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Career Management Portfolio - Rashpal Chana

Career Management and
Final Portfolio
Module Leader:
Rashpal Chana
SID: 1422537
Table of Contents
Rashpal Chana - 1422537
Section 1: Personal Documents (Core)
Critical Narrative Research Findings
Career Action Plan with SMART Goals
Curriculum Viate
Page 3
Section 2: Additional Documents
CV Skills Audit
Page 5
Prospect Graduate Position: Apple
Page 5
Cover Letter: Apple
Online Profile: Linkedin
Section 3: Individual Commentary
Section 4: Appendices
Section 5: References
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Section 1: Personal Documents (Core)
Critical Narrative Research findings: Management Consultancy (approx. 500 words, GRAPHS AND
A management consultant provides external advice for organisations that require specialist expertise or an
objective outside perspective on their business. Consultancy usually involves the identification and
assessment of a problem or the analysis of a specific area of an organisation, the reporting of findings and
the formulation of recommendations for improvement. Consultants are commonly called in for business
improvement, change of management, information technology and long-term planning projects.1 According
to Consultancy.co.uk worldwide market for management consulting services is estimated to be worth more
than $130 billion, and represents just over half of the total global consulting market. 2 Inside Careers
recently posted the estimated amounts consultants can earn depended on their level within the firm. As a
new graduate my position in a firm will most likely be an analyst with a starting salary of around £32,000.
However, this can vary depending on the location and size of the firm. Larger firms may offer other
benefits such as car allowances, private health insurance, on-site gyms etc.
Where Am I Now?
I have been recently employed by Apple at Grand Arcade, Cambridge as a Specialist. Although this is not a
direct path into my chosen industry field it does give me a pathway to working towards a management
consultancy career. My aim is to experience the different departments of Apple, this will allow me to gain
hands-on experience and understand what it really means to be part of the Apple brand, and therefore,
starting on the shop floor is the first step. Mid next year I hope to speak to my manager about joining the
Apple business team in order to apply some of the modules I have learnt into real life scenarios. Working
at Apple will allow me to grow, understand and link modules that I’ve learnt in ARU such as responsible
business to corporate social strategies that are used by Apple. By doing this I can eventually grow within
Apple and if an opportunity arises where I may need to consult or be part of a team on a business merger
or acquisition for Apple I would put all my efforts towards helping the Apple team apply insights to
strategic and operational issues.
Career Action Plan with SMART Goals (NO WORD COUNT, BUT GET TO THE POINT)
Actions(s) Required To Achieve
Resources I Will Need To Help Me
Achieve Goal
Target Date
To Achieve
Goal By
Available at: http://www.insidecareers.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/MANCON-201516-PDF.pdf (Accessed: 21 November 2016).
2 See Appendix: 1. Global Management Consulting Market (2011-2016)
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Carry out a
business sector
analysis in
looking at firms
and offers that
will allow me to
expand and grow
my skills.
 In order to achieve a well-informed
business sector analysis I would have to
carry out research on the industry, more
specifically looking at companies within
the sector that offer good graduate
schemes and or placements.
 Alongside this it would be worthwhile to
create a network within the
management consultancy business
sector, as this would allow me to gain
first hand information from those
already in the industry.
 Linkedin – for networking.
 Employability Portal – for sector specific
 Online research directories examples
The Management Consultancies
Association (MCA) - www.mca.org.uk
Consultancy UK - an online platform
for the advisory and consulting
industry- www.consultancy.uk
Create and audit a
skills profile and
practice / carry
our personality
 Sign up to the ARU Employability &
Careers portal.
 Complete the skills audit
 Complete online assessment on
personality via the use of psychometric
and personality tests – areas which
would be marked low on the tests would
be areas of potential improvement
between now and start of my first job.
 ARU Careers and Employability portal.
 ARU Careers and Employability mentors.
Improve online
presence and
 Update Linkedin account to manifest
most recent information.
 Attend lectures leading up to the
Business & Law Fair (02.11.16)
 Meet and create new potential networks
at the ARU Business & Law Fair.
 Update security and privacy settings on
all other social media platforms
(Facebook, Instagram) in order to
secure profiles more so as only limited
content is available to preview online.
 Update and improve my CV to show
most recent skills, education,
employment and or awards.
 Update / improve my cover letter in
order to make my application stand out
against other graduates.
 Practice interview skills and improve on
how I can portray my skills during
interviews with prospective employers.
 Carry out mock interviews to find out
what my strongest and weakest points
of the interview process is, allowing me
to improve my interview style.
 ARU Careers & Employability Center – CV
Surgery Drop In Sessions
 Interactive lecture session – This would be
peer based, where a role-play scenario would
take place.
 ARU Careers & Employability Mentors
Improve my CV
(including cover
letter) and
interview skills
21st October 2016
28th October 2016
Linkedin Platform – www.linkedin.com
Careers and Employability lectures.
Careers and Employability center mentors.
ARU Business & Law Fair.
4th November
11th November
Rashpal Chana - 1422537
Search for
potential jobs
Apply to potential
Secure graduate
job role and
planning ahead
 Search for Graduate Schemes /
Placements / Job Offers that are
available for early next year (2017).
 Research on potential companies –
examples of questions to research on
includes: are they able to provide job
security? Does the company have
various opportunities within the firm to
grow? What is the starting salary per
 ARU Careers & Employability Database
 Graduate scheme websites:
Milkround – www.milkround.com
Target Jobs – www.targetjobs.co.uk
Rate my Placement www.ratemyplacement.co.uk
 Create a shortlist of approximately 15 to
20 graduate scheme / job offers or
placements to apply to.
 Complete online application process or
send CV to shortlisted companies.
 Book in a session with the ARU Careers
& Employability center for guidance with
successful applications.
 ARU Careers & Employability Center
 Company specific application websites /
 Out of any applications that are
successful, I will narrow down my
options to the three most potential
 Carry out further research before
coming to a decision.
 Seek advise from an ARU Careers &
Employability Mentor before making a
 After 6 months of working in the
industry, I will need to re-evaluate my
skills to see which skills I have learnt
from my new job and how I can use
them to further progress my career.
 Communication between prospective
employer and myself regarding:
Terms of contract
Salary per annum
Contact details
Any questions or queries regarding
the job role
 ARU Careers & Employability mentor
 Company specific websites to carry out
further research and career advancement.
25th November
30th November
This will vary due
to application
deadlines for
however I do aim
to have secured a
job by at least
March or April
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Curriculum Vitae
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Rashpal Chana - 1422537
Section 2: Additional Documents
CV Skills Audit: In-line with the Anglia Ruskin Employability Award
Employability skills definition:
A set of attributes, skills and knowledge that all labour market participants should possess to ensure
they have the capability of being effective in the workplace – to the benefit of themselves, their
employer and the wider economy.
If NO, how could you
Employability Skills
gain this skill?
and list
If YES score 1 - 5 (with 1 being less
skilled and 5 being most skilled)
opportunities within
How can you evidence this skill?
your degree study,
How can you improve on your
campus services,
existing score?
paid/unpaid work,
Self - Management
Readiness to accept responsibility,
flexibility, resilience, self-starting,
appropriate assertiveness, time
management, readiness to
improve own performance based
on feedback / reflective learning.
Respecting others, co-operating,
negotiating / persuading,
contributing to discussions, and
awareness of interdependence
with others.
Score: 5
Self – Management is a skill that I gained
at the start of university. Due to the
amount of course work I am now able to
manage my time and work load equally
between university and working at Apple.
My calendar is synced with both my
laptop and my phone, which allows me to
constantly prioritise and plan tasks; this
also allows me to see when I have
available time to add in extra hours at
work if needed. I highly value feedback
both at university and work, feedback
either positive or negative has allowed
me to view my skills from another
person’s point of view, and this highlights
points of self-improvement, which can
allow me to improve further.
Score: 5
During my entire course time at Anglia
Ruskin, I have had to work in multiple
groups with various colleagues to deliver
presentations and assignments that are
graded towards my degree. As part of a
team I have never secured less than a
70% which shows that our team
management was always good, we often
had good communication and where
there was a communication break down
each team member would try to first
Rashpal Chana - 1422537
understand the situation and suggest a
viable solution to the problem, without
good communication and support I would
not be able to lead a good team.
Business & Commercial
Basic understanding of the key
drivers for business success including the importance of
innovation and taking calculated
risks - and the need to provide
customer satisfaction and build
customer loyalty.
Problem Solving
Analysing facts and situations and
applying creative thinking to
develop appropriate solutions.
Communication & Literacy
Application of literacy, ability to
produce clear, structured written
work and oral literacy - including
listening and questioning.
Score: 4
During my gap year in Nairobi, I worked
with a small security company, in doing
so; I developed a good understanding in
business practices and understood the
company’s key market drivers.
My role as a department head exposed
me to real life business meetings with
customers and managers of larger firms;
from this I developed key negotiation
skills as well as a through understanding
of the product market. In addition to this,
I was also able to set targets for my team
and I strengthen the company’s practises
for customer services significantly,
streamlining the process which meant
that customers were getting a better
service than previously offered.
Score: 4
This skill is best utilised at my current job
(Apple), although I have just begun
working with Apple, I have served a
number of customers each who have
their own idea of what they want to buy
or a problem that they are facing, it is not
easy to make the right ‘judgement – call’
as working with Apple means that I play a
part in reflecting the brand image.
Customers constantly come in looking for
solutions to their problems therefore it is
vital for me to keep up to date with all
things Apple in order to give customers
the right solution. I have found that
asking my team is the best way to learn
on the shop floor as well as increase my
knowledge page about Apple to better
solve problems.
Score: 5
I have always maintained an average
grade of C or above in my English
language classes / courses. Having strong
English has allowed me to effectively
communicate clearly with customers as
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Application of IT
Basic IT skills, including familiarity
with word processing, spread
sheets file management and use of
internet search engines.
well as my peers and lecturers. Whilst
working during my gap year and currently
at Apple it is important to always
acknowledge the customers point of view,
after which I always aligned myself with
the customer ensuring them that I
understood their concerns and would
provide them with the best solutions
which I think would best suit their needs.
Apple customers often give feedback
about customer service provided whilst in
store after working one week with Apple I
have had a total of five positive feedback
forms submitted by customers.
Score: 5
I have always kept up to date with new
tech and software; this has allowed me to
become very versatile in MS Office and
the Adobe Suite. In addition to this, in
some group based assignments from
university I have worked with my team
members in order to carry out research
using university search engines as well as
online scholar search engines to obtain
creditable information.
Manipulation of numbers, general
mathematical awareness and its
application in practical contexts
(e.g. measuring, weighing,
estimating and applying formulae).
Project Management
Planning, organising, motivating,
and controlling resources to
achieve specific goals.
My numeracy skills are
at an average however,
I feel it is the one skill in
which I invest my time
in I can improve. I can
do this my undertaking
online courses or finding
a mentor who is strong
with math via the
Employability Services
Mentor Scheme, another
tool provided by the
university which I can
take advantage of is the
Study Skills Plus
program. Although the
university does provide
support I will also have
to do my part and
practice my numeracy
skills with practice tests.
Score: 3
As mentioned previously, during my gap
year I undertook a number of projects as
a department head, this meant that I
always had to stay organised and plan
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Languages & Cultural
Everyday conversational ability can
be useful, as can a general
awareness of cultural differences.
Social Responsibility
Awareness of current and future
societal issues. Able to act for the
benefit of others based in an
understanding of social and civic
out projects so that each client project is
given the same amount of time and
attention from myself and my team,
setting out weekly goals and constant
weekly meetings with the managing
director kept everyone involved in the
project and up to date allowing the
project to move within its set timelines.
Score: 3
In terms of languages I would score my
English at native proficiency, whilst I also
speak French, Punjabi, Gujarati and
Swahili all at limited working proficiency,
which means that if customers spoke to
me in any of the above languages I
would be able to understand them but
not necessary be able to construct full
sentences. In order to improve this skill I
will be going back to take up a language
course in my free time. On the other
hand I am extremely aware about cultural
sensitivity around me, I always try to
work with people I have not worked with
before as this allows me to indulge into a
new culture and learn something new.
Score: 5
I have a very strong interest in
companies that have a positive impact on
the environment. Environmental issues
are a big part of good business practices,
I could not give a better example than
working for Apple, a large international
company that also has a very positive
impact on the environment by giving back
to the community around it.
If ever I was to receive a job offer from a
company that is not socially responsible, I
would decline the offer as I firmly believe
that good ethics and social responsibility
are key aspects to creating a successful
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Prospect Graduate Position: Apple, UK
Apple has a fun, relaxed work environment which means that I can spend all my time concentrating on the
customers needs without having to worry about achieving a sales target, this also means that I have the
opportunity to work with a diverse team and improve my skills and knowledge even further which would
allow me to grow within the company.
Apple usually has a lot of positions open for recent graduates. I wanted to start of at Apple as a “Specialist”
this is someone who usually is on the shop floor and helps customers with sales or queries. My aim is to
grow within Apple; moving from the Specialist position to the Genius position and eventually work in the
corporate section of Apple. The benefit of working with Apple is that the company allows you to grow. As I
had applied to a total of four roles that I felt best suited me within their workplace. After a few months I
was invited to attend an Apple Hiring Event 4 ; this was the first round of interviews and unlike most
interviews this was group based where everyone got to know one another, Apple tend to ask questions
based more on personality rather than knowledge as they often look for candidates that fit their work
ethics and environment, shortly after the first round of interviews I was contacted again by Apple to come
in for a second interview5 with the Store Manager and a Genius member, again this interview was informal
and consisted of two other candidates. On a whole, the entire interview process carried out by Apple was
quite a unique experience for me as it was nothing compared to previous interviews I had attended.
See Appendix: 2. Job Description for a UK based Specialist at Apple
See Appendix: 3. Invitation to the Apple Hiring Event
See Appendix: 4. Invitation to an Apple Interview
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Cover letter: Apple – Grand Arcade, Cambridge
Online Profile: Linkedin – www.linkedin.com/in/rashpalchana
Your online presence is equally as important as turning up for an interview. Employers are taking on board
the importance of the online profile, therefore it is vital to have an up to date LinkedIn profile because in
Rashpal Chana - 1422537
essence it is an online CV. Joining Linkedin early in my 2
year of studies I did not fully utilise my profile
on Linkedin properly until I began my 3rd year. With this I updated my profile and began to gain contacts
via friends and previous people I had the opportunity to work with. I found that gaining contacts whilst
studying helped me explore the business market in a broader range in addition to this; Linkedin has
provided me with an avenue into various organisations and reduces the communication process between
you and the company to some extent; for example, at the ARU Business & Law fair6 I had the opportunity
of speaking to a representative from London Standsted Airport, who informed me about a new airline
looking for recruits, with all the information provided I was able to get in touch with the recruitment officer
for the company via Linkedin.
(189 Words)
*Screenshot showing a brief view to my Linkedin profile on the next page.
See Appendix: 5. Anglia Ruskin Business & Law Fair Event Ticket
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Rashpal Chana - 1422537
Section 3: Individual Commentary (1000 words)
When reflecting on this module; there are four key topics that stood out and helped not only with my
interview process with Apple but also with various other aspects that revolved around my career. The
topics that were of key benefit to me were: Networking and Presenting Yourself, Using Social Media to
Build Your Network (week nine), Looking Outside yourself and Exploring the Needs of the Business (week
ten) and lastly Interviews: Employers want to know; what to expect, how to prepare, how to impress
(week eleven). These topics helped me understand that there are steps that need to be taken in order to
properly pitch yourself in order to create and maintain professional relationships.
Networking and presenting yourself was discussed in prior to week six as we were given tips
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Section 4: Appendices
1. Global Management Consulting Market (2011-2016)
Source: Consultancy UK (2016) Management consulting. Available at: http://www.consultancy.uk/consulting-industry/management-consulting
(Accessed: 21 November 2016).
From the above graph it can be stated that in the past years, expenses on management consultancy grew
on average with more than 4% per year, although the percentages have in the past years, in line with the
economic recovery of mature markets, been picking up. With a value of $70 billion, operations consulting
forms the biggest segment within the sector, while human resource consulting and strategy consulting are
more or less the same in size with a value of just over $30 billion.
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2. Job Description for a UK based Specialist at Apple
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3. Invitation to the Apple Hiring Event
4. Invitation to an Apple Interview
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5. Anglia Ruskin Business & Law Fair Event Ticket
Study collections