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Science Experiment Design Rubric

Designing an Experiment – Rubric
This assignment focusses on the practical, real-life applications of the scientific method, instills
scientific curiosity, and encourages students to apply the FINER method for proposing and
executing a research project. These projects often inspire students’ future science fair
experiments and demonstrations.
Below are the criteria for a successful project:
A problem has been identified.
Enough background information with credible sources is presented.
The objective/goal is clearly written.
The hypothesis is:
1) Clearly stated,
2) Addresses the presented problem, and
3) Relates to the background information. For example, a researcher would not present on
the elasticity of rubber bands if they were measuring the bounciness of balls, unless they
are possibly related by the materials they share.
Identified dependent and independent variables and relationship(s) between them. If
control variables are not obvious, please do explain them.
Procedure: Provided a stepwise, detailed procedure of how the hypothesis will be tested.
Use proper units, instruments, and measurements in your procedure. The reasoning for
each step is clearly understood and is appropriate for testing the overall hypothesis.
o If using an instrument that may be unknown to the audience, please do explain its
purpose, function, and how you plan on using it in your experiment.
Data: Explained the preferred methods for collecting data (e.g. electronic or in-person
surveys, microscopy, a laboratory procedure, three-dimensional modeling) that addresses
the hypothesis.
o A sample data table is shown with all measured variables.
Audience Engagement: Had some discussion questions and/or a game for the audience.
These can be simple quiz questions on your experimental procedure or the
background/motivation for your research. A question and answer opportunity for the
audience will follow, which may be include questions on your experimental plan or an
extension of the discussion.
o You can also have a reading (scientific article), survey, video, or any interactive exercise
with the group. Videos are limited to 6 minutes and must relate to your research.
References/Works Cited are identifiable throughout the presentation and are listed properly
on the last slide.
The presentation will be 30 minutes. The speaking component will be 15-20 minutes,
whereas the audience engagement and question & answer session will be another 10-15