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Patriarchy, Sexism, and Malcolm X Worksheet

Patriarchy and Malcolm X
Name ___________________________________________________ Date ____ Section ____
bell hooks defines patriarchy as the political-social system that insists that males are inherently
dominating, superior to everything and everyone deemed weak, especially females, and
endowed with the right to dominate and rule over the weak and to maintain that dominance
through various forms of psychological terrorism and violence. In other words, patriarchy is a
system which impacts both the government and the manner in which people think is the best
way to behave. It argues that men are superior to everyone and if you are not a male, you are
deemed weak – especially women. It also argues that traits like strength and violence are what
makes a person powerful and if a man does not exhibit strength violently this man is lesser
(women of course are totally weak). Due to the strength of men and their ability to dominate
others through violence, men should rule and have the right to maintain their rule by violently
forcing others to follow their lead. Demonstrate your understanding your patriarchy by
completing the following pictures.
First, draw a picture showing patriarchy is a system (a set of connected things, something that
impacts multiple aspects of life) that states men are better than everyone else, especially
Now, draw a picture which shows that patriarchy states that men have the right to dominate
and rule over women and those who are not as violent.
Finally, draw a picture which shows patriarchy negatively impacts the way people think and
argues that violence is the best way to determine who should rule.
Now combine the three pictures you drew into one picture.
What are five examples of patriarchy that are seen in Chapter 9, Caught, of The Autobiography
of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley?
At home research bell hooks. Below write five facts you found on bell hooks.
Sexism is the violent and oppressive action and ideas of men against women due to the belief
that men are superior to women and have the right and duty to dominate women. In essence
patriarchy is the system, sexism is the result. In order to rid the world of sexism, we must first
rid the world of patriarchy.
List five examples of sexism that are prevalent in today’s society:
Independent Practice – 100 Points
How does patriarchy impact how Malcolm X understands the world and how he believes men
should treat women? What are the dangers of a person with such great influence having such a
negative attitude towards women?
Your essay must include the following:
1. An explanation of patriarchy (this is to be written in red ink OR highlighted in yellow).
2. An explanation of sexism (this is to be written in black ink or highlighted in pink).
3. Examples of how patriarchy and sexism in Malcolm X’s behavior (this is to be written in
blue ink or highlighted in green).
4. An explanation of how Malcolm X’s negative attitudes towards women can negatively
impact people who he has influenced (this is to be written in purple ink).