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Animal Adaptations: Keys to Survival - Presentation

Animal Adaptations
A Showcase of Adaptation Examples
False Eyes
This insect has two false eyes that
act to scare away predators.
As a predator is approaching, the
katydid opens its wings to reveal the
eyes. The predator may believe that
that is the eyes of one of its own
predators and will avoid them.
2013 Science Teacher Pro
Atlas Moth
This moth uses a form of mimicry
to protect itself from predators. In
this case the wings open up to
reveal a pattern that is similar to
snake skin. In nature, many
organisms are afraid of snakes so
this pattern may make the
predator turn right back around.
2013 Science Teacher Pro
Deilephila Moth
This moth hides among
similarly colored plants by
day and does not fly until
well after dark. The moth
will travel to species of
plants that have the red and
orange color of its body.
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Flatfish can flatten their bodies and lay on the bottom of the sea floor waiting to
snatch at passing prey. Some species can even rotate their other eye so that
both are looking up!
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Butterfly Fish
Butterfly fish have a false eye on
both sides of its body. This
feature serves two purposes.
1. To make predators think that
it is a larger fish with such a
large eye.
2. The false eye is located on
the very back of the prey. If it
is attacked it may get away if
the predator attacks what it
thinks is the head.
Also notice that it’s real eyes are
concealed by a black stripe
down its face.
Eye Stripe
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False Eye
Can you see him? Many of its prey can not. This lizard
uses camouflage to blend into the surroundings while
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hunting his prey.
Kill Deer Eggs
Kill Deer lay their eggs directly on gravel and their eggs
look like gravel to as a type of camouflage. There is
another important adaptation. If anything gets close to the
young the mother will appear injured by dragging their wing
across the ground and limping. Predators will think it’s
injured and follow it but the bird stays just one limping step
in front of them…the entire time they are leading the
predator AWAY from their young.
far enough
away the faking bird will fly away.
Leaf Insect
Small insects like this one are often a
favorite food for many animals. This
insect protects itself by mimicking a
green leaf. You can even see the
fake leave veins on its body.
This insect eats other smaller insects
but the disguise is strictly
defensive…protecting it from
2013 Science Teacher Pro
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