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SAP Retail Enterprise Overview
Replenishment User Manual
SAP Retail Enterprise Overview
Replenishment User Manual
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SAP Retail Enterprise Overview
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................. 2
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 3
OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................... 3
MASTER DATA FOR PUSH BASED REPLENISHMENT .................................................................. 4
SITE .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Check MRP Box in Listing/Req Plng Tab ........................................................................ 4
VENDOR .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Check Automatic Purchase Order Checkbox in Vendor Master Purchase Org
ARTICLE.............................................................................................................................................. 7
Maintain Logistics Store view in Article Master ............................................................ 7
Maintain Logistics DC view in Article Master ................................................................ 8
Maintain Purchasing View in the Article Master ............................................................ 9
PULL BASED REPLENISHMENT PROCESS...................................................................................10
3.1. CHECK EXISTING STOCK AT STORE ....................................................................................................10
3.2. PERFORM SALES SIMULATION AT STORE ...........................................................................................11
3.3. CHECK ARTICLE DOCUMENT FOR THE IDOC NUMBER GENERATED ABOVE........................................12
3.4. CHECK ARTICLE STOCK AT STORE......................................................................................................13
3.5. CHECK & UPDATE ARTICLE CONSUMPTION DATA FOR THE ARTICLE AT STORE ..................................14
3.6. RUN FORECAST AT STORE ..................................................................................................................15
3.7. CHECK & CHANGE FORECAST VALUES AT STORE..............................................................................16
3.8. RUN REPLENISHMENT AT STORE ........................................................................................................17
3.9. CHECK STOCK TRANSPORT ORDER/PURCHASE ORDER ......................................................................19
RUN STOCK/REQUIREMENT LIST FOR THE DC (OPTION 1).............................................................20
CHECK AND UPDATE ARTICLE CONSUMPTION DATA AT DC (OPTION 1) .........................................21
RUN FORECAST AT DC (OPTION 1).................................................................................................22
RUN REQUIREMENT PLANNING FOR THE DC (OPTION 1) ...............................................................23
COLLECTIVE PO FOR VENDOR (OPTION 2) .....................................................................................24
Check the Distribution Profile in Logistics DC view ..........................................................24
Check the Stock Requirement List for the Article for DC ...................................................25
Run Collective Purchase Order ...........................................................................................26
Generate Worklist .................................................................................................................27
Check the original STO Requirement..................................................................................28
MASTER DATA FOR PUSH BASED REPLENISHMENT ..............................................................29
4.1. STORE GROUP ....................................................................................................................................29
Maintain store group for Push Based Allocation .........................................................29
Assign sites to store groups .............................................................................................31
4.2. CREATE ALLOCATION RULE ..............................................................................................................33
PUSH BASED REPLENISHMENT PROCESS...................................................................................35
CREATE ALLOCATION TABLE ............................................................................................................35
CREATE FOLLOW-ON DOCUMENTS .....................................................................................................36
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SAP Retail Enterprise Overview
The replenishment process is used to replenish merchandise from the vendor to the store. In SAP,
the following process is followed for replenishment.
1. Pull Based – This replenishment strategy is used when the past consumption is a good
indicator of future consumption. The process works as follows –
Article consumption at store in POS System
Update the consumption data in SAP Retail
Forecast for the store using past consumption data
Replenishment Run at the store based on the store forecast
Automatic PR/PO/STO for the store after Replenishment Run
2. Push Based – This replenishment strategy is used when the past consumption is not a good
indicator of future consumption. The process works as follows –
Create allocation Table in SAP Retail
Perform Subsequent Processing
Automatic PR/PO/STO for the store/DC after Subsequent Processing
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Master Data for Push Based Replenishment
For the automatic replenishment process to run successfully, the following master data should be
available –
Check MRP Box in Listing/Req Plng Tab
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Master Data  Site Data  Site
Maintain requirement planning for sites – DST1, DDC1
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Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Master Data  Site Data  Site
Click on supplying sites tab and check that the DC DDC1 is
mentioned there
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Check Automatic Purchase Order Checkbox in Vendor Master Purchase Org Data
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Master Data  Vendor Data  Edit
Maintain automatic purchase order checkbox for vendor AD002
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Maintain Logistics Store view in Article Master
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Master Data  Article Data  Article
Maintain the following data for the article PK1 logistics store view
for site DST1 –
RP Type = RF
Lot Size = EX
Target Coverage = 40 days
Period Indicator = W
Forecast Model = D
Planned Delivery Time = 14 days
Supply Source = 2
Purchasing Group = DMA
Availability Check = KP
Automatic PO Indicator = Checked
Negative Stocks Indicator = Checked
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Maintain Logistics DC view in Article Master
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Master Data  Article Data  Article
Maintain the following data for the article PK1 logistics store view
for site DST1 –
RP Type = R1
Lot Size = EX
Period Indicator = W
Forecast Model = D
Stock Planner = ST1
Planning Cycle = PC1
Planned Delivery Time = 1 days
Supply Source = 1
Purchasing Group = DMA
Availability Check = KP
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Maintain Purchasing View in the Article Master
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Master Data  Article Data  Article
Maintain the following data for the article PK1 purchasing view for
vendor AD002 Purchase Org DDPO –
Purchasing Group = DMA
Net Price = 2.00 INR
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3. Pull Based Replenishment Process
Check Existing Stock at store
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Merchandise Logistics  Valuation 
Inventory Management  Environment  Stock
Check unrestricted use stock of the article
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Perform Sales Simulation at store
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Distributed Retailing  POS Interface 
Perform PK1 sales at site DST1
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Check Article Document for the iDoc Number generated above
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Purchasing  Requirements Planning 
Environment  Allocation  Communication Site
Perform PK1 sales at site DST1
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Check article Stock at store
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Merchandise Logistics  Valuation 
Inventory Management  Environment  Stock
Perform PK1 sales at site DST1
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Check & Update article consumption data for the article at store
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Master Data  Article Data  Article
The sold quantity will be reflected in the consumption values for the
site in logistics store view of article master in Consumption Vals tab
at the bottom of the screen. If you wish you can update the
consumption data here for the past weeks.
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SAP Retail Enterprise Overview
Run Forecast at store
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Purchasing  Requirements Planning 
Forecasting  Individual Forecast
Execute the forecast for article PK1 site DST1
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Check & Change Forecast Values at store
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Purchasing  Requirements Planning 
Forecasting  Individual Forecast
Check and Change Forecast Values
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Run Replenishment at store
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Purchasing  Requirements Planning 
Environment  Replenishment  Replenishment Planning
Run the replenishment planning for the article site combination
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Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Purchasing  Requirements Planning 
Environment  Replenishment  Replenishment Planning
Check Replenishment Calculation
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Check Stock transport Order/Purchase Order
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Purchasing  Requirements Planning 
Environment  Replenishment  Replenishment Planning
Check the STO/PO Document
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3.10. Run Stock/Requirement List for the DC (Option 1)
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Purchasing  Requirements Planning 
Requirements Planning
Check the Requirement List for DC DDC1 for article PK1. It should
reflect the STO created in replenishment
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3.11. Check and update article consumption data at DC (Option 1)
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Master Data  Article Data  Article
The quantity delivered from the DC to the stores will be reflected in
the consumption values for the DC in logistics DC view of article
master in Consumption Vals tab at the bottom of the screen. If you
wish you can update the consumption data here for the past weeks.
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3.12. Run forecast at DC (Option 1)
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Purchasing  Requirements Planning 
Forecasting  Individual Forecast
Run forecast for the article PK1 at DC DDC1
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3.13. Run Requirement Planning for the DC (Option 1)
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
MD03 (MDBT in batch mode)
Logistics  Retailing  Purchasing  Requirements Planning 
Requirements Planning
Requirement Planning for the article PK1 at DC DDC1. Check that
the purchase requisition is created for the DC
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3.14. Collective PO for vendor (Option 2)
3.14.1. Check the Distribution Profile in Logistics DC view
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Master Data  Article Data  Article
Check or assign distribution profile in the Logistics DC view
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3.14.2. Check the Stock Requirement List for the Article for DC
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Purchasing  Requirements Planning 
Requirements Planning
Check the Requirement List for DC DDC1 for article PK1. It should
reflect the STO created in replenishment
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3.14.3. Run Collective Purchase Order
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Merchandise Logistics  Collective
Purchase order
Create the collective Purchase Order for article 316 on the vendor
for delivery to DC DDC1
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3.14.4. Generate Worklist
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Merchandise Logistics  Collective
Purchase order
Generate worklist by clicking on the icon
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3.14.5. Check the original STO Requirement
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Merchandise Logistics  Collective
Purchase order
You can check the original store requirement by drilling down on
purchase order using the lens icon
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4. Master Data for Push Based Replenishment
4.1. Store Group
Maintain store group for Push Based Allocation
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Master Data  Site  Grouping  Other
Select class type 030 (Site Grouping) and hit create or change
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Assign sites to store groups
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Master Data  Site  Grouping  Other
 Maintain Assignments
Select class type 030 (Site Grouping) and hit Maintain Sites in a
Class Button. On subsequent screen select the Create new screen
assignment or Change Assignment button
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4.2. Create Allocation Rule
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Purchasing  Requirements Planning 
Allocation  Allocation Rule
Assign the respective site group to the allocation rule. You can
assign quotas to individual sites by drilling down further using the
lens at bottom of screen. Quotas can also be assigned between
store groups. These will be used to allocate merchandise across
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5. Push Based Replenishment Process
5.1. Create Allocation Table
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Purchasing  Requirements Planning 
Allocation  Allocation Table
Create the allocation table. Specify the Date Description and
delivery details at both the store and DC. You can specify a
staggered delivery schedule here. Mention the article number,
planned quantity, allocation rule and Distribution Center.
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5.2. Create follow-on documents
Transaction Code
Menu Path
SAP Activity
Logistics  Retailing  Purchasing  Requirements Planning 
Allocation  Allocation Table
Create the Vendor Purchase Order and Warehouse Orders for the
allocation table. Check the ratio in which the quantities are assigned
across the sites.
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