2. DB‟17, SB‟14 Patriotism is (a) ––noble virtue (¸Y). It inspires (Drmvn †`qv) (b) –– man to dedicate (DrmM© Kiv) his life for the freedom of his (c) –– country. (d) –– man without patriotism is no better than (e) — beast. A true patriot hronoured by (f) –– his countrymen. He thinks for (g) ––betterment (DbœwZ) of his country. On (h) ––– the contrary, (i) ––– unpatriotic man thinks only of his own interest. Those who die for (j) — country are true patriots. a 1.1 b 1.1 c 10.2 d 3.3 (a) a (b) a (c) × (d) A e 1.1 (e) a f 10.2 g 3.1A-i (f) × (g) the h 10.2 i 1.1 j 2.10 (h) the (i) An (j) the 3. RB‟17 Tuthfulness is (a) ––– greatest of all (b) ––– virtues which makes (c) ––– man really great. If we do not cultivate the habit of speaking (d) –––truth, we cannot command () (e) –– confidence () of others. (f) –– – man whom nobody believes can never be great in life. We might succeed once or twice by telling (g) – –– lie but it never brings a good result. (h) ––– lie never lies hidden (). Today or tomorrow it comes to light. Then (i) ––– real character of (j) — liar is revealed () and nobody believes him. a b c d e f g h i j 2.12 3.5 1.1 2.1 3.1A-i 3.3 1.1 1.1 3.1A-i 1.1 (d) the (e) the (f) A (g) a (h) A (i) the (j) a (a) the 4. (b) the / × (c) a JB‟17 The process of learning may very well be compared (Zzjbv Kiv) to (a) –– undertaking (fviMÖnY) of a journey. The learner or the student is (b) — journey taker or traveller. Just as a traveller has to undergo (ga¨ w`‡q hvIqv) all (c) –– botherations (weiw³) -of buying his ticket, booking his baggage, showing up his ticket, taking care-of things, hoarding (e¨e¯’v Kiv) a train or a bus and suffering every other item of (d) –– tedious (KóKi) journey to reach his (e) –– destination (MšÍe¨¯’j), so a learner has to manage (cwiPvjbv Kiv) his learning affair (welq) himself. It is (f) — laborious (KóKi) process and no one can do (g) –– labour for him and no one else can undertake (fviMÖnY Kiv) (h) –– journey for another. There is no trick (‡K․kj) or magic in it. It cannot be acquired (AR©b Kiv) at second hand. Just as a traveller he can enquire (AbymÜvb Kiv) here and there in case of doubt and difficulty. However, the journey is (i) –– passenger's own concern (D‡ØM). In (j) –– same way, learning is entirely (m¤úyb©fv‡e) the concern of the student or the learner. a 3.1A-i (a) the b 1.1 (b) a c 3.5 d 1.1 (c) the / × (d) a e 10.4 (e) × f 1.1 (f) a g 2.10 (g) the h 2.10 (h) the i 5.3 (i) the j 2.1 (j) the 5. CB‟17 In (a) –– last 25 years (b) –– world has lost one-third of its natural wealth, according to (c) –– international conservation (msiÿY) organization World Wild Fund, (d) –– earth's forest, wetlands, seas and coasts are in (e) –– worse state (AwaKZi g›`) today than they were before. Forests are cut down. Moreover, they are being burnt indiscriminately (wbwe©Pv‡i) resulting in (f) –– increase in carbon-di-oxide and ultimately (cwi‡k‡l) in (g) –– water level rising (‡e‡o hvIqv) as a consequence of global warming (DòZv). It is anticipated (Abygvb Kiv) that (h) –– new century will face (gy‡LvgyLx) (i) –– overwhelming (cÖej) environmental (j) –– catastrophe (wech©q). „A /An‟ - Gi A_© Ges e¨enviMZ cv_©K¨: A Ges An -Gi A_©MZ †Kvb cv_©K¨ †bB | wKš‘, e¨enviMZ cv_©K¨ i‡q‡Q| Vowel sound (A = ɒ,Av =Ʌ,G =e, B =I, D =Ʊ) Gi cy‡e© An Ges Consonant sound ( K = k, M = g, P = ʧ , R = ʤ , Bq = j , Iq = w BZ¨vw`) Gi cy‡e© A e‡m| (N.B. ɒ, Ʌ, e, I, Ʊ, k, g, ʧ, ʤ, j, w - Gme Phonetic symbols| Last cover page G G¸‡jvi Chart †`Iqv n‡q‡Q|) Examples: (a) He bought a pen. Explanation: †m GKwU Kjg wK‡bwQj| GLv‡b GKwU Kjg ej‡Z †Kvb GKwU Awbw`©ó Kjg‡K eySv‡”Q| e³v †h Kj‡gi K_v ej‡Q cvVK †mB Kjg ‡P‡b bv| A_©vr KjgwU †Kvb †Kv¤úvbxi ‣Zix, †Kgb is‡qi, KZ `vg, BZ¨vw` ‡Kvb wKQy Rvbv hvq bv | A_©vr GwU †h‡Kvb GKwU Kjg| (b) He bought one pen. †m GKwU Kjg wK‡bwQj| Explanation: GLv‡b GKwU Kjg ej‡Z ‡m `yÕwU wKsev wZbwU bq eis GKwU Kjg wK‡bwQj GgbB ‡evSv‡”Q| „The‟ - Gi A_© Ges D”PvibMZ cv_©K¨: ‗The‘ Consonant Ges Vowel Dfq sound - Gi cy‡e© e‡m| Z‡e ‗The‘ Gi D”PvibMZ cv_©K¨ i‡q‡Q| Vowel sound (A, Av, G, B ,D ) Gi cy‡e© ‗The‘ em‡j Gi D”Pvib ‗w`‘ Ges Consonant sound ( A, Av,G, B, D- e¨ZxZ evwK me Sound) Gi cy‡e© em‡j Gi D”Pvib ―`¨v‖ nq| Classifications of Article Article mvavibZ `yB (2) cÖKvi| h_v: (a) Indefinite Article (b) Definite Article GQvovI AviI wZb (3) cÖKvi Article i‡q‡Q| h_v: (c) Generalizing article (d) Instrumental Article (e) Possessive Article (A / An) (The) (A, An, The) (The) (The) Relation between noun and article Avgiv Rvwb, mvavibZ Noun Gi wbw`©óZv / Awbw`©óZv wb‡`©k Kivi Rb¨ Gi cy‡e© ‗Article‘ emv‡Z nq| wKš‘, me ai‡bi Noun ‗Article‘ †K Zvi wbw`©óZv / Awbw`©óv cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ Gi cy‡e© Avkªq †`q bv| A_©vr me ai‡bi Noun Gi cy‡e© ‗Article‘ e‡m bv|ZvB, Noun – Gi Classification (Concrete, Abstract, Countable , Uncountable, Singular, Plural, Definite, Indefinite) fv‡jvfv‡e AvqZ¡ Kiv GKvšÍ `iKvi| Examples: (a) He bought a book. (b) He bought rice. (c) × Dhaka is the capital of × Bangladesh. 1. USE OF INDEFINITE ARTICLE: Indefinite noun Gi cy‡e© mvaviYZ A / An e‡m| Avevi KLbI †Kvb Article e‡m bv| Indefinite Noun: e³v Ges †kÖvZvi wbKU †h Noun AcwiwPZ, Zv‡K Indefinite noun ejv nq| Characteristics of Indefinite Noun: (a) †h Noun Gi msL¨v GKvwaK _v‡K ‡mwU Indefinitie Noun nq| (b) †h Noun mgwó eySvq ‡mwU Indefinitie Noun nq| (c) †h Noun ‡K MYbv Kiv hvq bv wKsev IRb / cwigvc K‡i e¨envi Kiv nq ‡mwU Indefinitie Noun nq| (d) †h Noun ‡K MYbv Kiv hvq bv Ges c Bw›`ªq Øviv Abyfe Kiv hvq bv, ‡mwU Indefinitie Noun nq| (Common noun) (Collective noun) (Material noun) (Abstract noun) Indefinite Noun by Bengali question: and according to her (h) — best ideas. (i) — child is sure to grow with its superiors (‡kÖq), parents and ‡h Noun †K „‡Kvb / Kvi / wK‡mi‟ Øviv cÖkœ K‡i †Kvb wbw`©ó DËi cvIqv hvq bv, ‡mwU Indefinite Noun nq| teachers and love (j) —all irrespective of (wbwe©‡k‡l) caste (RvwZ), creed (ag©) and colour (eY©). Countable noun Ges Uncountable noun: MYbv Kivi Dci wfwË K‡i noun ‡K `yBfv‡M fvM Kiv nq| h_v: (a) Countable noun (MYbvevPK we‡kl¨) (b) Uncountable noun (AMYbvevPK we‡kl¨) Countable noun: ‡h Noun †K MYbv Kiv hvq wKsev MYbv K‡i e¨envi Kiv nq, Zv‡K Countable noun ejv nq| (Only Common noun) ‡hgb: Man, boy, girl, pen, pencil, book, novel, poem, story, village, town, country, river, sea, star, planet, tree, mango, aple, guava, melon, etc. Uncountable noun: ‡h Noun †K MYbv Kiv hvq bv wKsev MYbv K‡i e¨envi Kiv nq bv eis IRb/ cwigvc Kiv nq wKsev Dcv`vb wn‡m‡e e¨envi Kiv nq, Zv‡K Uncountable noun ejv nq| (Proper, Collective, Material, Abstract) ‡hgb: Rice, wheat, flour, dal, water, salt, iron, gold, air, honesty, cruelty, bravety, tidiness, safety, love, sympathy, kindness, hatred, patriotism, welfare, adulteration, corruption, etc. Number of Noun: Noun Gi Number `yB cÖKvi| h_v: (a) Singualr Number (b) Plural Number Singular Number: ‡h Noun GKK †Kvb wKQzi aviYv w`‡q _v‡K, Zv‡K Singular number ejv nq| Plural Number: ‡h Noun GKvwaK †Kvb wKQzi aviYv w`‡q _v‡K, Zv‡K Plural number ejv nq| Name of Noun Common Proper, Collective, Material, Abstract 1.1 1.2 Countability Number Countable Singular Plural Uncountable Singular × Indefinite noun wU Countable Ges Singular number n‡j Gi cy‡e© Sound Abymv‡i Indefinite article wn‡m‡e „a / an‟ e‡m| Vowel sound (A, Av, G, B, D) Gi cy‡e© An Ges Consonat sound (K, M, P, Q, Bq&, Iq&, BZ¨vw`) Gi cy‡e© A e‡m| Example: (a) A man helped me yesterday. (b) Sagordari is a village under the district of Jessore. (c) His father holds an honourable post in the office. Indefinite noun wU Countable wKš‘, Plural number n‡j Gi Sound hvB †nvK bv †Kb Gi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| (a) × students read × stories. QvÎiv Mí c‡o| (b) × boys play football in the field. a b c d e f g h i j 1.1 1.1 5.3 3.1A-i 2.10 2.10 2.10 10.4 2.10 10.1 (a) a (b) a (c)The (d) the (e) the (f) the (g) the (h) x (i) the (j) x All Boards -2018 1. DB, JB, SB, DnB-2018 Bangladesh is (a) — independent country. We won freedom on (b) — December 16, 1971. This freedom was won as (c) — result of great sacrifice. (d) — great many people laid down (cwiZ¨vM Kiv) their lives for (e) — freedom of the country. (f) — man who loves his country is (g) — patiriot. (h) — real patriot loves his country more than his life. Being patriot, we all should try to make (i) — effort (c`‡ÿc) for the welfare and (j) — progress of our motherland. a b c d e f g h i j 1.1 5.4 1.6 1.7 3.1A-i 3.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 10.6 (a) an (b) × (c) a (d) A (e) the (f) The / A (g) a (h) A (i) an (j) × 2. RB, CB, CtgB, BB-2018 William Shakespeare was bom on April 23, 1564 in (a) — village of Stratford-on-Avon in (b) — county Warwickshire. His father John Shakespeare was (c) — farmer's son who came to (d) — Stratford about1531, and began to prosper as (e) — trader in corn, wheat, leather and agricultural products. His mother Mary Arden was (f) — daughter of (g) — prosperous (mg„w×kvjx) farmer, descended (AeZxb© nIqv) from (h) — old family of mixed Anglo-Saxon and Norman blood. It‘s generally believed that neither (i) — poet's mother nor his father could read or write. In 1582, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of (j) — peasant family. She was eight years older than Shakespeare. a b c d e f g h i j 3.1A-ii 2.1 5.3 2.2 1.1 3.1A-ii 1.1 1.1 5.3 1.1 (a) the (b) the (e) a (f) the (g) a (h) an (i) the (j) a (c) the (d) × All Boards -2017 1. DnB‟17 What (a) –– surpise it was! Robin got (b) –– first prize in (c) –– competition. I was really (d) –– amazed (wew¯§Z nIqv) at his success. Of course, he was trained by (e) –– expert coach for (f) –– time. He always obeyed (g) –– instructions (wb‡`©kbv) given by (h) –– coach. Even he was not found outside (i) –– camp during practice session. (j) –– boy like him is always appreciated (Dcjw× Kiv) by the people. a b c d e f g h i j 1.1 2.11 1.1 10.1 1.1 1.1 3.3 2.10 2.10 1.1 (a) a (b) the (c) a (d) × (e) an (f) a (g) the (h) the (i) the (j) A tries to get pleasure from good deeds, (i) —greed for wealth does not touch him. People should follow the path (c_) of (j) — honest people of the society. a b c d e f g h i j 10.4 3.1A-i 1.3 1.3 2.5 1.1 2.1 3.3 1.3 3.1A-iii (c) x (d) x (g) the (h) a (a) x (b) the (e) x (f) An (i) x (j) the 5. CtgB '19; DB '17; SB '14; What is patriotism? It is (a) — noble virtue. It inspires (Drmvn †`qv) (b) — man to dedicate (wb‡e`b Kiv) his life for the freedom of his (c) — country, (d) –– man without patriotism is no better than (e) — beast (cï). A true patriot is honoured (kÖ×v Kiv) by (f) — his countrymen. He thinks for (g) —betterment of his country. On (h) –– contrary, (i) — unpatriotic (‡`k‡cÖgnxb) man thinks only of his own interest. Those who die for (j) — country are true patriots. a b c d e f g h i j 1.1 3.3 10.4 3.3 1.1 10.4 3.1A-i 2.1 1.1 2.10 (a) a (b) a (h) the (i) an (j) the (c) x (d) A (e) a (f) x (g) the 6. SB‟19 I have (a) — uncle who has just retired (Aemi MÖnY Kiv) from (b) –– army. He used to be (c) — ABI agent, and everybody says he has been an honest man all his life. As a child, I loved him for his stories. He once told me that he met (d) — one-eyed alien (wfbMÖnx) from (e) — space (gnvk~b¨). (f) — alien did not need any oxygen. And it did not have (g) — nose. I now understand that it was (h) — hard story to believe. I am not sure he was telling me (i) — truth. May be he is not so (j) — honest, after all. a b c d e f g h i j 1.1 2.17 3.2 1.4 2.5 1.1 1.1 1.1 2.1 10.1 (b) the (c) an (d) a (e) x (g) a (h) a (i) he (j) x (a) an (f) The 7. BB‟19 Mr. Bright is (a) — European. As he is (b) — Englishman, he knows (c) — English well. He is (d) — honourable to everyone though he is (e) — one-eyed man. One day having (f) — SOS (Save our soul), he went to (g) — USA. His brother Johnson living there joined (h) — army last year. He is (i) — younger of the two brothers. When Bright met his brother, he could not but shed () (j) — tears (AkÖæ). a b c d e f g h i j 7.4 1.1 2.2 5.2 10.1 3.2 2.8 2.17 2.13 1.3 (a) a (b) an (c) x (d) x (e) a (f) an (h) the (i) the (j) x (g) the 8. DnB‟19 Childhood or boyhood is (a) — man‘s formative (weKv‡kvb¥yL) period. During this period (b) — child receives training from its mother. (c) — mother's tender (‡¯œnc~b©) heart always looks to (d) — welfare (DbœwZ) and well-being (my¯’Zv) of (e) —child. If during this period (f) — mother tries to bring (g) — child up carefully 1.3 Indefinite noun wU Uncountable Ges Singular number n‡j Gi Sound hvB †nvK bv †Kb Gi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| (a) × ice floats on × water. (b) × honesty goes away from × society. Example in passage: Yesterday I met (a) a boy on the way to my office. He was carrying (b) an empty bag in his hand. When I asked him about his family, he told me that he had come from (c) a village under Mymensing. His father was (d) an old labour and his mother was (e) a housemaid. (Zahid Sir 01712192621) Translation in Bangla: MZKvj Avgvi Awd‡m hvevi c‡_ GKRb evj‡Ki mv‡_ Avgvi †`Lv n‡qwQj| ‡m Zvi nv‡Z GKwU _‡j enb KiwQj| Avwg hLb Zv‡K Zvi cwievi m¤ú‡K© Zv‡K wRÁvmv Kijvg, ZLb †m Avgv‡K ejj †h, †m gqgbwms‡ni GKwU MÖvg †_‡K GLv‡b G‡m‡Q| Zvi evev GKRb e„× kÖwgK Ges gv GKRb Avqv| Explanation: (a) GLv‡b boy cvVK / †kªvZvi wbK‡U cwiwPZ bq| eis cvVK boy m¤ú‡K© AviI Rvb‡Z PvIqvi Rb¨ ‗†Kvb boy?‘ Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡Z cv‡i| weavq, boy - GLv‡b Awbw`©ófv‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q| (b) empty bag m¤ú‡K© †Kvb Z_¨ †bB| Ges GiKg bag A‡bK i‡q‡Q| GwU GKwU †h‡Kvb empty bag nIqvq Awbw`©ó n‡q‡Q| (c) gqgbwms‡n A‡bK village i‡q‡Q| GwU gqgbwms‡ni †Kvb village Zv D‡jøL Kiv nqwb| weavq, GwU GKwU Awbw`©ó village | (d) Zvi evev-B GKgvÎ old labour bq| Zvi evevi gZ Av‡ivI A‡bK labour i‡q‡Q| weavq, old labour GLv‡b Awbw`©ófv‡e e‡m‡Q| (e) Zvi gv-B GKgvÎ housemaid bq| Zvi gv‡qi gZ Av‡iv A‡b‡KB housemaid (Avqv) Gi KvR K‡i| weavq, housemaid GLv‡b Awbw`©ófv‡e e‡m‡Q| More Indefinite Nouns with Article 1.4 Indefinite noun Gi ïiæ‡Z Consonant letter / Vowel letter / Semi vowel letter (w, y) / hvB _vKzK bv †Kb D”PviY hw` Vowel sound Øviv nq, Z‡e Gi cy‡e© an e‡m| Ges consonant sound Øviv nq, Z‡e Gi cy‡e© a e‡m| (A, Av = Vowel sound Ges Bq&, Iq& = Consonant sound) Examples: (a) We visited a historical (wn‡÷vwiKvj) place. Avgiv GKwU HwZnvwmK RvqMv †`‡LwQjvg| (b) Our Principal is an honest man. (c) He holds an honourable (Abvi¨vej) post. wZwb GKwU m¤§vbRbK c‡` Av‡Qb| (d) The woman bought an umbrella from the shop. (e) Sohel is a university (Bq& +wbfvwm©wwU) student. ‡mv‡nj GKRb BDwbfvwm©wU QvÎ| (f) He possesses an open mind. (g) I saw a one (Iq& +Avb) eyed man on the street. Avwg iv¯Íq GKRb `„wó cÖwZeÜx e¨w³‡K †`‡LwQjvg| 1.5 Avgiv Rvwb ‡h, e¨w³ / ¯’v‡bi bvg Proper noun nq Ges G¸‡jvi cy‡e© mvavibZ †Kvb Article e‡m bv| wKš‘, e¨w³wU AcwiwPZ n‡j A_v©r R‣bK e¨w³ eySv‡j GwU Common noun -G iæcvšÍwiZ nq Ges Awbw`©ó nq| weavq, Gi cy‡e© A / An e‡m| Examples: (a) A Kamal has been killed by a car accident. R‣bK Kvgvj Mvwo `yN©Ubvq wbnZ n‡q‡Q| Common noun Explanation: Kamal ZLbB Proper noun n‡e,hZLb Zvi wcZv-gvZvi cwiPq, Zvi wVKvbv, †ckv BZ¨vw` Rvbv _vK‡e| wKš‘, Dc‡ii Sentence -Gi Kamal – Gm‡ei †Kvb wKQy Rvbv hvqwb| `yNU©bvi c‡i Zvi bvgUv ïay Zvi bvgUv ïay Rvbv wM‡q‡Q| | GgbwK †m e³vi cwiwPZ n‡jI cvV‡Ki cwiwPZ bq| weavq Kamal GLv‡b Proper noun bq eis Common noun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q| All Boards -2019 1. DB 19 (a) –– parliament house of Bangladesh is (b) –– exquisitely (wbLuyZfv‡e) designed (cwiKwíZ) building. In fact, it gv‡K©‡U ingvb bv‡g GKRb †jv‡Ki mv‡_ Avgvi mv¶vr n‡qwQj| (b) I met a Rahman in the market. is (c) –– wonder (wem¥q) of modem architecture and technology. It is one of (d) –– largest and most Common noun spectacular (`k©bxq) parliament buildings in (e) –– world. It is (f) –– highly expensive (e¨qeûj) building; (g) Explanation: Dc‡ii Sentence –Gi ‗Rahman‘ Common noun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q| Kvib, gv‡K©‡U ‡jvKwUi mv‡_ †`Lv nIqvi mgq ïay Zvi bvg wRÁvmv Kiv n‡qwQj| †m Dˇi e‡jwQj ‗Rahman‘ | Zv‡K Avi wKQy wRÁvmv Kiv nqwb Ges †m I Zvi m¤ú‡K© Avi †Kvb wKQy e‡jwb| ―Rahman‖ m¤ú‡K© hveZxq Z_¨ bv cvIqvq GwU Common noun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q| –– maintenance cost (iÿYv‡eÿY LiP) of the parliament house is about 50 million taka per year. An American architect (¯’vcZ¨wkíx) (h) –– Louis I Kahn designed (cwiKíbv Kiv) this (i) — building. Everyday many (j) –– visitor (`k©bv_©x) comes to visit the building. nvexe bv‡g GKRb †jvK ¸RewU Qwo‡q‡Q| (c) A Habib spread the rumour. Explanation: Dc‡ii Sentence –G ―Habib‖ Proper noun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nqwb| Kvib, GB ‗Habib‘ KviI cwiwPZ bq| hw` cwiwPZ nZ Z‡e †mB nvexe‡K Ly‡R †ei K‡i ¸RewUi mZ¨ / wg_¨v‡K wbY©q Kiv †hZ| AcwiwPZ nIqvq GwU Awbw`©ófv‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q| weavq, Gi cy‡e© a e‡m‡Q| 1.6 wKQy wKQy Phrase Gi cy‡e© memgq „A / An‟ e‡m| †hgb, in a temper, in a fix, take an interest, in a nutshell, in a word, a slip of , for a walk, a half taka, tell a lie, put an end, come to an end, pay a visit, a must, a little of, as a result of, etc. Examples: (a) The reporter described the incident in a nutshell. mvsevw`K ms‡¶‡c NUbvwU eY©bv Ki‡jb| (b) Hira paid a visit to my house last week. nxiv MZ mßv‡n Avgvi evwo‡Z †eov‡Z G‡mwQj| (c) Learning English is a must to get a good job. fvj PvKzix †c‡Z Bs‡iwR Aek¨ wk¶bxq| a 3.1A-ii b 1.1 (a) The (b) an (c) a (d) the d 2.12 e 2.5 (e) the (f) a f 1.1 (g) The g 3.1A-i (h) × h 2.2 (i) x i 10.4 j 4.2 (j) a 2. RB‟19 The national flag represents (iæc †`qv) (a) — independence of (b) –– country. Ours is (c) — independent country. Hence (ZvB), we have a national flag symbolizing (cÖwZKvwqZ Kiv) our independence. (d) –– cloth of a national flag is made of (e) –– cotton, silk or linen. Our flag is rectangular (AvqZ‡ÿÎvKvi) in shape maintaining (f) –– ratio (AbycvZ) of its length and breadth (cÖ¯’) 10: 6. There are different sizes of national flag. The background of our flag is green which symbolizes our life and energy. In the middle point of the flag there is (g) — blood- red circle representing our hard struggle and blood-shed. (h) –– red circle also represents the heroic blood-shed (we‡ivwPZ i³ÿq) of (i) –– martyrs (knx`). The national flag plays (j) –– vital (¸iæZ¡cyb©) role in the life of a nation. (d) He put an end to his work. (e) It is a slip of tongue. a b 3.1A-i 3.1A-i 1.1 (b) a (c) an (a) the 1.7 Noun- Gi cy‡e© few, number of, little of, great deal of, good deal of, great many, kind of, sort of, piece of, species of, means of, etc _v‡K, Z‡e G‡`i cy‡e© „A‟ e‡m| c 3.1B-i 3. c d e f g h 3.1A-i 1.3 (d) The (e) x 3.1A-i 1.1 2.10 (f) the (g) a (h) The i j 1.2 1.1 (i) the (j) a JB ‟19; DB '15; Giv Phrasal determiner wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| g‡b ivLvi mnR Dcvq n‡”Q, „of‟ - Gi cy‡e© †Kvb msL¨v / cwigvb / aib Industry is (a) — key to success. (b) — industrious (cwikªgx) can prosper (DbœZ Kiv) in life. (c) — man who cÖKvkK †Kvb Noun _vK‡j Gi cy‡e© A / An e‡m| does not undertake (fvi MÖnY Kiv) (d) — Examples: (a) Kazi Nazrul Islam composed a number of songs. KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg A‡bK Mvb iPbv K‡iwQ‡jb| can‘t reap (dj jvf Kiv) (j) — benefit (myweav) of success. msL¨v (b) The humming bird is a sort of little one. nvwgs evW© GK ai‡bi †QvU cvwL| 1.8 Abstract noun hLb †Kvb ¸bevPK e¨w³‡K wb‡`©k K‡i ZLb GwU Common noun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| weavq, Gi cy‡e© Examples: (a) Helen was a beauty. (b) Haji Mohammad Mohsin was a kindness. (c) Hatem Tai was a benevolence. a b c d e f g h i j 2.14 7.2 3.3 1.3 1.1 2.5 4.2 3.1A-i 1.3 3.1A-i (b) The (c) A / The (d) x (i) x (j) the (a) the aib „A / An‟ e‡m| hard-work can never go (e) —long way (`xN© c_) in (f) –– world. Many (g) — man is not conscious (m‡PZb) of (h) — importance of (i) — diligence (cwikÖg) for which they (e) a (f) the (g) a (h) the 4. CB '19 An honest man is true to his (a) — words. He does not deviate (m‡i Avmv) from (b) — path of honesty. He knows that true happiness consists (MwVZ nIqv) in (c) — honesty. He does not fall victim (wkKvi) to (d) — greed (‡jvf). He does not hanker after (jvjvwqZ nIqv) (e) — worldly property. (f) — honest man abstains (weiZ ivLv) him from corruption. He does not mix with (g) — corrupted (bxwZåó) people. He is (h) — man who Material noun: A material noun is a name, which indicates a matter or substance as a mass and does not indicate any part or number of it. (†h noun †Kvb c`v‡_©i mgy`q Ask‡K GKKfv‡e eySvq Ges Zvi AšÍM©Z †Kvb LÛ ev Ask‡K eySvq bv, Zv‡K material noun ejv nq| ‡Pbvvi Dcvq: Common noun ‡h me Dcv`vb w`‡q •Zix †mB me Dcv`vb mvavibZ Material noun nq| ‡hgb, Food = water, milk, salt, oil, sugar, rice, etc. Substance = gold, oxygen, air, iron, etc. Material noun- Gi ‣ewkô: (a) Material noun †K MYbv Kiv hvq bv, eûePb Kiv hvq bv, LÛ-weLÛ Ki‡jI bv‡gi cwieZ© nq bv| (b) Material noun †K IRb/ cwigvc K‡i e¨envi Kiv nq | (c) Material noun Gi ïay Singular iæc i‡q‡Q| wKš‘, Plural iæc †bB| Abstract noun: 1.9 Singular common noun Gi cy‡e© quite, many, rather, but, more, not, how, as, such _vK‡j G‡`i c‡i a / an e‡m| Examples: 1.10 (a) Not a person was present there. ‡mLv‡b †Kvb †jvK Dcw¯’Z wQj bv| (b) I have never seen such a tall man. Avwg KLbI Ggb j¤^v †jvK †`wLwb| (c) He is rather a brilliant student. ‡m GKRb †ek fvj QvÎ| ‡Kv‡bv GKK cwigvc ev BDwbU eySv‡Z a / an e‡m| Examples: (a) We should take an ounce of biscuits. Avgv‡`i GK AvDÝ we¯‥zU †bIqv cÖ‡qvRb| (b) She is a seventeen years old girl. ‡m GKRi m‡Zi eQ‡ii evwjKv | (c) A unit of this section has been passed. GB Aby‡”Q‡`i GKwU Ask Aby‡gv`b Kiv n‡q‡Q| 1.11 Plural common noun Gi cy‡e© msL¨vevPK Expression; †hgb, couple, dozen, hundred, thousand, million, core BZ¨vw` Gi cy‡e© mvgwóK cwigvb eySv‡Z G‡`i cy‡e „A‟ e‡m| Abstract noun is the name of a quality, action, or state considered apart from the concrete noun to which it belongs. (Abstract noun ‡Kvb Concrete noun Gi bvg‡K bv eywS‡q eis †Kvb Concrete noun Gi ¸b, KvR, A_ev Aelv‡K †evSvq|) ‡Pbvvi Dcvq: Abstract noun †K c B›`ªxq Øviv Abyfe Kiv hvq bv, ïay gb w`‡q Kíbv Kiv hvq| †hgbt Quality = bravery (mvnm), patriotism (‡`k‡cÖg), cruelty (wbôziZv), heroism (exiZ¡), etc. Action = love, hared (N„bv), laughter (nvwm), theft (Pzwi), etc. State = soundness (my¯’Zv), sickness (Amy¯’Zv), death (g„Z¨y), slavery (`vmZ¡), etc. Abstract noun- Gi ‣ewkô: (a) Abstract noun †K Mbbv Kiv hvq bv, eûePb Kiv hvq bv| (b) Abstract noun †K ‡`Lv hvq bv, kªeb Kiv hvq bv, MÜ †bqv hvq bv, ¯^v` †bqv ev ¯úk© Kiv hvq bv | (c) Abstract noun Gi ïay Singular iæc i‡q‡Q wKš‘, Plural iæc †bB| b`x, mvMi, ØxccyÄ RvnvRvw`, wMwicyÄ RvwZ, m¤cÖ`vq, ag©MÖš’ ‡KvU©, wm‡bU I msev`cÎ, ZvwiL, ce©Z I w`‡Ki bvg hZ Av‡Q L¨vZ avg P›`ª, m~h©, MÖn, Zviv Av‡iv hZ wek¦aiv c„w_ex‡Z GKwU Av‡Q hZ Zvi cy‡e© em‡e “the”, †bB wfbœ gZ| Ex: (a) He spends a thousand taka per week. ‡m cÖwZ mßv‡n GK nvRvi UvKv e¨q K‡i| (b) I need a dozen of pencils. Avgvi GK WRb †cwÝj cÖ‡qvRb| (c) About a million people gathered in the meeting. cÖvq `k j¶ †jvK mgv‡e‡k R‡ov n‡qwQj| (d) A dozen of guavas were distriuted among them. GKWRb †cqviv Zv‡`i g‡a¨ Zv‡`i g‡a¨ e›Ub Kiv nj| (e) A hundred girls came out from school. ¯‥zj †_‡K GKkZ evwjKv †ei n‡q Avmj| (f) There are a thousand people in the field. gv‡V GK nvRvi †jvK i‡q‡Q| 1.12 The same (GKB), a certain (‡Kvb GK) A_ev mgRvZxq wKQy cÖKvk Ki‡Z Singular common noun Gi cy‡e© a / an e‡m| Ex: (a) Criminals are of a (the same) character. Acivaxiv GKB Pwi‡Îi| (b) Birds of a (the same) feather flock together. ‡Pv‡i ‡Pv‡i gvmZz‡Zv fvB| (c) Once there lived a (a certain) king. GK`v GK ivRv evm KiZ| 1.13 Each / Per (cÖwZ) A‡_© a / an e‡m| Examples: (a) Rafiq drives the byke at 50 kms an hour. (an hour = per / each hour ) (b) He earns 500 taka a day. (c) Potato sells 20 taka a kg. (a = per / each day) (a = per / each kg) 1.8 ‡Kvb Uncountable noun ‡K Countable noun Gi mv‡_ mv‡_ Zzjbv Ki‡j Ubcountable noun wU Countable wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq Ges Gi A /An cy‡e© e‡m| Examples: (a) A boat without a rudder is like a life without an aim. 2. A. USE OF DEFINITE ARTICLE: Definite noun Gi cy‡e© mvaviYZ The e‡m| Avevi wKQz Definite noun Gi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| Definite Noun: e³v Ges †kÖvZvi wbKU †h Noun cwiwPZ, Zv‡K Definite noun ejv nq| Characteristics of Definite Noun: (a) †h Noun Gi msL¨v mviv gnvwe‡k¦ wKsev †Kvb wbw`©ó ¯’v‡b ïay GKwU i‡q‡Q, ‡mwU Definitie Noun nq| (Proper noun) (b) †h Indefinite noun Gi cy‡e© Superlative degree, Oridinal number Ges Common noun Gi Possessive case (Common noun‘s) hLb Pre -modifier wn‡m‡e Ae¯’vb K‡i, we‡kl †Kvb Noun ‡K eySvq, ZLb Indefinitie Noun wU Definite noun G iæcvšÍwiZ nq| (c) †Kvb Indefinite noun Gi c‡i Prepositional phrase, Participle pharse, Infinitive phrase Ges Relative clause hLb Post -modifier wn‡m‡e Ae¯’vb K‡i we‡kl †Kvb Noun ‡K eySvq, ZLb Indefinitie Noun wU Definite noun G iæcvšÍwiZ nq| (d) †h Indefinite noun m¤ú‡K© cy‡e©i ‡Kvb Sentence G Z_¨ †`Iqv _v‡K, ‡mB Indefinitie Noun wU Definite noun G iæcvšÍwiZ nq| Definite Noun by Bengali question: ‡h Noun †K „‡Kvb / Kvi / wK‡mi‟ Øviv cÖkœ K‡i hw` wbw`©ó DËi cvIqv hvq, ‡mwU Definite Noun nq| 2.1 Definite noun wU Countable / Uncountable noun wKsev Singular / Plural number hvB †nvK bv †Kb Gi cy‡e© mvaviYZ „The‟ e‡m| Examples: (a) He visited the zoo in Rajshahi. (b) Rafiq bought the curd of Bogra. (c) She likes the mangoes of Chapainawabgonj. 2.2 Definite noun ‡Kvb e¨w³, MÖvg, kni, †`k, gnv‡`k, w`b, gvm, mvj, RvZxq /ag©xq Abyôvb wKsev Drme, GKwU n«`/cvnvo/ce©Z, e¨w³ ev ¯’v‡bi bv‡g bvgK…Z iv¯Ív / GwfwbD / cvK© / ¯‥qvi, fvlv, cvV¨ welq Ges mªóvi bvg †evSv‡j D³ Definite noun Gi cy‡e© mvavibZ †Kvb Article e‡m bv| Example: (a) –– Dhaka stands on (b) –– Buriganga. It is the capital of (c) –– Bangladesh. (d) –– Islam Khan established it as the capital city in (e) –– 1610. (f) –– Sangsad Bhabon situated in this mega city is a wonder of modern architecture and technology. (g) –– University of Dhaka is a pride of this city. (h) – – National Memorial at Savar bears the testimony of the sacrifice of (i) –– Bangladeshies. (j) –– Pahela Baishakh is a traditional festival of the country. (k) –– January is the coldest month in this country. (l) ––– Independence Day is observed on (m) –– 26th March. Most of the people are the Muslims. They fast during (n) –– Ramadan. (o) –– Eid-ul- Fitr is a religious festival of (p) –– Muslims. f The j × c × b the a × i the m the k × o × p the l × n × g The e × h The d × Common noun: A common noun is one, which is common to each member of a class of persons or things. (†h noun †Kvb GK †kªYxi e¨w³ ev e¯‘i cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki mvavib bvg eySvq, Zv‡K common noun ejv nq|) ‡Pbvvi Dcvq: ‡h me Noun ‡K GKwU †_‡K AciwU‡K c„_K Kiv hvq Ges Mbbv K‡i e¨envi Kiv nq wKsev GKwU, `yÕwU, wZbwU -Gfv‡e MYbv Kiv hvq, †mme mvavibZ Common noun nq|†hgb: book, pen, school, college, village, country, star, fish, pond, cow, dog, tree, rose, etc. Common noun- Gi ‣ewkô: (a) Common noun Gi Singular Ges Plural iæc i‡q‡Q (b) Common noun mvavibZ Singular Ae¯’vq Article Qvov e‡m bv| wKš‘, Indefinite Ges Plural n‡j Article †bq bv| (d) Common noun mvavibZ RvwZ wn‡m‡e em‡Z cv‡i| (e) Common noun ‡Kvb e¯‘ •Zix‡Z e¨eüZ n‡j GwU material noun G cwieZ©b nq| Collective noun: A collective noun is the name of a group or collection of same kind of persons or things considered as one undivided whole. (Collective noun mvavibZ GKRvZxq e¨w³ ev e¯‘i Awef³ `j ev mgwó‡K eySvq |) ‡Pbvvi Dcvq: GKvwaK common noun Øviv MwVZ †h noun wU †Kvb GKwU `j, evwnbx, msN, mgwó BZ¨vw`‡K eySvq, †mwU collective noun nq| Collective noun- Gi ‣ewkô: (a) Collective noun mvavibZ GKB ai‡Yi common noun Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ nq| (b) Collective noun Gi Singular i‡q‡Q| (c) Collective noun hLb Plural nq, ZLb GwU Common noun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| Collective noun Army Police Committee Library Club Group, Team, Party Family Crowd Mob Nation Jury Parliament Herd Flock Fleet Peasantry Audience Class evsjv A_© ‡mbvevnxwb cywjkevnxwb KwgwU MÖš’vMvi msN `j cwievi wek„sLj RbZv nvgjvi D‡Ï‡k¨ mg‡eZ RbZv RvwZ wePviK gÛjx msm` /AvBbmfv cïi cvj SvK ibZixi eni K…lKKzj ‡kªvZvgÛjx ‡kªYx Common nouns Soldiers + Captains + Generals + Colonel,etc. Constables + Sub- Inspectors + Inspectors, etc. Members + Secretaries + Chairperson, etc. Book + Book + Book ------. a collection of some members a collection of some persons with same purpose and thought a collection of some persons living together a collection of disordered people a collection of people for attack a collection of people of same language, thought and culture a collection of judges a collection of elected representatives a collection of domestic animals a collection of birds / animals / people a collection of ships or vessels a collection of farmers a collection of spectators a collection of students or learners Classifications of noun More example for a/an/the: Noun Gi cy‡e© mwVKfv‡e “Article” e¨envi Kivi Rb¨ A_© Abymv‡i Noun †K cÖavbZ `yB fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_v Once there was (a) –– greedy king. He loved gold very much. He always prayed to God for wealth. At (a) Concrete noun ( Bw›`ªqMvn¨ we‡kl¨) last, God granted his wish. One day while (b) –– king was sitting under (c) –– apple tree in his garden, (b) Abstract noun (¸bevPK we‡kl¨) suddenly (d) –– ripe apple fell down from (e) –– tree. He picked up (f) –– apple from the ground. At Concrete noun: ‡hme Noun c Bw›`ªq (†PvL, Kvb, bvK, wRnŸv, Z¡K) Øviv Abyfe Kiv hvq, †mme Noun †K Concrete noun ejv nq| Gme once (g) –– apple turned into gold. Noun mvavibZ †Kvb e¨w³, cÖvYx, e¯‘, ¯’vb, c`v_© BZ¨vw`i bvg †evSvq| ‡hgb, Humayon, Tiger, Book, Tree, GK`v GKRb †jvfx ivRv wQ‡jb| wZwb †mvbv Lye fvjevm‡Zb| wZwb me©`v ¯ªóvi wbK‡U m¤ú‡`i Avkv Ki‡Zb| Ae‡k‡l, ¯ªóv Bangladesh, Joypurhat, Gold, Air, Water, Iron, etc. Abstract noun: ‡h Noun ‡Kvb Concrete noun Gi †`vl, ¸b Ges •ewk‡ói bvg †evSvq, Zv†K Abstract noun ejv nq| Gme Noun ‡K Zuvi cÖv_©bv gÄyi Ki‡jb| GKw`b hLb ivRv Zvi evMv‡b GKwU Av‡cj Mv‡Qi wb‡P e‡m wQ‡jb, ZLb nVvr K‡i MvQ †_‡K GKwU mvavibZ c Bw›`ªq Øviv Abyfe Kiv hvq bv, ïaygvÎ G‡`i‡K gb w`‡q Kíbv Kiv hvq| †hgb, Honesty (mZZv), Sympathy (mnvbyfywZ), Kindness (`qv), Cruelty (wbôziZv), Corruption (`yb©xwZ), etc. Proper noun: A proper noun is the name of a particular person, thing, place, time or any other thing. (Proper noun ‡Kvb GKwU wbw`©ó e¨w³, e¯‘y, ¯’vb, mgq wKsev Ab¨ †Kvb wRwb‡mi bvg‡K eySvq|) ‡Pbvvi Dcvq: mgMÖ gnvwe‡k¦ †h Noun Gi msL¨v gvÎ GKwU Ges hvi Abyiæc Avi †Kvb Noun †bB , †mwU Proper noun nq| Proper noun- Gi ‣ewkô: (a) Proper noun- Gi eûePb nq bv| (b) GKwU Proper noun- Gi mv‡_ Ab¨ Proper noun- Gi wgj _v‡K bv| (c) GKB bvg GKvwaK e¨w³ / ¯’v‡bi _vK‡jI cª‡Z¨KwU e¨w³/¯’vb ¯^Zš¿ •ewkô m¤úbœ nIqvq, cÖ‡Z¨KwU e¨w³/¯’v‡bi bvg Proper noun n‡e| (d) Pronoun noun ‡K common noun Gi mv‡_ Zzjbv Ki‡j wKsev Proper noun Gi cy‡e© ‗A/An‘ em‡j GwU common noun G cwieZ©b nq| (e) Sentence Gi Gi ïiæ‡Z, gv‡S ev †k‡l- †hLv‡bB Proper noun Ae¯’vb KiæK bv †Kb Gi cÖ_g Letter mvavibZ Capital nq| Proper noun wU hw` GKvwaK word wgwjZ n‡q MwVZ nq A_©vr Phrase AvKv‡i _v‡K, Z‡e cÖ‡Z¨KwU word Gi cÖ_g letter wU Capital Ki‡Z n‡e| Z‡e, sun, moon, earth, nature- AwaK cwiwPZ nIqvq G‡`i cÖ_‡g Capital letter Gi cwie‡Z© eZ©gv‡b small letter- G, †jLv hvq| Examples: Allah, Sun, Bangladesh, Shalbonpara, Zahid Hasan, Amdai United College, Friday, January, Grammen Bank, Titanic, Getanjoli, Padma, , Holy Quaran, Observer, Liberation War, National Memorial, Sundarbans, Atlantic Ocean, Teenmatha, etc. Translation in Bangla: cvKv Av‡cj c‡o †Mj| wZwb gvwU †_‡K Av‡cjwU Kuy‡o wb‡jb| Zr¶bvr, Av‡cjwU †mvbvq cwiYZ nj| Explanation: Once there was (a) greedy king. GLv‡b, „greedy king‟ m¤ú‡K© cye© †_‡K †Kvb Z_¨ cvIqv hvqwb Ges †Kvb †`‡ki †jvfx ivRv †m m¤ú‡K©I wKQy Rvbv hvqwb| weavq, „greedy king‟ GLv‡b Awbw`©ó fv‡e e‡m‡Q| myZivs, „greedy king‟ Gi cy‡e© Indefinite article „a‟ Gi e‡m‡Q| One day while (b) king was sitting-GLvbKvi „king‟ †h‡Kvb „king‟ bq| Kvib, GwU cy‡e©i „greedy king‟ †K eySv‡”Q| weavq, „king‟ GLv‡b wbw`©ô wn‡m‡e e‡m‡Q| myZivs, „king‟ Gi cy‡e© „the‟ e‡m‡Q| under (c) apple tree in his garden, GLv‡b, „apple tree‟ m¤ú‡K© cye© †_‡K †Kvb Z_¨ cvIqv hvqwb Ges ‡jvfx ivRvi evMv‡b ‡h GKwUB Av‡cj MvQ wQj GgbI ejv nqwb| myZivs, „apple tree‟ Awbw`©ó wn‡m‡e Ae¯’vb Ki‡Q| myZivs, „apple tree‟ Gi cy‡e© Indefinite article „an‘ emv‡bv n‡q‡Q| suddenly (d) ripe apple fell down GLv‡b, ―ripe apple‖ m¤ú‡K© cye© †_‡K †Kvb Z_¨ cvIqv hvqwb Ges ‡jvfx ivRv †h Mv‡Qi wb‡P e‡m wQ‡jb D³ Mv‡Q GKwUB cvKv Av‡cj wQjGgbI ejv nqwb| ZvQvovI, Av‡cj Mv‡Q mvavibZ A‡bK cvKv Av‡cj _v‡K| G‡`i g‡a¨ †h‡Kvb GKwU cvKv Av‡cj c‡owQj| weavq, cvKv Av‡cjwU Aek¨B Awbw`©ó n‡e| myZivs, ―ripe apple‖ Gi cy‡e© Indefinite article ‗a‟ e‡m‡Q| from (e) tree. GLvbKvi „tree‟ wU †h‡Kvb „tree‟ bq| GwU cy‡e©i „apple tree‟ †K eySv‡”Q| weavq, „tree‟ GLv‡b wbw`©ó nIqvq Gi cy‡e© “the” e‡m‡Q| He picked up (f) apple from the ground GLvbKvi „apple‟ wU †h‡Kvb „apple‟ bq| GwU cy‡e©i †h „ripe apple‟ gvwU‡Z c‡owQj †mwU‡K eySv‡”Q| „apple‟ wU wbw`©ó nIqvq Gi cy‡e© “the” e‡m‡Q| At once (g) apple turned into gold. GLvbKvi „apple‟ wU †h‡Kvb „apple‟ bq| GwU cy‡e©i †h Av‡cjwU ivRv gvwU †_‡K Zz‡j wb‡qwQ‡jb †mB „apple‟ Z_v „ripe apple‟ †K eySv‡”Q| weavq, „apple‟ GLv‡b wbw`©ó wn‡m‡e e‡m‡Q| myZivs, „apple‟ Gi cy‡e© „the‟ e‡m‡Q| More Definite Nouns with Article 2.3 ce©Zgvjv, b`x, DcmvMi, mvMi, gnvmvMi, ØxccyÄ Ges giæfywg, ebf~wg, gvjf~wgi bvg mvavibZ Definite Noun (Proper noun) nIqvq G‡`i cy‡e© The e‡m| Examples: (a) The Himalayas / The Alps / The Vindhys are the names of ranges of mountains. 10.3 Vocative case (m‡¤^vab myPK KviK)- Gi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| Examples: (a) May I come in, Sir? Avwg wK wfZ‡i Avm‡Z cvwi, R¡bve? (b) boys, start running. evj‡Kiv, †Ljv ïiƒ Ki| 10.4 Arts (Kjv), Commerce (evwbR¨), Ges Science (weÁvb) – Gi cvV¨ wel‡qi bv‡gi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| (b) The Padma is a mighty river. Examples: (c) The Bay of Bengal has the longest sea- beach of the world. (a) He studies in Physics. (d) They crossed the Arab sea. (b) English is my favourite subject. (e) Whales live in the Atlantic Ocean. (f) The Andamans / The East Indies, The West Indies / The Andamans are a group of islands. 10.5 Uncountable noun wn‡m‡e Mb¨ †hgb, advice, information, news, baggage, luggage, etc. Gi cy‡e© „a / an‟ (g) The Sahara is a desert. e‡m bv| (h) The Sundarban is the largest mangrove forest in the world. Examples: (a) He gave me advice. (b) ill news runs apace. e¨wZµg: Proper noun GKwUgvÎ ce©Z / Øxc, ‡Kvb n«`, AšÍixc (Cape) -Gi bvg †evSv‡j Gi cy‡e© mvavibZ †Kvb Article e‡m bv| Examples: (a) Mount Evarest is to the south of Bangladesh. (c) Mr. Farid lost luggage. 10.6 mg‡MvÎxq `ywU Noun hLb and Øviv hy³ n‡q „Of‟ Gi cieZ©x Noun m¤ú‡K© Z_¨ †`q, ZLb cÖ_gwUi cy‡e© the em‡j (b) Caocaradang is the highest hill in Bangladesh. c‡iiwUi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| (c) He visited Lake Baikal. Examples: Island: St. Martin, Sandwip, Hatia, Ceylon, Sicily, Java, Sumatra, Cape of Good Hope (DËgvkv AšÍixc), etc. (a) We should work hard for the prosperity and welfare of the country. Mountains : Mont Blanc, Ben Nevis, (Mount) Snowdon, Visuvius, Aconcagua, etc. (b) The beauty and virtue of the girl is praiseworthy. Lakes : Lake Superior, Lake Caspian, (Lake) Lagoda, Lake Michigan, Silver Lake, etc. N.B. ce©Z / n«‡`i bv‡gi †¶‡Î Mountain / Lake kãwU c‡i _vK‡j G‡`i bv‡gi cy‡e© The e‡m †hgb, The Rocky Mountains, The Baikal Lake, etc. 2.4 weL¨vZ AUªvwjKv / feb, ¯’vcbv, wm‡bgv nj, w_‡qUvi, hv`yNi Ges †nv‡U‡ji bv‡gi cy‡e© mvavibZ The e‡m| Examples: (a) The Sangsad Bhavon is a wonder of modern architechture and technology. (b) The Jamuna Multi- purpose Bridge is a pride of Bangladesh. (c) The Monihar is a famous cinema hall. (d) The Pother Alo staged a play yesterday. (e) The Palace Musium is a wonderful place. (f) The Sheraton is a five star hotel. 10.7 GKB Sentence –G `yBwU Indefinite + Countable + Singular noun Gi g‡a¨ cÖ_gwUi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e¨eüZ bv n‡j GwU Uncounatble noun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| weavq c‡ii Noun wUi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e¨eüZ nq bv| Examples: (a) 10.8 mg‡MvÎxq `ywU Noun hLb conjunction / preposition Øviv hy³ n‡q hyM¥ (pair) fve cÖKvk K‡i, ZLb G‡`i cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| Noun `yÕwU Conjunction Øviv hy³ _vK‡j Noun Phrase Ges Preposition Øviv hy³ _vK‡j Adverbial phrase MVb K‡i| Examples: (a) Noun phrase : father and son, husband and wife, brother and sister , (b) Adverial phrase : arm in arm, hand to hand, from door to door, from village to village, face to face, neck and neck 9. USE OF INSTRUMENTALARTICLE: Instrumental Article wn‡m‡e Instrumental Adverb Gi cy‡e© „the‟ e‡m| Instrumental adverb: `yBwU Adverb Gi Comparative degree hLb GKB Sentence - G e¨eüZ n‡q n«vm-e„w× A_©vr hZ---ZZ eySvq, Z‡e Zv‡`i‡K Instrumental Adverb ejv nq| Famous buildings Construction Cinama halls Musiums Hotels : The Tajmahal (or, The Taj), The Twin Tower, The Empire State Building, etc. : The Iron Bridge, The Great Wall Of China, etc. : The Balaka, The Sonia, The Anando, etc. : The National Musium, The Muktjodhu Musium, etc. : The Grand Akboria, The Hotel Sonargoan, The New Castle Motel, etc. 2.5 b¶Î, MÖn, DcMÖn Ges w`‡Ki bvg mvaviYZ GKwU nIqvq Giv Proper Z_v Definite noun| d‡j, wbw`©óZv wb‡`©k Kivi (a) The sooner, the better. hZ kªxNÖ ZZ fvj| Rb¨ G‡`i bv‡gi cy‡e© The e‡m| (b) The more man gets, the more he wants. gvbyl hZ cvq, ZZ Pvq| Examples: (a) The sun gives us heat and light. (b) We live in the earth. (c) The more the merrier. hZ †ewk, ZZ Lywk| 10. Noun with no Article: (c) The moon reflects the light of the sun. (d) The Bay of Bengal is to the south of Bangladesh. wKQz wKQz †ÿ‡Î †Kvb Article - B e¨envi Kiv hvq bv| 10.1 Noun e¨wZZ Ab¨vb¨ Parts of speech Gi cy‡e© mvavibZ Article e‡m bv| 2.6 evm, †Uªb, RvnvR, D‡ovRvnvR BZ¨vw` hvbevn‡bi bvg Ki‡j Giv Proper noun Z_v Definite noun nq |G‡`i bv‡gi cy‡e© Examples: The e‡m| (a) I saw him in the college. (a) He went to Dhaka by the Shamoly bus. ‡m k¨vgjx evm‡hv‡M XvKv wM‡qwQj| (b) She lives in Dhaka. (b) The Akota Express runs very fast. GKZv G·‡cÖm Lye `ªæZ hvq| (c) The Titanic sank in 1912. 1912 mv‡j UvBUvwbK Wy‡ewQj| (d) The Boeing – 747 arrived at Dhaka. ‡evwqs -747 wegvbwU XvKvq †c․Qj| (c) The horse can run fast. Fast = adverb 10.2 Determiner Gi cy‡e© / c‡i Ges Modifier I Headword Gi gv‡S †Kvb mvaviZ †Kvb article e‡m bv| 2.7 weL¨vZ MÖš’, msev`cÎ, ivR‣bwZK `j, ¸iæZ¡cyb© HwZnvwmK NUbv /hy× - Gi bvgKib Kivi d‡j Giv G‡`i mg‡MÖvÎxq Noun Determiner mvaviYZ 4 (Pvi) cÖKvi| h_v: (a) Article: A, An, The †_‡K c„_K nq Ges wbw`©óZvi gh©v`v jvf K‡i| wbw`©ó K‡i ‡evSv‡bvi Rb¨ G‡`i bv‡gi cy‡e© The e‡m| (b) Possessive case = my, our, your, his, her, their, its, etc. (a) He recites the Holy Quaran everyday. ‡m cÖwZw`b cweÎ †KviAvb cvV K‡i| (b) The advertisement was published in the Daily Star. weÁvcbwU ‡WBwj ÷vi cwÎKvq cÖKvwkZ n‡qwQj| (c) The Awami League is a political party. AvIqvgx jxM GKwU ivR‣bwZK `j| (d) The Liberation War took place in 1971. 1971 mvj gyw³hy× N‡UwQj| N. B. I read Dhaka Digest regularly. (g¨vMvwR‡bi bv‡gi cy‡e© †Kvb article e‡m bv|) (c) Demonstrative adjective: This, these, that ,those (d) Quantifier: one, two, three, four, five, any, each, some, most, all, many, much, no, other, enough, several, which, whose, every, any, etc. Kvib: A, An, The †hgb Determiner wVK †Zgwb Possessive case Ges Numeral number- I Determiner wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| †Kvb Noun Gi cy‡e© GKwU Determiner _vK‡j Ab¨ †Kvb Determiner Gi cy‡e© e‡m bv| Examples: (a) The boy has lost his pen. evjKwU Zvi Kjg nvwi‡q‡Q| (b) He wrote one book on politics. wZwb ivRbxwZ wel‡q GKwU eB wj‡LwQ‡jb| 2.8 †`k / ¯’v‡bi bvg Proper noun nq Ges G‡`i cy‡e© mvavibZ †Kvb Article e‡m bv| wKš‘, †hme †`‡ki bvg mgwó eySvq wKsev Plural form w`‡q MwVZ wKsev hv‡`i bvgKi‡bi mv_©KZv Av‡Q Ges †hem RvqMvi bvgKib †f․‡MvwjK Ae¯’v‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i Kiv n‡q‡Q, †mme †`k Ges RvqMvi bv‡gi cy‡e© The e‡m| Examples: (a) The U.A.E. is a rich country. mshy³ Avie AvwgivZ GKwU abx †`k| (c) Hasan reads several newspapers everyday. (b) The Punjab is a beautiful province. cvÄve GKwU my›`i cÖ‡`k| (d) Saleha bought some books yesterday. (c) He visited the U.S.A last year. ‡m MZeQi hy³ivóª cwi`k©b K‡iwQj| (e) She sang three songs on the stage. (d) Bangladesh played against the Netherlands in the T-20 Cricket World Cup. More names of countries: The U.K., (the) Ukraine, (the) Yemen, etc. 2.9 ‡Kvb we‡kl GjvKvi bvg Proper Z_v Definite noun nIqvq G‡`i cy‡e© the e‡m| Examples: (a) He went to the Middle East last year. ‡m MZ eQi ga¨cv‡P¨ wM‡qwQj| (b) She visited the South East Asia. ‡m `wÿY cye© Gwkqv ågb K‡iwQj| (c) The Soviet Union will not support the issue. ‡mvwf‡qZ BDwbqb welqwU mg_©b Ki‡e bv| 7.4 RvwZi bvg (Banglees, Americans, English, Japanese, Indonesians, Indians, etc.) Ges m¤cÖ`v‡qi bvg (Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.) mvavibZ Proper Ges Definite noun nq| G‡`i bv‡gi cy‡e© „the‟ e‡m| ‡Kvb RvwZi GKRb bvMwiK eySv‡Z Zvi cy‡e© a / an e‡m| Examples: 2.10 ‡Kvb Indefinite noun m¤ú‡K© cy‡e© c‡ivÿ / cÖZ¨ÿfv‡e Z_¨ †`Iqv _vK‡j D³ Indefinite noun wU Definite noun nq| weavq, Gi cy‡e© The e‡m| Example: (a) I met a boy yesterday on my way to the office. The boy looked very helpless. (a) The Banglees are a hospitable nation. evsjv‡`kxiv AwZ_x civqb RvwZ| (b) The Muslims are a peace loving caste. gymjgv‡biv kvwšÍKvgx m¤cÖ`vq| (c) I am a Banglee. Avwg GKRb ev½vjx| (d) He is an American. ‡m GKRb Av‡gwiKvb| 7.5 Choir (MxR©vi ev`K `j), Orchesta (bvU¨ev`¨`j), Pop group Gi bv‡gi cy‡e© the e‡m| 2.11 Ordinal number (&&µgevPK msL¨v) wb‡`©kK first, second, third, fourth, etc. - GB Adjective ¸‡jv †Kvb Examples: Noun - Gi cy‡e© e‡m D³ Noun †K AZzjbxq K‡i ‡Zv‡j Ges wbw`©ó K‡i ‡`q| weavq, Ordinal number hy³ Noun (a) Ayub Bachchu is the main singer of the L.R.B. phrase - Gi cy‡e© “the” e‡m| (b) The Miles is a popular band group. Examples: (c) The Promoitheus is a modern band group. (a) Rial is the second boy of his class. wiqvj Zvi ‡kªYxi wØZxq evjK| Noun Phrase (b) Onamica is the first daughter of her parents. AbvwgKv Zvi wcZvgvZvi cÖ_g mšÍvvb| 7.6 esk ev cwiev‡ii cwiPqÁvcK bvg eûePb n‡jI Giv Definite noun nq| weavq, G‡`i cy‡e© the e‡m| Examples: Noun Phrase (a) India was ruled by the Mughals. (c) Mitu occupied the fourth place in the competition. Noun Phrase (b) The Pathans are brave. (d) Rabindranath was the fourteenth child of Debendranath Tagore and Saroda Devi. (c) The Khans will be happy to find you. Noun Phrase (d) The Nawabs conquered the kingdom. 2.12 Noun Gi cy‡e© Superlative degree _vK‡j D³ Noun Gi gZ Ab¨ †KD bv _vKvq GwU wbw`©ó nq| weavq, D³ (e) He got married among the Rakains. Superlative degree hy³ Noun Phrase Gi cy‡e© “the” e‡m| 8. Examples: (a) Nayon is the best student in the class. bqb †kªYxi g‡a¨ m‡e©vËg QvÎ| Noun Phrase (b) She is the most beautiful girl I ever see. USE OF POSSESSIVE ARTICLE: A½- cÖZ¨‡½i bv‡gi cy‡e© Possessive article wn‡m‡e „The‟ e‡m| wKš‘, Possessive case _vK‡j G‡`i cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| Avgvi †`Lvi g‡a¨ †m me‡P‡q my›`ix evwjKv| Examples: Noun Phrase 2.13 Comparative degree --Gi cy‡e© mvavibZ †Kvb Article e‡m bv| wKš‘, Comparative degree ‡Z hLb `yB‡qi g‡a¨ (a) The police pulled the criminal by the ear. Zzjbv Kiv nq Ges Two kãwU D‡j­L _v‡K, ZLb Comparative degree -Gi cy‡e© “the” e‡m| (b) The police pulled the criminal by his ear. Examples: (c) (a) Fatema is the better than the two girls. (b) This building is the higher than two ones. dv‡Zgv evwjKv ؇qi g‡a¨ AwaKZi fvj| The terrorist struck the man on the head. (d) The terrorist struck the man on his head. cywjk Acivax‡K Kvb a‡i †U‡b Avbj| mš¿vmx †jvKwUi gv_vq AvNvZ Kij| (e) woman is helpless even today. Explanation: bvixiv GgbwK AvRI Amnvq| „woman‟ Zvi wb‡Ri RvwZi GKwU mvavib •ewkó ( Amnvq) ‡K wb‡`©k Kivq GwU Generalizing common n‡q‡Q | weavq, Gi cy‡e© †Kv‡bv article e‡mwb| (f) man dominates over woman. Explanation: 2.14 ‡Kvb common noun Øviv hLb Zvi mg‡MÖvÎxq Noun Gi g‡a¨ ‡miv wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq ZLb D³ Common noun mvaviYZ Superlative Gi ¸iæZ¡ eySvq| weavq, Zvi cy‡e© the e‡m| noun -G cwibZ cyiæl bvixi Dci KZ©„Z¡ K‡i| Examples: (a) Mustafiz is the cutter master of the present word. (b) Andru Kishor is the singer of Bangladesh. „man‟ ej‡Z cyiælRvwZ Ges „woman‟ ej‡Z bvixRvwZ‡K wb‡`©k Kivq Giv Generalizing common noun -G cwibZ n‡q‡Q | weavq , G‡`i cy‡e© †Kv‡bv article e‡mwb| 7.2 Adjective Abymv‡i Gi cy‡e© mvavibZ †Kvb Article e‡m bv| wKš‘, Adjective hLb GKvB Verb Gi cy‡e© Subject, Verb I Preposition- Gi c‡i Object wn‡m‡e Ae¯’vb K‡i, ZLb GwU GKwU we‡kl RvwZ‡K wb‡`©k K‡i Ges RvwZevPK Plural common nq| weavq, D³ RvwZevPK Adjective Gi cy‡e© The e‡m| (c) Industry is the key to success. 2.15 Noun- Gi c‡i Adjective clause Ae¯’vb K‡i D³ Noun m¤ú‡K© Z_¨ cÖ`vb Ki‡j Noun wU wbw`©ó n‡q hvq Ges Gi cy‡e© „the‟ e‡m| Examples: (a) The man who came here yesterday is a teacher. Structure: The + adjective + F.V. + the + adjective + Preposition + the + adjective Subject Object Object (b) I got the book which you had sent to me. abxiv memgq myLx bq| Subject (b) We should help the poor. Avgv‡`i Mixe‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Kiv DwPZ| Object (c) Do not look down upon the weak. `ye©j‡`i‡K AeÁv K‡iv bv| ‡m mv`v isK…Z evwowU‡Z evm K‡i| Adjective clause N.B. mvavib NUbvhy³ Sentence -G †Kvb Noun Gi c‡i Adjective clause _vK‡jI GwU we‡kl †Kvb Noun bv eySv‡bvq Awbw`©ó nq| (d) A man who tells a lie is hated by all. Adjective clause Object 7.3 Verb Gi Past participle hLb Subject / Object wn‡m‡e eveüZ nq, ZLb GwU Adjective Gi KvR K‡i Ges GKwU we‡kl RvwZ‡K wb‡`©k K‡i Ges RvwZevPK Plural common nq| weavq, D³ RvwZevPK Adjective (Vp.p.) Gi cy‡e© The e‡m| Structure: The + past participle + F.V. + the + past participle + Preposition + the + past participle Subject †h eBwU Zzwg Avgv‡K cvwV‡qwQ‡j †mwU Avwg †cjvg| Adjective clause (c) He lives in the house which is painted white. Examples: (a) The rich are not always happy. ‡h †jvKwU GLv‡b GmwQ‡jb wZwb GKRb wk¶K| Adjective clause Object Object 2.16 One of / Most of Gi c‡i †h Plural noun _v‡K Zv me mgq Definite nIqvq Gi cy‡e© „the‟ e‡m| Example: (a) He is one of the meritorious boys in the clas. (b) One of the books has been lost. (c) Most of the plans were wrong. 2.17 ‡h Noun (bar, bench, press, teaching, police, army, etc.) Øviv Kv‡iv e„wË ev †ckv eySvq Zvi cy‡e© „the‟ e‡m| Example: (a) The educated should teach the uneducated. Subject F.V. Examples: (a) Masum has joined the army. gvmyg †mbvevwnbx‡Z †hvM`vb K‡i‡Q| wbh©vwZZ‡`i cÖwZ Avgv‡`i mvnv‡h¨i nvZ evov‡bv DwPZ| (b) My friend works in the police. Avgvi eÜz cywj‡k PvKzix K‡i Object (b) We should help extend hands to the oppressed. Pre The The The The The wkw¶Z‡`i Awkw¶Z‡`i‡K wk¶v †`qv DwPZ| Object wb‡Pi Adjective / Past Participle ¸‡jv RvwZ eySv‡Z AwaK e¨eüZ nq| Past Participle RvwZevPK Common noun adjective RvwZevPKCommon noun The Mix‡eiv wkw¶‡Ziv/ A¶iÁvbm¤úbœiv poor The educated abxiv Awkw¶‡Ziv/ A¶iÁvbnxbiv rich The uneducated Ávbxiv ewÂZiv wise The deprived `ye©‡jiv Ae‡nwjZiv weak The neglected 2.18 e¨w³evPK Proper noun Gi cy‡e© ‡Kvb Dcvwa, ¸bevPK msÁv Adjective em‡j D³ e¨w³evPK Proper noun †K we‡lkvwqZ Ki‡j Gi cy‡e© „the‟ e‡m| Examples: (a) The great Akbar was the emperor of Delhi. (b) The virtuous Mohsin pardoned the thief. (c) The immoral Humayon Ahmed wrote many novels. 2.19 Proper noun (e¨w³i bvg) Gi c‡i appositive wn‡m‡e †Kvb Epithet ev ¸bevPK kã (adjective) hy³ n‡j D³ Adjective -Gi cy‡e© the e‡m| USE OF GENERALIZING ARTICLE: Generalizing noun Gi cy‡e© mvaviYZ Generalizing article wn‡m‡e A /An wKsev The e‡m| Avevi KLbI †Kvb Article e‡m bv| Examples: (a) Alexander, the great, was a brave warrior. Generalizing noun: (b) Nasir Uddin, the pious, was the emperor of Delhi. ‡h Countable singular common noun Zvi wb‡Ri mgMÖ RvwZi †Kvb GKwU mvavib •ewkó¨ / Af¨vm†K wb‡`©k K‡i, Zv‡K Generalizing noun (RvwZevPK we‡kl¨) ejv nq| (c) Omar, the kind, was a noble Caliph. 2.20 msL¨v cÖKvkK †h singular word `yiZ¡, fi, mg‡qi GKK (unit) A_©vr nv‡i wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq, Zvi cy‡e© the e‡m| Examples: ‡m WRb nv‡i Avg weµq K‡i| (a) He sells mangoes by the dozen. (b) The man buys eggs by the score. 3. 7.1 (score = Kzwo = 20 ) ‡jvKwU KywoUv `‡i Avg weµq K‡i| Characteristics of Generalizing Noun: (a) e¨w³ / cÖvYxevPK Noun B mvaviYZ Generalizing Noun nq| (Common noun) (b) Generaling noun mvaviYZ Singular / Plural Dfq Number- B n‡Z cv‡i| Generalizing Noun Noun by Bengali question: cÖ‡kœi gva¨‡g Generalizing noun †Pbv hvq bv| Confused noun with article „A/An/The‟: Generalizing noun BZi cÖvYxevPK Ges Singular number n‡j Gi cy‡e© „A/An‟ wKsev „The‟ e‡m| wKš‘, mªóvi wKQz wKQz Noun cÖvqkB wkÿv_©x‡`i wØavMÖ¯’ K‡i| G‡`i wbw`©óZv / Awbw`©óZv wbY©‡q `viæb †eM †c‡Z nq| G‡`i cy‡e© KLbI „A/An‟ Avevi KLbI „The‟ e‡m| †kªô Rxe man / woman hLb Generalizing noun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq, ZLb Gi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| 3.1 `yBwU Noun „Of‟ mn‡hv‡M mshy³ n‡q Possessive case MVb Ki‡j, „Of‟ Gi cye©eZx© Noun wU wbw`©ó n‡j Gi cy‡e© „the‟ Ges Awbw`©ó n‡j Gi cy‡e© „a / an‟ e‡m| Example: (a) The / A fish lives in water. Explanation: gvQ cvwb‡Z evm K‡i| Structure: ‗fish‘ word wU singular common noun Ges GwU Zvi wb‡Ri RvwZi GKwU mvavib •ewkó (cvwb‡Z evm Kiv) ‡K eySv‡”Q| mvavib ‣ewkó ej‡Z †mB •ewkó†K eySv‡bv nq, hv Zvi RvwZi mKj m`‡m¨i g‡a¨ we`¨gvb _v‡K| †hgb, mKj gvQ dzjKvi mvnv‡h¨ k¦vmKvh© Pvjvq; A / an / the + noun + of + noun mKj gvQ cøvsKUb RvZxq Lvevi Lvq; mKj gvQ cvwb‡Z wWg cv‡o BZ¨vw`| ‡Kvb wbw`©ó / Awbw`©ó ‗fish‘ cvwb‡Z evm K‡i bv| eis mKj ‗fish‘ cvwm‡Z evm K‡i| GLv‡b ‗fish‘ Zvi wb‡Ri RvwZi cÖwZwbwaZ¡ Kivq GwU Generalizing common noun -G cwibZ n‡q‡Q| A. KLb wbw`©ó nq ? weavq, Gi cy‡e© eneralizing ev RvwZevPK ‗The / A‘ e‡m‡Q| mvavibZ wZbwU Kvi‡b „Of‟ Gi cye©eZ©x Noun wU wbw`©ó nq | (b) The / A horse sleeps standing. Noun + of + Noun ‡Nvov `vwo‡q Nygvq| Explanation: GLv‡b, „horse‟ singular common noun wU †Kvb wbw`©ó / Awbw`©ó Noun †K wb‡`©k Ki‡Q bv | eis GwU Zvi wb‡Ri RvwZi mvavib Uncountable noun Only one Plural •ewkó¸‡jvi g‡a¨ ‗`vwo‡q Nygv‡bv‘ GB mvavib •ewkó‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Q| weavq, GwU Generalizing common noun -G cwibZ n‡q‡Q| Gi cy‡e© Generalizing article „A / The‟ e‡m‡Q| „horse‟ Gi K‡qKwU mvavib •ewkó wb‡P †`qv n‡jv| mKj ‡Nvov Nvm Lvq; †Kvb ‡NvovB wWg †`q bv; mKj ‡Nvov `ªæZ †`․ovq; †Nvov GKwU PZz®ú` cÖvYx BZ¨vw`| (i) „Of‟ Gi cye©eZ©x Noun wU Uncountable n‡j t Examples: (a) He likes the curd of Bogra. ‡m e¸ovi `B cQ›` K‡i| (c) The / An ant is an industrious insect. Explanation: wcucov GKwU cwikªgx cZ½| (b) The gold of this ring is pure. GLv‡b, „ant‟ singular common noun wU †Kvb wbw`©ó / Awbw`©ó Noun †K wb‡`©k Ki‡Q bv | eis GwU Zvi wb‡Ri RvwZi mvavib (c) All of us should work for the welfare of the country. •ewkó¸‡jvi g‡a¨ ―cwikªkx ‖ GB mvavib •ewkó‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Q| weavq, GwU Generalizing common noun -G cwibZ n‡q‡Q| (ii) „Of‟ Gi cye©eZ©x Noun wU cieZ©x Noun wUi mv‡c‡¶ GKgvÎ GKwUB _vK‡j t Examples: (a) Sheikh Hasina is the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. (b) Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. (c) Shima is the presidient of the club. †kL nvwmbv evsjv‡`‡ki cÖavbgš¿x| Gi cy‡e ©Generalizing article „A / The‟ e‡m‡Q| (d) man is mortal. Explanation: gvbyl gibkxj| „man‟ Zvi wb‡Ri RvwZi GKwU mvavib •ewkó ( gibkxj) ‡K wb‡`©k Kivq GwU Generalizing common | weavq, Gi cy‡e© †Kv‡bv article e‡mwb| noun -G cwibZ n‡q‡Q (iii) „Of‟ Gi cye©eZ©x Noun wU Plural n‡j t Examples: (a) The Headmaster and Secretary is an honest man. GLv‡b whwb Headmaster wZwbB Secretary | (b) The Headmaster and the Secretary are honest men. GLv‡b Headmaster Ges Secretary wfbœ wfbœ e¨w³| (c) A singer and dancer is coming to the stage. GLv‡b whwb singer wZwbB dancer | (d) A singer and a dancer are coming to the stage. GLv‡b singer Ges dancer wfbœ wfbœ e¨w³| 6.3 `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Adjective ‡Kvb Noun Gi cy‡e© Ae¯’vb K‡i GKB Noun m¤ú‡K© GKvwaK Z_¨ cÖ`vb Ki‡j ïa~ cÖ_g Adjective Gi cy‡e© Determiner wn‡m‡e Article e‡m| wKš‘, wfbœ wfbœ Noun m¤ú‡K© Z_¨ cÖ`vb Ki‡j Dfq Adjective Gi cy‡e© Determiner wn‡m‡e Article e‡m| G‡¶‡Î GKwU Adjective Gi cy‡e© Article em‡j Singular number Ges GKvwaK Adjective Gi cy‡e© Article em‡j Plural number wn‡m‡e Noun ¸‡jv e¨eüZ nq|Ges D³ Noun phrasewU Singular number wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| Examples: (a) He has bought a red and blue shirt. (b) He has bought a red and a blue shirts. GLv‡b, jvj - bxj is‡qi GKwU kvU©‡K eySv‡”Q| GLv‡b, jvj is‡qi GKwU Ges bxj is‡qi GKwU - ‡gvU `ÕywU kvU©‡K eySv‡”Q| (c) The black and white goat is grazing in the field. GLv‡b, mv`v - Kvj is‡qi GKwU QvMj‡K eySv‡”Q| (d) The black and the white goats are grazing in the field.mv`v is‡qi GKwU Ges Kvj is‡qi GKwU - ‡gvU 2wU| 6.4 Proper noun Gi Appositive wn‡m‡e hw` Common noun e¨eüZ nq, Z‡e Gi cy‡e© KLbI artice e‡m bv| Avevi KLbI a / an / the e‡m| (a) Appositive wU Proper noun Gi Singular designation (GKK c`ex / Dcvax) eySv‡j Gi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| Examples: (i) Dr. Yunus, Director of the Grammen Bank, is a scholar. Proper noun (ii) Common noun (Singular designation) Mr. Wazed, Principal of A. U. Degree College is a polite man. Proper noun Common noun (Singular designation) (b) Appositive wU Proper noun Gi Singular designation (GKK c`ex /Dcvax) bv eywS‡q ïay GKRb / GKwUB Av‡Q Ggb eySv‡j the e‡m| wKš‘, Zvi gZ GKvwaK Av‡Q Ggb eySv‡j Z‡e Gi cy‡e© a / an e‡m| Examples: (i) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founder of Bangladesh was killed on 15 August, 1975. (ii) Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh is a mega city. (iii) Mr. Zahid Hasan, a lecturer in English, works in A.U. College. (iv) Dr. Zoha, a professor of chemistry, worked in Rajshahi University. Examples: (a) The mangoes of Rajshahi are famous. (b) He is deprived of the basic needs of human beings. (c) Many people began to collect the books of Humayon Ahmed after his death. (d) The oranges of China are small in size. B. KLb Awbw`©ó nq? mvavibZ `yÕwU Kvi‡b „Of‟ Gi cye©eZ©x Noun wU Awbw`©ó nIqvq Gi cy‡e© „a /an‟ e‡m| Noun + of + Noun Another same noun like it Number, Quantity, Sort, Area, Species (i) „Of‟ Gi cye©eZ©x Noun wUi Abyiæc Ab¨ Noun _vK‡j t Examples: (a) Computer is a wonder of modern science. Kw¤úDUvi AvaywbK weÁv‡bi GKwU we¯§q| (b) Shahin Monowara Haque is an MP of the Parliament. kvnxb g‡bvqviv nK msm‡`i GKRb m`m¨| (c) Shakib is a cricketer of Bangladesh. (d) Shamol is a singer of the Miles. (e) He bought a book of Humayon Ahmed. (ii) „Of‟ Gi cye©eZ©x Noun wU cieZ©x Noun wUi msL¨v, cwigvb, aib, AvqZb, cÖRvwZ †evSv‡j t Examples: (a) Sanjida has a number of friends. Zvi A‡bK eÜz Av‡Q| (b) Sagorika spent a lot of time in vain. (c) Shimu is a deceptive type of girl. (d) This field has an area of 500 square feet. GB gvVwUi 500 eMdzU AvqZb i‡q‡Q| (e) The tiger is a species of cats. 3.2 SSC, HSC, BA, MA, MBBS, CA, etc. hLb †Kvb e¨w³i Complement wn‡m‡e _v‡K, ZLb Sound Abymv‡i G‡`i cy‡e© A/An e‡m| wKš‘, hLb Examination Gi bvg eySvq, ZLb G‡`i cy‡e© The e‡m| Examples: (a) His bother is an M.A. Complement (His brother is an M.A passed person.) Zvi fvB Gg.G cvk (Kiv e¨w³)| (b) His brother passed the M.A. Examination Zvi fvB Gg.G cvk K‡iwQj| 3.3 Relative clause, Participle pharse, Prepositional phrase Ges Infinitive phrase hLb Past tense Gi †Kvb Sentence G, Indefinite noun Gi c‡i Post -modifier wn‡m‡e Ae¯’vb K‡i ZLb D³ Noun wU Definite noun nq Ges the e‡m| wKš‘, Present Tense n‡j D³ Noun wU Indefinite / Definite noun DfqB aiv nq Ges A /An /The e‡m| Examples: (a) The man who came here yesterday was my brother. (b) A / The man who loves his country is a patriot. 3.4 Musical instrument evRv‡bvi †¶‡Î Gi bv‡gi cy‡e© „the‟ e‡m| wKš‘, e¯‘ †evSv‡j Gi cy‡e© a / an e‡m| 5.14 Factitive verb (nominate, elect, make, choose, crown, appoint, etc.) GB Verb ¸‡jvi c‡i Complement _v‡K Ges D³ Complement Gi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| D³ Complement hw` “Of” hy³ Examples: (a) Einstein played on the violin. AvBb÷vBb †envjv evRv‡Zb| (b) The harmonium is a musical instrument. nvi‡gvwbqvg GKwU m½xZhš¿| (c) He bought a violin. ‡m GKwU †envjv wK‡bwQj| Possessive case Gi Ask wn‡m‡e _v‡K, Z‡e GwU wbw`©wó n‡q hvq Ges Gi cy‡e© “the” e‡m | Examples: (a) We elected him captain. 3.5 „Both, all, half‟ – GB Determiner ¸‡jvi c‡i †h Noun- _v‡K Zvi cy‡e© mvavibZ „the‟ e‡m| (b) We elected him the captain of the team. 5.15 Common noun – Singular designation (†Kvb cÖwZôv‡b D³ Dcvax / c`exi e¨w³ GKgvÎ GKRbB) eySv‡j GwU wbw`©ó Examples: (a) Both the teams are hopeful of winning the match. Dfq `j g¨vPwU †RZvi e¨vcv‡i Avkvev`x| nq | weavq, Gi cy‡e© The e‡m| Ab¨fv‡e ejv hvq, e¨w³i bvgwenxb Title Gi cy‡e© the e‡m| wKš‘, bv‡gi cy‡e© title _vK‡j (b) I have read half the book. Avwg eBwUi A‡a©K c‡owQ| Gi cy‡e© †Kvb article e‡m bv| (c) All the strikers took part in the procession. mKj ag©NUxiv wgwQ‡j AskMÖnY K‡iwQj| Examples: (a) The Manager did not attend the meeting owing to his illness yesterday. Title g¨v‡bRvi mv‡ne Zvi Amy¯ÍZvi Rb¨ MZKvj wgwUs‡q †hvM`vb K‡ibwb| N. B. Both Gi c‡i singular noun _vK‡j Gi cy‡e© a / an e‡m| (d) Our rivers are both a curse and a blessing for us. (b) × Manager Mr. Rahman did not attend the meeting owing to his illness yesterday. Singular 3.6 Superlative degree „most‟ Gi A_© hLb very ev Lye †ewk eySvq ZLb Gi cy‡e© the - Gi cwie‡Z© a e‡m| (c) The President delivered a hearty speech in the function. Title Superlative degree hy³ Noun Gi c‡i hLb Post modifier _v‡K bv, ZLb most Gi A_© very nq| wKš‘, (d) President Mahathir Mohammad is famous all over the world. Title Superlative degree hy³ Noun Gi c‡i hLb Post modifier _vK‡j „the‟ e‡m| Examples: 6. Name Confusing Article „A / An / The / ‟: (a) He saw a most wonderful sight. But, He saw the most wonderful sight of the area. †iv‡Mi bvgevPK, c`exevPK Ges †Rvov cÖKvkK wKQz Noun - Gi cy‡e© †ÿÎ we‡k‡l „A/An/The‟ e‡m| Avevi, KLbI †Kvb (b) She is a most beautiful girl. But, She is the most beautiful girl in the college. Article e‡m bv| 3.7 e¨w³ / ¯’v‡bi bvg Proper noun nIqvq G‡`i cy‡e© mvavibZ †Kvb Article e‡m bv| wKš‘, `yÕwU e¨w³ ev ¯’v‡bi g‡a¨ Zzjbv Ki‡j hvi mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv nq, †mwU Common noun nq Ges Gi cy‡e© A / An / The e‡m| A. KLb The e‡m? GKB ¸bm¤úbœ (mg‡MÖvÎxq) `yÕwU e¨w³ ev ¯’v‡bi g‡a¨ Zzjbv Ki‡j hvi mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv nq Zvi cy‡e© The e‡m| Examples: (a) Nazrul is called the Byron of Bangladesh. bRiæj‡K evsjv‡`‡ki evqib ejv nq| Explanation: GLv‡b, Bs‡iwR we‡`ªvnx Kwe evqi†bi mv‡_ evsjvi we‡`ªvnx Kwe bRiæj‡K Zzjbv Kiv n‡q‡Q| KvwR bRiæj Bmjvg esjv‡`‡k GKgvÎ we`ªvnx Kwe | weavq, wZwb weL¨vZ| Df‡qB weL¨vZ nIqvi „Byron‟ - Gi cy‡e© „the‟ emv‡bv n‡q‡Q| (b) Narayonganj is called the Dundee of the East. bvivqbMćK cÖv‡P¨i W¨vwÛ ejv nq| 6.1 Gout, measles, mumps Gme †iv‡Mi bv‡gi cy‡e© „the‟ e‡m | Avevi, Influenza, small pox, cholera, dysentry GMy‡jvi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| Headache, cough, cold – GB †iv‡‡Mi c„‡e© mvavibZ a e‡m| Examples: (a) The gout is a painful disease. evZ GKwU †e`bv`vqK †ivM| (b) He is suffering from the measles. ‡m nvg †iv‡M fyM‡Q| (c) Influenza is a contagious disease. (d) He died of small pox. (e) Cholera broke out epidemically. (f) He has caught a cold. 6.2 GKvwaK Noun hw` and Øviv hy³ n‡q GKB e¨w³ / e¯‘ / cÖvbx‡K eySvq Z‡e ïaygvÎ cÖ_g Noun wUi cy‡e© Article e‡m| Explanation: wKš‘, wfbœ wfbœ Noun ‡K eySv‡j Dfq Noun Gi cy‡e© Article e‡m| GLv‡b, cvðv†Zi weL¨vZ mgy`ª e›`i W¨vwÛi mv‡_ bvivqbM‡Äi weL¨vZ mgy`ª e›`i‡K Zzjbv Kiv n‡q‡Q| Df‡qB weL¨vZ nIqvi G‡¶‡Î GKwU Noun Gi cy‡e© Article em‡j Singular number Ges GKvwaK Noun Gi cy‡e© Article em‡j Plural „Dundee‟ - Gi cy‡e© „the‟ emv‡bv n‡q‡Q| number wn‡m‡e Noun ¸‡jv e¨eüZ nq| B. KLb A / An e‡m? 5.10 wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi bvg Noun + of + Noun Øviv MwVZ n‡j Gi cy‡e© the e‡m| wKš‘, bv‡gi gv‡S of bv _vK‡j †Kvb Article e‡m bv| wfbœ ¸bm¤úbœ (Amg‡MÖvÎxq) `yÕwU e¨w³ ev ¯’v‡bi g‡a¨ Zzjbv Ki‡j hvi mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv nq Zvi cy‡e© „A / An‟ e‡m| Examples: (a) He studies at the University of Dhaka. Example: (a) I see Kamal is a Byron. Kvgvj †Zv †`LwQ GKRb evqib| (b) He studies at Dhaka University. Explanation: (c) He visited the University of Rajshahi. Dc‡ii Sentence wU‡Z Bs‡iwR we‡`ªvnx Kwe ‗Byron‘ Gi mv‡_ ‗Kamal‘ ‡K Zzjbv Kiv n‡q‡Q| GLv‡b, ‗Byron‘ weL¨vZ wKš‘ ‗Kamal‘ L¨vwZnxb| weavq, „Byron‟ - Gi cy‡e© “a” emv‡bv n‡q‡Q| (d) He visited Rajshahi University. (b) I see this college is an Oxford. 5.11 AvZ¥xqZvi m¤úK© †hgb, Father, mother, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, cousin, etc Ges wb‡Ri evwo‡Z Kg©iZ cook, nurse Gi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| wKš‘, Giv hLb G‡`i m¤úwK©Z ¸b cÖKvk K‡i A_©vr Abstract avibv cÖ`vb K‡i, ZLb G‡`i cy‡e© the e‡m| 4. Confused noun with article „A / An / ×‟: wKQz Confusing noun - Gi cy‡e© gv‡S gv‡S „A/An‟ e‡m Avevi gv‡S gv‡S †Kvb Article e‡m bv| 4.1 ‡Ljvi bvg †hgb, dzUej, wµ‡KU, fwjej, nwK BZ¨vw`i bv‡gi cy‡e© cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| | wKš‘, G¸‡jv hw` †Ljvi bvg Examples: (a) Father loved me very much. But, Seeing the boy, the father rose in the man. bv eywS‡q e¯‘i bvg †evSvq, Z‡e G‡`i cy‡e© Article e‡m| (b) Mother takes care of her baby. (father = wcZ…Z¡ ,The mother = gvZ…Z¡) Examples: (a) Monir plays football. (c) I met uncle yesterday. 5.12 Proper noun + Common noun Øviv hw` †Kvb buildings, airports, parks , garden, squares (bMiga¨¯’ Db¥y³ ¯’vb), streets ( GKB kn‡ii ga¨Kvi c_ ), Avenue (ivRc_), Roads (GK kni‡K Ab¨ kn‡ii mv‡_ ms‡hvMKvix iv¯Ív) bv‡gi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| Examples: (a) Zahangir Complex is a wonder of modern architechture and technology. Proper noun Common noun (b) The plane took off at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport. Proper noun Common noun (c) He visited Ramna Park yesterday. Proper Common (d) He started a shop at Manik Miah Avenue. Proper Proper Zvi evwo k¨vgjx ÷ªx‡U Aew¯’Z| Common (f) An accident took place at the Rajshahi Road*. Proper Common *iv¯Ívi bv‡gi c‡i Road kãwU hy³ _vK‡j D³ iv¯Ívi bv‡gi cy‡e© the e‡m| 5.13 School, college, hospital, mosque, church, market, bed, prison, etc hLb RvqMvi bvg †evSvq Ges Gme RvqMvq hLb ¯^vfvweK Kv‡R hvIqv nq, ZLb G‡`i cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| wKš‘, Gme hw` †Kvb wbw`ó ¯’vb, `vjvb ev iwK GKwU dzUej wK‡b‡Q| (d) Rashed gave Jaman a new cricket ball. 4.2 Many Gi cieZ©x Noun wU Singular number n‡j Gi cy‡e© a / an e‡m| wKš‘, Plural number n‡j Gi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| Examples: (a) Many a man was present there. A‡bK †jvK †mLv‡b Dcw¯’Z wQj| (b) Many men were present there. A‡bK †jvK †mLv‡b Dcw¯’Z wQj| Examples: (a) He went to Dhaka by bus. (b) Shila reached Khulna by train. (c) I like traveling by aeroplane. (d) He He came to Bangladesh by sea. (e) Jisan had gone to London by air. 4.4 Breakfast (mKvj †ejvi bv¯Ívv), launch (`ycy‡ii Lvevi) Ges dinner (iv‡Zi Lvevi) Gi cy‡e© „A/An‟ e‡m bv| wKš‘, e¯‘y‡K wb‡`©k K‡i, Z‡e G‡`i cy‡e© the e‡m| Examples: (a) The patient went to hospital. (b) He went to the hospital to see his better half. (c) We go to mosque five times a day. (d) I met him at the mosque. (c) Rocky has bought a football. 4.3 ågb m¤úwK©Z hvbevnb (bus, train, aeroplane, etc.) Ges ågb c_ (sea, air) - Gi cy‡e© †Kvb article e‡m bv| Common (e) His house is situated at Shamoly Street. gwbi dzUej †L‡j| (b) Sapna plays cricket well. G¸‡jvi cy‡e© †Kvb Modifier wn‡m‡e Adjective hy³ _vK‡j A / An e‡m| ‡m Zvi ¯¿x‡K †`L‡Z nvmcvZv‡j wM‡qwQj| Examples: (a) I had breakfast with him last morning. Avwg MZ mKv‡j Zvi mv_ bv¯Ív K‡iwQjvg| (b) I had a delicious breakfast with him last morning. Avwg MZ mKv‡j Zvi mv‡_ my¯^v`y bv¯Ív K‡iwQjvg| Modifier 4.5 GKB e¨w³i hw` `yB ai‡bi ¸b _v‡K Z‡e GKwU ¸‡bi mv‡_ Aci ¸bwUi Zzjbv Ki‡Z ïay cÖ_g ¸‡Yi cy‡e© a / an e‡m| wKš‘ GK e¨w³i ¸‡bi mv‡_ wfbœ e¨w³i ¸‡bi Zzjbv Ki‡j Df‡qi ¸‡bi cy‡e© a / an e‡m| article e‡m bv| FZzi bv‡gi cy‡e© / c‡i †Kvb word _vK‡j the e‡m| wKš‘, ïay FZzi bvg _vK‡j †Kvb Article e‡m bv| Examples: Examples: (a) He is a better writer than poet. (writer Ges poet -GKB e¨w³) (b) He is a better writer than a poet. (writer Ges poet -wfbœ wfbœ e¨w³) (c) He is a better singer than dancer. ‡m Kwei †P‡q †jLK wn‡m‡e fvj| (a) Mr. Mizanur Rahman has left for India in the morning. ‡m GKRb Kwei †P‡q GKRb †jLK wn‡m‡e fvj| (b) Mr. Mizanur Rahman has left for India at morning. (singer Ges dancer -GKB e¨w³) ‡m bZ©‡Ki †P‡q MvqK wn‡m‡e fvj| (d) He is a better singer than a dancer. (singer Ges dancer wfbœ wfbœe¨w³) ‡m GKRb Kwei †P‡q GKRb †jLK wn‡m‡e fvj| 5. 5.5 Dawn, Morning, noon, afternoon, evening, dusk, night Gi cy‡e© in _vK‡j the e‡m| wKš‘, at _vK‡j †Kvb (d) Shahana will come here at evening. 5.6 Society / Parliament mvavib A‡_© e¨eüZ n‡j G‡`i Gi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| wKš‘, wbw`©ó ‡Kvb Society / Confused Article „The / ‟: Ggb wKQz Confusing noun Av‡Q hv‡`i cy‡e© gv‡S gv‡S „The‟ e‡m Avevi gv‡S gv‡S †Kvb Article e‡m bv| 5.1 Nature hw` cÖK…wZ eySvq Z‡e Gi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv | wKš‘, hw` ¯^fve eyRvq Z‡e Zvi cy‡e© the e‡m| Parliamen ‡K eySv‡j The e‡m| Examples: (a) Society can not tolerate it. But, (b) The society of the elite can not tolerate it. (c) Paliament meets next week. Examples: (d) The parliament of Bangladesh meets next week. 5.7 RvZxq Ges AvšÍR©vwZK ms¯’vi msw¶ß bvg, †Kvb cÖwZôv‡bi bvg Proper noun nIqvq G‡`i bv‡gi cy‡e© me mgq „the‟ emv (a) Jibananda was a lover of nature. DwPZ wQj| wKš‘, G‡`i bv‡gi cy‡e© ‡Kvb KviY QvovB KLbI „the‟ e‡m, Avevi KLbI †Kvb article e‡m bv| (b) The nature of the man is good. 5.2 ‡h‡Kvb fvlvi bvg Proper noun nIqv m‡Z¡I G‡`i cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| wKš‘, G‡`i bv‡gi c‡i ‡KejgvÎ Language kãwU †hvM _vK‡jB G‡`i cy‡e© the e‡m| Examples: (a) He speaks English. †m Bs‡iw‡R‡Z K_v e‡j| (b) He speaks the English language. ‡m Bs‡iRx fvlvq K_v e‡j| Examples: (a) The guest birds come to Bangladesh in / the winter. evsjv‡`‡k kxZKv‡j AwZ_x cvwL Av‡m| (b) Dr. Younus is the founder of / the Grammen Bank. W. BDbym MÖvgxb e¨vs‡Ki cÖwZôvZv| (c) The / ILO has started a new project. 5.8 Radio, Television, Cinema, Theatre Kg©‡¶‡Îi bvg eySv‡j G‡`i cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| wKš‘, we‡bv`b gva¨g eySv‡j Television e¨wZZ evwK¸‡jvi cy‡e© the e‡m| (c) The Mandarine language is mostly spoken in the world. 5.3 Proper noun Gi mv‡_ ‟s _vK‡j Gi cy‡e© †Kvb Article e‡m bv| wKš‘y, Common noun Gi mv‡_ ‟s _vK‡j Gi cy‡e© the e‡m| Examples: (c) Shahana will come here in the evening. Examples: (a) He worked both in theatre and cinema. (b) I often listen to the radio but do not watch televison. (a) He bought Raton‘s car. (b) Hasan‘s house looks nice. Proper noun (c) He broke the boy‘s toy. Common noun Proper noun (d) The girl‘s merit is sharp. Common noun 5.4 cÖ‡Z¨KwU ZvwiLB G‡K Ac‡ii †_‡K m¤c~Y© Avjv`v nIqvq Giv Proper noun nq| weavq, Zvwi‡Li cy‡e© µgevPK msL¨v _vK‡j Gi cy‡e© “the” e‡m| wKš‘, µgevPK msL¨v bv _vK‡j Gi cy‡e© ‡Kvb Article e‡m bv| Examples: (a) The girl was born on the 21st February, 2006. ‡g‡qwU 2008 mv‡ji 21 †k †deªæqvix‡Z Rb¥MÖnb K‡i†Q| (b) The girl was born on 21 February, 2006. (c) Bangladesh got freedom on the 16th December, 1971. (d) Bangladesh got freedom on 16 December, 1971. (c) Humayon wants to enjoy the cinema every week. (d) Television has become a common source of entertainment. 5.9 Home Gi cy‡e© mvavibZ †Kvb Article e‡m bv| wKš‘, Home Gi cy‡e© ev c‡i †Kvb Modifier wn‡m‡e descriptive word (eb©YvgyjK kã) Øviv Home m¤ú‡K© Z_¨ w`‡j GwU wbw`©ó nq | weavq, Gi cy‡e© the e‡m| Examples: (a) We went home. (b) He is at home. (c) We arrived at the bride‘s home. Descriptive word 1971 mv‡ji 16B wW‡m¤^i evsjv‡`k ¯^vaxbZv AR©b K‡i‡Q| (d) This is the home for the guests. Descriptive word