Scoring Rubric for Environmental Science Final STUDENT: ____________________________________________ Total possible points Category Format (12 slides) Title PowerPoint at least 12 PowerPoint 10-12 slides, PowerPoint 8-10 slides properly some not properly slides, some not labeled:10 labeled:8 properly labeled:5 PowerPoint 5-8 slides with several labeling issues:2 Name of City given, creative: 10 PowerPoint less than 5 slides:0 10 City Has No Name: 0 10 Neat with Visuals: 15 . Neat with some visuals: 7 pts Neatness and Visuals Lacks neatness, no visuals: 0 pts 15 Location and Location and Map Provided: 10 Map Includes a description of your city but missing components such as population, where people live attractions, or geography: 15 . . Location and map not provided: 0 Includes description of your city but missing two components:10 Includes description of your city but missing three or more components: 5 Missing city description: 0 City Description Includes a complete description of your city, including population numbers, where they live, attractions, and geography: 20 Zoning Includes clear zoning laws based on realworld examples: 15 Zoning laws unclear or unrealistic: 7 No zoning laws included: 0 Waste Disposal A clear, realistic method of waste disposal is described that is moderately environmentally friendly and includes some use for biofuel: 15 Waste disposal model exists but is not environmentally friendly:7 No waste disposal model described: 0 Recycling Recycling program is described and states what products can be recycled and what those products become: 20 Recycling program described but unclear what products can be recycled or what they become: 15 Sewage Electricity 15 15 20 Drinking water source described but not logical: 7 No drinking water source provided 15 Sewage is treated in an environmentally friendly way at a reasonable distance from the city:20 Sewage is treated but not in an environmentally friendly way or not in a logical location: 10 Sewage is not treated in your city: 0 20 Electricity is Electricity is generated generated in large part by renewables in your by renewables in your city. Some fossil fuels Electricity is Electricity is generated by generated by minimal renewables minimal renewables No description of energy generation:0 20 described and logical: 15 Recycling program weakly described and unclear what products can be recycled or what they become 20 No recycling program described Drinking water Drinking water source Recycling program described but unclear what products can be recycled and what they become:10 10 Total Category Score Total possible points Category city. Some fossil fuels may still exist. Percentages of electricity generated by each source are given and are realistic based on research: 20 may still exist. Percentages of electricity generated by each source may be given but are not realistic or based on research.: 15 At least 2 forms of environmentally environmentally friendly friendly transportation transportation in your in your city are city are included:10 included:15 or percentages of electricity generated by each source are not given:10 percentages of electricity generated by each source are not given:5 Transportation At least 3 forms of At least 1 form of environmentally friendly transportation in your city is included:5 No sources of environmentally friendly transportation are included: 0 15 Green Spaces A reasonable amount Land is set aside for Land is set aside for green spaces but they are not described and pictures are not included: 10 Land is not set aside for green spaces: 0 20 Works cited in MLA format for text information, web site links for pictures: 15 Works cited not using MLA format: 7 No works cited included: 0 15 of land is set aside for green spaces but they are green spaces. Green not described or pictures spaces are briefly are not included: 15 described and include pictures: 20 Works cited Total Score Total Category Score