Chair of the Department of English Studies Professor L J R a f a p a Course Coordinator Mr JD Proctor Compilers Mr JD Proctor Ms LM Masehela Dr JE Mitchell Ms I Fouche Ms T Westbrook Revised by Ms Q Snyman Editing Prof CR Davey University of South Africa Pretoria Open Rubric © 2016 University of South Africa Chair of the Department of English Studies Professor LJ Rafapa Course Co-ordinator Mr JD Proctor Compilers Mr JD Proctor Ms LM Masehela Dr JE Mitchell Ms I Fouché Ms T Westbrook Revised by Ms Q Snyman Editing Prof C Davey All rights reserved Printed and published by the University of South Africa Muckleneuk, Pretoria ENN1504/1/2016–2018 98917498 Indesign All rights reserved. No part of this Introduction and Scheme of Work may be reproduced in any form except with the permission of the University of South Africa. Students who have enrolled for tuition may quote excerpts for academic purposes. ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English ENN 1504 WORKBOOK Table of Content s ENN1504 Workbook _________________________________________________________ 4 English Usage ______________________________________________________________ 5 1. Spellcheck _________________________________________________________________ 5 2. A Word or Two _____________________________________________________________ 8 3. Punctuation Problems _______________________________________________________ 9 4. Capitals __________________________________________________________________ 15 5. Dates, Times and Numbers __________________________________________________ 16 6. Preposition Problems _______________________________________________________ 19 7. More Than One, but Singular _________________________________________________ 22 8. Recommendations, Suggestions, Requests and Demands __________________________ 23 9. Overworked Words and Phrases ______________________________________________ 25 10. A Few Verb Difficulties ____________________________________________________ 27 11. Problematic Pairs and Groups of Words ______________________________________ 38 12. Mixed-Bag Activities for Miscellaneous Problems ______________________________ 49 Assignment Preparation Activities ____________________________________________ 56 1. Learning Unit 1: Writing skills in Professional Correspondence ______________________ 56 2. Learning Unit 2: Minutes of Meetings __________________________________________ 73 3. Learning Unit 2: Meetings: Language skills, grammar, vocabulary and style ___________ 82 4. Learning Unit 3: Report Writing _______________________________________________ 92 5. Learning Unit 3: Incident Reports ____________________________________________ 110 6. Learning Unit 3: Progress Report _____________________________________________ 115 7. Learning Unit 4: Proposals __________________________________________________ 123 Examination Preparation Activities __________________________________________ 128 1. Examination Preparation - Writing skills in Professional Correspondence ____________ 128 2. Examination Preparation - Minutes of Meetings ________________________________ 130 3. Examination Preparation – REport Writing _____________________________________ 133 4. Examination Preparation – Writing Proposals __________________________________ 134 Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 3 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Workbook for ENN1504 Dear Student, The activities presented here in print were primarily designed for interactive online use. This workbook enables students who have limited Internet access, and who are not able to spend long periods of time working online, to practice their English language and business writing skills in preparation for the formal assignment and examination writing tasks in this module. The workbook consists of three parts: • English Usage Activities: These activities are designed to help you avoid common flaws in writing style, including poor sentence construction and non-standard English usage in business documents. They also focus attention on selected mistakes in grammar, spelling and punctuation. • Assignment Preparation Activities: These activities will prepare you for assignments. • Examination Preparation Activities: These activities will serve as practice for writing examinations. For each question, you will see a suggested Model Answer (which is usually not the only correct possibility) and, where appropriate, an additional Feedback field where further clarification is provided. Kind regards, The ENN1504 Team Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 4 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English English Usage 1. SPELLCHECK In each of the following sentences, the word underlined has been misspelled. Correct the misspelled word. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Our offices are just accross the road from the railway station. Model Answer: Across Feedback: Only one “c”. I will be writting to you very soon. Model Answer: writing Feedback: “Writing” contains only one “t”. She is a member of the executive comitee, and will probably be able to assist you. Model Answer: committee Feedback: Double “m”, double “t”. I will not be able to arrange a definate appointment before Wednesday. Model Answer: definite Feedback: Spelling error. Definite is spelled with and “i”, not an “a”. Please see that there are enough tables, chairs, cups, saucers, ect. in the seminar room. 6. Model Answer: etc. Feedback: Pronounce this as et-set-era, and not as ek-set-era. I feel that this would be very good for bussiness. Model Answer: business Feedback: Derived from the word “busy”, which contains only one “s”. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 5 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 7. Why should we expect the goverment to do something about it? Model Answer: government Feedback: “Government” is derived from “govern”. Therefore, remember the “n”. 8. It never occured to him that the consequences could be so serious. Model Answer: occurred Feedback: When a verb ends in the pattern: consonant-vowelconsonant, the final consonant is doubled 9. 10. The guarrantee expires in about six months. Model Answer: guarantee Feedback: Delete the extra “r”. You had better speak to the manager about this immediatly. Model Answer: immediately Feedback: Derived from the word “immediate”. When adding a suffix, the “e” does not fall away. 11. There is no point in holding a meeting now. I think we should postpone it untill all the details have been made known. Model Answer: until Feedback: Like ‘truthful’, ‘faithful’, ‘hopeful' and so forth, ‘until’ also has only one ‘I’ at the end. 12. This kind of information could be gathered by distributing a questionair to all members of staff. Model Answer: questionnaire Feedback: Note that this word has a double “r” and ends with an “e”. This word is very often misspelled. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 6 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 13. 14. Yes, but will this have any detrimental effects on the enviroment? Model Answer: environment Feedback: Remember that the “n” is in fact pronounced. We could ask the proffessor whether he would like to attend the conference. Model Answer: professor Feedback: Derived from the word “profess”, which contains only one “f”. 15. Seminar Room 218 has already been booked for a meeting. We will have to hold ours in the dinning hall. Model Answer: dining Feedback: As in ‘dining room'. However, you can be invited out for ‘dinner’. The spellings of ‘dinner ‘and ‘dining’ are sometimes confused. 16. Should this not be convinient, please suggest alternative arrangements. Model Answer: convenient Feedback: Remember that “convenient” is usually an adjective. The noun form of this word is “convenience”. 17. 18. I have dicided not to buy the car. Model Answer: decided Feedback: Derived from the Old French word décider Please keep these documents in a seperate file. Model Answer: separate Feedback: Useful mnemonic: There's "a rat" in "separate." Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 7 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 2. A WORD OR TWO Part 1: Every Time In each of the following sentences the word underlined should be written as two separate words. However, in making the correction, you will need to reformulate the sentence as a whole. 1. When I go down to my reserved parking space, everytime I find someone else’s car parked in it. Model Answer: Every time I go down to my reserved parking space, I find someone else’s car parked in it. Feedback: 2. Every time is always two separate words. When I get an assignment back, everytime I notice that she has commented on my handwriting. Model Answer: Every time I get an assignment back, I notice that she has commented on my handwriting. Feedback: Without using the appropriate two words we could also say: “Whenever I go down to my reserved parking space, I find someone else’s car parked in it.” OR “Whenever I get an assignment back, I notice that she has commented on my handwriting.” Part 2: Spacing From each of the following sentences, choose the correct alternative in brackets. 1. He is a very authoritarian manager; (infact; in fact) it is not a good idea to criticise anything that he says or does. Model Answer: in fact Feedback: “In fact” is always two words. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 8 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 2. Please don’t park (infront; in front) of the entrance. Model Answer: in front Feedback: There is no such word as “infront” even though it is sometimes used in informal writing. 3. Your idea sounds (alright; all right) to me, but I think we should investigate the matter more thoroughly before reaching a final decision. 3. Model Answer: all right Feedback: “Alright” is a misspelling of “all right”. PUNCTUATION PROBLEMS Part 1: Correct the Mistake Correct the punctuation mistakes in each of the following sentences. 1. The person who’s office was broken into reported that some very important documents were missing. Model Answer: Feedback: 2. Whose going to chair the meeting this afternoon. Model Answer: Feedback: 3. The person whose office was broken into reported that some very important documents were missing. The apostrophe in ‘who’s' indicates that a letter has been left out. ‘Who‘s' is a contraction of the phrase ‘who is’ . The next sentence shows when ‘who's' should be used. Remember that 'whose' indicates possession: 'Whose pen is this?' Who’s (or who is) going to chair the meeting this afternoon? “Whose” is the possessive form of who or which. Its terribly hot in here. Is there no air-conditioning in the building. Model Answer: Feedback: It’s terribly hot in here. Is there no air-conditioning in the building? Here you need the apostrophe to show that the letter ‘I” has been left out in the contraction of ‘it is' to ‘it's‘. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 9 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 4. The committee submitted it’s report last week. Model Answer: The committee submitted its report last week. Feedback: Here the word ‘its’ is not a contraction of ‘it is’. No letter has been left out of the possessive pronoun ‘its’, so there is no need for an apostrophe. 5. We would like to introduce you to a friend of our’s. Model Answer: We would like to introduce you to a friend of ours. Feedback: As in the above example, the word ‘ours’ is a possessive pronoun that does not need an apostrophe because no letter has been omitted The same applies to other possessive pronouns, like ‘his’, ‘hers’, ‘its’, ‘yours’, ‘theirs’, ‘ours’. 6. All of this is subject to managements new policies, which will be made known within the next few weeks. Model Answer: All of this is subject to management’s new policies, which will be made known within the next few weeks. Feedback: Here the new policies 'belong' to management, so we use an apostrophe to show possession. Since we are thinking in terms of one management team, which is singular, the apostrophe is placed before the ‘s’. 7. Don’t ignore the warning sign’s. Model Answer: Don’t ignore the warning signs. Feedback: Avoid using the apostrophe to show that a word is plural The position of an apostrophe (i.e. before or after the ‘s’) is only needed to show possession depending on whether a word is plural or singular Whenever we want to show possession (i.e. that one thing ‘belongs' to another), we add an ‘s’. For example: women - women’s dog - dog’s cat - cat’s dogs - dogs’s people - people’s Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 10 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English However, we have a problem saying some of these words, like ‘dogs’s’ or ‘birds's’. (Most of the words that present this difficulty are plurals, since many of them end in an ‘s’ already.) We therefore add only an apostrophe, and not a second ‘s’. This is why, when a word already ends with an ‘s' the apostrophe appears after this ‘s’. The dogs’ bowls. The birds’ nests This same rule applies to names that end with an 's': James' pens. 8. She owes me twenty five rand. Model Answer: She owes me twenty-five rand. Feedback: Numbers such as this between 20 and 100 are hyphenated. e.g. thirty-seven, twenty-eight, forty-one, etc. 9. He owes me a days leave because he asked me to work on Saturday afternoon. Model Answer: He owes me a day’s leave because he asked me to work on Saturday afternoon. Feedback: Here the ‘s' is used to show possession - it is a ‘day of leave’. Similarly, ‘a month’s time’, ‘an hour’s time’, ‘two years' hard labour’. 10. In a truly non-sexist society we would speak of peoples’ issues rather than womens’ issues and mens’ issues. We could also discuss childrens’ issues. Model Answer: In a truly non-sexist society we would speak of people’s issues rather than women’s issues and men’s issues. We could also discuss children’s issues. Feedback: When an apostrophe is used to show possession (e.g. the issues of the women; the bones of the dog) and the word is plural, the apostrophe is usually placed after the ‘s’. For example, ‘the dogs’ bones’. However when the Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 11 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English plural form of a word is different from the singular form, there is no need to show that it is plural by moving the apostrophe after the ‘s’. In these plural words the apostrophe stays before the ‘s’, because the form of the plural is different: one man - two men - men’s issues one woman - two women - women’s issues one person - two people - people’s issues one child - two children - children’s issues 11. Is Arabic spoken in South-Africa? Model Answer: Is Arabic spoken in South Africa? Feedback: Do not hyphenate between capitalized words that are an entity. 12. Should I end this letter with “Your’s faithfully” or "Yours sincerely”? Model Answer: Should I end this letter with “Yours faithfully” or “Yours sincerely”? Feedback: Yours should never have an apostrophe. Part 2: Rewrite the sentence Rewrite the following sentences, inserting the correct punctuation where necessary. Some of the sentences may need to be reformulated. 1. The refreshments are not cold they are lukewarm. Model Answer: The refreshments are not cold. They are lukewarm. OR The refreshments are not cold; they are lukewarm. OR The refreshments are not cold, but lukewarm. OR The refreshments are not cold - they are lukewarm! Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 12 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: Remember that two statements that could stand as separate sentences should not be joined by a comma. Use a more appropriate punctuation mark, a conjunction (joining word), or make them separate sentences. 2. My Head of Department Mr Peterson suggested that I speak to you about it. Model Answer: My Head of Department, Mr Peterson, suggested that I speak to you about it. Feedback: Here the name of the person who is your Head of Department has been inserted into the already complete sentence, “My Head of Department suggested that I speak to you about it.” The two commas function as ‘brackets' to show the insert. 3. I have thought about it very carefully but, given the present situation regarding the budget I don't see how we can raise that amount of money. Model Answer: I have thought about it very carefully but, given the present situation regarding the budget, I don’t see how we can raise that amount of money. Feedback: As in the above example, the two commas here serve as ‘brackets ‘to show that something has been inserted into an already complete sentence. 4. This other man, he asked me what was the time. Model Answer: A man asked me what time it was. OR This man asked me what the time was. OR A man asked me for the time. Feedback: Most English sentences conform to the SVO word order (Subject comes before the Verb, which comes before the Object). Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 13 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 5. The people who were involved in the project, they worked day and night for several weeks on it. Model Answer: The people who were involved in the project worked on it day and night for several weeks. Feedback: The “who” stands in for the pronoun “they”. To use both is unnecessary and unidiomatic repetition. 6. The stove in the cafeteria does’nt work properly, that’s why the food is cold. Model Answer: The stove in the cafeteria doesn’t work properly, and that’s why the food is cold. OR The stove in the cafeteria doesn’t work properly. That’s why the food is cold. Feedback: Avoid using a comma to join two statements that could stand as separate sentences. Either separate the sentences or use a conjunction (joining word). 7. The other day the Supervisor called me into his office, he asked me to do him a personal favour but, I told him that I had not yet finished typing the letter that he had asked me to have ready for his signature by 12:00, he told me the letter could wait, paying his telephone account was more important. Model Answer: A number of variations are possible here. The main point is that you should avoid long, rambling sentences that are held together only by commas. Separate some sentences, and use conjunctions to join others. Here is one way of doing it: The other day the Supervisor called me into his office. He asked me to do him a personal favour, but I told him that I had not yet finished typing the letter that he had asked me to have ready for his signature by 12:00. He told me the letter could wait - paying his telephone account was “more important”! Feedback: We can see from this that punctuation does make a difference in our writing. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 14 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 4. CAPITALS Rewrite the underlined words, correcting the use of capital letters. 1. I asked you to end the letter with 'Yours Faithfully', and not 'Yours Sincerely'. Model Answer: I asked you to end the letter with ‘Yours faithfully’, and not ‘Yours sincerely’. Feedback: 2. Capitalize only the first word in a complimentary closing. I work for the Roodepoort city council. Model Answer: I work for the Roodepoort City Council. Feedback: Key words of the full name of a council, hospital, or other institutions begin with capital letters. 3. The victim was rushed to the Queen Victoria hospital. Model Answer: The victim was rushed to the Queen Victoria Hospital. Feedback: Key words of the full name of a council, hospital, or other institutions begin with capital letters. 4. I spent two months in Hospital. Model Answer: I spent two months in hospital. Feedback: Here the word ‘hospital’ is not part of an institution's name. 5. There were Black, White, Asian, African, Coloured, European and American representatives at the conference. Model Answer: There were black, white, Asian, African, coloured, European and American representatives at the conference. Feedback: Only names that derive from continents or other geographical areas begin with capital letters - names derived from colour do not. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 15 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 6. This is a matter for the minister of Transport. Model Answer: This is a matter for the Minister of Transport. Feedback: Here the word “minister” is part of the name or title of the minister’s job. 7. I will refer this matter to the Head of the relevant Department. Model Answer: I will refer this mailer to the head of the relevant department. Feedback: Here the word “head” is not part of the name of a department, and it is not used as the name of the post, e.g. Head of English, or Head of Department. 8. He managed to escape by swimming across the Mississippi river. Model Answer: He managed to escape by swimming across the Mississippi River. Feedback: 9. 10. 5. The word “river” is part of the river’s name. I asked uncle Charlie to give me a lift to the shops. Model Answer: I asked Uncle Charlie to give me a lift to the shops. Feedback: The word “uncle” is used as part of the name. I will speak to my Aunt about the dinner arrangements. Model Answer: I will speak to my aunt about the dinner arrangements. Feedback: Here the word “aunt” is not used as part of a name. DATES, TIMES AND NUMBERS There may be more than one correct way of expressing dates, times and numbers in writing. However, we sometimes combine the different formulations in ways that are incorrect, or we write them in the way that we would speak or read them aloud. Rewrite each of the dates, times and numbers that are underlined in the following sentences. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 16 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 1. On the 18th of December 1996 a fire broke out in the building. Model Answer: On 18 December 1996, a fire broke out in the building. Feedback: The suggested answer reflects the more widely accepted conventions, but note that there may be other correct alternatives. 2. 3. He resigned his post on 8/09/94. Model Answer: He resigned his post on 8 September 1994. Feedback: Always write the date out in full to avoid confusion. This type of music was popular in the early ‘70’s. Model Answer: This type of music was popular in the early ‘70s. Feedback: In handwritten documents, an apostrophe is often used to separate the letter ‘s’ from the number 70. Although this can also be typed, the smaller size of the letter ‘s’ makes the apostrophe unnecessary, and it is usually left out. 4. 5. He emigrated on 2/5/95. Model Answer: He emigrated on 2 May 1995. Feedback: Always write the date out in full to avoid confusion. She was thirty two years old at the time. Model Answer: She was thirty-two years old at the time. OR She was 32 years old at the time. Feedback: Some students seem to have been taught that whenever you express a number in words, you should also give the number in bracketed digits, e.g. “There were twentyseven (27) eggs in the nest.” This is neither necessary nor appropriate except when writing out a cheque. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 17 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 6. He is fourty-seven years. Model Answer: He is forty-seven years old. OR He is forty-seven years of age. OR He is 47. OR He is forty-seven. Feedback: 7. These forms are all accepted. Please have this done by the 2nd of May 1998. Model Answer: Please have this done by 2 May 1998. Feedback: The suggested answer reflects the more widely accepted conventions, but note that there may be other correct alternatives. 8. 9. I left home at 19h45 in the evening. Model Answer: I left home at 19h45. Feedback: The time implies that it is evening. I got to work at eight a.m. Model Answer: I got to work at eight o’ clock in the morning. OR I got to work at 8 a.m. Feedback: Usually, when using am or pm, we use numerals with them. When writing out the implied “o’clock”, also write out the number. 10. I will call you back before 21:00 p.m. Model Answer: I will call you back before 21:00. OR I will call you back before nine o’ clock this evening. OR I will call you back before 9 p.m. Feedback: When you use the twenty-four hour clock there is no need to add am. or p.m. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 18 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 11. 6. They were armed with AK47’s. Model Answer: They were armed with AK47s. Feedback: “s” indicates possession. PREPOSITION PROBLEMS Prepositions are words like in, on, over, under, against, through, about. Prepositions usually indicate the relationship of one thing to another - 'the paper is beside the copier'; 'the boat floats on the water', and so on. Rewrite each of the following sentences, correcting the use of prepositions where appropriate. Once you have decided which preposition to use, make whatever changes are necessary to improve the sentence as a whole. 1. I would like to bring this matter under your attention. Model Answer: I would like to draw your attention to this matter. OR I would like to bring this matter to your attention Feedback: This is merely conventional prepositional use: “bring a matter to someone’s attention” or “draw attention to” not “under” 2. 3. You came late at work. You came at half past eight. Model Answer: You were late for work. You arrived at half past eight. Feedback: Check preposition use. This style of management often results to inefficiency in the workplace. Model Answer: This style of management often results in inefficiency in the workplace OR This style of management often leads to inefficiency in the workplace. Feedback: 4. Check preposition use. I would like to emphasise on this point. Model Answer: I would like to emphasise this point. Feedback: No preposition required here. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 19 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 5. According to my opinion, there are too many in one office. Model Answer: In my opinion, there are too many secretaries in one office. Feedback: 6. Meaning is unclear. What are there too many of? She stays somewhere around this area. Model Answer: She lives somewhere in this area. Feedback: When thinking in terms of a person’s permanent home, use the word ‘lives’. A person can, however, ‘stay' temporarily in a hotel, or with friends or relatives. You also cannot live 'around' an area (a person cannot encompass an area) - you live in an area. Sometime we use the colloquial phrase to live 'around here somewhere' - which also means the person lives somewhere in the area, but one isn't sure where exactly. 7. In regard to the safety procedures, I think there is still much that needs to be done. Model Answer: With regard to the safety procedures, I think there is still much that needs to be done. OR Regarding the safety procedures, I think there is still much that needs to be done. [No preposition] Feedback: 8. It is, however; correct to say, “In this regard, I think....”. I went with a taxi. Model Answer: I took a taxi. Feedback: Check preposition use. This is not necessarily wrong, but it does sound awkward. 9. I went down to Durban with an aeroplane. Model Answer: I flew down to Durban. Feedback: The suggested answer reflects the more widely accepted conventions, but note that there may be other correct alternatives. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 20 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 10. I had to ask some money from my father. Model Answer: I had to ask my father for some money. Feedback: The suggested answer reflects the more widely accepted conventions, but note that there may be other correct alternatives. 11. 12. She is now married with a lawyer. Model Answer: She is now married to a lawyer. Feedback: Check preposition use. I would like to marry with you. Model Answer: I would like to marry you. OR Will you marry me? Feedback: These are grammatically correct, but experience and tradition require that you express this sort of thing in a far more original way! 13. 14. We have discussed about this problem. Model Answer: We have discussed this problem. Feedback: No preposition needed. Then we turned and walked to a different direction. Model Answer: Then we turned and walked in a different direction. OR Then we took a different direction. OR Then we changed direction. Feedback: 15. Change or leave out the preposition. She entered into the room. Model Answer: She entered the room. Feedback: No preposition needed. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 21 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 16. My sister came in the room. Model Answer: My sister came into the room. My sister entered the room. Feedback: 17. Change or leave out the preposition. The cleaning staff seem to be satisfied about their pay and conditions of work. Model Answer: The cleaning staff seem to be satisfied with their pay and conditions of work. Feedback: You are “satisfied with…” or alternatively “pleased about…” (although you can also say “pleased with”). 18. Please reply the invitation as soon as possible. Model Answer: Please reply to the invitation as soon as possible. Feedback: You reply to something. Alternatively, you could say “answer the invitation”. 19. I think they operated him late last night. Model Answer: I think they operated on him late last night. Feedback: The verb "operate" when used to mean "in surgery" must always be accompanied with the preposition "on". 7. MORE THAN ONE, BUT SINGULAR A few words are problematic because they are plural in meaning (referring to more than one of something), but the words themselves are treated as singular (referring to only one). Choose the correct alternatives in brackets to complete the following sentences. 1. Almost all of the (equipments; equipment) in the laboratory (were; was) damaged by fire. Model Answer: Almost all of the equipment in the laboratory was damaged by fire OR Almost all of the items of equipment in the laboratory were damaged by fire. Feedback: Equipment is a non-count noun. Non-count nouns are not used in the plural or with indefinite articles, like a/an. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 22 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 2. Some of the (furnitures were; furniture was) delivered to the wrong address. Model Answer: Some of the furniture was delivered to the wrong address. OR Some of the pieces of furniture were delivered to the wrong address. Feedback: Furniture is a non-count noun. Non-count nouns are not used in the plural or with indefinite articles, like a/an. 3. Eight of the (cattles; cattle) and fourteen (sheeps; sheep) have been stolen. Model Answer: Eight of the cattle and fourteen sheep have been stolen. Feedback: An object of the preposition “of” will usually be plural. Cattle and sheep don’t have plural forms. The singular form is used for plural also. 8. RECOMMENDATIONS, SUGGESTIONS, REQUESTS AND DEMANDS Write the correct formulation of the underlined words. 1. I recommended the committee that the membership fees should be increased with effect from 1 January. Model Answer: I recommended that the committee should increase (or, “that the committee increase”) the membership fees with effect from 1 January. OR I recommended to the committee that the membership fees should increase (or “should be increased”) with effect from 1 January. Feedback: In English, we recommend that …. . Otherwise, we need a preposition where “recommend” is a transitive verb. 2. The director, JK Peterson, proposed that the extent of the parking area will increase to accommodate visitors as well as staff. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 23 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Model Answer: The director, JK Peterson, proposed that the extent of the parking area be increased (or, “should be increased”) to accommodate visitors as well as staff. Feedback: We use the subjunctive mood here to indicate that the increase is a possible action in the future. If you use “will increase” that indicates definiteness, which contradicts the “mood” of suggestion and recommendation implied in the word “propose” . 3. He suggested that we must speak to the manager about it first. Model Answer: He suggested that we speak to the manager about it first. Feedback: 4. Subjunctive case. The Director requests that you must please put your proposal in writing and submit it to him before the next meeting. Model Answer: The Director requests that you put your proposal in writing and submit it to him before the next meeting. Feedback: 5. Subjunctive case. For these reasons, the committee recommends that: • more funds for the attendance of conferences • more furniture for the Waiting Room • an independent consultant should be brought in to advise on these matters Model Answer: For these reasons, the committee recommends that: • more funds be set aside for the attendance of conferences; • more furniture be purchased for the Waiting Room; and • an independent consultant be brought in to advise on these matters. Feedback: The bullets all depend on the conjunction “that” and so the grammar must be correct in each bullet, with correct punctuation used. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 24 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 6. We demand him to be dismissed from his post. Model Answer: We demand that he be dismissed from his post. OR We demand that he should be dismissed from his post Feedback: We are not demanding anything from him – we are demanding from his superiors (who are only implied in this sentence) that he be dismissed. 9. OVERWORKED WORDS AND PHRASES The following sentences contain expressions which are unnecessarily complicated or which have lost their impact through overuse. Rephrase the following sentences in clear simple. 1. 2. Enclosed herewith is a certified copy of my letter of appointment. Model Answer: I enclose a certified copy of my letter of appointment. Feedback: If the certificate is enclosed, the “herewith” is implied. Please be advised that the closing date for applications is 28 February. Model Answer: The closing date for applications is 28 February. Feedback: This is not incorrect, but it is rather wordy and can be shortened. 3. You shall be advised of our decision prior to the end of the month. Model Answer: We will let you know what our decision is before the end of the month. We will inform you of our decision before the end of the month. Feedback: Traditionally “shall” is used only with first person pronouns. 4. Thanking you in advance. Model Answer: Thank you Feedback: This seems presumptuous as it implies a desired action from the reader. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 25 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 5. At this particular point in time there is nothing we can do about it. Model Answer: At present there is little we can do to resolve the problem OR We are not able to immediately assist. Feedback: Don’t use more two words when one will do. Avoid wordiness. 6. At the end of the day it will be seen that this is in the best interests of all our employees. Model Answer: In time, it will become clear that this is in the best interests of all our employees. Feedback: 7. Avoid wordiness. I will be very much happy if you can reply me at your earliest convenience. Model Answer: Please reply/respond as soon as possible OR I would be very happy if you could reply soon. Feedback: Firstly, the sentence is unnecessarily wordy. Secondly, “much” is never used with another adjective, except in the comparative form e.g. “This is much heavier than that”. “Very much” is a compound adverb used with a verb in negative sentences like “I don’t like him very much”. Also, you cannot “reply someone”. You can only “reply/ respond to” someone. Also, after the “if” we use the conditional form “could”. 8. I look forward to your immediate response. Model Answer: I look forward to your response. Feedback: The word “immediate” implies almost a threat – as one finds in a lawyer’s letter. 9. To conclude, I hope that each and every member of staff will attend the end of year function. Model Answer: I hope that all members of staff/all of you will attend the end of year function. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 26 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: 10. 11. Avoid wordiness. I have tried by all means but failed to meet the deadline. Model Answer: I have not been able to meet the deadline. Feedback: Avoid wordiness. We must address the issue. Model Answer: We must do something about it. Feedback: Unnecessarily formal. The word ‘hereby’ is appropriate in some (usually legal) contexts, but not in others. The meaning is ‘by means of this document’, i.e. this document is my evidence. Rephrase the sentence below without using the word ‘hereby’. 1. 2. I hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 25th March. Model Answer: Thank you for your letter of 25 March. Feedback: Avoid wordiness. I hereby apply for the vacancy for the secretarial post as advertised in “The Sowetan” of 28 July. Model Answer: I wish to/would like to apply for the secretarial post as advertised in “The Sowetan” of 28 July. Feedback: 10. Note that you apply for the post, and not the vacancy. A FEW VERB DIFFICULTIES Part 1: Auxiliary Verbs and The Past Tense Auxiliaries are ‘helping words’ that form part of a verb, such as: can go may leave will apply shall do must respond could take might forget would finish should submit be (am, is, are) late have done did think Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 27 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Some students have difficulty with the past tense forms of verbs that have auxiliaries. Similar problems are experienced when converting direct speech into indirect (reported) speech. Rewrite each of the following in the past tense. Where direct speech is used, rewrite the sentence in indirect (reported) speech. 1. My dog can jump a six-foot wall. Model Answer: My dog could jump a six-foot wall. Feedback: Note that the auxiliary changes while the main part of the verb keeps the form normally used in the present tense. 2. “You may take a day’s leave,” she said. Model Answer: She said that I could take a day’s leave. Feedback: Note that the auxiliary changes while the main part of the verb keeps the form normally used in the present tense. 3. “I will try to negotiate a better salary package,” he said. Model Answer: He said that he would try to negotiate a better salary package. Feedback: Note that the auxiliary changes while the main part of the verb keeps the form normally used in the present tense. 4. He says that he will delegate more responsibilities to members of the department next year. Model Answer: He said that he would delegate more responsibilities to members of the department next year. Feedback: Note that the auxiliary changes while the main part of the verb keeps the form normally used in the present tense. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 28 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 5. I do not spend a lot of money on entertainment. Model Answer: I did not spend a lot of money on entertainment. Feedback: Note that the auxiliary changes while the main part of the verb keeps the form normally used in the present tense. Part 2: Having Trouble With Your -ing Endings Many students experience difficulty with the continuous (progressive) tenses, in which the verbs end with -ing. We use the -ing ending to show that an action is, was or will be ‘still going on’ at a particular time. Sometimes the -ing ending is used where it is not appropriate. Some of the following sentences are correct; others not. Where you think a sentence should be improved, rewrite it with the necessary improvements. 1. I am having a problem. I don’t understand the instructions for Question 2. Model Answer: I don’t understand the instructions for Question 2. Feedback: The problem exists. There is no need to point out that it is ‘continuing’. However, if a problem is recurrent, or there is more than one problem, you can say something like: “I am having problems with the engine, but should have them sorted out by tomorrow.” 2. I am having a headache. I think I should go and lie down for a while. Model Answer: I have a headache. I think I should go and lie down for a while. Feedback: The headache exists. There is no need to point out that it is ‘ongoing’. 3. I am asking for some money, I need at least R7.50 for buying a chicken pie. Model Answer: Could you lend me some money? I need at least R7.50 to buy/for a chicken pie. Feedback: There is no need to tell someone that you are asking simply ask! Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 29 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 4. At the end of the month I will be having more than two thousand rand in my pocket. Model Answer: At the end of the month I will have more than two thousand rand in my pocket. Feedback: The money will be in your pocket. There is no need to say that it will be ‘continuing’ to be there. 5. I’ll call you back later - I’m busy to work on my English assignment. Model Answer: I’ll call you back later - I’m working on my English assignment. Feedback: Here we do use the -ing ending, because the action is ‘ongoing’ at the time (i.e. now). 6. I am asking you not to disturb me for an hour because I will be busy to work on my English assignment. Model Answer: Please don’t disturb me for an hour. I will be working on my English assignment. Feedback: Don‘t explain that you are asking - simply ask! We do use the -ing in ‘working’ because this action will be ‘ongoing’ at the time. 7. 8. The time when he came for visiting me, I was out. Model Answer: When he came to visit me, I was out. Feedback: “When” implies “the time”. Staff members who are having their own vehicles experience great difficulty to find a parking. Model Answer: Staff members who have their own vehicles experience great difficulty finding parking. Feedback: “Have” should always be in the simple present tense when meaning “to own”. 9. I can’t complain about business, since this company is having a lot of customers. Model Answer: I can’t complain about business, since this company has Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 30 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English a lot of customers. Feedback: “Have” should always be in the simple present tense when meaning “to own”. 10. I think we are being discriminated against in this organisation. Model Answer: I think we are being discriminated against in this organisation. Feedback: The continuous form ‘being ‘is correct here because the action is ‘ongoing’. 11. I am working here for fifteen years and I have still not being given an office of my own. Model Answer: I have been working here for fifteen years and I have still not been given an office of my own. Feedback: We use the Present Perfect tense to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now. 12. I suffer from influenza. Model Answer: I am suffering from influenza. Feedback: Influenza is a condition that we might suffer from for a few days, but it is not an indefinite problem. The meaning should therefore be that we are suffering from it now. We use the continuous tense (-ing) here because the suffering is still going on at the time that we are referring to (La now). In the case of an indefinite or recurring condition we could say, for example, “I Suffer frequent headaches.” I suffer/suffer from frequent headaches. We don‘t need the -ing here because we are talking about something that happens often, and not about something going on at a particular time. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 31 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Part 3: Trouble With Have/Had Verbs Some students use “have” as part of a verb where they should use “had”, or vice versa. If you are not always sure whether you should use “have”, “has”, “had” or nothing at all as part of the verb, work through the following activities. Rewrite the verbs in bold type correctly. 1. Yesterday I have telephoned to ask him when he expected to be back at work Model Answer: Yesterday, I telephoned to ask him when he expected to be back at work. Feedback: This action was completed “Yesterday”, so we don ‘t need to show that it affects the present by using a haveverb. Also, since we are not referring to two past events, we do not need a had-verb. 2. I asked you more than once not to phone me at home. Model Answer: I have asked you more than once not to phone me at home. Feedback: You are still trying to make your point - that you don‘t want to be phoned at home. We use the have-verb to show that the repeated asking is still active (at present). 3. Although I went to Johannesburg twice before, I got lost and was late for my appointment. Model Answer: Although I have been to Johannesburg twice before, I got lost and was late for my appointment. Feedback: We can use a have-verb to show that the knowledge we gained from our previous trips to Johannesburg still (at present) doesn‘t help us. In a slightly different sense we could also say “Although I had been to Johannesburg...” Here we would be referring to two (or more) past events, and the earlier events take ‘had’. Attention shifts backwards from the later “getting lost” to the earlier “visits to Johannesburg”. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 32 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 4. I brought this to the management’s attention on several occasions, but nothing ever seems to be done about it. Model Answer: I have brought this to the management’s attention on several occasions, but nothing ever seems to be done about it. Feedback: The action is still relevant at present - the speaker is pointing out that he/she is at present frustrated by the lack of response. 5. I have raised this matter at the last meeting. Could you let us know whether any progress has been made? Model Answer: I raised this matter at the last meeting. Could you let us know whether any progress has been made? Feedback: In the first sentence, the action was completed at the “last meeting”, so we don‘t use ‘have’. Because you are at present interested to hear of any progress, you use ‘has’ with the verb. 6. I had thought about it for a long time before I took this decision. Model Answer: I thought about it for a long time before I took this decision. Feedback: Although there are two past events, attention moves forwards ‘from the earlier ‘thinking about it ‘to the later ‘taking of the decision’. Note that we would use a hadverb in a sentence like this, where our attention moves from the later event to an earlier event: I took this decision only after I had thought about it for a long time. 7. He is unable to do the job effectively because he had not yet received any training in that field. Model Answer: He is unable to do the job effectively because he has not yet received any training in that field. Feedback: We use the present tense “. . . because he has never Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 33 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English received any training...” because he has still not received the training, and it is still a problem. We can use “had received” only if we change the sentence so that it includes two past events: He was unable to do the job effectively because he had not yet received any training in that field. Part 4: Trouble With 'to-verbs' A number of students have difficulty with the infinitive form of the verb, particularly in the past tense. Infinitives usually take the form to run, to walk, to ask, to negotiate, etc. Note that the word ‘to’ can also be used as a preposition, which has nothing to do with infinitives, e.g. “We went to Cape Town.” 1. This is my first time to be in Johannesburg. Model Answer: This is the first time that I have been to Johannesburg. OR This is my first visit to Johannesburg. Feedback: Here we use ‘to ‘as a preposition, and not as the infinitive of a verb. 2. They use to held their meetings in the workshop. Model Answer: Using the past tense, you could say “They used to hold their meetings in the workshop.” OR Using the present tense, you could say “They usually hold their meetings in the workshop.” Feedback: We use “used to” + infinitive to talk about things that happened in the past – actions or states – that no longer happen now. 3. I should have remembered to asked the driver to deliver the parcel to his residential address. Model Answer: I should have remembered to ask the driver to deliver the parcel to his residential address. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 34 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: Note that even in the past tense, the infinitive form of the verb does not have the usual past tense ending (-ed), but keeps the form normally used in the present tense. 4. The salary, which was never satisfactory to me, eventually made me to resign my post. Model Answer: The salary, which was never satisfactory to me, eventually made me resign my post. Feedback: Note that we can say either made me resign, or caused me to resign, but not made me to.... 5. She kept on interrupting me, and this is what made me to be so angry. Model Answer: She kept on interrupting me, and that was what made me so angry. Feedback: You can’t use more than one tense in the same sentence. 6. You will have to try and do better next time. Model Answer: You will have to try to do better next time. Feedback: “Try to” is standard usage and appropriate for all levels of formality in both speech and writing. Part 5: Verbs With -s Endings For each of the following, decide which of the words in brackets is correct or incorrect. Delete (i.e. draw a line through) the incorrect word. 1. I can’t see that these consultants (has, have) made any significant contribution to the efficiency of the production process. Model Answer: have Feedback: The consultants = they You recall, no doubt, that only the pronouns he, she and it are followed by verbs ending in ‘s’. For example: Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 35 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 2. I have I know You have You know He, she, it has He, she, it knows We have We know You have You know They have They know Your bread and butter (has, have) been eaten by mice. Model Answer: has Feedback: Since bread and butter usually go together we think of them as ‘one ‘and use the pronoun ‘it’. 3. Law and order (has, have) been established in this part of the country. Model Answer: has Feedback: Law and order here are thought of as so closely related that we treat ‘them ‘as singular - ‘it’. 4. I don’t think that any of these politicians really (know, knows) what he/she is doing. 5. 6. Model Answer: knows Feedback: Any ‘one’ of the politicians is singular = ‘he/she’. The Executive Committee (has/have) recently passed a resolution to this effect. Model Answer: has Feedback: We think in terms of ‘one ‘committee, singular = ‘it’. The Board (has/have) already taken a decision on this matter. Model Answer: has Feedback: The Board- ‘it’. Part 6: Forms of 'to be' For each of the following, decide which of the words in brackets is correct. Delete the incorrect word. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 36 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 1. What we need most in our department (is/are) effective marketing of our products and services. Model Answer: is Feedback: Identify the subject of the sentence, and the pronoun that could replace it, and you should be able to do these. For example: Effective marketing i.e. it - singular) is. 2. If our Director (was/were) here, he would have a fit. Model Answer: were Feedback: ...our Director = ‘he’. Normally we would use the singular ‘was but when there is an element of doubt or something is not the case (indicated by the word “if”), we use what is called the subjunctive form ‘were’. However this rule is not always applied in everyday usage. 3. The team (was/were) congratulated on (its/their) performance. Model Answer: was… its Feedback: We think of ‘the team ‘as one group = ‘it’. However you could use the plural forms were and their when thinking in terms of the individual members of the team. For example: “Most of the team were given their awards soon after the match.” 4. The General Manager, together with four members of the Advisory Committee, (is/are) due to return later this afternoon. Model Answer: is Feedback: Because the four members are mentioned between two commas that serve the same purpose as brackets, we take only the subject of the main sentence – the General Manager = he/she. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 37 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 5. 6. 11. All I have for breakfast (is/are) toasted cheese and tomato. Model Answer: is Feedback: We treat ‘cheese and tomato ‘as singular - ‘it’. As from next year, I hope that this department (is/are) going to work as a team. Model Answer: is Feedback: this department=‘it’. PROBLEMATIC PAIRS AND GROUPS OF WORDS The right word in the wrong place or the wrong word in the right place? For each of the following sentences, choose the correct word from the given list. Write the words in the blank spaces, and then compare yours to the suggested answers. Part 1: Avoid/ Prevent 1. We should do everything possible to this from happening again. Model Answer: We should do everything possible to prevent this from happening again. Feedback: Normally, ‘prevent ‘means to take action to stop something from happening, while ‘avoid’ means to keep away from something unpleasant. However, you cannot avoid (stay clear of) something from happening, although you can prevent (stop) it from happening. 2. Our resources are so limited that I think we should _________taking risks until the situation improves. Model Answer: Our resources are so limited that I think we should avoid taking risks until the situation improves. Feedback: Normally, ‘prevent ‘means to take action to stop something from happening, while ‘avoid’ means to keep away from something unpleasant. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 38 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English However, this difference in meaning is not always taken into account in everyday usage, and the two words are becoming virtually interchangeable. Part 2: Convince, Persuade 1. I will do my best to _______ them to invest in this project. Model Answer: I will do my best to persuade them to invest in this project. Feedback: Generally ‘persuade ‘means to “talk people into doing things” by making them change their minds. ‘Convince ‘means to make people feel certain that something is in fact so. You can persuade them to invest in the project without them being convinced that it is the best thing to do. 2. I will do my best to _______ them that they should invest in this project Model Answer: I will do my best to convince them that they should invest in this project. Feedback: Generally ‘persuade ‘means to “talk people into doing things” by making them change their minds. ‘Convince ‘means to make people feel certain that something is in fact so. However; in everyday usage these words are becoming more or less interchangeable. Part 3: Advice, Advise 1. She gave me good ____________ . Model Answer: She gave me some good advice. OR She gave me a piece of good advice. OR She gave me good advice. Feedback: ‘Advice ‘is a noun; ‘advise ‘is a verb. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 39 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 2. I would _____________ you not to take this matter too seriously. Model Answer: I would advise you not to take this matter too seriously. OR I advise you not to take this matter too seriously. Feedback: ‘Advice ‘is a noun; ‘advise ‘is a verb. Part 4: Practice, Practise 1. Are you going to attend the volleyball __________ this afternoon? Model Answer: Are you going to attend the volleyball practice this afternoon? Feedback: 2. “Practice” is a noun. “Practise” is a verb. Your English usage will not improve unless you __________ what we preach. Model Answer: Your English usage will not improve unless you practise what we preach. Feedback: “Practice” is a noun. “Practise” is a verb. Part 5: Borrow, Lend 1. I will have to ___________ a pen from somebody. Model Answer: I will have to borrow a pen from somebody. Feedback: You borrow something from somebody. You lend something to somebody. 2. Please _____________ me your blue fountain pen. Model Answer: Please lend me your blue fountain pen. Feedback: You borrow something from somebody. You lend something to somebody. 3. Could you ____________ me your red pen for a minute? Model Answer: Could you lend me your red pen for a minute? Feedback: You borrow something from somebody. You lend something to somebody. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 40 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 4. May you lend me your blue fountain pen for a minute? Model Answer: Could you lend me your blue fountain pen for a minute? Feedback: You borrow something from somebody. You lend something to somebody. 5. Of course you may _________ my red pen but I want it back! Model Answer: Of course you can/may borrow my red pen - but I want it back! Feedback: The word ‘may ‘is grammatically correct here, but in everyday spoken English ‘can ‘is acceptable. Part 6: Lying, Lay, Lied 1. He was ________ on his side in the gutter when I found him. Model Answer: He was lying on his side in the gutter when I found him. Feedback: Once you lay (put down) a book on the desk, it is lying (resting) on the desk, not laying there. 2. He simply ______ down and fell asleep on the stony ground. Model Answer: He simply lay down and fell asleep on the stony ground. Feedback: “Lay” in this sentence is the past tense of “lie”. Part 7: Learn, Teach, Study 1. Now I am going to _________ you how to change a wheel. Model Answer: Now I am going to teach you how to change a wheel. Feedback: “Teach” means to share knowledge, while “learning” implies gaining knowledge. “Study” means knowledge is gained through attending classes or doing research in an academic field. 2. You should spend more time ________ you might even get a distinction! Model Answer: You should spend more time studying - you might even get a distinction! Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 41 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: “Teach” means to share knowledge, while “learning” implies gaining knowledge. “Study” means knowledge is gained through attending classes or doing research in an academic field. 3. You will have to _________ to pass your exams. very hard in order Model Answer: You will have to work very hard to pass your exams. Feedback: “Teach” means to share knowledge, while “learning” implies gaining knowledge. “Study” means knowledge is gained through attending classes or doing research in an academic field. Part 8: Loose, Lose 1. One day you are going to ___________ your handbag if you leave it lying around in other peoples’ offices like that. Model Answer: One day you are going to lose your handbag if you leave it lying around in other peoples’ offices like that. Feedback: “Loose” is an adjective describing something which is not tight. “Lose” is a verb that means to suffer the loss of or to misplace. 2. This box is going to fall off the truck if you don’t do something about that ______________rope. Model Answer: This box is going to fall off the truck if you don’t do something about that loose rope. Feedback: “Loose” is an adjective describing something which is not tight. “Lose” is a verb that means to suffer the loss of or to misplace. Part 9: Stationary, Stationery 1. From now on the __________ will be kept in the secretary’s office. Model Answer: From now on the stationery will be kept in the secretary’s office. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 42 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: “Stationary” is an adjective. It means not moving or not capable of being moved. “Stationery” is a noun. It refers to writing paper and envelopes. 2. My car was _________ when the cyclist collided into it. Model Answer: My car was stationary when the cyclist rode into it from the side. Feedback: “Stationary” is an adjective. It means not moving or not capable of being moved. “Stationery” is a noun. It refers to writing paper and envelopes. Part 11: Stays, Lives 1. I’m not sure, but I think he ___________ somewhere around that area. Model Answer: I’m not sure, but I think he lives somewhere in that area. Feedback: “Lives” implies a permanent residence, while “stay” implies that the situation is temporary. 2. Whenever she comes to Cape Town on business, she prefers to ____________ in a hotel. Model Answer: Whenever she comes to Cape Town on business, she prefers to stay in a hotel. Feedback: “Lives” implies a permanent residence, while “stay” implies that the situation is temporary. Part 12: Quite, Quiet 1. Business has been very ___________ lately. Model Answer: Business has been very quiet lately Feedback: “Quiet” means there is no noise. It is an adjective. “Quite” is an adverb and means almost completely. 2. You must try not to make a noise in here. People are sleeping. Please be ________. 3. Model Answer: You must try not to make a noise in here. People are sleeping. Please be quiet. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 43 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: “Quiet” means there is no noise. It is an adjective. “Quite” is an adverb and means almost completely. 4. __________ a few people have complained about the inadequate supply of stationery recently. 5. Model Answer: Quite a few people have complained about the inadequate supply of stationery recently. Feedback: “Quiet” means there is no noise. It is an adjective. “Quite” is an adverb and means almost completely. Part 13: Some, Others and a 'you can't use others without some' 1. Not everyone in this department is hard-working.___________ are not doing their fair share. Model Answer: Not everyone in this department is hard working. Some are not doing their fair share. Feedback: “Some” cannot be used unless whoever is being referred to has been previously mentioned. 2. __________ are earning fat salaries while, despite the fact that their qualifications are just as good, others are paid very little. Model Answer: Some are earning fat salaries while, despite the fact that their qualifications are just as good, others are paid very little. Feedback: Note that ‘others ‘and ‘another’ cannot be used unless the ‘one ‘or ‘some’ that they differ from have been mentioned first. Part 14: A, An, The In the remaining examples you will have to reformulate the sentence as a whole in order to correct the mistake. Remember that there might be more than one mistake in a sentence. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 44 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 1. He said that I will have to ask for a permission from my supervisor. Model Answer: He said that I would have to ask my supervisor for permission. Or He said that I will have to ask for a permission from my supervisor. Feedback: Permission is a non-count noun and therefore does not take an indefinite article. 2. I was waiting at the bus stop when the strange man approached with the knife in his hand. Model Answer: I was waiting at the bus stop when a strange man approached with a knife in his hand. Feedback: You could use the definite article ‘the ‘only if you had already introduced us to the particular man and knife. Often when you mention something for the first time, you need to use the indefinite ‘a’, but after that the definite article ‘the ‘is correct. 3. It’s an historical fact. Model Answer: It’s a historical fact. Feedback: In some cases where "h" is pronounced, such as "historical," you can use “an”. However, “a” is more commonly used and preferred. 4. I have spend last night in an hotel. Model Answer: I spent last night in a hotel. Feedback: Traditionally the words ‘historical’ and ‘hotel’ were regarded as exceptions to the rule that “a” should be used before words beginning with a consonant. ‘An hotel’ and ‘an historical fact’ were regarded as standard English. In everyday usage this no longer applies. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 45 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 5. Nothing can be done about it at this stage because there is the shortage of funds. Model Answer: Nothing can be done about it at this stage because there is a shortage of funds. Feedback: “The” is used to refer to specific nouns; a/an is used to foe non-specific nouns. 6. A hall that we use for meetings is too small, and also the canteen. Model Answer: The hall that we use for meetings is too small, and so is the canteen OR Both the hall that we use for meetings and the canteen are too small. Feedback: “The” is used to refer to specific nouns; a/an is used to foe non-specific nouns. This sentence refers to a specific hall. “And also” is redundant. You can just say “and”. 7. You should be ready to leave for the Conference Centre at 08:00 a.m. A transport will be provided. Model Answer: You should be ready to leave for the Conference Centre at 08:00. Transport will be provided. Feedback: 8. “Transport” is a non-count noun. When you return back, please give us all a Feedback on what was said. Model Answer: When you get back/return, please give us all some Feedback on what was said. Feedback: “Feedback” is a non-count noun. “Return” means to come back. Part 15: Can, Could, May In the remaining examples you will have to reformulate the sentence as a whole in order to correct the mistake. Remember that there might be more than one mistake in a sentence. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 46 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 1. May you please allow me to use the telephone in your office? Model Answer: May I use the telephone in your office? Feedback: “May” is used to ask permission, while “can” refers to the ability to do something. 2. You can leave the building only during lunch hour. Model Answer: You may leave the building only during lunch hour. Feedback: “May” is used to ask permission, while “can” refers to the ability to do something. 3. She’s not in at the moment. May I take a message? Model Answer: She’s not in at the moment. Can I take a message? Feedback: Although in strict grammatical terms “May I take a message?” is correct, in everyday spoken English we usually say “Can I take a message?” Part 16: This, These, That In the remaining examples you will have to reformulate the sentence as a whole in order to correct the mistake. Remember that there might be more than one mistake in a sentence. 1. According to my opinion, it seems as if all of these actions was intended to reduce expenditure. Model Answer: It seems to me that all of these actions were intended to reduce expenditure. Feedback: “In my opinion” is the correct phrase. “Actions” is plural and therefore the verb should be “were”. 2. Most of that issues have already been discussed about at management level. Model Answer: Most of these issues have already been discussed at management level. Feedback: “Issues” is plural and therefore should take the article “those”. You either “discuss” or “talk about” something. You cannot “discuss about”. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 47 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Part 17: Wearing, Putting On In the remaining examples you will have to reformulate the sentence as a whole in order to correct the mistake. Remember that there might be more than one mistake in a sentence. 1. He was putting on the same white T-shirt and a blue overall for three days in a row. Model Answer: He wore the same white T-shirt and blue overalls for three days in a row. Feedback: To put on clothing refers to the brief time we take to get dressed. Wearing clothing refers to the time after getting dressed that we have the clothing on for a longer period of time. 2. Lady, you should wear this for a minute - you’ll just love it! Model Answer: Lady, you should put this on for a minute - you’ll just love it! Feedback: To put on clothing refers to the brief time we take to get dressed. Wearing clothing refers to the time after getting dressed that we have the clothing on for a longer period of time. Part 18: Regard, Regards Choose the correct alternative from the words in brackets. 1. The politician paid no (regard/regards) to the reporter's accusations. Model Answer: regard Feedback: The subject and object are linked and need to be in agreement. 2. I sent my (regard/regards) to my extended family. Model Answer: regards Feedback: “Regard” is used in phrases like with regard to and in regard to while the plural “regards” means good wishes. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 48 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 12. MIXED-BAG ACTIVITIES FOR MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS The word ‘miscellaneous’ means ‘of various sorts’, or ‘a mixed collection’ that has not been arranged in specific categories. This is a particularly important section for students who do not speak English as a home language. Rewrite each of the following in standard English before you refer to the suggested answers. You might have to reformulate the sentence as a whole in order to correct its mistakes. Remember that there might be more than one mistake in a sentence. 1. Don’t you know that you are not suppose to use alcohol on the premises? Model Answer: Don’t you know that you are not supposed to consume alcohol (or simply ‘drink’) on the premises? Feedback: “Supposed” means “required”. Always use this form if the word is direclty followed by “to”. “Suppose” means “to think” or “what if”. 2. I will see whether I can be able to do it by Wednesday. Model Answer: I will see whether I can do it by Wednesday. Feedback: “be able to” is redundant. “Whether” already implies doubt. 3. Because of the following reasons, it has been decided that there should be no new appointments. Model Answer: Because of the following reasons, it has been decided that there should be no new appointments. or For the following reasons, it has been decided that there should be no new appointments. Feedback: These terms can be used interchangeably. “Because of” is just seen as more formal. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 49 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 4. I assure you that I will do my utmost best to find a solution to this problem. Model Answer: I assure you that I will do my utmost to find a solution to this problem. OR I assure you that I will do my best to find a solution to this problem. Feedback: “Utmost” and “best” are synonyms. Thus you need only one. 5. I asked her what was the time. Model Answer: I asked her what time it was. OR I asked her what the time was. OR I asked her for the time. Feedback: 6. When possible, try to conform to the SVO word order. One of the workers, Mrs Belinda have ask his son to come and fetch her at 04:00 p.m. Model Answer: One of the workers, Mrs Belinda, asked/has asked her son to come and fetch her at 04:00. Feedback: There is no tense that accommodates “have” plus a present tense verb. 7. 8. It seems that he is not able to cope up with his work. Model Answer: It seems that he is not able to cope with his work. Feedback: This was probably confused with the phrase “keep up”. There is enough vacant land of which it could be used for sports facilities. Model Answer: There is enough vacant land which could be used for sports facilities. Feedback: The rule of thumb with which / that is that which clauses are nonrestrictive (nonessential) while that clauses are restrictive (essential). Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 50 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 9. I think his work is far more better than your’s. Model Answer: I think his work is far better than yours. Feedback: There’s no such intensive form as “more better”. You can either say “far better” or just “better”. The possessive form of “your” is “yours” – without the apostrophe 10. This is not the way how you should go about it. Model Answer: This is not the way you should go about it. OR This is not how you should go about it. Feedback: 11. “The way” is redundant in this sentence. All what he said is true. Model Answer: All that he said is true. OR Every word of what he said is true. Feedback: “That” is a relative pronoun whereas “what” is a nominal relative pronoun. grammatical The parts two and words therefore fulfill different cannot be interchanged. 12. He is going overseas on Wednesday, and will return back at the end of January. Model Answer: He is going overseas on Wednesday and will return at the end of January. OR He is going overseas on Wednesday and will be back by the end of January. OR He is going overseas on Wednesday and will come back at the end of January. Feedback: The “back” is implied. Return means to “come back”. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 51 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 13. I am taking two weeks leave, and will return again on the 29th. Model Answer: I am taking two weeks’ leave, and will return on the 29th. Feedback: An apostrophe is always used to give possession to time and money. 14. I was busy to complete the document when he stormed into my office. Model Answer: I was completing the document when he stormed into my office. Feedback: 15. Incorrect tense. She was carrying a placard which was written, Down with Education! Model Answer: She was carrying a placard which read, “Down with Education!” OR She was carrying a placard on which the words, “Down with Education!” were written. Feedback: Since you are quoting what is being said on the placard, you need to use the correct punctuation for quotations. 16. He said that, why should there not be any new appointments? Model Answer: He asked why there should not be any new appointments? OR He asked, “Why should there not be any new appointments?” Feedback: Since you are quoting what is being said on the placard, you need to use the correct punctuation for quotations. Alternatively, you can use reported speech. 17. I was walking passed the bookshop when I bumped into my English lecturer. Model Answer: I was walking past the bookshop when I bumped into my English lecturer. Feedback: “Passed” is the past tense of the word “pass”. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 52 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 18. 19. At last she has past her examination. Model Answer: At last she has passed her examination. Feedback: “Past” means something which has already transpired. In my family we are four. Model Answer: Altogether, there are four in my family. OR I come from a family of four. Feedback: 20. Revise the sentence order to provide more clarity. There are so many people at the station today. Model Answer: There are many people at the station today. Feedback: Using “so” is not wrong, but this term should be reserved for casual conversation. 21. My daughter, she has to walk some few kilometers to school every day. Model Answer: My daughter has to walk a few kilometers to school every day. Feedback: There is no need for the pronoun “she” as we have already identified the subject (my daughter). Either say “some” or “a few”. 22. She was busy to iron his brother’s trouser. Model Answer: She was busy ironing her brother’s trousers. Feedback: When something is busy happening, we use the present progressive tense, which uses to be (am/are/is) + infinitive + ing. 23. The robber he was pretending as if he was an electrician. Model Answer: The robber pretended to be/that he was an electrician. Feedback: No need for pronoun when the subject has just been identified (the robber). Also, either say “pretending to be” or “pretending that”. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 53 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 24. I am planning to do an application for this vacancy. Model Answer: I am planning to apply for this post. Feedback: You do not “do” an application. You can complete or submit an application, or you apply for something. 25. Why don’t you drink some tablets - I’m sure it is going to help. Model Answer: Why don’t you take some tablets - I’m sure they will help. Feedback: 26. “It” refers to a single thing. Tablets are plural. When one comes late, you should enter in through the back door. Model Answer: When one comes late, one should enter through the back door. OR When you come late you should enter through the back door. Feedback: When you refer to “one”, you must do so throughout the sentence to avoid confusion. 27. The refreshments are not cold they are lukewarm. Model Answer: The refreshments are not cold - they are lukewarm. OR The refreshments are not cold; they are lukewarm. OR The refreshments are not cold. They are lukewarm. Feedback: 28. Remember punctuation! Then I have asked the security where was the emergency exit. Model Answer: Then I asked the security guard where the emergency exit was. Feedback: Revise word order. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 54 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 29. May you please reply this invitation as soon as possible. Model Answer: Could you please reply to this invitation as soon as possible? OR Please reply to this invitation as soon as possible. Feedback: “May” implies asking for permission whereas “can” or “could” refers to ability. 30. The factory was build on a disused piece of land. Model Answer: The factory was built on a disused piece of land. Feedback: The past participle of “build” used to be “builded”, but that form is now archaic; it is now “built”. 31. John would make an excellent basketball player, he must be at least 1.9m long. Model Answer: John would make an excellent basketball player – he must be at least 1.9m tall. Feedback: A dash would be more effective here to emphasize the conclusion of your sentence. 32. As we all know that most of us have to park across the road, we are having a problem of stolen car’s. Model Answer: As we all know, most of us have to park across the road, and this is why our cars are being stolen/ car theft is a serious problem OR Most of us have to park across the road, and this is why our cars are being stolen/ car theft is a serious problem. Feedback: In this sentence, “to have” (we are having) is a static verb. Static verbs usually take the non-progressive verb form. Also, an apostrophe indicates possession. To make “car” plural, you need only add an “s”. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 55 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Assignment Preparation Activities 1. LEARNING UNIT 1: WRITING SKILLS IN PROFESSIONAL CORRESPONDENCE These activities are here to help you prepare for your assignment questions. The first few questions are sentence level questions that encompass some relevant grammar and structure errors. These can help you prepare for the next step, the paragraph level questions. 1. MEMORANDUM To: Each and every staff member Model Answer: MEMORANDUM To: Each and every staff member Feedback: Saying "each and every staff member" is unnecessarily long. You're aim is to put across a clear and concise message. You therefore want to use the minimum number of words needed (without sacrificing meaning). 2. MEMORANDUM From: The Course Coordinator Model Answer: MEMORANDUM From: Z Suliman Course Coordinator Feedback: When writing a professional memorandum, it is always best to indicate the name and position of the person sending the memorandum. A name only can be vague and a position only is very impersonal. By including both you ensure that the reader immediately knows who the memorandum is coming from. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 56 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 3. 5. Date: 12/08/12 Model Answer: Date: 12 August 2012 Feedback: 4. Always write the date out in full. ... the 12 November 2014 ... Model Answer: ... 12 November 2014... or ... the 12th of November 2014... Feedback: Note that there are two ways to write this date. These often get mixed up resulting in the wrong example given. Decide what it is you want to say and make sure you choose only one format when writing a date. *** Remember that it is better to write a date out in full in professional correspondence. 6. Marigold account academy Model Answer: Marigold Accounting Academy Feedback: All the words in the name of an organisation should start with capital letters. This also applies to the name of a position. (i.e. Human Resource Manager) 7. Orientation will take place on Saturday the 12th of August and Sunday the 13th of August from 08h00 to 3:00 pm. Model Answer: Orientation will take place on the weekend of 12-13 August, from 08:00 – 15:00 each day. Feedback: Remember that your aim is to put across a concise message. If it is possible to say something in fewer words without compromising clarity, it is almost always better to do so. In this example, mentioning each day separately can confuse your reader. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 57 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 8. School will start the 14th of August and boy and girl students should be there at 8 am. Model Answer: All students should be there at 8am when school starts on the 14th of August. Feedback: “Boy and girl students” implies all students so it makes more sense to say "all students". (After all, what other students are there?) 9. Please decide on your classes and each and every student must choose 6 which they must take. Model Answer: All students should decide on 6 compulsory classes. Feedback: Avoid wordiness (using more words than necessary to say something). 10. The classes include mathematics and english courses. Model Answer: The classes include mathematics and English courses. Feedback: Names of languages are always written with a capital letter. Generic subjects need not be written with capital letters. Where you are referring to the name of a class, such as Mathematics 101, you would use a capital letter because it is a name. 11. We need to choose 6 (six) classes each this will make up the students curriculum. Model Answer: We need to choose 6 classes each, this will make up the student’s curriculum. Feedback: Separate the two sections in the sentence with a comma. Note that this sentence can also be rewritten: "The student's curriculum will consist of 6 classes". 12. Thank you for your cooperation and hard work of which it is much appreciated, enjoy the fun day and learn more about yourself, your fellow students and put your iq to the test. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 58 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Model Answer: Enjoy the Fun Day – learn more about yourself and your fellow students, and put your IQ to the test OR Thank you for your cooperation and hard work. OR Your cooperation and hard work is much appreciated. Feedback: There is too much information in this sentence. It needs to be shortened or converted into more than one sentence. Also note that the start of the sentence should read: "Thank you for your cooperation and hard work which is much appreciated". This (relative) pronoun should stand alone. 13. As you all know that its once again time for school to start at Marigold account academy. Orientation is on Saturday the 12th August and Sunday the 13th of August from 08h00 to 3:00 pm. Please try and come and decide whether you want to come on Saturday and Sunday. It will tell you if students must do stuff. School will start the 14 of August and boy and girl students will be there. Remember that you must choose your classes. Please decide on your classes and each and every student must choose. There are many classes to choose. The classes includes mathematic and English courses. We need to choose 6 (six) classes each this will make up the students curriculum. Model Answer: As you all know, it’s once again time for school to start at Marigold Accounting Academy. Orientation will take place on the weekend of 12-13 August, from 08:00 – 15:00 each day. You may attend the orientation either day. Orientation will inform you about what the school year ahead has in store for you. All students should be there when school starts on the 14th of August. This is when they will select the classes they prefer. The classes include mathematics and English courses. Students should decide on 6 compulsory classes. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 59 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: Sentences should never be too long, as they tend to become awkward. A good ‘rule of thumb’ is to try to keep sentences to a length of about twenty words. 14. It came to my attention that other members are taking leave in our busy time. I did receive reports to some senior staff members who complained about that issue. Staff have to take leave when we are not busy. There are deadlines that I must meet and they must consider me. I will give you dates when you must take off so that each and every staff member must know to avoid senior staff complaining. Hope everyone will be satisfied about this and no one will be inconsiderate. Model Answer: I am concerned that staff members are taking leave during our busy period at work. As a result of a lack of staff to complete the work at hand, some senior staff members are failing to meet the deadlines set by management. Arrangements for leave should be planned well in advance, and staff should take into consideration our need to meet our deadlines. To help you plan in advance, I will issue a year plan that highlights the company deadlines, so that you may plan around it. I trust that these arrangements will alleviate our leave dilemma. Feedback: Revise edit and proofread the text and rewrite the whole Memo. Remember to improve the writing style and tone; ensure that there is consistency in spelling and style; and improve on the introduction and the conclusion. 15. After so many e-mail inquiries to your company about three new Nokia tablets which I, two weeks ago, authorized to purchase, but was up to now not delivered. There for I have no option but, to cancel the orders for the new machines. Model Answer: We are concerned about a delay in delivery of Nokia tablets ordered in November. Please would you look into this matter, as we have not had a satisfactory response to our e-mail enquiries? Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 60 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English On 10 August 2012, I placed an order for four Samsung Galaxy tablets which were to be delivered within 7 working days. We received the invoice (No. 32ZX556L) on 12 August, but are still awaiting delivery of the machines. You will appreciate that this setback impacts our efficiency. We would expect delivery within the next week. Should you be unable to assist us, I will have no alternative but to cancel our order. Feedback: The most obvious flaw is lack of clarity. This has been caused by errors of language usage and sentences that contain more than one idea. 16. You are Convenor of a task team that has been working on an important project in an organisation. You feel that the team members deserve praise and encouragement, and are writing an email message to them. Your first draft is presented below. Read it carefully a few times, and then rewrite the message, making whatever improvements you consider necessary. In addition to correcting mistakes in language, you should improve the paragraphing and writing style. Email addresses and computer screen layout are not required. Greetings to fellow Task Team membership, I hereby cite my unconditional appreciation on the support and your splendid work well done during the "Know Your status campaign" at Amalgamated Filtration Industries. Success did not come through talking in this regards but through your consistent hardworking, dedication and objectiveness. As a team we have demonstrated beyond unreasonable doubts that we are devoted on transmitting knowledge in the conception of development and through a driving role on this campaign. Obviously each and every members of the Know Your Status Project Team had done his/her utmost best in this regards. Even the top management voiced out that they were very much impressed because of what they saw was done. Your dedication to work is without question and the zeal with which you had gone about in your respective responsibilities deserves to be emulated. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 61 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English I have a full confidence in your latent capacity of competent and productivity as individual. I say this because most of the workers on this company knows what is their status, if they got HIV/AIDS and can be able to act accordingly in a responsible manner and seek for help, those who are in need of it, but the confidentiality had been respected at all times and all the arrangements that we had come up with about the testing was fine. And may everyone please put more effort on saving the lives. Yours in HIV/AIDS preventing and treatment, Johannes Beeslaar Model Answer: Dear Task Team members I would like to thank each one of you for the combined effort that made the Know Your Status campaign at Amalgamated Filtration Industries such a success. Most of the company’s employees are now aware of their HIV/AIDS status. Those who tested positive know where to go for treatment, assured that confidentiality of test results will be respected. Together you have set a high standard in the prevention of HIV/AIDS for those who follow in your footsteps. I am really proud of you! Your dedication has not gone unnoticed by management, who were particularly impressed by what they observed, and by the results achieved. They have requested that I convey their sincere appreciation. Keep up the great work of saving lives! Kind regards, Johannes Beeslaar Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 62 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 17. You are the Chief Training Officer at Publish House. You have moved to new premises, despite the fact that renovations may continue for another month. Most staff are being accommodated in an open plan office (referred to by dissatisfied staff members as “Squatterville”) while renovation continues in the rest of the building. Complaints have been received from staff members regarding noise levels, and lack of respect for personal boundaries. In an effort to defuse the tense situation, management have requested that you send out a memo containing rules of etiquette (i.e. guidelines for conduct) appropriate to this situation. Read the draft memo below critically and then improve on it by revising, editing, and proofreading it. This means that you should write your own version of the message, and may add or leave out information. In your revised version, you should have grammatically correct English, appropriate style and well-structured paragraphs. Your answer should not exceed one page in length. MEMORANDUM TO: EVERYONE AT SQUATTERVILLE FROM: MaNAGMENT Date: MARCH ‘14 Hereby rules of etiquette at an open plan office: • Respect other’s privacy Working like we do is requiring discipline and respect for other’s privacy and personal space. If you have been having problems with a colleague or manager you must discuss about this problems in the privacy of a closed office with the person who is causing the problem, or you must go outside. • Use a reasonable level of voice Be cautious of your voice level so that you are not forever talking to loudly. • Announce yourself Don’t asume that all staff are having an opendoor-policy. Don’t barge into someone’s elses office space without checking that you are not interrupting, a verbal knock-knock will be appreciated. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 63 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English • Private lifes Wherever you find yourself in Squatterville you are in hearing distance of each other. Leave your personal drama at home. The whole floor does not need to hear about your cheating boyfriends’ last wrong-doing or your child or grandchild’s potty training. Sometimes youre going to hear personal stuff not for your ears. Make as if you didn’t hear this things and don’t repeat it again to some other’s. • Personal boundaries When borrowing staples, punchers, telephone directories, ect always ask if it’s OK first. Make sure you return it promptly. Before you move anything that belongs to a colleague, first ask permission. Messing with someone else’s stuff and territory can lead to a bad thing. • Don’t hold meeting in other’s workspace Plan ahead and get time to schedule a meeting, plan to hold it in an appropriate setting not in Squatterville. • If impromptu conversations looks like they’re going to take sometime, find an isolated spot Did you get onto a fascinating topic or in to a heated debate? Move it out of your work space not just to the nearest corridor. If its disruptive to speak at your desk, it will negatively impact on each and everyones’ performance and on your annual performance appraisal. Your immediate consideration to this thorny issues will be highly appreciated. Thanking you in advance. By management. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 64 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Model Answer: PUBLISH HOUSE MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: All members of staff M Venter: Chief Training Officer 5 March 2015 WORKING IN AN OPEN PLAN OFFICE During this transitional period, pending the completion of our office renovations, please ensure that you adhere to the following guidelines in order to maintain a harmonious working environment within the open plan office space: • • • • • Privacy: Please respect others’ privacy and personal space. Exercise discretion when talking about your private lives. Personal matters are to be addressed outside of the shared office space. Voice level: Keep noise levels low so as not to disturb others. Interruptions: Avoid interrupting other members of staff, especially when you can see they are busy. Personal possessions: Please do not borrow any stationery or equipment without asking for permission, and be sure to return it promptly. Meetings and impromptu conversations: Meetings should not be held in the shared office environment. Similarly, lengthy discussions should take place away from the open plan office. We are confident that renovations will be completed within the next few weeks, and we will keep you updated. Thank you for your cooperation. M Venter 18. Imagine that you hold the position of Director: Purchasing Department in a particular organisation. You have been having problems with a certain supplier of office equipment. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 65 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Three weeks ago you authorised the purchase of four new fax machines, but these have not yet been delivered. There have also been technical problems with the same make of machine previously purchased from this supplier. Even though you have telephoned them numerous times to enquire, the problem has still not beensolved. Imagine that the letter below is your first draft in which you inform the manager of this supplier that you have stopped payment for the new machines because they have not kept to the promised date of delivery. Also, tell him/her that you are returning the machines purchased earlier and expect them to be replaced or repaired in terms of the guarantee. Revise, edit and proofread this draft of your letter to improve clarity. NB Struben: Director: Purchasing Department Transnamib Independence Ave Walvis Bay 10/04/03 J van Wyk: Sales Manager Nashua Namibia Arlington road Windhoek Dear Sir: Complaine about goods ordered. After various telephone inquiries to your company about four new Samsung fax machines which I, three weeks ago, authorised to purchase, but was up to now not delivered. I also experienced technical problems with this same make. Therefor I have no alternative but, to cancel the orders for the new ma-chines and that I’m returning the machines purchased earlier for replacement or repair it in terms of the guarrantee. Yours sincerely N B STRUBEN DIRECTOR: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 66 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Model Answer: TRANSNAMIB 128 Independence Avenue WALVIS BAY 2047 10 April 2012 J van Wyk Sales Manager Nashua Namibia Arlington Road WINDHOEK 2608 Dear Mr Van Wyk SERVICE/REPAIR AND DELIVERY OF FAX MACHINES Until recently our company has been satisfied with the service provided by Nashua Namibia, but delivery and service problems have arisen. Our first concern is the delay in delivery of fax machines ordered in January. On 11 February 2012 we ordered four new Samsung Sputnik XE fax machines that were to be delivered within 7 working days. We received Invoice No. ZE64532 on 14 February. On 20 February, Ms Maminza, Client Services, assured me that the matter would receive urgent attention. We have had no response to our telephonic enquiries. Our second problem concerns poor service. On 28 February and 12 March your technicians repaired two of the Samsung machines purchased in December 2004, but the technical problems recurred within days of the repairs. Copies of the invoice for the four new machines and the receipt for the two machines purchased in December 2012 are enclosed. Our business cannot function efficiently under such circumstances. We would like to have all the machines fully functional by 20 April. If not, I will have no alternative but to cancel the order for the new machines. I will also have to return the two machines purchased earlier for replacement or repair in terms of the guarantee. Yours sincerely NB STRUBEN NB Struben Director: Purchasing Department Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 67 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: Despite the fact that we understood the general message, there were too many distracting language mistakes, and sentences that are confusing because they contain more than one main idea. This results in strenuous reading and a lack of clarity. The following is one way of revising the draft. Note corrections to layout, including the rule that we do not punctuate headings with full stops, and the convention by which the last place name listed in an address is capitalised 19. Imagine that you work as Assistant Manager of The Wildcliff hotel. You have received the following email: TO: The Manager, The Wildcliff FROM: Accommodation enquiry I enquire in response to your advertisement in The Coastal News of 21 September for weekend stays priced at R350-00. I am interested in hosting a 25th wedding anniversary celebration, and would like outof-town guests to stay at The Wildcliff, at my expense. Do you have reduced rates for large parties? If people miss some of the hotel meals, do they still have to pay for them? Please give me any information that I would find useful, like do you have a courtesy bus to pick people up from the airport and bus station? Thank you. Albert Merchant Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 68 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Respond to this enquiry. Write only your email message – the computer screen layout (email addresses) is not required. Your strategy should be to market your hospitality services. You should write n a welcoming and persuasive style, while providing accurate and concise information in answer to each question. You may add information that you think might be of interest to the client, even if not specifically asked for – provided that you do so briefly. You could also attach a brochure and route map, but need not actually do so here. Model Answer: Dear Mr Merchant We are delighted to receive your enquiry. May we congratulate you on your anniversary! It our pleasure to inform you that: • a 10% reduction in tariff applies to parties of ten or more people; • only meals that are served are paid for; • an air-conditioned courtesy bus operates between the airport and the Hotel between 06h00 and 20h00. Our large banqueting hall is available for occasions such as weddings and anniversaries and our catering arrangements are most appealing, as you will see in the brochure attached. Our guests have direct access to the beach, and a range of indoor and outdoor activities ensures an enjoyable stay. For more information, contact Adele Smith in our Public Relations office ( We hope to hear from you shortly. Kind regards Rob Plaatjies Assistant Manager Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 69 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: As with all correspondence, emails should be well-planned and written so that the meaning is clear. Notice that official-sounding sentences such as “Your advertisement of 21 September refers” have been carefully avoided as inappropriate style in this context. 20. Imagine that you recently moved to a housing estate, where you built a new home. You want to apologise for not keeping strictly to the house plans, which were approved by both the estate management and the municipal authorities. The following is a first draft of the letter you are writing. Read it carefully. Then rewrite the subject line (heading), message and ending, making whatever improvements you consider necessary. You need not complete the format by adding addresses, etc. You may change, add or leave out information. In addition to correcting mistakes in language, you should improve the paragraphing and writing style. You will, therefore, use your own words where necessary. Dear Sir/Madam LETTER OF APOLOGY FOR THE ACORNVALE HOUSING ESTATE BOARD AND THE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION MEMBERS During 2004 we did an application for our building plans for our house at the Acornvale housing estate offices for aesthetic approval. As we all know that this is a housing estate with its own rules about how the buildings should look like. We did receive your consent on the plans and we forward the stamped plans to the municipality here at Burgersdorp. It was during 2005 when we received the approval from the Burgersdorp municipality and started to do the building. During this time we told the builders to make some few changes to the front part such that the house could have a more Spanish style. We did not on that particular point and time thought it would be a problem due to the reason that the other buildings blended in with the new changes. Then the board detected the changes and contact us and gave us a fine. This letter is actually to indicate hereby to the home owners association that we did not intentionally changed the approved plans to inconvenient any person or body. We therefore sincerely apologies for not adhering to the Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 70 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English governance and rules of HOA. We also thank the Board for supporting us in making a agreement between ourselves and other HOA residents who complained about that issue of the changes we made. We already paid for the proposed penalty fee and is in the process to make the other recommendations that you said we can do to solve that issue. Respectfully yours, JJ Peters Stand No. 332 Model Answer: Here is one way of rewriting the letter. Notice the changes made to language, sentence structure, style and paragraphing. Note also that a few details have been added to ensure that the information provided is accurate and complete. Dear Sir/Madam DEVIATION FROM APPROVED BUILDING PLANS – STAND No. 487 During 2004, we submitted our building plans to the Acornvale Housing Estate offices for aesthetic approval. As the appearance of the planned building fitted in with the architectural style and rules governing materials to be used, this approval was granted, and we forwarded the stamped plans to the Burgersdorp Municipality. In September 2005, we received approval of the plans from the municipality and were able to start construction. At this time we adjusted some features so that the building would have a more Spanish façade. We did not anticipate any problems, as the changes blend in with the surrounding buildings. However, the housing estate board received complaints from members of the Home Owners Association and contacted us. A penalty of R 4 500 was imposed for our not adhering to the rules of the estate. We sincerely apologise for not adhering to the rules of the Association and the governance of the estate. We also thank the Board for supporting us in reaching an agreement with the HOA membership regarding what should be done to Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 71 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English put matters right. It would have been extremely costly to reconstruct the façade entirely, but in terms of this agreement a number of affordable changes will be made. We have already paid the required penalty, and are in the process of applying for approval of the adjusted plans as recommended by the Board. Yours faithfully JJ Peters Stand No. 332 Feedback: The order in which the problem is addressed in the draft above enables the reader to form a reasonable idea of what happened and what the writer wishes to do. To improve readability and clarity, you needed to revise, edit and proof- read the draft. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 72 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 2. LEARNING UNIT 2: MINUTES OF MEETINGS Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech: 1. Ms Jones said: "We need to get quotes for a new printer". Model Answer: Ms Jones said that they needed to get quotes for a new printer. Feedback: Minutes use reported speech, also known as indirect speech, to record a member’s direct statement. 2. Ms Smith said: "I have requested the minutes of last week's meeting". Model Answer: Ms Smith said that she had requested the previous week's meeting. Feedback: 3. Note that “last week” changes to “the previous week”. He asked: "What is the first item on the agenda?" Model Answer: He asked what the first item on the agenda was. Feedback: Minutes use reported speech, also known as indirect speech, to record a member’s direct statement. 4. Mr Nkosi said: "We have identified three suitable candidates for the position". Model Answer: Mr Nkosi said that they had identified three suitable candidates for the position. Feedback: Minutes use reported speech, also known as indirect speech, to record a member’s direct statement. Read the following sentences from a meeting transcript. Rewrite these sentences in the correct format you would use if you were taking the minutes of these meeting. 5. Peter: We meet tomorrow morning at 07:30 in the boardroom to report on progress for the change of event. Model Answer: Peter said that they were to meet the next morning at 07:30 in the boardroom to report on progress for the change of event. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 73 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: Note that “tomorrow morning” changes to “the next morning”. 6. Ms Sithole: We have to schedule our annual fund raiser before the end of the month. Model Answer: Ms Sithole said that they had to schedule their annual fund raiser before the end of that month. Feedback: Minutes use reported speech, also known as indirect speech, to record a member’s direct statement. 7. Maria: I haven't been able to get in touch with the IT company. Model Answer: Maria said that she had not been able to get in touch with the IT company. Feedback: Minutes use reported speech, also known as indirect speech, to record a member’s direct statement. Refrain from using abbreviations like “hadn’t” especially in minutes for business meetings. Review the extract from minutes taken at a meeting to discuss employees smoking in offices. Revise and correct the language and spelling errors, keeping in mind the language conventions for minutes of meetings. 8. MINUTES: Ms Barnes, Chief Operation Officer of WriteRight Publishers stated that management have noted that there have been complaints about some of the staff members who are smoking in their offices. She said though the matter was dealt with before, they are still getting more complaints about the matter. Ms Barnes mention that the organisation has a policy on smoking with stipulated very clear that smoking in offices is prohibited. Model Answer: Ms Barnes stated that management had noted that there had been complaints about some of the staff members who are smoking in their offices. She said that although the matter had been dealt with previously, they were still getting complaints. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 74 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: SEE COMMENTS IN BRACKETS: Ms Barnes, Chief Operation Officer of WriteRight Publishers (title should appear in attendance register and need not be included again) stated that management have (had) noted that there have (had) been complaints about some of the staff members who are smoking in their offices. She said (that) though (although) the matter was (had been) dealt with before (previously), they are (were) still getting more complaints about the matter (repetitive). 9. Ms Smith suggested that the person who does not adhere to this policy should be dismissed but the suggestion was defeated. Model Answer: Ms Smith suggested that the people who do not adhere to this policy should be dismissed but the suggestion was rejected. Mr Barnes stated that she would ask HR to send emails to all the staff members reminding them of the smoking policy and also to issue personalised letters to those who are smoking on their offices. Feedback: SEE COMMENTS IN BRACKETS: Ms Smith suggested that the person (people – it’s not just one person) who does (do) not adhere to this policy should be dismissed but the suggestion was defeated (word doesn’t make sense – rejected). Mr Barnes stated that she will (would) request (ask) HR to send emails to all the staff members, reminding them of the smoking policy and also (to) issue personalised letters to those who are smoking on their offices. 10. MINUTES: Mr Caine proposed to post notices at the entrances to corridors reminding people not to smoke in their offices. The secretary was asked to organise the notices. Ms Barnes stated that she will talk to each of the staff members who smoke in their offices, with representation from HR and the discussion will be recorded. It was decided that the outcome of the discussion will be reported at the next meeting. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 75 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Model Answer: Mr Caine proposed posting notices at the entrances to corridors reminding people not to smoke in their offices. The secretary was asked to organise the notices. Ms Barnes stated that she would talk to each of the staff members who smoke in their offices; with representation from HR and that the discussions would be recorded. It was decided that the outcome of the discussion will would be reported at the next meeting. Feedback: SEE COMMENTS IN BRACKETS: Mr Caine proposed to post (posting) notices at the entrances to corridors reminding people not to smoke in their offices. The secretary was asked to organise the notices. Ms Barnes stated that she will (would) talk to each of the staff members who smoke in their offices; with representation from HR and (that) the discussion (discussions) will (would) be recorded. It was decided that the outcome of the discussion will (would) be reported at the next meeting. 11. MINUTES: Chairperson, Ms Barnes, stated that there was a complaints about colleaues smoking in the offices instead of using the designated areas. Mr Smith suggested dismissal of offenders but the house disagree. Ms Barnes suggested to ask HR to send letters or emails to everyone reminds colleagues about smoking policy. All the members of the house agree on that. Mr Caines came with the idea of posting notices at entrances and in corridors, Ms Mazi seconded. Chairperson instructed secretary to organise those notices, she promised to discuss the matter with these people and HR representative, the outcome will be reported at next meeting. Mr Zimm seconded the proposal. Model Answer: Ms Barnes stated that there were complaints about colleagues smoking in the offices instead of using the designated areas. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 76 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Ms Barnes suggested asking HR to send letters or emails to everyone reminding them about smoking policy. All members agreed. Mr Caines suggested posting notices at entrances and in corridors. Ms Barnes instructed the secretary to organise the said notices and promised to discuss the matter with the affected persons together with an HR representative. The outcome will be reported at next meeting. (Alternatively: Secretary to organise notices. Ms Barnes to discuss the matter with the affected persons together with an HR representative. Feedback to be given at the following meeting.) Feedback: SEE COMMENTS IN BRACKETS: Chairperson, Ms Barnes, stated that there was a complaints about colleaues smoking in the offices instead of using the designated areas. (Ms Barnes, the chairperson, stated that there were complaints about colleagues smoking in the offices instead of using the designated areas.) Mr Smith suggested dismissal of offenders but the house disagree. (Since this is not an actual outcome, it can be deleted.) Ms Barnes suggested to ask HR to send letters or emails to everyone reminds colleagues about smoking policy. (Ms Barnes suggested asking HR to send letters or emails to everyone reminding them about smoking policy.) All the members of the house agree on that. (All members agreed) Mr Caines came with an idea of posting notices at entrances and in corridors (Mr Caines suggested posting notices at entrances and in corridors), Ms Mazi seconded (irrelevant, delete). Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 77 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Chairperson instructed secretary to organise those notices, she promised to discuss the matter with these people and HR representative, (Ms Barnes instructed the secretary to organise the said notices and promised to discuss the matter with the affected persons together with an HR representative), the outcome will be reported at next meeting (Make this a new sentence). (Alternatively: Secretary to organise notices. Ms Barnes to discuss the matter with the affected persons together with an HR representative. Feedback to be given at the following meeting.) Mr Zimm seconded the proposal. (Irrelevant, delete) 12. Hadeda Park, across the way from your organisation (5-Star Events for the Professions), has suddenly been invaded by vagrants. This has resulted in a number of issues which impact negatively on the immediate environment and on the 5-Star image and brand. The Director: Sales and Marketing, Mr Naidoo, has placed this matter on the agenda for the next monthly inter-departmental meeting. As Personal Assistant to the Director, it is your task to take minutes at this meeting. Below is a transcript (exact words written down) of what was said during part of this meeting, presented in the form of a dialogue. Write the minutes of this discussion, which covers only one agenda item, and not the whole meeting. NOTE THAT THE COMPLETE FORMAT FOR MINUTES IS NOT REQUIRED. Minute the discussion under the following subheading: 5.1 Negative image caused by Hadeda Park Your answer should be approximately half-a-page in length. Remember that in taking minutes we carefully select and summarise information, and make changes to style and grammar. It is usually not necessary to record what each person said in turn. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 78 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Transcript of part of the meeting: Mr Naidoo (Chair): Right Colleagues, now that we’ve all had our coffee break - and thanks to Jane for organising cookies - let’s move on to item 5.1 of the agenda: Negative Image caused by Hadeda Park. I’m sure you’ve all noticed that our park, which until this point has been an asset to the area, has undergone some very serious changes in the last four months. This has most definitely impacted negatively on our image, our brand and on staff morale. I’ve had a whole lot of complaints from staff members about beggars moving about in the car park, and staff are scared that their cars will be stolen or that they could be beaten up or mugged. Mr Shezi: I’ve noticed washing strung up in the park, and the litter problem is really bad now. The other day I saw a rat the size of a small dog running along the telephone wire behind our building. Ms Malebo: Yes Colleagues, I am very much aware that people have made Hadeda Park their place of residence. But Colleagues, let us remember, these poor disadvantaged souls have nowhere else to go, and let us be merciful. I have been taking them sandwiches and fruit every now and then – I see this as part of my Christian duty. Ms Jacobs: Oh come on now – what next! Maybe we should invite them into the building for their daily shower? You really are being very silly, Ma’am, encouraging them like this. Of course they won’t leave if they get a hearty meal once a day. Ms Malebo: And what, may I ask, do you do as part of your duty to your neighbour? I’ve never seen you …. Mr Green: Really Colleagues, this is not the place to nitpick…. Mr Naidoo: Order please people. Bickering among ourselves won’t solve anything. Mr De Wet: I agree with you, Charles. We must address the issue at hand. Mr Naidoo, can we get back on track, and focus please. I suggest we contact the local Counsellor for the area, and ask him or her to have the vagrants removed. Shall I explore this avenue? Mr Naidoo: If you would, please Peter. This could be a great help. Ms Malebo: But where will the poor people go? Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 79 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Mr Jacobs: Really Ms Malebo, that is not our problem. They have no right to be here. This is a public park where children have a right to play, and their safety comes first. Mr Shezi: We could also approach the local Police and the Community Forum – they will be able to advise us on what the correct procedure is. Mr de Wet: Don’t be too sure – I’ve never yet had any joy from that lot at the local Community Forum – what a bunch of idiots! Mr Shezi: I live just down the road from the local Cop Shop – shall I via there on my way home and ask for advice? Mr Naidoo, sir? Mr Naidoo: Not a bad idea, Shets – and I’ll email the Community Forum. And Ms Malebo, good Samaritan that you are, won’t you see what you can find out about shelters for the homeless in this area? Mr Green: What are the chances of 5-Star purchasing the park? Then we could develop it into a restful place to spend our lunchtimes, and maybe even develop a recreational area for use by staff. Mr de Wet: Good idea, but much too ambitious I’m afraid. We’re still a young company, and our current budget won’t allow it. Maybe in a few years’ time, if our current upward trend continues. I reckon that municipalities don’t sell parks anyway… Dr Sinha: I see a very nice opportunity to turn negative publicity into a positive image-booster for the company. We could show how much the company cares by re-establishing these homeless people in shelters, and we could even make this a community project. It will also be much cheaper than developing a park and we as a company could get a lot of mileage from being seen to do good. Mr Naidoo: Excellent – excellent! Will you meet with the sales and marketing divisions, and come up with a proposal, Dr Sinha? I can just see how a project like this could greatly benefit 5-Star. Anything else on this one? No? Then I suggest we all do our investigations, and report back here at the next meeting in two weeks’ time. Thank you for your excellent suggestions – I knew if we put our heads together, we’d be successful. Thank you, Colleagues. Now let’s move on to the next item... Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 80 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Model Answer: 5.1 Negative image caused by Hadeda Park The chairperson tabled the issue of homeless people who had recently invaded Hadeda Park, not far from the office premises. It was observed that this had a negative impact on the image of the organisation. In addition, it had resulted in security and health risks for the staff and users of the facility. After discussion, the meeting agreed that the homeless people needed to be moved to a shelter. It was further agreed that this would be done as part of the corporate responsibility of the organisation as it would also help build the company image. In moving forward, the following action points were agreed upon: • Mr De Wet to contact the Counsellor for the area to obtain information on procedures for evicting the homeless people • Mr Shezi to consult the local Police while Mr Naidoo would e-mail the Community Forum to get advice on the procedures • Ms Malebo to explore option of shelters available for the homeless in the area • Mr Sinha to consult the Sales and Marketing Department and develop a proposal on turning the relocation of the homeless people into the organisation’s community project. It was agreed that these members would report back on the action points in the next meeting. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 81 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 3. LEARNING UNIT 2: MEETINGS: LANGUAGE SKILLS, GRAMMAR, VOCABULARY AND STYLE Identify and correct the grammar mistakes: 1. ‘The people who fall victims to this crimes are very much many men and women on there way back from work, because there is not lights in the park’ Model Answer: ‘The people who fall victim to these crimes are mostly men and women on their way back from work, because there are no lights in the park.’ Feedback: “Fall victim” is a set expression which does become plural when applied to more than one person. “Very much” and “many” are both applied wrongly here. The speaker meant “mostly”. Also “lights” is plural, thus “are”, not “is”. 2. ‘When looking through the maintenance records of the park, a clear sight of ignorance was visible. The last time it was maintained was 11 months ago.’ Model Answer: When looking through the maintenance records of the park, a clear sight of negligence was visible. The last time it was maintained was eleven months ago. Feedback: (KISS: Keep it short and simple) The writer probably meant ‘negligence’. (Use dictionaries) Numbers 0-100 must be written, thereafter use figures, e.g. 101. For easy reading when numbers are many, use '6 (six)', '100 (one hundred) and so on. Read the verbatim record of discussions of a meeting to prepare for writing draft minutes. Alert yourself to essential details: who, what and when? Problem: An Events Company’s (EC) main attraction, pop singer, KiraK will not be able to perform at a scheduled event, due to sudden illness. An urgent meeting has been called on 30 July 2013 at 07:30 in the EC Boardroom, to resolve the situation. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 82 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Verbatim notes: Present: Chairperson CEO - Dumi Khumalo Public Relations Director Peter Plum Events Organiser Pam Koi Computicket Agent Simon Dubi Secretary Willy Wonka Dumi: Everyone present. Yes. Good! OK guys…let’s solve this disaster! KiraK is ill and there is no hoping she will bounce back by 05 August! How many tickets have been sold Simon? Simon: We stopped sales yesterday on your OK. All of 2000 tickets have been sold. Here is the report. Dumi: Eish, R1million down the tube! … and some payments must still be made. How are we going to do this? Suggestions? Peter: I have prepared a Press Release but am awaiting everyone’s ‘Go Ahead’. Pam: Ja… and what do I do with all the stuff? I am so disappointed by this turn of events. Sad and mad! Peter: Let’s focus on one thing at a time. Simon: We are going to get flack! The public will be screaming blue murder at us… we’d better keep things as calm as possible. Dumi: … and the best way to do that is give the public what they want… KiraK or their money back. KiraK, sadly, is a ‘no go’ so we will have to return the ping… lots of ping! Simon: Are you then giving me the go-ahead to return the takings to the public. Dumi: Is there any alternative? I think not! Any input from you guys before we vote on this? Pam: Doesn’t look like we have much choice here! Peter: Yes… a rock and a hard place indeed! Dumi: OK then. All in favour of returning fans’ money? As expected…a full show of hands… Eish. Right, Simon… you have our go-ahead to return the money to the public. Our legal team will send you formal notification by 12:00. . I will expect feedback from you on progress by 01 July 2013. Simon: Thank you. I will leave now to attend to the matter. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 83 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Dumi: Thank you Simon. Best wishes for a calm and quiet finalisation! I will expect Feedback by 01 July 2013. Pam: What about my stuff? I am so upset! Peter: Dumi, we have wherewithal to salvage some of the arrangements. Most of the supporting artistes have indicated that they are willing to perform for a Charity Event in honour of Nelson Mandela’s Children Fund as their chances of getting other gigs are zero at this stage. Do we have everyone’s vote on this? Pam: O! Now I feel better… nothing changes or goes to waste except the cool R1million… Ja, I vote we do this. Dumi: Are we all in accord? Good… then Peter and Pam, you go ahead with the logistics. Also, send out the Press Release. What a disappointment for everyone! Willy, please arrange flowers, cards and sympathy for KiraK. Willy: I hope KiraK gets well soon and that we can arrange another show. I am her Number One Fan. Dumi: Willy, Let’s hope too that we make a packet for the Children’s Fund. Nothing is certain these days. We meet tomorrow morning at 07:30 in the boardroom to report on progress for the change of event. It’s 08:30 and this meeting is closed. Let’s get going. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 84 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 3. Change the verbatim record into semi-formal minutes by deleting the jargon. Model Answer: Dumi: Everyone present. Yes. Good! OK guys…let’s solve this disaster! KiraK is ill and there is no hoping she will bounce back by 05 August! How many tickets have been sold Simon? Simon: We stopped sales yesterday on your OK. All of 2000 tickets have been sold. Here is the report. Dumi: Eish, R1million down the tube! … and some payments must still be made. How are we going to do this? Suggestions? Peter: I have prepared a Press Release but am awaiting everyone’s ‘Go Ahead’. Pam: Ja… and what do I do with all the stuff? I am so disappointed by this turn of events. Sad and mad! Peter: Let’s focus on one thing at a time. Simon: We are going to get flack! The public will be screaming blue murder at us… we’d keep things as calm as possible. Dumi: … and the best way to do that is give the public what they want… KiraK or their money back. KiraK, sadly, is a ‘no go’ (replace all with non-jargon) so we will have to return the ping… lots of ping! Simon: Are you then giving me the go-ahead to return the takings to the public. Dumi: Is there any alternative? I think not! Any input from you guys before we vote on this? Pam: Doesn’t look like we have much choice here! Peter: Yes… a rock and a hard place indeed! Dumi: OK then. All in favour of returning fans’ money? As expected…a full show of hands… Eish. (rewrite to suit Minutes semi-informal non-speaking style) Right, Simon… you have our go-ahead to return the money to the public. Our legal team will send you formal notification by 12:00. I will expect Feedback from you on progress by 01 July 2013. Simon: Thank you. I will leave now to attend to the matter. Dumi: Thank you Simon. Best wishes for a calm and quiet finalisation! Pam: What about my stuff? I am so upset! Peter: Dumi, we can salvage some of the arrangements. Most of the supporting artistes have indicated that they are willing to perform for a Charity Event in honour of Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 85 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Nelson Mandela’s Children Fund as their chances of getting other gigs are zero at this stage. (rewrite to suit Minutes semi-informal non-speaking style) Do we have everyone’s vote on this? Pam: O! Now I feel better… nothing changes or goes to waste except the cool R1million… Ja, I vote we do this. Dumi: Are we all in accord? Good… then Peter and Pam, you go ahead with the logistics. Also, send out the Press Release. What a disappointment for everyone! (rewrite to suit Minutes semi-informal non-speaking style) Willy: I hope KiraK gets well soon and that we can arrange another show. I am her Number One Fan. Dumi: Willy, please arrange flowers, cards and sympathy for KiraK. Let’s hope too that we make a packet for the Children’s Fund. Nothing is certain these days. Also, we meet tomorrow morning at 07:30 in the boardroom to report on progress for the change of event. It’s 08:30 and this meeting is closed. Let’s get going. 4. Write a draft of the minutes using: • conventional headings • brief but informative sub-headings for each task • main ideas based on who must do what and when • paragraphs and numbering of paragraph/s • emotion free business writing style Model Answer: Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting of the EC Events Team for the KiraK Concert, held in the EC Board Room on (day), (date) at (time) 1. Welcome The chairperson welcomed EC Events Team for KiraK Concert and Simon Dubi from Computicket 2. Present Chairperson - CEO Public Relations Director Events Organiser Computicket Agent Secretary Dumi Khumalo Peter Plum Pam Koi Simon Dubi Willy Wonka Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 86 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 3. Apologies None 4. Minutes of the previous meeting: Held over for next meeting. 5. Matters arising 5.1 KiraK Concert cancelled EC Events advised Computicket to stop tickets of sale on (date). An Extraordinary Meeting was called to discuss the way forward. 5.2 Resolution: EC Events Team for KiraK Concert voted to return money to patrons. 5.2.1 Dumi Khumalo is to direct Attorney (Name) to confirm by (time) to Simon Dubi of Computicket that monies are to be returned to the public on (date, probably 31 July 2013). ‘Crowd control’ is a priority. Mr Khumalo will follow up with Simon Dubi and report back to the EC Events Team by (date). 5.2.2 Peter Plum is to disseminate Press Releases per schedule attached for cancellation and money back to public. Press Release schedule for new arrangements will be finalized at meeting tomorrow morning (01 August) 6 New Matters 6.1 Resolution: Arrangements would be adapted to support a charity event for the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund based on Peter Plum’s report that artistes were prepared to participate in such an event. 6.2 Peter Plum and Pam Koi are to report on progress at the meeting tomorrow, 01 August. 6.3 Willy Wonka is to make the usual meetings arrangements for tomorrow, 01 August meeting. 7. General 7.1 Extend Get Well Wishes to KiraK Willy Wonka is to send Flowers and Cards and best wishes to KiraK by 31 July 2013, according to company protocols. 8. Date of next meeting: 01 August 2013 in the EC Boardroom at 07:30. 9. Closure: The chairperson closed the meeting at 08:30. Signature Secretary to Dumi Khumalo Chairperson - CEO Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 87 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: To ensure a Model Answer you would have to summarize, edit and proofread your draft. 5. Write a section of minutes based on the following dialogue noted by the secretary for minutes. As Charity Events Convenor for an organization that manages the control of feral cats in a suburban area, it is a constant concern to raise funds for sterilizing, feeding and fostering cats for adoption. Monthly meetings ensure management control. Below is a transcript (exact words written down) of what was said during part of meeting held on 05 October 2013 from 08:30. At this point members are discussing changes in adoption packages and needs for an upcoming charity event. Chairperson Mr Kay Charity Events Convenor Ms Khalo Charity Events Organizer Mrs Monis Secretary Miss Jovi Liaison Officer Mr Kekana Mr Kay: OK, let’s move on to item 3 on the agenda. It is time to adjust the annual adoption package. Dr James, please motivate escalation of vet fees. Dr James: Well, as you all know, costs are increasing and prices are going up! Here is my motivation report for a 2014 price increase Mrs Monis: I don’t know how we are going to get the cats adopted if the price of the adoption package keeps on going up and up. It is a tragedy waiting to happen. Dr James: We have no choice Mavis. It’s either that or face closure of charity services altogether and you know what will happen to the feral cat population if that happens. The feral cat numbers must be kept down or we could have disease ridden suburbia on our hands. Also, note that costs for adopting a feral is half of the cost for other cats where the owners pay high fines for having unsterilized pets. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 88 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English As it is, most vets are providing services at great discount to charity organisations that manage feral populations in suburbia. Mr Kay: Have you all looked at the motivation? The increase seems reasonable at 10%. Let’s vote. Everyone agreed?. Ms Khalo: So what will we need to inform the public? I have to have posters made. Mr Kekana: I suggest we show the old prices and the new prices… Ms Khalo: No, that won’t do… that will confuse people. Let’s just make it simple and say new adoption packages details are affordable and are still well below standard vet costs and can be informed by vets so and so… what do you think? Mr Kekana: I guess that makes sense. Everyone agreed?. When is the next charity event scheduled for? Miss Jovi: 05 December 2013, as close to payday as we could manage. Mr Kay: OK, then get the draft poster to me by 13 October for editing and proofreading. Also, quotes for printing… the usual… Minute Man has already phoned to remind of the end of year rush for things. Miss Jovi: What are the suggestions for the events?. Same as last year with some changes? Mrs Monis: Yes, here is the list for everyone. Please sign off which tasks you will manage so that I can draw up a schedule with details to send to everyone by 13 October 2013 Mr Kay: I don’t think there was enough fun stuff for the kids last year. I suggest we involve the children in socializing the kittens. I spoke to Ms Doreen Gough who is willing to manage the project for the day. Would you agree to this? Mr Kekana get the ‘gen’ from me today. Everyone agreed. Mr Kay: We booked the same venue last year at Gezina, so please confirm with them. Mrs Monis: Let’s just look at the list of jobs to be done… venue, date, responsibilities list, tables and sellers to be contacted, new children’s fun time, food and drinks… o yes, Mr Kekana, will you arrange the same as last year but arrange additional still water as we ran out and this summer looks like it is going to be a scorcher, about ten per cent more… you all agree… good. Dr James, would you head up the veterinary information desk for the public as usual? Dr James: No problem. Dr Janet Jones and two other vets have offered their time, so there will be someone at the table all day. I have also advised the students at Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 89 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Onderstepoort to visit with any animals they want to show to the public. I am awaiting their Feedback. Miss Jovi: There was not enough shade last year and we want to keep the public around for as long as possible … any ideas about this? Mr Kay: I thought of that too and am expecting Feedback from The Marquis people… I think that we should put some pressure for Feedback as soon as possible so that we can get going with this. I suggest we have bi-monthly meetings until the annual event has been successfully concluded. Everyone agreed. Mr Kay: Anything else? … nothing… Meeting closes at 10:30 Model Answer: Minutes of a meeting of Fun with Ferals Charity held in the Lynwood Community Hall on 05 October 2013 at 08:30 1. Welcome 2. Attendance Chairperson Mr Kay Charity Events Convenor Ms Khalo Charity Events Organizer Mrs Monis Liaison Officer Mr Kekana Secretary Miss Jovi 3. Apologies 4. Minutes of the previous meeting… 5. Matters Arising… 6. New Matters 6.1 Adoption package Dr J James motivated a ten per cent increase in the price of an adoption package per feral. The increase was approved. 6.2 Annual charity event at Gezina Park. • Date and Venue: 05 December 2013. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 90 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English • Mr Kekana is to confirm last year’s booking made, by 07 October 2013. • Veterinary Help Desk at Gezina Park on 05 December: Dr James is to arrange who will be on duty and if the Onderstepoort Veterinary students will participate. • Food, Health and Safety: Mr Kekana is to confirm details at the meeting of 15 October 2013. • The still water order must be increased by 10% as agreed by members. • Mr Kay is to get a quote from The Marquis by 07 October or an alternative source must be arranged. • Children’s Pet Socialization Area: Mr Kekana is to make arrangements with Ms Doreen Gough by 10 October and provide details at the next meeting on 15 October. • Poster: Ms Khalo is to send provisional poster design to Mr Kay by 13 October for editing and proofreading. All Ms Khalo’s suggestions were accepted. (Addendum B attached). Minute Man should be advised of anticipated printing date. 7. Task list must be signed off by members and emailed to Mrs Monis by 13 October. 8. Next Gezina Park Charity Event Meeting: 15 October. Members are to diarise a meeting every fifteen days, as per schedule attached, until 15 December. Feedback: In the examination you would not be expected to write anything more than paragraph six: New Matters (for the Gezina Park Annual Charity Event). In practice, the minutes would end with the 'Close' paragraph. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 91 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 4. LEARNING UNIT 3: REPORT WRITING 1. Indicate whether each one of the following sentences is a Recommendation or a Conclusion. WiFi should be installed in all buildings as soon as possible. Offices should be rearranged to accommodate the new technology to capitalise on the time- and space-saving measures. The use of cable as opposed to WiFi causes frustrations amongst members of staff, is not cost-effective and accounts for many wasted man-hours. Acquiring the latest technology results in financial cost savings and in the emotional well-being of members of staff at all levels within the organisation. Members of staff should be trained to maximise the benefits of reliable Internet access for quality customer service. Model Answer: WiFi should be installed in all buildings as soon as possible. Recommendation Offices should be rearranged to accommodate the new Recommendation technology to capitalise on the time- and space-saving measures. The use of cable as opposed to WiFi causes frustrations Conclusion amongst members of staff, is not cost-effective and accounts for many wasted man-hours. Acquiring the latest technology results in financial cost savings Conclusion and in the emotional well-being of members of staff at all levels within the organisation. Members of staff should be trained to maximise the benefits of Recommendation reliable Internet access for quality customer service. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 92 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: The recommendations are suggested actions to put matters right and solve specific problems. The report writer is not in a position to take decisions or give instructions. For this reason you should avoid using the words ‘must’ and ‘will’; use ‘should’ instead. In the Conclusions section, you analyse, interpret, comment on, evaluate and/or discuss the significance and implications of the factual information you have presented as findings. State clearly what you think the facts/statistics show. At this stage you should be careful not to suggest any solutions, as this may be done only in the next section of the report. 2. ABC Consulting is considering implementing staff uniforms. They want to consult with staff to find out whether such a decision will be well received and they have asked you to write a report about this. Write an appropriate heading for your report. Model Answer: REPORT ON AN INVESTIGATION INTO COMPANY UNIFORMS. Feedback: REPORT ON AN INVESTIGATION INTO…, and complete the title with an indication of what you have investigated, and in what context. 3. ABC Consulting is considering implementing staff uniforms. They want to consult with staff to find out whether such a decision will be well received and they have asked you to write a report about this. Write the procedures for your report and include at least 4 points. Model Answer: 1. Staff members were informed that management wanted to investigate the possibility of company uniforms and were asked to provide any Feedback / suggestions via e-mail. 2. An anonymous online survey was also made available on the internal staff website for those who wished to remain anonymous. 3. Personal interviews were conducted with several staff members during lunch hours to ascertain their point of view on this topic. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 93 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 4. Data from all these sources was carefully processed and summarised and then discussed with the appropriate managers and senior personnel. Feedback: In writing your report, you will describe the procedures in the past tense, since you will have carried out the procedures. Your procedures are important because everything that follows in the report is derived from them. They should show that your information is comprehensive and reliable, and that it is safe to take decisions on the basis of your report. 4. During your investigation, you found the following: • Staff were not necessarily opposed to uniforms, but were concerned about potential costs. • Staff were prepared to wear uniforms as long as the company supplied these. • Staff suggested that instead of full uniforms, the company tried one item of clothing, like a branded collar shirt, first. • Employees were more willing to pay for only a shirt, for example, than an entire outfit. • There were also some suggestions that uniforms be worn only on certain days so as not to create the impression that employees were being restricted. Use the information above to formulate the "Findings" for your report. Model Answer: 1. E-mail Feedback showed that the majority of staff (78% of those who replied) were not entirely opposed to the idea of company uniforms, although many suggestions were made with regards to the implementation of such a plan. 2. Online surveys indicated that staff members were concerned about the cost implication of such a decision. Many staff members experience negative emotions when faced with the prospect of expenditure that is deemed unnecessary seeing as Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 94 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English staff already have appropriate work attire. 3. Personal interviews with staff members indicated that whilst staff were keen on establishing and being part of a corporate identity, they did have some concerns that uniforms might create a sense of being restricted if made compulsory, especially if they had to be worn every day of the week. 4. Suggestions that management consider a single item of clothing, such as branded shirts, to be worn on selected days rather than implementing a full uniform policy were discussed with management and relevant senior staff members. This is currently under discussion. Feedback: For each activity listed under your Procedures, there should be a set of findings. You should not draw conclusions or express opinions at this stage. Realistic and precise facts and figures should be given. 5. Based on the information in the questions above, also write at least four recommendations for your report. Model Answer: It is recommended that: 1. If uniforms are implemented, the company should investigate ways to assist employees with the cost implications of said uniforms if these cannot be provided. 2. Full uniforms should rather be replaced with one item of clothing to start off with, such as a branded company shirt. 3. Uniforms should not be compulsory for everyday wear. 4. Instead, guidelines should be made available with regards to specific days or occasions that uniforms should be worn. (i.e. Corporate team building days, meetings with clients, etc.) Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 95 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: The recommendations are suggested actions to put matters right and solve specific problems. The report writer is not in a position to take decisions or give instructions. For this reason you should avoid using the words ‘must’ and ‘will’; use ‘should’ instead. There are several ways to structure the recommendations in your reports. Look at the following examples and either rewrite them in another manner or rewrite them to improve each example. 6. WiFi should be installed in all buildings as soon as possible. Model Answer: It is recommended that WiFi be installed in all buildings as soon as possible. Feedback: It is also possible to formulate a recommendation by using only the word ‘be’ when it follows ‘that’. 7. It is recommended employees wear company uniforms. Model Answer: It is recommended that members of staff wear company uniforms. Feedback: Remember that you can only formulate a recommendation by using the word ‘be’ when it follows the word ‘that’. 8. You have to give employees enough time to provide Feedback regarding the proposed schedule. Model Answer: Employees should be given enough time to provide Feedback regarding the proposed schedule. Feedback: The report writer is not in a position to take decisions or give instructions. For this reason you should avoid using the words ‘must’ and ‘will’; use ‘should’ instead. 9. Staff in the Directorate must attend workshops on customer care in order to communicate better with the employees. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 96 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Model Answer: Staff in the Directorate should attend workshops on customer care in order to communicate better with the employees. Feedback: The report writer is not in a position to take decisions or give instructions. For this reason you should avoid using the words ‘must’ and ‘will’; use ‘should’ instead. 10. You are employed as Chief Operations Officer at the Michaelangelo Institute of Learning. The campus is situated in an area where there is currently only one café, Campus Bites, within walking distance. The campus itself has no cafeteria. This means that Campus Bites has a monopoly on selling food and snacks, and the owner abuses this to the fullest. Students and staff members complain regularly about the poor value for money, the lack of cleanliness and the unfriendly service they receive at Campus Bites. Management has requested that you investigate this issue, and make recommendations as to whether the Institute of Learning should start its own cafeteria. Your investigation should include the state of Campus Bites and whether there are grounds for the complaints; student and staff needs and dietary preferences (your college caters for an intercultural community); the practicability of starting up an own cafeteria, and well-considered recommendations. Your report is to be submitted to Management Council by 30 September 2014. Write a short investigative report. You should include a title and use the following subheadings: 1. Terms of reference 2. Procedures 3. Findings 4. Conclusions 5. Recommendations Your report should be 2-3 pages in length. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 97 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Model Answer: REPORT ON AN INVESTIGATION INTO POSSIBLE BENEFITS OF INTRODUCING A CAFETERIA ON THE PREMISES OF MICHAELANGELO INSTITUTE OF LEARNING 1. Terms of Reference On 15 July 2014 , Dr M Zybrand, Chief Executive Officer, requested an investigation into the possibility of installing a campus-run cafeteria on the premises of the Michaelangelo Institute of Learning. A recommendation to be submitted to the Management Council by 30 September 2014. 2. Procedures The Procedures followed in order to collect the necessary information were: 2.1 A staff and student count was conducted using the current registers to identify the number of potential customers that may visit an on-site cafeteria. 2.2 A questionnaire measuring staff and student satisfaction regarding the current available food outlet, Campus Bites, was distributed to students and staff for completion. This questionnaire included dietary requirements plus comments on preferred meals. 2.3 A task team consisting of six staff and students visited Campus Bites to observe the state of the café, in the process also taking note of prices of goods sold. 2.4 A meeting and site visit was held with the Boston City Learning Centre, Randburg campus cafeteria, to gather information on how they run their onsite cafeteria. 2.5 A meeting was held with the sales representatives from both the Super Group Ltd and Bidvest Food Services (SA) Pty to gather information on their various on-site catering and cafeteria services. 2.6 A meeting was held with the Michaelangelo Institute of Learning’s campus Maintenance and Building Manager, My Van Zyl, to identify a suitable location for a proposed on-site cafeteria. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 98 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 3. Findings Based on the procedures listed above, the following was found: 3.1 The total staff and student count was 2500 people and, based on 50% support, it is expected that a minimum of 1250 meals per day will be sold. 3.2 From the completed questionnaires received, 85 % expressed total dissatisfaction with the Campus Bites café, 10% indicated that they were “ok” with the level of service and food prepared and 5 % indicated they were undecided/not interested. It is important to note that almost all the Muslim students and staff who completed the questionnaire indicated they were dissatisfied with the meals prepared. 3.3 The task team observed that the kitchen area, which is in full view of the serving counters, was untidy, and kitchen staff were not using hair caps when preparing meals. During lunch hour there were too few staff and this resulted in counter staff being rude and rushing customers along without taking proper orders. The prices of the basic sandwiches and cold drinks were estimated to be about 20% higher than those of an ordinary supermarket. 3.4 Boston City Learning Centre, with a total of 2100 students and staff, has an onsite cafeteria managed and run efficiently by the Super Group Catering Services. The on-site cafeteria also allowed safe access to a food outlet for students who often attend evening classes. 3.5 Super Group Ltd and Bidvest Food Services (SA) Pty provide on-site cafeteria services to 15 of 19 larger learning centres in the Gauteng Region. 3.6 The Michaelangelo Institute of Learning’s building and maintenance manager identified the unused recreation hall as an ideal location for the on-site cafeteria. 4. Conclusions From the findings above, the following conclusions were reached: 4.1 It is evident that the complaints received from staff and customers regarding Campus Bites café are accurate. 4.2 Based on student and staff count and the on-site meeting with colleagues from Boston City Campus there is sufficient demand and need for Michaelangelo Institute of Learning to consider installing its own cafeteria. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 99 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 4.3 Employing the services of an on-site food services management and catering company will result in a more efficient, reliable and cost effective cafeteria service. 4.4 Installing an on-site cafeteria will also mean that students who study late in the evening have access to refreshments without having to leave the campus property, thereby creating a safer learning environment. 5. Recommendations It is recommended that: 5.1 Michaelangelo Institute of Learning send out an invitation to tender for an onsite cafeteria. 5.2 Bidding companies should include in their proposals the costs of renovating and installing necessary furniture and fittings in the current recreation hall. JH Khumalo JH Khumalo Chief Operations Officer 25 September 2015 Study the following sentences. Give and alternative and state why these sentences would not be appropriate in a formal report. Note that our suggested answers are not the only correct possibilities. 11. Residence protested about the lack of service delivery by throwing glass bottles and looting shops. Model Answer: Residents protested about the lack of service delivery by throwing glass bottles and looting shops. Feedback: ‘Residents’ is spelled incorrectly and therefore affects the logic and meaning of the sentence. 12. The police are clearly to blame for the outbreak of violence between the protesters and policemen on duty at the time. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 100 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Model Answer: Eye witness reports and news footage indicates that a policeman fired the first bullet which resulted in confusion and an outbreak of violence Feedback: Here objectivity is being lost and the writer is expressing his/her own opinion about the cause of the violence without substantiating claims with factual evidence. 13. It was found that the DS was responsible for handing in the PSDR to his LM at the appointed time. Model Answer: It was found that the Department Secretary was responsible for handing in the Performance and Service Delivery Report to his Line Manager at the appointed time. (Any substitutions of your own would be fine) Feedback: There are too many abbreviations which makes the meaning unclear to the uninitiated reader. The full form of the abbreviation needs to be used to make the sentence clear. 14. It was found that the fence around the perimeter of the factory was not well maintained which gave intruders the opportunity to gain access to the property. Therefore we decided to question the staff about how they felt about their salaries. Model Answer: It was found that the fence around the perimeter of the factory was not well maintained which gave intruders the opportunity to gain access to the property. Therefore we decided to allocate some budget to ensure that the fence is repaired and to make sure that this does not occur again. (Or any appropriate) Feedback: The second sentence does not follow logically from the first one. Therefore the report would be illogical and would not make sense. 15. We will hire more securities to patrol the fence. Model Answer: We will hire more security guards to patrol the fence. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 101 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: While the term ‘securities’ is used in the industry in every day speech, it is important that in formal writing this is incorrect and that the word security here functions as an adjective and must be followed by the word ‘guard’ or ‘personnel’ or ‘patroller’ and should not function as a noun. 16. Permission for the staff to leave the building was refused by the manager. Model Answer: The manager refused permission for the staff to leave the building. Feedback: Passive voice is used. Active voice is more appropriate for Report writing. 17. It is very unfair that the drivers don’t get paid three times their hourly rate if they work on a Sunday. Model Answer: Questionnaires show that many workers feel that it is unfair that drivers don’t get paid three times their hourly rate if they work on a Sunday. (Or appropriate changes) Feedback: Try not to express opinion in a report or how you feel about certain aspects. Stick to the facts only and don’t give comment or opinion or judgment of your own. 18. A woman in a red dress who was standing opposite the brick house and was talking to a friend of hers from school when she observed how the accident happened. Model Answer: An eye-witness observed how the accident happened. Feedback: Verbose or wordy. Too many unnecessary details have been included. 19. Going across the road, the car hit the dog. Model Answer: The car hit the dog that was going across the road. Feedback: Check that grammar and writing is clear and that no misunderstanding can occur. Here it is unclear whether ‘going’ modifies the dog or the car. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 102 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 20. At grass roots level it must be realised that at the end of the day it is business as usual and everyone needs to keep their hands on deck. Model Answer: We need to all keeping working as we have always done. (Or appropriate) Feedback: This sentence is verbose and wordy. It also has too many clichés which should be avoided in formal writing. As a result the meaning is not clear and it is difficult to actually work out what is being said by the writer. In the next few questions we will ask you to write sections of a report on one topic and then compare them to model examples. Obviously there will be no one correct means of tackling the investigation but you get an idea of the format and what is required of you. Here is the subject of your investigation: You work for Thembalethu Municipality as Director of Parks and Recreation. The district of Thembalethu is situated near a mine that is no longer in use. There have been a number of articles in the local newspaper claiming that Thembalethu Lake is no longer suitable for recreational use. The reports claim that the lake water is toxic as a result of water seeping it from the disused mine. Many residents enjoy fishing in the lake and there is a school rowing club that uses the lake for rowing practices and competitions. Some children often swim in the lake on the way home from school and many families like to come and braai at the lake on the weekends. Children also enjoy feeding the ducks. You have been tasked by the Mayor to investigate whether the newspaper reports are valid and whether the lake should be closed to the public. She would like you to write a short formal report. She would like you to hand the report in at the next council meeting. 21. Provide a suitable title for this report. Model Answer: REPORT ON PRESENCE AN OF INVESTIGATION TOXIC WATER INTO THE IN THE THEMBALETHU LAKE. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 103 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Feedback: 22. Check that your title is: • relevant to the type of report • explicit or clear • not too long • a true reflection of the content • free of jargon Write the Terms of Reference for the report outlined above. Model Answer: Terms of Reference On 27 October 2012, Ms Neo Mdluli, Mayor of Thembalethu Municipality, requested that an investigation be carried out into the presence of toxic water in the Thembalethu Lake and its continued suitability for recreational use. A recommendation is to be submitted to the Mayor at the next council meeting on the 30 November 2012. Feedback: Check how your answer compares with the Model Answer. Small variances in wording are fine. Ensure that you have outlined the problem, named and given the official capacity of the person that commissioned you and that you have indicated the date by which the investigation should be completed. Check the wording. You normally conduct an investigation ‘into’ or ‘of’ something. Also if there is any word in the question that you do not understand, check the meaning in the dictionary. In fact it is good practice to check meanings even if you think you understand the word as a word may have more than one meaning in different contexts or it could be confused with another word. Take the words ‘counsel’ and ‘council’ for example. 23. Write down the Procedures you would follow in your investigation of the topic outlined above. 24. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 104 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Model Answer: 1. Current newspaper reports were consulted were perused and examined. 2. The document “Beware of Uranium in Johannesburg Lakes” published by the PPDW (People for the Preservation of Drinking Water) was carefully considered and the basis of its claims verified by means of : • An interview with Professor Markus in the Department of Science and Technology at the University of the Witwatersrand. • Independent testing requested on the mineral content of the water by Geologists from the Department of Mineral Affairs in order to assess the possibility of radioactive content in the lake water 3. A medical examiner at the Thembathu Hospital was consulted. 4. A task team from the Department of Parks and Recreation visited the lake and spoke to the Mr Ledwaba, the lake superintendent. A telephonic interview was held with Mrs Spoonbottom the chairperson of “Friends of Lake Thembalethu (FOLT)” which is a non-profit organisation concerned with the preservation of eco-systems in and around the lake. Feedback: Remember that collecting information or research needs careful planning. Consider your Terms of Reference very carefully. What do you need to find out? What sort of information would be most suitable in this case? If you consider your topic you would need to investigate the quality of the lake’s water and you would need to find out if there is any basis to the claims that the water is toxic. Who is making these claims and why? Are there experts in the field? Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 105 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English You should also find out if perhaps there were existing studies or documents that you could consult. Could you perhaps visit the lake and observe. Are there any small parties or individuals you could consult. Your procedures are important because everything that follows in the report is derived from them. They also show that your information is comprehensive and reliable, and that it is safe to take decisions on the basis of your report. Spend time on this section! Also check your wording – especially with regard to the verbs that follow ‘interview’. ‘questionnaire’, ‘meeting’ and ‘survey’ for example.. An interview is normally conducted ‘with’ someone. Meetings are normally ‘held with’ people. A survey ‘was done’. Questionnaires were distributed. If you looked at a report or document or an expert say that they were ‘consulted’. If you are unsure of any word in an example or in an answer look it up in a dictionary. 25. Write down the Findings you would follow in your investigation of the topic outlined above. Model Answer: Findings 1. Newspaper reports claimed that there is a high uranium content in Thembalethu lake. 2. The document “Beware of Uranium in Johannesburg Lakes” published by the PPDW (People for the Preservation of Drinking Water) did not mention the Thembalethu Lake specifically. • An interview with Professor Markus in the Department of Science and Technology at the University of the Witwatersrand revealed that no tests had been conducted on the water of Thembalethu by his department and thus no claim could be made on the quality of the water in Thembalethu Lake. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 106 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English • Independent testing done on the mineral content of the water by Geologists from the Department of Mineral Affairs in order to assess the possibility of radioactive content in the lake water indicated that there were traces of radioactive material but these were less than 0.0001mg per ml of water. These are considered acceptable by International standards and it was found that levels are slightly higher in the Municipal drinking water. 3. A medical examiner at the Thembathu Hospital indicated that there had been no illness reported that could be directly linked to the water at Thembalethu Lake. 4. A task team from the Department of Parks and Recreation visited the lake and spoke to the Mr Ledwaba, the lake superintendent. It was found that the stench emanating from the lake at times was in fact from a leaking sewage pipe in the lane that runs behind the lake. This problem had been rectified by the Department of Public Works. 5. A telephonic interview was held with Mrs Spoonbottom the chairperson of “Friends of Lake Thembalethu (FOLT)” which is a non-profit organisation concerned with the preservation of ecosystems in and around the lake. It was ascertained that FOLT was the source of the outcry over the uranium content in the lake as a result of the publication of “Beware of Uranium in Johannesburg Lakes” by the PPDW (People for the Preservation of Drinking Water). Mrs Spoonbottom admitted that she was not aware that the document had not mentioned Thembalethu Lake specifically. She further mentioned that residents and members of her group Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 107 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English were frustrated by the loud music and drinking that occurred at the lake on the weekends. Feedback: Notice that the findings we have imagined from our procedures relate specifically to each procedure. Notice the corresponding numbering. 26. Write down the Conclusions you would make in your investigation of the topic outlined above. Model Answer: From the evidence above we can conclude that: 1. The newspaper reports about Thembalethu Lake having a high Uranium content cannot be substantiated. 2. No testing had been done on Thembalethu Lake previously. Independent tests done as part of this investigation indicate that while there is a trace of radioactive material in the lake water, these small levels pay no threat to humans or animals in any way. 3. The smell that had been reported in the area did not emanate from the lake. 4. Claims about the uranium content of Thembalethu Lake emanated from FOLT (Friends of Lake Thembaethu). The content of the document on which they based their claims had not been examined. 5. Thembalethu Lake is safe for continued recreational use. Feedback: Note that we have drawn conclusions from each of the findings. This however is not always necessary because sometimes the same conclusion can be drawn from a number of Findings. The main point is that the aim of the investigation has been realised. It is concluded that the water in the lake is safe. Of course, your investigation may have found that the water was not safe. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 108 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 27. Write down the Recommendations you would give in your investigation of the topic outlined above. Model Answer: Recommendations It is recommended that a press release be made by the Town Council in response to the claims made in previous newspaper reports. The press release should indicate that independent testing has been conducted and that the lake is completely safe for recreational use. It is also recommended that testing of the water should be conducted on a yearly basis to ensure that the water remains safe for public recreational use. It is recommended that there should be a more visible police presence at the lake on weekends to prevent a criminal element from entering the area as the lake has a very delicate eco-system and is a source of tourist income in the area. Feedback: Begin with the statement, “It is recommended that…” You need to suggest what could be done to improve the situation. Be specific and practical. Remember you need to use the word ‘should’ instead of ‘must’. Recommendations are not written in the past tense because they suggest actions that have not yet taken place. 28. End your report of the investigation outlined above. Model Answer: J. Lendrum J. Lendrum Director Parks and Recreation 22 November 2012 Feedback: Remember your report should have no salutations at the end like “Yours sincerely” or “Kind regards”. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 109 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 5. LEARNING UNIT 3: INCIDENT REPORTS In this activity you are going to be requested to write an incident report. Remember if there is no template use your own suitable headings based on the examples you have seen. However, in this example we will provide you with subheadings so as to guide your writing. Topic: You are a principal of a school. A parent has requested an investigation into an incident where two learners were involved in a fight. One learner was severely bruised in the face. The incident occurred after school and was as a result of the one boy calling the other boy “stupid” because he received a bad mark on a test. The parents of the boy with the most injuries have laid a charge at the police station and request that the school expel the boy in question. Use the following as guidelines: • Date, time and place of incident • Description of incident • Action taken • Findings/Decision/Resolution The questions will guide you through each of the subheadings. 1. Provide the text for the following fields: • Date • Place and Time of the Incident • Report by Model Answer: INCIDENT REPORT DATE PLACE 20 August 2012 Progess Primary School, Bok Avenue, Polokwane. TIME 14h05 REPORTED BY J. BLOGGS Feedback: Here you can use your imagination. Just ensure that you give the details required and after “Reported by” you would put your name. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 110 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English At the beginning you could also give your position held in the organisation and possibly your employee number. 2. Describe the incident. Model Answer: DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT Two eye witnesses namely Tyrelle Johnson and Suhail Ssali reported that the following occurred: During the last lesson on Tuesday 20 August 2012 Thato Moledi called Karabo Musi “stupid” after he received a low mark in the test. Karabo Musi did report this to the teacher (Ms Nxumalo). Ms Nxumalo responded by saying that that it was not a very nice thing to say and asked Thato Moledi to apologise. He did but Karabo Musi muttered under his breath that he would get Thato Moledi after school. The bell rang and as soon as the learners were out of sight of any teachers Karabo Musi pushed Thato Moledi and asked him who he was calling stupid. Thato Moledi responded by pushing him back and called him “an idiot”. Karabo Musi completely lost his temper and started kicking him and punching him. Once Thato Moledi was on the ground Karabo Musi kicked him in the head numerous times. A crowd started to gather which alerted nearby teachers. Ms Jones and Ms Padiachy rushed to the scene and managed to separate the two boys. Karabo Musi was escorted off the property and Thato Moledi’s parents were called and it was recommended that he be taken to a medical practitioner to determine if he had incurred any serious injury. Signature J Bloggs Feedback: Obviously you will have constructed your own scenario but ensure that you make it very clear exactly what happened. Make sure that you include as many details as possible. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 111 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Use full names so that there can be no ambiguity or cases of mistaken identity. Also make sure that when you use personal pronouns like he/she/they, it is perfectly clear exactly who is being referred to. For example you could say “Thato insulted Karabo and he gave him a punch to the jaw,” Here it is not clear exactly who gave the punch. Was it Thato or was it Karabo? Ensure that there is no ambiguity in your report. 3. State what action has been taken with regard to the incident. Model Answer: ACTION TAKEN The following morning 21 August 2012 Karabo Musi’s father, Mr Thabo Musi, was called to attend a meeting with the school principal (Mrs R. Rambau and myself (Ms J Bloggs – Deputy Principal). Mr Musi gave us insight into Karabo Musi’s background. He had only joined our school this year and came from Seaforth Primary School where he had been the victim of constant bullying. His mother and father are divorced and he had previously been living with his mother and her new boyfriend. There was lot of violence in the home and the mother’s new boyfriend had constantly physically abused Karabo and often referred to him as a ”moron” and as a “nuisance”. His mother requested that he move in with his biological father, Mr Thabo Musi, in order to be removed from the volatile situation and in order for her and her new boyfriend to have some space. Mr Thabo Musi requested that understanding be shown with respect to Karabo’s home background and circumstances. It was agreed that while Karabo Musi needed to be punished for his action, leniency would be shown and that his latent anger should be addressed through psychological counselling. It was also decided that expulsion would not be in his best interests. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 112 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Mr Thabo Musi was requested to make a formal apology on behalf of Karabo Musi to Thato Moledi and his parents. Thato Moledi is also not without blame and should also be counselled with respect to the negative consequences of name calling and teasing. He would also be reprimanded for his part in the fight. Feedback: Here you would explain the action that the school has taken bearing in mind that the one set of parents have requested the expulsion of the boy who has been identified as the aggressor. Ensure that your writing is clear and that the action taken is relevant and appropriate. 4. State what the final decision or resolution of the incident has been. Model Answer: An appointment and recommendation was made for Karabo Musi to see Dr Saunders (School Educational Psychologist) for counselling and anger management. Expulsion is not recommended as it would not be in Karabo’s best interests. Thato Moledi and Karabo Musi must both complete 4 weeks of community service on Friday afternoons. A formal request was made to the parents of Thato Moledi to drop the charges laid at the police station after a lengthy explanation was given of his home circumstances and the background to the incident. Signature J. Bloggs Date: 01 September 2012 Feedback: Here you would summarise any final decision that you may have made as a result of the incident. How would you prevent such an incident from happening in the future? Have you addressed the cause of the incident? What suggestions can you make with regard to the incident? Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 113 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 114 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 6. LEARNING UNIT 3: PROGRESS REPORT In January 2012 a project was launched to renovate old buildings in a downtown Johannesburg district. The area has been named the Maponeng Precint. The aim is to draw people to the inner city and to bring about an economic revival in the area. An number of buildings have been purchased your company URBAN INVESTMENTS and the CEO has requested that you report on the progress of the project. Use the following headings as a guideline in the writing of the report. Each question that follows will guide you through the various subheadings: Title 1. Introduction/ Background 2. Description of project (Objectives, target dates; resources, budget, etc.) 3. Work completed to date • Task 1 (or Phase 1) • Task 2 • Task 3 4. Difficulties encountered 5. Next phase 6. Conclusions & Recommendations 1. Give a suitable title for the report. Model Answer: REPORT ON RENOVATION RENEWAL IN PROGRESS OF THE BUILDINGS MADE AND MAPONENG IN THE ECONOMIC PRECINCT IN DOWNTOWN JOHANNESBURG. Feedback: Remember that the title would capture all the important aspects of the topic or of the project. The format is very similar to that used in an investigative report except for the fact that the words ‘progress made’ would replace the words ‘investigation into’. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 115 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 2. Give the background of the report. Model Answer: In January 2012 a project was launched to renovate old buildings in the downtown Johannesburg district. The area has been named the Maponeng Precinct. The aim is to draw people to the inner city and to bring about an economic revival in the area. A number of buildings have been purchased. The project is due to be completed in July 2014. Feedback: Here you would give the basic background of the project. You would say when the project was launched, why it was launched and when it is expected to be completed by. 3. Give a description of the project. Model Answer: Objectives The project aims draw people to the inner city in order to bring about an economic revival. A number of buildings have been purchased in order to be renovated and refurbished for accommodation in the form of upmarket urban lofts and to invite business investment. Phase 1 Dates 31/01/2012 – 31/06/2012 Awarding of tenders to architects, structural and civil engineers, building contractors and interior designers. Phase 2 01/07/2012 – 31/12/2012 Completion of pilot project – Renovation of Building 1 for upmarket urban lofts. Renovation of Building 2 for Retail shops. Renovation of Building 3 for office space. Leasing of space to be 50% complete. Phase 3 01/01/2013 – 01/07/2014 Completion of Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Bulidings 4-7 for residential Page 116 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English accommodation. Buildings 8, 9 to be completed for further retail space. Building 10 to be completed for office space. Budget A budget of R 40 000 000 has been set aside for the project. See annexure A for allocations and projections for the project. Feedback: You are not required to be an expert in town planning in order to answer this question. You need to however give evidence that you have given thought to the objectives and aims of the project and that you have divided the project up into sections or phases Bear in mind that this is a progress report and in later sections you will need to report on how much you have accomplished. For the purposes of examination or assignment questions you may also refer to annexures or appendices without necessarily including them. 4. Give an account of how much of the project has been completed to date. Model Answer: Work completed to date Phase 1 Phase 1 has been completed as per estimated target dates. Tenders have been awarded as follows: Architects – Ebony and Ivory Architects Rosebank Structural Engineers – WBHO Building Contractors – Da Costa Developers Interior designers - Louisa’s Urban Interiors Phase 2 1. Phase 2 is a little behind schedule due to the Transport strike that took place in October. 2. Construction work has been completed but only 20% of space has been leased. Approximately 100 tenants have moved into Building 1 whereas it was projected that the building would have 250 Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 117 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English tenants by this time. 3. Retail space in Buiding 2 is also only 10% let but there is a lot of interest and it is expected that once the festive season is over there will be a lot of new tenants in the Building. 4. Office space in Building 3 is moving well and is approximately 30% let. Budget At present the project is well within budget. Feedback: Ensure that this section follows on from the previous one. Don’t add any details that you did not mention in the section where you described the project. 5. Report on any difficulties you have encountered in the project. Model Answer: Difficulties Encountered 1. The transport strike causes severe delays with respect to delivery of materials. However, the socalled strike season is now over and Da Costa Developers have assured us that all materials required for Phase 2 have already been delivered. Feedback: Mention any challenges or difficulties that may have hindered the progress of the project. 6. Discuss the next phase of the project. Model Answer: Phase 3 Construction on the next building is due to start 15 January 2013 as soon as the Builder’s holiday has ended. Therefore the next phase is due to start on schedule. Feedback: Here you outline when the next phase is due to start. Obviously if you mentioned severe setbacks in previous sections here you would indicate that the next phase may be behind schedule. You may also mention what Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 118 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English contingency plans may have been made to keep the project on track. It is recommended that in an examination or assignment question that you keep you report fairly simple and don’t make it too complicated. 7. End your report by giving your Recommendations and Conclusions. Model Answer: Conclusion The project is running well within budget. Construction work is on schedule but letting of accommodation and of retail and office space is slightly behind target. Recommendations It is recommended that more attention be drawn to the Maponeng project in the media and that more aggressive advertising be done so as to reach projected targets with respect to the leasing of space. Feedback: Summarise the progress that has been made on the project in one or two short sentences. If there have been major problems, mention these. Recommend possible solutions to the problems and challenges that may have been encountered. 8. You are employed as the Chief Training Officer at Speedking, an organisation which offers overnight courier/ delivery services. The organisation currently employs 360 drivers in all provinces. Speedking recently initiated an intensive training programme for drivers of the delivery vehicles; making use of out-sourced regional training providers for advanced driving skills. This project is still continuing. Regardless of this focus on training, during the past two months there has been an increase in the number of accidents in which the drivers in three provinces were involved. This has occurred even though a great deal of money is being spent on the training. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 119 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Management are expecting answers. You have been requested to investigate the state of affairs, and to compile a progress report. Compile a progress report covering only the training in the three provinces in which the recent accidents have occurred. Include progress made by the provinces and reasons for the increase in accidents. You may add any relevant details. You should adapt the following headings to suit your own situation: TITLE 1. Introduction (Background) 2. Description of project (Objectives, target dates, resources, budget, etc.) 3. Work completed to date 3.1 Province 1 3.2 Province 2 3.3 Province 3 4. Difficulties encountered (general and/or per province) 5. Next phase 6. Conclusions and recommendations. Your report should not exceed 3 pages in length. Model Answer: REPORT ON PROGRESS MADE IN THE TRAINING OF SPEEDKING DRIVERS 1. Introduction On 1 July 2014 the management of Speedking commissioned an advanced driving skills training programme for all 360 employed drivers of the company. The training is still underway but, despite progress, drivers in some areas continue to be involved in road accidents. Affected provinces are Gauteng, Mpumalanga and the North West. 2. Description of Project Training of 75 drivers in Gauteng, 28 drivers in Mpumalanga, 30 drivers in North West. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 120 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Phase 1 – Driving in extreme weather conditions. • Dates: 1/07/2014 to 31/07/2014. • Budget – R150,000 Phase 2 – Dealing with catastrophic brake failure due to mechanical malfunction • Dates: 01/08/2014 to 29/08/2014. • Budget – R175,000 Phase 3 – General road traffic safety. • Budget – R80,000 • Dates: 01/09/2014 to 30/09/2014 Resources: Gauteng driving instructors – Elite Driving School Mpumalanga – Simunye Driving Academy North West – All Road Advanced Driving All vehicles used in training are supplied by respective driving schools / academies (See Annexure A6) 3. Work Completed to date 3.1 Phase 1 – Mpumalanga and North West completed this training. All drivers passed the final exams. Gauteng had a 25% failure rate. (Annexure A9) 3.2 Phase 2 - Gauteng and Mpumalanga completed this training. North West started 2 weeks behind schedule. (Annexure B2) 3.3 Phase 3 – Training has commenced in all three provinces and is on track to be completed by the due date (Annexure C1). 4. Difficulties encountered In spite of the ongoing training, Speedking drivers in Gauteng have encountered numerous difficulties that have led to several accidents. Due to the new tolling laws, drivers were instructed to make use of alternative routes. These routes are often on roads with inferior quality tarmac, lane markings, lighting and warning signs. These roads also carry much heavier traffic. This resulted in 4 bumper bashings. (Annexure D5) The recent strikes in North West have also caused concern for our drivers as it became very dangerous to travel at night. This has caused a spike in speeding fines and also resulted in 2 accidents due to drivers exceeding speed limits to reach destinations before dark. (Annexure E2) Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 121 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English In Mpumalanga there was a problem with the training resource. The company concerned underwent organizational structure changes. This resulted in delays in training and subsequently training standards have dropped. Two accidents took place due to rookie drivers being given solo delivery instructions. 5. Next Phase Phase 4 – On hold until Phase 3 has been completed. In Phase 4 the drivers will be recapping previous training and will also be trained how to assist fellow drivers in cases of emergency. Expected date of commencement to be confirmed. 6. Conclusion Wherever the training has been completed, we can see a definite improvement in drivers’ awareness, skill and level of service. Most of the accidents were not due to drivers’ negligence (Annexure F). The training academy in Mpumalanga has recommitted their involvement in the training. They also accepted a penalty fee for the inconvenience caused. Our drivers are at a higher level than before. 7. Recommendations 7.1 It is recommended that drivers who failed any of their final exams should pay a pre-defined portion of the training costs involved. 7.2 To further improve the safety of our drivers and vehicles, it is recommended that national toll roads are used where available. 7.3 Provinces with 100% pass rates and 0 accidents could be awarded bonuses at the end of the year. 7.4 It is also recommended that the training is recapped twice a year to update drivers’ knowledge. 7.5 All new drivers to be trained before doing solo deliveries. JS Nyoni: Chief Training Officer Speedking Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 122 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 7. LEARNING UNIT 4: PROPOSALS Imagine that you are a manager of a business company i.e. Furkan Furniture Designs and that you are in charge of computer of training for your staff. Write to the Human Resources Department of your company asking them for funding to make these training sessions possible. Ask yourself a set of questions that entails what a proposal structure needs. This will help you formulate the proposal. These are the questions we have identified to create a proposal structure, although yours may vary: Try answering these questions that we have identified to help formulate the structure of your proposal. 1. Why do you want this training? Model Answer: This training is necessary so that staff can be computer literate. The company is moving towards a lot of online interaction with clients as there is a growing need for this. Feedback: 2. This can make up your motivation. What will you do? Model Answer: I plan to set up a special computer lab with state of the art computers and professional trainers to train staff. I would also like to ensure that employees have adequate computers with easy internet access. Feedback: The answer to the following questions should make up the description of the project. 3. How will you do it? Model Answer: With the funding from The Finance Department, a team of staff will work under supervision to fulfil my desired plan Feedback: This forms part of the description of the project. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 123 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 4. Where will it be done? Model Answer: The training sessions will be done in the labs which will be built on company premises. Feedback: 5. This forms part of the description of the project. How long will it take? Model Answer: I hope to have the desired project running within a month. The training sessions will be indefinite since the computer field is dynamic and there will always be new avenues that our staff will need to learn about. Feedback: 6. This forms part of the description of the project. How much will it cost? Model Answer: I estimate the project will cost R254 000 • Computer lab – R 70 000 • New computers for lab – R 30 000 • Fine tune staff computers – R 10 000 • Fast internet access – R 20 000 • Employing computer trainers - R 104 000 (per annum) • Feedback: Computer maintenance – R20 000 (per annum) This is your budget. Once you are done answering the questions 1-6, draw up a skeleton proposal with the relevant sub-headings and just a brief description of what you would add under these headings. Remember, this proposal should be submitted to the Human Resources Department of Furkan Furniture Design to get funding to start computer training sessions for employees. In questions 7-13, you will be given the sub-headings that make up the proposal structure, and you can brainstorm under the headings using the notes you have from the previous activity. Remember that this exercise is open-ended and that the Model Answer is just a guide. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 124 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 7. Executive summary Model Answer: We aim to establish a training lab that constantly keeps staff abreast with the latest online needs of the company. Funding is needed to develop this project. It will be money well spent since it will help the company grow exponentially since it will reach a larger client base. Feedback: Executive summaries are used only in formal and lengthy proposals. It sums up all sections of the proposal as a whole. 8. Background Model Answer: The staff has always pushed themselves to achieve their best at Furkan Turkish Designs. They specialize in making custom made handcrafted Turkish furniture as clients desire. Since the company is growing, it aims to reach a global clientele, instead of catering to Africa alone. Online interaction with clients makes this possible, since the staff meet with clients to draw up their desired designs. Feedback: Background to the project; some information about the proposer; motivation why the proposer is the right person for the job 9. Motivation Model Answer: Feedback: Training is necessary for staff so that they can be computer literate. The company is moving towards a lot of online interaction with clients as there is a growing need for this. Give a more detailed needs analysis, showing causes of the problem, background on how the situation developed, and/or the consequences of the current situation. On this basis, state why the proposed intervention is necessary. State the objectives of the project. Describe the expected benefits. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 125 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 10. Description of Project Model Answer: I plan to set up a special computer lab with state of the art computers and professional trainers to train staff. I would also like to ensure that employees have adequate computers with easy internet access. With the funding from the Finance Department, a team of staff will work under supervision to fulfil my desired plan. The training sessions will be done in the labs which will be built on company premises. We will interact with staff via the e-mail and internet, so they are constantly training and keeping abreast of what is required of them. I hope to have the desired project running within a month. The training sessions will be indefinite since the computer field is dynamic and there will always be new avenues that our staff will need to learn about. Feedback: Describe your action plan in detail, including the time frame. If the project is complex, describe each phase or aspect under a suitable subheading, or represent the plan in a table, chart or diagram. 11. Budget Model Answer: I estimate the project will cost R254 000 The funding is broken down as such: • Computer lab – R 70 000 • New computers for lab – R 30 000 • Fine tune staff computers – R 10 000 • Fast internet access – R 20 000 • Employing computer trainers - R 104 000 (per annum) • Feedback: Computer maintenance – R20 000 (per annum) A project usually involves funding. You need to estimate what the costs will be, and include resources such as people, materials and infrastructure. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 126 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 12. Additional Resources Model Answer: Computer maintenance should cover the topic of Additional Resources. There will be constant upgrades of software, and computer hardware, including internet connections and printing hardware. Feedback: This section should show what resources are available, and what is still needed. Resource categories such as human, material and infrastructure may be included, as well as projected costs in the form of a budget. Main costs should be listed in the document, with reference to more detail or the full budget attached as an annexure. In the same way, include quotations for goods and services from other providers. 13. Conclusion Model Answer: This funding will help the company grow beyond Africa to reach new frontiers. The rewards of this funding will go a long way. Feedback: You may comment on the long-term sustainability of the project, and indicate arrangements to monitor progress and ensure quality. Propose that funding and other resources be made available to begin the project on a chosen date. Briefly re-state the benefits. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 127 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Examination Preparation Activities 1. EXAMINATION PREPARATION - WRITING SKILLS IN PROFESSIONAL CORRESPONDENCE Please review each of the following sentences carefully and rewrite the sentences with any corrections you deem necessary. 1. I'm not sure were to commence as you all know that the employee's was working very much hard in the past few months and the news I'm bringing you are very good news. Model Answer: I'm not sure where to start. As you all know, the employees have been working very hard during the last few months and I'd like to bring you some good news. Feedback: Take note of spelling and grammar mistakes. Also, be careful of run-on sentences. These are sentences that go on for too long and eventually become confusing and difficult to read. 2. 3. 4. We as the management is very excited regarding these news. Model Answer: Management is very excited about this news. Feedback: Take note of spelling and grammar mistakes. According to our opinion you all deserve to be given such bonuses. Model Answer: In our opinion, you all deserve bonuses. Feedback: Take note of spelling and grammar mistakes. As you all know that we can only be able to pay funds that was budget. Model Answer: In our opinion, you all deserve bonuses. Feedback: Take note of spelling and grammar mistakes. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 128 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 5. I have to highlight and emphasize that this will not happen every day. Model Answer: I have to emphasise that this is not an everyday occurrence. OR I have to emphasise that this is an exception. Feedback: In this instance, "highlight" and "emphasise" are synonymous. You therefore need not use both words. 6. We want to open a day care facility so that people with young childs can be able to bring them to work. Model Answer: We want to open a day care facility so that people with young children can bring them to work. Feedback: 7. Take note of spelling and grammar mistakes. Your cooperation in this regards will be very much appreciated. Model Answer: Your cooperation in this regard will be much appreciated. Feedback: 8. Take note of spelling and grammar mistakes. Due to school holidays some employee's find it deficult to live thier childrens alone at home. Model Answer: During school holidays, some employees find it difficult to leave their children home alone. Feedback: 9. Take note of spelling and grammar mistakes. We would like to hear your views and opinions on this matter. Model Answer: We would like to hear your views / opinions regarding this matter. Feedback: "Views" and "opinions" are synonymous in this context. Therefore you need not use both words. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 129 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 2. EXAMINATION PREPARATION - MINUTES OF MEETINGS 1. You have been asked to take minutes at your company's Weekly Meeting. Read through the transcript (in dialogue form) of a part of the meeting. This part of the meeting was about marketing. Write the minutes of the discussion of this agenda item under the following topic: 4.3 Marketing Your answer should not exceed one page. The complete format for meetings is not required. Meeting Transcript: Andrew: Let’s look at marketing quickly. I’m a little bit concerned that with everything else going on we’ve lost a bit of steam on the marketing front. Ms Letao, what has the response been to our radio advert? Anything as yet? Kgomotso (Letao): Jaaaa… But not like we would like. We had one response almost right away and the client seems very interested, but nothing other than that. Andrew: Yes, it does seem that radio might not be the way to go. It’s not providing the results we hoped for. Miranda: don’t think it’s the medium so much as it is our approach. I think we just need to rethink our target audience and then change our approach to better suit our market. Maybe do some more interviews. People seem to like those… Andrew: Could be… we’ll have to explore the idea a bit more, I think. Thing is radio is quite expensive. I’m not convinced that our money wouldn’t be better spent elsewhere. Liza: What about social media? Shouldn’t we focus on that a bit more? Like Facebook and twitter and stuff like that? Andrew: As far as I know we are focussing on social media… Thandeka, what’s happening on that front? Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 130 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Thandeka: Well, the Facebook page is up and we’ve called together a team to keep updating the page. Right now we’re still seeing what works and what not, but it’s going okay. We have 256 likes already, so there is movement. We’ve also created a twitter account and we’re in the process of getting it linked to our Facebook page so that the same posts appear on both. And I’m waiting for the final date for the new website to go live. The developers said that it will be ready by next week at the latest. Andrew: That sounds good, but please keep us all posted. If you need more information I’m sure some of these guys can also help you. Anyone who is willing to help can please contact Thandeka. We really need everyone to pull in on this one. I also want you guys to start thinking about the Career expo that’s coming up in 3 months. I want us to attend, exhibit some of our work, network, that type of thing. Those who helped out last year will know the drill. We’ll also need to think of corporate gifts and brochures for the expo. Maybe the branded calendars and notebooks again. I don’t know. Let your heads go then we can meet again in a week’s time to brainstorm. Then we also talked about the email signatures last week. Liza, we’re you guys able to sort that out? I haven’t seen any correspondence about it? Liza: We’ve finalised the new logo and I’m just waiting for the final draft from marketing then we’ll send it around. It should be within the next two days. Andrew: Good, you guys all know what to do with it. Please update your signatures so we can get our CI on par. I think that’s that for today, but then let’s please meet next week again to brainstorm ideas for the expo. Same time, same place. Thanks everyone. You may go. Model Answer: 4.3 Marketing Andrew expressed his concern regarding marketing and enquired whether they had had any response to their radio advert. Kgomotso informed him that there had been response, but not as they had hoped. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 131 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Andrew suggested that radio was perhaps not the correct medium. Miranda countered and suggested that they should change their approach. Liza suggested that they should focus more social media like Twitter and Facebook. Thandeka informed the meeting that the Facebook and Twitter accounts were active and that they were waiting for the new website to go live. Anyone willing to assist Thandeka are to contact him. Andrew asked everyone to focus on the upcoming Career Expo. He asked everyone to brainstorm ideas corporate gifts and brochures which would be discussed at the next meeting. Liza announced that the new logo had been finalised and that it would be circulated shortly. Andrew requested that everyone update their signatures. Next meeting to take place within a week at the same time and place. Meeting was adjourned. Feedback: The minutes of a meeting are an official record that can be used to manage information, accountability, tasks and time in an organisation. When recording minutes, your goal is to use language successfully to provide an instrument for management to ensure the quality of the product or service provided. Minutes are also useful to those whose responsibility it is to implement the decisions taken. Minutes are not a record of general discussions but a record that acts as a memory tool to manage • the task to be performed • the name of the person who must perform the task • the date by which the task must be completed Also remember the following pointers: • Meetings follow the points on the agenda, so the same subheadings can generally be used. • While a secretary may use point-form in taking notes during the meeting, full sentences should be used in the minutes. • Minutes are written in the past tense because the Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 132 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English meeting has already taken place. • Minutes use reported speech, also known as indirect speech, to record a member’s direct statement. • Headings do not end in full stops, but all sentences below them do. • Dates are written as: On 14 July 20 … / On the 14th of July … Any other date convention is incorrect. Use the same format throughout your text. • • Mr Ms Mrs and Dr are not followed by full stops; however Prof. and Adv. etc. are. 3. EXAMINATION PREPARATION – REPORT WRITING Read the following report recommendations and make any necessary corrections. 1. It is recommended a disciplinary charge should be laid against the instructor for taking a bribe. Model Answer: It is recommended that a disciplinary charge should be laid against the instructor for taking a bribe. Feedback: You can only formulate a recommendation by using the word ‘be’ when it follows the word ‘that’. 2. There should be free driving lessons to members of the community to show apologies Model Answer: There should be free driving lessons for members of the community to show remorse. Feedback: 3. Note grammatical and syntax errors. Salaries of non-managerial staff must be reviewed and compared to inflation rates. Model Answer: Salaries of non-managerial staff should be reviewed and compared to inflation rates. Feedback: The report writer is not in a position to take decisions or give instructions. For this reason you should avoid using the words ‘must’ and ‘will’; use ‘should’ instead. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 133 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English 4. Staff should be given training to honing their skills. Model Answer: It is recommended that staff be given training to hone their skills OR Staff should be given training to hone their skills Feedback: 5. There is no –ing in the infinitive form “to hone”. Read each of the following sentences carefully and indicate whether the sentence would fall under "Conclusions" or "Recommendations" in a report. Staff in the Directorate should attend workshops on customer care in order to communicate better with the employees. The majority of employees are affected by salary problems and this in turn has had a negative impact on staff morale. The standard of business writing can be significantly improved by means of a training intervention. It is recommended that we start a training intervention to improve our employees’ business writing abilities. Model Answer : Staff in the Directorate should attend workshops on customer Recommendation care in order to communicate better with the employees. The majority of employees are affected by salary problems Conclusion and this in turn has had a negative impact on staff morale. The standard of business writing can be significantly Conclusion improved by means of a training intervention. It is recommended that we start a training intervention to Recommendation improve our employees’ business writing abilities. 4. EXAMINATION PREPARATION – WRITING PROPOSALS 1. You have been asked to write a proposal regarding the opening of a day care facility on the company premises. Briefly consider the context, need, solution and evaluation of such a proposal and write up the "solution" only. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 134 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Model Answer: 4. Implementation 4.1. A suitable area has been identified for the construction of the day care centre. Some changes will have to be made to the area and a kitchen and bathrooms will have to be added to the area. Inquiries have been made and it is estimated that this work can be completed by December 2013. 4.2 Interviews have been held for day care personnel. Personnel includes 2 qualified caretakers, and a cleaner and cook. Suitable candidates have been short-listed and are awaiting further notifications. 4.3 The day care will have to be stocked with several items listed under Annexure A. A cost analysis has been done and the estimated cost thereof has been included in the budget. 4.4 If approval can be obtained, the day care centre can be operational by 6 January 2014, when employees return to work after the December holidays. 5. Budget Although the proposed day care was not included in the original 2013 budget forecast, the company has identified unused funds which can be applied for the establishment thereof. Costs estimated as follows: 5.1 Construction work: R40 000 5.2 Staff salaries: R38 000 per month for 3 staff members as mentioned above. 5.3 Furnishing and equipment: R24 000 Construction and furnishing costs will be once-off with minimal expenditure needed for upgrades thereafter. Staff salaries will be the only recurring cost. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 135 ENN1504 – Practicing Workplace English Surveys have indicated staff willingness to pay for such day care services. Such payment could contribute to staff salaries, minimising the recurring cost to the company. Feedback: Remember the following guidelines with regards to writing your proposal: • Implementation Describe your action plan in detail, including the time frame. If the project is complex, describe each phase or aspect under a suitable subheading, or represent the plan in a table, chart or diagram. • Resources This section should show what resources are available, and what is still needed. Resource categories such as human, material and infrastructure may be included, as well as projected costs in the form of a budget. Main costs should be listed in the document, with reference to more detail or the full budget attached as an annexure. In the same way, include quotations for goods and services from other providers. Study Unit 1 – Writing Skills in Professional Correspondence Page 136