Uploaded by Chandrea Wiliams

Steam-Roasted Carrots: Recipe for Flavor & Nutrients

The Best Way To Cook Them For Maximum Flavor And Maximum Nutrient Consumption
( A.k.A Bioavailability)
While there are many ways to cook this beautiful versatile starchy vegetable root that is
moderately alkaline , Steam-roasting is the best way to eat them for maximum flavor
and maximum nutrient consumption.
It is also the best way to cook them if you like making spiced carrot pie.
Carrots are in abundance and cheap in the market place , Yet they are higher in Pectin
than any other vegetable which requires a very delicate cooking process for the
heritage varieties that you see some of in grocery stores today. A gentle cooking process is
imperative to holding its cellular structure in tact so it does not dry out, but also so you
can get maximum bio-availability (maximum nutrition consumable) from it! In my
personal cooking experience this a must especially for the orange colored carrots, which were
originally the product of selective breeding by Dutch growers who developed the uniform
orange variety, to supposedly honor their national color.
Fun Fact: Did you know that carrots were not originally orange? They were purple, white, green,
yellow, all sorts of colors - but never orange.
When you steam roast them their cellular structure is still in place , making them the
most absorbent during the cooking process due to conjugated double-bond systems that
also act as a buffer in the cell against oxidative damage that could be caused by high heats
during the cooking process. when you do it right the complete carrot absorbs and you are
accentuating that subtle sweet nutty flavor not masking it.
There is a method to the madness! Who honestly wants to do a double cooking process
for carrots? I know I don't! To Ensure The Vitality of your carrots Covering your skillet
or baking pan with foil is a must for sealing in the steam & stabilizing its pectin content
during the cooking process, naturally retaining cellular structure, and providing
maximum bio-availability.
They Are Even More Nutritious Fermented ClickHereForMoreinfo
Positive Food Combinations
I recommend eating your carrots separate from your protein,
if you have digestive problems , It Will Make For easier digestion. Clickhereformore
You can get creative by adding some beets, fennel, parsnips , sunchokes, taro root .
Using this cooking process will prove successful for all starchy vegetables yielding not only
maximum bioavailability But amazingly deliciousness.
The Best Way To Cook Them For Maximum Flavor And Maximum Nutrient Consumption
( A.k.A Bioavailability)
Remember, the more versatile, the more nutrition.
Which is why I recommend eating a diet rich in different-colored vegetables, because
those different colors correlate well with the presence of the five types of antioxidants that we
should be consuming in our diet.
I broke my spatula and used a fork for a
So What Do You Need
month! I say work with What You Got!
So even If you don't got everything ITS
 Vegetable peeler -optional
OKAY! Cooking Is about creativity so
 Cutting Board
HAVE FUN & Make It Happen ! This
 Chef's Knife
particular cooking method is courtesy of
 Spatula- Optional Fork Will Work LOL!
one of my favorite place to get cooking
 Aluminum foil
advice America's Test Kitchen!
 baking sheet
Measuring spoons- Optional because I personally like cooking by sight, I barely use
Quick Tips: lining the baking sheet with foil will make clean-up 1-2 combo. Use the foil to cover
the baking sheet during the first 15 minutes of the cooking process to trap the moisture from the
steam in to preventing drishrica (dried Shriveled Carrots)
Carrot Tip: Don't Forget! To Treat them differently based on their size.
1½ pounds carrot
 Once the carrots have been peeled and cut in half crosswise,
 Small carrots (less than ½ inch in diameter) are ready to cook.
 The bottom pieces from medium carrots (1/2 to 1 inch in diameter) can be cooked as is,
yet the top pieces will be thick and so half them lengthwise to create a total of 3 pieces
from each medium carrot.
 Large carrots (more than 1 inch in diameter) should be cut into 8 pieces in total;
after cutting the carrot in half crosswise, quarter each section lengthwise.
This will Help Tremendously during your cooking process.
Food Recycling Tip: If you would like, I suggest using the shavings as an
addition to a nice tuna salad. Let no part of food go unutilized I Say!!
The Best Way To Cook Them For Maximum Flavor And Maximum Nutrient Consumption
( A.k.A Bioavailability)
If you are ketogenic you probably have some macadamia nut oil, I Say Use that if you
got it because
it makes for a
Chandrea 2 Cents : I would like to make this known that butter can only
be substituted in some recipes. Butter is the key to achieving perfection beautiful
in certain dishes.
but not over
powering nutty flavor and aroma that is sure to stop anyone in their tracks . I personally
have used macadamia nut oil for this recipe its fat powerhouse and frankly it offers
more nutritional value than butter. Yet In This Case I used Duck Fat Because I Wanted To
Cream It with some spices herbs and garlic and honestly very few fats can season as
good as duck fat.
I replaced table salt (America test kitchen recommendation ) with Celtic salt for it trace
minerals that our bodies so vitally needs on the daily. Plus it has a much better flavor from
nutrients and vitamins and minerals that our bodies cannot make. The 82 trace minerals
present gives this special salt it beautiful empowering saltiness which means( you get to save
money and possibly grow it. ) Which me and big daddy is all about! Also that a little goes along
way! It also acts a Penetrator which is why I recommend prepping the Carbohydrate, minerals,
vitamins and fat (carrots , salt and Duck Fat ) a few hours before cooking so those beautiful
properties will have time to get to know each other in ways only you and your significant other
can understand. Good Food Orgies Are Second On My List To Sex...
I replaced traditional black pepper with Tellicherry pepper because it is unique in how it
seasons and aid the cooking process yet because of its rarity a good quality tellicherry can be
hard to find and it drives up the antioxidant levels and its beyond nutritious and delicious
use traditional black pepper with a pinch of Cheyenne and that should do the trick. Ground
Ginger will also work as substitute just use a little more than the recipe requires. This is my go
to blog for any spice replacement and some because it has proven beyond effective for many
years so please take advantage of Learnmorehere
The Best Way To Cook Them For Maximum Flavor And Maximum Nutrient Consumption
( A.k.A Bioavailability)
I added these particular pair because not only do they yield a delectable aroma and flavor, they
drive up the antioxidants tremendously because during such delicate cooking process such as
this one we still want to retain our nutrients and drive up antioxidant levels.
This versatile sulfur compound is powerful it has the ability to make or break any dish. As well
irritate the gut lining if used in large quantities which is why you only seen me use two cloves
and enlisted the help of some other soothing spices to aid the cooking process.
This Trickster is different and very under estimated in most cuisines which why i utilize it in
different ways in my cooking process and in my home. Yet I used it here to offset the sharpness
of the garlic, rosemary and thyme as well as the accentuate the held heat of the tellicherry
Quick Tips
lightweight cookie sheets is not made for high-heat roasting, they will inevitably warp
in the oven.
As a result, the carrots end up sliding to one area of the pan, and cook unevenly.
lightweight pans can cause the carrots to burn.
Tossing the carrots with butter will increases this risk,
which is we line the pan with foil.
Cutting the carrots evenly into ½-inch-thick batons is very important because you want
all the carrots to cook at the same rate.
Remember smaller pieces are prone to burning!
Larger pieces are prone to not cook through and can be woody in the center so cut
them all the same size so they will cook evenly!
Because carrots round out at the top, start by cutting each one in half crosswise
Treat the top and bottom portions differently if necessary.
The Best Way To Cook Them For Maximum Flavor And Maximum Nutrient Consumption
( A.k.A Bioavailability)
 Prepping You Minced Garlic , herbs and spices a few hours ahead of time and creaming
it with the Duck Fat will definitely yield a more colorful flavor because it has had time to
have an official food orgy.
Let Get Cooking And Don't For Get To Share In The Thread
Step 1: Preheat The Oven To 450
Step 3: Cut The Carrots Cross Wise
Step 2: Peel Carrots With Veggie
Step 4: Cut Thick Carrot Tops Lengthwise
If They Are Really Thick Cut Them In Half Again!!
Step 5: Cream Spices, Herbs & Garlic With
Softened Duck Fat Until Its Completely
Remember Work With What You Have,
Cooking is about creativity and improvising
and uniqueness. Use What You GOT!
Step 6: Massage The Creamed Fat in the
Doing it this way ensures that theirs is not
seasoning clumps and that all carrot batons get
seasoned evenly.
The Best Way To Cook Them For Maximum Flavor And Maximum Nutrient Consumption
( A.k.A Bioavailability)
Step 7:Tranfer The Relaxed Carrots into
Step 8 : Cover Pan Tightly With Foil
A Foil Lined Pan
Remember ! Bake Them Covered --Only For
The First 15 Minutes!!
Step 9: Remove The Foil
Step 10: Continue Cooking For The
Remaining 28 Minutes
Stir Them 6 minutes after you remove the foil .
Then Stir them again 6 Minutes After You
Stirred them last.
Notes And Quick Additions
Transfer Them To a Plate To Serve
I Had To Use Their Picture For This Recipe
Because My Phone Was Dead! So I Didn't Get To
Do Take my Own Pics For This Carrot Recipe
From ATK- With My Flavor On It And a few skill
that I Learned From! The Beautiful Lisia Childs
(The Owner And Creator Of White Apron Blog)
Hope This Was Informative I will Be
Dropping More! So Stay Tuna...& Sea you
later! LmAo!!!!!
HEY!! Fellow Healthy Wealthy Builders Be Sure To follow the links in the PDF to get to know food in
other lights!!!!
Chandrea Natice Williams
Whole Body Conscious Science Based Optimal Performance Recipe Pioneer & Nutritional Precisionist