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Passive Lossless Snubber for Multilevel Inverters

Simple Passive Lossless Snubber for High-Power
Multilevel Inverters
Xiangning He, Senior Member, IEEE, Alian Chen, Hongyang Wu, Yan Deng, and Rongxiang Zhao
Abstract—A passive lossless snubber circuit for multilevel inverters is proposed in this paper. The topology is simple and requires no extra control circuit. In order to reduce the high-voltage
stress on power switches with this snubber circuit, an improved
snubber circuit is presented by adding separate low-power direct
current voltage sources into the original one. The operating principles and design considerations are described in detail in this paper.
A prototype of a three-phase three-level diode-clamped inverter
with the improved passive lossless snubber is built and tested. The
simulation and experimental results indicate that not only can it
realize the soft switching operation of the three-level inverter with
low-voltage stress but also the topology and the control are simple.
Index Terms—Inverters, lossless circuits, multilevel systems,
ULTILEVEL inverters are suitable for high-voltage and
high-power applications because they can reduce voltage stresses on power switches, harmonic content, and electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise of the output voltage.
However, in order to improve the security and reliability of the
system, the proper snubber circuits for power switches are also
required in these applications. Furthermore, to further reduce
switching losses and serious EMI, it is expected that these
adopted snubber circuits can make the power switches work
under soft-switching conditions. Based on these considerations,
a number of soft-switching topologies [1], [2] for multilevel
inverters have been proposed during the past two decades.
Summarily, all of them belong to active soft-switching techniques. In the techniques, some auxiliary circuit configurations
with active switching devices are added into the original main
circuit, and the soft switching of main power switches can be
realized by detecting and timing the control of the auxiliary
circuit properly. Because the topology and control of multilevel
inverters are fairly complicated, the topology and control of
the soft switching circuit derived from this technique will be
more complicated. However, passive soft switching techniques,
i.e., passive lossless snubber techniques, show superiority over
Manuscript received February 5, 2004; revised February 15, 2005. Abstract
published on the Internet March 18, 2006. This work was supported by the
National Nature Science Foundation of China under Grants 59947006 and
50277035. This paper was presented in part at the 2002 IEEE Applied Power
Electronics Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX, March 2002.
X. He, A. Chen, Y. Deng, and R. Zhao are with the College of Electrical
Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China (e-mail: hxn@zju.
edu.cn; chenalian@zju.edu.cn; dengyan@zju.edu.cn; rongxiang@zju.edu.cn).
H. Wu is with the Delta Power Electronics Center, Shanghai 201209, China
(e-mail: ocean_w@163.com).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2006.874422
the active one, in which some auxiliary circuit configurations
consisting of passive components, such as inductor, capacitor,
diode and transformer, etc., are added into the original main
circuit. Through the resonance process of these passive components, the switching processes of main power switches are
improved, and soft-switching operation using them is realized.
Obviously, the passive soft switching techniques require no
extra active devices, detection, or special timing and control
so that the reliability of the system is high and the control
is simple. However, due to the difficulties and challenges of
designing a passive lossless snubber for the inverter bridge
leg, only several multilevel passive low-loss snubber circuits
derived from that of the two-level one were proposed. Until
now, no passive lossless snubber circuit for multilevel inverters
is proposed. Thus, this paper focuses on the passive lossless
snubber techniques for multilevel inverters and proposes a
novel passive lossless snubber circuit for multilevel inverters.
In addition, some new results are attained.
As to the existing snubber configurations for multilevel inverters, they are usually extended from the two-level passive
low-loss snubber configurations. Among them, the snubber
configuration of [3] is the extension and improvement of the
resistor–capacitor–diode (RCD) snubber for two-level inverters. The snubber configuration of [4] is the extension and
improvement of the Undeland snubber for two-level inverters,
whereas the snubber configuration of [5] is the extension and
improvement of the McMurry snubber for two-level inverters.
All of them are lossy and do not belong to passive soft switching
techniques, i.e., the passive lossless snubber techniques defined
in this paper.
The difficulties of designing multilevel passive lossless snubber circuits lie in that not only should the special topology of
multilevel inverters be considered but also the snubber circuits
should be designed as simple as possible; otherwise, the practicability of the snubber circuits would be doubtable. The passive
lossless snubber circuit for multilevel inverters can be designed
using the following two methods.
The first method is designing the multilevel passive lowloss snubber circuit at first. In the snubber circuit, the resistors
should be as few as possible. Then, these resistors are replaced
by other passive components (usually capacitors) that can store
snubber energy temporarily. At last, an energy recovery path,
through which the energy stored in the passive components
is gathered and fed back to the power source or load, is
0278-0046/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE
Fig. 1. Passive lossless snubber cell for two-level inverters.
constructed so that the power switches of the main circuit can
work under the soft switching conditions. Sung and Nam [5]
made some attempts to design a multilevel passive lossless
snubber circuit by using this method.
The second method is constructing a multilevel passive lossless snubber cell at first. Then, apply the snubber cell properly
revised into the multilevel inverters. The key of this method is
the design of the snubber cell. It should have a simple structure
and easy extension.
As far as the two methods are concerned, it is relatively easy
to design snubber circuits by using the first method. However,
its idea is not flexible enough. Moreover, because its energy
recovery path is usually constructed by a transformer, this will
result in high-voltage stress on some devices, high losses, and
magnetic resetting problems. However, the design idea of the
second method is more reasonable and active. The key of this
method is the design of the snubber cell, whose performance
will determine whether the design is successful or not. In this
paper, the second method is adopted to design the multilevel
passive lossless snubber.
Fig. 1 shows a passive lossless snubber configuration
proposed by our laboratory for two-level inverter bridge legs
[6], [7], which is one of the simplest existing passive lossless
snubber topologies for two-level inverter bridge legs. The
snubber cell consists of one snubber inductor Ls , one energy
buffer capacitor Cb , one snubber capacitor Cs , one energy
recovery path that consists of Dr and Lr , and two diodes Ds1
and Ds2 , which limit the direction of the current. This snubber
cell is derived from the graph theory in [6], [7], so that it has
the properties of simple structure and easy extension. In the following paragraph, the possibility of extending the snubber cell
from a two-level inverter to a three-level inverter is discussed.
One bridge leg of the diode-clamped three-level inverter is
shown in Fig. 2. It is obvious that its structure is similar to that
of a two-level inverter. Because of its working characteristics,
the bridge leg of a three-level inverter can only work under
three switching-state combinations, namely: 1) state a: S1 and
S2 switched on, S3 and S4 switched off; 2) state b: S2 and
S3 switched on, S1 and S4 switched off; and 3) state c: S3
Fig. 2.
Topology of three-level inverters.
Fig. 3.
Passive lossless snubber cell for three-level inverters.
and S4 switched on, S1 and S2 switched off. Unlike in the
two-level inverter, during the commutation process from state
a (state c) to state b (state b) in the three-level inverter, there is
no commutation between S1 (S4 ) and D3 (D2 ) but the commutation between S1 (S4 ) and clamp diodes Dc1 (Dc2 ). According
to the preceding analysis, there are three key points when the
snubber cell shown in Fig. 1 is used in three-level inverters.
1) The basic principle of designing passive lossless snubber is
unchangeable, i.e., the snubber inductor should be in series with
the main power switches and the snubber capacitor should be in
parallel with the main power switches. 2) There are two pairs of
switches working complementarily in one three-level inverter
Fig. 4.
Commutation processes between state a and state b. (a) Stage 1. (b) Stage 2. (c) Stage 3. (d) Stage 4. (e) Stage 5. (f) Stage 6. (g) Stage 7.
Fig. 5. Commutation waveforms of S1 .
bridge leg (S1 and S3 , and S2 and S4 ), so two snubber cells are
needed. 3) Due to the change of the commutation object, the
connection point of energy recovery path should be adjusted.
Based on these principles, the passive lossless snubber for a
three-level inverter bridge leg is attained and shown in Fig. 3.
A. Operation Principle
In the following analysis, several assumptions are
1) Ideal power switches, diodes, inductors, and capacitors
are used.
2) The current of the load is constant during commutation
(the time constant of the load is far larger than the
switching transient time of the power switches).
3) The dead time in the control signals for the switching
pairs in the same leg is ignored.
4) Cb is large enough to keep the voltage stable within one
period; thus, it can be considered as a voltage source E in
5) Ls is equal to Lr in inductance for analysis simplification.
The commutation process is analyzed by taking the commutation process between state a and state b as an example
here. Assume S1 and Dc1 carry the load current in the stable
state a and state b, respectively. S1 and S2 forward carrying the
load current is set as the initial state of analysis, and the initial
voltage of Cs1 is −E. The operating stages within a switching
period can be attained and shown in Fig. 4. The corresponding
commutation waveforms are shown in Fig. 5.
Stage 1—t < t0 : iLs1 = Iload , uCs1 = −E. It is the stable
state a that S1 and S2 carry load current.
Fig. 6. Simulated waveforms of the passive lossless snubber. (a) Turn-off
waveforms of S1 . (b) Turn-on waveforms of S1 .
Stage 2—t0 < t < t1 : S1 turns off as soon as S3 turns
on at t0 .
The current formerly carried by S1 is shunted by the capacitor path consisting of Cb1 , DS11 , CS1 , and S1 is zero-voltage
switched off. S3 is zero-current switched on because of the
existence of LS1 and Lr1 . Ud , E, LS1 , CS1 , and Lr1 take part
in resonance until the voltage across Cs1 reaches Ud
iLs1 =
uCs1 =
ω1 (Lr1 + LS1 )
sin ω1 (t − t0 )
Iload cos ω1 (t − t0 )
LS1 + Lr1
Ud − E
(t − t0 ) +
LS1 + Lr1
LS1 + Lr1
(Ud − E)Lr1
[1 − cos ω1 (t − t0 )]
LS1 + Lr1
+ Iload Z1 sin ω1 (t − t0 ) − E cos ω1 (t − t0 ).
Fig. 7.
Topology of the improved three-level passive lossless snubber.
The duration of this stage is determined by (2) and can be
expressed by the following equation:
t1 − t 0 <
π − arccos
Ud LS1 +ELr1
Ud Lr1 +ELS1
Here, set
Fig. 8. Simulated waveforms of the improved passive lossless snubber.
(a) Turn-off waveforms of S1 . (b) Turn-on waveforms of S1 .
L1 =
Lr1 Ls1
Ls1 + Lr1
The stage ends after the current of Ls1 comes back to zero
and then the corresponding resonance frequency can be expressed as
ω1 = √
CS1 L1
During this stage, the voltage across S1 is Ud + E constantly,
and the load is freewheeled by Dc1 as
iDc1 = Iload .
ILs1(t2) LS1
Stage 3—t1 < t < t2 : After the voltage across Cs1 is
charged to Ud , the current of Ls1 flows through the path
consisting of Cb1 , Ds11 , and Ds12 , and through the path, the
energy is transferred into Cb1
t2 − t 1 =
Stage 4—t2 < t < t3 : The transient process completes after
the current of Ls1 comes back to zero. Then, another steady
stage of Dc1 carrying the load current starts, in which the
voltage across S1 is Ud .
Stage 5—t3 < t < t4 : When S1 turns on and S3 turns off
at the same time at t3 , the circuit enters another transient
commutation process. Ls1 and Lr1 undertake voltage Ud and E,
respectively, so that the current of S1 increases linearly and the
current of Dc1 decreases linearly accordingly, which ensures
the soft turn-on of S1 and reduces di/dt in Dc1 turn-off. During
this stage
iLs1 =
(t − t3 ).
Fig. 9. Topology of three-phase three-level inverter with the improved passive lossless snubber.
This stage ends when the current of Dc1 is equal to zero. The
initial currents of Ls1 and Lr1 for the next stage are
1 + LLr1s1UEd
1 + LLr1s1UEd
ILs1(t4) =
Stage 6—t4 < t < t5 : S3 begins to stand the voltage from
t4 . Ls1 , Cs1 , Lr1 , Ud , and Cb1 resonate
Ud − E
Ud − E
uCs1 =
Ls1 +
Lr1 + E cos ω1 (t − t4 ).
Ls1 + Lr1
Ls1 +Lr1
This stage ends when the voltage across Cs1 is equal to −E
t5 − t4 = π/ω1.
Stage 7—t5 < t < t6 : The two inductors of Ls1 and Lr1
share the load current and have the same voltages of 1/2(Ud −
E). The two currents go to the steady state (iLs1 = Iload ,
iLr1 = 0) with the same absolute value of di/dt. The duration
of the stage is
t6 − t5 =
Iload LS1 + Lr1
2 Ud − E
From the circuit configuration, it is known that E < Ud in
steady state and the current in Ls1 is larger than the current in
Lr1 in the end of the last stage, i.e., iLr1 (t5 ) < 0.5Iload , so (14)
gives the maximum duration of this stage. When iLr1 decreases
to zero, this stage ends, and the circuit goes back to stage 1 and
waits for the next switching period.
There are four kinds of commutation processes when the
three-level inverter bridge leg with inductive loads operates
under the space-vector pulsewidth-modulation (SVPWM) control method. In addition, there are three other commutation
processes of S2 and D4 , S3 and D1 , and S4 and Dc2 . They
can be analyzed easily according to the similar method.
B. Parameter Design and Discussion
Because inductors of Ls1 and Lr1 have effects on the turn-on
process of power switches simultaneously, i.e., in the turn-on
process of switches, the two inductors operate in parallel. So
in order to make best use of the inductors, their values should
be equal. The value of Cb1 (Cb2 ) should be far greater than
that of Cs1 (Cs2 ) so that their voltages are invariable during the
commutation process.
Additional electric stresses, load dependence, and duty cycle
losses are the most concerned factors to snubber performance.
Just as mentioned, the analytical solutions of those equations
do not exist. So numerical analysis is an effective way by
using simulation tools. Here, the conditions Ud = 300 V,
Iload = 15 A, fs = 3 kHz, Ls1 (Ls2 ) = Lr1 (Lr2 ) = 15 µH,
Cb1 (Cb2 ) = 1 µF, and Cs1 (Cs2 ) = 37 nF are set as the simulation basic analysis point, and PSPICE 8.0 is used. By changing
the parameters of the components around the basic point, the
following conclusions can be obtained.
1) E decreases with an increase of Iload .
2) E is not sensitive to a change of Ls .
3) E is not sensitive to a change of Cs .
4) Duty cycle losses increase with an increase of Iload .
5) Duty cycle losses increase with an increase of Ls .
6) Duty cycle losses increase with an increase of Cs .
Finally, the simulation circuit parameters are Ud = 300 V,
Iload = 15 A, fs = 3 kHz, Ls1 (Ls2 ) = Lr1 (Lr2 ) = 20 µH,
Cb1 (Cb2 ) = 1.5 µF, Cs1 (Cs2 ) = 33 nF. The turn-off/turn-on
voltage/current waveforms of S1 are shown in Fig. 6. It is
obvious from the simulation results that both the turn-on and
turn-off of S1 are realized soft switching. The design rules of
snubber inductor Ls and snubber capacitor Cs are based on the
conventional method used in [6], [7]. The equations of stage 6
determine the current stress of Ls1 (Ls2 ), Lr1 (Lr2 ) and S1 and
also provide the reference for their parameter design. Similarly,
the duty cycle losses, which are caused by the resonance, can
be obtained by synthesizing (3), (8), (13), and (14). This gives
the universal tolerance that may be employed in engineering design. Theoretically, no-load dependence exists in the proposed
soft switching realization. In practice, setting of a dead time
may interfere with the three-level SPWM commutation process
at light load. Properly increasing the value of Ls1 will reduce
the effect of dead time.
Just as the simulation results shown in Fig. 6, the voltage
stress across S1 is about 1.8Ud . This is not reasonable for
multilevel inverters because the object of adopting multilevel
inverter topologies is to reduce the voltage stresses of main
power switches in high-voltage applications. For this reason,
an improved snubber is proposed as shown in Fig. 7. Two
low-power auxiliary dc sources are added into the original
snubber. The improvement can be explained as follows: The
turn-off voltage stress of main switches equals to the sum
of Ud and E so in order to reduce the voltage stress of
main switches, the only method is to reduce E. To reduce
E, two separated low-power dc sources Vdc1 and Vdc2 are
added into the original snubber circuit. Using the commutation
process aforementioned as an example, the additional Vdc1
changes the equations of resonance process of stages 2, 5,
6, and 7, such that (2) will be (other equations will change
uCs1 =
(Ud − E)Lr1 + Ls1 Vdc1
[1 − cos ω1 (t − t0 )]
LS1 + Lr1
+ Iload Z1 sin ω1 (t − t0 ) − E cos ω1 (t − t0 ).
The reason that the additional dc sources can reduce E and
further reduce turn-off voltage stress on main switches can
be given by the intuitionistic explanation from its physical
meaning. In stages 2, 5, 6, and 7, the external excitation source
in the resonant path consisting of Ls1 , Cb1 , Dr1 , and Lr1
changes from Ud to Ud − Vdc1 , which results in the reduction
of E. Due to the same reason, it is difficult to gain the analytical
solution. Fig. 8 gives the simulated turn-on and turn-off voltage/current waveforms of S1 with the improved snubber, where
simulation parameters are the same as that in Fig. 6. Obviously,
not only can the soft switching of S1 be realized through the
improved snubber but also the overvoltage stress is reduced
greatly and limited within the reasonable range of engineering
design. The simulation results confirm the correctness of the
aforementioned theory analysis. It should be pointed out that
the energy of the additional dc sources can only be transferred
in one direction due to the existence of Dr1 and Dr2 . Moreover,
the current passing through the additional dc sources is about
equal to the current of Lr1 (Lr2 ) in the case without additional
dc sources, which is quite small. Thus, theoretically, there is
no loss in the improved snubber. In practice, the low-power
dc sources can be constructed by a circuit consisting of a lowpower 50-Hz transformer, a rectifier, and a filter. Because there
Fig. 10. Experimental waveforms of the passive lossless snubber. (a) Turn-off
waveforms of S1 . (b) Turn-on waveforms of S1 .
are no lossy components in this circuit, the energy passing
through the dc sources recovers to the power source or loads
at last. The simulation and experimental results indicate that
its effect on efficiency can be ignored. Certainly, the additional
dc sources will bring some disadvantages in cost, volume,
and weight. Compared with the advantage of reducing the
overvoltages, the disadvantages are not obvious because of
their low power.
The proposed three-level passive lossless snubber cell can
be extended to three-phase systems and more voltage-level
topologies. In these applications, the circuit can be simplified
because some of the snubber components can be shared by
different bridge legs. Fig. 9 shows a three-phase three-level
topology with the proposed passive lossless snubber.
Fig. 12.
Efficiency curves of three-level hard/soft switching.
The efficiency curves of the three-phase three-level inverter
without the snubber and with the proposed improved snubber
are shown in Fig. 12 (under the same experimental conditions).
Fig. 11. Experimental waveforms of the improved passive lossless snubber.
(a) Turn-off waveforms of S1 . (b) Turn-on waveforms of S1 .
This paper has focused on the passive soft switching techniques for multilevel inverters and presents a novel multilevel
passive lossless snubber cell. To reduce the high overvoltage stress on power switches resulting from the snubber, an
improved snubber cell with low overvoltage stress, which is
formed by adding two low-power separate dc sources into the
original one, is proposed. Theoretically, the proposed snubber
cell can be used in three-phase systems or more voltage-level
topologies. A prototype of a three-phase three-level diodeclamped inverter with the proposed improved snubber is built.
The simulation and experimental results indicate that not only
can the soft switching of power switches with low overvoltage
stress be realized by using the proposed snubber but also the
topology and the control are simple.
In order to verify the correctness of the aforementioned
analysis and simulation results, a prototype of the diodeclamped three-phase three-level inverter with the proposed
passive lossless snubber is built. The experimental parameters
are UE = 2Ud = 400 V, fs = 3 kHz, Ls1 (Ls2 ) = Lr1 (Lr2 ) =
18 µH, Cb1 (Cb2 ) = 1.5 µF, and Cs1 (Cs2 ) = 33 nF. Fig. 10
shows the turn-on and turn-off experimental waveforms of
S1 with the original snubber. Fig. 11 shows the turn-on and
turn-off experimental waveforms of S1 with the improved
snubber. It is evident that the waveforms are identical with
the simulation waveforms of Figs. 6 and 8, respectively. The
overvoltages in the original circuit are greatly reduced in the
improved circuit, which confirms the theoretical analysis again.
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Xiangning He (M’95–SM’96) received the B.Sc.
and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from
Nanjing University of Aeronautical and Astronautical, Nanjing, China, in 1982 and 1985, respectively,
and the Ph.D. degree in power electronics from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 1989.
From 1985 to 1986, he was an Assistant Engineer
at the 608 Institute of Aeronautical Industrial General Company, China. From 1989 to 1991, he was a
Lecturer at Zhejiang University. In 1991, he obtained
a Fellowship from the Royal Society of U.K., and
conducted research in the Department of Computing and Electrical Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K., as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for two years. He joined Zhejiang University as an Associate Professor in
1994 and has been a Full Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering
since 1996. He is also the Director of the Power Electronics Research Institute,
Zhejiang University. His research interests are power electronics and their
industrial applications.
Dr. He received the 1989 Excellent Ph.D. Graduate Award, the 1995 Elite
Prize Excellence Award, and the 1996 Outstanding Young Staff Member
Award from Zhejiang University for his teaching and research contributions.
He received three Scientific and Technological Progress Awards (two in 1998
and one in 2002) from the Zhejiang Provincial Government and the State
Educational Ministry of China, respectively, and four Excellent Paper Awards.
He is a Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, U.K.
Hongyang Wu was born in Anhui Province, China,
in 1971. He received the B.Sc. degree from Anhui
Mechanical and Electrical College, Wuhu, China, in
1993, and the M.Sc. degree from Hefei University of
Technology, Hefei, China, in 1998, both in electrical
engineering, and the Ph.D. degree in power electronics from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China,
in 2002.
From 1993 to 1995, he was an Assistant Engineer with Anhui Iron and Steel Corporation. He is
currently a Senior Engineer with the Delta Power
Electronics Center, Shanghai, China. His research interests include topology,
control, and soft-switching techniques of high-power converters.
Alian Chen was born in Shandong Province, China,
in 1976. She received the B.Sc. degree in applied
electronics and the M.Sc. degree in power electronics
from Shandong University, Jinan, China, in 1998,
and 2000, respectively. She is currently working
toward the Ph.D. degree in power electronics at
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
Her research interests are power electronics and
their industrial applications.
Rongxiang Zhao received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical machines and control from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 1987 and
1991, respectively.
He is currently a Professor in the Department
of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University. He
is also the Director of the National Engineering
Research Center for Applied Power Electronics at
Zhejiang University. His research interests are power
converters, induction heating, and motor drives.
Yan Deng was born in Sichuan, China, in 1973.
He received the B.E.E. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, China, in 1994, and the Ph.D. degree in
power electronics and electric drives from the College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University,
in 2000.
Since 2000, he has been a Faculty Member at
Zhejiang University, where he is currently an Associate Professor, teaching and conducting research
on power electronics. He is the author of more
than 20 papers published in international and domestic conference proceedings/transactions. His research interests are topologies and control for switchmode power conversion.