Uploaded by Tristan Auriat

Portable Ladder Safety: Work Practice Guide

REV 1.0 Feb 26 2016
Pic Industrial Equipment 2014 Ltd
Created By:
Tristan Auriat
Feb 26 2016
Portable Ladders
Head injuries are a leading cause of serious and fatal injury in the work place. A
fall from only three feet can easily produce enough force to be fatal. We have a tendency
to be complacent with the everyday use ladders and it is the goal of this company to end
that complacency and make sure that everyone is aware of the potential hazards involved
with the use of ladders. PIC will do everything it can to protect its workers from injuries
and hazards associated with ladders.
Ladders should never be a first option; ladders should only be used when there is
no other means of fixed or temporary stairs. In some situations the use of an elevated
platform may be a safer option. When ever possible scaffolding should be erected in
place of a ladder, however there will be times when ladders are the most effective choice
for the task. When using a ladder make sure to read and follow the manufacturer’s safe
operating instructions and ratings. Ladders can be a safe tool to be used but only when
done so in a safe manner.
Supervisors will be responsible for ensuring, and facilitating, that all workers are
properly trained in the safe use of ladders. Instruction will be given on the safe use of the
ladder for the particular task at hand. Supervisors will also ensure that the proper piece of
equipment for the task is being used and any PPE that may be required is provided.
Ensure that all ladders on site for use are CSA approved and in good working condition.
Employee Responsibility:
All Ladders Used by Pic Employees must be CSA approved
All Ladders shall be inspected prior to performing a task
Wooden ladders shall not be painted in any way
Created by: Pic Industrial Equipment 2014 Ltd
REV 1.0 Feb 26 2016
Conductive metal ladders or wire or wire reinforced wooden ladders shall not be
permitted in energized areas
Ensure surface is level and firm
Ensure that the ladder is tied off and set at a proper angle
All Ladders must be set at a 4 to 1 slope and extend 1m beyond the working ledge
or elevated work area that ladder is used against.
Ladders should not be climbed higher than the third step from the top
Three points of contact should always be maintained when climbing up and down
the ladder
Ladders should not be erected on boxes, tables, scaffold platforms, man lift
platforms or vehicles
All ladders shall not be placed against an unsafe support
Signed: ________________________ General Manager
Date: __________________________
Created by: Pic Industrial Equipment 2014 Ltd