Welcome Back! 1. Complete the student information sheet. 2. Copy the objective Objective: SWBAT define forensic science and relate observation skills to their use in forensic science . AGENDA Introduce yourself Class Procedures/ Expectations What is Forensics? Homework Introduce Yourself Name Favorite TV Show How to Pass There is no secret to doing well in school. To pass any class just do the four following things: 1. Show up every day. 2. Pay attention. 3. Always do your best work. 4. Behave. Survey Learning Styles Class Expectations for Teacher and Student RESPECT: – – – Your teacher Your classmates Yourself Grading You can only get an A, B, C, or F. Your grade in this class will be based on these Assignments: Projects/ Laboratory Reports Classwork/Participation Homework Quizzes Tests Procedures: Entering the Classroom – Catalyst – Words of the Day Entering the Classroom Late If you are absent Classroom Managers Quiet Signal Sharpening Pencils Hall Passes Participation Dismissal Discipline Procedures Consequences for misbehavior:: No Learning Phone call to your parents/guardians Detention Discipline Referral Positive Consequences Positive Learning Environment Positive note or call home Field trips Supplies Everyday you should bring: a three ring binder with paper 5 colored divider tabs a composition book pencils or pens (blue or black only) Textbook *you should have these in class by Friday, September 10th, for a quiz grade! What is Forensic Science?? Teamwork makes the Dream work Introduce yourself to your teammates On the big sheet of paper answer: 1. What is forensic science? 2. What do forensic scientists do? Forensic Science Applying scientific knowledge to legal cases Forensic Scientist Forensic scientists: – – – – 15 Collect, Document, and Analyze evidence Then serve as expert witnesses in court Observations I will show you a picture for a few seconds Then, you will answer questions about the picture Look carefully. 16 Picture # 1 17 Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter Questions- Picture # 1 1. How many vehicles are shown in the picture? 2. What was the man wearing? 3. Was it daytime or nighttime? 4. What color was the car? 5. Where was the picture taken? 18 Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter Picture # 2 19 Questions Picture # 2 1. What color shirt was the little boy wearing? 2. What type of building was pictured in the background? 3. How many people were facing back? 4. What was the little boy holding? 5. How many people were wearing shorts? 20 Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter Picture # 3 21 Questions- Picture # 3 1. How many people were in the picture? 2. Who was sitting down? 3. Describe the little girl’s hair. 4. Where was the picture taken? 5. Was there a door or window in the picture? If yes, was it open or closed? 22 Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter Class Discussion Did everyone answer the questions correctly? Why did everyone’s answers differ? Did you do better on the first, second or last picture? Why do you think so? 23 How to be a Good Observer Observe systematically— Start at one part of a crime scene and run your eyes slowly over every space. Slowly look at every part of a piece of evidence. Do not assume that later on you will be able to remember everything. 24 How to be a Good Observer Turn off filters— Do not pay attention to only what you think is important. On a crime scene you will not know what will turn out to be important. Pay attention to all the details in your surroundings. 25 Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 26 Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter Answer the questions The police are depending on you to catch the robbers 27 Check your Answers 1. Did you get everything right? 2. Did you “see” something that wasn’t there? 3. Did different people remember different things? If so, why? 4. What does this tell you about the validity of eyewitness accounts? 28 Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter Homework Class supplies Due Friday! a three ring binder with paper 5 colored divider tabs a composition book pencils or pens (blue or black only) Let’s work together to have a great school year! Exit Ticket Write one thing you learned today. Scavenger Hunt You will have 10 minutes to find the things around the classroom When you are finished turn in your paper to me Winners will be rewarded Welcome to AP Biology! Catalyst: Please pick up a colored piece of paper and markers/colored pencils from the supply table. Make a “Name Hut” Include your name and other information about you Contact Information Ms. Gladden Home #: 404-963-1443 School #: 404-802-4420 E-mail: pgladden@atlanta.k12.ga.us BIG GOALS All students will earn a 3 or higher on the College Board AP Exam All students will write and perform an independent college level experiment Class Expectations for Teacher and Student RESPECT: – – – Your teacher Your classmates Yourself REQUIREMENTS Attend a minimum of 2 after school sessions per month Read all text and supplementary materials as assigned and be prepared to discuss in class. Participate in class discussions and activities. Complete exams, projects, laboratory assignments and reports ON TIME. Discipline Procedures Consequences for misbehavior: Negative Consequences: No Learning Phone call to your parents/guardians Detention Discipline Referral Positive Consequences Positive Learning Environment Positive note or call home Ticket System *to be discussed “Wall of Fame” and “Student of the Month” board Grading You can only get an A, B, C, or F. Your grade in this class will be based on these Assignments: Lab Notebook/Written Lab Reports 50% Tests/Projects/Quizzes 25% Homework/Participation/Daily work 25% *** Each student is required to complete a science project (no exceptions). Procedures: Entering the Classroom – Catalyst – Words of the Day Entering the Classroom Late If you are absent Classroom Managers Getting the Teacher’s Attention Quiet Signal Sharpening Pencils Hall Passes Participation Responding to consequences Cheating Dismissal Scavenger Hunt In your color groups, search through the course syllabus to find important answers. First group to finish earns 2 tickets each All groups who finish within given time receive 1 ticket each Exit Ticket- Goals Write your goals for this course 2 or more goals Homework Syllabus signed Class supplies Student information form