DETREMINATION OF TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON IN SEDIMRNTS Determination of organic carbon was of considerable value in assessing organic pollution for the investigation of where other methods of estimating oxygen demand tend to be unreliable on account of the presence of high salt concentrations. Titrimetric method was used to determine the total organic carbon in the sediment sample. The principle was similar to what obtains with the COD determination. The only difference was that sediments were being oxidized here and that no reflux was carried out. 10 g of the sediment sample was dried to constant weight and then grinded to fine powder in a mortar. 0.2 g of the fine sample was weighed into 500ml flask. 10 ml 0.5 M K2Cr2O7 was added and spined gently. 20 ml conc. H2SO4 was then added rapidly but avoiding splashing and directing the acid into suspension and immediately spined gently until the reagents were mixed but becoming vigorous later and this was done for 1 min. The flask was allowed to stand for 30 min. 200 ml distilled water was added and then 10 ml conc. H3PO4 cautiously to avoid splashing before cooling. 3 drops of ferroin indicator solution was later added and titrated to wine-red colour end point with 0.25 M iron (II) ammonium sulphate (The colour changed from blue to deep-green and then to wine –red as the final end point). A blank determination was carried out as above but without the sample. The iron (II) ammonium sulphate titre reading was noted. Calculation mg total organic carbon/g sample = (Vb-Vs) X M X 16000 wt. of sample in g. Where Vb = ml iron (II) ammonium sulphate used for blank. VS = ml iron (II) ammonium sulphate used for sample. M = Molarity of iron (II) ammonium sulphate TOTAL PHOSPHATES IN SEDIMENTS About 10 g of the sediment sample was grinded to constant weight and then to fine powder in a mortar. 2.0 g of the powder sample was weighed into 250 ml clean beaker and 25 ml conc. HNO3 was added for pre-oxidation, it was then covered with a sizeable glass and spined to mix well. The mixture was set on a hot plate regulated to 200 0C and placed in a fume chamber, and heated for 30 min. When all the brown fumes produced initially had ceased, the beaker was set down from the hot plate, covered with glass and continue the digestion for about 90 min. Thick white fumes formed initially were subsiding as the digestion progressed and finally left colourless residue behind. All the organic and inorganic phosphate was then converted to the orthophosphate. The beaker was then set down and cooled very well. Some distilled water was added to the residue, stirred carefully and neutralized with 6 M NaOH added dropwisely. The solution is filtered through whatman filter paper No. 42 into 50 ml volumetric flask. The residue was washed into the filter paper with distilled water. Then the filtrate was made up to 50 ml mark and shaked. About 20 ml of the filtrated solution was transferred with the aid of pipette into another 50 ml volumetric flask; noting the dilution factor the absorbance was measured against a blank at the appropriate wavelength. CYANIDE Cyanide occurs in dangerous concentrations in wastewaters from electroplating, gold mining, case-hardening of steel, gas from cassava industry will contain HCN. Cyanides are known to be toxic to animal life and humans. Titration is adopted to determine cyanides. Procedure 50ml 1N NaOH was poured into the gas washer and diluted with distilled water so that the solution covers the spiral. the system is then connected to a water aspirator and the suction adjusted to maintain an air-flow rate through the unit just below the point of bubble coalescence in the spiral. About 1 bubble per second was satisfactory. The sample was put into the flask. In case of portable water meeting the WHO drinking water standards for CN, a sample volume of 500ml was took.In case of wastewater that may contain more than 10mg/1CN, a known aliquot diluted to 250ml was used and the dilution factor noted. Through the air- inlet thistle tube, 20ml HgCl2 solution was added and 10ml MgCl2 solution .the tube was washed with distilled water , and the air flow allowed to mix the flask contents for 3 minute. 5ml conc. H2SO4 was slowly and carefully introduced into the distilling flask. wash the air-inlet tube was washed with distilled water again. the flask was heat cautiously to secure good reflux. After refluxing for 1 hour, the heater was turned off but the air flow was maintained for an additional 15 minutes. the pinch clamp was opened to drain the gas washer contents into a 250ml volumetric flask and diluteed to the mark by washing the scrubber. the gas washer was refilled with another 50ml 1M NaOH. the reflux-distillation was repeated on the same sample for 1 hour. the CN concentration in both distillates was determined first by titration to ascertain the magnitude. Titration an aliquot of the distillate was taken; adjusted to pH 11, if necessary, with 1M NaOH. The aliquot is diluted to 250ml or some other convenient volume to be used for all titrations. 0.5ml indicator solution was added, Titrated with standard silver nitrate titrant to the first colour from yellow to salmon (orange-pink). a blank containing the same amount of alkali and water was also titrated. N.B. (1) It is advisable to adjust the sample volume of the strength of AgNO3, solution needed will not be more than 10ml. (2) If the sample is not distilled, a rough estimate of the CN may be obtained by adjusting the pH to 11 above with NaOH and titrate as given above. Calculation CN (mg/l) = (A-B) X 1,000 ml. original sample X ml. aliquot Where A= ml.standard AgNO3 for aliquot, B= ml. standard AgNO3 for blank 250