16. Click the Insert Tab (ribbon)
17. Insert the date and time. (The third one listed)
18. Enter two times
19. Insert a table that is 5 x 3
20. Enter once
21. Insert a shape.