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Year 10 Documentary Analysis Assignment

Hampton Senior High School
Year 10 Training Pathways: Semester 1 2019
Due Date:
Viewing / Writing
Task 4: Documentary
Analytical (Week 6):
You will study documentary techniques, codes and generic conventions, and look at the ways the filmmaker has
attempted to direct and shape your understanding of a particular issue. You will follow a scaffolded plan, also
using a note-making sheet to align with paragraph structure, to write an essay.
Creative (Week 8):
In a timed in-class response you will present your opinions regarding an issue from the documentary. Attempt to
employ persuasive techniques, with a focus on clarity of ideas and vocabulary.
You must submit the following items:
(a) Thoroughly planned, drafted, edited, proofread essay.
(b) Timed in-class response.
(c) All comprehension and notes completed throughout the duration of this task.
Uses correct grammar (sentence structure,
paragraphing and punctuation use) and
standard Australian English.
Is able to follow a scaffolded essay structure,
in discussing generic documentary
conventions and key ideas.
Is able to respond to opinions presented in
the documentary persuasively in timed
All comprehension and structured
paragraphing completed throughout the
duration of this task.
Overall teacher’s comments:
Part One: Codes and Conventions
After watching the teacher’s Prezi in class, complete the following questions.
1. What are ‘codes and conventions’?
2. Fill in the chart below with the names of the type of codes that match the definition.
Types of codes
1. ___________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________
How camera work,
editing, and sound are
used to tell the story.
Slow motion shots in
Show what’s happening
beneath the surface.
Music, text, narrator, and
silence used to create
Soundtracks Vs. silence in
A character’s actions show
how they are feeling
3. Fill in the blanks for the definition of a documentary.
A documentary is a category of ________________ films that document an aspect of
_______________, primarily for the purpose of ____________________ or
maintaining ___________________ record.
4. What are the reasons graphics are used in a documentary?
Reason 1: ____________________________________________________________
Reason 2: ____________________________________________________________
Reason 3: ____________________________________________________________
5. What does archive footage achieve in a documentary?
Used to show _________________________________________________________
Helps give viewers _____________________________________________________
6. Jot down and notes from the Prezi on Digetic and Non-Digetic sound:
Digetic Sound
Non-Digetic sound
What are they both used for?
7. What is the Mise-En-Scene?
Definition: ___________________________________________________________
It must be ______________________
It can be portrayed through ______________________________________________
What is the lighting? ______________________________
Describe the camera work: ______________________________________________
8. What does conventional editing mean?
9. Fill in the blanks for the reasons for a narrator:
A narrator is used to move the _____________________ along. They are also used to
push an ______________ or ______________ on the topic forward. A narrator is
important to hold the narrative ___________________.
10. What does the gender of the narrator depend on? _____________ and ________
11. What three things about the narrator depends on who the programme is aimed at?
12. Why are interviews a key element of Documentaries?
13. Where does the interviewee look during an interview? _____________________
What Documentaries Do You Know?
List documentaries you have heard of, or if none research on the computer 5 popular
documentaries and fill out the chart below.
Documentary Title
Subject Mater
Target Audience