Lupus Nephritis Normal urinary protein excretion is 150 – 200 mg/24 hr/1.75𝑚2 Normal urinary creatinine excretion is 1000 mg/24hr/1.75𝑚2 Thus, normal urinary Protein-to-creatinine ratio (UPCR) is < 0.2. CRP is generally not elevated in SLE even with disease activity. But CRP is increased in significant arthritis or infection. LN is present in 50% of SLE patients. LN arises within 5 years of Dx. Only 10% of LN will develop into ESRD. HLA-DR2,3 is associated with LN, HLA-DR4 is protective to LN. ( In RA, HLA-DR4 is associated with poor Px) Ruminococcus gnavus (RG) : Gram(+)ve fecal bacteria is 5 times associated with LN ( Azzouz et al.) When does it called Lupus Nephritis? Protein 3(+++) on urine dipstick or 24 hour urinary protein > 500 mg/day Urine PCR > 0.5 or or RBC or WBCs > 5 cells/HPF or cellular casts D.Dx of LN 1. C.G.N 2. R.P.G.N ( Anti-GBM disease, IgA nephropathy, APSGN, Wegner`s ) 3. PAN Family History Familial Monozygotic 10% 50% chance Dizygotic 5% chance So, environmental trigger must be present to develop Lupus Classification of Lupus Nephritis ( 2003 International Society of Nephrology and Renal Pathology Society) Class I Minimal mesangial LN ---> No specific treatment, normal urinalysis Normal on light microscopy. Mesangial deposits only on Electron Microscpe Class II Mesangial Proliferative LN ---> If proteinuria > 1g/D, low to moderate dose of prednisolone ( 20-40 mg/day) for 1-3 months and subsequent taper) Class III Focal, proliferative , sclerosing LN ---> sclerotic lesion < 50% of glomeruli. High risk of progression into ESRD Class IV Diffuse, proliferative, sclerosing LN (most severe & most common) ---> sclerotic lesions > 50% of glomeruli. Renal failure common Highest risk of progression into ESRD Class V Non-proliferative, membranous LN ---> subepithelial deposits. So it is called membranous. Renal failure is uncommon. Present with Nephrotic range proteinuria. Overt Nephrotic $ Marked oedema with venous thrombosis. Class VI Advanced glomerulosclerosis (ESRD stage) (renal transplant or HD) --> Sclerotic lesions > 90% of glomeruli Renal Biopsy Should be considered in active LN. Can determine prognosis and treatment. Main pitfalls Sampling errors and pathologist experience Examples, LN with CNS manifestations with or without Renal Bx ---> IV CYC must be given. So why should renal biopsy should be taken? Yes ! renal biopsy can still predict renal outcome Prednisolone tapering formula Month 1 Tapered 1mg/kg/day from Month 2 onwards Firstly, tapered to 20 mg/day by 2 weekly reduction of 10 mg. Then, tapered to 10 mg/day by 4 weekly reduction of 5mg. Finally, tapered to 5mg/day by 4 weekly reduction of 2.5 mg. The final 5 mg/day is maintained for at least 1 year. Prognosis Before CYC, 0% 5 years and 10 years survival. After CYC, excellent 5 years and 10 years survival ( 80%) Disease Activity 1. 2. 3. 4. ds-DNA C3,C4 and CH 50 assays ESR CRP Lupus and pregnancy Need stable disease for at least 6 months to conceive pregnancy. Some drugs are needed to stop before pregnancy 2 years for leflunomide ( Lefra is long) 6 months for MMF 3 months for MTX and CYC Some drugs that can be used during pregnancy HCA, Low dose prednisolone AZA, TAC Aspirin can reduce eclampsia Lupus and Tuberculosis Severe lupus activity Aggressive Rx after 2 weeks of Anti-TB Less severe LN Aggressive Rx after 2 months of anti-TB Treatment Lowest side-effect Regimen MMF + TAC f/b AZA maintenance Asian population African, American, Hispanics TAC is beneficial MMF is more superior than CYC Aggressive Mx of HT BP maintained at or below 130/80 mmHg ACEIs or ARBs Efficacy in remission induction MMF ( safer) = CYC + CS ( more SEs) > AZA ( less SEs) MMF is the best drug for maintenance Tx. CYC -induced Ovarian failure can be prevented by Gonadotrophin-Releasing hormone analogue “ leuprolide acetate” Methylprednisolone has little mineralocorticoid activity. So it is useful in oedematous patients Class V patients If subnephrotic range proteinuria If nephrotic range proteinuria ACEIs or ARBs Aggressive Tx All patients should be given HCQ. Antiphospholipid Ab $ can cause Glomerular thrombosis. (Aspirin given) Treatment algorithm Induction for first 6 months P.O Prednisolone as above IV CYC for 1 day P.O MMF 2-3 G/day If improved + + IV MP for 3 days or IV MP for 3 days Both Rx are changed into MMF 1-2G/day If not improved CYC Rx should be switched into MMF induction Rx MMF Rx should be switched into CYC induction Rx Maintenance ( 6 months – 3 years) MMF = 1-2 G/day or AZA = 2 mg/kg/day or Leflunomide 20 mg/day Still not improved Rituximab = 2 doses , 2 weeks apart and repeat 6 months later or Rituximab = single dose f/b lefra or MMF + TAC Renal response to Tx Complete response ( 100% response) If UPCR < 50 mg/mmol or 23 hr Urinary Protein < 500 mg/day or Near or near normal GFR Partial response ( > 50% reduction to subnephrotic range proteinuria) Flares 1. Nephritic flare ( if Crt > 30% rises or GFR decline > 10% or Hematuria RBC > 10 cells/HPF) 2. Nephrotic flare ( if UPCR 100 mg/mmol if previously complete responders, if UPCR 200 mg/mmol in partial responder)