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Blood: Composition and Functions - Presentation

Обучающая презентация на
тему: «КРОВЬ»
4 blood
presentation in
erythrocyte leucocyte trombocyte
Плазма содержит 90-92% воды и 8-10%
сухого остатка, главным образом белков
(7-8%) и минеральных солей (1%). Белки
плазмы (их более 30) разделяют на три
основные группы. Альбумины (около
4,5%) связывают и транспортируют
лекарственные вещества, витамины,
гормоны, пигменты. Глобулины (2-3%)
обеспечивают транспорт жиров, глюкозы,
меди, железа, выработку антител.
Фибриноген (0,2-0,4%) участвует в
свертывании крови. В плазме также
находятся аминокислоты, глюкоза
(0,11%), нейтральные жиры, липиды. В
плазму поступают и конечные продукты
обмена веществ: мочевина, мочевая
кислота и др. В плазме содержатся также
различные гормоны, ферменты и другие,
биологически активные вещества.
Минеральные вещества плазмы
составляют около 1%.
Plasma contains 90-92% water and 810% solids, mainly proteins (7-8%)
and mineral salts (1%). Plasma
proteins (more than 30) is divided into
three main groups. Albumins (about
4.5%) bind and transport drugs,
vitamins, hormones, pigments.
Globulin (2.3%) providing transport of
fats, glucose, copper, iron, production
of antibodies. Fibrinogen (0.2-0.4%) is
involved in blood clotting. In the
plasma are also amino acid, glucose
(0.11%), neutral fats, lipids. In the
plasma and enter the final products of
metabolism, urea, uric acid, and
others. In the plasma also contains a
variety of hormones, enzymes and
other biologically active substances.
Minerals plasma is about 1%.
Кровь человека является
важнейшей системой в организме,
которая выполняет очень много
функций. Кровь – это и
транспортная система, по которой
переносятся необходимые
вещества к клеткам различных
органов, а из клеток удаляются
продукты распада и прочие
отработанные вещества,
подлежащие выведению из
организма. В крови же циркулируют
клетки и вещества,
обеспечивающие защитную
функцию всего организма.
Human blood is the most
important system in the body that
performs a lot of functions. Blood it's transport system by which the
necessary substances are
transferred to the cells of various
organs, and the cells are removed
from the decay products and other
waste substances to be removal
from the body. In the same blood
circulating cells and substances
that provide a protective function
of the whole organism.
Blood - amazing liquid. Since ancient times, it attributed a mighty force.
Ancient priests brought her in sacrifice to their gods, people with
blood cemented their vows ...
Blood - it's a special kind of connective tissue cells are located
far from each other, many of the intercellular
своибогам, люди кровью скрепляли
Functions of blood.
The excretory
. Erythrocytes or red blood cells are clearly visible under
the microscope in a drop of fresh blood. A lot of them, so
they are clearly visible: in 1 mm3 - 4.5 - 5.5 million.
Erythrocytes. This small non-nuclear cells biconcave
shape. This shape increases the surface of red blood cells.
Reddish coloration gives erythrocytes special protein hemoglobin. Thanks to him, the red blood cells carry the
respiratory function of blood: hemoglobin readily combines
with oxygen and just as easily it gives. Red blood cells and
participate in the removal of carbon dioxide from the
Erythrocytes are produced in the bone marrow. Their
century is short - 100-120 days. Daily instead of dead
forms to 300 billion. New red blood cells.
• Normally, 70-80% of the
erythrocytes are spherical in
two ways - a concave shape,
while the remaining 20-30%
may be of various shapes. For
example, a simple spherical,
oval, bitten, cup-shaped, etc.
The shape of red blood cells
may be violated in various
diseases, such as sickleshaped red blood cells
characteristic of sickle - cell
anemia, are oval with a
deficiency of iron, vitamin B12,
folic acid.
В норме 70-80% эритроцитов
имеют сферическую двояко –
вогнутую форму, а остальные
20-30% могут быть различной
формы. Например, простая
сферическая, овальная,
надкусанная, чашеобразная и
т.д. Форма эритроцитов может
нарушаться при различных
заболеваниях, например
эритроциты в форме серпа
характерны для серповидно –
клеточной анемии, овальной
формы бывают при недостатке
железа, витаминов В12, фолиево
й кислоты.
Leukocytes (white blood cells; from the Greek leuco ... and kytos container, here - cell), colorless blood cells of humans and animals. All
types of leukocytes (lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils and
neutrophils) spherical, have a core and are able to actively amoeboid
movement. Leukocytes play an important role in protecting the body from
disease - produce antibodies and engulf bacteria. At 1 mm of blood
normally contains 4-9 thousand. Leukocytes. The number of leukocytes in
the blood of the person subject to fluctuations: it rises towards the end of
the day, during physical exertion, emotional stress, intake of protein
foods, a sharp change in the ambient temperature.
There are two main groups of white blood cells - granulocytes (granular
leukocytes) and agranulocytes (nezernistye leukocytes). Granulocytes are
subdivided into neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils. All granulocytes
are divided on the blade core and granular cytoplasm. Agranulocytes
divided into two main types: monocytes and lymphocytes
Platelets (thrombocytes) - small non-nuclear education in
1 mm3 them contain up to 400000. The duration of their
life - 5-7 days. They are formed in the bone marrow. The
main function is associated with the process of blood
clotting. thrombocytes - hemocyte involved in
haemostasis. thrombocytes - small non-nuclear cells, oval
or round; their diameter is 2 - 4 micrometers. Precursor of
platelets are megakaryocytes. In blood vessels, platelets
may be located at the walls and in the bloodstream. In the
quiescent state (in the bloodstream) are disc-shaped
platelets. When activated, platelets become spherical
cells and form a special outgrowths (pseudopodia). With
these protrusions platelets may adhere to each other or
adhere to the damaged vascular wall.
Эти маленькие клетки
выполняют очень важные
функции в организме. Вопервых, тромбоциты
поддерживают целостность
сосудистой стенки и помогают
ее восстановлению при
повреждениях. Во-вторых,
тромбоциты останавливают
кровотечение, образуя тромб.
Именно тромбоциты первыми
оказываются в очаге разрыва
сосудистой стенки и
кровотечения. Именно они,
слипаясь между собой,
образуют тромб, который
«заклеивает» поврежденную
стенку сосуда, тем самым,
останавливая кровотечение.
• These small cells perform very
important functions in the
body. Firstly, platelets maintain
the integrity of the vascular
wall and help recover from
injuries. Second, platelets,
bleeding stopped, forming a
clot. It was the first platelets
are in the focus of the vascular
wall rupture and bleeding. It is
they, slips between them, form
a clot, which is "glued up" the
damaged vessel wall, thereby
stopping the bleeding.