The Presence of Racial Minorities Impairs People's Ability to Focus Attention Justin Aoki, Jordan Wheeler, Chad Johnson and Peizhong Li Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Stout The Question: Does the presence of stigmatized out-group members impair our ability to focus attention on a task? What The Participants Did: •Participants Participants (N = 46) were instructed to inspect a pair of letter strings on the screen and indicate whether they were identical or different. •When each pair of letter strings appeared, a photo of either a white or black male face appeared in another location of the screen. LXNEITJ Conclusions: LXNEITJ Word Condition Non-Word Non Word Condition TIGER TIGER LHDBI LHDBI SAME TIGER HAPPY JHIFG LHDBI DIFFERENT T Target t Response •Participants made more errors when they saw a black man’s face compared to when they saw a white man’s face in the nonperform differently y in the word word condition but did not p condition. •Performance on cognitively-demanding tasks is hindered by the presence of out-group members. CONTACT INFO: Email: Funded in part by a grant for Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement by the National Science Foundation, #DUE-0536511.