Please bring this packet with you when coming to Japan ADMISSION PACKET Fall 2019 Table of Contents [Forms] • • • • • Confirmation of Enrollment Consent and Release Agreement Physical/Psychological Examination Report Report of Inoculation and Previous History of Measles Arrival Information • • • • • • Arrival Instruction CJS Program Information Placement Test and Orientation Academic Programs Student Visa Frequently Asked Questions [Information] Submission Deadlines Form Deadline Confirmation of Enrollment Consent and Release Agreement May 31, 2019 Physical/Psychological Examination Report Report of Inoculation and Previous History of Measles Arrival Information June 30, 2019 Travel Itinerary (Flight E-ticket etc.) *Please submit the forms by email (TO: No need to send hard copies. Center for Japanese Studies Nanzan University 18 Yamazato-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8673 JAPAN Phone: +81-52-832-3123 / Fax: +81-52-832-5490 Confirmation of Enrollment We are happy to inform you that you have been accepted as a full-time student to Center for Japanese Studies (CJS), Nanzan University for the term beginning from September 2019. The official letter of admission and the Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) required for your student visa will be mailed to you in early August. If your address is changed from what you entered in the online application, please let us know your new address by July 15. In the meantime please submit the necessary forms specified on the cover page by the deadline. Contact the CJS Office if, for any reason, you cannot return the forms by the due date. In addition, please make a flight reservation to Japan immediately if you decide to attend our program. Any change in plans made after submitting the forms should be immediately reported to us by email. Please return this form to CJS by May 31, 2019 Confirmation of Enrollment PLEASE CHECK ONE: I will attend Center for Japanese Studies, Nanzan University for the Fall semester 2019,beginning September 2019. I will NOT attend Center for Japanese Studies, Nanzan University for the Fall semester 2019,beginning September 2019. Student No. Full Name *Your Student No. (CJS student identification No.) is indicated in the admission result email sent from Nanzan University. Signature Date Consent and Release Agreement IN CONSIDERATION of the participation by the person named below in the Center for Japanese Studies (CJS) program (hereinafter referred to as “Program”), an educational endeavor conducted by Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan, the undersigned (referred to as “Participant” below) agrees as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Participant has made an application to participate in the Program, that such Program has been fully explained by Nanzan University, and the Participant acknowledges receipt of a copy of the brochure containing a full description of the program. The Program shall be subject to the supervision and authority of Nanzan University, including the sole decision-making responsibility of the Participant whose conduct or academic standing may warrant expulsion or withdrawal from the Program. The Participant is required to attend classes regularly unless they are ill or due to unavoidable circumstances. The Participant is expected to display a sense of maturity and responsibility as a representative of Nanzan University. If the Participant is required to withdraw from the Program due to failure of maintaining appropriate standards of study or behavior, only that portion of his/her payment for room and board will be refunded which has not been actually spent or committed. Then, the Participant will no longer have access to any of the facilities arranged for the Participant in the Program. Nanzan University, its agents, officers or employees shall assume no liability for damage or loss of property or for any financial or other obligations incurred by the Participant either in Japan or elsewhere. The Participant specifically releases, discharges, saves, holds harmless, indemnifies and defends Nanzan University, its officers, employees and agents and each of them from any and all past, present and future claims, demands, and/or causes of action which now or in the future is asserted against any of the aforesaid by the Participant, by any person or party on behalf of the Participant, and/or by any third party or parties by reason of any accidents, injuries or action of such Participant while in transit to or returning from or while participating in the Program. In the event of injury or illness to the Participant, any representative of Nanzan University is hereby authorized to secure any necessary treatment, including the administration of an anesthetic and surgery. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Participant has caused this Agreement to be signed. Student No.* Signature Full Name Date *Your Student No. (CJS student identification No.) is indicated in the admission result email sent from Nanzan University. Completed by parent or guardian (if the applicant is aged under 21) I hereby consent to the participation of my son/daughter/ward in the Program as described in this Consent and Release Agreement and affirm all covenants and agreements above, including the release, discharge, save, holding harmless and indemnification provisions therein. Parent/ Guardian Signature Date Physical/Psychological Examination Report Please submit the scanned copy of this form by email by the deadline (indicated on the first page). Be sure to have the form completed by a doctor in either Japanese or English. Student No. Full Name Date of Birth Height Weight Vision (Right) □ With Corrective Lenses Urinalysis □ Normal Chest X-ray □ Normal Vision (Left) □ Albumin □ Blood □ With Corrective Lenses □ Sugar □ Needs further Inspection If the student is seeing a doctor regularly, taking medication on a regular basis, has pre-existing conditions, or requires further medical testing, please explain in detail. Are there any present, physical and/or psychological conditions that would make studying abroad inadvisable at this time? If “Yes,” please explain in detail below. □ Yes □ No Do you have any previous history of depression, anxiety or other mental issues that required medications and/ or counseling? □ Yes □ No If "Yes," please check one: □ Still Seeing a Doctor □ Not Seeing a Doctor Regularly □ Recovered I declare that the above statements are accurate and true. Doctor’s Name Hospital /Clinic Address Email Phone Signature Date Report of Inoculation and Previous History of Measles & Rubella Please check one of the five selections below and email us the scanned copy by the deadline (indicated on the first page). □ I have had measles and rubella before. □ I have had the inoculation twice. □ I have had the inoculation, but only once. □ □ Uncertain as to whether or not I have had the inoculation or had measles or rubella. I have not had an inoculation or measles and rubella. Students who checked either one of these boxes will have resistance to measles and rubella. Therefore, you do not need to be inoculated. Students who checked either one of these boxes should undergo an anti-body check at a medical facility. If deemed necessary, they should be inoculated. Students who checked this box do not have resistance to measles and rubella and therefore should receive an inoculation. I declare that the above statements are accurate and true. Full Name Student No. Signature Date Arrival Information Please submit this form to the CJS Office by June 30, 2019 along with the proof of your flight reservation (a copy of the ticket or a screen shot of the booking). All students are advised to arrive in Nagoya on either September 5 or 6, 2019. If any change is made, please inform the CJS Office and your host family immediately. Those with a religious visa and students from IES Abroad are NOT required to submit this form. Full Name Category Student No. Home Institution □Exchange □Self-Financed □IES □ISEP □OTP SVD Departure from Home Country Flight No. Date Time Date Time Arrival to Japan Flight No. Arrival to Nagoya □ Flight Method □ Shinkansen Flight No. Date Airline Type □ Bus □ Other ( ) Time □ Domestic □ International Must be submitted along with this form Proof of Flight Reservation Pick-up Service Request □ Yes Arrival Date □ No □ September 5 □ September 6 * Free pick-up service is ONLY available from Central Japan International Airport (Centrair-NGO) on the suggested arrival dates between the hours of 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. For Those NOT in Need of Pick-up Service Arrival Day to Your Accommodation Must NOT be earlier than Sept. 5th Approximate Time of Arrival Address until Departure Address Phone Email Person to Contact in Home Country in Case of an Emergency Name Relationship Address Phone Email Arrival Instruction Suggested Arrival Schedule to Nagoya September 5 or 6, 2019 (8:00am to 6:00pm) Who to Meet at the Airport [Homestay Students] Host Family Be sure to confirm on your arrival schedule with your HF so that they may pick you up. [Dormitory Students] Dorm mate, a Nanzan Student or Taxi/Bus Driver. They will be holding a "Nanzan University" sign at the arrival gate. CJS offers pick-up services only for those arriving at Central Japan International Airport (NGO) between the hours of 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. If you wish to be picked-up, please specify in the “Arrival Information” form, due June 30, 2019. Those Arriving Earlier / Later than the Suggested Dates If you cannot arrive in Nagoya on the suggested arrival dates, contact BOTH the CJS Office and your host family (for those who will stay with a host family) immediately after receiving your housing information. You will need to make arrangements to either wait for the next available pick-up service or get to the dormitory or home stay on your own. How to Get to Nanzan University from Central Japan International Airport It is most recommended to take the train, Meitetsu Airport Line, from the airport to Nagoya Station. You will then need to transfer to the subway from Kanayama (M01) to Yagoto Nisseki (M19). It is an 8-minute walk from the station to Nanzan University. It costs ¥1,440 in total. Another option would be using a taxi: from Central Japan International Airport to Nanzan University costs about ¥15,000 and takes about an hour. Irinaka (T14) on the Tsurumai Line is also close to Nanzan University. Directions Recommended Route 推奨ルート Nanzan University 南山大学 Main Gate 正門 Nagoya Koryu Kaikan 名古屋交流会館 Seirei Hospital 聖霊病院 Foyer Nanzan フォワイエ南山 Irinaka Station いりなか Nanzan Church 南山教会 15 min. Walk to NU Valor (Grocery Store) バロー(食料品店) Yamazato Koryu Kaikan 山里交流会館 Nagoya Daini Red Cross Hospital 名古屋第二赤十字病院 Yagoto Nisseki Station 八事日赤 8 min. Walk to NU Tennis Courts Golf Practice Range Japanese and Western Archery Range Athletic Field (Artificial Turf) East Gate Yamate Gate West Gate Pache Square Tennis Courts Central Green Main Gate Center for Japanese Studies located in R building ground level floor Classroom Buildings Building A Nanzan School of Law Ɣ Center for Legal Practice Education and Research Building B Building D Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Building G Building G30 Building H Building J Ɣ Center for the Study of Human Relations Ɣ Ɣ Centrum Center for Teacher Education Health Center Ɣ Student Counseling Services Special Education Office Ɣ Ɣ Building R Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Center for Management Studies Institute for Social Ethics Center for Area Studies Library/Office Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Building K Building L Ɣ Building E Building F Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Building M Ɣ Center for International Affairs Foreign Language Education Center World Plaza Japan Plaza Multi-Cultural Exchange Lounge Museum of Anthropology Building S Ɣ Center for Linguistics Center for Audio-Visual Education Nanzan Extension College Office Flatten Hall Center for Information and Communication Technology Center for Sciences and Engineering Cafeteria Book Store Convenience Store Learning Commons Building Q Ɣ Career Support Office Ɣ Learning Commons Other Facilities Building C Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Student Affairs Office Academic Affairs Office Dining Hall Building N Faculty Building 2 Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture / Anthropological Institute Alumni Association Center Main Administration Building Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ SVD Facilities Divine Word Seminary Admissions Office General Affairs Office Education and Research Support Office General Information and Reception Teahouse University Library Ɣ Learning Commons Faculty Building 1 Clubhouses Gymnasium Physical Education Center Ɣ Ɣ Indoor Pool Dining Hall Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Seminar Center Dining Hall Book Store Convenience Store Cafeteria Clubhouses West Guard Station Clubhouses 2 Logos Center Nagoya Koryu Kaikan Copain : Students Hall Ɣ Lien Ɣ Christian Center CJS Program Information Fall 2019 Academic Calendar Fall 2019 Suggested Dates of Arrival September 5 or 6, 2019 Orientation & Registration September, 9-13, 2019 Classes Begin September 16, 2019 Final Exam December 12-18, 2019 Final Day Suggested Dates of Departure December 18, 2019 No later than: the End of December 2019 (Fall Only) the End of May 2020 (Fall -Spring) * All students are requested to leave Japan by the end of the last month of their program regardless of the visa expiration date being longer. Nanzan Scholarship HIRSCHMEIER SCHOLARSHIP Coverage Application Eligibility and Receiving Qualifications Type I: ¥150,000 / semester Type II: ¥300,000 / semester ・Full‐time students with a valid “student” visa who are currently enrolled in CJS. ・In order to qualify, at least one semester of Japanese language study must have been completed at CJS at the time the award is granted. ・Those already receiving a scholarship from Nanzan are NOT eligible. Detailed information including the application period will be announced on Application Period the bulletin board at the CJS Office after classes begin. Accommodation Housing arrangements will be announced to each student through email approximately one month before arrival. Regardless of the type of accommodation, all students will be charged ¥60,000 / month. Following university procedures, monthly refunds will be given to dormitory residents and those whose housing are self-arranged to pay for their rent and meals. Placement Tests & Orientation Period September 9 to 13, 2019 Placement Tests Japanese language placement tests will take place in the morning on September 9, 2019. Please be sure to arrive at the CJS Office by 9:15 am. The CJS Office is located on the ground level floor of R Building of Nanzan University. Please refer to the campus map for its location. Important Notice Students are temporarily assigned to one of the five levels of the Japanese language courses based on the results of this Placement Test. However, the level of the Japanese language course will be determined at the final registration based on their class performance and the results of tests they take during the first two weeks (add/drop period). Please note that students are not allowed to change their Japanese language course level after the final registration. Orientation The orientation for the Fall Semester 2019 will also start from September 9, 2019. A detailed schedule of the orientation will be provided on the first day and series of orientation sessions will continue throughout the week. To be covered: Sep. 9-13, 2019 (5 days) ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Placement Test for Japanese Language Courses Opening Ceremony General Orientation Campus Tour Housing Orientation Academic Affairs Orientation & Course Registration Bank Account Orientation Student Life Orientation Computer Guidance Academic Programs Japanese Language Courses (Required): 8 Credits Each Japanese I Japanese II Japanese III Japanese IV Japanese V Lecture Courses in Japanese Area Studies: 3 Credits Each Japanese Business I Japanese Foreign Policy Japanese Society I Japanese Economy I Japanese Culture Japanese Popular Culture Japanese Culture and Art I Japanese History Japanese Religions I Japanese Literature I Japanese Literature III Topics in Management Sciences in Japan *Programs are subject to change Japanese Seminar Courses: 2 Credits Each Elementary Translation Intermediate Translation Introduction to Creative Writing Introduction to Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language Readings in Social Sciences I Readings in Japanese Literature I Business Japanese I Japanese in Tourism Introduction to Business Japanese Japanese in Volunteering University Preparatory Japanese Project N I Project N II Practical Courses in the Japanese Arts: 2 Credits Each Calligraphy (Shodō) Woodblock Printing (Hanga) Flower Arrangement (Ikebana) Japanese Culture and Tea Ceremony (Sadō) Traditional Japanese Dance (Odori) Open Courses: 2 Credits Each These courses are offered by other departments and are open for cross-registration by CJS students. Seminar in American Foreign Relations Seminar in American History Japanese Society and Law I Special Seminar: An Introduction to the Social Studies of Latin America Special Seminar: Intercultural Competence Special Seminar: Media Literacy in the Digital Age Full-time Credit Load per Semester 14-18 Credits *Programs are subject to change Student Visa Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) The Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) for “Student” Status of Residence is required to obtain the student visa. The CoE will be applied for by the CJS Office on your behalf at the Nagoya Immigration Bureau. The Immigration Bureau generally issues the CoE just over one month before the program starts in spite of our best effort to submit application earlier. Thus the CoE will not reach you before early August for fall admission and early December for spring admission. We will be immediately mailing it to the address you entered in the online application once it has arrived at the office. If your address is changed from what you entered in the online application or should you wish to have it sent to your home institution, please let us know your new address by July 15. Nanzan University will assume the following responsibilities concerning you: 1. Supervise your conduct regarding observance of Japanese laws and regulations. 2. Meet necessary expenses, including tuition fees, living expenses, and travel expenses returning home in case you are unable to. 3. Arrange housing / accommodation. Therefore, we must require all students to remit the advance deposit from which tuition, housing fees, security deposit, accident insurance, and the admission fee will be deducted. The unused portion of the deposit will be refunded at the end of the study period after submitting to the office a “no debt” clearance from the host family, dormitory administrator or landlord. Due to liability and legal considerations, there can be no exceptions made to this policy. In order to process your CoE, please make a tuition remittance by the due date specified on the invoice. Please note that ¥50,000, representing a ¥30,000 cancellation fee and a ¥20,000 admission fee, will not be returned if you withdraw from the program after paying the advance deposit. Student Visa Immediately after receiving the CoE, apply for a student visa. Go to the nearest Japanese Embassy or Consulate BEFORE coming to Japan. Present (1) your valid passport, (2) the official letter of admission and (3) the CoE. The official letter of admission will be mailed with the CoE about one month before the start of the CJS program at the latest. Applying for Student Visa & Entering Japan 留学査証の申請・⽇本への⼊国について Please follow the instructions below to obtain a student visa. A student visa can only be applied for and issued outside of Japan, and an incoming student must show a student visa to the immigration officer upon entering Japan. 以下の説明に従って留学の査証を取得してください。留学の査証の申請・交付は⽇本国外で⾏われ る必要があります。また、学⽣は留学査証を⼊国時に⼊国審査官に提⽰する必要があります。 Country You Are Living In In Japan ⽇本 居住地 (1) Sending Certificate of Eligibility (CoE)資格 認定証明書の送付 (2) Applying for a Student Visa 南⼭⼤学 Japanese Embassy/Consulate 留学査証の申請 (3) Issuing a Student Visa CJS Applicant CJS出願者 Nanzan University ⽇本⼤使館・領事館 留学査証の交付 Passport Control at Airport 空港での⼊国審査 (4) Entering Japan ⽇本への⼊国 (5) Submit CoE & Show Student Visa 在留資格認定証明書提出・留学査証提⽰ Immigration Officer ⼊国審査官 (7) Landing Permission 上陸許可 (6) Immigration ⽇本への⼊国 Nanzan University 南⼭⼤学 Frequently Asked Questions When will I receive the Certificate of Eligibility for my student visa? The Certificate of Eligibility is expected to be sent out in early August. Will my family be able to get on the pick-up service with me? No. The pick-up service is strictly for students only. Please have your family arrange a separate service to their destination. What do I need to do if I arrive on the suggested dates but NOT during the suggested hours? You will need to find your way to the dormitory by yourself or wait at the airport for the next available pick-up. If you are staying with a host family, please contact them to confirm where and when you can meet them. Can I send my luggage to the CJS Office in advance? No. This is not acceptable since we cannot take responsibility for keeping any unaccompanied luggage sent in advance. Can I open a bank account in Japan? Yes. You can open a bank account as soon as you arrive in Nagoya. This will be covered in the CJS orientation. Can I work part-time? CJS does not encourage students to work part-time because of the heavy course work. However, if it is necessary, you can work part-time with permission from the Immigration Bureau. How can I receive money from home while I am in Japan? You can ask someone to wire transfer money to your bank account in Japan. Please keep in mind that Japanese banks charge fees ranging from ¥2,000 - ¥4,500 for this service, regardless of whether or not you paid service charges at the bank where the transaction originated. (Domestic interbank transfer fees are likewise expensive.) Checks are not advisable, as they take a long time to process and require an expensive handling fee. Can I use my credit card and my debit card in Japan? Credit cards may be used in most places in Japan, but some will only accept cash. It may be best to bring some cash for your first month in Japan. As for your debit card, debit service is not very common in Japan, so a credit card may be far more convenient. Can I join student clubs/circles? Yes. You will have opportunities to join student club/circles after the beginning of the semester. You can see and meet the members at the clubhouse. Will I be able to use the Internet and computers? Yes, all students will create a university network account during the Computer Guidance. Once you have your own account, you will have free Wi-Fi on campus. Should I bring my computer to Japan? Yes. A majority of Nanzan students carry their own PCs and with the less-frequent usage of the campus PCs .The computer-rooms on campus are closing down. Although a few of the computer rooms are still planned to be provided, it is highly recommended to bring your own. How can I get a SIM card/portable Wi-Fi during my stay in Japan? Many students coming to CJS rent a SIM card and use it with an unlocked phone. If you would like to bring your phone, please make sure it is unlocked (SIM free) since careerlocked phones will not work with a Japanese SIM card. The monthly fee is under ¥2,000 with 3 GB of data and an IP phone service. It is not wise to rent a SIM card at an offcampus company because a 2-yrear contract is common in Japan. There will be a few companies coming to Nanzan during the orientation period to provide short-term services for a good deal, where the contract will automatically be terminated at the end of your stay. This will save you a lot of time. Can I stay in Japan for a while before I go home? You are asked to leave the country as soon as the program is over simply because you are on a student visa. It is strongly recommended for you to reserve a returning flight dated NO LATER THAN the last day of December for Fall Semester students and May for Spring Semester students. Contact Information CJS Contact Details Address Phone Center for International Affairs (Center for Japanese Studies) Nanzan University 18 Yamazato-cho, Showa-ku Nagoya 466 - 8673 Japan +81 (52) 832 - 3123 FAX +81 (52) 832 - 5490 Email Website