Witch hunt posters from the 17th century Source analysis Choose one of the posters below. Examine the text and images carefully to answer the following questions: • • • • • • Who is the intended audience of this poster? What message is the poster portraying? What do you think was happening at the time the poster was produced? Who was or were the people that created this poster? Research to find out. What do you think happened if the message was - A. Accepted or B. Ignored? Explain. The most effective posters are those that are simple and direct – is this an effective poster? Explain. “ A MOST Certain, Strange, and true Discovery of a VVITCH. Being taken by some of the Parliament Forces, as she was standing on a small planck – board and sayling on it over the River of Newbury: Together with the strange and true manner of her death, with the propheticall words and speeches she vied at the same time. Printed by John Hammond, 1643.” http://myths.e2bn.org/mythsandlegends/origins21-testing-the-witch-finder-general.html “To the People of this Hamlet, CAST OUT ALL WITCHES and DEVILS that have lately annoyed these Parts - with Several GRIEVIOUS MOLESTATIONS and CURIOSITIES. Some councils directing a due improvement of the TERRIBLE THINGS lately occurring IN THIS NEIGHBOURHOOD by the Unusual and Amazing range of EVIL SPIRITS - Prevent the Wrongs which these Evil Angels may intend against all sorts of People among us. Especially in accusations of the Innocent -1693 - ” http://66.media.tumblr.com/5c911df2271c043046e48ce941ecafaf/tumblr_mrsn5tzVQo1r9uaxeo1_500.jpg “Witches Apprehended, Ex amined and Executed, for notable villanies by them committed both by Land and Water. With a strange and most true trial how to know whether a woman be a witch or not. Printed at London for Edward Marchant, and are to be sold as his shop over against the Crossie in Pauls Church-yard 1613” http://www.theastronauts.com/2019/01/myths-witch-hunts/