UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KIMIA REACTION ENGINEERING LABORATORY (CHE506) NAME: STUDENT NO : KHAIRUL AMIRIN BIN KHAIRUL ANUAR 2017632082 PUTERA NAJMEEN FARITH BIN ABDUL RAZAK 2017632096 NURUL AMIRAH BINTI MUSDAFA KAMAL 2017632124 NURUL AIDA BINTI MOHAMMAD 2017632132 NURUL KAMILAH BINTI KHAIROL ANUAR 2017632192 NURLINA SYAHIIRAH BINTI MD TAHIR 2017632214 GROUP : EH2205I EXPERIMENT : GROWTH STUDY OF E.COLI IN SHAKE FLASK DATE PERFORMED : 18th OCTOBER 2018 SEMESTER :5 PROGRAMME / CODE : CHEMICAL ENGINEERING / EH220 SUBMIT TO : MADAM SYAZANA MOHAMAD PAUDZI No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Title Abstract/Summary Introduction Aims Theory Apparatus Methodology/Procedure Results Calculations Discussion Conclusion Recommendations Reference Appendix TOTAL MARKS Allocated Marks (%) Marks 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 20 10 5 5 5 100 Remarks: Checked by: Rechecked by: --------------------------- --------------------------- Date: Date: TABLE OF CONTENT 1.0 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... 2 2.0 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... 3 3.0 OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................... 3 4.0 THEORY ....................................................................................................................... 7 5.0 MATERIALS & APPARATUS ................................................................................... 9 6.0 METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................... 10 7.0 RESULTS .................................................................................................................... 12 8.0 CALCULATIONS ...................................................................................................... 16 9.0 DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................. 16 10.0 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................... 21 11.0 RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................ 22 12.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 23 13.0 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................. 24 1 1.0 ABSTRACT The bacterial growth curve is a fundamental part of introductory microbiology. The growth kinetics of E.coli is studied using the shake flask fermentation experiment by plotting the graph of real absorbance optical density versus time. The Terrific Broth is prepared by autoclaving the media at 121⁰C for 20 minutes. The E.coli inoculum is grow for 5 hours at 300 rpm. 10% of the inoculum which 15 mL is added into sterilized media of 150mL then incubated in thermostat rotary shaker at required rotational speed and temperature for 16 hours. The required amount of sample was transferred into the sampling tube with interval time for every hour or every 2 hours. The reading for the absorbance optical density is measured using the spectrophotometer. The lag phase occur from t = 0h until t = 1h as the E.coli familiarize themselves with new environment in the media. There two exponential phase from t = 1 h until t = 6 h and from t = 8h until t = 14h. The maximum growth rate of the E.coli is believed to be found from the exponential curve which yield to µmax = 0.016 h-1. The presence of the second exponential phase is due to the cryptic growth and the possibility of the presence of second microorganism consuming the E.coli as the food supplies. The deceleration phase cannot be determined. The death phase occur at t = 14h until t = 16h where the second microorganism is believed to drastically die due to the abrupt loss of food supplies and their inability in surviving with their own metabolism. The µnet for the respective phase are µnet, lag phase = 0.6931 h-1, µnet, exponential phase = µmax = 0.016 h-1, µnet, stationary phase = 0.0000 h-1, µnet, death phase = 0.0000 h-1. Unfortunately, due to limited sources of data, the yield coefficient (YX/S) and saturation constant (Ks) cannot be determined. 2 2.0 INTRODUCTION The bacterial growth curve is a fundamental part of introductory microbiology (Monod, 1949). Escherichia coli are often used both as a model organism to understand fundamental biological process and as a tool to produce biomolecules, including plasmids and proteins. The growth and physiology of Escherichia coli cells are studied in a batch cultures. When batch cultures are used, E. coli cells from an overnight culture are usually inoculated into Erlenmeyer flasks containing a complex or a defined medium. Like any other living system, microorganisms also require a source of energy, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron and other minerals, micronutrients, and water for growth, and multiplication. All these nutrients that are essential for the growth and multiplication of microbial organisms are supplied in the form of nutrient media. For commercial purposes, there commended media should be cheap and available year round. The following are the minimum components required in a microbial medium for cultivation of microbes in a laboratory: 1) Carbon source A simple carbon source, which is simple to use and easily available, can be used. Sugars such as glucose, lactose, sucrose, and complex polysaccharides such as starch, glycogen cellulose, a mixture of various carbohydrates, and other compounds such as cereal grain powders, cane molasses, etc., are usually used as carbon sources in microbial culture media. The main purpose of the carbon source is to provide energy and carbon skeleton for the synthesis of various other biological compounds. 2) Nitrogen sources The major types of nitrogen sources used in culture media are ammonium salts, urea, animal tissue extracts, amino acid mixtures, and plant-tissue extracts. 3) Micro elements or trace elements Elements required in small amounts or in traces are to be added into the medium as salts in required amounts. The elements such as copper, cobalt, iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, etc., are the microelements. Typically, to understand and define the growth of a particular microbial isolate, cells are placed in a liquid medium in which the nutrients and environmental conditions are controlled. If the medium supplies all nutrients required for growth and environmental parameters are optimal, the increase in numbers or bacterial mass can be measured as a function of time to 3 obtain a growth curve. Based on Figure 1, several distinct growth phases can be observed within a growth curve. These include: 1) Lag Phase 2) The Exponential Or Log Phase 3) The Stationary Phase 4) The Death Phase. Each of these phases represents a distinct period of growth that is associated with typical physiological changes in the cell culture. As will be seen in the following sections, the rates of growth associated with each phase are quite different. Figure 1 - A typical growth curve for bacterial population. Lag phase represents immediately after inoculation of the cells into fresh medium, the population remains temporarily unchanged. Although there is no apparent cell division occurring, the cells may be growing in volume or mass, synthesizing enzymes, proteins, RNA, etc., and increasing in metabolic activity. The length of the lag phase is apparently dependent on a wide variety of factors including the size of the inoculum; time necessary to recover from physical damage or shock in the transfer; time required for synthesis of essential coenzymes or division factors; and time required for synthesis of new (inducible) enzymes that are necessary to metabolize the substrates present in the medium. The second phase is exponential phase. The cells begin to proliferate with their maximum growth rate. The doubling time of E.coli is 20 minutes. Exponential phase is important for determining the maximum growth rate, µ and doubling time, d since the growth 4 at this time is the most constant and ideal. The third phase of growth is the stationary phase. The stationary phase in a batch culture can be defined as a state of no net growth. Although there is no net growth in stationary phase, cells still grow and divide. Growth is simply balanced by an equal number of cells dying. The final phase of the growth curve is the death phase, which is characterized by a net loss of culturable cells. Even in the death phase there may be individual cells that are metabolizing and dividing, but more viable cells are lost than are gained so there is a net loss of viable cells. The death phase is often exponential, although the rate of cell death is usually slower than the rate of growth during the exponential phase. LB Media (Luria-Bertani) is common bacterial growth media for Escherichia Coli. Although already described in the fifties in the early days of phage genetics these media are still widely used in molecular biology. The two main components of LB media are Tryptone and Yeast Extract. Tryptone is used in a concentration of 10 gram / litre and Yeast Extract in a concentration of 5 gram / litre. Many variations of LB medium only differ in the concentration of NaCl. All LB-Media are listed in order of increasing concentration of NaCl. Tryptone broth is a moderately rich medium for growth and cultivation of Escherichia Coli. Terrific Broth is a rich medium compared to LB and Tryptone Media. The medium is developed for higher density growth of Escherichia Coli cells and higher yield of plasmid DNA compared to LB and Tryptone broth. Super Broth is an even richer medium developed for obtaining high yields of lambda bacteriophage in liquid lysates, Botstein, D. et al. 5 3.0 OBJECTIVES The objectives of the experiment are: 1) To study and observe the growth kinetics of microorganism in shake flask experiment. 2) To construct a growth curve including lag, log, stationary and death phases. 3) To determine the monod parameters of maximum growth rate (µmax), yield of substrate (YX/S), mass doubling time (td), saturation constant (Ks) and specific growth rate (µnet). 6 4.0 THEORY Shake flask fermentation is one of the examples of batch fermentation. Batch culture is an example of closed culture system which contains an initial, limited amount of nutrient. The inoculated will pass through a number of phases. After an inoculation, there is a period during which no growth appears to take place. This period is referred as a lag phase and may be considered as a time adaptation. In a commercial process, the length of lag phase should be reduced as much as possible. Following a period during which cell gradually increases, the cell grows at constant, maximum rate and this period is known as the log phase or exponential phase. During lag phase dX/dt ans dS/dt are essentially zero. However, as exponential growth phase begins it is possible to measure dX/dt and dS/dt values which are very useful for defining important microbial kinetic parameters. Using corresponding observations of dS/dt and dX/dt obtained just after the onset of exponential growth phase, we can compute the specific growth rate, μ and yield coefficients, YXS as: Rate of microbial growth (μnet) is characterized by specific growth rate: μ net 1 dX X dt Yield coefficients (YX/S) are defined based on the amount of consumption of another material: YX/S ΔX ΔS Mass doubling time (τd) is calculated based on cell numbers and the net specific rate of replication: τd ln2 μ net The monod equation is a mathematical model for the growth of microorganisms. It is named for Jacques Monod who proposed using an equation of this form to relate microbial growth rate in an aqueous environment to the concentration of limiting nutrients. 7 For substrate limited growth Monod equation is applicable in cellular system. Monod equation is as the following: μg μ mS KS S Where, μm = maximum specific growth rate when S >> KS μg = μnet when endogeneous metabolism is unimportant KS = saturation constant or half-velocity constant KS = S when μg = 1/2μm S >> KS, μg = μm S << KS, μ g μ mS KS S 8 5.0 MATERIALS & APPARATUS 5.1 Materials 1) Media (for specific microbe) 2) Ethanol (70% ethanol for swabbing for sterility) 3) Microbe: Escherichia Coli 4) Distilled water 5.2 Apparatus 1) Shake flask (250mL flasks and 1000mL flasks) 2) Eppendorf tubes/falcon tube (1.5mL) 3) Cuvettes (spectrophotometer) 4) Thermostated rotary shaker/incubator shaker 5) Refrigerated centrifuge 6) Spectrophotometer 7) Bunsen burner for sterility 8) Graduated Flask for measuring media (1000mL, 100mL, 10mL) 9) Laminar Flow hood for sterility 10) Biochemical Analyzer 11) HPLC for product measurement like ethanol 12) Cotton plugged 13) pH meter 14) Desiccator 9 6.0 METHODOLOGY 6.1 Preparation of media Media is prepared according to the needs of microorganism used. 6.1.1 Terrific Broth preparation The recipe is followed as stated at the bottle. The media was autoclaved at 121°C for 20 minutes. 6.2 Preparation of Cell Culture The cell culture was maintained on an agar plate and liquid broth for the preparation of inoculum. A suitable media were used to ensure the growth of microorganism. 6.2.1 Seed culture preparation (inoculum) 5 loops of grown E Coli were taken from the agar plates and were added to the sterilized media of 150mL in 1000mL shake flask. Sterility were being sustained during the transfer. The media were grown at 300 rpm for 5 hours, assuming the exponential growth of E Coli. The OD for seed culture was recorded by using the spectrophotometer. 6.2.2 Main experiment 10% of inoculum was transferred to the main experiment media by using aseptic technique. Since 10% of inoculum was needed, thus only 15 mL of seed culture was needed if the total working volume was 150 mL. The shake flask was capped by using the cotton plug and swabbed using 70% of ethanol. It was incubated in a thermostat rotary shaker at required rotational speed and temperature for 16 hours. 10 6.3 Sampling 1) The required amount of sample was transferred into the sampling tube with interval time for every hour or every 2 or 3 hours. 2) 5 mL of the sample was taken every time sampling is done during the fermentation process to measure the optical density (OD), glucose analysis and total cell number (biomass concentration : g/L) 6.4 Absorbance Analysis (Optical Density) (OD) 1) 1 mL of the sample was transferred into a cuvette and the spectrophotometer was used to measure the optical density with the wavelength set at 600nm. 2) 1 mL of chosen media was used as the blank and the spectrophotometer was calibrated to zero. 3) This method was used in order to measure the cell growth where high absorbance indicates high number of cells, which is caused by low transmittance and vice versa. 6.5 Cell Dry Weight. (Biomass Concentration) (X) (g/L) 1) Dried centrifuge tubes were weighed and these were noted as the initial mass. 2) 1 mL of sample was added to the weighted centrifuge tube. 3) The sample was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm and at T = 4°C for 20 minutes. 4) The supernatant was taken out from the mixture. 5) The centrifuge tube was dried in oven at 80°C for overnight. 6) The dried centrifuged tube was left in the dessicator. 7) The centrifuged tubes were weighed and are noted as the final mass. Cell Dry Weight = Final mass – Initial Mass 11 7.0 RESULTS Table 1 – Seed Culture / Inoculum Time (hour) Real Optical Density (nm) 0 0.029 4 0.733 Table 2 – Absorbance Optical Density Reading for 16 hours No Time (hour) Absorbance Dilution ratio Real Absorbance optical density, (Sample : Distilled Optical density , OD Water) Real OD 1 0 0.234 - 0.234 2 1 0.426 - 0.426 3 2 0.298 1:9 2.884 4 3 0.388 1:9 3.784 5 4 0.466 1:9 4.564 6 6 0.584 1:9 5.744 7 8 0.620 1:9 6.104 8 10 0.344 1:19 6.784 9 12 0.364 1:19 7.184 10 14 0.389 1:19 7.684 11 16 0.288 1:19 5.664 12 Table 3 – Cell Dry Weight (Concentration of the Biomass) Empty No Time Centrifuge (hour) Tube, m1, (g) Dried Centrifuge Tube + Sample, m2, (g) Cell Dry Weight (g) Cell Mass Concentration (m1- Ln X X (g/L) Ln (X/X0) m2) 1 0 1.084 1.087 0.003 3 1.098612 0 2 1 1.083 1.089 0.006 6 1.791759 0.693147 3 2 1.066 1.073 0.007 7 1.94591 4 3 1.078 1.082 0.004 4 1.386294 0.287682 5 4 1.055 1.060 0.005 5 1.609438 0.510826 6 6 1.087 1.091 0.004 4 1.386294 0.287682 7 8 1.075 1.079 0.004 4 1.386294 0.287682 8 10 1.071 1.075 0.004 4 1.386294 0.287682 9 12 1.054 1.060 0.006 6 1.791759 0.693147 10 14 1.067 1.073 0.006 6 1.791759 0.693147 11 16 1.073 1.079 0.006 6 1.791759 0.693147 0.847298 Table 4 – Net Growth Rate at Different Time Time (hour) Cell Mass Concentration, X (g/L) Ln X µnet (h-1) 0 3 1.098612 0.0000 1 6 1.791759 0.6931 2 7 1.94591 0.1542 3 4 1.386294 -0.5596 4 5 1.609438 0.2231 6 4 1.386294 -0.1116 8 4 1.386294 0.0000 10 4 1.386294 0.0000 12 6 1.791759 0.2027 14 6 1.791759 0.0000 16 6 1.791759 0.0000 13 Real Optical Density (nm) Real Absorbance Optical Density vs Time 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (hour) 12 14 16 18 Figure 1 - The Growth Curved Of E. Coli Figure 1 shows the graph of real absorbance optical density over time. The graph shows the lag phase from t = 0 until t = 1. The growth curve increases before reaching a stationary phase at t = 6 h until t = 8 h. The growth curve then increases until t = 14 h before drastically decreases. Cell Mass Concentration, X (g/L) Cell Mass Concentration, X Against Time 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time, t (h) 12 14 16 18 Figure 2 – Graph of Cell Mass Concentration, X versus Time Figure 2 shows the graph of cell mass concentration, X versus time. The curve shows rapid increase with peak at X = 7 g/L. Another peak shown is at X = 5 g/L. 14 ln X/X0 vs Time 0.9 0.8 0.7 y = 0.016x + 0.3694 ln X/Xo 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Time Figure 3 – Graph of ln X/X0 versus Time Figure 3 shows the plot of ln X/X0 versus time. The slope of this plot will yield to the value of the maximum growth rate, µmax. From the graph, the slope is 0.016. Thus, µmax = 0.016 h-1. 15 8.0 CALCULATIONS Sample of Calculation for Determination of Dry Cell Weight (g), Cell Dry Weight = Final Mass (m2) – Initial Mass (m1) For 0th hour, Cell Dry Weight = 1.087g - 1.084g Cell Dry Weight = 0.003 g Sample of Calculation for Concentration of Cell Mass, X Concentration of Cell (g/L) = Cell Dry Weight (g) Volume of sample (L) For 0th hour, Concentration of Cell (g/L) = 0.001g 0.001L Concentration of Cell (g/L) = 1g/L Sample Calculation for ln X/Xo For 0th hour, ln ( 𝑋 1g/L ) = ln ( ) 𝑋0 1g/L 𝑋 ln ( ) = 0 𝑋0 Sample Calculation for the Maximum Growth Rate , Μmax The value was obtained from the slope of the graph ln X/Xo vs time. slope = μmax = 0.016 hr-1 Sample Calculation for the Doubling Time, td. The time required to double the microbial mass is given by equation below: td = ln(2) μmax t d = 43.32 h 16 Sample Calculation for Net Growth Rate, µnet μnet = ln 𝑋2 − ln 𝑋1 t 2 − t1 For Lag Phase, at t = 0h until t = 1h μnet = 0.6931 − 0.0000 1−0 μnet = 0.6931 h−1 17 9.0 DISCUSSION This experiment is done to study the growth kinetics of microorganism in shake flask experiment. In this experiment, the microorganism that are desired to be growth is known as E.coli. This experiment is done by using batch culture process where there is not inlet of substrates and outlet of product throughout the fermentation in the given time. The Terrific broth medium is inoculated with the E.coli which then the growth of E.coli kept increasing until it reached one point where the growth decelerates due to limited substrates concentration and the presence of toxic metabolites (Growth Kinetics Study of Microorganism in Shake Flask, 2017). The other objectives of this experiment is to determine the Monod parameters of maximum growth rate (µmax), yield of substrate (YX/S), mass doubling time (td), saturation constant (Ks) and specific growth rate (µnet). In order to determine the parameters, it is necessary to construct a growth curve including lag, exponential, stationary and death phases. The growth curve plotted in Figure 1 shows that the lag phase occur during time 0 to time 1 where the reading of optical density (OD) shows 0.234 and 0.426 respectively. The lag phase occurs immediately after inoculation of E.coli into the medium. It is known as the period of the adaptation of cells into new environment where the cells started to embower their habitat. They started to reorganize their molecular constituent every time they are transferred or introduced to a new environment. From the graph, it can be seen that the lag phase duration is short which only occurs for one hour due to the used of inoculum size by 10% from the volume of the medium. This condition is favourable because it is crucial to obtain high productivity by maintaining the lag phase as short as possible. Other than that, the exponential phase can be seen through the growth curve starting from time 1 to time 6. There is a significant increase in the value from time 1 to time 2 showing the optical density value from 0.426 to 2.884 respectively followed by time 3, 4, 5 and lastly 6 which is 5.744. At this phase, cell started to grow rapidly along with their maximum growth rate. In this phase, the cell mass and density increases exponentially with time. The nutrient concentration contain in the medium is high in this phase resulting in substantive progress which elevate the growth rate of cell. The exponential growth of this cell is assumed to be first order. Thus, the maximum growth rate (µmax) of the cell can be determined from the slope of graph ln X/X0 versus time plotted in Figure 3. The slope shows the value of µmax which are 0.016 hr-1. When the µmax has been obtained, it is possible to find the mass doubling time (td) 18 by using Equation 1. The mass doubling time is the time required to double the microbial mass and the (td) achieved is 43.32 hour. Next, the deceleration growth phase should follows the exponential phase. This phase growth of E.coli decelerates a little bit due to depletion of one or more essential nutrients or the accumulation of toxic by-products of growth. It occurs for a very short period of time. However, from the graph in Figure 1, it can be seen that there is no deceleration phase. This is maybe due to the cell do not detect the depletion of nutrients thus it straight forward carried on to the stationary phase. It is assumed that the cell were readily restructured themselves to prepare for cellular survival in the stationary phase due to limited sources of nutrient as their food to grow. Figure 1 also shows the stationary phase that can be seen during time 6 to time 8 where the OD have a small difference and read as 5.744 to 6.104. This phase started when the net growth rate is said to be zero where there is no cell division. It is also found that in this phase, the growth rate is equal to the death rate where it is followed by the death phase. The cell were in the duration approaching death due to lysis. However, even though the net growth rate is zero and there is no cell division, the cell is still metabolically active and produce secondary metabolites. This proves the result shown in the graph where there is an increase of optical density reading showing growth of cell right after the stationary phase. This is because, during the stationary phase, a second growth rate may occur because cells may grow on lysis products of lysed cells (Shuler & Kargi, 2002). This is call Cryptic Growth. Other than that, the condition where there is the second growth rate is also believed that there may be due to presence of other microorganism known as the 2nd microorganism. The 2nd microorganism cannot be identified as there is no further investigation being done. The second growth rate is also believed to be the exponential growth of the 2nd microorganism. Therefore, in this experiment there is the 2nd exponential phase due to presence of other microorganisms. The microorganism grew exponentially from time 8 to time 14 where the OD shows reading of 6.104 to 7.684 by consuming the E.coli as their source of nutrients or food to survive and grew rapidly throughout the time. Lastly, the growth curve proceed to the death phase. From Figure 1, it can be seen that the death phase occur at time 14 to time 16 where the OD shows reading of 7.684 to 5.664 respectively. From the graph, it shows a sudden drop representing a sudden death of the 2nd 19 microorganisms. The sudden death of the 2nd microorganisms is believed to be caused by the fact that E.coli have been totally consumed resulting to no source of nutrients. The 2nd microorganisms do not experience stationary phase as it have no strength to undergo cellular survival and they cannot survive with their own metabolism. That is why when the E.coli have depleted or consumed, sudden death occur due to insufficient nutrient stocks in the medium. However, it also assumed that there is presence of toxic product accumulation that lead to the death of microorganisms. The µnet for the respective phase are µnet, lag phase = 0.6931 h-1, µnet, exponential phase = µmax = 0.016 h-1, µnet, stationary phase = 0.0000 h-1, µnet, death phase = 0.0000 h-1. The result from calculation shows inconsistency with theory where the growth rate for the lag phase shows a higher value compared to the should be higher value of the maximum growth rate for the exponential growth rate. The error could comes from the incorrect way of handling the experiment or due to human error in taking the data for the cell dry weight. Based on the data from the absorbance optical density, the concentration of the cell should be increases over time until t = 14 hour before decreases until t = 16 hour. However, the calculated data shows inconsistency through out the time. Thus, the maximum growth rate is suspected to wrongly determined. Thus, another experiment should be carried out to ensure the consistency of the data. However, limitation of time restrict the ability of the student to re – conduct the experiment for a better result of the Monod parameters. In order to better describe the growth kinetics, the yield coefficient (YX/S) is the best parameter to be determined. Yields coefficient is define as the rate of formation of cell to the rate of consumption of the substrates. Another parameter that can be determined is saturation constant (Ks). Unfortunately, due to limited sources of data, the yield coefficient (YX/S) and saturation constant (Ks) cannot be determined. This is because, the experiment is lack of substrates concentration data thus outreach the value of the parameters needed. However, this experiment have been conducted successfully and most of the objective have been achieved. 20 10.0 CONCLUSION The growth kinetics of E.coli is studied using the shake flask experiment by plotting the graph of real absorbance optical density versus time. The lag phase occur from t = 0h until t = 1h as the E.coli familiarize themselves with new environment in the media. There two exponential phase from t = 1 h until t = 6 h and from t = 8h until t = 14h. The maximum growth rate of the E.coli is believed to be found from the exponential curve which yield to µmax = 0.016 h-1. The presence of the second exponential phase is due to the cryptic growth and the possibility of the presence of second microorganism consuming the E.coli as the food supplies. The deceleration phase cannot be determined. The death phase occur at t = 14h until t = 16h where the second microorganism is believed to drastically die due to the abrupt loss of food supplies and their inability in surviving with their own metabolism. The µnet for the respective phase are µnet, lag phase = 0.6931 h-1, µnet, exponential phase = µmax = 0.016 h-1, µnet, stationary phase = 0.0000 h-1, µnet, death phase = 0.0000 h-1. Unfortunately, due to limited sources of data, the yield coefficient (YX/S) and saturation constant (Ks) cannot be determined. 21 11.0 RECOMMENDATIONS For this experiment, there are certain precaution and recommendation that need to be considered to ensure to get a more reliable and accurate results. First and foremost, before starting the experiment the sample must be autoclave first to avoid contamination which can affect the results. Besides that, the bottles which contain inoculum and media are plugged with cotton wool and wrap with aluminium foil to avoid contamination. Moreover, the sampling tube should be put into the refrigerator immediately after taking a sample as well as the flask should be put immediately in thermostate rotary shaker. Before taking the reading of absorbance analysis, make sure that the spectrophotometer is calibrated to zero by blank. In addition, cuvettes must be wipe with kim tissue to clean the sample and prevent any scratch so that the light from the spectrophotometer can pass through the cuvette and will not affect the readings. The experiment must be carried out under laminar flow and using aseptic technique to transfer the inoculum to media so that there is no infections of the bacteria. Last but not least, wear appropriate PPE such as gloves and mask as well as spray some ethanol on the gloves so that there is no infections. 22 12.0 REFERENCES Fogler, H. S. (2006). Element of Chemical Reaction Engineering. Michigan: Prentice Hall. Growth Kinetics Study of Microorganism in Shake Flask. (February, 2017). Lab Manual Faculty of Chemical Engineering UiTM Shah Alam. Shah Alam, Selangor: UiTM Shah Alam. Jitendra, P. (1 October, 2017). Bacterial Growth Monod Equation. Retrieved from Slide Share: https://www.slideshare.net/chondu100/bacterial-growth-curve-monodsequation Microbial Growth. (2016). Retrieved from Bio CS Montana: https://www.cs.montana.edu/webworks/projects/stevesbook/contents/chapters/chapter 002/section002/black/page001.html Monod Equation. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monod_equation Panikov, N. (1995). Microbial Growth Kinetics. Springer Science & Business Media. Shuler, M. L., & Kargi, F. (2002). How Cells Grow. In M. L. Shuler, & F. Kargi, Bioprocess Engineering Basic Concepts Second Edition (pp. 155-200). Prentice Hall PTR. 23 13.0 APPENDICES Figure 4 - Spectrophotometer used to measure the absorbance optical density (a) (b) Figure 5 - (a) 1 mL of sample is taken from the media with 10% innoculum, (b) the sample is then taken into the cuvette for the reading of absorbance optical density using the spectrophotometer 24 Figure 6 - The dried sample is further put into the dessicator to remove the remaining moisture present in the tubes 25