Chapter 4: Analysis and Discussion From this chapter, analysis and discussion will be divided into two research objectives which are a) identify the parental awareness regarding effect(s) of gadget usage among children and b) to find a possible alternative for gadgets used. a) identify the parental awareness regarding effect(s) of gadget usage among children 1.Duration of gadgets used per day 5 7 5 13 Less than 30 minutes 30 minutes - 1 hour 1.5 hours - 2 hours More than 2 hours Figure 1: Duration of gadgets used per day. Based on Figure 1, the number of parents surveyed for the duration that they give their child used gadgets per day. This figure show that almost half of the respondents which is 13 out of 30 are gave their child used gadgets between 30 minutes to 1 hour. This is followed by parent that give their child play gadgets less than 30 minutes which is 7 respondents. Then parent that give their child play gadgets more than 2 hours and 1.5 hours to 2 hours which is both has 5 respondents. This data shows that, major of the parent limiting their children using with gadgets is between 1 hour to 30 minutes which is less than 1 hour. According to the Karthiyayini Unplagan et al (2018) suggest that parent must play important role by limiting usage of technology by their children by limit it less than an hour. This method will make child use technology wisely. Furthermore, this method will make child learn how to manage his learn about technology ang his social life. This data is important for this research to know the awareness of the parents about efficient time using gadgets and just not give their child gadgets all the time. 2.Ways of monitoring children 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 4 4 1 1 Close monitor Time limiting Monitoring history Parental control Blocking website Parental education Figure 2: Ways of monitoring children From the figure 2, it shows the number of parents surveyed for the way how they monitor their children in using gadgets wisely. This figure shows that the highest chosen ways that pick from respondents is close monitor child using gadgets which is 9 out of 30 respondents. This is followed by limit time used gadgets, monitoring the history of child browser and using the parental control which is 6 respondents,4 respondents and 4 respondents respectively. Then the least way chosen by the respondents is blocking that not suitable for child websites and approach with education in using gadgets which is both only has 1 respondent. From this, it shows that the highest ways to monitoring chosen by parents in Bangi is by close monitor which is using gadgets together with the child and teach them how to use safely. Ellen Wartella et al (2014) in their research prove that a lot of parents is using gadgets with their child, but this way is less effective to six or older years old children. This data crucial to know parent awareness and ways to monitor their child in using gadgets. 3.Purpose of children using the gadgets 10 19 Both 1 Games Videos Figure 3: Purpose of children using the gadgets According to the figure 3, it shows the purpose for the parent gave their child using gadgets. From the chart it shows that the highest purpose is for children watching videos which is 19 out of 30 respondents. Then, for playing games is only 1 respondent and for both playing games and watching videos are 10 respondents. 4.Channel used for videos and games 17 18 16 14 12 13 12 12 10 8 5 6 4 1 2 0 Videos Entertainment Games Educational Both Figure 4: Channel used for videos and games The finding of figure 4 shows the channel that been used by the kids when used gadget for videos and games. For this bar graph, it shows that the highest frequency channel used for watching videos is educational videos which is 13 out of 30 respondent and the highest frequency channel used for playing games is they play educational games which is 17 out of 30 show that most of the parents chose channel that their children using gadgets for watching educational videos and play educational games. Although, the gap between the educational and entertainment videos I sonly one person. Peter Nikken & Marjon Schol (2015) show that 2 to 3 years old kid more spend their time to gadgets for educational games and entertainment media. From this it shows that children like watch entertainment videos and like to play educational games. To conclude this discussion, that parent aware about the channel that children use when watching videos and playing games and activity that their child when using gadgets. 5.Impact on social skills 7 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 Lack of interaction Hard to talk Contact number increased Communication skills improved Change of personality Figure 5: Impact on social skills Based on figure 5, the number of parents surveyed for the impact of using gadgets on children social skills. This bar graph shows that 7 of the respondents agree that the impact of using gadgets on children social skills is it will make they lack interaction to other people. This is followed by it will make child hard to talk and it will change child personality which is 2 and 3 respondents respectively. Meanwhile, the least number of respondents is impact gadgets used will be increased contact number of their child and it will improve child communication skill which is both only 1 show that the highest impact on using gadgets on the social skills is will make child less interaction with others. Sundus M (2018) found that, child which spend most of their time using gadgets will make they delays in their talk and do not know how to interact with others. This is because when they just using gadgets will make the child become passive because it not two ways interaction when using gadgets. This data is important because it will know the level awareness of parents about the impact of gadgets when it not been control. 6.Number of parents aware with kid’s apps and downloaded it 19 5 25 6 No Yes No Figure 6: Number of parents aware with kid’s apps and downloaded it Based on figure 6, it shows the number of parents that aware or know about kid’s app and they download it. From the chart, it shows that majority of the respondent knows about the kid’s app which is 25 out of 30 respondents. From the respondent that know about the kid’s app 19 of them download it and their children used it. 7.Parents’ reasons for giving the gadgets 14 13 12 10 8 7 6 2 4 2 1 0 Education and exploration For distraction Communication or contact Entertainment Figure 7: Parents’ reasons for giving the gadgets The finding of figure 7 is reasons that parents gave their children using gadgets. From the graph, it shows that the highest reason why respondent gave their child using gadgets is for education and exploration about technology which is 13 out of 30 respondent and followed by reason for their children for distraction from not disturbed them which is 7 out of 30 respondents. However, least number of respondents that the reason is for entertainment for their children which is only 1 respondent and followed by reason that for their children communication or for their contact other which is 2 respondents. From this data it shows that the most reason for the parent gave their children gadgets is for education and exploration about the technology. Sundus M (2018) in his article he suggests that when child using gadgets, they can access education web such as Wikipedia to know the information about something. Therefore, the child will make knowledgeable and smart. This research is important to know awareness parent to give their child gadgets and not to just give them. b) to find a possible alternative for gadgets used. 8.Number of children still playing with traditional toys and should they be given traditional toys only 14 4 26 12 No Yes No Figure 8: Number of children still playing with traditional toys and should they be given traditional toys only Based on figure 8, it shows the number of children still playing with traditional toys and should they be given traditional toys only. From the chart, it shows that majority of the respondent their children still playing with traditional toys which is 26 out of 30 respondents. From the respondent that their children still playing with traditional toys 14 of them agree that their child should be given traditional toys only. This data shows that, the highest frequency of parents suggest that their child play traditional toys and just only toys with no gadgets. Ellen Wartella et al (2014) In their research found that for the children to keep occupied parent more like using toys than gadgets. Moreover, it also found that 37% of the respondent will gave their child gadget and others only gave toys. The toys like Lego or jigsaw puzzle will make the children more creative and innovative. From this data it very important for this research to know what parent use as the alternative for the gadgets to develop their children.