Uploaded by Stephen Myers


Master Patience
to Guide students;
gain perspectives
to create
kindnessStephen Myers
Three to Five Year plan
I have taken things we need to work on the most out of the
checklist and listed them below.
Our immediate goals for next year are to better tie together the
H.S. Montessori self-construction classes and to implementing
our spring intersession choice field trips.
In the next 3 to 5 years we would like to work on these things
- Add internships for seniors
- Increase Socratic dialogue
- Create more routines to better highlight rites of passage
Trusting Community
- We would like to add peer teaching ( especially in math)
- We would like to add more service learning and are adding it
as a requirement.
Practice three period lesson format
More work on the land!
More work on global peace
More work on trans/interdisciplinary Curriculum
_____________Biology Study Guide______________
LMS Biology 2018-2019
Study Guide 6
Created By Stephen Myers for High School Biology Spring 2019
1- Read and mark–up the Handout entitled “Ecosystems”
2- Participate in the following lessons and complete the Associated Work
What is an Ecosystem
Types of ecosystems
Abiotic vs Biotic
Carrying capacity
Change In ecosystems (predictions + hypothesis)
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration- two sides of the same coin
The Carbon cycle
Greenhouse gases
Complex interactions and ecosystem stability
Cause and Effect Scientific arguments
Human Impact to Biodiversity and Ecosystems
3- Work Options
A1. Gizmo – Choose 1 to Complete
Forest Ecosystem or
Prairie Ecosystem
2. Read Monster of God Handout- We will dialogue on this.
Choose an ecosystem ( not one from the gizmo ) and draw it’s Food web On a
sheet of White paper (arrows in the direction of the energy)
4. Create an energy pyramid from the animals in this same food web
5. Complete Food chain Gizmo (If you went to Ashville.)
C6. Take a T-Chart outside. Take SOLO Lap- Let me know you are going and that is
for the abiotic/biotic walk. Fill out each side of the teach chart with the ABIOTIC
and BIOTIC things that you see or can find. We will do a whole class discussion
once this has been accomplished by most students.
D7. Choose (1) Case study to complete- The questions are within the study.
a. Wolf
b. Sea Lions
E8. Research an animal that is endangered. Create a 5 slide PowerPoint that
addresses the future of this animal from an Ecosystem perspective. Why is this
the future you predict (hypothesis) (If / then statement)? Turn into the google
classroom. Be ready to give a 1 minute presentation.
Watch this video as a refresher before doing Work #8
10. Create a 1 pager that expresses how Photosynthesis and Cellular respiration
reactions feed into one another. Include the chemical formulas for each please.
G11. Complete the Carbon cycle Gizmo
12. Read the last days of Carbon 400PM and answer the questions at the end. Turn
the last page into the stool with your name on it please.
H13. Go to
On a NOTECARD submit answers to the following questions to the stool.
What are the big 4 greenhouse gases?
What is a GWP?
What industries (research it) create the most of each greenhouse gas?
I14. Choose 2 to watch
Then, write a 2 paragraph reflection on how the two talks you chose to watch
were related and be prepared to dialogue about these talks
J15. Cause and Effect reading and questions turn in to the stool
K16. Read or listen to this Article
Pull from this article the various ways that we saved the Earth
Use bullet points- in a cause and effect sort of a way.
Turn this in to the google classroom.
It will take you some time as this is “Saving the Earth.”
We will be doing an Article talk about this.
Synthesis Projects
1. Create a Plan to take our county Green in some way. This needs to
be a creative yet accomplishable Idea that we can discuss with our
peers to improve upon our ideas.
It must start with a 1 pager representation of the Idea and a 1 page
explanation of the reasoning and follow through possibilities.
2. Participate in the Next Dissection
______________End Biology Study Guide______________
End Of Anatomy Skeletal Study Guide
Work SamplesIncluded in my portfolio are 3 assignment work samples
- 1st is a “Myers 1 Pager”
This 1 pager is a way for students to express what they know
while at the same time making connections that they did not
know that they were going to make. A key Montessori aspect
of this assignment is the choice built in and the
uninterrupted work time that goes with it (about 80 minutes
and it can be taken home.) The 1 pager assignments only has
a few rules and you can read them on the bottom of the
included page. These are some of the best assessments I have
ever used. Starting with a Tabla Rosa is wonderful.
- 2nd is an edible Project
These edible projects follow much the same rubric each time.
I use a rubric. I give summative grades. All the while it is
very free-form and involved and metaphoric. The students
love the turn in day (very different from a typical schools
TEST DAY attitude.) The students get another checklist sheet
for their edible rubrics depending on the topic. I use this
project once per subject. The cell in biology- The long bone
in anatomy etc. etc.
- 3rd Comic card Shark assignment for Marine Science
This assignment taps into the students creativity by offer
choice up front and taking the thoughts to a fantasy type
place at first. They are reeled back in ( pun intended) by the
need to create the power graph and story that is on the back.
This is an assignment that falls in line before our shark
dissection. The internal and external anatomical components
of this assignments are actually the same pictures that the
students submit with their lab report.
In high school we are forced to use powerschool to keep track of
our academic records and attendance.
But, On top of powerschool we have created a notebook for
discipline with everything laid out for Restorative Justice
(R.J) and exact ramifications for specific actions. We have noted
the number of parent contacts and the outcome of conversations.
We pay special attention to the number of repeat offenses in order
to pick up on patterns.
Students take ownership of their academics by having constant
access to their grades via powerschool and also by being able to
correct-up subpar exam scores.
In anatomy, for example, students are allowed to correct their
tests and are often privy to the test before the test date.
Students also, via the study guide, can always do work ahead or
prepare for future work by doing upcoming readings and
refreshing their prior knowledge.
Our community page has our handbook and policies.
This above link also has the electronic agreement we hashed
Below is our behavior quick list
Behavior Quick List
Common Infractions, their descriptions and the Disciplinary action that accompanies each. .
1. Water bottles are provided to help students keep to policy. No sodas, coffee, gatorade. What is
allowed: Water, decaffeinated tea, juice, milk, coconut water.
2. Phones and or any electronic device, with exception of chromebooks, that can text or send
messages need to be turned off and in locker during the entire school day. If a student chooses
not to put device in locker, he or she will be subject to technology policy consequences. ( see
3. Dress code includes: no spaghetti straps, skirts, shorts, dresses to end of fingertips, appropriate
verbiage on all clothing and covering bottoms if a student is wearing leggings.
Cell Phone Policy
Dress Code
Food / Beverage
Behavior Quick List
If a high schooler
chooses to bring cell
phones or any other
technology that can
receive and send
messages or get on the
Acceptable Use
Cellphones off and in
locker or bag between
8:00 A.M. and 3:15
Page 9 : If a student
chooses to use a cell
phone or unauthorized
technology, the
following consequences
will occur.
internet other than a
chromebook, they are
to lock their devices in
their locker during the
school day.
Food & Beverage
Dress Code
Please do not send
candy, sodas or junk
No spaghetti straps,
skirts, shorts, dresses to
end of fingertips,
1. Cell
ized technology
is confiscated
and parent
picks up 24
hours after the
device is taken.
2. Cell
ized technology
is confiscated
and kept locked
at the school
for 10 days or
pay a fine of
3. Cell
ized technology
is confiscated
and kept locked
at the school
for 30 days or
pay a fine of
Allowable : Water,
Page 31 : If a student
decaffeinated tea, juice, brings something other
milk, coconut water etc. than what is allowed,
the teacher will place
it in the refrigerator
the first time it occurs.
If it is an ongoing
problem, the drink will
be disposed of.
appropriate verbiage on
all clothing and
covering bottoms if a
student is wearing
Classroom Disruption
Frequent, continuous
or consistent classroom
disruption which
results in the inability
for others to learn in
the environment
Page 82 :
Teasing & Bullying
Teasing, exclusion,
cyberbullying will not
be tolerated.
Page 83 :
Public Display of
Public Display of
Affection including,
but not limited to
kissing inappropriate
touching, and extended
time of physical contact
in not allowed.
Guided conflict
resolution with
Reflection with
Loss of field
and/or specials
for the
Behavior report
Page 83 :
Work alone
Reflection with
a teacher
Possible parent
depending on
Expulsion may
depending on
Included in the portfolio is also a copy of our “notice of after
school reflection” form- this shows our attention to the needs
of students and parents to learn from their mistakes instead
of sweeping them under the rug. We are not in this to punish
the student.
Discipline and Parental Contact Folder
Restorative Justice Folder
Document showing tallying up of number of transgressions
Reflection of Journey
Two years ago when I walked the halls of LMS and was offered a position
as a lead Guide, what I was most nervous about was THIS training. A training
that I was agreeing to go to without knowing anything about it. A training that
was originally going to be 2 summers away from my farm and my family. But, I
said yes. I could feel something very special about this philosophy and this school
that I was just hired at. Every classroom had a garden. My classroom had a full
wall of windows. Students were running around catching butterflies. I wanted to
Now, looking back, it was such a good decision. I am so overjoyed with my
job. The training was moved to Charleston and the world seemed to give way to
this mission that I had decided to undertake. It was really nice to start with the
admin cohort together for the initial philosophy with Ladeene. After meeting the
group, my fears dissolved and my interest grew. This Montessori was not just a
philosophy, it was a great woman, a great philosopher, who believed heavily in
scientific teaching and the teaching of the universe. It was wonderful.
I feel very fortunate that I was in the Charleston cohort as I was able to
take what I was taught and instantly bring it back to the classroom. While putting
the rubber to the pavement took some time, I was able to look at my profession in
a totally different light almost immediately after I started training. It was almost
frustrating to have all of these ideas but still lack time and ability to create this
system that I was schooled in. The trainings continued and my rapport with my
students increased enough to where I did not have to worry about their behavior
while I was gone.
Meeting Mary and The rest of the trainers one by one felt like such a gift.
Not only was I going to gain tools to master my craft but we were going to be
introduced to amazing people each and every time I drove up to Charleston.
Over time, my job seemed to change slowly but surely. The school slowly
became more on task and so did the students. The discipline piece seemed to fall
in place as the community grew closer. The lessons from HMC were taking hold
and the fact that 3/4th of the high school guides were now trained allowed me to
try things out without fear of failure. It was great to use vocabulary like “take
away” and “dialogue” and have the students already know the “gist” of it. The
word synthesis was no longer just a chemistry term.
After my first observations it was clear as day that I needed to step up my
use of all of these great tools I had been training to use. It was clear that I needed
to focus on being a guide on the side. It was time to undo all of that sage on the
stage training that Beaufort County had paid for and get out of the way of these
children’s learning.
A school year seemed to come and go and then we found ourselves short a
math teacher and our English lead guide had moved to Florida. But, the students
handled that fine because with systems in place a system can stand a little bit of a
shock. I shifted roles in the classroom and shifted it to student centered. I
changed the layout of my tables and I began working on study guides. The
students didn’t hesitate or worry about these changes. It was, in fact, quite the
opposite. The students were very pleased with the changes. They had been on the
field trips that I planned. They worked for me in the classroom and on the farm.
The way I had been teaching for 7 years was good enough, but not good enough
for Montessori. The students were looking forward to even more changes. When I
rolled out the study guides, a week before my final observations, the whole
environment changed. The hardest thing about my job became not bothering my
students as they moved through the study guide. The study guides, while in need
of years of tweaking, were perfectly adequate for a starting point. I am so glad I
went to them. There was a fear in wanting to keep the regular system until the
study guide was perfect but it will never be perfect. That is the constant struggle
for perfection that Montessori talked about. This struggle to better oneself and at
the very least to modify and adjust yearly as things get outdated and in need of
Traveling and staying at Blackwood and visiting the School of the woods
was a special time in my life. Not only did I make quick friends with other
Montessori minded people but I also was able to see a Montessori High school in
action for the first time. It was great to see dialogues and H.S. meetings in a space
that did not live up to the quality of the learning taking place in said space. The
community feeling was great. The new high school was nice to see as well. The
highlight of the trip to Houston was seeing all of the cohort perform a lesson.
While the amount of time needed was extensive, by the end of the sessions it was
worth it to see the cycle all come together. It was great to see a cohesive
educational plan and be reminded of all of the systems in place to maintain such
a great learning environment.