PUBLIC 2018-11-28 © 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA THE BEST RUN Content 1 Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Before You Start. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 3 Important SAP Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 Supported Conversion Paths and Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5 Prepare Phase: Getting Your System Ready for the Conversion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 5.1 Check and Reconcile Your Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 5.2 Period-End Closing Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 5.3 Document Your Posting Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 6 Realize Phase: Migration and Follow-On Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 2 PUBLIC Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Content 1 Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA This document describes the conversion tasks you have to perform to convert your Accounting components to SAP S/4HANA. These tasks include preparatory steps before you start the conversion as well as follow-on activities to be performed after you have converted your system to SAP S/4HANA. These tasks are a subset of all activities that may be required to adapt your system to SAP S/4HANA. Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA PUBLIC 3 2 Before You Start Process Overview The conversion to SAP S/4HANA follows a defined process. The following figure gives an overview of the tools, the phases, and the activities involved in this process. SAP S/4HANA System Conversion: Sequence For detailed information on the conversion process, please see the conversion guide for SAP S/4HANA at . For hardware sizing related questions, please see the information compiled on the SAP Community Network (SCN) at . Considerations for the Project Set-Up Complete the analysis and effort estimation before converting your system. The conversion to SAP S/4HANA requires application consultants with in-depth FI, CO, and Asset Accounting knowledge to be involved in the preparation of the data migration before the installation. Caution Any existing data inconsistencies must be resolved before the installation, not after it. While tasks, such as sizing and installation, can be planned and carried out by the project lead and administrator, also make sure you have application consultants available for the following taks that have to be performed throughout the conversion: ● Check of custom code and modifications ● Implementation of SAP Notes Effects of Data Model Changes 4 PUBLIC Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Before You Start To use Finance in SAP S/4HANA you have to migrate the existing user data from the General Ledger, Asset Accounting, Controlling and Material Ledger. The data migration is necessary because Finance in SAP S/ 4HANA rests on a uniform data model for all accounting areas. The comprehensive ACDOCA data table contains all line item documents. After the migration, all postings of the named applications are written into the ACDOCA table. The following tables are replaced by views using the same technical names: ● The line item, totals tables and application index tables of the General Ledger (GLT0, BSIS, BSAS and FAGLFLEXA, FAGLFLEXT, FAGLBSIS, FAGLBSAS) ● The totals tables and application index tables of Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable (KNC1, KNC3, LFC1, LFC3, BSID, BSIK, BSAD, BSAK) ● The line item and totals tables of Controlling (COEP for certain value types, COSP and COSS) ● The material ledger tables for parallel valuations (MLIT, MLPP, MLPPF, MLCR, MLCD, CKMI1, BSIM) ● The Asset Accounting tables (ANEK, ANEP, ANEA, ANLP, ANLC) Replacing these tables with views using the same names ensures that all read accesses to the tables mentioned are retained. Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Before You Start PUBLIC 5 3 Important SAP Notes Relevant Simplification Items Application Compo­ Area Description nent SAP Note Number Finance Conversion of SAP S/4HANA Finance to SAP S/ Finance Data Migration 4HANA – Migration Steps for Finance FIN-MIG 2450377 Accounts Payable/ S4TWL – SAP Working Capital Analytics/DSO and Accounts Receivable DPO FI-AP FI-AR 2270383 S4TWL – Integration with FSCM Biller Direct (FI-AR) FIN-FSCM-BD-AR 2270384 Accounts Receivable S4TWL – Integration with FSCM Biller Direct (FI-AP) FIN-FSCM-BD 2270386 Asset Accounting ture FI-AA 2270387 FI-AA 2270388 FI-AA 2257555 Accounts Payable/ Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable/ S4TWL – Asset Accounting: Changes to Data Struc­ S4TWL – Asset Accounting: Parallel Valuation and Asset Accounting Journal Entry S4TWL – Asset Accounting: Business Functions from Asset Accounting FI-AA and FI-GL 2270391 2211665 S4TWL – INTEGRATION TO LEASE ACCOUNTING EN­ Asset Accounting GINE (LAE) FI-LA, CRM-LAM 2328754 Asset Accounting S4TWL – JOINT VENTURE ACCOUNTING (JVA) FI-AA 2270392 Cash Management S4TWL – CASH MANAGEMENT – GENERAL FIN-FSCM-CM 2270400 Enterprise Controlling Usage of long Material Number in EC-CS EC-CS 2209784 CO-PA CO-PC Controlling S4TWL – TECHNICAL CHANGES IN CONTROLLING S4TWL – PROFIT AND LOSS PLANNING AND PROFIT Controlling 6 PUBLIC CENTER PLANNING CO-OM 2270404 CO-OM FI-GL 2270407 Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Important SAP Notes Controlling S4TWL – ACTIVITY-BASED COSTING CO-OM-ABC 2270408 CO-PC-OBJ 2270411 S4TWL – GENERAL COST OBJECTS AND COST OB­ Controlling JECT HIERARCHIES S4TWL – TRANSFER PRICES/ PARALLEL DELTA Controlling VERSIONS CO-PA 2270414 Controlling S4TWL – ALE SCENARIOS CO-PA 2270416 Controlling S4TWL – COST ELEMENTS CO-PA 2270419 Controlling S4TWL – Profitability Analysis CO-PA 2349278 CO-OM-IS CO-PA-IS Controlling S4TWL – Reporting/Analytics in Controlling CO-PC-IS 2349297 Controlling S4TWL – Summarization Hierarchies in Controlling CO-PC-IS 2349282 Controlling Actual Costing CO-PC-ACT 2354768 Controlling S4WTL Reference and Simulation Costing CO-PC-PCP-REF 2349294 General S4TWL – DATA MODEL CHANGES IN FIN FI-CF 2270333 S4TWL – Technical Changes in Material Ledger with S4TWL – REPLACED TRANSACTION CODES AND General PROGRAMS IN FIN FI-CF 2270335 General Ledger S4TWL – Closing Cockpit with S/4 HANA OP FI-GL-G 2332547 General Ledger S4TWL – Currencies in Universal Journal FI-GL 2344012 General Ledger S4TWL – GENERAL LEDGER FI-GL 2270339 FI-GL 2270360 FI-GL 2270359 S4TWL – SAP HANA ODP ON HANA CALC VIEWGeneral Ledger BASED REPORTING General Ledger ONCILIATION S4TWL – SAP INVOICE AND GOODS RECEIPT REC­ FI-AR-CR Miscellaneous S4TWL – Credit Management FIN-FSCM-CR 2270544 Miscellaneous S4TWL – Technical Changes in Material Ledger CO-PC-ACT 2270546 Miscellaneous S4TWL – Real Estate Classic RE-FX 2270550 Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Important SAP Notes PUBLIC 7 S4TWL – Conversion to S/4HANA 1610 Material Miscellaneous Ledger and Actual Costing FIN-MIG-ML 2352383 Miscellaneous S4TWL – SAP Data Aging for SAP S/4HANA Finance FI-GL-GL 2170722 FIN-FSCM-CLM FI-AP-IS S4TWL – SAP Smart Business for SAP Simple Fi­ Miscellaneous nance FI-AR-IS 2270562 Miscellaneous sets Not Available in S/4HANA FS-BP 2448350 Miscellaneous S4TWL - Product Design Cost Estimate FIN-BA 2442292 Miscellaneous S4TWL - Technical Changes in Material Ledger CO-PC-ACT 2332591 S4TWL – Correspondence Functionality FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM 2270450 S4TWL – Interest Rate and Yield Curve Functionality FIN-FSCM-TRM 2270461 S4TWL – Accrual/Deferral of Expenses and Revenues FIN-FSCM-TRM 2270462 ment S4TWL – Commodity Risk Management FIN-FSCM-TRM 2270469 Treasury and Risk Manage­ S4TWL – Credit Risk Analyzer Link to Cash Manage­ ment ment FIN-FSCM-TRM 2270470 S4TWL – Exposure Management 1.0 FIN-FSCM-TRM 2270514 ment S4TWL – Drawable Bonds FIN-FSCM-TRM 2270521 Treasury and Risk Manage­ S4TWL – Drilldown Reporting in Treasury and Risk ment Management FIN-FSCM-TRM 2270522 S4TWL – Master Agreements FIN-FSCM-TRM 2270523 S4TWL – Offers FIN-FSCM-TRM 2270526 S4TWL – Simulation in Transaction Management FIN-FSCM-TRM 2270527 S4TWL - Differentiation Category Dependent FS Data­ Treasury and Risk Manage­ ment Treasury and Risk Manage­ ment Treasury and Risk Manage­ ment Treasury and Risk Manage­ Treasury and Risk Manage­ ment Treasury and Risk Manage­ Treasury and Risk Manage­ ment Treasury and Risk Manage­ ment Treasury and Risk Manage­ ment 8 PUBLIC Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Important SAP Notes Treasury and Risk Manage­ S4TWL – Quantity Ledger Always Active for Money ment Market Transactions FIN-FSCM-TRM 2270529 ment S4TWL – Several Kinds of Financial Objects Disabled FIN-FSCM-TRM 2270530 Treasury and Risk Manage­ S4TWL - Allocation of FX Transactions to Financial ment Documents and Cash Management FIN-FSCM-TRM 2524941 S4TWL - Exposure Management 1.0 FIN-FSCM-TRM 2340804 Treasury and Risk Manage­ Treasury and Risk Manage­ ment Globalization FI-LOC-IS Globalization S4TWL – Globalization – Financials FI-LOC-SRF 2270311 Globalization S4TWL - Annexing Solution for Israel XX-CSC-IL 2437547 Globalization S4TWL - Funds Management Portugal XX-CSC-PT-PSM-FM 2469984 Master Data: Business Partner SAP Business Partner S4TWL – Business Partner Approach Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Important SAP Notes LO-MD-BP 2265093 PUBLIC 9 4 Supported Conversion Paths and Procedures If you are using one of the following products, you can convert your system to SAP S/4HANA: ● SAP ERP 6.0 or higher ● SAP S/4HANA Finance 1605 ● SAP Simple Finance, on-premise edition 1503 ● SAP Simple Finance add-on 1.0 The following options are supported: Conversion Paths to SAP S/4HANA You can go from any enhancement package of SAP S/4HANA to the Finance add-on and then to SAP S/ 4HANA, or you can go directly from any enhancement package of SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA. To reduce business downtime, you can choose to do a downtime-optimized conversion (see SAP Note 2380203 ) or you can apply the Near Zero Downtime method (see SAP Note 2309893 ). 10 PUBLIC Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Supported Conversion Paths and Procedures 5 Prepare Phase: Getting Your System Ready for the Conversion Identify the relevant Simplification Items Using the Simplification List, identify the items that have been simplified in SAP S/4HANA as compared to your source systems release. Prepare Your Data Before starting your system conversion, get your system ready by performing the following activities: ● Check the consistency of your financial data and perform reconciliation between your accounting components, so the data can be merged correctly in the universal journal entry. In SAP S/4HANA all line item documents are stored in the universal ACDOCA data table. For more information, see Check the Consisteny of Your Data [page 12]. ● Perform period-end closing including the storage of reporting key figures and closing the posting periods. For more information, see Period-End Closing Activities [page 13]. ● Document your posting data. For more information, see Document your Posting Data [page 14]. ● Archive any data that you no longer need in every day business processes before the migration. ● If you have not been using the new depreciation calculation from the Enterprise Extension Financials Extension (EA-FIN) you must implement it as part of a separate project. Prepare Asset Accounting Activate the new depreciation calculation in your source system. To do so you must activate the EA-FIN business function. Perform Pre-Checks Pre-Checks help you identify the steps you need to take to ensure your system is compatible with the conversion process. Pre-Checks SAP S/4HANA 1511 General Ledger and Controlling SAP S/4HANA 1610 The Controlling and General Ledger pre-checks SAP S/4HANA 1709 SAP S/4HANA 1809 SI-Checks called by the Software Update Man­ provided analyze whether your ledger, company ager (SUM) identify the simplification items rel­ code and controlling area settings are consis­ evant for your Controlling and General Ledger tent and can be migrated to SAP S/4HANA. components. They analyze whether your ledger, These Controlling and General Ledger prechecks are automatically executed when you run the report company code, and controlling area settings are consistent and can be migrated to SAP S/ 4HANA 1709 or higher. R_S4_PRE_TRANSITION_CHECKS. Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Prepare Phase: Getting Your System Ready for the Conversion PUBLIC 11 SAP S/4HANA 1511 Asset Accounting SAP S/4HANA 1610 SAP S/4HANA 1709 SAP S/4HANA 1809 To run pre-checks for Asset Accounting (FI-AA), please implement the SI-Checks include pre- SAP Notes listed in the collective SAP Note 2333236 checks for Asset Ac­ . The pre-check program for Asset Accounting (FI-AA) is neither included in the central counting. These pre-check report R_S4_PRE_TRANSITION_CHECKS nor in the SI-Checks. checks are carried out automatically. For a To execute the appropriate pre-checks for Asset Accounting, please run manual pre-check, you the report RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK. Whereas you run the report R_S4_PRE_TRANSITION_CHECKS in client 000 to perform the checks across all clients, please run the report RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK in each productive client. may use pro­ gram /SDF/ RC_START_CHECK and check the results for element 'Asset Ac­ counting' (ID SI2: FIN_AA). 5.1 Check and Reconcile Your Data Before you convert your system, SAP recommends that you run the same consistency checks as before any period-end closing in your source system. SAP recommends the following programs for checking the technical correctness of your financial data: Report Purpose SAPF190 Reconciles the classic General Ledger and the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable subledgers TFC_COMPARE_VZ Reconciles the new General Ledger and the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable subledgers RAABST02 RAABST01 Reconciles the General Ledger with Asset Accounting for the leading valuation and parallel valuation For further information, see SAP Note 2390881 . RGUCOMP4 Compares ledgers with the new General Ledger RM07MBST Reconciles Materials Management (MM) with the General Ledger RM07MMFI Following up on the results of each individual report mentioned above can become quite complex. So as an alternative to reduce complexity, you can use the checks running during the actual conversion during a test conversion as part of a preparatory project to clean up your data. To do so, after you have implemented your test conversion to SAP S/4HANA, execute the R20 activity Analyse Transactional Data in the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide under Conversion of Accounting to SAP S/4HANA Data Migration Start and Monitor Data Migration . 12 PUBLIC Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Prepare Phase: Getting Your System Ready for the Conversion Using this activity, you will find it simpler to analyze errors. You can group the results according to company code and fiscal year. For some types of error, you can even decide that the system correct them automatically in the source system using the report FIN_CORR_MIG_ERROR_SFIN. For more information on automatic corrections, see SAP Note 2225322 . However, while it offers better support during error analysis and correction, this option increases the duration of your conversion project. Instead of executing this step during the prepare phase, you move it into the realize phase. Ensure that you factor in the time it takes to correct all errors into the duration of your conversion project. Note Please be aware that if you choose this option, you still have to reconcile Asset Accounting (FI-AA) with the General Ledger before you convert your system using the programs RAABST01 and RAABST02 mentioned above. In your source system, you must correct any inconsistencies the programs find by making the appropriate manual postings before the conversion. 5.2 Period-End Closing Activities Perform the following activities and document the results. Note A certified financial statement for the previous fiscal year is a prerequisite for the conversion. Regarding Asset Accounting (FI-AA) you are not allowed to reopen the previous fiscal year. 1. Perform closing for periodic asset postings using program RAPERB2000. Note This activity is only relevant if you are using Asset Accounting. 2. Execute the periodic depreciation posting run using program RAPOST2000. Note This activity is only relevant if you are using classic Asset Accounting, new Asset Accounting, or the SAP Simple Finance add-on 1.0. 3. Check for update terminations in your system and correct any you find. 4. Make sure that all held documents have either been posted or deleted. You post held documents, using the FB50 transaction. You delete held documents using program RFTMPBLD. 5. If you are already using account-based profitability analysis, perform a delta upload to SAP BW for all account-based CO-PA DataSources for which you use the delta method. Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Prepare Phase: Getting Your System Ready for the Conversion PUBLIC 13 Note You perform this activity if you are using the classic General Ledger, new General Ledger, or the SAP Simple Finance add-on 1.0. 6. Make sure that you have carried forward all of the balances in all applications to the current fiscal year. This also applies to the subledgers. Use the following transactions: ○ FAGLGVTR for the new General Ledger ○ F.16 for the classic General Ledger ○ AJRW for Asset Accounting ○ F.07 for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable 7. If you are using Asset Accounting, you proceed as follows: ○ For releases SAP S/4HANA 1511, 1610, and 1709 execute the program RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK. ○ For release SAP S/4HANA 1809 and higher, you can manually start program/SDF/RC_START_CHECK and check the results for element 'Asset Accounting' (ID SI2: FIN_AA). 8. If you have been using the Valuation for Balance Sheet Preparation function as part of the classic General Ledger to valuate foreign currencies, you have to set the valuation differences in the open items to zero. This means, that you have to reset the valuations for all periods in the current fiscal year using program SAPF100. Note Foreign currency valuation in the new General Ledger does not take into account the results of the Valuation for Balance Sheet Preparation function available with the classic General Ledger. If you do not reset the valuations, this could result in incorrect values after the migration. 9. Execute all scheduled jobs. 10. Do not schedule any new jobs. 11. Lock all periods in Financial Accounting using program SAPL0F00. 12. Lock all periods in Controlling (Plan/Actual) using program SAPMKCSP. 13. Execute program RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK. Correct all errors the program returns. 5.3 Document Your Posting Data Make sure that all carry forward balances are complete and consistent. To ensure this, carry forward the balances for all currencies and all ledgers. To be able to verify your posting data after the migration, document your posting data using, for example, the following standard reports provided by SAP as well as any customer specific reports you are using during the period-end closing: ● The financial statements (program RFBILA00) ● The totals report for cost centers (transaction S_ALR_87013611) ● Order: Actual/Plan/Variance (transaction S_ALR_87012993) 14 PUBLIC Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Prepare Phase: Getting Your System Ready for the Conversion ● The G/L account balance list (program RFSSLD00) ● The general ledger line items list (program RFSOPO00) ● The compact document journal (program RFBELJ00) ● The asset history sheet (program RAGITT_ALV01) ● The depreciation run for planned depreciation (RAHAFA_ALV01) ● The vendor sales (program RFKUML00) ● The vendor open item list (program RFKEPL00) ● The customer sales (program RFDUML00) ● The customer open item list (program RFDEPL00) ● The customer recurring entry original documents (program RFDAUB00) Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Prepare Phase: Getting Your System Ready for the Conversion PUBLIC 15 6 Realize Phase: Migration and Follow-On Activities Data and Customizing Migration After you have technically converted your system to SAP S/4HANA, you have to migrate your migrationrelevant Customizing settings as well as your General Ledger, Asset Accounting, Controlling, and Material Ledger data to the new data structure. You can find all the activities required for the migration of your data and Customizing settings in the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide under Conversion of Accounting to SAP S/4HANA. The first level of the Implementation Guide is structured according to the different steps you take during the migration. The second level of the Implementation Guide reflects the components for which you perform the migration. For each component you migrate, please perform all of the Customizing activities for each step. Make sure you perform the activities in the order given and please do not skip any Customizing activities. During the migration, your financial data stored in their existing tables is automatically transformed into the new data model of the universal journal. Depending on the source release you are migrating from, different steps have to be executed. The data migration monitor indicates which migration steps are required. You access the monitor in the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide under Conversion of Accounting to SAP S/4HANA Data Migration Start and Monitor Data Migration . The monitor automatically executes the data migration and ensures the correct sequence of migration activities. Example If you are migrating from SAP S/4HANA Finance 1503 or higher, your financial data already conforms to the new data model. So while you are migrating to SAP S/4HANA, the monitor will only execute the required steps related to the Material Ledger. If you are performing the migration for Asset Accounting, please note that all the activities required are documented as part of the “Conversion of Accounting to SAP S/4HANA ” Customizing structure. However, you can find additional information that will help you perform these steps in the SAP S/4HANA Product Assistance of Asset Accounting. There you are given examples of migration scenarios and charts of depreciation after the migration according to the ledger approach and accounts approach. If you have been using Credit Management (FI-AR-CR) in your source system, you must migrate to Credit Management (FIN-FSCM-CR) as part of Financial Supply Chain Management. If you have been using SAP Treasury and Risk Management (FIN-FSCM-TRM) in your source system, no migration tasks are required. 16 PUBLIC Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Realize Phase: Migration and Follow-On Activities Authorizations To be able to perform the migration, make sure you are assigned the authorization role SAP_SFIN_MIGRATION. In particular, you require the authorization for activity 16 (Execute) of the FINS_MIG authorization object. Procedure The Conversion in the “Distributed System Landscape” section in the “Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA ” outlines an example of a simple system landscape. Based on this example landscape, the conversion can be broken down into the following two-step procedure: 1. Testing Customizing and data migration on a copy of your productive system Caution You must clean up any inconsistent data that you detect during the testing phase, both in your test and your productive systems to be able to successfully perform the live migration. 2. Live migration Test of Customizing and Data Migration 1. Create a system copy of your SAP Business Suite development system. 2. Copy the production data from each productive client of your SAP Business Suite productive system into this system copy. You have to migrate your Customizing settings and data from each client separately. 3. Convert your system copy to SAP S/4HANA. 4. Test the data and Customizing migration in your system copy during several iterations. Clean up your data and correct any errors while you execute and monitor the check programs in the Start and Monitor Data Migration Customizing activity. During these test iterations, the system records all Customizing settings in transport requests based on the copy of your production data. During your test iterations of the data migration, you can use report FINS_MASS_DATA_MONITOR_MSG_TRA to transport errors you have accepted during a previous iteration sequence. Example Using this report, you can automatically accept errors originating from old fiscal years during the next data migration iteration. The report records the errors you have accepted in a Customizing request. To make testing more efficient, import this transport before you continue with the next test iteration. After you have completed your test runs start the live migration. Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Realize Phase: Migration and Follow-On Activities PUBLIC 17 Live Migration Note You must perform the migration for all clients, even for clients you are only using for development or Customizing. If you are not using a client, do not migrate it. But please note that after the conversion, you will not be able to create postings or maintain and change Finance Customizing in this client in SAP S/4HANA. We recommend deleting clients you are not using before the migration. Do not migrate client 000. This client receives the standard Customizing in the correct new format. To speed up the conversion technically, increase the number of parallel jobs in Customizing (see Conversion of Accounting to SAP S/4HANA Preparations and Migration of Customizing Set Number of Jobs for Activities in Mass Data Framework . After the HANA and Logistics conversions have been completed this way, all resources are made available to the Finance conversion. 1. Upgrade your productive SAP Business Suite system to SAP S/4HANA. 2. Import your Customizing settings from the system copy. Import your Customizing settings from each client separately. 3. Migrate your transactional data in the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide under Conversion of Accounting to SAP S/4HANA Data Migration Start and Monitor Data Migration . Migrate your transactional data from each client separately. Caution Make sure you only migrate your data once. For more information, please see SAP Note 2294486 . 4. Complete your migration. Set the migration to completed after the following conditions have been met: ○ You have executed all Customizing activities required for a complete migration. ○ You have completed your data migration and corrected all erroneous data. Once you have set the status to completed, you cannot reset it. After you have completed the migration, you can unblock all users, open the posting periods and start using your SAP S/4HANA system. Note Within the Conversion of Accounting to SAP S/4HANA Customizing structure, all Customizing activities you find under Activities after Migration you may perform after the business downtime. 18 PUBLIC Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Realize Phase: Migration and Follow-On Activities Important Disclaimers and Legal Information Hyperlinks Some links are classified by an icon and/or a mouseover text. These links provide additional information. About the icons: ● ● Links with the icon : You are entering a Web site that is not hosted by SAP. By using such links, you agree (unless expressly stated otherwise in your agreements with SAP) to this: ● The content of the linked-to site is not SAP documentation. You may not infer any product claims against SAP based on this information. ● SAP does not agree or disagree with the content on the linked-to site, nor does SAP warrant the availability and correctness. 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The purpose of experimental features is to get feedback early on, allowing customers and partners to influence the future product accordingly. By providing your feedback (e.g. in the SAP Community), you accept that intellectual property rights of the contributions or derivative works shall remain the exclusive property of SAP. Example Code Any software coding and/or code snippets are examples. They are not for productive use. The example code is only intended to better explain and visualize the syntax and phrasing rules. SAP does not warrant the correctness and completeness of the example code. SAP shall not be liable for errors or damages caused by the use of example code unless damages have been caused by SAP's gross negligence or willful misconduct. Gender-Related Language We try not to use gender-specific word forms and formulations. As appropriate for context and readability, SAP may use masculine word forms to refer to all genders. Converting Your Accounting Components to SAP S/4HANA Important Disclaimers and Legal Information PUBLIC 19 © 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP SE and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary. These materials are provided by SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP or its affiliated companies shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP or SAP affiliate company products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Please see for additional trademark information and notices. THE BEST RUN