Uploaded by Jill Van Cura

Business Memo

TO: Nicole Nightly, VP of Strategic Communication
FROM: Jillian Van Cura, Strategic Communication Associate
DATE: May 20th, 2019
SUBJECT: Beneficial ways to increase social media advertisement for Fall 2019
This memo suggests that how and why the company should increase social media exposure and
advertisement for the purpose of reaching our desired audience.
The release of our new sleep and anxiety pills suggests that the company should work on expanding our
audience to people that suffer from these issues. The data from Pew Research Center’s article ​Most U.S.
Teens See Anxiety and Depression as a Major Problem Among Their Peers ​shows an increase in anxiety
and depression in 2019 in America’s Youth. The trends are further explained in the information below.
Increasing Social Media Exposure to Other Audiences
Due to the desired audience in the past of Sugar Bear Hair primarily being beauty enthusiasts, the
company should be attempting to target more consumers with mental health issues. Although the past
celebrities and influencers we have used to promote the product and sales have been beauty icons, the
company should focus on a new face that would be able to resonate on the struggles of anxiety and
depression. Seventy percent of teens between the ages 13 to 17 consider their mental health a major
The shift of advertisement on the new sleep and anxiety pills will increase an interest in the other products
being sold. Sugar Bear Hair Company should include an advocate on mental health in order to persuade
more people into trying out our new product. The increase in mobile use for news is also a factor in how
to increase the sales which is in the following information.
The Rise in Mobile News Utilization
The Pew Research Center’s ​Digital News Fact Sheet ​updated in 2018 suggests that nine in ten adults
receive their news from online. Additionally, mobile advertising revenue increased to $61 billion. In Pew
Research Center’s article ​Key Trends in Social and Digital News Media ​45% of adults are receiving their
news from a mobile device. Therefore, Sugar Bear Hair should be advertising on more social media
platforms to get more exposure on mobile apps such as Twitter and Youtube. The rise in mental health
issues shows that the company will be more likely to catch the eye of someone dealing with anxiety and
Due to the company’s products expanding to sleep and anxiety issues, the target audience should now
also be people who potentially face these problems. The increase in mobile device usage suggests that
Sugar Bear Hair should create social media accounts for Youtube and Twitter. The accounts will expose
the company to more people, which will make our audience more diverse. Including an advocate of
mental health issues as a representative of the product will help the company reach its sales goals.