PowerPoint 2010 PowerPoint 2010 Preparing to Record To record voice narrations, your computer needs an internal microphone, external microphone, a sound card, and speakers. Build PowerPoint Slides Create Script Record Edit Save PowerPoint 2010 Recording your narration 2 1 3 To begin recording: 1. 2. 3. Insert Audio Record Audio PowerPoint 2010 Recording Start: Red button Stop: Blue square Review: Audio icon Reviewing…. Play Fast Forward Rewind PowerPoint 2010 Trim Audio Feature PowerPoint 2010 Saving and Sharing your PPT Save the PowerPoint as a Presentation Blackboard Adding Voice Narrations for other versions of PowerPoint a Adding Voice Narration to PPT - 2007 http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/powerpoint-help/add-narration-to-apresentation-HA001230306.aspx Adding Voice Narration to PPT - 2005 http://blogs.voices.com/thebiz/2010/05/how_to_record_a_voice_over_for_powe rpoint.html Adding Voice Narration to PPT - 2003 cfcc.edu/learninglab_backup/add_narration2003.pdf