See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: BIODIESEL PLANT DESIGN FOR RURAL APPLICATION Article · September 2013 CITATIONS READS 0 4,884 4 authors, including: Om Prakash Chaturvedi Sanjay Mande Fiji National University cKinetics 3 PUBLICATIONS 0 CITATIONS 14 PUBLICATIONS 164 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Krishnendu Kundu Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute 28 PUBLICATIONS 285 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Optimization of Safflower Oil Transesterification Method Using Taguchi Approach View project Biodiesel production and characterization from indigenous mixed algal biomass View project All content following this page was uploaded by Om Prakash Chaturvedi on 02 July 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research _______________ISSN 2231-5780 Vol.3 (9), September (2013) Online available at BIODIESEL PLANT DESIGN FOR RURAL APPLICATION O P CHATURVEDI*; SANJAY MANDE*; P RAJAN**; K KUNDU** *TERI UNIVERSITY, NEW DELHI; **MERADO, LUDHIANA ABSTRACT The biodiesel production process in reality is much more than just a chemical reaction. The practical aspects of how to convert a locally available bio-oil resource into a modern biodiesel fuel in a rural-scale biodiesel plant is of utmost importance for enhancing its techno-socioeconomic viability. It has been proven, under Indian conditions that the industrial-scale biodiesel plant application had failed due to variety of feedstock problems and its management. This paper gives details of work carried out in developing assembly of a prototype semi-continuous batch biodiesel production plant that is not only portable but also suitable to support rural population that wish to become self manufacturer of biodiesel. The batch biodiesel plant has a daily production capacity of approximately 100 liters when working on two shifts of 10 hour each. It can be set up for virgin vegetable oil (edible or non-edible), waste cooking oil as well as high free fatty acid (FFA) oil. It can support esterification reaction as well as transesterification process that uses a non-pressurized reaction vessel and elevated reaction temperatures. Another key advantage of the proposed plant design is that it has methanol recovery unit, without adding much extra cost. With the initial total capital investment of about ` 2 lacs the proposed 100LPD biodiesel plant (annual production capacity of 30 tons of biodiesel) can earn a profit to the tune of ` 70 thousand giving about 35% Return on Investment (ROI) and break even in merely less than 3 years. KEYWORDS: Biodiesel, biodiesel plant, transesterification, esterification ______________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 INTRODUCTION Biodiesel, an alternative to fossil petroleum diesel fuel, is made from renewable biological sources such as vegetable oils and animal fats. It is biodegradable, nontoxic and has low emission profiles making it environmentally benign (Michael et al, 1996). Under Indian conditions to avoid conflict with scarcity of cultiviable land for growing demand of food crops, an emphasis by the Government has always been to explore the possibility of using non-edible oils for biodiesel production (Planning Commission Report, 2003). There are number of ways to make the vegetable oil equivalent to diesel fuel. These methods include; transesterification, pyrolysis, micro-emulsion, blending and thermal depolymerization (Srivastava and Prasad, 2000). One of the most common methods used to reduce oil viscosity in the biodiesel industry is called transesterification. The major objective during these interventions then was to develop a simplified method for extracting glycerol during soap production which was much needed for war-time explosives production (Gerpen, 2005). 46 ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research _______________ISSN 2231-5780 Vol.3 (9), September (2013) Online available at There is an urgent need to develop and demonstrate technologies to potential plant operators and fuel consumers, and to develop new technologies for reducing the input costs to enhance economic viability of biodiesel production. Hence, an effort was made to design an assembly of a 100 LPD semi-continuous biodiesel pilot plant suitable for rural application. The work was carried out at the Mechanical Engineering Research and Development Organization (MERADO) Ludhiana (India) an extension centre of Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur (India). The AUTODESK INVENTOR 10.0 software was used for design. 2.0 Material and Methods 2.1 Choice of reaction Transesterification is one of the reactions that are used to prepare esters. Transesterification of vegetable oil is the process of reacting triglycerides with methanol in order to obtain fatty acid methyl esters and glycerol and the process is important for preparation of biodiesel. 2.2 Process flow diagram The biodiesel production plant is separated into five sections as follows. Section A: Reactant Preparation, Section B: Pre-treatment section, Section C: Transesterification Reaction, Section D: Purification and Solvent Recovery and Section D: Product Storage. The corresponding Process Flow Diagrams (PFD’s) are presented in Figure 3. The section A is concerned with the storage and distribution of chemical required for the other sections of the plant and consists of four storage tanks and two mixing vessel. Tank A1 and A2 are used for vegetable oil and alcohol storage purpose and tank A4 and A5 are for storage of sulfuric acid and KOH catalyst. The two mixing vessel AM1 and AM2 are used to prepare the mixture of alcohol and catalyst. The pre-treatment section (B) is the part of the process used for pre -treatment of the vegetable oil, if required. Generally for transesterification to be successful, the free fatty acid content should be less than 1.0%. The section B is consisting with reactor (BR1), one separating vessel (BS1), waste (during esterification) storage tank (BW1) and mixing vessel AM1 used for preparation of sulfuric and alcohol mixture. The section C is the main unit operation in the plant where the treated vegetable oil from the section B (if FFA>1.0%, otherwise from tank A1) along with methanol and catalyst react to form the main product, biodiesel, and by-product glycerol, by means of transesterification process. This section has the main reaction vessel (CR1) and two separation tanks CS1 and CS2. The treated vegetable oil from the tank BS1 was pumped into the reactor and the mixture of alcohol and catalyst from tank AM2. Section D is the part of the biodiesel plant where the purification of biodiesel was carried out. The transestrified biodiesel from the vessels CS1 and CS2 contain biodiesel/methanol/soap/catalyst mixture. Therefore the water washing is an essential part in biodiesel production unit. Before the water washing, it is also essential to recover the excess methanol from the biodiesel phase. Section E in the storage system network is to store impurities, wastewater 47 ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research _______________ISSN 2231-5780 Vol.3 (9), September (2013) Online available at Figure 3 Process flow diagram for biodiesel production plant and the purified biodiesel product. This section consists of four storage tanks, E1 and E2. The purified biodiesel from the reactor BR1 was pumped into biodiesel storage tank E2 and glycerol in tank E1 and the recovered methanol into tank A3. Tank BW1 is for the storage of waste from pre-treatment step. 2.3 Floor plan The biodiesel production plant requires about 16 square meter floor area with dimensions length, height and width of 4x3x4 meters, respectively. The production unit comprises the equipment required for the five stages of the process, pump and pipe work for easiness of fluid transfer from stage to stage. The equipment is arranged such that the reactant and product tanks are located in the either side of biodiesel plant for ease of filling/emptying. 3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Reactors and mixture In order to design the reactor and mixture for this process, the volumes were first determined using the mass balance. The volume of all the components entering the reactor were added together to give the total liquid volume of the reactor (equivalent of one batch). For preventing the chances of any overflow, reactors were designed to 75% fill capacity; therefore, the reactor sizes were 1.43 times greater than the liquid volume. The diameters and heights of various reactors can be determined using following equation: D 4V / R Where, D = Reactor diameter (m) V = Reactor volume (m3) R = Reactor H/D factor The reactor height H is given by: H D R 48 ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research _______________ISSN 2231-5780 Vol.3 (9), September (2013) Online available at Since the pre-treatment reactors (BR1) contain corrosive sulfuric acid, stainless steel was chosen as the material of construction. Stainless was also chosen for the transesterification reactor CR1, because of the corrosive caustic being used as a catalyst. 3.2 Separating vessel The volume of the separating vessel was determined on the basis of mass balance and batch requirement. As the material handled by separating vessel is the mixture of biodiesel, soap, methanol, glycerol and catalyst, hence, stainless steel material was chosen for its construction. Separating vessel is equipped with special type layer indicator device to see the biodiesel and glycerol layer. 3.3 Frame The frame for the biodiesel plant was designed to fix the reactors, separating vessel, mixing tank, pumps and transmission system on it. The total frame height was 2.12 meters. Both of mixing vessel were placed such that, there was gravitational flow methoxide into reactor. The frame was built with 60x60x60 mm square hollow pipe of carbon steel material. 4.0 MASS BALANCE Initially the reactor BR1 was charged with 50.4 kg/batch and 11.09 kg/batch of oil and methanol, respectively. After effective pre-treatment the yield of treated oil was 48.99 kg/batch. In the transesterification stage, the reactor CR1 was charged with 24.5, 5.55 and 0.38 kg/batch treated oil, methanol and KOH, respectively. After, this stage of treatment, a product yield of 22.03 kg/batch biodiesel is produced and an equivalent total formation of 5.62 kg/batch glycerol byproduct is realized. The detailed mass flow rate per batch in different reactors are presented in Table 1. 5.0 ECONOMICS ASSESSMENT An estimate of the implementation cost was obtained by calculating the sum of all materials and labour expenses. The total material cost was found to be around ` ninety thousand. Manufacturing/machining cost was assumed conservatively to be 35% of the material cost and piping cost to be around 10% of the capital cost as this is a very small plant and pipe length would be minimal as compared to industrial sized plant. The instrumentation cost was estimated to be approximately 10% of the material cost as there was very simple requirement of temperature indicator and its controller. Hence, total equipment capital cost works out to be ` 1.33 lacs. The installation cost of the biodiesel plant was assumed to be 25% of the equipment capital cost. The total capital investment (TCI) was estimated ` 1.91 lacs, which is the start-up cost of the biodiesel production plant. This amount includes all proper over-run cost, such as the 5% contingency fund and a 10% working capital. 49 ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research _______________ISSN 2231-5780 Vol.3 (9), September (2013) Online available at Table 1 : Mass balance of biodiesel plant Reaction Component Mass (Kg) Volume (l) Oil 50.40 54.78 1st reaction Methanol 11.09 14.02 (Esterification) Sulfuric Acid 1.01 0.55 Total in reactor BR1 62.50 69.35 Oil / Biodiesel 47.88 54.41 1st Separation Top Methanol in top layer 1.11 1.40 layer Total in top Layer 48.99 55.81 Methanol in bottom layer 4.44 5.61 Bottom layer Water / Glycerol / Acid 9.07 10.89 Total in bottom layer 13.51 16.49 Top layer mixture (from 1st 24.50 27.91 separation) 2nd reaction Methanol 5.55 7.01 (Transesterification) KOH 0.38 0.38 Total in reactor CR1 30.42 34.92 Biodiesel 22.03 25.03 2nd Separation Top Methanol in top layer 0.56 0.70 layer Top Layer 22.58 25.73 Methanol in bottom layer 2.22 2.81 Bottom layer Water / Glycerol / Base 5.62 5.62 Bottom Layer 7.84 8.43 The raw materials used in the production stage include: methanol, sulfuric acid and potassium hydroxide, with methanol being the primary reactant. Although the purification stage does extract and return a major portion of used methanol, some methanol is lost. The average transesterification reaction consuming rate of methanol was found to be 22% by weight of feedstock, which equates to 22.2 kg per batch. With additional methanol lost in the glycerol and waste streams, an additional 11% by weight is adjusted. This equates 44.38 kg of methanol per batch or 155.54 kg of methanol per week. 14.14 kg of sulfuric acid and 10.16 kg of KOH are required per week, therefore, the average weekly cost of raw materials used was approximately ` 3000 only. It is assumed to that, the oil cost is ` 27 per kg. Daily electricity consumption was estimated to be 82.5 kWh which results in a weekly power consumption of 577.5 kWh. At the current electricity rate of ` 3/kWh, the total cost of power works out to about ` 1,700 per week. The water cost is assumed to ` 0.5 per liters and weekly requirement of water is 700 liters, hence, the total utilities cost is ` 2.1 thousand per week. Any additional heating of the working environment that might be required in cold weather has not been taken into account due to prevailing hot climate in India. The labour cost to process a single batch of feedstock oil is not representative of economic operation because of the large amount of ‘idle time’. It is therefore sensible to consider the labour cost on per day basis. Also the assumption is made that cold weather difficulties do not apply. Normally there are two shift operation of 10 hrs is required to run the biodiesel plant. Assuming the labour cost of ` 200 per day and there is requirement of two labour per day. Hence, the total cost for weekly operation works out to is ` 2800. 50 ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research _______________ISSN 2231-5780 Vol.3 (9), September (2013) Online available at The production rate of biodiesel is 700 liters per week, and according to the current diesel price of ` 39 per liter, weekly revenue of ` 27300 could be realized. This provides the net profit of ` 1624 per week and is estimated to be a profit of ` 2.32 per liter of biodiesel produced without including the revenue from the selling of by-product (glycerol). In the whole biodiesel production cost calculation, the revenue from the glycerol sell is taken to be negligible. With the process consuming just over one kg of methanol for every 4.5 liters of biodiesel produced, the cost of methanol per liter of biodiesel is 6.67 paise. With the production rate of 30 tons of biodiesel annually, a profit of ` 70 thousand each year is realized. By considering the initial Total Capital Investment of 1.91 lacs, this equates to a Return on Investment (ROI) of 35%, and the biodiesel production plant will break even at approximately 2.74 years. 6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The biodiesel production process creates two waste streams, viz. glycerol and wastewater (containing large quantities of methanol, soap, potassium sulphate and trace amount of potassium hydroxide). The compositions of these waste streams were examined at laboratory level with one liters per batch biodiesel production unit and compared to environmental regulations to determine the appropriate actions required for safe disposal. The composition of the wastewater is summarized in Table 2. Table 2: Waste water composition Component Water Methanol Potassium hydroxide Potassium Sulfate Soap Total Mass (kg) 547.61 102.69 1.4 21 27.3 700 Mass Fraction 0.7823 0.1467 0.002 0.03 0.039 1 In order to discharge the wastewater, the sulphate, soap and methanol concentration must be reduced, along with pH. To reduce sulphate concentrations, it may be treated by either precipitating with barium ions (at low pH), or through anaerobic digestion. The pH can be reduced through the addition of an acid, such as HCl. Glycerol is produced as a by-product in the main transesterification reactions. Approximately 220 kg of glycerol is produced in one week, which will contain amounts of biodiesel, un-reacted methanol, KOH and soap. Due, to complexity in the purification of glycerol, it is decided that the glycerol by-product will not be purified in this rural facility, instead, the glycerol will be sent to specialty waste facility for proper purification. 7.0 CONCLUSION The designed biodiesel plant is capable to handle both esterification reactions as well as transesterification process in a non-pressurized reaction vessel, thus can be handled by a semiskilled labour in remote areas. The biodiesel plant has a production capacity of approximately 30 tons per annum (100 LPD) when working in two shift of 10 hour working. It is set up for virgin vegetable oil (edible or non-edible), waste cooking oil as well as high free fatty acid (FFA) oil. The key advantage of this plant design is that it has a methanol recovery unit, without adding 51 ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research _______________ISSN 2231-5780 Vol.3 (9), September (2013) Online available at much extra cost, hence lot of saving on working capital from the use of recovered methanol resulting in reduced biodiesel production cost. With the production rate of 30 tons of biodiesel annually, a profit of ` 70 thousand each year can be realized with pay back period of approximately 2.74 years. REFERENCES Gerpen, J.V., 2005. Biodiesel processing and production. Fuel processing Technology, vol. 86, 1097-1107. Michael, S. G. and Robert, L.M., 1998. Combustion of fat and vegetable oil derived fuels in diesel engines. Prog. Energy combust. Sci., Vol,24, pp125-164. Planning Commission Report, 2003. National mission on biofuels. Published by Ministry of planning commission, Govt of India. Srivastava, A, Prasad R. 2000. Triglycerides-based diesel fuel. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol 4, 111-133. (access on 15/07/2007) 52 View publication stats