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IU e-Magazine - The May Edition

They say, 2012 belongs to the DOOMs DAY, You Stick to IU & that’s not the price you pay!
Chief Editor: Ms. Preethi Kashyap | Ms. Sandhya Nagaraj | Founder & Chief Editor: Sujit Lalwani | A hearty thanks to all the writers! Keep writing!
Want to contribute to the inspirational wave? Mail us your write ups at writeups.iuemag@gmail.com
We know you pondered over us a lot, and you have lots to say about what you read, Mail us at: feedback.iuemag@gmail.com
Queries/Issues? Report to us at enquiries.iuemag@gmail.com | Visit www.iuemag.com for giving us your feedback & other updates.
Disclaimer: All authors who have written for this issue have a verified background to the best of our notice. The factual information, here posted, is verified, understood and is by no
means writer created. The articles here mentioned intend to offend none. In case of any errors, misinterpretation or misrepresentation of any piece of information contact us immediately: editors.iuemag@gmail.com. All rights are reserved with the company. All writers writing agree to our terms and conditions. We are not responsible for any errors in Facts and
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Now Inspiration Unlimited brings to you a completely revamped section of the site to bring your family & friends to subscribe – www.iuemag.com
© 2012. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at write-ups.iuemag@gmail.com | May 2012 Edition | Cover page
At IU, we keep you happy & gay, for when the sun shines, is when we make hay,
‘How I wish’ all troubles and hardships would make such a
statement before coming on and holding onto us directly, like we
were waiting for this dumb witted moron to complete our lives.
Unfortunately (or rather fortunately), this very same ‘dumb witted moron’ or a series of them do complete our lives. MTN says,
“Go wherever you want to go, be what you want to be and
achieve what you want to achieve”. I agree. BUT (in bold), the only limit is our mind. Whatever you believe you can do, u can-but
you already knew that, didn’t you? My point here is that we
‘Team IU’ bring unto you the power to unblock the limitations of
that mind and enable you to practice what you already know
apart from just knowing them. Hence we do not need a knock at
the door of our hearts with something like, ‘Are you there honey?
It’s me disaster!!’...We Are ready to face it with a ‘will you have
coffee with me?’ Like attitude.
With that, I ensure you EMPOWERMENT and
hope you enjoy yourself reading the May issue.
Akshari Anchan
Supporting Editor, IU e-Magazine
"Janani Janmabhumischa Swargadapi
And for those who don't understand the divine language called
Sanskrit, the above statement means, "Mother and Motherland
are more precious/sacred than Heaven".
My mother is the reason I even touched my books in school. She
is the reason I'm an editor today, I probably would've never
picked up a book if not for seeing her with books in her free time.
She would solve crosswords while she made me study, and all I
wanted to do was solve those crosswords with her, and forget my
text books. But of course, I couldn't ask for that! She was very
strict when I was young, but I know if not for that, many lessons
would remain unlearnt by me. Even as I wish my Mother a Happy
Mother's Day this time around, I know a thousand mothers will
be reading this, some young, some old, some in our writers' panel
and all over the world!
Here's to all the sacrifices you have made for your children, with
out counting them even once.. Here's to the women who have
made so much of a difference to the world- Mothers.
Happy Mother's Day!
The hand that rocks the cradle, is indeed the hand that rules the
world. Hail Mothers! (From all the world, to the Mothers :))
Happy Reading, Stay Inspired!
Sandhya Nagaraj,
Editor, IU e-Magazine
High terminologies, high perceptions…, evoking, awakening and
more, what brings you that yourself from within? I wonder, as
small incidents, a small action; a small statement can make a big
impact on a person and his life. Like a simple action of an apple
having fallen on Newton, gets him to study and prepare a theory
called “Gravity”. A small action paved way to many research and developed the world amazingly. Nothing to be
considered smaller and nothing deserves to be neglected.
Life doesn’t have a manual they say. True but life has never failed to give guidelines; following which, makes a person reach his goal successfully. All one has to ask is –“am I
sincere in following?”. Every little action counts.. Every
little idea counts.. Every second counts and so is everyone. Every person is different as not all grow in the similar environment and so is their idea generation. All ideas
need to be converged to the line of inspiration. Because, the
world needs to be inspired for its betterment. Inspiration Unlimited brings to you the no.1 inspirational magazine on the web, the
We are bringing many inspiring stories and experiences from the
best set of people around the globe. The writers have done a brilliant job. Their master pieces act nothing less than a guideline to
many lives.
Do go through and let us know what have you learnt from this
edition of ours.
Good luck!
Keep rocking
Preethi Kashyap
Editor-in-chief, IU e-Magazine
Now Inspiration Unlimited brings to you a completely revamped section of the site to bring your family & friends to subscribe & read – www.iuemag.com
© 2012. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at write-ups.iuemag@gmail.com | May 2012 Edition | Page 1
Are you there honey? It’s me disaster...!!!..
Former astronaut and
Senator John Glenn
expanded Space
Day to International
Space Day in 2001.
Space Day, May 7
Originally started to get
America's youth interested in math and science, Space Day focuses
upon creating an interest
and awareness of all kinds
of topics and issues related to space. This holiday
caught on quickly, and
became wildly popular.
On this day all kinds of
space relate organizations, groups and agencies hold celebrations,
demonstrations, and educational programs.
Origin of Space Day:
Space Day was created by
Lockheed Martin Corporation in 1997. The goal
was to motivate the
youth of America to study
math and science. This
day was originally established as a one day event.
An exciting topic of interest to millions, Space Day
became an annual event.
There are a number of
other "Space Days" held
on various dates by scientific groups and organizations interested in the
subject of space.
Count Less Or Should I say, Don’t Count at all?
It was midnight. I was done with my day’s work. It was a long tiring day, so I was all set to
sleep. But something kept bothering me for a while – not letting me sleep. In no time I was almost suffocating. I felt like I need some fresh air. Not because I was in a closed room, but it
was because of the number of things running on my mind. It almost choked me. But what was
it that didn’t let me sleep? Sometimes you really have to dig deep into your thoughts just to
pull out that one thought that’s bothering you.
I started recalling all that happened during the day – latest first. I had gotten on my mom’s
nerves yet again for reaching home late. As if that wasn’t enough, after having two chapattis
(Indian bread), I told her I’m full, just to find out that she’d heated the rice just for me! One
more mistake! No conversations after that and she went to bed. I very well knew that by morning she would have forgotten (or at least there would be no sign of remembrance) that I was
late home previous night. She would go on and prepare delicious breakfast as usual. That
made me ponder – So many times in a day I get on her nerves, but that never seems to
change the way she cooks food for me or the care to wait at the door while I leave for my work
the following day.
Now, maybe that’s why a mother’s love cannot be compared to anything else in this world. It’s
no different with dad. I didn’t pick up his call while he was worried why I haven’t reached
home. But he never forgets to give me a smile when I arrive and never forgets to ask me “How
was your day?” These thoughts left me thinking how parents manage to love their kids so unconditionally.
Does your mother ever count how many times she’s cooked food for you since birth? Does
your father ever count how much money has gone for your education, clothing, entertainment,
etc. since birth? Does your mother ever count how many times you’ve left your room unclean
and she’s cleaned it for you? Does your father ever count the number of things he never
bought for himself because he was busy shopping for you? Do they count how many times
you’ve lied? Or do they count the number of times you’ve not carried out their orders? This list
just goes on…
Have you ever loved your parents this unconditionally? The first thing you should start doing is
to count “less”. Actually speaking, not count at all!
This applies not only to parents. It applies to your brother, sister, a friend, a cousin – or anyone
you think you have a pure relationship with. Just keep giving, not keeping a count.
You must have heard of “Life is a boomerang”. It’s true! Count ‘Less’ and you shall see countless number of joys coming your way!
Shruti Balasa,
Chief Web Designer,
Inspiration Unlimited,
Bangalore, India.
Where parents do too much for their children, the children will not do much for themselves ~ Elbert Hubbard
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Now Inspiration Unlimited brings to you a completely revamped section of the site to bring your family & friends to subscribe & read – www.iuemag.com
© 2012. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at write-ups.iuemag@gmail.com | May 2012 Edition | Page 2
Does your mother ever count how
many times she’s cooked food for you
since birth? Does your father ever
count how much money has gone for
your education, clothing, entertainment, etc. since birth?
Inspiration Through Information
Inspiration Through Information
Magical Magnet - Attracts Friendship Worldwide.
At the age of sixteen, I was really only thinking about one main event; I was about to sign a
publishing contract and my book was going to be out in the world for everyone to read. I never
had a second thought about how that would affect me, or really, how it would affect others as
well. I was definitely heading for a wakeup call and was about to find my priorities shifting!
What a difference the next year and a half would make!
We all know that to sell a book you need to market it, so I tried my hand at it. I discovered very
quickly that for one thing it’s really hard and also there are so many people out there just like
me working hard to get noticed. It can be a very discouraging process for anyone. So, I decided that I would remain upbeat and keep a smile on my cyber-face for the world to see.
Mark Zuckerberg, May 15
The first step was joining many LinkedIn groups to learn more about how things are done.
This is where I made my first friends; there are fabulously helpful people there! I wish I still
had the time to visit the groups all the time like I did in the beginning, I really enjoyed them.
Next of course there came twitter. Wow what a strange new world! There are so many terrific
people, or should I say “tweeps” out there! I began noticing when someone is feeling down, or
is not really having their kind of day. I would try my best to say something to make them feel
better; saying something nice or sending a hug or big smiles to cheer them up. Also, whenever I read something fun or interesting, I retweeted it so more people could see it. Then I
thought, why not bring more happiness online. So, I began sending out random mentions to
people that were really “unique” and would make them smile. For instance there’s TootlesTuesday or MouseyMonday. Of course, I’m a vampire novel writer with a silly side so I
added FangedFadoodle Friday and WingedWidget Wednesday! That’s just a tiny sample! Marketing Antiserum turned more into sending hugs around the World as I found out that
people wanted to know me, not some cold ad campaign. I make my blog as upbeat and light
as I can spreading as much good news and fun as I can find. If you look me up, you’ll find that
I’ve been known to twirl and dance in a tweet and even got someone to wear a tinsel toupee!
(I have the youtube video to prove it, brave fellow ) I thought I was just being fun and sharing
some of my goofy side with people. What I discovered was, I was spreading smiles and making friends.
The strangest thing of all is that from my small town in the bay area of California, I’ve found
our Great Big World is shrinking! I have had the good fortune to befriend some of the most
wonderful people all around the World! Trust me, I didn’t think it was possible to be really
great friends with someone who lived all the way in Wales, but it is extremely possible! He
was my first friend in the author community and I’ve also had the opportunity to gain another
good Welsh friend who has taught me a tiny bit of Welsh through email! Well… tried to teach
me! I wish I could name all my friends and their Countries but that would make this a list of
names instead of a story!
I’ve noticed over time that other people have started doing silly and random tweets too… or
perhaps silliness just attracts more silliness? Whatever the cause, I’m one happy girl because every day someone inspires me to smile or laugh… and every day I try to inspire someone to step out of their comfort zone just a little bit, or do something goofy or random and find
their inner belly laugh. My greatest wish is to someday travel around the World exchanging
tweets for in-person conversations, smiley-faces for real smiles and cyber-hugs for real
hugs! Then my Inspiration could truly soar!
Patricia Carrigan,
Author Antiserum, San Francisco area, CA, USA
Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing ~ Mother Teresa
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May
14, 1984) is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur. He is best known for
co-creating the social networking
site Facebook, of which he is
chairman and chief executive. It
was co-founded as a private company in 2004 by Zuckerberg and
classmates Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, and Chris Hughes
while they were students at Harvard University. As of February
2012, Zuckerberg is the largest
individual shareholder with 28.4
percent of the common stock and
56.9 percent of the voting
Zuckerberg was named four times
in Time 100 respectively in 2009
as one of the 100 influential people
of the world, in 2010 as Time magazine's Person of the Year, in 2011
as one of the 100 influential people
of the world and in 2012 in "The
All-Time TIME 100 of All Time" by
Joel Stein in Time. As of 2012, his
personal wealth is estimated to be
$17.5 billion, making him one of
the world's youngest billionaires.
Zuckerberg began using computers and writing software as a child
in middle school. His father taught
him Atari BASIC Programming in
the 1990s, and later hired software
developer David Newman to tutor
him privately. Newman calls him a
"prodigy," adding that it was
"tough to stay ahead of him."
Zuckerberg also took a graduate
course in the subject at Mercy College near his home while he was
still in high school. He enjoyed developing computer programs, especially communication tools and
games. In one such program, since
his father's dental practice was
operated from their home, he built
a software program he called
"ZuckNet," which allowed all the
computers between the house and
dental office to communicate by
pinging each other. It is considered
a "primitive" version of AOL's Instant Messenger, which came out
the following year.
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Now Inspiration Unlimited brings to you a completely revamped section of the site to bring your family & friends to subscribe & read – www.iuemag.com
© 2012. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at write-ups.iuemag@gmail.com | May 2012 Edition | Page 3
Trust me, I didn’t think it was possible to be really great friends
with someone who lived all the
way in Wales, but it is extremely
Edward Jenner, May 17
(17 May 1749 – 26 January
1823) was an English physician
and scientist from Berkeley,
Gloucestershire, who was the
pioneer of smallpox vaccine.
He is often called "the father of
immunology", and his work is
said to have "saved more lives
than the work of any other
Ronald Hopkins has written,
"Jenner's unique contribution
was not that he inoculated a
few persons with cowpox, but
that he then proved [by subsequent challenges] that they
were immune to smallpox.
Moreover, he demonstrated
that the protective cowpox pus
could be effectively inoculated
from person to person, not just
directly from cattle In addition
Jenner successfully tested his
hypothesis on 23 additional
Jenner continued his research
and reported it to the Royal Society, which did not publish the
initial paper. After revisions and
further investigations, he published his findings on the 23
cases. Some of his conclusions
were correct, some erroneous;
modern microbiological and
microscopic methods would
make his studies easier to reproduce. The medical establishment, cautious then as now,
deliberated at length over his
findings before accepting them.
Eventually, vaccination was
accepted, and in 1840 the British government banned variolation the use of smallpox and
provided vaccination using
cowpox free of charge. The
success of his discovery soon
spread around Europe and for
example was used en masse in
the Spanish Balmis Expedition, a three year long mission
to the Americas, Philippines,
Macao, China, and Saint Helena Island led by
Dr. Francisco Javier de
Balmis with the aim of giving
thousands the smallpox vaccine. The expedition was successful, and Jenner wrote, "I
don’t imagine the annals of history furnish an example of philanthropy so noble, so extensive as this."
Take two people of, say, 50 years old. One thinks, “My house is so big, I’ll never be able to manage
it when I’m old”. Meanwhile, the other is thinking, “This hill up to my house will really help to keep
me fit when I’m old”.
Two people, two houses, two attitudes. What these two people expect to be like when they’re old is
exactly how they’ll end up. The first one will be too unfit to manage his house; the second will just
keep right on climbing the hill to his house, keeping himself in good shape. If you constantly focus
on being old and unfit, you cannot expect health.
I started thinking about people’s attitudes maybe a month ago, when I was sitting having coffee in a
hotel. Some elderly people were there. They were not what you might call a lively group – one lady
sat, head hanging; another stared into her coffee cup. Suddenly, a man jogged past the window.
Nothing unusual about that, you might think. Well there was – the man was about 80 years old. The
contrast between him and his peers was striking.
I don’t know this man, but he’s my inspiration. He runs every day, whether the sun is beating down
on his bare head, or snow is blowing in his face. He’s obviously a man who is focusing on his health
and keeping himself as fit as possible. He is not someone who’s sitting at home staring into a coffee
cup and thinking, “I’m far too old to even be thinking about going out jogging!”
So let me ask, what are YOU focusing on? Are you directing your attention on to the things you
want? Or what you DON’T want? Most people have no idea, but almost all their thoughts are concentrated on the things they don’t like about their lives. In short, what they DON’T want. “I never
have enough money”. “Why can’t I find the perfect partner?” “I’m always sick”. “I never have enough
time”. “I hate my job”. Sounds familiar?
Maybe you have heard sayings like, “Be careful what you wish for – it might come true”. “As a man
thinketh, so is he”. “For the thing I most greatly feared is come upon me”. By and large, what they
are saying is – you get what you focus on.
Andy Warhol, the famous American artist, was terrified of hospitals. He was convinced that if he ever went into one, he would never get out alive. When he was hospitalized for routine gallbladder
surgery, he was terrified. What happened? Exactly what he expected – he died. Princess Diana was
obsessed by the idea that she would die in a car accident. What happened? She died in a car accident. A lady I know was obsessive about cigarettes and smoke. Nobody with a cigarette was allowed anywhere near her. “No one’s giving ME lung cancer”, she would say. What happened? She
died of lung cancer. It was a perfect example of “For the thing I most greatly feared is come upon
If, like her, you are thinking, “I don’t want to get lung cancer”, what you are actually focusing on is
lung cancer. If you are focusing on not having enough money, then hey – a lack of money is what
you’ll keep on getting! If you’re fixated on never finding the perfect partner, then he or she will forever be out of reach! Until you change your focus, that is.
If you don’t want to get sick, focus on HEALTH. Be grateful for your healthy body, whether you have
one or not. If you want more money, then focus on having it! Imagine yourself as a rich person.
FEEL like a rich person, even if you’re not! Be grateful for the money that you DO have. If you want
love, then imagine yourself with that perfect partner! Feel his or her arms around you!
Whatever you focus on constantly will manifest in your life. So don’t you think you owe it to yourself
to switch your focus on to what you want and mentally cross out the bad? Not only will it improve
your life, you’ll feel better too!
Judith Campbell,
He who has health, and he who has hope has everything ~ Thomas Carlyle
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Now Inspiration Unlimited brings to you a completely revamped section of the site to bring your family & friends to subscribe & read – www.iuemag.com
© 2012. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at write-ups.iuemag@gmail.com | May 2012 Edition | Page 4
He runs every day, whether the
sun is beating down on his bare
head, or snow is blowing in his
Inspiration Through Information
Inspiration Through Information
Madhuri Dixit (born on 15 May 1967) is an
Indian film actress who has appeared in
Hindi films. Often cited by the media as one
of the best actresses in Bollywood, Dixit
made her film debut in Abodh (1984) and
received wider public recognition with
Tezaab (1988). She went on to establish
herself as one of Hindi cinema's leading
actresses, acknowledged for several of her
performances, her beauty, and her accomplished dancing.
Ten Ways to Stay Motivated throughout the Day
1) Once you’re up from Bed, tell yourself a few positive Words- “Today is going to be an
amazing day!”, “At work I’m going to be the Best”.. Trust me, Repeatedly saying "I CAN"
does more magic than your IQ.
2) What’s a Mirror For? Remember, Mirror shows who you are, and who you DARE TO BE.
So start off with “I love you!, to your wonderful friend across the mirror. I’m sure saying this
even for 10 Days, will create a positive image in your mind. Moreover, learn to Love yourself
first, then show love to others! :)
Madhuri Dixit, May 15
3) On the Way to your Workplace; Listen to Your Favorite Music collection. It gives you an
instant adrenaline rush to keep your spirits high.
“Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose”. If you want to enlarge yourself and your life,
you have to start practicing visualization, which gives you the fuel to turn dreams into reality.
5) Write down a TO-DO list daily, which includes things to be done wrt to work or studies,
and put a check mark on it once done. Set your own goals and targets! You alone know your
pace; do not underestimate yourself. End of the day see for yourself how many tasks have
been accomplished as compared to how many would've been, without the To Do list. Check
this for a month, you'll see the difference!
6) DO SOMETHING NEW occasionally!
Go for some artwork or sport or volunteer in activities at your society. It‘ll be a great place to
make new friends. You could even try out a new recipe at home.
7) Avoid getting into arguments or heated discussions. Getting into arguments not only hurt
the other person but will injure you as well.
8) Go through your attic. All of us have an attic. Something we treasure, a childhood accomplishment, an award or gift received from dearly beloved. GET THEM OUT!! They were given
to you so that you can cherish them and keep Smiling!
So Change your dressing style. Change the way you look. CHANGE your Desktop Wallpaper!
10) TREAT TIME: Once you feel you have done a mighty amount of work, Learn to TREAT
YOURSELF. Oh yes you could either Gift yourself anything you have always wanted but kept
Keep things simple.
Rheana John,
Dixit has won five Filmfare Awards, four for
Best Actress and one for Best Supporting
Actress. She holds the record for the highest number of Best Actress nominations at
Filmfare, with 13. In 2008, she was awarded
the Padma Shri, India's fourth-highest civilian award by the
Government of India.
Dixit is not only known for her acting skills,
but for her dancing skills as well. Often referred to as the "Dhak Dhak Girl", she is
famous for her dance in the song "Dhak
Dhak Karne Laga" from the film Beta. Pandit
Birju Maharaj, a Kathak dancer, who choreographed Dixit in the film Devdas calls her
as "the best Bollywood dancer due to her
In 2001 on the popular game show Kaun
Banega Crorepati's first season, hosted by
Amitabh Bachchan, she won 50,00,000 that
she donated for people affected in natural
In 2009 Madhuri Dixit performed for NDTV
Toyota Greenathon — India's first-ever nationwide campaign for save the environment and creating awareness about environmental issues. NDTV organised India's
first 24-hour live telethon — a fund-raising
event that brings in people to donate money to support TERI's initiative — Lighting a
Billion Lives which aims at providing solar
power to villages without electricity. Dixit
became a part of this great social cause,
and she performed her hit numbers on the
live show.
To advertise on our IUeMAG, which has subscribers from 26 countries, mail us at ads.iuemag@gmail.com.
For any queries mail us at enquiries.iuemag@gmail.com! Thank you!
Above all, Challenge yourself. You may well surprise yourself at what strengths you have, what you can accomplish ~ Cecile Springer
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Now Inspiration Unlimited brings to you a completely revamped section of the site to bring your family & friends to subscribe & read – www.iuemag.com
© 2012. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at write-ups.iuemag@gmail.com | May 2012 Edition | Page 5
All of us have an attic. Something
we treasure, a childhood accomplishment, an award or gift received from dearly beloved….
The Number Of Children In The World
Just Create
Fact: The world record for largest bowl of spaghetti was
set in March 2009 and reset in March 2010 when a Buca di Beppo restaurant in Garden Grove, California,
successfully filled a swimming pool with more than
13,780 pounds (6,251 kg) of pasta.
When I was a girl my father played a special game with
me. It was so much fun that I remember it up to the
present day. I remember how warm and funny he was.
My experience makes me think about how important it
is for parents to take time to play with their children.
I was born on a day when the whole world was dying
I felt like since my birth I have been living in a grave
I decided to end up my life as everyone else around
me was doing the same
Everyone; buried in a grave of worries and endless
It was dark at night when I started digging up my
place in ground
But after a minute the sun shined up on me
It wasn’t dark now
It was a new dawn
At that moment I realized
That the nature does not want us to bury our self
It wants us to rise like a sun
I run to the people who were still digging
I told them that this morning light has come to our
To show us the right way
We do not have to be sad anymore
We do not need to be down anymore
Our past maybe dark but today it’s not
It’s not cold, it’s bright and hot
Our blood is warm and running in our veins
So just try to wipe out the stains
My mom and dad named me “The morning Light”
And this is the name for everyone alive
We all will die someday for sure
But as long as we are alive
We are breathing
We are feeling
We are love
We are light
And this is the thing which is totally right
So stand up front and be
A morning light
Sitting at the office desk,
And whiling away time,
Shouldn’t be a leader's attitude.
From dawn to dusk,
Decided I to make things go rhyme,
Remembered the existence of latitude to
Just Create.. the ALTITUDE.
Count the stars and see how many
Children there are in the world
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, seven
8, 9,10, eleven, twelve!
To make sure you can see the stars
Stand up nice and tall
For there are many children in the world
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, seven
8, 9,10, eleven, twelve!
I hop on my daddy's back
And to my surprise he does a bow
I hold on tight and then I see
The most amazing site
I'm nearer to the abundant stars
And feel the closeness with my heart
Daddy, I can see all the children in the world
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, seven
8, 9,10, eleven, twelve!
I thought entering Oracle,
Will give me a feel of twinkle,
Lest did I know loitering in the
will seep in me more bacteria.
Hundred's seated around in their
I thought I'll introspect,
But in retrospect,
I end up bursting in crackles;
Just Create.. the MIRACLE.
In programming and coding,
lays in the history.
Into the Computer their hooked,
Before realizing time is dying,
life is passing,
They are already cooked
To me it sounds a comedy;
Just Create.. the VICTORY.
The days time is soon coming to an end,
But we leaders like to create a new trend,
When they are tired,
We jolts up fired!
When they lack in action,
We charge up with motivation;
Just Create.. the ACTION.
Rheana John,
Maria Grujicic,
Darwin Australia
ZOHA Zee Kay © 2011
Poetry is the universal language which the heart holds with nature and itself~ William Hazlitt
Poetry is important. No less than science, it seeks a hold upon reality, and the closeness of its approach is the test of its success~ Babette Deutsch
Poetry is a search for ways of communication; it must be conducted with openness, flexibility, and a constant readiness to listen.~ Fleur Adcock
Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~ Mother Teresa
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The Morning Light
I Felt Ashamed
Here’s an opportunity to
showcase your
poetry talent!
You can send in your
poems with your profile to
Sun rising,
The dawn of a new day Rays dance on the horizon,
“Rejoice,” they say.
For the Son Himself,
The Light on High,
Shed His blood for me –
For me He did die.
For this is the day
The Lord God has made.
Yes, this is the day;
Hide not in the shade!
A glorious truth,
Warming my heart:
My Savior loves me,
We shall never part.
Yea, rejoice in the Light,
Rejoice in sunrays,
Rejoice in the Son-shine:
Sky-fire ablaze.
I delight then
To offer Him all I am;
I rejoice then
To surrender to the Lamb.
The Eternal One:
He is bright and pure.
A consuming fire,
Aflame forever more.
I release myself, and
With You, Lord, I unite.
Consumed by Your flame,
Eternal and bright.
Embrace me, O Lord,
With warmth of Light.
Guide me, O Master,
Through day and night
O, glory of glories
To live in the Son;
Joy of joys
To abide in the One.
Refine me by fire,
Cleanse me by flame,
Fill me with Your desire Our wills the same.
Shining brighter,
Purer all the more
Each day I shall
For the One I adore.
Grant that I, like You,
Shine brilliant, bright.
Grant that I, for You,
Share Your Light.
I rejoice in His light,
I rejoice in Son-rays,
I rejoice in Son-shine:
His heart-flame ablaze.
What is sweeter than that?
What is finer to do?
Than to live for the Lord,
Than to shine for You?
Yea, shine I shall each day
The Lord God has made.
I shall shine for Jesus,
Hiding not in the shade.
Shine then may I ever
For Your glory alone.
I live no longer for me,
My life is not my own.
For the Son is risen,
He is the Dawn of each day My heart dances with Jesus,
I rejoice in His Way!
They left happily, with a mission,
Betrayal n hatred, to efface,
They wished trust to take surface,
Seeing them,
I felt ashamed!
Caroline Gavin
Boston, Massachusetts
Purandhar Srinivas
Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it. ~ Confucius
The pure silver lined drops of rain,
Slithered over to fall on my palm ,
Upright I held them to see the moon through,
She blushed, to only hide behind the dark clouds,
Peeping over n over like a new bride!
The rain had just taken leave,
The sounds of tip n tap went missing,
Life seemed greener n calmer!
Oh dear.. One tea please..
Its warmth, went down the throat of mine,
To foil the cold breeze through the nasal.
My hands slipped into my jacket,
Shivering willingly with a cold mouth, i froze!
This contest goes on for
four whole months.
At the end of the fourth
month we will announce
the winners!
The last date for the
submission is
14 July, 2012.
I ambled across,
Remembering the pasts,
The deeper truths n secret!
No ears, I felt alone!
Thoughts rushed faster like
The drops of rain, tipping off
The green curvy leaves,
One after the other,
Trusting each other blindly,
Hoping for destiny!
Flowing downhill, past me!
I sat, on a rock stone
Envying their trust.
The city looked ablaze,
Life seemed busier with unsolvable haze,
These rain drops looked
to change this phase!
IUeMAG is conducting an
essay contest.
You have an opportunity
to send your articles and
win the
IUeMAG Essay Contest
Mail us at
The last date for sending in
the articles is
14 July, 2012!
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Inspiration Everywhere!
Do battle with the enemy. Do battle with your fears.
Build your courage to fight what's holding you
back, what's keeping you from your goals and
dreams. Be courageous in your life and in your
pursuit of the things you want and the person you
want to become.
"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it
If you can dream it, you can become it." WILLIAM
Ants live an "all you can be" life. There are hidden
messages of inspiration everywhere you look. Next
time you are wondering where all those ants came
from... have you noticed all the ant holes?? Well,
when you wonder about them, think about The Ant
Philosophy of Life, adapted from the writings
of James Rohn.
They have an amazing four-part philosophy, and
the first part is: ants never quit. That's a good philosophy. If they're headed somewhere and you try
to stop them; they'll look for another way. They'll
climb over, they'll climb under, they'll climb around.
They keep looking for another way. What a neat
philosophy, to never quit looking for a way to get
where you're supposed to go.
Second, ants think winter all summer. That's an
important perspective. You can't be so naive as to
think summer will last forever. So ants are gathering in their winter food in the middle of summer.
An ancient story says, "Don't build your house on
the sand in the summer." Why do we need that advice? Because it is important to be realistic. In the
summer, you've got to think storm. You've got to
think rocks as you enjoy the sand and sun. Think
The third part of the ant philosophy is that ants
think summer all winter. That is so important. During the winter, ants remind themselves, "This won't
last long; we'll soon be out of here." And the first
warm day, the ants are out. If it turns cold again,
they'll dive back down, but then they come out the
first warm day. They can't wait to get out.
And here's the last part of the ant philosophy. How
much will an ant gather during the summer to prepare for the winter? All he possibly can. What an
incredible philosophy, the "all-you-possibly-can"
And while you are thinking about those ants…
... spare a thought for the "enemies within."
We come into this world without fear or courage.
And our surroundings shape how we cope in the
world - whether we have courage or fear. Maybe
some of your fears are brought on by your own experiences, by what someone has told you, by what
you've read in the papers. Some fears are valid,
like walking alone in a bad part of town at
My challenge to you is this: Make a decision to be
like an ANT - with the "all-you-possibly-can" philosophy and conquer all those doubts and free
yourself from of your inner fears.
two o'clock in the morning. But once you learn to
avoid that situation, you won't need to live in fear of
Fears, even the most basic ones, can totally destroy our ambitions. Fear can destroy fortunes.
Fear can destroy relationships. Fear, if left unchecked, can destroy our lives. Fear is one of the
many enemies lurking inside us.
There are five enemies we face from within:
The first enemy that you've got to destroy before it destroys you is indifference. What a tragic
disease this is. "Ho-hum, let it slide. I'll just drift
along." Here's one problem with drifting: you can't
drift your way to the top of the mountain
The second enemy we face is indecision.
Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise.
It will steal your chances for a better future. Take a
sword to this enemy.
The third enemy inside is doubt. Sure, there's
room for healthy skepticisms. You can't believe
everything. But you also can't let doubt take over.
Many people doubt the past, doubt the future,
doubt each other, doubt the government, doubt the
possibilities and doubt the opportunities. Worse of
all, they doubt themselves. I'm telling you, doubt
will destroy your life and your chances of success.
It will empty both your bank account and your
heart. Doubt is an enemy. Go after it. Get rid of it.
The fourth enemy within is worry. We've all
got to worry some. Just don't let it conquer you.
Instead, let it alarm you. Worry can be useful. If
you step off the curve and a taxi is coming, you've
got to worry. But you can't let worry loose like a
mad dog that drives you into a small corner. Here's
what you've got to do with your worries: drive them
into a small corner. Whatever is out to get you,
you've got to get it. Whatever is pushing on you,
you've got to push back.
The fifth interior enemy is over-caution. It is
the timid approach to life. Timidity is not a virtue
(unlike humility – they are different); in fact, it can
be an illness. If you let it go, it'll conquer you. Timid
people don't get promoted. They don't advance
and grow and become powerful in the marketplace.
Wayne Mansfield
Perth, Australia
FYI- For Your Inspiration
From Wayne Mansfield
 Did you know that like all insects, ants
have six legs. Each leg has three
joints. The legs of the ant are very
strong so they can run very quickly. If
a man could run as fast for his size as
an ant can, he could run as fast as a
racehorse. Ants can lift 20 times their
own body weight. An ant brain has
about 250 000 brain cells. A human
brain has 10,000 million so a colony
of 40,000 ants has collectively the
same size brain as a human.
 If you watch ants for any length of
time you will see that they really do
communicate with each other and
very effectively too. Ants communicate by touching each other with their
antennae. Ants also use chemicals
called pheromones to leave scent
trails for other ants to follow.
The two wolves
A Native American grandfather was talking
to his grandson about how he felt. He said,
"I feel as if I have two wolves fighting in
my heart. One wolf is the vengeful, angry,
violent one. The other wolf is the loving,
compassionate one." The grandson asked
him, "Which wolf will win the fight in your
heart?" The grandfather answered:
"The one I feed."
A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done. ~ Ralph Lauren
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You've got to avoid over-caution.
You don’t have to give an ear to
any words that are going to blow
your boards of direction away.
Just keep walking- that is all I can
William Hartman Woodin (May 27,
1868 – May 3, 1934) was
a U.S. industrialist. He served as
the Secretary of
Treaury under Franklin Rooseveltin
William Hartman Woodin
May 27
Logic Or Magic!
What is logic?
It is the art and science of exact reasoning or of pure and formal thought or of the laws according to which the processes of pure thinking should be conducted. It is the science of the
formation and application of general notions; the science of generalization, judgment, classification, reasoning, and systematic arrangement; correct reasoning.
Well, now what is magic?
The art that purports to control or forecast natural events, effects or forces by invoking the
supernatural (Seems less complicated!) I assume you understood it though I didn’t, in my
first attempt).
Every one of us is unique so there may be different ways to understand these interesting
terms. So my way is to always keep everything simple. It is simplicity in its simplest form.
To me, logic is what you think and magic is what you do. When both of these walk together, it
makes the best journey called life! Do what you think and think of what you do. Every question will discover its better answer. You don’t have to give an ear to any words that are going
to blow your boards of direction away. Just keep walking- that is all I can say. Word by word I
kept on adding, believing the world is in words but now it’s time I say- All magic has logic!
William H. Woodin was the first of
two Treasury Secretaries to serve
Frankin D. Roosevelt. Born in 1868,
he graduated from Columbia University in 1890. He then served as general superintendent and later president of Jackson and Woodin Manufacturing Company, a railroad freight
car manufacturer founded in 1840
with headquarters in Berwick, Pennsylvania. When it merged with 12
other companies as the American
Car and Foundry Company in 1899,
it was suddenly part of the largest
manufacturer of its type in the eastern US. Woodin became its president in 1916. From 1927 through
1932, he was a director in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
A good friend of Roosevelt, Woodin
helped the President to bring the nation out of the Depression by restoring confidence in the banking system
following the March “Bank Holiday”
and the establishment of the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC). He also played an important
role in the formulation of the Gold
Reserve Act of 1934, which devalued the dollar from $20.67 to $35 per
ounce of gold and nationalized all
gold within the country except for
that used in jewelry, rare coin collections and dentistry.
When your logic has magic and your magic has logic, the world will empower you. Magic is
work to a magician. To those who know the logic, magic is work and work is magic. Every
part of the world we live in is filled with magic; we just need to understand the logic to enjoy
it! Don’t be confused with the terms; it’s all in the fusion with the same terms. There’s magic
in your confusion, in your smile, even in your extra mile. So, don’t hesitate to appreciate it.
Each one of us is the master of a unique magic in our own logic. So, just share it and let it
spread. You are the magician of your life. Create miracles. You don’t have to wait for the
right time; right place and right person to show what you are. Just go for it. The taller the tree,
the deeper it is rooted. Stick to your beliefs. Each one of us is a unique being. Enjoy every
single element of what you are. Believe in every dream of what you desire to be. The moment you understand this logic, you can create magic.
Live life in the logically magical terms!
Beena Chowdary. R
Student of Law,
Bangalore, India
Woodin resigned due to ill health and
died in May 1934, just a few months
after leaving office.
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. ~ Vince Lombardi
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Inspiration Through Information
In 1944, Emmeline Snively, director of the Blue Book Modeling Agency, told modeling hopeful Norma Jean Baker, “You’d
better learn secretarial work or else get married.” She went on
and became Marilyn Monroe.
In 1954, Jimmy Denny, manager of the Grand Ole Opry, fired
a singer after one performance. He told him, “You ain’t goin’
nowhere, son. You ought to go back to drivin’ a truck.” He went
on to become the most popular singer in America named Elvis
 When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876,
it did not ring off the hook with calls from potential backers. After making a demonstration call, President Rutherford Hayes
said, “That’s an amazing invention, but who would ever want to
use one of them.”
 When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, he tried over
2,000 experiments before he got it to work. A young reporter
asked him how it felt to fail so many times. He said, “I never
failed once. I invented the light bulb. It just happened to be a
2,000 step process.”
 In the 1940s, another young inventor named Chester Carlson
took his idea to twenty corporations, including one of the biggest in the country. They all turned him down. In 1947, after
seven long years of rejection, he finally got a tiny company in
Rochester, New York, the Haloid Company, to purchase the
rights to his invention, an electrostatic paper-copying process.
Haloid became Xerox Corporation we know today.
 Wilma Rudolph was the 20th of 22 children. She was born
prematurely and her survival was doubtful. When she was four
years old, she contacted double pneumonia and scarlet fever,
which left her with a paralyzed left leg. At the age of nine, she
removed the metal leg brace she had been dependent on and
began to walk without it. By 13 she had developed a rhythmic
walk, which doctors said was a miracle. That same year she
decided to become a runner. She entered a race and came in
last. For the next few years every race she entered, she came
in last. Everyone told her to quit, but she kept on running. One
day she actually won a race. And then another. From then on
she won every race she entered. Eventually this little girl, who
was told she would never walk again, went on to win three
Olympic gold medals.
Teacher is a person who influences our life to a very great extent. I was more interested
in our teachers' digression during the classes especially in engineering because I felt that
it taught us more about life. A dirge shown in a movie at a teacher's funeral stirred all the
students into tears. A teacher always tries to disabuse his students about the concepts
during the process of teaching. Some of the discordant concepts are explained with such
an ease by experienced teachers. The discerning capability of a student is bolstered by a
teacher. Even if some of the teachers are unable to satisfy us, we should not discredit or
disparage them at once. We should still respect them because they are our teachers.
Some of the difficult discrepancies cannot be solved without a teacher's help. We need to
pose our questions in discrete amounts rather than burdening the teacher with a pile of
doubts. Some of the disingenuous students misuse the freedom given by the teacher during class hours and as a result they will face punishment as the teacher is disinterested
about any particular student. A good teacher is one who dismisses our weakness and
helps us to develop our disjointed thoughts into a constructive application. A teaher gives
examples from disparate fields to make us understand a simple concept. I remember
some of our teachers dissembling as some of the characters in a play while teaching
about a drama lesson. Our teachers hold the responsibility of resolving the dissolution
among some of the misled students and disseminate the ideals which will help us to improve in life. We need to heed to our teachers' advice when we are stuck in situations of
dichotomy. Only when we shed our diffidence and explain clearly about our problem can
the teacher help us. Rather than making diffuse talks about how bad our teachers are, we
should stand in their shoes and think if we are able to do atleast 10% of what they do for
Vocab Wonder
By Mohan BN, Oracle, India
In an exhibition the connoisseur contended that all the paintings exhibited were of the 18th century. However some contentious people who were not ready to accept that argued about the
statement made by him. When he realised that he had forgotten the presence of a recent painting he tried to apologise but his contrite apology was not accepted by these people. Further he
explained about little conundrums hidden in some of the paintings to which the attention of all
the people present ther converged onto. Though some could not understand the convoluted
descriptions given by him, they tried to act as if they understood better than others. Some paintings based on war daunted small children. All the students however maintained decorum inside
the hall by default as their teachers were watching them closely. The connoisseur showed his
deference by answering all the questions of the students. Step by step he delineated the complete concept behind every painting. He avoided denigrating any painter even though there
were some grave mistakes in some of the paintings. Some of the students who were deriding the
fellow students who could not understand certain concepts were warned by their teachers to
behave properly. Some of the paintings were mere derivatives of the lifestyle of people. Big
leaves were desiccated and placed at the corners of the painting for the purpose of decoration.
Some people who could not understand a bit of what the connoisseur was explaining walked
around in desultory throwing diatribing remarks at him which were deterrant to the normal flow
of the connoisseur. However those who were interested carried on to encourage him to explain
To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you ~ Tony Dorsett
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 In 1962, four nervous young musicians played their first record
audition for the executives of the Decca Recording Company.
The executives were not impressed. While turning down this
group of musicians, one executive said, “We don’t like their
sound. Group of guitars are on the way out.” The group was
called The Beatles.
Omar Khayyám (1048–1131) was
a Persian polymath: philosopher,
mathematician, astronomer and
poet. He also wrote treatises on
mechanics, geography, mineralogy, music, climatology and Islamic
Born in Nishapur, at a young age
he moved to Samarkand and obtained his education there, afterwards he moved to Bukhara and
became established as one of the
major mathematicians and astronomers of the medieval period.
Omar Khayyam, May 18
He is the author of one of the
most important treatises on algebra written before modern times,
the Treatise on Demonstration of
Problems of Algebra, which includes a geometric method for
solving cubic equations by intersecting a hyperbola with a circle.
He contributed to a calendar reform.
His significance as a philosopher
and teacher, and his few remaining philosophical works, have not
received the same attention as his
scientific and poetic writings. AlZamakhshari referred to him as
“the philosopher of the world”.
Many sources have testified that
he taught for decades the philosophy of Avicenna in Nishapur
where Khayyám was born and
buried and where his mausoleum
today remains a masterpiece of
Iranian architecture visited by
many people every year.
Outside Iran and Persian speaking countries, Khayyám has had
an impact on literature and societies through the translation of his
works and popularization by other
scholars. The greatest such impact was in English-speaking
countries; the English scholar
Thomas Hyde (1636–1703) was
the first non-Persian to study him.
The most influential of all was
Edward FitzGerald (1809–83),[6]
who made Khayyám the most famous poet of the East in the West
through his celebrated translation
and adaptations of Khayyám's
rather small number of quatrains
in the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
The Writing Life
POV: Look Who's Talking.
POV or point of view is quite simply as to who is telling the story. Sounds pretty simple, but establishing a POV and keeping it consistent until the end can be challenging. In choosing which
points of view to utilize also consider the tense you use in the context. Whether your novel is
written in past or present tense, it is important to stay uniform throughout. Editors and readers
appear to prefer novels written in past tense and many romances are written this way. Present
tense creates immediacy to the story and may draw the reader in, so it is sometimes used in
mysteries and thrillers. Whichever tense you choose the scenes where characters are remembering past events, writing is done in the past tense.
Most editors prefer the use of three POV characters and is done in the romance genre, that
means him/her/and the bad guy. Many thrillers are written in the hero's POV, the potential victim's POV, and oftentimes the killer's POV. You will find many published books that have multiple POVs, three, five, as many as sixteen, but as a new writer with hopes of being published,
you will most likely be limited by the editor at your publishing house. My editor will accept up to
four but prefers three POVs. I had to rewrite several scenes to accomplish this. It is indeed
hard to keep track of sixteen people and it takes skill to weave a story that the reader can follow. Nevertheless, once you are an established writer with a good sales record, then you may
be able to dictate to the publisher. But until then, you would be wise to follow their guidelines.
First Person: In first person the story is told by a specific character generally in the present
tense. The information is limited to what the POV character actually sees, hears, thinks and
feels. Example: "When I was five, I saw my brother kill the family dog." The information is limited to what the POV character actually sees, hears, thinks and feels. First person allows the
reader to feel emotionally connected with the characters; however, it limits the amount of information the writer can convey to the reader.
Second person: In the second person the story is told in the 'you' voice. "You killed the dog."
"You hid in the basement." Second person is rare. A benefit of this POV is that it draws the
reader into the story. The problem here is that it is difficult to write, in addition to sounding
awkward. Again you are limited in the amount of information you can convey.
Third person: In this POV the writer tells the story in the he/she/it voice. "He stood in the doorway." "She couldn't find the phone." Third person is the most common POV. It provides the
most freedom to the writer along with providing the most information.
Establish the POV early in the story, generally in the first scene. The reader needs to connect
quickly in order for him/her to be drawn into the story. The most common POV slip, is when the
character knows things she or he shouldn't. John cannot know what Jane is thinking. Don't underestimate the importance of using the right POV. The wrong POV can ruin a story. If your
story is not coming together, try switching the POV to a different character. It might be more
interesting for the reader to know what Jane is thinking.
Next month: Deeper POV and common new writer mistakes.
Happy writing!
Jody Lebel,
Western Massachusetts,
All the words I use in my stories can be found in the dictionary. It’s just a matter of arranging them into the right sentences. ~ Somerset Maugham
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You will find many published books
that have multiple POVs, three, five, as
many as sixteen, but as a new writer
with hopes of being published, you
will most likely be limited by the
editor at your publishing house…
Inspiration Through Information
Today pasta has entered
every nook and corner and is
one of the most popular dishes all over the world.
Walter S. Scheib III,
May 3
Spaghetti Pasta in tomato sauce
Pasta is a staple food of traditional Italian cuisine, with the first reference dating back
to 1154. The popularity of pasta spread to the whole of Italy after the establishment
of pasta factories in the 19th century, enabling the mass production of pasta for the
Italian market. Today pasta has entered every nook and corner and is one of the
most popular dishes all over the world.
Here is a very simple Italian spaghetti pasta recipe to woo your loved ones. This
recipe serves 2 people.
Italian tomato sauce
Tomato Puree -200gm
Tomato - 1 (cut into pieces)
Onion - 1 (sliced or chopped)
Garlic - 5 to 6 cloves (crushed and chopped)
Italian seasoning (basil and oregano)
Oil (Olive oil, if available) - 2 tbsp
Black Pepper - 1 tbsp
Spaghetti Pasta-150gms
Olive oil- 1 tbsp
Water -5ooml
Salt- 1 ½ tbsp
Parmesan cheese (shredded) - ½ bowl
To cook pasta
Add water in a large pan and bring to boil. Add salt.
Add spaghetti and follow the instructions on the pack to get perfectly cooked pasta.
(Keep stirring the pasta so that they don’t stick and run it down with cold water once
the hot water is drained and pasta is cooked. Drizzle few drops of olive oil)
Italian tomato sauce
In a sauce pan, heat oil. Add garlic & onion and sauté till it turns light golden brown.
Add the tomato puree and tomato pieces and bring to boil. Add little water if necessary.
Add black pepper, salt and Italian pasta seasoning. Adjust to taste.
Drop the cooked pasta into the sauce and toss lightly. Mix well and garnish with
parmesan or normal cheese.
Bon Appetite!!
Optional: You can add sliced bell peppers or olives as vegetables for extra taste.
Shreyas M. Koti
Head Chef, IU
Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all. ~ Harriet Van Horne
Walter S. Scheib lll, May 3
Walter S. Scheib III was born on May
3, 1954 in Oakland, California, but he
and his family moved to Bethesda,
Maryland. He attended Walter Johnson High School and then the University of Maryland, College Park. He
then graduated from The Culinary
Institute of America in Hyde Park,
New York in August 1979. He then
began working as a cook in Washington, D.C.
He was promoted within three years
to executive chef. In 1994, then-First
Lady Hillary Clinton was impressed by
Scheib's work at the Greenbrier Resort and asked him to serve as executive chef at the White House. Clinton
felt that it was important to showcase
the best of American cuisine at the
nation's First House, and Chef Scheib
delivered to high renown.
After eleven years there, Scheib was
asked to resign by First Lady Laura
Bush; the official reason was that he
was unable to meet the stylistic requirements of the First Lady. Since
leaving the White House, Scheib has
gone on to write his first cookbook,
The American Chef, and form a corporation of the same name to market
his classes and special events.
Additionally, he is now an active
speaker on the lecture circuit, represented by Leading Authorities speakers' bureau. He was replaced as
White House chef by Cristeta Comerford. He appeared on The Daily Show
with Jon Stewart on February 5, 2007.
He also appeared on Iron Chef America, competing against Cat Cora with
the secret ingredient Dungeness crab
July 17, 2006.
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Inspiration Through Information
Studs Terkel, May 16
Louis "Studs" Terkel (May 16, 1912
– October 31, 2008) was an American author, historian, actor, and
broadcaster. He received the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction
in 1985 for The Good War, and is
best remembered for his oral histories of common Americans, and for
hosting a long-running radio show
in Chicago. Terkel was born to
Samuel Terkel, a Russian Jewish
tailor and his wife, Anna Finkelin in
New York City, New York. At the
age of eight he moved with his
family to Chicago, Illinois, where
he spent most of his life.
From 1926 to 1936, his parents
ran a rooming house that also
served as a meeting place for people from all walks of life. Terkel
credited his understanding of humanity and social interaction to the
tenants and visitors who gathered
in the lobby there, and the people
who congregated in nearby Bughouse Square. By 1939, he had
grown to adulthood, marrying Ida
Goldberg (1912–1999) that year,
and the couple produced one son,
Dan. Although he received his law
degree from the University of Chicago Law School in 1934, he decided instead of practicing law, he
wanted to be a concierge at a hotel, and he soon joined a theater
In 2004, Terkel received the Elijah
Parish Lovejoy Award as well as
an honorary Doctor of Laws degree
from Colby College. In August
2005, Terkel underwent successful
open-heart surgery. At the age of
ninety-three, he was one of the
oldest people to undergo this form
of surgery and doctors reported his
recovery to be remarkable for
someone of that advanced age.
Terkel smoked two cigars a day
until 2004.
At his last public appearance, in
2007, Terkel said he was "still in
touch—but ready to go". He gave
one of his last interviews on the
BBC Hardtalk program on February 4, 2008. He spoke of the imminent election of Barack Obama as
President of the United States, and
offered him some advice, in October 2008. Terkel died in his Chicago home on Friday, October 31,
2008 at the age of ninety-six. He
had been suffering ever since a fall
in his home earlier that month.
Once a Forest catches fire and all the animals started running for their lives. A Tiger Cub gets
trapped in a bush. A deer fawn saves the tiger cub. Both escaped from the fire and found a
safe place. They searched for long time, but they didn't find their families. Both tiger and deer
became good friends and started living together for few months helping each other. Tiger
grew up thinking tigers won't hunt a deer and the deer grew up thinking that tigers are harmless.
After a year, the deer found its family. The deer's family wasn't aware of the tiger's friendship;
they got scared, took the deer and ran away. When deer told its family that the tiger is a
friend, they were not ready to risk their lives and forced the deer to stay away from tiger. The
tiger was looking for the deer all over the place. After few days, the tiger found the place,
where the deer’s were residing. The tiger entered inside expecting a welcome from the deer,
but, all the deer started running and took the tiger's friend also along with them.
Tiger was confused and thought, they are playing a game and tiger has to catch them. So,
the tiger started chasing all the deer. But, they got terrified and thought the tiger is chasing to
kill them all and they started scolding the deer for making friendship with the tiger. Tiger got
tired and went back near a river to drink water.
Deer thought they escaped and left that cave and went to a faraway place. But, the deer
came back near the river to meet the tiger and told that it cannot play with tiger again and also told it to go find its family. When the deer came back, its family explained that tigers can
never become friends with deer, its nature is to hunt and one day it will kill all, if we allow it to
be with us.
The tiger found its family and was very happy. So, it came back to tell the Deer that it has got
its family and it is very happy. But, the deer again started running for their lives and went in
search of another safe place. The deer was frustrated running again and again, it said, it
wanted to end this forever.
The tiger was explained by its family that, tigers hunt deer and eat; it's their nature for survival. But the tiger wasn't ready to kill the deer which saved its life. So, the tiger left the place
and came in search of the deer. When the tiger found the new hide out of the deer, the deer
came to the tiger and asked not to come again searching and to stay away from the deer family forever.
The tiger gets very sad and upset, decided to take its life which was once saved by the deer.
It went to the top of the mountain and about to jump; It thought for everything for one last time
and realized, its life has been saved by the deer for some reason. Wasting it doesn't serve the
purpose of once being saved. The deer has saved its life once and it may not want to be with
the tiger, but it needs the tiger to be safe from other animals. So the tiger came back, but
never showed up to the deer. Every time any other Tiger or animals were about to attack the
deer, this tiger used to threaten those animals and send them away.
The deer never realized that it was saved hundreds of times for the good deed it had once
done. The tiger’s family never realized why the tiger is showing so much of gratitude. But, this
tiger was happy saving the life of the deer all the time.
Moral Of The Story: "Never judge anyone by your past experience, There is lot more in the
world which you have never seen". "Selflessness is a act of caring forever without any expectations"
Anil Kumar K N
SanDisk. India
Being kind is an action of a great virtue. Be kind and it shall come back to you ~ PK
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Tiger was confused and thought,
they are playing a game and tiger
has to catch them. So, the tiger
started chasing all the deer…
Inspiration Through Information