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Cellular Processes: Thermodynamics & Respiration

Cellular Processes
Cell Biology and Genetics
Dr Sarah Bajan
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Learning Objectives
• To understand
• Laws of thermodynamics
• Gibbs free energy
• Equilibrium
• Le Chatelier’s Principle
• Reaction Coupling
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Life requires energy
• A cell is a chemical factory
• Many reactions occur simultaneously, some to create new molecules, some to digest others
• These reactions are precisely coordinated and controlled
– Highly complex, efficient and responsive
– Involves the regulated flow of energy
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Metabolism Transforms Matter and Energy
• All of an organism’s chemical reactions is
• Functional cluster of metabolic reactions is a
metabolic pathway
• Sequential catalytic reactions to form product
• Enzyme activity is tightly regulated
– Balance metabolic pathways
• Metabolism manages the cell’s material and
energy resources
• Energy stored in in organic molecules
available to the cell – catabolism
• Energy is consumed to build large molecules
- anabolism
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
• The study of how energy flows through living organisms
• Energy is the capacity to cause change
• Used to do work
• Transformed from one form to another
• Forms of energy
• Kinetic – relative motion of objects
– Thermal – random movement of atoms, transferred as heat/light
• Potential - due to location or structure e.g. arrangement of electrons in bonds
– Chemical – available for release in a chemical reaction
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Laws of Energy Transformation
• Organisms absorb energy (e.g. light or chemical) and release energy (e.g. heat and metabolic waste)
• These energy transformations follow the laws of thermodynamics
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The First Law of Thermodynamics
• Energy can be transferred of transformed, but cannot be created or destroyed
• Principle of conservation of energy
• Energy of the universe is constant
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The Second Law of Thermodynamics
• Every energy transfer/transformation increases disorder (entropy) of the universe
• Some energy becomes unavailable to do work
• Disorder – specific molecular definition relating to how dispersed energy is in a system
• Measured as entropy
• Molecular disorder or randomness
• If a process contributes to increased entropy, can proceed without input of energy
• Spontaneous process
• Energetically favourable
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Free Energy Change (∆G)
• Gibbs free energy of a system (G)
• Free energy is the portion of a system’s energy that can
perform work with temperature and pressure are uniform
throughout the system
• Energy available to do work
• Usable energy
• ∆G can be measured for any reaction
• Values depend on pH, temp, concentrations
• Can predict if process is energetically
– - ∆G
– Important in the study of metabolism
Change in enthalpy (heat)
Change in entropy
Change in free energy
Temp (kelvin)
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Free Energy Change (∆G)
• Free energy is also a measure of instability
• Tendency to change to a more stable state (less energy)
• State of maximum stability is equilibrium
• Free energy of mixture of reactants and products decreases
• Lowest G
– Can do no work
– A cell that has reached metabolic equilibrium is dead!
– Metabolism as a whole is NEVER at equilibrium
• Change from this state is a positive ∆G and requires energy
• A process is spontaneous and can perform work ONLY when is it moving TOWARDS equilibrium
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Le Chatelier’s Principle
• When a system at equilibrium is changed, the system adjusts to absorb that change
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Exergonic and Endergonic Reactions in Metabolism
• Exergonic – energy outward, net release of energy,
loses free energy, ∆G is negative
• spontaneous
• Greater the decrease in free energy, the more
work than can be done
• Endergonic – energy inward, absorbs energy from
surrounding, stores free energy, ∆G is positive
• Not spontaneous
• ∆G = quantity of energy required to drive reaction
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
ATP Powers Cellular Work
• A cell does three main kinds of work:
• Chemical work – driving endergonic reactions
• Transport work – moving substances against
direction of spontaneous movement
• Mechanical work – beating of cilia, contraction of
muscles etc.
• Cells manage energy resources by energy coupling
• Use and exergonic process to drive and
endergonic one
• Mediated by Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
• Immediate energy source
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The Hydrolysis of ATP
• Chemical potential energy stored in ATP drives
most cellular work
• Hydrolysis can break the bonds between the
phosphate groups of ATP
• Exergonic reaction
• Releases ~13 kcal/ 1M of ATP in cell
• ATP is a ‘high energy’ molecule
• All phosphate groups are negatively charged
– Mutual repulsion contributes to instability
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Reaction Coupling
• The cell harness the release of energy to drive endergonic reactions
• OVERALL coupled reactions are exergonic
• Usually involved phosphorylation of reactant – phosphorylated intermediate
– More reactive
– Can change shape of reactant
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Reaction Coupling
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Reaction Coupling
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The ATP Cycle
• Use ATP continuously
• Renewable resource by recycling ADP
• Coupled reaction
• Working muscle cell turns over 10 million molecules
consumed and regenerated per second per cell
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Energy Flow and Chemical Recycling
• Energy flows through an ecosystem as sunlight and
• Chemical elements are recycled
• Cellular respiration uses stored chemical energy in
organic molecules to generate ATP
• CO2 and H2O
• Photosynthesis uses CO2 and H2O to create organic
molecules and O2
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Cellular Respiration
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Learning Objectives
• To understand
• Biological Oxidation and Reduction
• Respiration
– Product, equation and capture of energy
• ATP synthesis
• Relationship of NAD/NADH and ATP
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Catabolic Pathways Yield Energy
• Breaking down large molecules to release energy – catabolic pathways
• Energy results from electron arrangement in the bonds between atoms
• Involves electron transfer between molecules
• Enzymatic reactions degrade organic complex molecules (rich in potential energy) to simple waste
products (low in potential energy)
• Used to do work or lost as heat
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Cellular respiration
• Consumes O2 and organic ‘fuel’ – aerobic respiration
• Efficient catabolic pathway
• Fuel = carbohydrates, fats, proteins
• We will focus on glucose
• Exergonic Reaction
• Produces ATP
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Redox Reactions: Oxidation and Reduction
• Many reactions involve the transfer of one or more electrons from one reactant to another – redox
• Loss of electrons – oxidation (OIL)
• Addition of electrons – reduction (RIG)
• Electron donor – reducing agent
• Electron Acceptor – oxidising agent
• Electron transfer requires both a donor and acceptor, so oxidation and reduction are always paired
• O2 is one of the most powerful oxidising agents
• Requires lots of energy to remove and electron from O2
• If move electrons closer to O2 (reduced) - releases chemical energy
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Oxidation of Organic Molecules During Cellular Respiration
• Glucose is oxidised and oxygen is reduced
• Electrons lose potential energy in the transfer, releasing energy
• Generally molecules with lots of H are good fuels (electrons can easily pass to O2 – a lower energy
– Liberates energy used for ATP synthesis
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Electron Carrier
• Glucose is broken down in a series of enzymatically catalysed steps
• Efficient energy harvesting
• At specific steps, electrons are removed from glucose
– Electrons in the form of a H atom (also comes with a proton)
• Electrons are transferred to an electron carrier – NAD+
– Nicotinamide dinucleotide
– Coenzyme
• NAD+ is a suitable molecule as it can cycle easily between oxidised form (NAD+) and its reduced
form (NADH)
– Functions as on oxidising agent during respiration
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Electron Carrier
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Electron Transport Chains
• How do these electrons finally reach O2?
• An electron transport chain consists of many
molecules, mostly proteins, built into the inner
membrane of the mitochondria
• Electrons from glucose, shuttled by NADH, to the highenergy end of the chain
• At the lower energy end of chain, O2 captures the
electrons, with a H+ to form water
• Electron transfer from NADH to O2 is exergonic
• Energy release occurs in a cascade in an chain from
one carrier molecule to the next until reach O2 – the
terminal electron acceptor
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Stages of Cellular Respiration
• 3 metabolic stages
• Pathways to break down glucose
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Overview of Cellular Respiration
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Substrate-Level Phosphorylation
• ATP is synthesized when enzyme transfers a
phosphate group from substrate molecule to ADP
• Substrate is an intermediate product during
catabolism of glucose
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Glycolysis – Sugar Splitting
• Glucose is split into 2 x 3-carbon sugars
• These sugars are then oxidised and rearranged to
form pyruvate
• During energy investment phase reaction consumes
energy (ATP)
• During energy payoff phase, ATP is produced
• Substrate-level phosphorylation
• NAD+ is reduced to NADH
• Electrons released from glucose
• Actually a 10 step process
• NOT dependent on O2
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Pyruvate Oxidation
• Glycolysis releases less than a quarter of chemical
energy in glucose
• Rest remains in pyruvate
• When O2 is present, pyruvate enters mitochondrion
(active transport)
• Pyruvate is converted to Acetyl Coenzyme A (acetyl
CoA) via pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex
• A carboxyl is oxidised to released as CO2
– Oxidative decarboxylation
• Remaining fragment is oxidised and transferred
to NAD+ to create NADH
• CoA is attached
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The Citric Acid Cycle
• Further oxidation of pyruvate
• 8 steps
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The Citric Acid Cycle
• Red C at the 2 atoms that
enter cycle via acetyl CoA
• Blue C indicate 2 carbons
that exit cycle as CO2
• Carbons that enter the cycle
DO NOT leave as CO2 in the
same turn of cycle
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The Citric Acid Cycle
• For each acetyl group
entering the cycle produces
• 3 x NADH
– Steps 3, 4 and 8
• 1 x FADH2
– Step 6
• 1 x GTP/ATP
– Step 5
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Free-Energy Change During Electron
• Collection of molecules in inner membrane of
• Folding of membrane increase surface area
• Series of sequential redox reactions
• Multi-protein complexes from I to IV
• Sequences of electron carriers and the drop in free
energy as electrons travel down the chain
• Carriers alternate between reduced and
oxidised states as they accept and donate
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Chemiosmosis: Energy-Coupling
• Also in the mitochondrial inner membrane –
ATP synthase
• Makes ATP from ADP and inorganic
• Harnesses energy of existing ion gradient to
power ATP synthesis
– H+ concentrations on opposite sides of
inner mitochondrial membrane
– Chemiosmosis
• Protons bind to the protein, causing it to spin in
membrane – catalysing reaction
• H+ gradient – proton-motive force
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
What generates the
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
ATP Yield Per Glucose Molecule
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Learning Objectives
• To understand
• The stages of photosynthesis – the light reaction and the dark reaction
• The function of chloroplasts and chlorophyll
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Photosynthesis: Solar powered process that feeds the earth
• Plants contain cellular organelles called chloroplasts
• Contain specialised complexes that convert light energy to chemical energy
• Stored in organic molecules
• Conversion is called photosynthesis
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Chloroplasts: the site of photosynthesis
• Leaves are the major site of photosynthesis
• Chloroplast rich tissue of the plant, around 30-40 per cell
• Chlorophyll, green pigment, in chloroplast membrane
– Absorbs light energy
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Photosynthesis: Overview
• Chloroplasts, in the presence of light, produce organic compounds and O2 from CO2 and water
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Two Stages of Photosynthesis
• Light reactions
• Converts solar energy (visible light) to
chemical energy
• Water is split providing source of electrons
and protons
• O2 is formed as by-product
• Dark Reactions/Calvin Cycle
• Incorporates CO2 into organic molecules
• Organic molecule is reduced by NADPH and
converted to a carbohydrate by ATP
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The Light Reactions
• Pigments are substances that absorb visible
• Chlorophyll absorbs all visible light except
green light which is reflects back
• The absorbed light elevates an electrons
potential energy, moves to a higher orbital
• Molecule reaches an excited state
• Unstable
• Electron drop back down to ground state
releasing energy as heat/light
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The Light Reactions
• Chlorophyll and other molecules are arranged into
• Organised association of proteins
• Reaction-centre complex surrounded by lightharvesting complexes
• Solar-powered transfer of electron from the reactioncentre chlorophyll to the primary electron acceptor
• NOT dissipated as heat/light
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The Light Reactions
• ATP and NADPH are
synthesized by
photosystems (I and II)
• Flow of electrons
through photosystems –
linear electron flow
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The Light Reactions
1. Light excites chlorophyll
electrons in PS II, energy is
transferred between pigment
molecules until reaches
chlorophyll molecules (P680)
in PSII reaction-centre
2. Electron transferred from
excited P680 to primary
electron acceptor
3. Enzyme catalyses splitting of
H2O, released electrons are
passed to P680+
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The Light Reactions
4. Excited electron passes from
primary acceptor of PS II to PS
I via an electron transport
5. Potential energy in proton
gradient is used to make ATP
via chemiosmosis
6. Energy has reached PS I
reaction-centre complex
exciting electrons of P700.
Transferred to primary electron
acceptor. P700+ is formed.
7. Second electron transport
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The Light Reactions
8. Transfer of electrons to NADP+
to form NADPH (requires 2
• These electrons are at a higher
energy level compared to water
• Big picture: light reactions
generate ATP and NADPH
which provide chemical energy
and reducing power
• Used in the dark reactions
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Chemiosmosis Take 2
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The Dark Reactions: The Calvin Cycle
1. Carbon Fixation
Each CO2 is attached to a 5C sugar RuBP.
Makes a 6C, energetically unstable molecule
which immediately splits in half to form two
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The Dark Reactions: The Calvin Cycle
2. Reduction
Each 3-phosphoglycerate receives energy in
form of phosphate (from ATP) and is
reduced by NADPH
Forms G3P
Only net gain of one 3C sugar
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The Dark Reactions: The Calvin Cycle
3. Regeneration of RuBP
Carbon skeletons are rearranged into 3
RuBP. Requires three ATP molecules.
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
The Dark Reactions: The Calvin Cycle
• For ONE G3P molecules. The cycle
consumes 9 ATPs and 2 NADPHs
• G3P is used as starting material to form
organic compounds such as glucose
Cellular Processes, Dr Sarah Bajan
Questions and Kahoot