Assessment Self-Feedback Instructions First, consider each piece of feedback offered on your draft and determine which criterion it falls under. For example, feedback that you need to support your claim with a quote or reference falls under the Considering, Organising and Creating criterion, because the criterion requires you to use “a diverse range of valid primary and secondary sources used effectively”. Then, make a note of that feedback in the appropriate column of the feedback table. Finally, consider your completed table: - Which criteria are you most successful at? Do you understand why? Could you succeed at it again? How? - Which criteria do you most need to focus your energy on now? - Do you know how to address those areas of weakness? If not, what can you do to find out? Criterion Demonstrating Understanding Characteristics - Thorough understanding your work - Detailed should show explanation s - Consistently accurate explanations Your draft feedback Analysing - Thorough analysis - Support your positions with reasoning and arguments - Arguments informed by understanding of subject matter Evaluating and Drawing Conclusions - Making discerning judgements - supporting judgements with arguments - Arguments are linked to hypothesis Considering, Organising & Creating - Use of valid sources - Sources used to argue hypothesis - Succinct response -Things discussed are relevant to hypothesis - Genre and language conventions - Referencing