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Preschool Progress Report & Program Philosophies

Patricia Moreno
Catherine Kirk
EED 280
Based on the research that I found on the internet is that many preschool center they have what is
called a Preschool Progress Report Card. Preschool Programs many different philosophies and
approaches to preschool programs exist, and the type of program will determine the curriculum
used. Despite the nature of the program, assessment of preschool students should be used
primarily to guide instruction. Montessori, the Montessori program, developed by Maria
Montessori, follows a developmental approach to instruction. It emphasizes nature, creativity,
and hands-on learning. All teachers in this program must have an early childhood degree and be
Montessori certified. Waldorf, the Waldorf program, developed by Rudolf Steiner, focuses on
the child's interest. It uses creative, hands-on group learning and rhythmic repetition. Instruction
is teacher-directed and teachers are Waldorf certified (Zachry). Reggio Emilia these schools
originally started in Italy. The approach encourages exploration and focuses on community and
self-expression. These are child-led through art, projects, and activities. There is no formal
curriculum or teacher training (Zachry).Bank Street this developmental approach is based on the
ideas of John Dewy and focuses on mental, social, emotional, and physical growth. Students set
the pace, and the teacher serves as a guide. Lessons are taught through hands-on activities.
Project-Based Learning
This approach reflects constructivist and sociocultural theories and is built on scaffolded social
play, balance in daily scheduling, evidence-based classroom arrangement, portfolio assessment,
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and integrated webs of learning and activities. Child-Initiated Theme Approach this approach is
similar to project-based learning in that the goals are embedded in the themes, but instead of the
themes being teacher generated, children create the themes. Multiple Intelligences Curriculum
this approach is built on Gardner's eight forms of intelligences. Teachers create experiences to
address each form of intelligence. General Knowledge were it will show if the child can
recognize his name or the days of the weeks or if he knows the city in which he lives at. For
work readiness it would show if the child can listen attentively, can follow directions, uses
materials correctly and cleans up after work. Social/Emotional Readiness it would show I follow
limits and expectations, I play well with others, I respect property, I participate in group
activities, I can sit in a group and listen and I can wait my turn. For Visual/Motor Development
skills if the child is able to throw and catch, jump/hop/skip, can balance on one foot, I can hold a
pencil, I can use scissors, I can color within the lines and I can tie/zip buttons. For this type of
progress report card, I think it can be a standard based report card because I research all of them
and notice that all of them had similarity information and what every teacher is looking in the
development of their students. For a kindergarten student there can be a little different from a
preschool student but not a lot. Uses phonemic/inventive spelling to form words, retells familiar
stories, counts aloud to 25-50-75-100 and again that shows a standard report card for a
kindergarten student and showing the progress of that child and what he has learn and what
development skills he needs to work on to achieved. For a first grader student there is more indepth of areas and skills where the students need to accomplish. They use a more traditional
report card that shows performance stands like exceeds standards, meets standards, professing
toward and limited progress or does not meet standards. I went ahead and did my researching
and contrast a report card on a kindergartener from Midway R-I School Cleveland, Missouri
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64734 for the year 2010-2011. It shows different areas of Satisfactory, Progressing, Needs
Improvement and Does Not Apply for the student Chloe Daily. In the reading area she scored a
satisfactory in the whole area. In the writing area is showed that she was progressing to express
ideas through journal writing. Other area that I notice she was still progressing was in Math.
She’s in the progress of using basic concepts of measurements and can create patterns. For a
student in third grade their report card can be more challenging and harder for them to master
and achieve. For Alana Marie Davis she’s a third grader at Escambia County Schools. She’s
scored an A in Language Arts, an A- in Math and in Art Intermate she scored a Satisfactory
scored on her report card.