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Psychological Studies Article published paper notification

Psychological Studies
Psychological Studies
pp 1–14 | Cite as
Factorial Validity of the Student–Teacher
Relationship Scale—Short Form, Latent
Means Comparison of Teacher–Student
Relationship Quality and Association with
Child Problem and Prosocial Behaviours
Authors and affiliations
Michael Osei Aboagye
o 1
Jinliang Qin
o 1
Simona Pekárková
o 2
Collins Opoku Antwi
o 3
Yasin Jababu
o 4
Kotor Asare
o 5
Emmanuel Affum-Osei
o 6
Nila Akinyi
o 7
1.Zhejiang Normal University Jinhua China
2.The University of Hradec Kralove Hradec Králové Czech Republic
3.University of Shanghai for Science and TechnologyShanghai China
4.North Carolina A&T State University Greensboro USA
5.University of Education,Winneba Ghana
6.The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong KongChina
7.Maasai Mara Univiersity Narok Kenya
Research in Progress
First Online: 11 June 2019
The present study verified the hypothesised two-factor structure of the student–teacher
relationship scale, short form on Ghanaian sample, using confirmatory factor analysis, multigroup confirmatory factor analysis and structured latent means analysis. On preschool sample
(N = 2583; Mage = 4.29, SD = 1.34) from 10 regions, the scale’s measurement invariance is tested
across age, gender, and school types. The confirmatory factor analysis supported the two-factor
structure: closeness and conflict. The proposed two-factor model is found to be valid and reliable
in the Ghanaian preschool context. Partial strong factorial equivalence across age, gender, and
school types was identified in the findings. Significant differences in teacher–child relationship
quality were found between boys and girls, and school types. The results provide implications for
early childhood education stakeholders in Ghana. Also, it adds to the evidence of cross-cultural
applicability of the student–teacher relationship scale—short form.
Teacher–child relationship Student–teacher relationship scale (STRS-SF) Factorial
validity Latent means comparison
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About this article
Cite this article as:
Aboagye, M.O., Qin, J., Pekárková, S. et al. Psychol Stud (2019).
Received 26 July 2018
Accepted 16 April 2019
First Online 11 June 2019
DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s12646-019-00488-0
Publisher Name Springer
Print ISSN 0033-2968
Online ISSN 0974-9861