Running head: LDR/711A WEEK 3 INDIVIDUAL: LITERATURE REVIEW OUTLIN LDR/711A Week 3 Individual: Literature Review Outline 1 LDR/711A WEEK 3 INDIVIDUAL: LITERATURE REVIEW OUTLIN 2 Leadership Literature Review Outline Historical Leadership Theories I. Great Man Theory a. Leaders are born, not made. b. This approach emphasized that a person is born with or without the necessary traits of leaderships. c. Belief that people were born with these traits and only the great people possessed them. Nandan, 2012) II. Trait Theory a. Similar to the Great Man theory, b. Trait theory suggests that the characteristics or the personality of a person may make them an effective leader. c. Potential leaders can be spotted by studying the personality traits of individual traits (Nandan, 2012) III. Behavioral Theory a. There are two important Behavioral studies. The task concerned leaders are focusing their behaviors on the organizational structure, the operating procedures (S.O.P.) and they like to keep control. Task-oriented leaders are still concern with their staff motivation; however, it's not their main concern. b. The people-oriented leaders are focusing their behaviors on ensuring that the inner needs of the people are satisfied. Thus, they will seek to motivate their staff through LDR/711A WEEK 3 INDIVIDUAL: LITERATURE REVIEW OUTLIN emphasizing the human relation. People oriented leaders still focus on the task and the results; they just achieve them through different means. (Nandan, 2012) Skills Approach IV. a. The Skills Approach is similar to trait theory. Skills theories are leader-centric and focused on what characteristics about leaders make them effective. The two primary theories to develop from a skills approach were Katz’s three-skill approach and Mumford’s skills model of leadership. b. The three-skill approach argued that effective leadership required three skills: technical, human, and conceptual skills. (Burkus, 2018) V. Comparative Analysis a. All Theories are understandable b. All Theories are responsible c. All Theories are authentic d. All Theories are influential e. Great Man Theory is visionary, inspirable, and innovative f. Behavior Theory is directive (Khan, Irfan & Nawaz, Allah. (2016). Contemporary Leadership Theories I. Situational Leadership 3 LDR/711A WEEK 3 INDIVIDUAL: LITERATURE REVIEW OUTLIN 4 a. Situational Theory recommends that different situations call for different kinds of leadership. b. Ability to create a vision related to a goal that has meaning for both the leader and follower. c. The situational theory of leadership believes that leadership must be matching with the maturity of their subordinates. (Nandan, 2012) II. Transactional Leadership a. Transactional leadership requires that the leader and follower agree to a contract. b. The follower is responsible for following orders to perform a task. The leader, in turn, gives rewards for following orders in completing the task. c. Transactional leadership suggests that people only complete tasks when there are external rewards. (Nandan, 2012) III. Transformational Leadership a. Transformational Theory is a process in which the leader engages others, builds trust and creates a connection that increases the motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower. b. A transformational leader focuses on others and their needs in order to help them reach their potential. c. This theory believes that people rise higher through positive, than negative motivation. LDR/711A WEEK 3 INDIVIDUAL: LITERATURE REVIEW OUTLIN (Kouzes & Posner, 2014) IV. Servant Leadership a. Servant Leadership is a recent theory of leadership that argues that the most effective leaders are servants of their people. b. Servant leaders get results for their organization through whole-hearted attention to their followers and followers’ needs. c. Servant leadership puts its emphasis on collaboration, trust, empathy, and ethics. d. The leader should be a servant first, leading from a desire to better serve others and not to attain more power. e. The assumption is that if leaders focus on the needs and desires of followers, followers will reciprocate through increased teamwork, deeper engagement, and better performance. (Burkus, 2018) V. Relational Analysis Servant Leadership is a mixture of the best of all theories 5 LDR/711A WEEK 3 INDIVIDUAL: LITERATURE REVIEW OUTLIN 6 References Burkus, D. (2018, September 15). Skills Theory - David Burkus. Retrieved October 26, 2018, from Khan, Irfan & Nawaz, Allah. (2016). A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF LEADERSHIP THEORIES: A REVIEW. Gomal University Journal of Research [GUJR] ISSN: 1019-8180. 34. 21-31. KOUZES, J., & POSNER, B. (2014, November 22). Behavioral Theory: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Current Theorists. Retrieved October 26, 2018, from Nandan, K. (2012, June 22). Theories of leadership. Retrieved October 26, 2018, from