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Community Organizing Approaches & Process


Community Organizing



Jack Rothman’s Three

Development Models of

Community Organization


Locality Development or

Civic Organizing

The objective of this model is to alter human attitudes and behavioral patterns through education, exhortation, and a number of other methods for stimulating self-development and fulfillment.


This model has two key aspects

Community Change or economic and social progress comes about through the active participation of the community people at their own initiative.

The concepts emphasized are that of democratic procedures, voluntary cooperation, self help, development of indigenous leadership and educational objectives.


Social Action

It aims to effect reforms in major legal and functional systems of society. It relies upon political mobilization and host of other instruments for coping with powerful trends and development


Social Planning

It aims to alter social conditions by changing the policies of formal organizations. It is undertaken to modify the amount, the quality, the accessibility and the range of good, services, and facilities provided for the people.


Saul Alinsky’s




The conflict confrontation model was systematized and popularized by Saul Alinsky based on his experiences in organizing black ghettos in



Conflict-Confrontation Model

❏ His ideas quickly took root and flourished in those social action agencies, the foremost of which was the Philippine Ecumenical Council for Community

Organizing (PECCO), which organized the Zone One Tondo Organization

(ZOTO) with the urban poor in Tondo.

❏ This approach became a leading and effective strategy during that period of severe political repression because it allowed the tackling of issues at the grassroots level while avoiding much of the “ideological branding” that often led to detention by the military.


Nature of Conflict

❏ Conflict occurs when there is a situation in which two or more persons desire goals that they perceive as being attainable by one of the other, but not by both.

❏ Recognition of this interdependence is prerequisite to managing or resolving conflict.


Some Assumptions About Conflict

❏ We face conflict all the time.

❏ Conflict implies contact. If there is relationship, there will be conflict.

❏ Conflict exists: it is neither good nor bad. How we deal with it determines end results.

❏ Where groups suppress conflict, there will be an accumulation of feeling, leading toward the possibility of an eruption in a disastrously polarizing row.

❏ Conflict faced and managed creates real potential for growth and change.


Some Positive Functions of Conflict

❏ Empowerment: energizes and gives power to group life. A healthy amount of conflict, challenges and tension brings out best skills and resources of members.

❏ Establishing Identity: “He is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters” Differentiates between in-group and out-group.

❏ Unifying the in-group: having a common adversary has this effect.


Some Positive Functions of Conflict (cont.)

❏ Helps persons to Bear the Intolerable: Can be release, and can give hope.

Fact that one can confront organization when outraged by a policy allows person to remain within the organization and support it other areas of common life.

❏ Facing and resolving conflict between two people or among a group strengthens and deepens the relationship.

❏ Can lead to real transformation: of situation, values of relationship.


Basic Features of Saul Alinsky’s Conflict-Confrontation Model

❏ The use of conflict or controversy to agitate action for change.

❏ The recognition and use of self-interest to fan discontentment toward involving people in personal and community issues.

❏ Mass mobilization involving the most number of people possible.

❏ Negotiation with conflict-confrontation.

❏ Issue to issue approach, relating the macro issue.

❏ Developing organizational structures for people’s power

❏ Pressure tactics and pressure packed training.


Paolo Freire’s

Conscientization Model


Paolo Freire’s Conscientization Model

Conscientization comes from the Portuguese word

Conscietizacao” which means the process of developing the people’s critical awareness of their situation in relation to bigger social realities and their own capacity to transform realities.


Principles of Paolo Freire’s Model

❏ The education is neutral or un-political

❏ Issues must have importance to the people

❏ Problem posing approach

❏ Dialogue

❏ Reflection and action

❏ Radical transformation of life in the local communities and the whole society.


Eclectic Approach

(The Alinsky-Freire Fusion)


Eclectic Approach

After experimentation, many organizers began recognizing some of the inherent limitation of Alinsky’s approach, particularly that it did not offer a long term program for training the people and because it was not grounded politically on the class struggle unfolding around them. In the light of these limitations,

Freire’s theory of conscientization was grafted into the Alinsky strategy serving as the educational component which gave a sharper ideological focus/dimensions to their work with the oppressed.



Organizing Process

Prepared by: Rachel Anne Ballar


A. Entry into the Community: Starting the Work Right

Ostentatious Entry- The community worker, through a padrino

(usually the boss), is formally introduced to the people through a village assembly during which, the worker’s image is boosted and project output is promised.

Banking on People’s Weaknesses- Organizers think of the most irrelevant methods just to get people’s attention. Trying to create an impression on the people seems to be their aim.

Simple Way of Getting into the Community- going directly to the community and introduce yourself to the locals.


A. Entry into the Community: Starting the Work Right (cont)

Academic Style of Entry- have all clearances required -- from all military commands and local government offices concerned to ensure effective entry.

Formal Entry Style- Some organizers believe that entry into a community would be best if it is formalized.

People-Centered Approach- Contact persons in the community take care of the organizer’s entry.


A. Entry into the Community: Starting the Work Right (cont)

❏ Towards a Well Planned and Well Executed Entry into the

Community a. It is best to gather information about the situation in the community which can be used to prepare one’s entry. b. One should not make a grand entrance and refrain from raising the people’s expectations. c. It will not hurt to pay attention to recognized leaders of the village.

d. Methods should fit with the conditions of the community and must always reinforce our goal of facilitating the realization of people’s potentials. e. It is better to have contact persons in the community even before entering the place.


B. Living in Solidarity with the People in the Community:

The “Now you see me, now you don’t” Style- Organizer cannot break the barriers between her and the people and does not get the chance to know the villagers’ way of life.

“Boarder” Style- Living on her own inside a house on the village and does not share the life of the household.

Elitist Style- Organizer is always seen in the company of the captain and some other key persons in the community.


B. Living in Solidarity with the People in the Community:(cont)

❏ People-Centered Method of Living with the People a. Pababahay-bahay or Home Visits- An effective way to establish deeper relations with the villagers is by occasionally visiting them at home. b. Huntahan or Informal Talks with the Villagers- Informal talks help a lot in integrating into the community. c. Participation in the Production Process- It makes the organizer understand the economic system within which the people operate. d. Participation in Social Activities- There are occasions and social functions which help the organizer know more about the people.


B. Living in Solidarity with the People in the Community:(cont)

❏ Towards Deeper Understanding of the People’s Lives in the Village: a. We cannot fully comprehend the people’s lives unless we truly live with them. b. He must consciously discard his visitor or guest image. c. If we are working for the poor, we must live and work with the poor. d. Integration is a continuous process. As it goes on, one realizes that the people’s problems and aspirations become her own.


C. Social Analysis: Towards Learning with the Villagers

Program Style- They undertake a community study based on the nature of the program they bring to the community.

Technical Style- Extension workers follow a technical plan in coming out with a community study.

People-Centered Style- An organizer who follows this style lives with the people and learns with them, believing that people are capable of examining their social situation.


C. Social Analysis: Towards Learning with the Villagers (cont)

Towards a More Meaningful Learning Process With the People : a. Research becomes genuinely pro-people when they are able to fully participate in its entire process. b. It is effective to use tools and symbols that are familiar with the people as starting points to popularize technical research methods. c. Research becomes meaningful if it is used as instrument for conscientization. d. Research must develop a collective consciousness among the people.


D. Spotting and Development of Potential Leaders

Key Informant Style- Key informants or traditional leaders are usually the barangay captains and councilmen, plus the officials of other traditional barrio organizations. These people are usually the well-to-do and well-educated residents whose interests do not always coincide with the villagers.


D. Spotting and Development of Potential Leaders (cont)

People-Centered Style- there are a number of opportunities where potential community leaders from the poor can be identified. a. Participating in informal discussions with the people. b. Participating in economic and social activities. c. Conducting training programs. d. Social analysis


D. Spotting and Development of Potential Leaders (cont)

❏ Towards a More Effective Identification and Development of

Potential Leaders a. Organizing must focus on identifying and developing leaders from the masses. b. We should be patient in dealing with the poor’s attitude towards leadership qualities. c. Leadership identification and development cannot be done haphazardly. d. It is the people and not the organizer who spot and develop potential leaders from among their ranks


D. Core Group Formation

Samahang Nayon Style- This program could have been more meaningful if peculiar problems and needs of each community had been considered in the formation of the organization.

Blitzkrieg Style- When the Barangay Brigade Program was launched, a quick assembly was called in each barrio.

People-Centered Style- Core groups are formed for each sector.


D. Core Group Formation (cont)

❏ Towards a More Effective Formation of People’s Organization a. The peculiar conditions and needs of each community play a decisive role in the process. b. The formation of organizations cannot be instantaneous. c. The formal establishment of a people’s organization serves as avenue for the people to formalize their unity. d. The organization must be active, dynamic and democratic.


F. Strengthening the Organization

Pre-packaged Organization Development- The cooperative should have started according to the capacity of the people who would manage it.

Organizer-Centered Style- The decision to undertake any collective action must always come from the people themselves.

People-Centered Style- Collective management capabilities of the poor continuously develop in the course of their working together.


F. Strengthening the Organization (cont)

❏ Towards Effectively Sustaining and Strengthening People’s

Organization- a. Collective action should not depend on the organizer entirely b. The best form of collective actions comes from the people themselves. c. Consolidation and expansion of the organizations must be done on a continuing basis.


F. Strengthening the Organization (cont)

1. The orientation of the organization must be continuously clarified.

2. The orientation of the organization must be operationalized by a clear and sustained program of action based on a thorough social analysis.

3. The program of action must be carried out on a collective fashion.

4. The program of action must be collectively monitored, evaluated, and summed up.

5. Consolidation and expansion entails a continuing education program for the mass membership and prospective members.

6. Spotting and development of new leaders must be done on a continuing basis.

7. Alliance building and networking must be done on a continuing basis


Thank you



- Manalili, A. G. (1990). Community organizing for people's empowerment. Kapatiran-Kaunlaran


- Ohmer, M. L., & DeMasi, K. (2008). Consensus organizing: A community development workbook: A

comprehensive guide to designing, implementing, and evaluating community change initiatives. Sage


