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Tic-Toc Tutorial
TicToc Tutorial for OMNeT++
This short tutorial to OMNeT++ guides you through an example of modeling and simulation, showing you
along the way some of the commonly used OMNeT++ features.
The tutorial is based on the Tictoc example simulation, which you can find in the samples/tictoc directory
of your OMNeT++ installation, so you can try out immediately how the examples work. However, you'll find
the tutorial much more useful if you actually carry out at least the first steps described here.
We assume here that you have a working OMNeT++ installation. We also assume that you have a
good C++ knowledge, and you are in general familiar with C/C++ development (editing source files,
compiling, debugging etc.) on your operating system. (The latter two are out of our scope here – there
are excellent books, tutorials on the web, etc. if you need to update your knowledge on that.) We highly
recommend to use the OMNeT++ Integrated Development Environment for editing and building your
To make the examples easier to follow, all source code in here is cross-linked to the OMNeT++ API
This document and the TicToc model are an expanded version of the original TicToc tutorial from Ahmet
Sekercioglu (Monash University).
1. Getting started
2. Enhancing the 2-node TicToc
3. Turning it into a real network
4. Adding statistics collection
5. Visualizing the results with the OMNeT++ IDE
NEXT: 1. Getting started
Generated on Thu Apr 14 2016 13:41:03 for Tictoc Tutorial by
1. Getting started
UP: Contents
Since the most common application area of OMNeT++ is the simulation of telecommunications networks,
we'll borrow our topic from there. For a start, let us begin with a "network" that consists of two nodes. The
nodes will do something simple: one of the nodes will create a packet, and the two nodes will keep passing
the same packet back and forth. We'll call the nodes "tic" and "toc".
Here are the steps you take to implement your first simulation from scratch:
1. Create a working directory called tictoc, and cd to this directory.
2. Describe your example network by creating a topology file. Topology files are written in the NED language
(Network Definition). A NED topology file is a text file that identifies the network's nodes and the links
between them. You can create it with your favourite text editor.
You can find a detailed description of the NED language in Section 3 of the OMNeT++ manual (it's also
in the doc directory of your OMNeT++ installation).
Let's call it tictoc1.ned:
simple Txc1
input in;
output out;
// Two instances (tic and toc) of Txc1 connected both ways.
// Tic and toc will pass messages to one another.
network Tictoc1
tic: Txc1;
toc: Txc1;
tic.out --> { delay = 100ms; } --> toc.in;
tic.in <-- { delay = 100ms; } <-- toc.out;
The file is best read from the bottom up. Here's what it says:
Tictoc1 is a network, which is assembled from two submodules, tic and toc. tic and toc are instances of
the same module type called Txc1. We connect tic's output gate (named out) to toc's input gate
(named in), and vica versa (network ... { ... }). There will be a 100ms propagation delay both
Txc1 is a simple module type (which means it is atomic on NED level, and will be implemented in
C++). Txc1 has one input gate named in, and one output gate named out (simple ... { ... }).
You can find more information on Simple modules in Section 4 of the OMNeT++ manual.
3. We now need to implement the functionality of the simple module Txc1. This is achieved by writing a C++
file txc1.cc :
#include <string.h>
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class Txc1 : public cSimpleModule
// The following redefined virtual function holds the algorithm.
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
// The module class needs to be registered with OMNeT++
void Txc1::initialize()
// Initialize is called at the beginning of the simulation.
// To bootstrap the tic-toc-tic-toc process, one of the modules needs
// to send the first message. Let this be `tic'.
// Am I Tic or Toc?
if (strcmp("tic", getName()) == 0) {
// create and send first message on gate "out". "tictocMsg" is an
// arbitrary string which will be the name of the message object.
cMessage *msg = new cMessage("tictocMsg");
send(msg, "out");
void Txc1::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
// The handleMessage() method is called whenever a message arrives
// at the module. Here, we just send it to the other module, through
// gate `out'. Because both `tic' and `toc' does the same, the message
// will bounce between the two.
send(msg, "out"); // send out the message
The Txc1 simple module type is represented by the C++ class Txc1, which has to be subclassed from
cSimpleModule, and registered in OMNeT++ with the Define_Module() macro.
We redefine two methods from cSimpleModule: initialize() and handleMessage(). They are invoked from the
simulation kernel: the first one only once, and the second one whenever a message arrives at the module.
In initialize() we create a message object (cMessage), and send it out on gate out. Since this gate is
connected to the other module's input gate, the simulation kernel will deliver this message to the other
module in the argument to handleMessage() – after a 100ms propagation delay assigned to the link in the
NED file. The other module just sends it back (another 100ms delay), so it will result in a continuous
Messages (packets, frames, jobs, etc) and events (timers, timeouts) are all represented by cMessage objects
(or its subclasses) in OMNeT++. After you send or schedule them, they will be held by the simulation kernel
in the "scheduled events" or "future events" list until their time comes and they are delivered to the modules
via handleMessage().
Note that there is no stopping condition built into this simulation: it would continue forever. You will be able to
stop it from the GUI. (You could also specify a simulation time limit or CPU time limit in the configuration file,
but we don't do that in the tutorial.)
4. We now create the Makefile which will help us to compile and link our program to create the executable
$ opp_makemake
This command should have now created a Makefile in the working directory tictoc.
Windows+MSVC users: the command is opp_nmakemake, and it will create Makefile.vc. Note:
MSVC is only supported in the commercial version OMNEST.
5. Let's now compile and link our very first simulation by issuing the make command:
$ make
Windows+MSVC: type nmake -f Makefile.vc. If you get 'nmake' is not recognized as an internal
or external command..., find vcvars32.bat somewhere in the MSVC directories, and run it first in
every command window in which you want to compile. Note: MSVC is only supported in the
commercial version OMNEST.
If there are compilation errors, you need to rectify those and repeat the make until you get an error-free
compilation and linking.
It might be more convenient to use the OMNeT++ IDE for the tutorial. Creating a new project, adding
files and building your project is fully automated in the IDE. There is no need to manually create the
Makefile either.
6. If you start the executable now, it will complain that it cannot find the file omnetpp.ini, so you have to create
one. omnetpp.ini tells the simulation program which network you want to simulate (yes, several networks can
live in the same simulation program), you can pass parameters to the model, explicitly specify seeds for the
random number generators etc.
Create the following very simple omnetpp.ini:
network = Tictoc1
tictoc2 and further steps will all share the following omnetpp.ini:
# This file is shared by all tictoc simulations.
# Lines beginning with `#' are comments
# nothing here
[Config Tictoc1]
network = Tictoc1
[Config Tictoc2]
network = Tictoc2
[Config Tictoc3]
network = Tictoc3
[Config Tictoc4]
network = Tictoc4
Tictoc4.toc.limit = 5
[Config Tictoc5]
network = Tictoc5
**.limit = 5
[Config Tictoc6]
network = Tictoc6
[Config Tictoc7]
network = Tictoc7
# argument to exponential() is the mean; truncnormal() returns values from
# the normal distribution truncated to nonnegative values
Tictoc7.tic.delayTime = exponential(3s)
Tictoc7.toc.delayTime = truncnormal(3s,1s)
[Config Tictoc8]
network = Tictoc8
[Config Tictoc9]
network = Tictoc9
[Config Tictoc10]
network = Tictoc10
[Config Tictoc11]
network = Tictoc11
[Config Tictoc12]
network = Tictoc12
[Config Tictoc13]
network = Tictoc13
[Config Tictoc14]
network = Tictoc14
[Config Tictoc15]
network = Tictoc15
record-eventlog = true
[Config Tictoc16]
network = Tictoc16
**.tic[1].hopCount.result-recording-modes = +histogram
**.tic[0..2].hopCount.result-recording-modes = -vector
7. Once you complete the above steps, you launch the simulation by issuing this command:
$ ./tictoc
and hopefully you should now get the OMNeT++ simulation window.
To run the simulation from the IDE, just right click on omnetpp.ini and select Run as, then OMNeT++
8. Press the Run button on the toolbar to start the simulation. What you should see is that tic and toc are
exchanging messages with each other.
The main window toolbar displays the simulated time. This is virtual time, it has nothing to do with the actual
(or wall-clock) time that the program takes to execute. Actually, how many seconds you can simulate in one
real-world second depends highly on the speed of your hardware and even more on the nature and
complexity of the simulation model itself.
Note that it takes zero simulation time for a node to process the message. The only thing that makes the
simulation time pass in this model is the propagation delay on the connections.
9. You can play with slowing down the animation or making it faster with the slider at the top of the graphics
window. You can stop the simulation by hitting F8 (equivalent to the STOP button on the toolbar), single-step
through it (F4), run it with (F5) or without (F6) animation. F7 (express mode) completely turns off tracing
features for maximum speed. Note the event/sec and simsec/sec gauges on the status bar of the main
window (only visible when the simulation is running in fast or express mode).
10. You can exit the simulation program by clicking its Close icon or choosing File|Exit.
There are some typical mistakes that people who are new to OMNeT++ make:
- By default, the module type name must be the same in both the .ned and the .cc files. It is a common
mistake to either forget the Define_Module() macro, or mistype the module name so it is not the same
in the .ned and .cc files. These mistakes yield the following errors, respectively:
Error in module (omnetpp::cModule) Tictoc1 (id=1) during network setup: Class "Txc1" not found –
perhaps its code was not linked in, or the class wasn't registered with Register_Class(), or in the case
of modules and channels, with Define_Module()/Define_Channel().
Error in module (omnetpp::cModule) TicToc1 (id=1) during network setup: Submodule tic: cannot
resolve module type 'Txc1' (not in the loaded NED files?), at /omnetpp-5.0/samples/tictoc
- Also, you must run opp_makemake and make after adding a .cc file to the project. Failing to do so
will be indicated by the first error message above. If you use the OMNeT++ IDE, this is done
Sources: tictoc1.ned, txc1.cc, omnetpp.ini
NEXT: 2. Enhancing the 2-node TicToc
Generated on Thu Apr 14 2016 13:41:03 for Tictoc Tutorial by
2. Enhancing the 2-node TicToc
PREV: 1. Getting started UP: Contents
Step 2: Refining the graphics, and adding
debugging output
Here we make the model look a bit prettier in the GUI. We assign the "block/routing" icon (the file
images/block/routing.png), and paint it cyan for tic and yellow for toc. This is achieved by adding
display strings to the NED file. The i= tag in the display string specifies the icon.
// Here we make the model look a bit prettier in the GUI. We assign the
// "block/routing" icon to the simple module. All submodules of type
// Txc2 will use this icon by default
simple Txc2
@display("i=block/routing"); // add a default icon
input in;
output out;
// Make the two module look a bit different with colorization effect.
// Use cyan for `tic', and yellow for `toc'.
network Tictoc2
tic: Txc2 {
@display("i=,cyan"); // do not change the icon (first arg of i=)
just colorize it
toc: Txc2 {
@display("i=,gold"); // here too
tic.out --> { delay = 100ms; } --> toc.in;
tic.in <-- { delay = 100ms; } <-- toc.out;
You can see the result here:
We also modify the C++ file to add some debug messages to Txc1 by writing to the OMNeT++ EV object like
EV << "Sending initial message\n";
EV << "Received message `" << msg->getName() << "', sending it out again\n";
When you run the simulation in the OMNeT++ runtime environment, the following output will appear in the log
You can also open separate output windows for tic and toc by right-clicking on their icons and choosing
Component log from the menu. This feature will be useful when you have a large model ("fast scrolling logs
syndrome") and you're interested only in the log messages of specific module.
Sources: tictoc2.ned, txc2.cc, omnetpp.ini
Step 3: Adding state variables
In this step we add a counter to the module, and delete the message after ten exchanges.
We add the counter as a class member:
class Txc3 : public cSimpleModule
int counter; // Note the counter here
We set the variable to 10 in initialize() and decrement in handleMessage(), that is, on every message arrival.
After it reaches zero, the simulation will run out of events and terminate.
Note the
line in the source: this makes it possible to see the counter value in the graphical runtime environment.
Double-click on tic's icon, then choose the Contents page from the inspector window that pops up.
As you continue running the simulation, you can follow as the counter keeps decrementing until it reaches
Sources: tictoc3.ned, txc3.cc, omnetpp.ini
Step 4: Adding parameters
In this step you'll learn how to add input parameters to the simulation: we'll turn the "magic number" 10 into a
parameter and add a boolean parameter to decide whether the module should send out the first message in
its initialization code (whether this is a tic or a toc module).
Module parameters have to be declared in the NED file. The data type can be numeric, string, bool, or xml
(the latter is for easy access to XML config files), among others.
simple Txc4
bool sendMsgOnInit = default(false); // whether the module should send out
a message on initialization
int limit = default(2);
// another parameter with a default value
We also have to modify the C++ code to read the parameter in initialize(), and assign it to the counter.
counter = par("limit");
We can use the second parameter to decide whether to send initial message:
if (par("sendMsgOnInit").boolValue() == true) {
Now, we can assign the parameters in the NED file or from omnetpp.ini. Assignments in the NED file take
precedence. You can define default values for parameters if you use the default(...) syntax in the NED
file. In this case you can either set the value of the parameter in omnetpp.ini or use the default value provided
by the NED file.
Here, we assign one parameter in the NED file:
network Tictoc4
tic: Txc4 {
sendMsgOnInit = true;
toc: Txc4 {
sendMsgOnInit = false;
and the other in omnetpp.ini:
Tictoc4.toc.limit = 5
Note that because omnetpp.ini supports wildcards, and parameters assigned from NED files take precedence
over the ones in omnetpp.ini, we could have used
or even
with the same effect. (The difference between * and ** is that * will not match a dot and ** will.)
In the graphical runtime environment, you can inspect module parameters either in the object tree on the
left-hand side of the main window, or in the Parameters page of the module inspector (opened via doubleclicking on the module icon).
The module with the smaller limit will delete the message and thereby conclude the simulation.
Sources: tictoc4.ned, txc4.cc, omnetpp.ini
Step 5: Using inheritance
If we take a closer look at the NED file we will realize that tic and toc differs only in their parameter values
and their display string. We can create a new simple module type by inheriting from an other one and
specifying or overriding some of its parameters. In our case we will derive two simple module types (Tic and
Toc). Later we can use these types when defining the submodules in the network.
Deriving from an existing simple module is easy. Here is the base module:
simple Txc5
bool sendMsgOnInit = default(false);
int limit = default(2);
input in;
output out;
And here is the derived module. We just simply specify the parameter values and add some display
simple Tic5 extends Txc5
sendMsgOnInit = true;
// Tic modules should send a message on init
The Toc module looks similar, but with different parameter values.
simple Toc5 extends Txc5
sendMsgOnInit = false;
// Toc modules should NOT send a message on init
The C++ implementation is inherited from the base simple module (Txc4).
Once we created the new simple modules, we can use them as submodule types in our network:
network Tictoc5
tic: Tic5; // the limit parameter is still unbound here. We will get it
from the ini file
toc: Toc5;
As you can see, the network definition is much shorter and simpler now. Inheritance allows you to use
common types in your network and avoid redundant definitions and parameter settings.
Step 6: Modeling processing delay
In the previous models, tic and toc immediately sent back the received message. Here we'll add some timing:
tic and toc will hold the message for 1 simulated second before sending it back. In OMNeT++ such timing is
achieved by the module sending a message to itself. Such messages are called self-messages (but only
because of the way they are used, otherwise they are ordinary message objects).
We added two cMessage * variables, event and tictocMsg to the class, to remember the message we use
for timing and message whose processing delay we are simulating.
class Txc6 : public cSimpleModule
cMessage *event; // pointer to the event object which we'll use for timing
cMessage *tictocMsg; // variable to remember the message until we send it back
We "send" the self-messages with the scheduleAt() function, specifying when it should be delivered back to
the module.
scheduleAt(simTime()+1.0, event);
In handleMessage() now we have to differentiate whether a new message has arrived via the input gate or
the self-message came back (timer expired). Here we are using
if (msg == event) {
but we could have written
if (msg->isSelfMessage())
as well.
We have left out the counter, to keep the source code small.
While running the simulation you will see the following log output:
Sources: tictoc6.ned, txc6.cc, omnetpp.ini
Step 7: Random numbers and parameters
In this step we'll introduce random numbers. We change the delay from 1s to a random value which can be
set from the NED file or from omnetpp.ini. Module parameters are able to return random variables; however,
to make use of this feature we have to read the parameter in handleMessage() every time we use it.
// The "delayTime" module parameter can be set to values like
// "exponential(5)" (tictoc7.ned, omnetpp.ini), and then here
// we'll get a different delay every time.
simtime_t delay = par("delayTime");
EV << "Message arrived, starting to wait " << delay << " secs...\n";
tictocMsg = msg;
scheduleAt(simTime()+delay, event);
In addition, we'll "lose" (delete) the packet with a small (hardcoded) probability.
if (uniform(0, 1) < 0.1) {
EV << "\"Losing\" message\n";
delete msg;
We'll assign the parameters in omnetpp.ini:
Tictoc7.tic.delayTime = exponential(3s)
Tictoc7.toc.delayTime = truncnormal(3s,1s)
You can try that no matter how many times you re-run the simulation (or restart it, Simulate|Rebuild network
menu item), you'll get exactly the same results. This is because OMNeT++ uses a deterministic algorithm (by
default the Mersenne Twister RNG) to generate random numbers, and initializes it to the same seed. This is
important for reproducible simulations. You can experiment with different seeds if you add the following lines
to omnetpp.ini:
# or any other 32-bit value
From the syntax you have probably guessed that OMNeT++ supports more than one RNGs. That's right,
however, all models in this tutorial use RNG 0.
Exercise: Try other distributions as well.
Sources: tictoc8.ned, txc7.cc, omnetpp.ini
Step 8: Timeout, cancelling timers
In order to get one step closer to modelling networking protocols, let us transform our model into a
stop-and-wait simulation. This time we'll have separate classes for tic and toc. The basic scenario is similar to
the previous ones: tic and toc will be tossing a message to one another. However, toc will "lose" the message
with some nonzero probability, and in that case tic will have to resend it.
Here's toc's code:
void Toc8::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (uniform(0, 1) < 0.1) {
EV << "\"Losing\" message.\n";
bubble("message lost"); // making animation more informative...
delete msg;
else {
Thanks to the bubble() call in the code, toc'll display a callout whenever it drops the message.
So, tic will start a timer whenever it sends the message. When the timer expires, we'll assume the message
was lost and send another one. If toc's reply arrives, the timer has to be cancelled. The timer will be (what
else?) a self-message.
scheduleAt(simTime()+timeout, timeoutEvent);
Cancelling the timer will be done with the cancelEvent() call. Note that this does not prevent us from being
able to reuse the same timeout message over and over.
You can read Tic's full source in txc8.cc.
Sources: tictoc8.ned, txc8.cc, omnetpp.ini
Step 9: Retransmitting the same message
In this step we refine the previous model. There we just created another packet if we needed to retransmit.
This is OK because the packet didn't contain much, but in real life it's usually more practical to keep a copy of
the original packet so that we can re-send it without the need to build it again. Keeping a pointer to the sent
message - so we can send it again - might seem easier, but when the message is destroyed at the other
node the pointer becomes invalid.
What we do here is keep the original packet and send only copies of it. We delete the original when toc's
acknowledgement arrives. To make it easier to visually verify the model, we'll include a message sequence
number the message names.
In order to avoid handleMessage() growing too large, we'll put the corresponding code into two new
functions, generateNewMessage() and sendCopyOf() and call them from handleMessage().
The functions:
cMessage *Tic9::generateNewMessage()
// Generate a message with a different name every time.
char msgname[20];
sprintf(msgname, "tic-%d", ++seq);
cMessage *msg = new cMessage(msgname);
return msg;
void Tic9::sendCopyOf(cMessage *msg)
// Duplicate message and send the copy.
cMessage *copy = (cMessage *)msg->dup();
send(copy, "out");
Sources: tictoc9.ned, txc9.cc, omnetpp.ini
NEXT: 3. Turning it into a real network
Generated on Thu Apr 14 2016 13:41:03 for Tictoc Tutorial by
3. Turning it into a real network
PREV: 2. Enhancing the 2-node TicToc UP: Contents
Step 10: More than two nodes
Now we'll make a big step: create several tic modules and connect them into a network. For now, we'll keep it
simple what they do: one of the nodes generates a message, and the others keep tossing it around in
random directions until it arrives at a predetermined destination node.
The NED file will need a few changes. First of all, the Txc module will need to have multiple input and output
simple Txc10
input in[]; // declare in[] and out[] to be vector gates
output out[];
The [ ] turns the gates into gate vectors. The size of the vector (the number of gates) will be determined
where we use Txc to build the network.
network Tictoc10
tic[6]: Txc10;
tic[0].out++ --> { delay = 100ms; } --> tic[1].in++;
tic[0].in++ <-- { delay = 100ms; } <-- tic[1].out++;
tic[1].out++ --> { delay = 100ms; } --> tic[2].in++;
tic[1].in++ <-- { delay = 100ms; } <-- tic[2].out++;
tic[1].out++ --> { delay = 100ms; } --> tic[4].in++;
tic[1].in++ <-- { delay = 100ms; } <-- tic[4].out++;
tic[3].out++ --> { delay = 100ms; } --> tic[4].in++;
tic[3].in++ <-- { delay = 100ms; } <-- tic[4].out++;
tic[4].out++ --> { delay = 100ms; } --> tic[5].in++;
tic[4].in++ <-- { delay = 100ms; } <-- tic[5].out++;
Here we created 6 modules as a module vector, and connected them.
The resulting topology looks like this:
In this version, tic[0] will generate the message to be sent around. This is done in initialize(), with the help of
the getIndex() function which returns the index of the module in the vector.
The meat of the code is the forwardMessage() function which we invoke from handleMessage() whenever a
message arrives at the node. It draws a random gate number, and sends out message on that gate.
void Txc10::forwardMessage(cMessage *msg)
// In this example, we just pick a random gate to send it on.
// We draw a random number between 0 and the size of gate `out[]'.
int n = gateSize("out");
int k = intuniform(0, n-1);
EV << "Forwarding message " << msg << " on port out[" << k << "]\n";
send(msg, "out", k);
When the message arrives at tic[3], its handleMessage() will delete the message.
See the full code in txc10.cc.
Exercise: you'll notice that this simple "routing" is not very efficient: often the packet keeps bouncing between
two nodes for a while before it is sent to a different direction. This can be improved somewhat if nodes don't
send the packet back to the sender. Implement this. Hints: cMessage::getArrivalGate(), cGate::getIndex().
Note that if the message didn't arrive via a gate but was a self-message, then getArrivalGate() returns NULL.
Sources: tictoc10.ned, txc10.cc, omnetpp.ini
Step 11: Channels and inner type definitions
Our new network definition is getting quite complex and long, especially the connections section. Let's try to
simplify it. The first thing we notice is that the connections always use the same delay parameter. It is
possible to create types for the connections (they are called channels) similarly to simple modules. We
should create a channel type which specifies the delay parameter and we will use that type for all
connections in the network.
network Tictoc11
channel Channel extends ned.DelayChannel {
delay = 100ms;
As you have noticed we have defined the new channel type inside the network definition by adding a types
section. This type definition is only visible inside the network. It is called as a local or inner type. You can use
simple modules as inner types too, if you wish.
We have created the channel by specializing the built-in DelayChannel. (built-in channels can be found
inside the ned package. Thats why we used the full type name ned.DelayChannel) after the
extends keyword.
Now let's check how the connections section changed.
tic[0].out++ --> Channel --> tic[1].in++;
tic[0].in++ <-- Channel <-- tic[1].out++;
tic[1].out++ --> Channel --> tic[2].in++;
tic[1].in++ <-- Channel <-- tic[2].out++;
tic[1].out++ --> Channel --> tic[4].in++;
tic[1].in++ <-- Channel <-- tic[4].out++;
tic[3].out++ --> Channel --> tic[4].in++;
tic[3].in++ <-- Channel <-- tic[4].out++;
tic[4].out++ --> Channel --> tic[5].in++;
tic[4].in++ <-- Channel <-- tic[5].out++;
As you see we just specify the channel name inside the connection definition. This allows to easily change
the delay parameter for the whole network.
Sources: tictoc11.ned, txc11.cc, omnetpp.ini
Step 12: Using two-way connections
If we check the connections section a little more, we will realize that each node pair is connected with two
connections. One for each direction. OMNeT++ 4 supports two way connections, so let's use them.
First of all, we have to define two-way (or so called inout) gates instead of the separate input and output
gates we used previously.
simple Txc12
inout gate[]; // declare two way connections
The new connections section would look like this:
We have modified the gate names so we have to make some modifications to the C++ code.
void Txc12::forwardMessage(cMessage *msg)
// In this example, we just pick a random gate to send it on.
// We draw a random number between 0 and the size of gate `gate[]'.
int n = gateSize("gate");
int k = intuniform(0, n-1);
EV << "Forwarding message " << msg << " on gate[" << k << "]\n";
// $o and $i suffix is used to identify the input/output part of a two way gate
send(msg, "gate$o", k);
The special $i and $o suffix after the gate name allows us to use the connection's two direction
Sources: tictoc12.ned, txc12.cc, omnetpp.ini
Step 13: Defining our message class
In this step the destination address is no longer hardcoded tic[3] – we draw a random destination, and we'll
add the destination address to the message.
The best way is to subclass cMessage and add destination as a data member. Hand-coding the message
class is usually tedious because it contains a lot of boilerplate code, so we let OMNeT++ generate the class
for us. The message class specification is in tictoc13.msg:
hopCount = 0;
See Section 6 of the OMNeT++ manual for more details on messages.
The makefile is set up so that the message compiler, opp_msgc is invoked and it generates tictoc13_m.h and
tictoc13_m.cc from the message declaration (The file names are generated from the tictoc13.msg file name,
not the message type name). They will contain a generated TicTocMsg13 class subclassed from cMessage;
the class will have getter and setter methods for every field.
We'll include tictoc13_m.h into our C++ code, and we can use TicTocMsg13 as any other class.
#include "tictoc13_m.h"
For example, we use the following lines in generateMessage() to create the message and fill its fields.
TicTocMsg13 *msg = new TicTocMsg13(msgname);
return msg;
Then, handleMessage() begins like this:
void Txc13::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
TicTocMsg13 *ttmsg = check_and_cast<TicTocMsg13 *>(msg);
if (ttmsg->getDestination() == getIndex()) {
In the argument to handleMessage(), we get the message as a cMessage * pointer. However, we can only
access its fields defined in TicTocMsg13 if we cast msg to TicTocMsg13 *. Plain C-style cast ((TicTocMsg13
*)msg) is not safe because if the message is not a TicTocMsg13 after all the program will just crash, causing
an error which is difficult to explore.
C++ offers a solution which is called dynamic_cast. Here we use check_and_cast<>() which is provided by
OMNeT++: it tries to cast the pointer via dynamic_cast, and if it fails it stops the simulation with an error
message, similar to the following:
In the next line, we check if the destination address is the same as the node's address. The getIndex()
member function returns the index of the module in the submodule vector (remember, in the NED file we
declarared it as tic: Txc13[6], so our nodes have addresses 0..5).
To make the model execute longer, after a message arrives to its destination the destination node will
generate another message with a random destination address, and so forth. Read the full code: txc13.cc.
When you run the model, it'll look like this:
You can double-click on the messages to open an inspector for them. (You'll either have to temporarily stop
the simulation for that, or to be very fast in handling the mouse). The inspector window displays lots of useful
information; the message fields can be seen on the Contents page.
Sources: tictoc13.ned, tictoc13.msg, txc13.cc, omnetpp.ini
Exercise: In this model, there is only one message underway at any given moment: nodes only generate a
message when another message arrives at them. We did it this way to make it easier to follow the simulation.
Change the module class so that instead, it generates messages periodically. The interval between
messages should be a module parameter, returning exponentially distributed random numbers.
NEXT: 4. Adding statistics collection
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4. Adding statistics collection
PREV: 3. Turning it into a real network UP: Contents
Step 14: Displaying the number of packets
To get an overview at runtime how many messages each node sent or received, we've added two counters to
the module class: numSent and numReceived.
class Txc14 : public cSimpleModule
long numSent;
long numReceived;
They are set to zero and WATCH'ed in the initialize() method. Now we can use the Find/inspect objects
dialog (Inspect menu; it is also on the toolbar) to learn how many packets were sent or received by the
various nodes.
It's true that in this concrete simulation model the numbers will be roughly the same, so you can only learn
from them that intuniform() works properly. But in real-life simulations it can be very useful that you can
quickly get an overview about the state of various nodes in the model.
It can be also arranged that this info appears above the module icons. The t= display string tag specifies the
text; we only need to modify the displays string during runtime. The following code does the job:
void Txc14::refreshDisplay() const
char buf[40];
sprintf(buf, "rcvd: %ld sent: %ld", numReceived, numSent);
getDisplayString().setTagArg("t", 0, buf);
And the result looks like this:
Sources: tictoc14.ned, tictoc14.msg, txc14.cc, omnetpp.ini
Step 15: Adding statistics collection
The OMNeT++ simulation kernel can record a detailed log about your message exchanges automatically by
setting the
record-eventlog = true
configuration option in the omnetpp.ini file. This log file can be later displayed by the IDE (see: Sequence
charts end event logs).
The resulting log file can be quite large, so enable this feature only if you really need it.
The previous simulation model does something interesting enough so that we can collect some statistics. For
example, you may be interested in the average hop count a message has to travel before reaching its
We'll record in the hop count of every message upon arrival into an output vector (a sequence of (time,value)
pairs, sort of a time series). We also calculate mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum values per
node, and write them into a file at the end of the simulation. Then we'll use tools from the OMNeT++ IDE to
analyse the output files.
For that, we add an output vector object (which will record the data into Tictoc15-0.vec) and a histogram
object (which also calculates mean, etc) to the class.
class Txc15 : public cSimpleModule
long numSent;
long numReceived;
cLongHistogram hopCountStats;
cOutVector hopCountVector;
When a message arrives at the destination node, we update the statistics. The following code has been
added to handleMessage():
hopCountVector.record() call writes the data into Tictoc15-0.vec. With a large simulation model or long
execution time, the Tictoc15-0.vec file may grow very large. To handle this situation, you can specifically
disable/enable vector in omnetpp.ini, and you can also specify a simulation time interval in which you're
interested (data recorded outside this interval will be discarded.)
When you begin a new simulation, the existing Tictoc15-0.vec/sca file gets deleted.
Scalar data (collected by the histogram object in this simulation) have to be recorded manually, in the finish()
function. finish() gets invoked on successful completion of the simulation, i.e. not when it's stopped with an
error. The recordScalar() calls in the code below write into the Tictoc15-0.sca file.
void Txc15::finish()
// This function is called by OMNeT++ at the end of the simulation.
EV << "Sent:
" << numSent << endl;
EV << "Received: " << numReceived << endl;
EV << "Hop count, min:
" << hopCountStats.getMin() << endl;
EV << "Hop count, max:
" << hopCountStats.getMax() << endl;
EV << "Hop count, mean:
" << hopCountStats.getMean() << endl;
EV << "Hop count, stddev: " << hopCountStats.getStddev() << endl;
recordScalar("#sent", numSent);
recordScalar("#received", numReceived);
hopCountStats.recordAs("hop count");
The files are stored in the results/ subdirectory.
You can also view the data during simulation. To do that, right click on a module, and choose Open
Details. In the module inspector's Contents page you'll find the hopCountStats and hopCountVector
objects. To open their inspectors, right click on cLongHistogram hopCountStats or cOutVector
HopCount, and click Open Graphical View.
The inspector:
They will be initially empty – run the simulation in Fast (or even Express) mode to get enough data to be
displayed. After a while you'll get something like this:
When you think enough data has been collected, you can stop the simulation and then we'll analyse the
result files (Tictoc15-0.vec and Tictoc15-0.sca) off-line. You'll need to choose Simulate|Call finish()
from the menu (or click the corresponding toolbar button) before exiting – this will cause the finish() functions
to run and data to be written into Tictoc15-0.sca.
Sources: tictoc15.ned, tictoc15.msg, txc15.cc, omnetpp.ini
Step 16: Statistic collection without modifying
your model
In the previous step we have added statistic collection to our model. While we can compute and save any
value we wish, usually it is not known at the time of writing the model, what data the enduser will need.
OMNeT++ 4.1 provides an additional mechanism to record values and events. Any model can emit 'signals'
that can carry a value or an object. The model writer just have to decide what signals to emit, what data to
attach to them and when to emit them. The enduser can attach 'listeners' to these signals that can process or
record these data items. This way the model code does not have to contain any code that is specific to the
statistics collection and the enduser can freely add additional statistics without even looking into the C++
We will re-write the statistic collection introduced in the last step to use signals. First of all, we can safely
remove all statistic related variables from our module. There is no need for the cOutVector and
cLongHistogram classes either. We will need only a single signal that carries the hopCount of the
message at the time of message arrival at the destination.
First we need to define our signal. The arrivalSignal is just an identifier that can be used later to easily
refer to our signal.
class Txc16 : public cSimpleModule
simsignal_t arrivalSignal;
We must register all signals before using them. The best place to do this is the initialize() method of
the module.
void Txc16::initialize()
arrivalSignal = registerSignal("arrival");
// Module 0 sends the first message
if (getIndex() == 0) {
Now we can emit our signal, when the message has arrived to the destination node.
void Txc16::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
TicTocMsg16 *ttmsg = check_and_cast<TicTocMsg16 *>(msg);
if (ttmsg->getDestination() == getIndex()) {
// Message arrived
int hopcount = ttmsg->getHopCount();
// send a signal
emit(arrivalSignal, hopcount);
EV << "Message " << ttmsg << " arrived after " << hopcount << " hops.\n";
As we do not have to save or store anything manually, the finish() method can be deleted. We no longer
need it.
The last step is that we have to define the emitted signal also in the NED file. Declaring signals in the NED
file allows you to have all information about your module in one place. You will see the parameters it takes, its
input and output gates, and also the signals and statistics it provides.
simple Txc16
@statistic[hopCount](title="hop count"; source="arrival";
record=vector,stats; interpolationmode=none);
Now we can define also a statistic that should be collected by default. Our previous example has collected
statistics (max,min,mean,count etc) about the hop count of the arriving messages, so let's collect the same
data here, too.
The source key specifies the signal we want our statistic to attach to. The record key can be used to tell
what should be done with the received data. In our case we sepcify that each value must be saved in a
vector file (vector) and also we need to calculate min,max,mean,count etc. (stats). (NOTE: stats is just a
shorthand for min, max, mean, sum, count etc.) With this step we have finished our model.
Now we have just realized that we would like to see a histogram of the hopCount on the tic[1] module. On the
other hand we are short on disk storage and we are not interested having the vector data for the first three
module tic 0,1,2. No problem. We can add our histogram and remove the unneeded vector recording without
even touching the C++ or NED files. Just open the INI file and modify the statistic recording:
[Config Tictoc16]
network = Tictoc16
**.tic[1].hopCount.result-recording-modes = +histogram
**.tic[0..2].hopCount.result-recording-modes = -vector
We can configure a wide range of statistics without even looking into the C++ code, provided that the original
model emits the necessary signals for us.
Now that we have collected our statistics, let's see and analyse them in the IDE.
Sources: tictoc16.ned, tictoc16.msg, txc16.cc, omnetpp.ini
NEXT: 5. Visualizing the results with the OMNeT++ IDE
Generated on Thu Apr 14 2016 13:41:03 for Tictoc Tutorial by
5. Visualizing the results with the OMNeT++ IDE
PREV: 4. Adding statistics collection UP: Contents
Visualizing output scalars and vectors
The OMNeT++ IDE can help you to analyze your results. It supports filtering, processing and displaying
vector and scalar data, and can display histograms, too. The following diagrams have been created with the
Result Analysis tool of the IDE.
The results directory in the project folder contains .vec and .sca files, which are the files that store the
results in vector and scalar form, respectively. Vectors record data values as a function of time, while scalars
typically record aggregate values at the end of the simulation. To open the Result Analysis tool, double click
on either the .vec or the .sca files in the OMNeT++ IDE. Both files will be loaded by the Result Analysis tool.
You can find the Browse Data tab at the bottom of the Result Analysis tool panel. Here you can browse
results by type by switching the various tabs at the top of the tool panel, ie. Scalars, Vectors, or Histograms.
By default, all results of a result type are displayed. You can filter them by the module filter to view all or some
of the individual modules, or the statistic name filter to display different types of statistics, ie. mean, max, min,
standard deviation, etc. You can select some or all of the individual results by highlighting them. If you select
multiple results, they will be plotted on one chart. Right click and select Plot to display the figures.
For further information about the charting and processing capabilities, please refer to the OMNeT++
Users Guide (you can find it in the doc directory of the OMNeT++ installation).
Our last model records the hopCount of a message each time the message reaches its destination. The
following plot shows these vectors for nodes 0 and 1.
If we apply a mean operation we can see how the hopCount in the different nodes converge to an average:
The next chart displays the mean and the maximum of the hopCount of the messages for each destination
node, based on the scalar data recorded at the end of the simulation.
The following diagram shows the histogram of hopCount's distribution.
Sequence charts end event logs
The OMNeT++ simulation kernel can record the message exchanges during the simulation into an event log
file. To enable recording the event log, you must specify record-eventlog = true in omnetpp.ini. Alternatively,
you can click on the Record button in the graphical runtime environment. This log file can be analyzed later
with the Sequence Chart tool. The results directory in the project folder contains the .elog file. Double
clicking on this in the OMNeT++ IDE opens the Sequence Chart tool, and the event log tab at the bottom of
the screen.
The following figure has been created with the Sequence Chart tool, and shows how the message is routed
between the different nodes in the network. In this instance the chart is very simple, but when you have a
complex model, sequence charts can be very valuable in debugging, exploring or documenting the model's
Hope you have found this tutorial a useful introduction into OMNeT++. Comments and suggestions will be
UP: Contents
Generated on Thu Apr 14 2016 13:41:03 for Tictoc Tutorial by