5.1. Device Structure and Operation ( n- Channel) Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor Physical Structure: Metal / Oxide / Semiconductor Parallel plate Capacitor Controlled by Electric Field Four Terminal Device: Gate(G), Source(S), Drain(D), Body (B) n-channel MOSFET and p-channel MOSFET 5.1.3. Creating a Channel for Current Flow (n - channel MOSFET) When Source and Drain are grounded & VGS applied (i) Positive vGS to the gate terminal, causing a positive charge build up along metal electrode. Presence of Electric Field on MOS structure (ii) This “build up ( E field)” causes free holes ( in p-type SC) to be repelled from region under oxide. (iii) This “migration” results in the uncovering of negative bound charges (iv) The positive gate voltage also attracts electrons from the n+ source and n+ drain regions (v) Once a sufficient number of electrons accumulate under oxide, an n-region is created. connecting the source and drain regions Inversion (vi) This inverted n-region ( Channel ) provides path for current flow between D and S. : CHANNEL formation by VGS Threshold voltage (Vt) : The minimum value of vGS required to form a conducting channel between D and S Vtn for n- MOSFET, Vtp for p-MOSFET Vt : 0.7 – 1.0V for n-MOSFET 5.1.4. Applying a Small vDS ( < ~ 50mV) with positive vGS & vGS > vtn , a channel is formed Electrons can move from source to drain through channel by small vDS Current iD from drain to source Current iD is proportional to the number of electrons in the channel The channel is controlled by the effective voltage (overdrive voltage : vOV = vGS - vtn ) The channel is acting as a variable linear resistor whose value is controlled by vOV ( = vGS - vt ) Increasing vGS i D [ n Cox ( W ) (VGS Vtn )] VDS k n (VGS Vtn ) VDS L MOSFET in Linear Mode k n n Cox W L 5.1.5. as vDS is Increased (i) with positive vGS & vGS > vtn , a channel is formed (ii) vDS applied between S and D appears as voltage drop across n-channel(variable linear resistor) (iii) voltage decreases from vGS at the source end of channel to vGD at drain end Voltage at the Source end: vGS Voltage at the Drain end: vGD = vGS – vDS (iv) Inversion layer depends on electric field ( Gate to channel ) increasing vDS will result tapered channel (v) At the point when vDS = vGS - vtn , the channel is pinched off at the drain end as v DS increases i D n Cox ( W 1 1 2 2 )[(VGS Vtn )VDS VDS ] k n [(VGS Vtn )VDS VDS ] L 2 2 MOSFET in Triode Mode pinch-off 5.1.6. Operation for vDS vOV (i) Further increase in vDS has no effect on iD : Saturated current iD (ii) Channel is still pinched off i D n Cox ( W )(VGS Vtn ) 2 k n (VGS Vtn ) 2 L MOSFET in Saturation Mode 5.2.4. Channel Length Modulation Effect When VDS VGS – Vtn : Saturation Mode pinch-off point moves slightly away from the edge of drain & creates new depletion region. The effective channel length reduces with VDS Channel length modulation Voltage across the (now shorter) channel will remain at (vOV). Electrons reach at pinch off point will be swept by electric field the length of the n-channel will decrease. Early Voltage : VA ID 1 k n (VGS Vtn ) 2 (1 VDS ) 2 I – V Characteristics of n-MOSFET iD depends on the relationship between vDS and vOV ( = VGS – V tn) vDS vOV ( = vDS – vtn ) Linear Mode i D [ n Cox ( W ) (VGS Vtn )] VDS k n (VGS Vtn ) VDS L vDS vOV ( = vDS – vtn ) Triode Mode i D n Cox ( W 1 1 2 2 )[(VGS Vtn )VDS VDS ] k n [(VGS Vtn )VDS VDS ] L 2 2 vDS vOV ( = vDS – vtn ) : Saturation Mode i D n Cox ( W )(VGS Vtn ) 2 k n (VGS Vtn ) 2 L Considering Channel Length Modulation Effect iD 1 k n (VGS Vtn ) 2 (1 VDS ) 2 5.2.2. The iD-vGS Characteristic (n-MOSFET) MOSFET amplifier will be operated in Saturation mode In saturation, the drain current (iD) dependent on vGS independent of vDS In effect, the MOSFET in Sat. mode becomes a voltage-controlled current source. 1 I D k n (VGS Vtn ) 2 2 in Sat. mode in Sat. mode 5.2.2. The iD-vGS Characteristic (Sat. mode) large-signal equivalent circuit in Sat. Mode Voltage Controlled ( vGS ) Ideal current source Infinite output resistance ID 1 k n (VGS Vtn ) 2 2 5.2.4 Finite Output Resistance in Sat. Mode ID 1 k n (VGS Vtn ) 2 (1 VDS ) 2 Where, Considering channel length modulation effect V 1 , ro A VA ID 5.2. MOSFET Two types of MOSFET Enhancement MOSFET Depletion mode MOSFET n channel enhancement MOSFET p channel enhancement MOSFET Complementary MOS (CMOS) n channel depletion MOSFET Example 5.6: MOSFET in DC Analyze the circuit to determine the voltages at all nodes and the current through all branches. Vtn = 1V and k’n(W/L) = 1mA/V2. Neglect the channel-length modulation effect (assume = 0). Example 5.3: NMOS Transistor Design the circuit of Figure 5.21. Determine the values of RD and RS the transistor operates at ID = 0.4mA and VD = +0.5V. Vtn = 0.7V, nCox = 100A/V 2, L = 1m, and W = 32m. Neglect the channel-length modulation effect (assume = 0) 5.4.1. Voltage Amplifier with MOSFET Utilizing transconductance amplifier (MOSFET) as a voltage amplifier Input : vGS Output: vDS (RD converts ID to a voltage) voltage transfer characteristics vGS < Vtn : cut off vOV = vGS – Vtn < 0 ID = 0 vout = vDD Vtn < vGS < vDS + Vtn : saturation vOV = vGS – Vtn > 0 ID = ½ kn(vGS – Vtn)2 vDS >> vOV vout = VDD – IDRD MOSFET amplifier with input vGS and output vDS VDS VDD iD RD output Function of VG vDS + Vtn < vGS < VDD : triode vOV = vGS – Vtn > 0 ID = kn[(vGS – Vtn ) vDS – ½vDS2] vDS > vOV vout = VDD – IDRD 5.4.3. Biasing the MOSFET for Linear Amplification Linear region in VTC for linear gain Slope in VTC = gain Appropriate biasing technique dc voltage vGS is selected to obtain operation at point Q within segment AB (near linear) VDS VDD iD RD VDD 1 k n (VGS Vtn ) 2 RD 2 Achieving linear gain (i) Bias MOSFET with dc voltage VGS (ii) Superimpose amplifier input (vgs) upon VGS. (iii) vds is linearly proportional to small-signal input vgs vGS t VGS vgs t vds t vgs t 5.4.3. Biasing the MOSFET to Obtain Linear Amplification dv DS Av dvGSd 1 d (VDD k n (vGS Vtn ) 2 RD ) 2 dvGS @ VGS k n (VGS Vtn ) RD Voltage gain Av negative proportional to load resistance (RD) transconductance parameter (kn) overdrive voltage : VGS – Vtn = VOV Av k n (VGS Vtn ) RD I D RD (V GS Vtn ) 2 : Voltage drop across RD : Half of overdrive voltage Example 5.9: MOSFET Amplifier Consider the amplifier circuit shown. Vtn = 0.4V, k’n = 0.4mA/V2, W/L = 10, and = 0. VDD = 1.8V, RD = 17.5k, and VGS = 0.6V. For vgs = 0 (and hence vds = 0), find VOV, ID, VDS, and Av. What is the maximum symmetrical signal swing allowed at the drain? Hence, find the maximum allowable amplitude of a sinusoidal vgs. 5.5. Small-Signal Operation and Models VDS VDD iD RD linear amplification via… Operation in saturation region Utilization of small-input signal ID 1 k n (VGS Vtn ) 2 2 vGS VGS v gs iD 1 k n [(VGS v gs ) Vtn ]2 2 When, input voltage to be amplified : vgs ( small signal vgs ) 1 k n (VGS Vtn ) 2 k n (VGS Vtn ) v gs 2 I D id : DC + ac dc bias voltage : VGS Transconductance gm [ A/V ] gm v gs 2(VGS Vtn ) v gs id k n (VGS Vtn ) id k n (VGS Vtn ) v gs Drain current due to small signal vgs 5.5.3. The Voltage Gain ( Av ) v DS VDD RD iD VDD RD ( I D id ) VDD RD I D RD id VDS RD iD VDS vds vds RD id RD ( g m v gs ) Av output vds g m RD input v gs Output signal is shifted from input by 180. Input signal vgs << 2(VGS – Vt) Operation should remain in Saturation region 5.5.5. Small-Signal Equivalent Models Hybrid - model T - model FET behaves as VCCS. Accepts vgs between gate and source Provides current (iD) at drain Input resistance is high b/c gate terminal draws iG = 0 Output resistance is high 5.5.6. The Transconductance gm gm v gs id k n (VGS Vtn ) W VOV L (eq5.56) gm 2kn W / L ID (eq5.55) gm kn gm i D v gs (eq5.57) gm vGS VGS 2ID VOV 5.7 Biasing a MOS amplifier Basic arrangement Two power supplies Single supply With feedback RG With coupling Cap. With constant Current source 5.6 Basic MOSFET Amplifier Configurations (not showing Biasing circuit) Design of transistor amplifiers Bias the transistor to operate at an appropriate point in the saturation region. Voltage Amplifier Three intrinsic electrical properties Open Loop voltage Gain: Avo Input Resistance: Rin Output Resistance: Rout Voltage Gain: Av Overall gain : Gv 5.8.4 Common Source Amplifier Input resistance R in = RG Output Resistance Rout = RD Open Circuit Voltage Gain: -gmR D Overall Voltage Gain Gv RG g m ( RD RL ) RG Rsig High Input Resistance Reasonably High Voltage Gain High Output Resistance Degeneration Resistor RS Most widely used MOSFET Amp. CC1 & CC2 : Coupling capacitors Not to disturb the operating point (Q point) CS : Bypass capacitor Force signal current passes through Cs Bypass the high output R of current source 5.8.4 Common Gate Amplifier Input resistance R in = 1/gm Output Resistance Rout = RD Open Circuit Voltage Gain: gmR D Overall Voltage Gain Gv 1 1 gm Rsig ( RD RL ) Non inverting Reasonably High Voltage Gain Low Input Resistance High Output Resistance 5.8.4 Common Drain Amplifier (Source Follower) Input resistance R in = RG Output Resistance Rout = 1/gm Open Circuit Voltage Gain: 1 Overall Voltage Gain Gv RG RL RG Rsig RL 1 gm High Input Resistance Voltage Gain lower than unity Low Output Resistance Voltage Buffer