AM Medium Term Plan – Year: Primary Term: Summer term 2 – Sensory Play Vocabulary and Resources W K Main Activity Salt dough door plaque with name on it 1 In a large bowl mix salt and flour together. Gradually stir in water. Mix well until it forms a doughy consistency. Salt Turn the dough onto the bench and knead with your hands until smooth and combined. Flour Use fingers or paint brushes to write out names or patterns Baking sheet Place the salt dough creations into the oven at 180C. Rolling pins Paint brushes Paint plaques once dry – this could be done in the following sensory play session Paper mache hot air balloon (2 lessons) 2 Touch Sight Smell Chn to design their hot air balloons before starting the activity. Chn will then refer back to this when decorating their hot air balloon. Mix one part flour with one part of water (eg, 1 cup flour and 1 cup water, or 1/2 cup flour and 1/2 cup water) until you get a thick glue-like consistency. Add a bit more water if it's too thick. Mix well with a spoon to get rid of all the lumps. Touch Sight ICT and Cross Curricular links (where appropriate) Fine Motor Development – supports Fine Motor Skills OT group session Literacy – describing Maths – measuring Fine and Gross Motor Development News paper Pva glue Wall plaques from previous week Paints Paint brushes Literacy – describing Maths measuremen t Evaluation Blow up latex free balloons to cover with the paper mache mixture. Allow to dry for following week. Complete decorating the wall plaques from previous lesson if there is time. Paper mache hot air balloon or animals (2 lessons) Chn to use designs from previous week to support them when decorating their hot air balloons. Encourage chn to comment on the texture of the balloon no it has dried. Chn to assemble baskets for the base of the balloon and attach ribbon to this. This will be attached to the balloons once they have dried. 3 -Summer collage using natural materials e.g. soil, leaves. 4 5 Chn to go on a walk around the school grounds to collect natural items. When back in the class model how to create a collage using the natural materials. Chn could wither make a scene or stick together a series of materials they liked from their walk. Encourage chn to discuss the texture of each object and describe anything they might smell e.g. flowers, grass. -Miniature garden (tray with sand/soil/rice), make patterns in it with lentils, beads etc. Explain that over the next couple of weeks we will be creating our own miniature garden. For P1 and 2 this could be a mini garden for elves or fairies. For P3 and 4 this could be a miniature Feng Shui garden. Show possible ideas on the IWB to give students and Touch Sight Motor Development Paint Paint brushes Glue Cardboard Ribbon Designs from previous week. Touch Sight Sound A3 paper PVA glue Natural items Literacy describing Fine and Gross Motor Development Art and design Literacy describing Touch Sight Smell Shoe boxes Design sheet. Fine and Gross Motor Development Art and design ideas. Today chn will design their miniature gardens using design sheet. Once compete chn can go outside to collect items they might want to use for their garden. Reinforce that we will NOT be creating our gardens today, the main focus is to plan and start collecting items for next week. -Miniature garden (tray with sand/soil/rice), make patterns in it with lentils, beads etc. 6 Using design from previous week students will begin to assemble their own gardens. Provide students with natural items and items from school to support them to make their own gardens. Encourage students to create this independently however support may be needed with cutting, gluing etc. Once complete chn can take their mini gardens home! Slime! 7 Add glue to mixing bowl. Add water to glue and stir to combine. Sprinkle baking soda into mixture and stir to combine. Add food colouring and glitter as desired. Add saline solution and stir quickly to form the slime! – Adult to mix this up prior to the activity. There is a store of this in the primary office. Literacy describing Touch Sight Smell Garden design from previous week. Shoe boxes Paint Natural items Glue Paint brushes. Fine and Gross Motor Development Touch Sight Fine and Gross Motor Development Saline solution Glitter PVA glue Plastic cups Food colouring Literacy describing Literacy describing Q: What does it feel like? Can you stretch it? Compete an evaluation after each lesson and take pictures where possible to record development in the sensory play folders.