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Cell Phone Use in College Classrooms: A Study

The Problem and its Background
Background of the Study
Nowadays, smartphones play a big role in our everyday lives. Since cellphones
has many uses, it can make things done, easily. It can also be a good source of
information and it can be used as an entertainment and media. Cellphone users spend
most of their time communicating through messages, browsing online and most
checking their social media accounts. This things might be their hobbies or just what
they like to do with their smartphones, but not all are aware that It can also be addicting
that may lead to something dethrimental. Students use phones for entertainment, for
searching and finding unknown information but not every students are aware of the
excessive usage of their device. Students use their phones inside the classroom. Some
of the students might be using it on educational purpose or for entertainment .
In this study, the researchers want to know the number of selected students of
the University of Mindanao who use cellphones during class room discussion in school
year 2018-2019. The purpose of this study is to know the number of students that are
using phones, students that are listening to the discussion and those that are not. The
researchers can also know whether phones are another form of distraction and how will
school deal with this problem.
Statement of the Problem
The percentage of selected college students of the University of Mindanao that
use cell phones during class discussion in S.Y 2018 -2019
Significant of the Study
This study is significant because of the benefits it could provide to the following
Students. This study is conducted especially to the college students of the
University of Mindanao it is essential with their learning inside the class as using
cell phones inside the class might be the result of their low performance.
Teachers. The change in classroom set up and rules of the students will be a big
help to them. They will know what intervention might be given to the students that
are using cell phones inside the class.
Administrators. This study would beneficial for school administrators in terms of
the change in reinforcement and revising the student’s policy observe the
students need. It is a pleasurable to
administer the person with intellect. It will lessen the difficulties encountered by
the administrators if the student’s behaviour is monitored.
Parents. This is not just helpful with the students but also with their parents. This
study will make them aware of the several problems that affect the academic
performance of their children.
Community. In this study the community will benefited as values helps the
community lessen the crimes because it makes them responsible in every action
that they do.
Future researchers. Other researchers can use this as a guide and tool for their
research related to the using gadgets inside the learning environment. This can
serve as a reference for a study with relation to this research
Review of Related Literature and Studies
This chapter presents the related literature and studies conducted by previous
researchers that is related to the present study. The related literature will support the
findings of the present study. In which the result will be used in the analysis of the
According to Leslie Reed (2016) in this days which we called the youth the
millennials used their gadgets a lot in the classroom for non-class purposes
Students focused on their gadgets than to the discussion of their instructors or
professors. They know for themselves that they loose focus and does not give attention
to the lecture they are having. They know that it widely affects their performance and
grades academically. But for some it will not and their performance will remain the
According to Deborah R. Tindell and Robert W. Bohlander (2011) the number of
students that uses mobile devices has increased in the academic settings. Since the
rised of the modern technolgies institutions in higher education face new challenges
ahead of them. It was found that 95% of students bring their cellphones in the class
everyday. 92% used phones as a texting device during class discussion, and 10% used
phones and send messages during examinations.
The majority of the students know that professors are not aware that the students
are engaged in any phone activities during the discussion inside the classroom. Surfing
the internet, sending pictures, using social medias are the activities done by students.
According to Linda Matchan(2015) the ambience inside of a classroom has
changed because of the changes happened in the mobile devices students used.
Schools are trying to increase the users of gadgets as a academic device. Some made
an approach to let students bring their own device.
Burlington school system, has made a one to one ration of ipads all though out
the students from grades 1 to 12.
According to theatlantic.com (2012) there are many ways of teaching. A used of
pen, paper, blackboards and chalk are known to many. Since we are now living in a
modern day computers come very handy. Many youth today are quite used to read only
a 140-character tweet. Students have become very attatched to mobile devices and
become very dependent in using those devices to solve and find problems. Those kind
of habit can a cause of lack of urgency in terms of finding answers and thinking
critically. may not be one right way of educating. The Waldorf School philosophy of pen
and paper, blackboards and chalk, can work fine for some students. Technology is a
distraction when we need literacy, numacy, and critical thinking
Research Design
The researchers will use descriptive research to conduct this study. Descriptive
research, according to Polit D.F, Hungler B.P. (1999), it is a type of research that
describes what exists and may also help to uncover new facts and meaning. The
purpose of descriptive research is to observe and describe the aspects of a situation.
Locale of the Study
This research will be conducted in the University of Mindanao
Population/ Sample of the Study
In this study selected college students of the University will be the population of
the study. Random sampling will be used in the study only 100 students will be given to
answer the questionnaires.
According to
The Economic Times random sampling is a part of sampling
technique in which each sample has equal probability of being chosen. A sample is
randomly selected is meant to be an unbiased representation of the total population.
Research Instrument
In this study, the researchers will use questionnaires to gather data from the
According to Merriam-Webster printed set of question use for obtaining statistical useful
or personal information from individuals.
The researchers will use survey forms as a questionnaire to gather data from
The researcher will be following procedures in order to achieve the
objective of this study and before conducting a survey constructing a letter of will be in
need. Once it is approved, the researchers will create a questionnaire in a form of
survey and need to produce enough copy for the population, and once it is approved by
the professor researchers will proceed on the distribution of survey forms in the
randomly selected college students all data that have been gathered will be collected.
Reed, L (2016, January 15). Retrieved from https://phys.org/news/2016-01-digitaldistraction-class.html
Deborah R. Tindell and Robert W. Bohlander (2011, December 29). Retrieved from
Matchan, L (2012, June 16 )Cellphones in school: a teaching school or distraction
Polit D.F., Hungler B.P. (1999) Nursing Research: Principles and Methods (6th Ed.)
Philadelphia, Lippincott