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Reducing Late Coming: Action Research Proposal

Bahir Dar University
College of Education and Behavioral Science
Department of Teacher Education
Action Research proposal
How can I reduce the number of late- coming students in grade 9th section L
in Ghion General secondary and preparatory school in 2011E.C.
Prepared by: Marie
Advisor: Dr. Jeyerusalem,
1. Background of the study
Late coming to school is one of the major problems that have plagued many schools. On the
other hand, punctuality is said to be the soul of business for education and there can be nothing
more fundamental to the school business than punctuality (Ezewu, 1982). This attitude of
punctuality is both the business of the teachers and students. Effective teaching and learning
cannot take place without the coming together of the teacher and the learners (Oghuvbu, 2012).
Some of Students will not be attending their class regularly. For instance they will have great
problems to reach in the class on time. That mean most of them will not give more attention to
be punctuality even if they are a city or Town students. Most of the time people believe that city
students have good habit regarding to the time rather than rural or country side students. For me
this is miss conception of the people.
But the problem I will be observed at that school will be different from the assumptions of the
people in their punctuality performance for a given tasks. Some of these students will be the
same for me since they have not reach on time at school. These all problems initiated me to study
the reason behind. To achieve their personal goals and make themselves truly happy, they need
to develop and maintain themselves and self-respect. To do this they need to understand the
attitude of punctuality is both the business of the teachers and students.
1.1. What is my concern?
Late coming to school has become a major problem in many schools, particularly township
schools with serious consequences. Here the main concern of this study is to reduce or eradicate
the number of students’ coming- late to school. On the other hand I will want to reduce the
problems that are raised regarding too late coming students at school, especially in 9th L
Classroom. During my practicum from Ghion general secondary and preparatory school, I will
give awareness to the students about the proper use of time. Therefore in this action research I
will concern to help them to understand about purpose of punctuality and a negative effect on their
success in school.
1.2. Why I am concerned about the problem?
Because the main focus of this study is to know all about the relationship between late coming
and the academic performance of the senior high school students in Ghion School. Over the
years, lateness to school by students of secondary schools has become a currently issue.
Probably, this will be why I have sincere concerned about it.
Specifically this will attempt to find answer to the following questions:
.How can tardiness affects the students’ academic performance
Besides, it will investigate for the succeeding question.
. What will be the causes of late- coming?
What will be the effect of teaching method on late- coming?
How can I reduce the number of late- coming?
Does parent socio- economic status have effect on late- coming to school?
.Why will be the Students late for school?
What will be their issue?
How to avoid being late coming at school?
1.3. What can I do?
This paper will be helpful on the following points:
Late coming to school is a growing concern and it has become increasingly difficult to eradicate.
This study will assess the cause of lateness and the ways to reduce late comers. When dealing
with this situation I will be sure to always follow the school policy and be consistent. What I do
for one student, I must do for all students. This research will be helpful to reduce late coming
students based on the following strategies
1. Set clear expectations. I will make it clear right up front that prompt attendance will be
expected of them during their education. From admissions to orientation of the first day
in their classroom, be clear on what will be expected from them. Always set high
expectations for the students, they will usually rise to the occasion.
2. Being modeling. I will do the teacher will be beginning their class on time. They can’t
start late and ask the students to show up on time. When they will be started the class
late, the encourage students to do the same in return.
3. Start class powerfully. Not only teachers always start on time but also the students
should start with a bang. Begin with a fun activity or game to engage the students. As
the late students come walking in, they will have to wait until it is over and miss out on
the fun. This will help motivate them to arrive on time the next day.
4. Thank You. How about a simple “thank you” to the students who arrived on time?
Positive reinforcement and praising the students who do things right will be powerful
tactic. Remember, what gets praised and rewarded will get repeated.
5. Reward early arrivals. Speaking of positive reinforcement, reward those who arrive
early and will be prepared for class by having a short assignment on the board. The
assignment will be the one that can be completed before class begins, such as a video
they can watch on their phone, a blog article to read, or an integral account to look up.
For all students who arrive early, they can complete the short assignment before class
begins and receive 5 extra credit points on their test.
6. Late Students sit in the Back. Leave a few seats empty in the back for late comers.
Make it clear to all students that if they are to arrive for class late they must sit in the
back and are not to disturb the class when they enter. Don’t stop what teachers are doing
to get them up to speed, simply let them come in and sit quietly.
There will be still a student who just can’t get to class on time. When that happens, I will be
needed to sit down and will be had a private meeting with the student to find out what is causing
them to arrive late. It will be important to understand the cause of their lateness. It will be
something out of their control. If necessary, work with their administration to find a solution to
the challenge.
1.4. What will I do?
To reduce number of late comer students, I will be developed and planned the following tasks
or strategies
1. Set Clear Rules
I will Set clear rules at the beginning of the school year and let my students know that
punctuality is an essential disciplinary value.
2. Keep a Bench Vacant Near the Front Door
I will be Consult with administrative stuff and ask them to arrange for a bench near the
classroom door.
3. Warn if it is the first time
If a student is late for the first time, warn him/her instead of imposing a punishment.
5. Talk to parents if late coming persists
There may be a student who is always late, no matter what punishment I give him. Try talking to
the student after class and find out the actual reason for his late-coming and try to help him with
the issue. If the issue persists, talk to their parents.
6. Keep Record of Lateness
I will be Kept record of students’ lateness and let them know that if they arrive late for three days
they will get an ‘a’ (absent) for one day. Keep note of students who always arrive on time and
reward them appropriately. This encourages students to arrive to class on time.
7. Do important tasks at the beginning of the class
I will do important tasks like giving exam papers, assigning classroom activities, marking
attendance at the beginning of the class; instead do these tasks at the end of the class. So that, if
students do not arrive on time they miss it. This motivates them to arrive to the class on
1.5. Who can help me and How?
Reducing late coming students to school is not only the responsibility of the classroom teacher,
but also it needs the cooperation of different stake holders. For instance different individuals will
help me. Like parents, communities, traffic policy, student’s commitment and the Director of
Ghion general secondary and preparatory school plays a vital role to help me to reduce late
coming students. Few studies have been done to evaluate the cause of late coming among high
school learners. Generally, reducing’ late coming student needs collaboration; it can’t be the
responsibility of a single individual. .
1.6 How will I evaluate my work?
I will know (evaluate) my work is effective; I will be used different techniques. For instance
by taking attendance every day,
by observing their academic excellence
by assessing of their motivation
By interviewing the class.
1.7. What will I learn from doing my AoR?
I will be learned much more from doing my action research that the problem of late comer
student can be improved or minimized by creating awareness the disadvantage of late coming to
school to:
 Teachers: The Teachers will find this very useful and efficient for this to give them an
idea on how to handle their students’ behavior and mindset.
 Students: The research will provide the Students ideas and knowledge on how to avoid
being late on class daily.
 Parents: Will find this research as an efficient counter for taking care and managing their
Child to be off to school early
 Designing effect teaching method on late- coming
 Giving much time to talk for the late comer student
The above listed pointes enhance concrete solution for the problem of student center
method of teaching.
2. Work plan (time table)
Table1. The table below is a summary of the action plan to be followed in implementing the
proposed activities.
Developing of proposal
Observing the students
Information gathering
Data analysis
Report preparation
Report submission
3. Reference
MathematicsEducators.Journal of Research Development NARD,1,pp.66-71.
Ezewu, E.E. (1982), Some Significant Factors Associated with Late-Coming among Primary
School Pupils. Nigeria Educational Forum. Vol. 5. No. 2. Pg. 197- 202.
Oghuvbu, E.P. (2012). Attendance and academic performance of students in secondary schools:
A correlational approach. Study at Home Communication Science, 4 , pp. 21-25.